#concert chapter!
dreamer213 · 4 months
Broken Machines: Between The Shadows
Chapter 13: Jazztassic Throwdown
The rest of that day seemed to go by so quickly after that. Ciel didn’t say much after she finally stopped crying, but they managed to finish the exam. They re-exchange contact information because Penny leaves. She had never known how Ciel reacted to her presumed death, not even an inkling until now. It was surreal watching the recognition, pain, and joy erupt from Ciel in succession like that. She had never been so emotional in front of Penny before but seeing it made her feel oddly happy but also guilty. All that time she had been carrying all that grief for absolutely no reason. Logical she knows this isn’t either of their faults, her survival was miraculous and unexpected! And it seems the ripper effect it caused was still making new waves or rather Penny was realizing there were more out there than she ever thought there could be.
She vents a very curated version of her woes to Whitley later that night. Explaining how Ciel used to look after her and thought her injury had been fatal only to now realize she was alive and well. How she had cried a lot when she realized Penny was okay and couldn’t stop for a long time.
Penny: I’ve never seen her like that before, it felt strange in a good way. Like seeing how sad she was made me realize how much she genuinely cared for and missed me.
She says with a conflicted smile. Whitley doesn’t respond immediately as if he needed a second to absorb the knowledge that someone could react this way was a little too foreign for him to understand. After too long of a pause Penny gets a little worried but just as she’s about to ask if he’s okay Whitley perks up again.
Whitley: Sorry got a little lost in thought. But it’s great that you two could reunite after all that… I’m glad you have someone looking out for you like that.
His voice is chipper but there’s a tinge of sadness underlying the tone. Penny does not like this, but she gets it, Whitley has no one to look after him or miss him the way Ciel did for Penny so hearing about this must be disheartening, not that he would tell her that. But before he can change the subject Penny pulls out the concert tickets.
Penny: I also got these!
She waves the tickets in the camera view. Earlier she had debated with herself on who to bring with her but at this moment there was no contest.
Was it primarily because she turned to putty whenever her boyfriend was even a little too sad for her liking? Yes, but that was the nature of the beast that is being a doting girlfriend.
Almost two weeks later Whitley had hit a lucky streak, Jacques would be away the night of the concert into the following morning, and quite a few staff members had taken the night off, so he’d have no trouble sneaking out. Cut to the Saturday of the show, Jacques has already left the building and Whitley is sitting at his desk blazing through a mountain of paperwork, a passionate glint in his eyes as he slashes through form after form.
Whitley: Just a few more...just a few more.
He chants in his head, trying to keep his spirits up as he closes in on the last of his work for the week! If he could get this done, then there’d be nothing stopping him from enjoying the night ahead! Even if his wrist begins to ache and his lower back goes numb from lack of motion he presses on.
Whitley: Just one more!
He chants inwardly as he feverishly looks over the last document in his pile and files it out.
Whitley: Done!
He slams the paper onto the pile and shoots up from his desk! Streaking out as his body readjusts out of its sitting position. There was still a lot of prep to do before he went out but the rush of finishing this avalanche of documents had given him a second wind.
Whitley: Let’s not waste any time.
He straightened up his stack of paperwork before stepping toward his bathroom. Couldn’t go out on an evening date without freshening up first.
Down in Mantle Penny is also getting ready for the concert. She had done some research beforehand and prepped quite a bit in the lid up to the night off. She’s stocked up on water, tissues, and hand sanitizer, had their ride to show figured out, and picked out an outfit fit for the weather and venue. Now the troublesome part was doing her hair and makeup.
You see, Team FNKI is a neo-jazz/swing band. Their music was very vibrant and poppy, just like the bandmate's aesthetics. Their stage setup was usually bright with neon lights, they wore dust-infused costumes and used their semblances during their solos in fantastical displays of rhythm and power. Thus, their fan base would come dressed in one or both sides of the band’s aesthetic. Some came in bright streetwear, some in classy jazz club attire, or a mix of both.
Penny didn’t have much that matched either comfortably, but after looking through some old and new clothes she managed to pull together something fitting. She found a pair of her old stockings with glowing green stripes, borrowed some glowing power button pins from her dad, and got some thick black satin ribbon to upstyle her chosen outfit. Turning the pins into earrings, helping her dad make a heart-shaped pin to add to the bow of her headband, and lacing the ribbon through the sleeves of her pink cardigan were great after-work crafts. It was so much fun doing metal working with her dad and calling Ciel for advice on the sleeves since hers were what inspired her.
All said and done her concert ensemble was perfect! For Penny's taste at least. But then there was the makeup. She’d asked around for some ideas, she’d actually had to beg Octavia not to send her a year’s worth of cosmetics and had figured out a pretty good image to go for.
After getting partially dressed before washing and towel drying her face, Penny grabs out her newly purchased cosmetics container. Her selection was vested or luxurious, the most expensive thing she had in there was a palette gifted by Octavia months ago, but it had all the essentials. Brushes, lipstick, gloss, eyeshadows, liners, blush and nail polish of various were all present in limited amounts. But that was fine, she had enough for her needs and whims.
Penny: Alright let's get started!
