#and even then they were separated by like one chair i think if im remembering correctly
dreamsicle262 · 1 year
dazai's tendency to be gay around literally EVERY man he encounters needs to be scientifically investigated atp. someone give me a microscope i am going to study him
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cassiefromhell · 11 months
Post-War: Levi Ackerman x Reader
wc: 4.3k
warnings: SPOILERS. im so serious guys. SPOILERS. if you havent watched/read to the FINALE, do not progress. you've been warned. also theres a little tiny bit of gore.
a/n: this is self-defense writing to protect my sanity after the last ep. im so not okay with it being over. also requests are open, i'll write anything! also, this is written in flashbacks. but never fear, the flashbacks are separated from the present by dividers, so you'll know when it switches.
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“You two are like a fairytale couple,” a young girl giggles, hugging a pink-covered book to her chest. “Like a damsel and her prince.” 
You smile, pulling a lollipop out of your box — and then another, handing them to her. “Take two for sweet-talking me. But remember that true love isn’t perfect by any means.”
She grins, nods, and takes her candy, sprinting off into an old woman’s arms. You sigh softly, looking up to see that the line of children coming to receive candy from Paridian heroes is momentarily empty.
“Not perfect, huh?” Levi asks from beside you, shifting in his chair.
You roll your eyes, gently flicking the side of his head. You crouch down to be on his level. “You’re saying that we had a fairytale romance? That you swept me off my feet and carried me away from danger?”
“Yes. I would. Now get your ass up, I don’t need you to get down for me,” he scowls, his eyes flicking over your kneeling form.
“I would get down on my knees for you anyti—”
You grin, but listen to him and stand up, picking up your box once more. “Fairytale, huh? So what are you, the savior?”
“I’d say it’s even. Although, I remember saving your ass much more often than you saved mine.”
You scoff, putting your hands on your hips. “Name a time!”
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“Get your ass up, scout!”
You groan, shoving yourself up onto your elbows. “Just a sec,” you manage between heavy breaths, coughing and coughing.
Hoofbeats approach and you whimper, knowing that if that’s the captain you think it is, you’re about to get the beating of a lifetime.
“Why, exactly, are you laying in the dust?” Captain Levi Ackerman asks, tone cold and voice sharp as a knife. “You’re a transfer, not a cadet. From the MP’s, even. I expected better.”
“I’m recovering from an injury, Captain,” you wheeze out, pressing a hand to your side and shoving yourself up onto your knees. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“You’d better be. Now, up. On your feet, or be left behind.”
You pull one foot under you, then the other, and nearly collapse. His arm shoots out to grab your bicep, effectively keeping you up as your side screams in protest, ribs aching and tears springing to your eyes.
“What kind of an injury?” he asks, his grip tightening. “Why on earth would you switch to the Survey Corps while injured?”
“Ribs,” you hiss, gripping your side. The doctors have said that nearly all your ribs on your right side are either bruised, fractured, or completely broken. “And I had no choice. I had to leave.”
He narrows his eyes, but slowly releases you, making sure you’re not going to fall over the second he lets go. “You’re in no condition to be training, and I don’t need you getting worse. I have no interest in crippled soldiers. Go inside and get yourself assigned to kitchen duty for the next two weeks, on Ackerman’s orders.”
Your eyes slowly shift up from the ground to him, and you get your first good look at him.
And holy shit, the rumors of Humanity’s Strongest did not mention how mouth-wateringly attractive he is.
You give the dumbest nod you’ve ever given and turn on your heel. You hobble your way inside, and then immediately lean against a cold, stone wall, repeating to yourself in your head over and over again:
We are not falling for a captain.
We are not falling for a captain.
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You open and close your mouth, then shrug. “Okay, but of course you were going to save my ass a lot while I was training. I’m sure it got better once I was a captain.”
“Did it, though?”
You elbow him, scowling. A smirk dances on his lips.
A woman grinning ear-to-ear starts your way, and you narrow your eyes. “She’s too old for candy.”
“Reporter,” Levi grumbles, looking down into his box, as if not making eye contact will stop her from approaching.
“Hi!” She shouts, giving a big wave. “I was hoping to ask you two a quick few questions, while you’re not too busy.”
“We’re quite busy,” Levi drones.
“Ah! I had heard about that grumpy attitude!” The reporter laughs, then looks at you. “And you must be his sunshine!”
You scratch the back of your neck, shrugging. “Something like that.”
The reporter whips out a pen and paper. “Now, all sources say that tog two have been married for quite some time, but nothing ever tells me when you two met, or how! Do tell.”
“We met in the service,” you start, rubbing your chin. “I had just transferred to the military police, so I was starting fresh in the Survey Corps.”
She quirks a brow. “Why did you transfer?”
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The air simply won’t come to your lungs. You can’t breathe. The night sky doesn’t help, the fresh cool air is only suffocating you more.
You drop to the grass in the courtyard, one hand on your healing side and the other around your throat. Tears pour down your face, and you cough, and cough, and cough, and gasp.
It was just a nightmare, you tell yourself, but it doesn’t help. You can still remember what really happened, his hand around your neck, boot in your side, the bruises along each ridge of your spine from being tossed into a wall.
Your ribs may have been almost fully healed now, after two months being a Scout, but you still can feel each kick he gave you just for telling him no.
You sputter, looking up to see Captain Levi kneeling in front of you. He grips your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Breathe, come on. Take a deep breath.”
You try, you really do, but you only end up sobbing harder. Your hands clench the grass.
He sighs heavily, scooting over to your side and awkwardly patting your back. “Breathe.”
You manage to slow your breathing, and take a few good deep breaths. Then you immediately stumble to your feet. “…Sorry. I’ll head back now.”
His hand is around your wrist before you can even register that he’s gotten up. “Why are you out here so late, crying in the damn courtyard?”
“It’s nothing. Just a bad dream, you murmur, tugging your hand away from him and heading back inside.
You feel assessing eyes on your back as you walk, and you can’t help but look down at your hand, that hand that you wore a ring on for a year and a half.
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You’ve fallen silent, chewing your lip and looking off to the side. The reporter tilts her head, raising a brow. 
“She just needed a fresh start,” Levi answers for you, placing a hand on your hip for reassurance. “And that’s what she got.”
She accepts that answer, writing down the words. “Now, how did you two end up together? Was it live at first sight?”
Levi scoffs. “Far from it.”
You glare at him. “Well, I liked you.”
“No, you hated me. You just wanted to fuck.”
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“Thank you, Hange,” you grin, folding up the card again and tucking it back into the envelope, which reads ‘Congrats, new Captain!’. “I really appreciate it.”
A year in the Survey Corps flew by fast, and you had shown immense skill in the craft, therefore earning the title of Captain of your very own squad.
But your skills weren’t the only thing that had developed. You and Levi tolerated each other now, even if he thought you were loud and chaotic and you thought he was grumpy and sad, like a lonely old man.
And yet, you were drawn to him. He was handsome, and every once in a while you’d say something that would make his mouth tilt up, and… that mouth. It would be the death of you.
Hange heads out, leaving you alone in your room for the first time in hours. Everybody had been in and out, offering congratulations and words of advice.
You sink back onto your bed, yawning. It’s been a long day, and now you just want to sleep—
But a knocking comes on your door, and in walks Levi.
“I could have been naked,” you grin as he strides over, dumping a pile of paperwork on your desk.
“Captains have more paperwork than everybody else. I’ve been assigned to show you how to fill it out.”
“I bet you were hoping I was naked” you tease, but get up anyway, running a hand down your face as you stand next to him.
“You’re insufferable.”
��You’re boring.”
“Boring? Really?”
There is a short silence, with Levi sorting through the papers. And suddenly, you are very aware of the fact that you are in your bedroom, alone, with Levi Ackerman.
And apparently he’s aware of it too, because he gives you a look.
And then you jump on him.
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The reporter laughs and scratches a few things down on her pad of paper, her eyes crinkling around the edges. “And what year was this?”
“We met in 846, and then started seeing each other romantically in 847,” you explain. You open a lollipop and stick it in your mouth.
The reporter only stares at you, a brow lifted and eyes narrowed.
“Eleven years ago,” Levi says, and then she nods and writes it down.
“Different years,” Levi murmurs, shaking his head. “They’re in the damn 1900’s, remember.”
You flush, blood rushing to your ears and cheeks. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with the rest of the world, you always forget that years are different and you can take a plane somewhere and getting a papercut doesn’t mean you might die of sepsis.
For you, it’s still 858.
“Did you two personally know Eren Jaeger?”
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You crouch by the bars, tilting your head as you examine him. Just a child. Skinny. He couldn’t hurt a fly.
“This is the titan child?” You ask, squinting. “He’s, what, fifteen?”
“Yes. Please step back,” Levi says. “You don’t need to be that close.”
“He’s like a fleck of dirt in a crop field. I need to be this close to see him. Are you sure he really—“
The chains on his arms rattle, and you skitter back, slamming into the wall beside Levi.
“Careful,” he scowls, brushing dirt off of your shoulder.
“What… happened?” The boy asks, rubbing his eyes.
Erwin launches into a full explanation, and by the time he’s done the boy looks completely lost.
“You’re… the commander of the Survey Corps,” he looks at Erwin, “…And Captain Levi, and Captain {Y/N}… where am I?”
“A dungeon—”
Erwin keeps speaking, but a thump near the staircase catches your attention. You stride off, past the MP guards, and peek around the corner.
There, struggling against a guard, is the young girl that you’ve been told is Mikasa.
You scowl, shutting the door behind yourself and storming up to her.
“Calm down,” you whisper, taking both her wrists in one hand and pushing her up against a wall. “Do you realize what you’re risking here?” 
“You don’t understand, I need to see him—”
“Shut up. You’re risking his freedom by coming this close. Go back upstairs.”
She glares at you, damn near baring her teeth. But you hold firm, and she slowly nods.
“Good, now go.”
You release her, and with one final glance over her shoulder, she trudges up the stairs.
You run a hand through your hair,  thinking to yourself: these new scouts are going to be an issue, aren’t they?
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“Yes,” you say, nodding. “We knew all of the kids.”
“All of them?” she asks, furiously scratching down your words.
“We were both captains when Eren’s year entered the corps — we trained them. Of course we knew them all.”
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“On my squad,” you read off of your paper, speaking to the large crowd in front of you — all the scouts that will be on the next expedition. “…I am pulling in an extra scout. Mikasa Ackerman will join me in the center ranks.”
Whispers run through the crowd, and you step off of the stage, taking your spot next to Levi in the captains line. Erwin picks up a speech, talking about the squad formations.
A tap on your shoulder makes you turn, and your eyes widen as you’re met with your favorite chaos trio: Jean, Sasha, and Connie.
“Get into your formation,” you hiss.
“But, here’s the thing,” Jean whispers. “I’ve been really great during training. What do I have to do to get on your squad?”
“Jean!” you narrow your eyes. “You are not getting on my squad.”
“I would bring you food every day,” Sasha pleads, putting her hands out in a prayer position. “Please! We’d be the best squad ever.”
You actually pause to consider that for the food, but Levi stomps on your foot. “Ow— Uhm, no. Now return to formation or I’ll bump you down a squad.”
They skitter off, moving through the crowd. You just hope that they’ll go to the right place this time.
You sigh, facing forward again. You’ve already heard everything that Erwin has to say, so this is all repeat to you.
You brush your hand against Levi’s, and his pinky touches yours. You lock them together, resisting the urge to just lean into his warmth.
Pinkies locked, you wait out the rest of the assembly.
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“Would you say you were close with any of them?”
Levi shrugs. “They respected me. They loved her.”
“Oh, they loved you too,” you grin, patting his shoulder. “Loved you enough for Historia to smack you the second she was legally allowed to.”
“Have there been any hardships?” The reporter cuts in.
You pause. Levi pauses.
“Of course,” he murmurs, voice softer now. He brushes his fingertips against your thigh.
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As soon as you make it in through the gate, Levi is at your side, pulling his horse up next to yours.
“Let me look,” he murmurs, beckoning with his hand. 
You shake your head, cradling your messily bandaged hand to your chest. “No.”
“{Y/N}. Let me look,” his voice is more stern now.
You know the damage. You found a cloaked figure up high in the trees, you went for the attack, and they were faster than you. It was a clean cut. Your index and middle fingers are gone, as well as a chunk of your thumb.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“I can’t take it off ‘till I reach the medics,” you whisper back, turning away from him. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
But he doesn’t leave. He stays by your side, silently. He rides with you all the way to the scout headquarters, silently. He walks with you to the medics, without a single word.
The medics take one look at you, and, having heard that you were coming in, usher you into a private room.
There are three medics with you, which means they consider your injury a serious one. 
The lead medic closes the door, and then turns to you with a pitiful smile. “Let’s take a look, alright captain?”
You cradle your hand closer to your chest. You feel like a child, not wanting to accept what’s happened. But it’s… your hand… this is forever. 
Levi gently touches your arm. “You don’t have to look.”
You can’t remember the last time Levi was so soft with you. You’ve been with him for years by now, but he’s just not a soft person.
Nevertheless, he pulls your face against his shoulder, stroking your hair. He carefully pulls your wrapped hand away from you, holding it out for the medics. 
You feel it immediately when they start pulling the bandages off, and you bury your face into Levi’s shirt, whimpering.
“You’re alright. They’ve almost got it off,” he murmurs, holding your face against his chest.
The wrapping falls away, and there’s a soft gasp from one of the medics, followed by Levi stiffening.
“Is it bad?” you moan, crying out as someone prods something painful.
“Do you want me to lie?”
“It’s not good. But it’s a clean cut, so they’re going to clean it and stitch it up for you. You’ll be fine.”
You fist his shirt. “…Please don’t go.”
He pulls you a little closer. “I won’t. I won’t leave your side.”
The next thing you know, they’ve stuck your hand in alcohol, and you’re screaming.
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You tuck your half-hand into your pocket, out of the reporter’s watchful gaze.
“But you two are married, correct?”
Levi nods. “Yes.”
“When were you married?”
You look to Levi, smiling softly. “Well, twice. Once in Paradis, and they don’t acknowledge Paridian marriage licenses here, so we did it all over again a couple years ago.”
“When was the first time?”
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Your hand has become a focus for you.
Just as you lay in bed now, holding your two and a half fingers above your head. The stitches have been taken out, leaving you with pinky and ring fingers, two little nubs cut below the first knuckle, and half of a thumb. It’s still healing, but this is pretty much what your hand will look like. Forever. Till the day you finally croak.
The door swings open, and you immediately feel Levi’s cold, calculating gaze. “Are you picking at it again?”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “Just looking. Y’know, at least I still have a ring finger.”
“Why does that matter?” He asks. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up, then sits on the bed beside you and starts on his boots.
“So one day I could wear a wedding ring.”
He pauses. You pause, realizing what just came out of your mouth.
He turns to face you, leaving one boot on and the other half off. “You’re interested in marriage.”
Suddenly your face feels hot. “…Yeah.”
“To me?”
“That’s really what you want?”
You nod, chewing your lip.
“Then marry me.” His face stays completely blank.
You sit up slowly, eyes wide. “You— you wanna marry me?”
“You already know that I love you. If you want marriage, it’s only logical that—”
You cut him off by tackling him, sending the both of you tumbling off the bed. Levi twists so that he’ll hit the ground and you’re just land on him, but you have no time to ask if he’s okay between all the kisses you’re showering across his face.
He scoffs. “Enough, woman.”
“You wanna be stuck with me!? Really?!” You grin, sitting up to be straddling his waist. 
“I guess so.”
You throw your arms over your head, starting to sing to yourself. “You looooove me, you wanna maaaarry me, I’m gettin’ maaaarried,” you snap to your own little beat, dancing on his waist.
You look down at him, beaming, just to find him watching you with soft gray eyes.
“I love you,” he whispers.
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The reporter smiles and nods, then looks over her notes. “Well, I just have one more question, and then I’ll leave you two be.”
Levi looks quite ready to be done, so you speak up. “Just make it quick.”
She nods, looking up at you one last time. “Did everyone else know you two were together?”
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You sigh, reaching behind you and pulling your hair out of its ponytail. It’s been a long day, and all you want is to refill your ODM fuel for tomorrow and go to bed.
You approach the supply closet, but pause when you hear voices. You peer in, eyes widening at the sight.
Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, and Bertholdt all crowd around a table, coins in piles. But there are no cards. No game.
“Listen,” Connie says, throwing up his hands. “It’s just gotta be someone in the Survey Corps. There’s no way it’s not!”
“But wouldn’t we know if it was?” Jean adds, rubbing his chin. “There aren’t too many options.”
“Miche?” Mikasa proposes, spinning a coin in her fingers.
“What? No,” Eren scoffs. “Absolutely not. Armin, what do you think?”
Armin lets out a low whistle, shaking his head. “I already lost my money on the bet that Captain {Y/N} would stay single. I thought she was the type to not want or need a man.”
Ah. So they’re betting… on my love life!?
“Well, she’s wearing a ring, that’s for sure…” Sasha rubs her chin. “What if it’s Levi?”
There’s a beat of silence.
Everyone in the room erupts into laughter. 
“Ha! Her and Levi? When pigs fly!” Eren laughs, banging his fist on the table.
“You’re such an idiot,” Connie grins, shoving Sasha. “I’d say she’s a lesbian before that!”
You smirk and roll your eyes, walking away from the room. You just know that they’re gonna be knocked off their feet when they find out.
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“No, no, it took them quite a while to find out,” you laugh, shaking your head. “They couldn’t have guessed it if they’d put all their little brains together — and believe me, they did.”
“So, how did they find out?”
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“Alrighty, Armin,” you sigh, running a hand over your head. “Let’s get this transformation done. The area is cleared for miles, so just give me a few minutes to get out of dodge, and you’ll get the smoke signal to go ahead.”
He nods, chewing his lip. 
“Hey,” you pat his shoulder. “You’ve got this.”
With that done, you turn, shooting your grappling hooks into a tree and soaring off into the forest.
After a few minutes, you’re damn near in the safe zone.
And then the sky lights up like a Christmas tree.
As expected, a massive explosion sounds behind you, and your ears immediately start to ring. More concerning, however, is the shrapnel made of trees and dirt and rocks flying your way.
You shriek, turning forward once more and zipping your way through the trees. Except, you have to hold your left sword in a weird way because of your hand, and then a gush of wind hits you and—
The branch you’re swinging from snaps, and you’re sent tumbling to the ground, unable to right yourself. 
The grass gets nearer and nearer, and you fumble with your swords. But you won’t make it. You squeeze your eyes shut tight, and accept your fate—
Until you collide with Levi’s chest, and his arms are around you, and you’re zipping towards the safe zone.
“Holy shit,” you wheeze, coughing on stirred up dust. You grip his shoulders, shaking from all of the adrenaline rushing through you.
You’re back in the group with the others in no time, and Levi immediately puts you on the ground. But you don’t get a hug and a ‘thank god you’re alive.’ No, Levi puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes you.
“Are you crazy?” He hisses, gripping your jaw with one hand. “I’ve told you to hold your swords upside down like I do, so this wouldn’t happen. You almost died, and all because of your idiocy—”
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You cannot go dying on me, you hear me? I will not lose you.”
You bite your lip, putting a hand on his chest. “Levi…”
“You are such a fucking idiot. I cannot believe I married someone who would risk her own life like that. You need to value yourself, damn it! You cannot leave me here alone—”
You shut him up with a kiss, rooting your hand in his hair. He kisses you back without hesitation, his hands flying to your waist.
“You’re not going to lose me,” you murmur, pulling away. “You saved me. You caught me. And I’m confident that you always will.”
His jaw clenches, a muscle feathering, and he opens his mouth, but a voice from the right interrupts whatever he had planned to say.
“Did I, uh… miss a chapter?” Jean asks.
You look over to find almost all of Eren’s friend group standing there, dumbfounded. Hange sits up in a tree, grinning ear to ear, but they’ve known about you two for years.
You grin, shaking your head. “The money goes to Sasha.”
“AND YOU ALL CALLED ME STUPID!” Sasha shrieks, throwing her hands up in the air.
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“That’s all I need,” the reporter nods, and closes her notebook, tucking away her pen. “Nice meeting you two, heroes.”
She leaves with a wink, and just in time, because a little refugee boy has approached, hands behind his back.
You give him a soft smile, kneeling to be on his level. “Would you like a lollipop?”
The boy nods, giving a shy smile. 
Levi reaches into his box, holding out a blue lollipop. He gives the child his softest smile, and in that smile you see it all.
You see the man that saved your ass more times than you can count. The man who presses a kiss to your temple when he thinks you’ve fallen asleep. The man who blushes when you run your hands down his chest. The man who doesn’t give anyone that soft smile of his, except for on very rare occasions.
Your man.
The center of your universe.
The boy takes his lollipop, bows at the waist, and then skitters off with a  mumbled ‘thank you.’
You watch him go, and then you turn back, met with Levi, holding out a lollipop to you.
You press a kiss to his scarred knuckles and take it, giving him your own soft smile. “I love you.”
“Yeah, you too, brat,” he chuckles, turning back to the box of candy.
And you remember the nights you spent eating sweets he brought back for you from town.
You remember every night with him.
Because Levi is your world. Your one and only.
And he always will be, from now until the end of time.
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@jeannineee be proud of me bitch <3
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chqnverse · 10 months
i came across your writings recently and im obsessed!! imagine you’re straddling sub Han on his studio chair and you’re grinding against him and marking him and he’s letting out the prettiest moans and whines. He was stressed with his work before, but you made him forget 🤍
𖥻 Make me forget
♡┊ 𝐂𝐇𝐐𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ; Han Jisung
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 :: you just wanted to help your boyfriend to relieve some stress
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 :: smut ( 18+ ), sub!jisung, dom!reader, marking, fucking in a chair, reader is written with bigger thighs and wide hips in mind, stressed Jisung
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: turned out kinda passionate but oh well <3
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Jisung was stressed there were many songs to write and finish but he was stuck, his brain to full to even concentrate on his current work so he texted you. His sweet girlfriend and asked if you would mind dropping by with some coffee. You being the amazing girlfriend of course said yes and not even 30 minutes later you’re here…standing between your handsome boyfriend’s legs with his hands running all over your body. Jisungs iced americano long forgotten on his desk, his mind occupied with your body the way your tight shirt made your breast seem even bigger than normal it made Jisung want to bury his head between them. But you had other plans,suddenly sitting down on his lap right on his hard dick. Your tiny skirt was making the feeling even better one layer less that separates Jisung from what he now desperately needs. You’re teasing him slowly grinding down on him making Jisung throw his head back with a desperate call of your name. Oh how pretty your boyfriend sounds calling out your name as if you weren’t already giving him pleasure and making his brain fussy.
All Jisung could think about was your warm soft body pressed against his and the feeling of your pretty cunt pressed against his dick each roll of your hips send him even close to his orgasm, his hands never leaving your body one hand suddenly grabs your hip pressing you down on him even more your panties were soaked at this point and you’re not much better than your sweet boyfriend. The friction of your wet cunt sliding against his hard length made you see stars. One of your hands gripping his soft curls while the other one was pressed against his chest using it to support yourself. Your thighs were burning from the fast movement but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop not when you’re so close to your sweet relief and not when your boyfriend was looking at you with heart eyes while moaning your name like a prayer.
You couldn’t help it and lean to kiss him passionately moving your lips against his ever so soft ones, you could taste the chapstick Jisung always uses and it only turns you on more. Jisung gasps when he feels you pretty lips agains his the way they moved ever so lovingly against his own just when he wanted to take the kiss even further he feels your lips move lower towards his jawline leaving tiny kisses on your way to his neck, when you start sucking on his neck Jisung knows he won’t last longer so he tries to warn you with little stutters of your name but you seem to know already. It wasn’t hard to tell from the way he was trying to grind up against you and the way his grip on your hip tightens even further. You were sure it would leave marks but that’s okay at lest then you would have something to remember this moment the next day.