She chirps to herself, propping up a small mirror on her bedroom floor and sitting down with her makeup case. Gathering her materials and looking herself dead on in the mirror, Penny begins her private beauty session. Starting with the most detailed intense work, Penny applies some sparkle-filled black eyeshadow to both her eyelids but only three-quarters of them. Then she goes in with an equally shimmery blush pink to cover the rest. Next is lipstick, first a hot pink on the top lip and outlining the bottom lip then fill in the rest with a softer pink. Lastly, a touch of blush and it's done! It’s not professional but still bright and poppy like she wanted it.
But it’s not over yet! Now it’s hair time!
Getting her whole head an initial brush before sectioning off two long strands from right behind her ears, Penny swoops the hair to one side and ties the section into a side ponytail. Brushing it out again, she rolls the ponytail into a bun and then secures it with a rubber band and bobby pins. Once it’s in place she adds an assortment of hairpins she’d picked up while shopping for supplies. Or rather the contents of a box of hair accessories for little girls she saw in the shop window of a tween accessory shop on the way home.
Hey, who said robots were immune to impulse buying?
She puts a total of four pins in, a treble cleft, a blue flower, a white butterfly, and a smiling kitty.
But that wasn’t her only find at that techno-colored store. To top off her look Penny pulls out the finishing touch, neon glow-in-the-dark nail polish!
Using the two-coat method from the nail kit’s instruction packet Penny applies a nice layer of green polish, lets it dry, and then adds a coat of clear setting polish. When her nails are fully dried Penny jumps up off the floor and runs to turn off her bedroom lights. As the darkness engulfs the room her nails shine a bright neon green, eliciting a chorus of excited giggles from the enamored android. She flickers the lights on and off a few times before setting down and putting on the rest of her outfit practically shaking with excitement.
She’d be dressed to the nines before long, no doubt to the delight of her performing friends and her lovely date.
In fact, said date was getting ready himself, dawning a periwinkle plaid pair of slacks with a white long-sleeve dress shirt with the matching plaid vest and long black coat to make his tie and gloves. It’s a damper look and though his gray face mask breaks the aesthetic a little his fake horn-rimmed glasses and light blue cap more than make up for that. As he applies some lip balm and sprays a little cologne on his shirt Mary stands by his bedside in wait. Since Jacques was only going to be out for the night and the probability of him staying long enough to force his intended mark to allow him to stay the night out of hospitality up in the air Whitley needed a lookout.
Whitley: My scroll will be on vibrate, if Father calls you know what to do.
He remarks, putting the cologne bottle down and walking to the door.
Mary: Yes, Young Master.
That’s all that’s said between them before Whitley leaves, Mary does as she was told and holds onto Whitley’s usual scroll before leaving for the kitchen. The manor was abnormally quiet and empty, and she had been given free rein to get a little snack from the main house kitchen. By the time Whitley’s out of the manor Mary’s poured herself a glass of wine and made a mini charcuterie board, things are looking quite lovely but somewhere in the pit of her stomach Mary can feel a pip of dread forming. This night would not end so peacefully.
But this dread had not reached Whitley as he journeyed to their usual meeting spot. Throughout his cab and train ride, he can feel himself smiling behind his mask. He’d never been to a causal concert so this would be a special treat, made even sweeter by the fact that he’d be sharing it with Penny. Vacating the train car as the doors opened Whirlpool couldn’t wait to partake in the exciting night they had ahead of them.
Upon exiting the station, it doesn’t take Whitley more than five seconds to spot Penny waiting for him. The light glow of her accessories made her easy to spot.
Now to some, the first thing they would have noticed about her outfit was how the flow of her black skirt and the tightness of her glowing stockings contoured her legs perfectly and made the uncovered part of her thighs look ever the more supple. Others would have noted how her makeup paired with the LED light of her earrings made her face glow in this almost fantastical way. And a few immediately acknowledged the way her open cardigan hung on her frame made her look extremely huggable.
But being her detail-oriented boyfriend, Whitley Schnee notices all three almost completely at once and springs over to her.
Being used to the way they’ve grown to greet each other Penny embraces him with open arms. She lets him get in close and rests his head on her shoulder as they take each other in but pulls away only a few seconds later when she feels a peck against her neck right above her chocker.
Penny: Ah!
She yelps while pulling back, left hand clasping over the spot Whitley just kissed feeling the remnants of chapstick sticking to her skin. Her shocked gaze is met with Whitley’s teasing smirk as he stares proudly at the little mark he’s left on.
Penny: W-w-what was that for?!!!
She stutters, face flushed with surprise and cheeks puffed in annoyance.
Whitley: Nothing really, I saw something sweet and wanted a taste.
He teases, pinky finger still hooked onto the center of his mask leaving his charming smile in full view to her. He lends in close bringing his lips right over her left ear.
Whitley: You look incredible, twinkling like a little star in the night. Then again, when don’t you? You’re always so brilliant, too brilliant to ever miss.
He whispers, voice playful but earnest. Penny can feel her heart pounding and her head going fuzzy again. If she had any less self-control, she would have kissed the smug look right off his face for being so damn enchanting!