When Jisung feels you suddenly stop sucking and your sweet voice whispering in his ear to just let go for you he couldn’t help himself but obey. The wet patch on his pants grows bigger with each passing second and you throw your head back. The sight of you sweet boyfriend cumming made you hit your own high feeling yourself clench around nothing your panties are probably completely messy by now but neither of you could bring yourself to care enjoying the blissful feeling of your shared highs.
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p0k3m0n-catch3r · 6 months
Do you perhaps do crossovers (like for example obey me x twst or sumn similar to that)?
If so, could you perhaps do the demon brothers or Diavolo with a Malleus!Male! Reader? Doesn't exactly have to look like Malleus (mainly just the horns and magic abilities, personality too if you wanna add that).
Maybe some fluff headcanons of Diavolo or the demon brothers just simply being around Malleus!reader and spending time with him, and Malleus!reader being somewhat shocked that they aren't really afraid of him?
I'm hope you have a wonderful day!
dude im so sorry i never got any notification that told me i got an ask
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Malleus!Reader and the Brothers
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When you first arrived, your first instinct was to, well, put your magic talents to use.
After your attack on his brothers, leaving Levi a scar on his arm and Satan a small fire spell to his head, he didn’t like you. At all. What concerned him was your abilities, and of course, your appearance. Nothing could’ve really prepared him to see a tall man with large horns, especially one with the amount of power to actually harm them.
Throughout the year Lucifer (along with his brothers) kinda avoided you, and gave you weird glances and left you alone. It was understandable to you though, and you were kinda used to it.
He eventually warmed up to you, and you did try to keep out of trouble so nothing much happened. His trust also kind of broke a bit when he saw you using magic on his younger brother, Belphegor. He understood it was for defense purposes though.
When he learns that people tend to avoid you and are usually scared of you, he felt a bit bad. He likes spending time with you now, and isn’t scared of you. He adores your love and interest for gargoyles, and is extremely impressed when he finds out what your power level. Nothing could really compare to the brothers though, not even Belphegor.
Oh god, he was didnt like you at first. He was extremely late to the meeting this time, and decided that his goldie would be broken if he just never showed up. What he didn’t expect was Levi and Satan with some pretty bad wounds, and the human exchange student getting ready to use another spell, targeted at Diavolo.
Lucifer was able to step before he could even react, but man he was ready to fight you too. Even with a sharp glance from Lucifer, only a binding spell from Barbatos was able to stop him.
He pretty much ignored you and hated you, like what gave you the right to harm his brothers?! He won’t let you explain, at all.
During the year he slowly warms up to you but not as much as the regular story. Expect him to forgive you by the time the wounds have healed, and the brothers who had wounds forgive you first.
He was bored out of his mind when he was suddenly out of his little fantasy and before he can even react, he had felt the blood slowly drip out from his large wound on his arm. Without much thinking, he immediately ducked down from his chair, and took shelter behind the board that separated you and him.
He doesn’t really remember much since it was a blur, a lot of yelling was heard and he could hear Satan grunting and ducking down, with blood on his forehead. He didn’t see him immediately, since he started panicking and looking at at the wound at his arm, roughly 5 inches big with different thorns sticking into his skin, which was in pretty deep. You panicked and used the first thing that came to mind, which was Foral Magic.
He pretty much avoided you after that. He wouldve anyway if that didn’t happen, since you were scary enough. He was able to deal with the wound, with Simeons help he was able to heal in less than a week. A small scar is still there by the time you’d leave, but its not that bad.
He does get closer with you by the end of the year, you were eager to learn what he knew about TSL. Well if you were able to talk about Gargoyles, and he was completely fine with it. Anything to talk to someone about TSL.
For him, this was a… different situation. He was ready to kill you, he was already on the verge of blowing up at Lucifer and Mammon because Lucifer dragged him here and Mammon… Well, hes just being himself, of course.
He didn’t expect some fae to appear instead of a human, especially one to use a fire blast to his face. It was weak enough to not blind him or melt anything off, but enough to hurt him and for him to duck down and panic a bit. That lasted a minute until he was able to open his eyes, and he was ready to murder you. Using a bit of magic, he was able to move up and use the same magic Barbatos used on Mammon to hold him back, and he made sure no spells would harm more people.
After that incident and his wound healing, he didnt pay much attention to you. Most interactions were outbursts against you, so both avoided each other as much as possible. He was the second to last to actually forgive you, right above Belphie. His wrath and anger slowly died down, and he saw that you tried to make things up. He learned that you were kind of similar to him, and doesnt hate you much now.
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(I will do the rest soon, tired today and want to get this out as quickly as possible. Im still so sorry for not seeing your ask until now!!)
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
AAAA REQUESTS ARE OPENED ILYSM!!11!1!1If it's not too much id like to request for my bbgs Jamie, Brienne and maybe Arya when they haven't seen s/o all day so they're getting pretty angsty but when they're finished with training or whatever for the day they find beloved asleep in one of the spots they usually meet at while waiting for them. (Sorry if I made it too specific) sending much loveლ⁠(⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`⁠ლ⁠)
Im gonna do Jaime and Brienne (and some others bc i cannot control myself) but sans Arya! lets goooo
Jaime - First of all, he's in a foul mood when he finally gets back, muttering and grumbling to himself. When he spots you in the usual spot you wait in - oh. Shit, that's actually ... very endearing. He wants to be smug about it, but there's just a lot of sentiment that sits with him as he tries to remember someone wanting to see him that badly, that they'd fall asleep waiting. He watches you for a little while, considering this, before finally waking you up. Now he's all smug and teasing you about being so clingy. Naturally he'll escort you back to your chambers, not really caring about the hour or that he's a Kingsguard and shouldn't be seen doing such things. He'll figure out a lie an explanation later.
Jon - He's ready to kick in the door of the Lord Commander's chambers, if only his sore and freezing body would cooperate. Jon's exhausted and figured a while ago you would've gone to bed. You both have to be careful, after all - but then he spots you dozed off in an old wooden chair by a dying hearth. Were you waiting up this whole time? He feels guilty at once, and tries to be quiet as he gets the fire going again. Once it's up, Jon gently wakes you up by brushing some of your hair aside and kissing your brow. He really can't help himself, though his hands are like ice! You two cuddle and warm up before heading to your separate chambers.
Brienne - It was a brutal day of riding and routing bandits, and while she can normally take it, this went on longer than usual. Brienne's strong, but she has her physical limit. She's staggering back, being the last to retire to bed. When she finds that you waited for her, she feels so bad! Brienne hadn't realized you'd do such a thing - it fills up her heart with affection, so she gently wakes you and asks if she can carry you back to your room. You actually accept, and she feels the fatigue wash away as she gladly carries you back. She loves being a knight for you, and it turns out you're very snuggly when you're tired.
Arthur Dayne - He leaves his post late in the evening, much later than the usual meeting time. You probably aren't there, but - it's worth a look, isn't it? And there you are, asleep in the garden you and Arthur like to steal away to. He wakes you up very gently, cautioning you between kisses about falling asleep in such a vulnerable state. He doesn't have the heart to really scold you about it, at least not until the morning. He escorts you halfway to your chambers before has to retreat to the White Sword Tower.
Victarion - He already thinks about you when he doesn't want to, or when it's not a good time. It happens more often when he's tired, which is troublesome. The late hour doesn't occur to him when he's back; you're always waiting, no matter what, and - oh. You're asleep. ... You really shouldn't be asleep where anyone could find you and do something, even in Castle Pyke. Victarion scoops you right up, not realizing how badly that would startle you. He just grumbles that you ought to be more careful, and any touches or kisses distract him immediately.
Asha - First, why are you so damn cute? How'd you end up in a place like the Iron Islands, anyway? For once in her life, someone is waiting for her at home like a puppy... even when she gets back late, like now. Asha wills her tired body over and wakes you up with a big kiss and her soft laugh. Aww, what, you really like her that much? She messes with your hair and pulls you up, urging you to her chambers as you stumble and grumble behind her.
Jorah - Well he's always thinking of you, but especially so if he had to depart before the sun is up and he's finally returning hours after its set. By then, Jorah's exhausted and just wants to get home to you. Once he finds you asleep on the settee you like best - oh no, he might die from the sweetness. You waited up for him? Jorah sits right next to you, giving you a big, sleepy hug and apologizing about being back so late. You both end up falling asleep cuddled up on the couch because he's too tired to move and now you're comfortable and warm, so you aren't going anywhere.
Brynden - Coming back from a long day of training and keeping up with his men, Brynden doesn't notice the time until he spots you sleeping on a large windowsill. He feels bad for making you wait so long, and finds it endearing you even wanted to wait up for an old knight. He picks you up very carefully, so it's his voice that wakes you. "Making these old bones carry you back to bed, hm?" He's not bothered that anyone would spot you two - he knows which halls are empty at this hour.
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
❧ like a virgin
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character : levi ackerman x fem!reader
warning(s) : handjob, levi is kinda subby & touch deprived, dubcon, reader is kinda snakey (in a good way ❓), making out, groping, knee grinding, light fatshaming, a lil nippleplay
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as soon as you met levi, you could already tell that he had little to no experience in the world of dating and sex. you didn't even think he had a girlfriend, or even his first kiss, from the way he was just shut down from everyone and was socially isolated.
and god, did that turn you on even more. from the get go, you made it your mission to get with levi. obviously, at first, your attempts were not greatly appreciated, as he often just told you to "piss off" or straight up ignored you.
after a while, he seemed to no longer be annoyed by your efforts (by not being "annoyed", you mean he didn't punch you into submission). no, instead he didn't argue much with you anymore, and maybe even listened to what you had to say (of course he never really responded).
you remember the first time you attempted to physically touch him. you didn't even just want to touch him in a sexual way, no, you respected his boundaries (majority of them). you just wanted a seat, and coincidentally, levi was in a two-seater chair (one of those two seaters that weren't separated by an arm chair in the middle i hope you understand what im talking about.)
you decided to tease him, there was plenty of room for the both of you, but theres no fun if you just decided to not mess with him like you always do. "hey levi~, it seems there isn't room enough for the both of us." you teased, sitting down next to him but placing yourself extremely close to him. you were practically shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, thigh to thigh... breast plush against his arm.
you could tell that he immediately froze out of shock, clutching his fists against his upper thighs. expectedly, he didn't let himself freeze up for long. "tch.." he paused, looking at you with that one glare he always gave. "maybe if you weren't so goddamn fat, we would have more room," he hissed.
"pfft -" you spat, not really surprised by his response, earning a flinch from the poor guy. "thats no way you talk to a lady ~, wait, i wonder if you ever even talked to one before!?" you laughed, wrapping your right arm around his broad shoulders.
you could tell he was getting fed up, but you could tell that he was feeling something else too. "i have! i was... popular with the ladies.." he sputtered, immediately regretting what he had said. "yeah like 20 something years ago!" you teased. "it's okay lev ~ it's okay to not have any experience."
you caressed your free hand against his chest in fake empathy. "levi... have you even ever kissed a woman before?" you asked. you knew there was a slim chance of him actually answering, but a part of you was actually dying to know the answer (even though you already knew.)
your suspicions was confirmed when he stayed quiet, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular, tip of his ears a tinge of red.
"aw! it's okay levi! we all start somewhere, either late or early, theres no shame in it." you said, emphasizing on the late part. leaning in so your mouth was near the shell of his ear, you grinned. this was the moment you were waiting for.
"y'know... levi, it's not too late to try having some fun." you whispered, letting your breath fan against the sensitivity of his neck. he still stayed quiet, undeniably stiff, but you could practically feel the rise of his goosebumps under his work shirt.
"what.. what are you talking about?" he finally responded, trying to lean away from your grasp on him. you sighed, of course he would say that. "oh please, you know i want you, i know you're not dumb." you confess, taking the opportunity to put your face into the small of his neck.
"levi. it's okay to have some fun every once in a while." you say. suddenly, attaching your soft lips to the side of his neck, placing soft, short kisses. levi couldn't deny his attraction to you. even if he never wanted to admit it, that he liked a dumbass like you. he wanted his duty to come first, but he couldn't help but think of you at night, thinking about your pretty smile, hair, laugh... tits, sometimes.
with your lips sucking on the sensitive parts of his neck, he couldn't help but feel all the blood in his body rush to his cock. he was struggling to breathe. he felt oddly warm.
he gave in.
minutes that felt like hours had passed. anyone who had walked through that door would've been horrified by the sight given, or shocked maybe. the room you were in had suddenly turned from a chilly, almost room temperature to a hot box, probably due to the unusual amount of heat emitting from your panting, almost intertwined bodies.
anyone who had walked in would've been greeted by the sight of you practically tongue-fucking levi's throat. chins covered in saliva, intertwined lips swollen and puffy. you could tell this was levi's first kiss. his body was naturally leaning away from yours, which resulting in your palm resting on the back of his nape, caging his face against yours.
somehow, you had caged his body in against the chair. lying on his back, your knee was against his thigh. your free hand gripping the roundness of his cheek. panting, he muffled words against your lips before you pulled away to breathe, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
"let's stop. anyone could walk in! you didn't even lock the door, dumbass." he mumbled, placing his hand against your shoulder as a way to separate the two of you. disapproving at his mean words, you decided to be even more of a "dumbass", sliding your hands under his now wrinkled grey button-up shirt up to his sensitive nipple.
you fumbled with it for a few seconds, enjoying his surprising gasp and the red twinge on his cheeks. "s-stop! thats weird!" he hissed, weakly gripping onto your wrist. you paid no mind to his words, instead opting to shove his shirt up to above his chest, taking a bud into your mouth, lightly sucking on it.
you continued with your actions for a few more minutes. levi, embarrassed and flustered from his slipped out pretty moans and gasps, was fumbling and wiggly underneath you, trying to find a way out. you were so amused. you never knew your bitch of a captain could ever emit such beautiful sounds out of that potty mouth of his.
deciding to take it a step further, you pressed your knee up against his obvious hard-on. that seemed to be levi's breaking point, as he immediately began to try to change the position and get up, only for you to trap him in, and with your skilled training of wrestling, you had successfully trapped the "Strong Soldier".
he was chest down against the chair underneath, ass against your crotch, black hair a few inches away from your nose. he suited being underneath you, he looks better this way. "does it feel good, levi?" you asked gently, taking the opportunity to unbuckle his pants and slide your hand into his boxers.
"y-you're going to be in so much trouble after this!" he grunted. he didn't have any retorts, though, when your soft hands wrapped around the base of his cock. it's like his mind immediately shut off and he became a sensitive, slutty, moaning mess.
you brought your lips closer to his earlobe, "you're so sensitive~ so cute," you mewled, slightly sucking on the sensitive skin behind his ear. he couldn't do anything except bury his face into the cushion, hiding his flushed face from you. he couldn't deny how good it felt when your hand was pumping away at his shaft. nails ever-so lightly tracing the vein that ran along his cock.
"are you going to cum in your pants, captain?" you innocently asked, addressing his labored breaths and repeating grunts. you couldn't help but laugh at his embarrassment when he proceeded to cum over your hand, into his pants. he lasted just a few measly minutes.
"what a virgin you are, how dirty." you teased.
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jackles010378 · 1 year
Never been kissed:
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It had been a easy hunt, which was extremely rare. You Sam, Dean and Cas got back to the motel and you all decided you'd find a local bar and let loose for a few hours. You weren't that bothered about going out but you knew they wouldn't leave you alone, if you didn't go they would only leave Cas with you and well he's not very good at keeping up a conversation for long.
You had a separate room from the boys just for your own privacy. So you took a shower. You couldn't decide how to wear your hair so you just left fall loose on your shoulders. There was a natural curl to your hair so you thought it would look ok.
The boys had gotten ready, well Cas is Cas he never changes out of that trench coat. You can't remember the last time you saw him without it. You heard a knock on your door and told them you'd be there in a minute. You could have sworn you heard the eldest Winchester moan slightly. Ah, Dean Winchester. The man that has stalked your dreams for last 2 years.
Anyway, you grab your purse and head out to the guys "finally y/n, was thinking you weren't coming" Dean said as you notice him look you up and down. But you guessed you were imagining it, why would Dean even look at you like that. To say that you two didn't get on was an understatement. He was always off with you and barely ever spoke or looked at you. So you didn't pursue your feelings for him because you knew he didn't reciprocate them.
Dean drove you all to the nearest bar. You, Cas and Sam went and found a table whilst Dean said he'd get the drinks, yeah more like flirt with the barmaid you thought. Every time you would go out with Sam and Dean, Dean would always ditch the two of you for whatever hook up he landed that night. And every time you'd wished it was you going out that door with him.
Dean brought the drinks over and went straight back to the bar to finish his conversation with Brandie? or was it Mandy, you wasn't listening. You took a swig of your beer and that's when you looked up and saw him kissing her. You couldn't look away either. The way he kissed her had you mesmerized, you always wondered how those soft lips would feel on yours.
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Cas had noticed you were staring at something so he followed your line of sight "ah, Dean seems to have caught another one" Sam swung round in his chair "yep, typical Dean". They both looked at you, you had tears in your eyes, "y/n you okay?" Cas asked you. Sam and Cas knew about your feelings for Dean and how it always hurt when you saw him with another women. You excused yourself saying you needed some air.
As you practically ran past the bar, Dean saw you and noticed you were upset "excuse me darlin, I'll be back in one second" he said to the barmaid he just had attached to his face.
Dean pushed the door open and looked around but he couldn't see you. He walked across the parking lot searching for where you went when he heard what sounded like crying. He followed the sounds of your sobs. When he rounded the side of Baby, he saw you sitting on the ground perched up against his car crying into your knees, face covered by your arms.
You didn't hear Dean sit down besides you, you didn't realise he was there at all until he put his arm around you and tried to pull you in for a hug. Your head shot up and you backed away slightly. "Dean, what are you doing out here?" You asked him, "well when I see my friend run out in tears I gotta see what's wrong don't I" you scoffed at that statement to which Dean quirked and eyebrow. "so Im your friend now huh" Dean looked at you confused, he always ignored you, you thought he tolerated you just for Sam and Cas's sake because they liked you. "Well yeah y/n, why would you think we're not friends" you couldn't look at him "you never talk to me, you always seem annoyed with me, if you want me to go I will, if I'm in your way just tell me and I ....................."
Your brain wasn't processing what was happening, but you felt the softest lips on yours. You slowly opened your eyes and saw that Dean was kissing you. The kiss was slow and sweet. Dean pulled away and rested his forehead on yours, you opened your eyes and were met with his hypnotic green orbs. "Wow, I never expected my first kiss to be with you of all people". Dean pulled his head back to look at you shocked "that was your first kiss y/n" you couldn't look at him. He pulled you both up off the ground, he placed a finger under your chin tilting your head up to look at him "I'm honoured to be your first kiss, and I don't want you to leave y/n, I have wanted to kiss you for a while, just didn't think you felt that way about me" again you scoffed at the statement laughing a little "are you kidding me, Im surprised you never noticed how I stare when you kiss other women, how jealous I get when you go home with them, wishing it was me. I have had the biggest crush on you since the moment I met you"
Dean cupped your face with both hands and lent in, "shall we try that kiss again or would you rather me go back to the barmaid" he said raising his eyebrow "I swear to god Dean Winchester you go back in that bar, there will be hell to pay" you propped yourself up on your tiptoes and kissed him. The kiss was everything you imagined, not too rough, not too much tongue, the perfect amount of pressure.
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You pulled back in need of air and looked at Dean with a smile "what do you say we finish this off back at the bunker, I'll shoot Sammy a quick text tell him and Cas to find their own way home" you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss "that sounds like a great idea". Dean pulled out his phone and sent Sam a message, he dropped his phone back into his pocket "y/n, I'm gonna be your first and last kiss, come on sweetheart let's go home". You got into Baby and scooted over closer to Dean who placed his arm around you. You've never been happier than you are right now. To say that you didn't want to go out tonight, you're sure glad you did now ❤️
@kaleldobrev @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @deans-daydream @janineb86 @alternativeprincess94
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st4rfckerz · 8 months
okay hi it’s the abandon my diss anon but i rlly drafted this in my head as a night time delusion and i can’t not say it now ive broken through my fear of sending a message but-
we’re talking stephen glass hayden but ofc nerdy anakin (bc i couldn’t stand stephen! had to watch the film on three separate occasions he reminds me of too many ‘nice guys’ from my sixth form days n i cringed)
but you’re very friendly in the office and he constantly makes excuses to come over to your desk to borrow random pieces of stationary and won you over with his cute smiles, and after a couple of weeks your coworker friends have placed bets on how long it would take either of you to ask each other out, even though you planned on it before, it feels far too mean to do it knowing people have money on it.
he’s always sweet and respectful, (but also looking down your blouse when he gets a chance bc he’s just a man and you’re hot) and one day you’ve come in without underwear, not thinking anyone would notice because it’s a decent length skirt, obvs ani is a perv and whenever he’s ogling you he takes note of the outline of your underwear in your skirt, trying to imagine the colour/style when he’s bored at his own desk.
you’re sat at your desk scrolling through emails, when he comes over after realising you’re commando, your lower body pointing towards him in your chair whilst mindlessly chatting back towards him facing your computer, he asks to borrow a pen, standard procedure, but drops it and as he picks it up he makes sure to try and look between your legs, realising he was right, he gets hard quicker than he thought he would and excuses himself.
realising you weren’t paying much attention to the conversation, you fear you said something wrong (we KNOW what a manipulative guy he is [moreso stephen coded here], any time you break eye contact to glance at your computer in previous convos he accuses you of not listening to him in a jokey way - he just wanted to keep staring at your face so that he can perfectly remember your hairstyle and makeup so when he goes home that night his wank has an up to date fantasy)
you follow after him towards a hallway of file rooms, getting closer to where he is you can hear him whimpering and making small breathy sounds, you slowly open the door to not burst in on him potentially crying but instead you see him with his head leant back, chest heaving whilst he strokes himself, with the door open you hear him saying your name under his breath. feeling a little like you completely invaded his privacy (mostly horny though) you gently let the door close and walk back through the corridor, before you hear him gently say your name a lot louder than you were expecting, turning around you see him stood there with a panicked expression, you walk over to apologise profusely and to explain why you even walked over in the first place but he interrupts you by asking if you heard anything, when you lowly answer that you did, he pulls you into the room he was previously in, expecting him to start apologising and panicking but instead he lowers himself onto his knees staring at you with those eyes
‘please. please let me taste you’
as you nod in confirmation his hand slides slowly up your leg making contact with you being a dripping mess from what you’d seen, he replies with that same sweet smile
‘oh, and to think i didn’t know if you liked me’
this was SO long and my first time writing anything like that so sorry if it’s shite! also ranging anxiety bc it’s almost 3am where im from so i’ll be asleep if this is seen and my heart is doing overtime
oh my god, writing smut might be your thing babe DO IT
"his hand slides slowly up your leg making contact with you being a dripping mess from what you’d seen" my stomach did the thing anon.
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
pairing: Ulquiorra Cifer x Fem!Gin's sister!Reader
type: angst
an: ignoring the fact that i start sm fanfics that i havent finished, here's another Bleach oneshot of one of my fav characters! i can write an entire essay on his character eheh. also, this is pretty short but im kinda lazy lol... its basically like the scene of him and orihime about the 'heart' but with a romantic(?) and angsty twist. so have fun and enjoy! dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad! and share, like, vote, comment and all :)
warnings: angst (dont expect more from me), death, aizen (bro deserves a warning), gin (also deserves a warning but he's barely in here), reader is gin's younger sister, kinda rushed, blood (barely). i think thats all, lemme know if i miss anything! 
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Following Aizen into Hueco Mundo was a decision filled with regret. Leaving behind your friends from the Seireitei was not your best move. But what more could you do when your older brother, Gin, had brought you along?