But she couldn’t.
Her lipstick wouldn’t be enough to cover up her taste.
Penny: You look good too.
She replies, her tone a bit dour compared to her earlier spunk and shock. Whitley notes the difference immediately and backs off, instead offering her his arm.
Whitley: Shall we?
He says with a soft smile, the gesture soothes Penny’s nerves, and she clings to him as they go hail a taxi. The ride to the venue is uneventful aside from Penny’s excited bouncing in her seat as they draw closer to the club. Whitley’s unsurprised by her giddiness, she’d been gushing about this group since she’d got the tickets, and from her word and his own personal research Whitley could understand why. The concept of huntsmen musicians using all their talents to put on an amazing show was interesting. Seeing people with physical capabilities and powers far beyond the average person could be a dazzling spectacle. And tonight, he’d get to enjoy that spectacle, maybe even find some inspiration.
Penny: We’re here!
Penny cries as the taxi comes to a stop in front of the night's venue, the Obsidian Inn one of Mantle’s best jazz clubs. The building is dark with illuminated windows, the architecture less modern and more stylish as the front appears covered with pillars with music notes covered into them. It’s almost hard to see as the building is already swamped with people both inside and out. Venders, other concert-goers, and passers-by leave the street clogged up to the point there’s barely a few inches of free space for people to move around each other. Settling up the driver and getting out of the cab, Penny and Whitley hold hands tightly as they try to weave their way through the crowd. But the closer they get the more Whirlpool can feel eyes staring at them, heads turning to guck as they pass, and some stopping in their tracks.
This was not good, so far Whitley had been able to fly under the radar whenever he was in Mantle but it seems that his luck had run out.
Whitley: Just great. This is what I get for dressing up while sneaking out. Damn it.
He curses to himself, shuffling a little faster to try and escape the crowd as soon as possible but he’s stopped by the tug of Penny’s hand on his. Looking behind him, he sees that she’s stopped or rather had been stopped by a girl holding her scroll out and asking for a picture. The girl was about their age and seemed to be awestruck by the huntress in front of her and looking around she wasn’t the only one. Those gazes Whitley had felt earlier were all pointed at Penny, the beloved local heroine Penny.
Now Whitley knew she was well-liked when she’d run into fans during their last two dates, but this was far more intense than either of those times. It seems the sight of the protector out in causal clothing held a central appeal with the public and made her easier to approach.
Whitley: Who would have thought she was this level of celebrity?
Whitley mused, looking on as part of the crowd diverted to swarm Penny for selfies. Said star quickly growing overwhelmed by the attention but far too flattered to turn them away, still, she couldn’t leave her date hanging. Pulling her hand away from his, Penny fishes out one of the tickets from her purse and holds it out to Whitley.
Penny: Go ahead and find our seats, I’ll join you when I’m done with…. all this.
She gestures to the mini crowd forming around her. Whitley nods, whispering a soft “Good luck” before taking his ticket and heading inside. The bounce at the door checks his ticket and lists out the club’s rules of no fighting, underage drinking, drug use, and so on before letting Whitley in. The interior of the club is just as cool and campy as the exterior, the floors are velvet, lights are low aside from the neon trim highlighting the stage and bar area. The seating areas are mostly booths lined against the wall and around the sunken dance floor in front of the stage, with signs set on top of the tables with numbers marking the seating. According to his ticket Whitley and Penny’s table was closest to the stage. Sitting down at the edge of the booth Whitley looks around and takes in his surroundings. It’s a nice club, very chic but casual the usual jazz club feel. As he glances around Whitley notices s familiar face among the sea of people making their way to their seats.
Jemma: Remind me again why the hell you dragged me out here?
Julia: Because I finally got time off and tickets to a good live show, and thought my baby sis could use a night off from studying herself to death.
Jemma: Well, you thought wrong.
Sue: Aw come on Jem Jam lighten up! It’s not every day you get to see a band live like this! Especially not one like FNKI!
Jemma: If you say so.
Yes, there were three familiar faces among the crowd, two of which were far more familiar than the third.
Whitley: Oh crap.
Whitley turns his gaze away and lowers his head, trying not to be noticed as the three women pass by. Unfortunately, Sue starts taking pictures of the club, flailing around to get good shot of the venue. Being over-excited, she accidentally loses her grip on the device, and it slips from her hands and onto the floor. Where it lands right next to Whitley’s feet. He reaches down to try to pick it up and hand it to her before she gets too close, but Sue swiftly dives down in scope up her beloved scroll and their hands touch.
Sue: I got it, I got it! My bad! Thanks, dud-
Sue pauses as she stares into the all-too-familiar pair of blue eyes, one belonging to the young master she served. Her gaze is frozen on him, but his eyes start to drift behind her. Not knowing what to do she follows his gaze and realizes he’s looking at her fluffy upright-in-stock with every strand of fur standing on end tail.
Sue: Oooh no, oh fuck! No!
Sue immediately breaks into a cold sweat as her shock quickly turns into panic at the realization that her job is in danger. Master Jacques was not a fan of fanus in the slightest and Whitley, kind as he was, was still his son. One word and her dreams would come crashing down around her and there was nothing she could do about it.