Honestly, what was he thinking?
But you couldn't deny him. You swore to stay by each other's side and this was not an exception.
So there you stood just a little behind him, fingers gripping tightly on the sleeve of his robe. Scared, you were barely peeking into the view of whatever Hollow Aizen had found interest in.
Ever since you set foot in this world, you were driven with fear, longing for a sense of warmth in this cold atmosphere. It's much too different than the Soul Society and the Human World. You'd do anything to get back to either one of those. But you swore to stay with Gin.
And Aizen was kind enough not to separate you both.
Until one day, he found your presence to be irrelevant and quite honestly a nuisance though he hid that fact with a sweet little lie of saying that he just wanted you to be safe.
And you remembered that day very well, too.
After all, it happened during a meeting with all the Espadas who swore loyalty to the God wannabe. Seated around the table were those 10 Arrancars and the traitors of Soul Society, including you.
"Y/N," Aizen brought the attention to you.
At this point in time, you had made yourself somewhat comfortable. Or rather, you've let yourself not get involved with anyone except your brother. So from your seat, your slouching back immediately straightened while your eyes widened. 
Your gaze lifted to meet the man, his soft orbs peering into yours. To the outside looking in, one would think he was displaying a look of warmth but you knew better than to fall for his manipulation. 
"Y-Yes?" You stuttered.
Sure, you were aware of his tricks. That didn't mean you weren't scared of him. 
"I have a very important task for you," he smiled. "I have informed Ulquiorra of everything and he is in charge of you."
"Wait, what?!" Your words slipped out, panic jolting your body as you looked from the man to your brother, your brows stitched in a silent beg for help. 
Before your brother could display even a shift in expression, your body froze in the chair. Your eyes widened, your lips emitting a hitched gasp. 
Aizen's Reiatsu was hurting you. 
Your fingers clutched firmly at the edge of the table. Your lungs felt like it was closing up, your airway narrowing as you gasped helplessly for air. 
"Are you denying me, Y/N?" His tone was silky smooth, an eyebrow raised condescendingly. 
Not without struggle, your head began to shake weakly as the brims of your eyes begin to well up with tears. Having enough of your suffering for the moment, Aizen lowered his Reiatsu and you gasped loudly as you could feel air flowing in and out of you again. 
"My apologies, Aizen-sama," you trembled, gaze lowering to the ground.
To that, he let out a pleased hum that matched his smirk. What a fucking sadist. 
So that's why you were currently stuck next to the 4th Espada, hiding in the Dangai while you waited to capture the human girl Aizen took an interest in. Honestly, some part of you hated yourself for being in such a position, forcing the same fate on an innocent girl who would do anything for her friends. 
"Inoue-san," you cleared your throat one day, knocking on the door. 
You pushed it open and saw the girl's sullen figure on the floor, gazing at the moon. She remained silent as she watched you enter. 
"How are you doing?" You asked, knowing it wouldn't bring any sort of comfort whatsoever despite that being your intention. "If you need anything, I'm at your service," you sighed. 
Silence passed between you two. Though expected, you took it as a sign to leave. Just as you were about to, she stopped you with a question. 
"Kuchiki-san told me about you," she said. "Why did you betray the Soul Society?" 
Her question struck you right at the pit of your regretful heart, making you stop in your tracks. 
With a sigh, you answered, "Just as you'd come here for your friends, I would do anything for my brother."
Refusing to prolong the conversation, you took your leave. Turning a corner as you head to your room, you felt fingers wrapped around your wrist. Holding you in place, Ulquiorra then appeared before you. 
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his brows in question. 
Your eyes met his and you lowly exhaled. 
"Aizen-sama said that she's under our care," you reminded. "I am only caring for her." 
He let go of your hand, eyes still staring into yours. "You have no need to make friends with  her." 
A scoff slipped past your lips. "What are you?" You changed the subject, rather curious about something regarding the Arrancar. "Which part of Death do you signify, Ulquiorra?"
With your eyes stuck on him, paired with your question, he felt somewhat, exposed. His lips remain pursed, gaze peeling away from yours as he turned to walk away. 
"I do not see how that is of any relevance." 
"If I am to work by your side, I'd like to know more about you," you simply answered. 
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "As I said, I do not see the relevance." 
"I'll find out soon enough," you hummed, watching as he walked away. 
And with your future days spent closely with him, you actually did figure him out. 
You could clearly see it in his eyes, you actually wondered how you could have missed that. But you couldn't miss it anymore as each day passes by and he often visited you. 
It was odd but you had realized how frequently he came to see you whether it was to send you food or talk about the prisoner. You wondered if it was intentional but over time, you didn't seem to mind it. And maybe because now that you know him, you couldn't help the interest you held for him. 
You wanted to understand him. 
You wanted to understand why it was that you noticed his eyes changing since the day he met you. 
It seemed like you managed to reach that on an afternoon in Hueco Mundo. 
You were gazing at the blue sky, a smile tickling your complexion at the view that reminded you of the warmth back in Soul Society. But the one that sheltered you at the moment was nothing but a fake. At such a thought, your smile faltered. 
"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra's voice ran through your spine. 
"It's so heavy," you murmured. 
"What is?" 
You let out a sigh, turning around to see him. "My heart," you said. "It's full of regrets." 
He let out a patronizing scoff, "You humans and Soul Reapers toss that word around mindlessly. What is this 'heart'?" 
Your eyes flickered close for a moment but hearing his question, you understood him. 
And you understood yourself. 
And with a saddened smile, you reduced the distance with a question. "Do you not believe in the existence of the heart?" 
"I do not believe in things I cannot see," he began, taking another step. "Even with these eyes of mine that perceive all, I cannot see this so-called 'heart'."
"And that makes it not real?" 
His hand stretched forward, fingers aiming at your heart. 
"If I rip out your chest, will I see it? If I crush open your skull, will I see it?" 
The gap between the tip of his finger and the fabric of your dress over your heart closed with another step from you. His long nail threatened to puncture your skin but you did not have it in you to break your composure as you stared into his eyes. 
"Do it, then," your words silkened out daringly. 
You can see surprise behind those dark eyes, only aiding you to go further. 
"Rip out my chest. Crush open my skull. Do whatever you must to find my heart because I can assure you, it is real and it is there." 
You could see the slight tremble in his hand. With another step toward him, your dress let out a ripped sound as his claws penetrated through. 
"I have a heart that beats and with each passing second, it beats for you." 
Your lips parted in a slight gasp as you feel warm blood oozing out. Still, you let yourself be guided by your heart. 
"I am not afraid of you, Ulquiorra," you exhaled. "As I can see the emptiness in you begin to fill with the reflection of my love for you." 
Any changes of expression he tried to hide had failed terribly. But he was not the only one shocked by your confession.
It seems that you've let yourself fall for the 4th Espada. 
Maybe that would soon turn into yet another one of your regrets but for the time being, he let you go. 
His cold, empty demeanor had returned when he retracted his arm to his side. He began to walk away, leaving you a taste of his void and disappointment. But before he closed the door, he stopped. Over his shoulder, he looked in your direction but not really looking at you. 
"The human's friends have come to Hueco Mundo. My order for you is to stay in your room," he slurred out. "No matter what." 
With everything that occurred next, you still remained in your room. Why? 
Because he had asked you to. 
And you were meant to listen to him. 
So you ignored all the changes in Spiritual Pressure that occurred in Hueco Mundo to fulfill his order. But there was one change that you can no longer ignore. 
And with that worry, that fright, you ran out of your room. With all your strength, you flew upwards, past the fake skies of Las Noches and into the truth of Hueco Mundo. Landing on the ground, you stood up. 
And it was as if your mere presence had caused him to peel away his gaze from his opponent. His eyes that met yours were no longer those you saw during your first meeting. 
That emptiness that he signified was filling up. 
Just as your tears welled in your eyes, your lips parted in a frightful gasp, watching his wings begin to disappear. His hand, the very same one that bled you, lifted from his side. His fingers reached for you. Allowing your tears to fall, you cried as you ran to him, your own hand stretched out to grasp his. 
Yet no matter how fast you ran, you could never reach him. 
He was so close.
Yet so far. 
"I see it now," he said, stopping you in your tracks with wide eyes and parted lips. "I understand now," he said. 
You ignored the presence of the humans, only focusing on the fallen Espada. 
"Your heart," he let out, fingers beginning to close in an empty grip. "Has always been in the palm of my hands." 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran to him again, weakly struggling to reach him. 
But just when you did, his hand leaves you as it dissipated into darkened ash.
With a loud cry, you fell to your knees, our tears unabashedly falling to your cheeks. Your left hand clutches over your heart-
"Rip out my chest."
-while your right hand clutches over your head-
"Crush open my skull." 
As you were heeding his last order, he was heeding yours, providing you the sensation of actions you asked for. 
Yet another regret filled that heavy heart of yours.
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HIII I KNOW. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ANNIHILATION. PERIPHERALLY. ive seen like part of it but i do NOT remember much. except that its one of the prettiest movies ive ever seen. that being said im so eyes emoji abt ur au..... r there any specific scenes frm the movie ur thinking about?? how would the character dynamics differ from either canon?? etc etc etc!!!
GOD I FUCKING LOOOOOVE ANNIHILATION. ONE OF MY TOP 5 FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME EVER. yes yes yes yes yes OK. so this is. all encompassing crossover jrwi au which means I'm pulling characters from different campaigns. which. usually im not a huge fan of but i think i pulled it off rlly well in a limited sense here bc i have very specific reasoning behind why i put each character where. u will know at least two of them and they WILL cause you psychic damage so trust me when i say the other ones will too. putting this under a cut bc im gonna ramble
BASICALLYYYYY it's gonna follow the plot of the movie pretty closely just with slightly altered character dynamics + each of their reasons for going into the shimmer. so each person on the Current Team has lost someone on a previous expedition, and basically all of them are trying to find answers for what happened to their loved ones.
im gonna talk mainly about the ones you know because youll understand where I'm coming from the best with them but just know I am OBSESSED w the roles I have put gillion and chip in here. god I miss riptide every day .
DAKOTA COLE AS ANYA. Anya is the retired paramedic !! she's the one that. hold everything. gets killed by the fucked up bear. smile. that was just a fun little coincidence for me . ORIGINALLY I was dead set on having the pd representative be william bc im biased and I love him but after rewatching the movie I just think dakota fits in anyas place so perfectly. she's the most outgoing of the group, she's the one that initially invites Lena to join their team (also side note there is a pre-existing dynamic between dakota and chip because they've had MULTIPLE interactions in various what if crossover episodes and their dynamic is one of my favorite things ever). she's also the most aggressive. she's the first one to snap into action mode after finding the body in the pool, she's the one to take josie away from it and has a very protective stance over josie for the rest of the time after that (this is going to be relevant i am gonna talk about josie next) . once the group starts arguing about whether they want to continue further into the shimmer, anya shifts into a VERY black and white mentality, pinning ventress as The Bad Guy immediately for wanting to continue. and then when Lena shows some hesitancy over what she wants to do, anya snaps into a "youre either with me or against me" mindset. she also has this growing sense of paranoia ever since they find the tape of what appears to be the previous crew killing each other, and after she learns Lena is lying to them about her connection with Kane she goes way overboard with tying them to chairs and threatening to kill them. while i don't think dakota would necessarily go that far I DID say this to jonesy when we were rewatching the movie together so. bfu connecting two dots meme
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anyway i think dakota is in the shimmer looking for william AND vyncent. parallels to the "dakota leaves for 10 months without telling them" which is why the three of them would be separated in the first place. william somehow finds out about the southern reach and his draw toward a mystery is what causes him to join the first expedition. vyncent goes with him because he can sense it's dangerous (and basically a suicide mission) and doesn't want william to go alone. I have. ideas. for what happens to them in the shimmer but they are vague at best right now and even then. dakota never finds out what happens to them before he's killed by the bear. the bear uses their voices to draw him out btw. smile. he dies protecting thr rest of the group even immediately after his paranoid breakdown.
SHILO AS JOSIE. ohhhhh josie radek one of my favorite characters in media of all time. God I love her so much. anyway she's the only one of the current expedition with no previous combat training, so she's often seen by the rest of them as someone who needs to be protected. if I'm remembering correctly she's also the youngest. (in this. au. dakota would be older than shilo. feels better in my mind. none of them would be Kids they'd all be adults at this point but I'd put shilo in early 20s and dakota maybe in mid 20s. so . still young.) shilo is in the shimmer looking for his twin brother who went missing. somehow he was able to track down the southern reach and find out emizel was part of a previous expedition, and desperately wants to get him back. he's the one with the LEAST amount of knowledge going into the shimmer. he doesn't realize it's a suicide mission. he just wants his brother back. anyway when they get to the first outpost they find the remnants of the first team's base of operations, with names on a guard patrol rotation and leftover weapons and. a video camera. with a tape in a plastic bag labeled "for those who follow". josie is the one holding the camera when they watch it. the tape shows members of the previous party in the abandoned pool, one guy tied to a chair while the others cut open his abdomen to show his intestines moving around like snakes or worms. in the movie, the guy who cuts him open is Kane, Lena's husband. the rest of the party doesn't know her connection to kane, and she knows now if she tells them they won't trust her (and is proven correct by this when anya eventually finds out her connection) ANYWAY I'm going off track. sorry this is my favorite scene in the whole movie I get distracted. ANYWAY so when they see this, josie is the most immediately horrified by it because she's the only one who hasn't seen anything as gruesome as that before. for shilo. well. he gets to see the one being cut open is emizel. and then later when they get to the pool and find the body still there (again. josie is the one to find this. she's also the one who reaches down into the old dirty water and accidentally picks up the knife. which was still left in the same place they saw it be dropped in the tape) corpse plastered to the wall by all kinds of multicolored fungus and lichen, I think shilo doesn't immediately break down, he doesn't really. process it right away. I mean it's completely unrecognizable. it's not until he accidentally picks up the knife that it all clicks into place in his mind and he realizes "that thing right there used to be my fucking brother" and completely shuts down. runs out of the complex, dakota has to chase him down because they all know its dangerous to go anywhere alone, etc. after this he loses any sense of purpose, the only reason he came into the shimmer in the first place was to get emizel back and now seeing what happened I think he just gets. hopeless. which is the beginning of the end for him . i haven't decided if his exact death is the same as josies but i want it to be peaceful in the same sort of way. "imagine dying frightened and in pain and having that be the only part of you which survives... i wouldnt like that at all" "ventress wants to face it.. you want to fight it... im not sure i want either of those things...." josie radek i am in love with you. anyway. annihilation pool scene for you because I love this image more than anything
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bloodsadx · 1 year
every time i go to print a new shirt theres a few feelings. the first feeling is annoyance and lots of fretting over the art part of it. im rly precious abt what a drawing for a shirt should look like most of the time so i will redraw the same idea like 40 times until it feels charming. then i gotta print transparencies which is always a pain in the ass especially since i do big ass shirts thats like such an annoying process gotta do math gotta split the art up into chunks gotta do color separations. then i get excited cause im like yes this is gonna be such a cool shirt. then i get annoyed again bc i have to reset like 4 to 20 screens for my dumb shirt. then i get rly worried im gonna print super badly and waste a bunch of expensive blanks cause like the shirts and hoodies i print on cost like at least 7 or 8 bucks some of the hoodies i have rn are like 30 bucks wholesale. they would cost u like 80 dollars to buy them Not wholesale. so like thats a decent amt of pressure. then i start printing and its like 4 hours of like doing a print then standing there while i wait for ink to cure under the heat. then printing. then waiting. its a lot of waiting. waiting for office stores to open so i can buy ink for my printer then waiting for my time in the studio then waiting for screens to dry then coating them then waiting for them to dry then washing them out then waiting for them to dry then printing then waiting for the ink to dry. but after like a week i have a bunch of shirts, most of which i will never see again after i mail them out. so the final stage is sort of waiting indefinitely for somebody who has one of the shirts i made to @ me on somewhere and be like shirt by bloodsad and then im like Yes. anyway im just sitting in the studio rn bc my legs hurt and ive been here for like 9 hours and i was here like 9 hours 2 days ago and then yesterday i was also here cleaning stuff and 3 days ago i was here for about 9 hours and the day before that too and it all sort of blends together and a lot of it is me sitting in a chair at 3 am when my legs hurt. this is what a job is but i guess because most of it is spent like alone it doesnt feel like real. i often feel like its going to go away soon or like im doing something illegal even though it wont and im not. a lot of last year i kept standing on the street corner at like 4 am by myself smoking looking at the asphalt and thinking “how much of my time in portland will i remember as just times when i was not at the studio, preparing to go to the studio, and then how much of the time will i remember as me being at the studio, thinking about how soon i will no longer be at the studio, i will be somewhere else, somewhere not in portland?” its weird when u think that u will not be in the place youve been in a year repeatedly for a year soon and then that turns into two years and then you realize that probably u will continue to be in that place indefinitely. i see older people who are in portland and i think about how many of them live here intentionally or just forgot they were supposed to move somewhere else. i think about if thats just the state of living for everybody or if its a factor of my age or being a zoomer or whatever. but idk i guess im printing shirts. no joke or point to this post
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pink-booty-butts · 2 years
English Muffins (Jamie Winton x Reader)
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(sorry for the repost, i got worried this was horrible and deleted it. but it’s back now!)
Pairing: Jamie Winton x Reader
Word Count: 1,337
Summary: you eat too many english muffins and jamie intervenes
Warnings: mentions of reader having anxiety and being a workaholic, but that’s about it. comfort/fluff, i think? not proof-read.
A/N: i went to eat my comfort food and i thought of this lol. as far as im aware english muffins aren’t very popular in the uk, but this is my fic so that’s what we’re doing haha. so sorry if jamie is ooc! but i hope you enjoy!!
The first thing Jamie noticed when he walked into the kitchen after work was the suspiciously half-empty bag of english muffins next to the toaster oven. Perhaps to anyone else this would not be noteworthy, but Jamie is much more aware of your emotional dependance on this form of bread than you yourself are.
Back when the two of you were dating, he noticed that you always had a bag of them in your kitchen, right next to the toaster. When he first spent the night, he assumed that due to seeing them so frequently you ate in them in the morning for breakfast. He was wrong, of course, and later learned that you eat them at random intervals throughout the day, most often at night since that is when you seem to be the most alert. A few times, he even caught you partaking in your little routine of making them. You’d separate the muffin with your thumbs, and typically frown when the sides are uneven due to your lack of using a knife. Then you would lightly toast them—checking them frequently due to lack of trust of your toaster—slather a light amount of butter on each one, and pop them back in the toaster for a second or two to make sure the butter melts. You’d eat them almost immediately, and on days when you didn’t outright smile after eating them, at the very least your mood seemed to improve considerably.
Your ritual only ever took a few minutes, and normally it was nothing to worry about. Jamie understood a thing or two about the anxieties of every day life, and if anything he was glad you had something that brought you comfort so reliably. He was actually so on board with it, in fact, that sometimes he’d buy them for you when he came to visit you at your place, knowing you tend to forget things easily. Since the two of you began living together, he made sure to always buy them whenever he goes grocery shopping for the two of you. You don’t even eat them every day, of course, but Jamie always thought it was best to have them around just in case. It was only problematic when you began eating more than one a day.
The half-empty bag raises alarms because he just bought that bag yesterday, and he remembered seeing one muffin remaining from the previous bag when he put the groceries away. That means that you had eaten at least four english muffins since then, causing a look of worry to pass over Jamie’s face. He takes his jacket off and loosens his tie, intent on finding you and figuring out what’s wrong.
It doesn’t take long for him to find you, seeing as you’re currently hunched over your laptop in your office. You are typing furiously, your eyes darting back and forth trying to get your brain to keep up with the words flowing into your head. You didn’t notice Jamie open the door due being so engrossed in your work and blasting music into your eardrums. Jamie hated interrupting you while you were working, knowing it messed with your flow, but you look like you’ve been overworking yourself so he thinks it’s best to intervene. He walks up to you slowly, kneeling down to be at eye level with you in the chair that you are currently cross-legged in. You glance at him, and he pulls one of your earbuds out.
“Hey,” he smiles. He looks at you lovingly, placing a hand on your forearm in an attempt to comfort you. He then turns his head slightly to look at your computer screen, before looking back at you. “What are you working on?”
You bite your lip, looking at him with nervous eyes. “Um, my new book,” you get out, before berating yourself. He already knows that! “Uhh, it’s the second to last chapter of the second act. When the aliens show up,” you explain. Assuming Jamie will want to continue your usual after-work conversation, you lean back in your chair and start massaging your hands while awaiting his response. You flinch slightly while doing so, not having realized how sore your hands are from typing non-stop. You continue, knowing that if you keep massaging them the pain will die down and you will be able to start typing again.
“Have you eaten?” he asks, eyebrows raised in concern. You tense briefly, and that’s enough for Jamie to know that the answer to his question is a resounding no. Well, technically you have eaten, but english muffins don’t provide anywhere near enough nutritional value for them to be considered. He grabs one of your hands, and stands up. “Let’s go out for dinner tonight,” he grins, “We haven’t gone out in a while, both of us being busy with work and all.”
Your eyes widen in excitement, wanting to say yes, but then you see your calendar out of the corner of your eye. You deflate, seeing the big red circle around the due date for your rough draft. “I can’t,” you sigh, not wanting to look at his—most likely—disappointed face. “I need to finish this part by tonight, or I’ll never finish this rough draft on time.”  
Jamie frowns, not enjoying the sight of you being so stressed out. He wants nothing more than to fix all of your problems, but he’d never want to get in between you and your work. No matter how much it ails you, you love writing and he would never dream of taking that away from you. However, he will not under any circumstances allow you to drive yourself into the ground like this. As such, he decides to speak up. “I know how much this means to you,” he says, gesturing to the laptop. “But don’t you think you deserve a break? You’ve been working yourself too hard these past few days.” He kneels down in front of you, taking your tired hands in his. “I love you so much, and I hate seeing you like this. Can’t you ask for an extension?” Jamie sees you are about to protest, and quickly cuts you off by resuming speaking. “I know you’re worried about it. But you’ve never asked for one the whole time I’ve known you. Your last three books all did great, so it’s not like we need the money. Surely that gives you some leeway to take a little longer,” he explains, nervous that you might be upset at him for his request.
You don’t say anything for a moment, mulling over his words. You frown slightly at the truth of them. “…Never? Really?” you question, slightly embarrassed with yourself. “Am I really that bad?” you chuckle.
He laughs with you, relieved you aren’t upset with him. “Yes, really,” he teases. “Remember when you had that fever? I had to hide your laptop so you could rest, and even then you kept insisting on looking for it.”
You snort at this, recalling the memory. You look back at your laptop, and then back down at your hands. Jamie is rubbing soft circles into them, but you can still feel the ache from your obsessive typing over the past few days. “Yeah, you’re right,” you admit. Jamie can practically see the weight lift off your shoulders when you say this, and he almost tears up knowing you haven’t allowed yourself to relax for a while now. “I’ll email my editor and then we can go.”
Jamie gives you a quick kiss on the lips, excited about going out to dinner with you. “Perfect,” he grins. He stands up and lets go of your hands, but not before giving you another kiss on the forehead. “I’ll get changed,” he announces, while walking backwards into the hallway.
“I better not see you in there still typing when I’m done!” he loudly shouts from your shared bedroom.
You let out a loud laugh, and shake your head. “You won’t!”
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vividviverrid · 1 year
make the word tag 🖊️
thank u for the tag @kahvilahuhut !!!!!! :))
RULES: Using the 3 random words given to you, you have to write a scene either using all 3 words in one scene OR write three separate scenes using each word separately.
my words were chair, moon & beverage ; i tried to figure out what to write for beverage but i just COULD NOT omfg im so sorry. so there's only two 😭
i tag anyone who sees this with the words fun, gold and stars!
i. chair
“Sit down, please,” Xorna says. “Goodness, even the guards are scared of you.”