Tears form in the cracks of her eyes Sue opens her mouth to plead with him, but Whitley grips her hand and holds up a gloved finger to stop her. His eyes looked at her with an intense glint the likes of which she’d never seen before.
Whitley: Listen carefully because I’m not going to repeat myself.
He whispers, his voice is cold as frosting ice, tone sharp like a dagger.
Whitley: You didn’t see me here; I didn’t see you and this never happened. Understand?
He commands with no room for negotiation. Sue nods frantically in the affirmative, Whitley nods back and lets her hand go before shooing her away to which Sue scurries to her feet and runs over to her table, sitting in the seat that best blocks Jemma and Julia from seeing him.
Once he’s sure Sue’s gotten the message, Whitley sits back and relaxes a little. He moves to the more shaded side of the booth and takes off his coat before checking his scroll. There are no warnings or messages from Mary yet, so he just scrolls through his notes of leads and possible weaknesses in Jacques's corruption. The list predates the device it’s currently on and seems to grow every week. With the greedy tyrant’s hunger for power pointed elsewhere for the first time since he swindled his way into the Schnee family, Whitley had more opportunities to see the cracks from his position as the loyal dog.
Some of it was pretty tame but hard to unearth, other things were wretched that Whitley had a hard time stomaching the knowledge that it was happening.
Whitley: Disgusting.
He glares at his scroll, turning it off and setting it down a few inches away from him as if the knowledge contained in it made it too foul to be held anymore. Not more than a moment later Penny walks up with an apologetic look on her face as she approaches.
Penny: Sorry I took so long! I tried to be quick but more people wanted a picture with me than I thought.
She apologizes, and Whitley’s mood immediately perks back up.
Whitley: Don’t worry, it’s not your fault that the public adores you. And who can blame them? Having someone so formidable but adorable guarding your city would make anyone a little patriotic.
And just like he’s got her blushing again in about ten seconds, the soft glow of her flustered face lighting his stress by leaps and bounds.
Penny: Stop it, we’re a public venue! Other people might hear you.
She huffs before pulping down into the booth and sliding over to sit right next to him. Before Whitley can throw out a comeback the lights go out. the stage currents open but no lights come on, but the silhouette of four people with their instruments cut through the darkness. Suddenly the soft beat of drums and voices sweeps through the club from the stage sound system.
Flynt: Evening, everybody. It’s been a while.
The crowd cheers loudly as Flynt speaks to them, leaning against the wall from stage left while holding his horn.
Flynt: I know you missed us, but me and my crew’ve been busy. World’s been a mess and we’ve been out in the streets fighting the good fight for this little glimmer stone on the continental popsicle we call home!
The crowd cheers grow louder, some howler out “Whoa! MANTLE!” as Flynt continues.
Flynt: But tonight, we gonna forget all that. Tonight, we jammin. Tonight! We bring the house down!
With that spotlights cut on, revealing all of team FNKI dressed to the nines and already jamming out the intro to one of their more famous songs. Flynt saunters away from the sideline snapping to the beat and right on cue he hits his part and activates his killer quartet amplifying the sound with gusts from the trumpets.
The party’s truly on as the band plays in perfect harmony and swing. The set is electrifying with every song performed being full of passion and energy. At a certain point, there’s a bit of a switch-up to who’s leading the charge as five songs in Ivori’s bass seem to take over the melody for the sixth. The song is exquisite, matching his velvety aura as the notes seem to bounce off walls into a revolving melody that makes perfect use of the acoustics. This pattern of playing hard together then letting one bandmate take the spotlight persists throughout the show. Kobalt’s drum solo is a heavy hit combo, Flynt's use of his copies layers his sound beautifully and wraps the whole club in his tunes.
And then there’s Neon.
Neon Katt was dressed a bit differently from her friends. Fishnet gloves, a white rainbow heart patterned tube top dress with a ruffled skirt at the bottom with black shirts underneath, one fishnet stocking, one bunched up neon blue sock, glow stick ringlets on every limb, and her trademark skates were parred for the course with her but seemed too causal for what she was doing. Until the last song fades out and instead of starting in with another FNKI goes silent and Neon rolls out from behind her DJ booth, dawning a headset as she skates her way to center stage.
Under the spotlight, Neon turns away from the audience and then puts one hand on her hips and the other in the air. She puts down a finger and the crowd shouts out.
Audience: 5!
She puts down another.
Audience: 4!
And another.
Audience: 3!
It keeps going until-
Audience: 2…… 1!
When the crowd cries one the DJ booth roars to life with sound and Neon backflips off the stage onto the dance floor! When her wheels hit the ground rolls into a round around the dance floor until she gets to the center-right as the interlude stops and her first verse starts as her bandmates come in on the track.
Neon: We’re all born, with a dream, we wanna make, come true-oh! ~
She sings, tail bouncing to the beat as she starts to dance.
Neon: The best will climb to the top like me, the rest will end up like you! ~
She winks and throws a peace sign to the crowd as on the note for “you!” the song, “Neon Rainbow” is super hit pitch and poppy, matching Neon to a t! It’s clear this is her song, from her singing to the dancing and her overly stage presence, this was her very own personal anthem! This only solidifies when during the lines, “I’m cool like the rain and I’m hot like the sun!” where she pulls off two of the glow stick accessories and ignites them, revealing the accessories to be small dust canisters, ice, and fire respectively which she twists around for the rest of the chorus. Then she throws them into the air only to catch them with her tail as she starts to roll up to the isles. She skates up, down, and around the closest rows of tables, bringing the performance straight to the audience much to the fans’ delight.
Right in the third verse, Neon replaces a line with a call for a call and response!
Neon: Come on sing it with me now~
Her fans comply and come in with the next lyric.
Audience: Just think of happy things, you’ll see in no time! ~
Neon: Fun every day! ~
Audience: The clouds roll away! ~
Neon: Try it you’ll see! ~
Audience: Just be more me! ~
Neon: Woah!
At that moment Neon activates her semblance and glides back to the dance floor as the techno instrument plays. She zips around the floor in the haze of her rainbow, building momentum until she can’t even be seen beyond the mass of color. Until she jumps up into the air with a flip, when she lands it’s time for the last chorus!
Neon: Listen, girlfriend, can’t you see~ I’m all of the things, that you’ll never be! ~
Sticks come back for cool like the rain and hot like the sun and stay for the last line-
Neon: I’m a neon rainbow! ~ You’re no fun! ~
The instrument comes back for the last time and Neon dances it out til the end. By the end, she’s fabulously sweaty under the spotlight as the crowd goes wild. Looking over to the front row she spots Penny cheering her heart out absolutely overwhelmed by the spectacular performance! Neon puffs up her chest and with a mischievous glint in her she rolls straight up to her.
Penny: Huh?
Penny looks at her bewildered but doesn’t get a chance to ask any questions as the music picks back up. This distracts her long enough for Neon to take advantage and pull her up from her seat and onto the dance floor!
Neon: Time to boogie! Everybody, get on this dance floor!
The audience goes nuts and people start pouring onto the dance floor, leaving Penny and Neon to get swept up in the fray! Whitley immediately goes after them, catching the rhythm of the music and dancing his way through the sea of people. It’s a little tricky at first, he’s not used to dancing so close to people at such a high tempo but once he gets the rhythm down Whitley weaves his way through to the back where he finds Penny being twirled around by Neon. The two redheads are engaged in a very one-sided swing dance when Penny catches sight of Whitley. Her smile of relief draws Neon’s attention, and in an act of complete spontaneity spins Penny around fast then launches her in Whitley's direction!
By some miracle of quick reflexes and muscle memory Whitley manages to take hold of Penny’s hand before the spinning knocks her off balance and swings her into a dip. Her momentum coming in was pretty high, so he had to pull her lower than he ever had but they pulled it off without her falling. For a moment they lock gazes, Penny’s eyes twinkling with amazement and excitement. In a bid of playfulness, Whitley pulls her back, presses their bodies together shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest, and faces less than an inch away from each other.
Whitley: Shall we?
He says with a wink, Penny pauses for a second and gives an enthusiastic nod in agreement. It’s a far cry from the last time they danced together, much more casual, with spins, dips, and sways being more frequent to match the fast pace of the best. Their steps are lighter, and though they may not be as skilled as the more experienced fans they have a blast, nonetheless. They end up dancing for most of the night, only stopping when the heat of the dance floor gets too stuffy. Once they retreat back to their booth Whitley offers to get them some drinks to help them cool off.
Whitley: Got any preferences? Water, juice, soda?
Penny: Oh! Cam you see if they have root beer!
Whitley blinks at the odd suggestion but nods in agreement before sauntering off to the bar. While he’s gone, Penny checks herself in a small compact mirror she’s put in her purse. All that dance right up against him and the rest of the people on the dance floor meant sweat was flying all over the place. Luckily, it’s not too bad no stains on her clothes from bumping into people, and her makeup was as pretty as when she applied it. Putting away her compact Penny looked up at the stage happily, there was something so magical about seeing her friends in their element outside of hunting Grimm. They looked so…different but in a good way, more carefree if that was even possible.
While she gazed, Neon made eye contact and shot her cheeky “we’re sooo talking about this later” wink. Penny tenses and looks away, unnerved by what the brash car girl might have planned for her later.
At the bar, Whitley places his order, asking for Penny’s root beer first only to be told by the bartender that they don’t really sell it with their other soft drinks.
Whitley: What do you mind you don’t serve it?
Bartender: It means we don’t serve it.
Whitley: Then why do you have it?
Bartender: Look it’s not that we don’t, the brand we got just ain’t the kind you serve straight.
Whitley: Well, how do you serve it then?
The bartender picks up a pint and pulls out a tub of vanilla ice cream from the mini-fridge next to the ice maker. He grabs a scoop and fills the pint halfway with ice cream, pulls out the nozzle for the keg of root beer, and fills up the rest of the glass. Give it a good stir with a metal straw then gives it a whippet of whipped cream before stabbing a milkshake straw through it, even throwing in a tiny cherry on top before pushing it toward a stunned Whitley. A root beer float, an old-fashioned drink that was synonymous with youthful fun and hijinx. It was a drink for teens, something sweet to wash away the bitterness of a hard day learning in school, or a celebratory treat after a successful night mischief.