Jessica continues pacing through the main room of the castle, her boots stomping several loud thuds into the tile beneath. She’s biting her fingernails, making furious noises between each gnaw that really are starting to scare the guards, Xorna can sense. She’s ignoring Xorna, which is the bravest thing she’s ever seen any human do.
“I just don’t — I don’t get it,” Jessica hisses. She doesn’t stop moving, continues fluttering about the castle like a fragile Earth moth. “Soren’s not -- I mean, he’s always had a dark sense of humor, but he’d never threaten anyone else unless it was for a good reason.”
“Maybe he thinks you’re a good reason.”
“He should know I wouldn’t want him to hurt anyone.”
Xorna gives her a sad look. She approaches Jessica with caution -- as if approaching a terrified, cowering creature -- and places a hand on her shoulder with a surprising amount of tenderness, an amount she could never have imagined exerting for a human before today.
“If I let you sit in my chair, will you finally talk to me instead of at me?”
“What do you care? You’re a de—wait.” Her face twists. “Your chair… the throne? You’d let me sit in the throne of this place?”
“...Desperate times. What do you say?”
ii. moon
Zee buries his head in his hands. It’s cold out, dark. He can feel things like that now -- physical sensations like cold and pain, mental sensations like cold and pain. There aren’t a lot of stars in Knife’s Edge; the sky above is merely a flood of black with white specks scattered across it like scraps of street litter. There’s no point in looking up, and he’s too familiar with looking down, so yes, he buries his head in his hands, runs his fingers over his insectoid-rough skin, and tries to remember what a lack of sentience is like.
But he’s not even allowed peace. “Hey, bee boy. You lost?”
It’s Ivy’s voice. He groans, makes a point of his sigh. 
“That’s a loaded question,” Zee replies, through sharp teeth.
She takes a seat next to him on the bench. “I feel that.” Ivy laughs. “It’s kinda easy to get lost, isn’t it? Here at the mansion, and also, just, like, in general. It’s all so fucking complicated. We didn’t sign up for this.”
“I didn’t sign up for any of this. I don’t even want to be here.”
“Yeah, I don’t either, but life isn’t always fair, Zee. Sometimes you just gotta deal.” Ivy begins humming, an indiscernable tune. “Ugh, I can’t believe I’m fucking saying this. You have to look at the bright side. Sure, the person who created you is batshit insane and evil, and sure, now you have to kill the person who gave you life, but…. but you know what? I’m not helping.”
“You’re trying, so thanks. I just can’t see any bright side.”
“Then look at something bright?” Ivy suggests with a telling laugh. “C’mon, Zee. Look at something.”
Zee groans again, but his hands recoil to his sides. His eyes open, and he looks up on instinct.
“The moon’s bright,” he says.
“There you go. There’s always a bright side, even in total darkness. Sometimes it’s a literal bright side, and you’re just looking at the moon, but at least the moon is still there.”
“That’s too profound for someone like you.”
“Well, it’s mainly Winter’s brownies talking. Think of it this way: at least you don’t have to do this shit alone.”
Zee nods. “Yeah,” he says. “I guess.”
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
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Did the caption it says 1872 and it was general George Washington's carriage and it was during the Revolutionary War which ended in 1783 So this is what he had as president. And during the Revolutionary War is not going to make sense to anybody except the fact that we think he gets the modified version it starts out as a chariot and it turns into a wagon then he puts what looks like it brinks carriage on it
And it might be who pays him for us as Wells Fargo which was Brinks no Brinks is still a separate company but we were saying it but Wells Fargo is what it looks like and that's the bank in Northport it has his money the question is what the hell is a chariot gonna be let's hope it's not a three wheeled ebike OK if I see him zooming by on a three wheel ebike I'm gonna pull my hair out and it's long range this is some real idiocy OK it better not be a rev E bike either I don't wanna see him zoom by on a rev ebike but one of those Chinese rev scooters LOL for crying out loud it's from a German company OK it's what looks like Tommy F and he remembers it all but it's a Germantown area of Pennsylvania. Now they were really actually very German and it really is a chariot and was a railing system on it they tried to put a chair on it and it didn't work and he says you have to have springs but they can't go on the seat they're gonna flying off it and he goes what are those things and they're just leafs and they act as a spring so he tried doing this with metal bands and it worked and he invented him more or less he said that's much better. So he heard his brother he said how old are you and it became funny 'cause he's gonna be bigger and he says it's working out so he says they're working and they haven't yet it's harrowing but is going a little bit towards our direction he knows what it meant so. He said This is great. Put a wagon together with springs but then he put a Wells Fargo type top and it was really what he made it was light and he said that's good enough for now. Cause he couldn't get a carriage he had to make one and that's what it's like here it's really hard to get a vehicle and unfortunately he made it out of whatever the hell a chariot is supposed to be and it's not a three Wheeler motorcycle we don't want him on one of those and it's not one of those cars he invented so this is worth thinking about.
Thor Freya
You don't want you to do that either there is a chariot that became a car and it's the original Vader cars and someone might do that and they're probably not much money here it's not true so who the hell knows how that's gonna happen.
mac proper
That's actually what it sounds like and that's what I found. Kind of a German vehicle but it's not and it's Tommy F idea but I don't understand how he's supposed to get that thing to our son I mean my grandnephew it's ridiculous.
mac daddy
Go ahead and shoot it down but I've done weirder and the E bikes might be strange to people but it's an idea and the horse is called the hybrid even though it's a purebred. I don't understand how we're gonna do that either and he says oh I get it and it's really stupid the answer is a lot dumber than you think because it's so obvious.
tommy f
we get it
ahhaahah lambo project adn tommy f and us and hahhaah
yoiu laugh now ok im gonna need help
Caa lol Zues ahahah your name fun Hera
good his stage name and for a stage coach not race car hmmm
Zig Zag
it was smalelr light and ok really different wood thin
and It sounds like a veteran but the original one and they might put the kid out there again but how's he supposed to get a rev trike car and it's gonna be a fiasco.
He probably checks into the insurance since like 30 Bucks a month we gotta get going on this idea it's pretty cool.
Thor Freya
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makahimetenshi · 8 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 12 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
Im thinking in deleting the first two chapters and reupload them with a new title, after all I have a continuation for that story also, kinda the same love triangle where they have children in the middle but different plot. So this fic and url only will be How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was conceived, the one already uploaded with that fic will have the note that is chapter 3, I think ill upload there the next porn chapters
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Arthur called Danse for a meeting, a schedule meeting, to not being such an asshole of interrupting his dutys to talk about her, after all it wasn’t a pleasant theme of conversation for any of them for lately the same reasons.
Danse stood in front of the door, sighing, he had been walking around wanting time to pass and Arthur to give up and leave but no, apparently he was still there in his office and my god he really didn't want to talk he didn’t even liked him that much. And besides, he already knew that he was going to start this conversation again.
His failed love story, but now someonelse is experiencing it.
So he knocked, the sooner he end this chat the better.
-Welcome Paladin, I found some boxes of Junk food to share and I thought –said Arthur opening the door with his best smile.
-Go to the point Arthur, what now?
To not love her he was kinda salty about the Nora subject, and he hasn’t mentioned her yet. He missed the days were the two of them were good friends actually.
First he coughed a little to make him understand that he should go to into the damn office and not be rude. Danse sighed and went inside, taking a seat in the chair in front of the desk.
-I actually called you to apologize, asshole –now the paladin felt bad for whatever the reason was- you were right about a lot of things im just starting to see now
He sat on his side on the desk and throw the box of junk food to the paladins hands, who open it and place it in the middle of the table feeling bad about his hostile behavior
-I tried to warn you –said the paladin picking a potato crisp
-Im sorry, I thought you were exaggerating, I thank you very much for wanting to let me know
Silence, Danse eat another potato crisp.
-Its okay, she is someone you really want at your side –couldn’t blame him, Nora was a catch.
-You really try to love her over and over, try and try but then she…
-Does fucked up things, multiple times in a row –Danse hand hit a bit the desk in frustration, definitely not a planned reaction, came out of resentment-crushes all your efforts to not feel bad and disturbed every time like it was your fault that she is unbalanced
Arthur stay in silence for a moment before talking.
-I havent seen anything super bad yet but…I had some scary moments –Danse looked at him- lets keep it that way
-What are you guys up to? –ask Danse wanting to be clear and know where he was standing.
-We are pregnant right now, two weeks…-the way his nose swelled as he breathed and filled his lungs was almost comical, even his face had turned red, but he exhaled all that air to calm down and then pressed his forehead with his fingers.
-Let me guess –if he didn’t find a logical explanation he will have a heart attack- the council was pressuring you
-Of course but she also offer herself to me –said Arthur now picking potato crips to eat. Danse heard and sighted
-Truly the only reason we are not together its because im infertile
-You are? –wow he didn’t know that, not with his confirmation at least
-Remember when I passed out three years ago? I offered to enter a place with a lot of radiation in her place and sacrifice myself to activate some controls so we could get out of a chamber in which we were trapped, in the end Nora got me out of there I don't know how-he remember, it was a mess because she was screaming desperate for help when they arrived at the citadel gates that noon, the weeks she stay at his side while in treatment make him sad for her, he really rooted for Danse to get better so she wouldn’t fucking die of sadness if something happened to his friend-but I was there for about 3 weeks in treatment, obviously from then on I became sterile, I did tests not long after I was already recovered-Danse at 49 was doing fertility test to check if he could still knock up Nora and he was panicked about letting more time pass how funny- I don't know if I would have been sterile before because we had sex more times than my fingers can count and I never got her pregnant but the test is my formal confirmation of infertility, is in my medical record. Not long after I told her the news we stopped having sex together, I was very determined not to let her get her romantic hopes up so we weren't doing it but she at least stopped insisting on that aspect, she kept trying to get me to I fall in love with her many times but she no longer insisted on me in a sexual way, at first I thought she was afraid of catching some disease from radiation remnants or cancer in me but soon I realized that…
-She wanted something else –they have a long history together and he was in the middle.
-Started talking more about Shaun and how beautiful her pregnancy was, that she was having the time of her life with her baby more and more often–Danse sighted looking at the ceiling- the only reason im not hooked with her its because I cant knock her up clearly, of course if I get her pregnant I would be responsible of our kid despite our feelings not being mutual.
-You would be happy that way? A kid with her despite you don’t want anything romantic?
-Well –Danse looked at him and pick more potato crips- are you?
-Answer the question paladin –said Arthur now feeling his tongue salty and dry, damn he was thirsty.
-I think I would be a great dad –of course he will be- both will work to be great parents and protect that kid that’s for sure, it would be fun. Besides I understand your point back then, she is prewar, a kid with her genes is a guantantee of excellent health
-But to be at her side?
-If there is something that definitely does not make a couple fall in love, it is a child in between, it could even separate us more, but you are right, it is an excuse for us to be together and make everything uncomfortable, so that she can insist more on me –he saw a weird look on Arthurs eyes-don’t get me wrong im 100% sure that she is going to be an affectionate mother despite everything
-I don’t know –Arthur sighted sliding his back into his chair- I don’t know her enough
-Then why do you agree?
-The council said that the quality of my sperm could decrease if I keep waiting, and she has…such charming…
-Indeed –now Danse sighted also sliding his back into his chair- she can be nice and loving like a wastelander never experienced in their whole lifes
-Exactly! –hu this conversation was helping in a lot of levels
-It catches –Danse admitted, biting on his lip- I never wanted to give up
-What do you mean?
-Everytime she snapped and do something horrible it was like a failure to me, it hurts me that she was never stable enough for me not to feel guilty about wanting to be next to someone who did those things, I never wanted to purposely think I don’t what to correspond this woman feelings, specially if she wanted me
-the probability of finding someone to love in the wastelands and that person being strong for that love to last is so low and yet…-again, he pick a potato crisp and ate.