How perfectly on theme.
Whitley eyes the glass pint with an amused smirk then asks the bartender one last question.
Whitley: Is this all you have or are there other flavors?
After fifteen or so minutes Whitley returns with two ice cream floats, root beer for Penny, and orange cream for himself. He sets them down and scoots back into the booth with Penny who’s staring at the drinks with mouth-watering delight.
This was unreal! Penny had always wanted to try having root beer this was ever since Dad gave her a sip from his can while she was still getting used to her new senses. The illustration of it on that soda can was burned into her memory as another small want in her well of wishes. And now it was right in front of her!
Penny: How did you…
Whitley: Luck of the draw, it’s the only way they serve old fashion soda here, and I had a feeling you’d like it.
Penny squeals, she grasps the glass pint with both hands and looks at the drink with a beaming smile.
Penny: Thank you! I can’t wait taste it!
She squeals with glee before taking a big sip. It's cold, creamy and so sweet! The rougher taste of the root beer gives the overly sugary drink a real punch! Whitley watches her enjoy her beverage for a while before taking a sip of his own. It’s so citrusy and sugary wit a creamy texture that made it easier suck down. It was far more surgery than anything he’d ever tasted before, to the point his teeth itch a little.
The calorie intake on this alone would blow his diet straight to hell! Which is why it tastes all the more sweeter to Whitley as he keeps sipping. After all, this was a night of freedom and rebellion with his lady love, so all the rules be damned, diet included!
They spend the rest of the concert sipping their drinks and enjoying the music. It’s past midnight when the sect finally raps up with a bang of protectants, illuminating the stage in rainbow-coated bang!
Flynt: That’s all y’all, we out!
Neon: Love you peeps!
Kobalt: Keep it real!
Ivori: We’ll be back soon so look out for us on the scene!
Flynt: Good night, everybody!
The audience gives a final rearing cheer as Team FNKI has their current call and leaves the stage. Much of the crowd starts to leave while others stay as the club starts playing their usual selection. Penny and Whitley are about to make their exit when Neon glides in.
Neon: Heyyo Penny Pop! You enjoy the show!
She beams at them, standing right in the middle of their path and blocking the easiest route out.
Penny: Hello Neon. Yes, we really enjoyed the show. You and the rest of Team FNKI were amazing!
Neon: Aw, thanks, girl! Glad you had fun. But uh, I got say you really surprised me. Didn’t think you had it in you to pull something like this!
Penny: Huh? What are you talking about?
Penny cocks her head; she’s got no clue what Neon’s talking about. But it becomes clear when the cat girl rolls over to Whitley’s side and grabs onto his shoulders.
Neon: Nothing just that, You Brought A Date Without Telling Me!
The redhead faunus clasps Whitley’s masked face and smushes his cheeks.
Neon: I mean look at him! So classy, tall, and even smells good! Even with his face is all covered up, you can still tell he’s a total hottie!
Penny: Neon!
Penny protests, not that Neon was saying anything untrue but it’s completely inappropriate for her coworker to be talking about her boyfriend like that!
Neon: What? It’s true! Look at those strong shoulders.
Penny: Regardless! You shouldn’t say things like that about someone else’s boyfriend!
The moment the words leave her mouth Penny throws her hands over her mouth as she realizes what she’s just done. Neon looks at her dumbstruck then at Whitley then back a Penny before repeating her last word.
Neon: Boyfriend? He’s your-You have a boyfriend?!
Neon points out, looking totally mystified while Penny begins to fidget as she struggles to find a way out of this.
Penny: That’s-I-It’s not…..
Penny can’t find the right words to say, she couldn’t deny it outright because of her tell and she couldn’t deny it non-verbally because she’d already confirmed it with her first statement. Whitley’s about to cut into the conflict but Neon lets him go and turns tail toward the way she came.
Neon: I gotta tell the guys, they’re gonna flip!
She exclaims before dashing off to a backstage door. Fearing their secret is about to be exposed, Whitley and Penny quickly get their things together and chase after her. They rush the door behind her only to find she’s already caught up with her teammates and is about to spread the news!
Neon: Guys, you are not gonna believe this, Penny has a-
Penny: Neon Katt!!!
Penny shouts, interpreting the playful party girl just in time. She and Whitley stand opposite the rest of Team FNKI while Neon stands in the middle, an incoming confrontation looming over them as young lovers try to smooth the situation over.
Penny: Neon, I need you to not do what you’re about to do.
Neon: Why not? It’s good news!
Penny: Please! The situation is very, very complicated, and I rather keep it private! Please just don’t-
Neon: Don’’t what?! What’s so complicated about you having a boyfriend?
And just like that the cat’s out of the bag straight from another cat’s mouth. Penny visibly deflates while Whitley facepalms, all that planning, secrecy, and effort down the drain in one night because of a nosy friend. Said friend seems completely unaware of what she’s just done while her teammates gaze at the pair in stunned shock as they take in the news.
Kobalt: Get out! Are you serious?!
Ivori: No, freaking, way! I knew something was going on, you had a happy little glow to you but for the life of me I could not place it. Now I see where it was coming from!
The two men gush, absolutely endeared to their younger co-worker's budding relationship. Except for Flynt, who looks down at the couple from his shade with a usually harsh look of suspicion while the rest of his team continues their fawning.
Neon: Right? Now all those weird texts make sense. You were fishing for dating advice, weren’t you?
Kobalt: What text? What are you talking about-
Ivori: -O. M. Double G, No! That would mean-you two have been together for that long?! Really?!
Neon looks at Ivori with a raised eyebrow until her mind backtracks enough to realize that what she’d just discovered was not a new thing. The gears in her head were practical steaming for all to see as the cat girl looked down at her hands and counted with her fingers, double-checking a few times to make sure she got it right.
Neon: That was almost like three months ago!
Kobalt: Seriously? Penny had a boyfriend for three months and nobody knew. No way?!
Ivori: This is just too cute, I gotta know how this went down.
The three, now brimming with curiosity, come together and bombarded the couple with a rapid fire of questions, mostly directed at Penny. Said girl doesn’t know how to handle the mess of prying queries but amidst the chaos, Flynt strides around his crew and squares up with Whitley. Standing right in front of him a looking down at him with shade-covered eyes.
Flynt: So, you’re Penny’s boyfriend huh?
Flynt asks, his usual playful mannerisms coming off more threatening tone then mildly smug. Whitley just nods yes in response, not speaking as he can tell just hearing his voice might set Flynt off.
Because Whitley knew good and well this man had an issue with him. More accurately he had issues with his father, Jacques.
Flynt immediately proves his point as his suspicious stare twists into a hateful glare.
Flynt: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. How ‘bout you open your mouth and speak up-
All of a sudden, he reaches down and rips the mask right off of Whitley’s face!
Flynt: -Whitley Schnee!
Flynt’s voice drips with venom, the others look on in horror as he grabs the teen by his collar and gets in his face. The shock only lasts a second before Neon and Kobalt rush to pull him off, screaming at him to knock it off and unhand the kid while trying to pull back. But Flynt stands strong, anger keeping him firmly planted in place like a still burning hot lava stone as he breaks into a tirade.
Flynt: You got a whole lot of nerve waltzing into my show, in my city with one of my friends Schnee! Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize your sorry ass or were you trying to piss me off?!
He smears, Neon, and Kobalt are still trying to get him to stop but there’s no getting through to him.
Kobalt: Dude, stop! This ain’t the time or the place!
Neon: What the hell, Flynt! What’s gotten into you?! Knock it off!
The shout stops both of them in their tracks.
Flynt: This got nothing to do with you so back the fuck up!
Neither seemed to know what to do, they’d never seen him rage like this before. Flynt is about to go off again but a stinging pain in his arm stops him. Looking down at his arm Flynt catches sight of Penny’s hand gripping his forearm. Looking over at her, Penny’s gaze is sharp and pointed, a stare usually reserved for grimm and the worst of criminals.
Penny: Flynt Coal, release Whitley immediately, or I will make you release him.
She commands, pressing her thumb into his wrist hard, a silent threat to obey or risk losing the limb. Flynt relents and lets go, rubbing his wrist with his unharmed hand to soothe it. Penny’s gaze doesn’t waiver though, it stays firmly locked in Flynt.
Penny: Now, explain to me why you just assaulted a civilian!
She orders, anger ripe in her voice. Flynt grits his teeth at her demand and Penny continues to glare at him in wait for her answer. The atmosphere is unbearably tense as the two usually calm huntsmen stare daggers at each other when Whitley finally speaks up.
Whitley: It’s nothing personal to me, just family ties. My father screwed over his, devastated the poor man’s long-standing dust business to make way for his monopoly.
This exclamation pulls everyone’s attention to Whitley, Flynt stammering a little at his honesty as Whitley continues.
Whitley: It’s a shame really, how big corporations bulldoze over locate businesses. Especially when it’s spearheaded by a megalomaniac with a moral code lower than most casinos.
He tilts his glasses, swagger just as prim and proper as always, as he looks Flynt directly in the eyes.
Whitley: Really, who could blame the family, in this case, the son, of one of those poor unfortunate souls for getting a little volatile when confronted with the spawn of the person he hates most? And at his own concert no less! Honestly, anyone would have lost their cool over this. Isn’t that, Flynt Coal?
He extends a hand to him, face fixed into his usual business smile. The message he was sending Flynt was clear, he had no ill will toward him in regard to their fathers’ conflict. He wasn’t here for anything more than a date with his girlfriend and any external conflict was just a coincidence. It reminded Flynt of how he came at Weiss but instead of dancing around it in a fight like she had, Whitley was upfront. No dental or pretense, just straight facts. He knew the score, knew what his family name had become, and wasn’t gonna pretend they had any leg to stand when it came to morality.
That’s gutsy, Flynt could respect that.
He grips Whitley’s hand and gives it a firm shake.
Flynt: Yeah, my bad.
He relents, the atmosphere calms as the two come to a silent trust.