-I made this choice and it hurts everyday to hold it –then he looked at Arthur- im glad to see im not alone
-Like I said I haven’t see yet anything so bad…
-Eventually you will –he assured
-She is still into you
-Despite asking me to go and clarify things because I ruined everything? –the elder nodded and pick more potato scrips- are you into her?
-Not if she isn’t even going to try but…its hard –Danse get what he means, she is what every strong man wants at his side
-I am not going to advise you to try to make her fall in love with you, she has been lost for me for 10 years even though I have rejected and pushed her away repeatedly –then he picked potato crisp while ​stretching his legs on the floor
-It’s a waste of time then –the paladin agree. Arthur wanted to grab more potato crips but the box was not empty, they really ate everything hu
-I hope you both find what you are looking for -that came from his heart, he said it without resentment at all.
-As you will not satisfy any of her desires
-Not that desires at least –they stay in silence when noticed that the box of potato crips were empty but something snap in Danse mind- where is she right now?
-Tenpenny Tower, you sure are aware –the paladin nodded. Very aware of her plans and ambitions. She always craved for more. Being the top rank of the brotherhood wasn’t enough, he dedicated more than half of his life to the brotherhood but she wanted more than that, so much more than what he aspired.
-You should go and see her –that call the elders attention, didn’t expect it.
-Why? –he blinked, he was still a bit in love with her but yet…
-Be careful because if you are not around then she will somehow want more.
After the paladin leave he made a realization, so he showered and get on a ventibird to Tenpenny Tower.
He was received on the heliport by Nora itself who was wearing a Pre-War casualwear and that annyoyed him, she should be in some kind of armor or protection at least the last time he was here people were not happy with her presence
-Elder what are you doing here? –she said picking his hand and running away from the fuss and sand the ventibird raised up to a place were they can’t feel much the washout. He left his escorts and guards behind in the ventibird too, he planned to be inside the tower all by himself? No protection? The people who bring him here will stay back and wait until he leaves? That didn’t sound right…
-I came to dinner…our usual dinner –when he said that she sighted, didn’t expect that.
-Oh –their hairstyles were a mess right now, she raised her hand to fix his a bit on the side- it’s a bit early yet but we can walk around…-was he really going to trust her to be his guard? Weird
-Sounds like a great idea –he said but she had an odd face while touching his hair- what’s wrong?
-You are dressed too elder again, lets change your clothes
-I kinda arrived in a brotherhood ventibird –he saw how she bite the insides of her cheek but smiled anyway. There was also tincans in the back waiting…
-Well I don’t need more people assuming that the elder its here, could be any other soldier –she smiled and place his hair behind his ear, the little she can do here-lets go upstairs, I have some mens clothing of your size for sure so you will go a little more unnoticed
It wasn’t the same place of one week ago that’s for sure, it was under construction. people breaking pieces of wall, passing pipes and installing things, following plans and instructions, work groups and people sitting around resting from what seemed to be long days of work...
-Were did you get the pipes? –ask Arthur amazed
-The forge, I made lead pipes a while ago for a job so I used the plans for this, since I don't want to break the walls we will go over them, it is not very aesthetic nor will it be liked by the neighbors but I prefer that to compromising the structure of the building by breaking walls only for maintenance, after all there is no urgent humidity that is flooding anything, only the walls are absorbing it but no more of that
That sounded important, for now they were working in the reception and frankly it was the most attractive place in the eyes of the neighbors and also the most important since it was the structure of the building facing upwards.
The two of them moved to Nora's apartment upstairs, it was much cleaner than the last time he was there, severely cleaner, the floor had a different color and was no longer textured, soft and sliding to walk, the walls were still in poor condition but not having spiders made it better. It gave a touch, in addition had changed some furniture and its layout, it looked much more spacious and orderly. The windows had been cleaned and were now transparent, not opaque, totally transparent, you could see the sunset in all its splendor, flooding the room with orange light...
-This works take some time –said Arthur looking around in the room.
-At least the reception has to be finished in a couple of weeks-suddenly and without expecting it at all she was pushed against a small table that was near her, Arthur had kicked her legs to the side quickly to make her lose balance and fall, it was to be expected with those high black heels she walked with, holding her wrists behind her back and her waist in front, preventing her from hitting her torso and belly from the front with the side of the table, he pushed his chest against her back and pressed her against the cold surface. With her legs bent, unable to stand up and unable to stabilize herself with her hands, she was only suspended against the table with his body, who had her head pressed inside her neck to whisper in her ear.
-I came to talk about something today Howard –she slurped saliva and even he could hear it, good- I didn’t like what you did the other day -his hand closed tighter on her wrists. Nora was thinking about how she could stabilize her body to get out of there in the meantime but she was in a horrible position-remember when we talk about surprising me? I thought we had an agreement
She breathed in, and that’s when she understood what he meant.
-Oh -this was a conversation about respect and power, just because she has established a position and place of power that day does not mean that she is above him and especially...he had warned her about that detail of his. She knew it, and she forgot it, her ego and customs on how to dominate dangerous situations make her forgot, and he was not going to let it happen just because she was now a boss with power, he also had strength and spirit, he was not going to give in so easily-Sorry –she mumble
-I let it pass that day because I was still shocked about our pregnancy news –he put emphasis in the our, pressing his arm against her belly- and did everything in my power to not react against you
-Im sorry –she whispers, her body was tense but she wanted to relax to show him that she wasn’t a menace and neither planned to attack him
-You made me upset –his torso pressed her and his arm more against the table- didn’t respect what we agree –its okay, she understand, he was a man of power, a man with power didn’t like to summit, and she had broken his trust in something he considers very personal
-I apologize -she whispered calmly, trying to get him to calm down too, not only because she didn't want him to hurt her or for the situation to escalate but because she didn't want to take away the authority and respect that he thought he deserved and wanted to have, it was okay, she could respect his wishes-I forgot
-Do you promise to remember? –she nodded and breath out-good, or the next time ill make you remember I wont be so gentle-he removed the arm on her belly out and wrap on her waist, her tiny waist, hand with full open fingers, she breathed in again and the way her torso lift and her waist was wedged between his fingers made him breath in-I don’t want to hurt any of you –the hand on her waist moved down slowly, walked around on the upper curve of her hips and ass loving how he can feel the curves of her body, sliding in the soft fabric of the blue dress until he felt something with the tip of his fingers at the height of her thighs, something hard and sharp, not soft skin-what is this?
Nora breath out-let me show you? –she said in a low tune, he separated from her back and stand in front of her, firmly, with his feet’s very attached to the ground.
Arthur was actually surprised that she didn't seem scared at all, maybe a little submissive, calm, like she had accepted the situation, but not scared or disturbed, a violent encounter of this type would normally leave someone disconcerted even by the unexpected but she didn't seem affected at all, did she expect something like that from him? She doesn't make sense, she wouldn't have allowed herself to be immobilized if that were the case, maybe she always thought that something like that could happen with him.
Nora lift the skirt of her dress and show some Sturdy combat armor leg pieces in her thighs. And he had to admit that the view looked hot but those heels really favor her long slim legs.
-I guess it doesn’t match with the black heels –he mumble and she smiled a bit
-I had to take apart the arms because the entire piece was very bulky, but it's better than nothing, you can't tell, right? –she said while opening the first button of her already long cleavage, moving down the fabric on the shoulder to show him the green piece of armor on her arm, his eyes moved to her open chest unconsciously tho
Despite the fact that he had pinned down the woman against the table he worried, wasn’t this place safe?
-I thought it was the belts of my own suit–the hard thing he felt against his neck and shoulder hitting- well im sure you don’t expect your everyday neighbor armored to the teeth, or capable of resisting a shooting
-youll be surprised, Gustavo sells guns –using armor as undies didn’t relaxed him at all, this wasn’t what he expected as a safe environment to rise a child
-Its it safe here? –is not like he wanted to act like nothing happened a few seconds ago that would be very inconsiderate from his part but now he was concerned
About her and her safety. His baby safety.
-Let me pick you some clothes and lets go to Café Beau Monde to chat, im sure Margaret can make us some coffee and pastry’s while preparing dinner.
He looked concern at her and ask- are your sure about this? –she nodded with a small red smile, had the eyes of someone who has a lot of confidence, security despite being tackled in a table by surprise–borrow me some armor too at least
-You came here for our usual dinner after all right? –well…kinda…she laughs at his not so comfortable face-don’t worry, the worst thing that can happen is that a piece of brick falls on your head and we already had those incidents in the citadel, I'm going to take care of you-he had to do this, try to be around the woman that was going to be the mother of his child no matter how scary she was sometimes.
He sighted and she started to look for clothes in a big wooden wardrobe
-My pants size is a…
-Large, I know –how can she? –I bought my husband underwear, men for some reason doesn’t buy underwear on their own, just wait until a woman fill their drawers with new again- he look inside the wardrobe too, picking the clothes she was separating to check on what it could fit him- in my defense about the other day I first wanted to approach you in the bathroom, alone, without assistance, low guard with your pants down but all of you boys control your sphincters very well and I didn't see you all in need to do it all day, I guess Paladin Gunny trains brotherhood boys well.
Arthur frowned when he heard that, effective, but disgusting. What the fuck.
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I saw your gif set where the writers and directors talk about irondad and I feel SO angry! They built their entire relationship for what? Another uncle ben moment? Peter HAD Ben for that purpose. And the way they tried to resolve Tony and Howards relationship in Endgame was disgusting. I know its not your fault but god that gif set just made me remember why i hate endgame so much
Well, you're not alone in this, trust me.
This is exactly what they did to Tony in EG:
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They tried to make it seem like it was Tony's attitude the problem all along, that he didn't understand his father enough therefore he was the problem. In EG, to make his arc seem 'complete' they gave him some stitches to cover that up in the form of a family. They gave him a wife, kid and a more 'stable' life. They turned him into Clint. All of this so people could say 'WOW he had a fam for 5 years? I guess his life is over now, he did what he had to do! Bye-bye Iron Man' LMAOOOOOO And they've been doing the same with Peter too since FFH. Instead of letting him deal with a personal death and his own demons, they focused more on him becoming a symbol for the next generation and getting him a girlfriend. Noticed how they actually let Wanda grieve in WandaVision? His brother, her parents, Vision. Even if I don’t like Wanda, I think that WV did so well with showing how broken this girl is (and if they had let her feel responsible for some of her obvious mistakes and reflect on those, it would’ve been even better) They didn't brush it off because it would be impossible that after suffering so many losses you just walk out happy and dandy like they tried to do with Peter and Tony. I happen to think Iron Man 3 is such an important movie because of this; they showed Tony's traumas and real repercussions of him dealing with his superhero life/personal life/traumas. He didn’t walk away with a smile on his face and the consequences were there.
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This is what happened basically. They tried to ‘fix’ such a complex character with a ‘fulfilled’ ending. The reason Tony and Peter’s relationship work is because they share similarities (both parents dead, survivor’s guilt, great sense of responsibility, genius brain, ‘weight of the world on shoulders’ m.o., stubbornness, excessive self-critical inferiority, no self-preservation instincts, depression, neglectfulness towards the personal care in favor of addictive distractions, unconscious will of isolation, characteristic savior fixation, anxiety problems, guilt complex, etc) and they get to bond because of those, they get to heal, grow and understand more about themselves in a relationship no one expected. I get they wanted to end Tony’s arc but if they had to convince RDJ for this, it means he wanted a break from the character, not a total separation, sometimes I feel like they made RDJ feel ashamed for still wanting to be Iron Man after so many years, in interviews they would basically say ‘so another IM movie, huh? when will iron man die tho? will you be in a wheel chair in this one?’ and directors would make jokes about it too. Samuel L. Jackson is 73 and has been Nick Fury for 12 years and he has a Disney+ show coming up for this same character; I don’t see anyone complaining. This is just my opinion btw, I’m only saying what I think it happened, not an accurate comment from RDJ himself. Maybe Tony in a coma for a couple of years would’ve been good for him to try new projects and more, and given the chance, he would be back as Iron Man for a cameo or some scenes. I still hold hope tho, these are comic movies, that means no character is ever 100% dead. 
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What they did to Tony in EG was lazy.
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