Ivori: Okay! Now that that’s settled-
Ivori finally steps up, striding up from the shadows and grabbing everyone’s attention. He plants himself strategically between Whitley, Flynt, and Penny, making the two lovers back up to one side and the band to the other as he prattles on.
Ivori: -Why don’t you two tell us your story?
He gestures to Penny and Whitley.
Ivori: We’d love to hear how this all came about.
He inquiries, voice soft and soothing as the texture of his last name's sake. The couple exchange glances, Penny looks anxious, so Whitley gets in close and whispers to her.
Whitley: Do you trust them?
He asks, Penny pauses to think for a moment. Flynt, Neon, Ivori, and Kobalt had always been friendly to her and never let her down be it as friends or on missions. Neon, despite being the cause of this, had been her closest confidant when her crush had started and had been there when her heart was shattered. All that said this was still a very sensitive situation, one that could ruin them all if it got out. She looks over to Whitley and then at her comrades.
Penny: Flynt Coal, Neon Katt, Ivori Lace and Kobalt Co.
She addresses all of them with a firm tone and all four freeze, shocked as Penny had never called them out at once before.
Penny: What I am about to tell you is very personal information. Information that could be a detriment to the safety of myself, Whitley, and any other parties involved if not handled carefully.
She takes Whitley’s hand in hers and clasps it protectively.
Penny: I need to know none of you will ever let this leak, that this information will stay between the four of you and no one else.
Her voice is tense but unyielding, and the carefree bunch knows she's being painfully serious. The team look amongst each other and nod in the affirmative. There is an unusual air of seriousness around the group as they recognize the gravity of their circumstances, and return Penny’s determined gaze with equal resolve.
Flynt: We won’t tell a soul, I promise you.
Flynt responds with utmost sincerity eliciting a respectful nod from the female android. With one last glance to Whitley, who gives her a reassuring nod, Penny takes a deep breath before proceeding.
Penny: Okay, we’ll tell you.
Penny and Whitley take their time explaining how they met, fell in love, and began their secret relationship. It’s quite the story, a tale all four huntsmen become completely enthralled in, as they learn of the many trials, twists, and turns the couple faced in their quest of love. By the end, Flynt looks absolutely ashamed of himself, Neon is starting to whimper through tears, Ivori is dabbing at his misty eyes with a handkerchief, mascara tear stains ruining his foundation be damned, and Kobalt is facing away from everyone with his head pressed against the wall so no one can see him sobbing into his arm.
Whitley: We hope you understand why we had to be so careful.
Penny: We just wanted to be together, despite the risk. I know it sounds foolish and selfish but when I hear he snuck out all the way to Mantle to just to find me, I.. I just couldn’t hide my feelings anymore; I couldn’t turn him away.
Penny muses while staring lovingly at Whitley, who in turn cups her cheeks and gazes at her with the same admiration.
Whitley: And I couldn’t spend any day without you, the loneliness would have killed me.
Penny: No, it wouldn’t have.
Whitley: Yes, but honesty is a life without love even worth living?
He jests and she laughs, their usual brand of sarcasm and honesty bouncing off each other in perfect harmony. But the loving atmosphere is soon broken by Flynt.
Flynt: Alright! I think we get the gist of it! You two fell in love, but his daddy wasn’t about to let that happen, so you started sneaking around behind his back! That about it?!
He declares in a slightly flustered tone, his earlier ire replaced with awkwardness. He obviously feels terrible for the way he acted and is floundering to backtrack his attitude. Luckily Neon cuts in before he can spiral any worse.
Neon: That was the sweetest, saddest, most heartbreaking thing I ever heard! I can’t believe you hid your epic love story from me!
She whines, her tears bouncing with every word before her face settles into a pout.
Penny: Sorry, but you have a tendency to gossip, and I couldn't risk this becoming known.
Neon: I can keep a secret!
Penny: Would you have if I told you from the start?
Neon: Uh, well uhh…probably not.
Penny: And that’s why I didn’t tell you.
Neon: But still! If you’d told what the deal was from the start I could have-
The hum of loud vibration breaks the conversation, its Whitley’s scroll going off.
Whitley: Excuse me.
He steps away and pulls out the device to check his messages. It’s from Mary, apparently, Jacques had called for a driver, the unlucky duck being poor Godfrey, to come to get him early.
Mary: [I was roaming the halls and could hear him shouting on the line at Godfrey. Poor man looked like he was going to cry.]
She texted, Whitley grimaces as he reads the text then sighs, turning back to the group with a disgruntled look on his face.
Whitley: Apologizes but it looks like my night on the town is over.
Penny: What?!
She asks a little shaken with worry, this was the first Whitley had ever had to leave a date early. Whitley pats her shoulder softly before reaching down to pick up his discarded mask as he explains.
Whitley: Father’s coming home and in likely foul mood. I need to get back before him to batten down the hatches for the incoming tantrum.
He states, dusting off mask before dawning it again. Penny wants to protest but backdowns before uttering a word. This was the deal they made, the only way they could be together, she couldn’t act spoiled when things didn’t go her way. Knowing how much this must disappoint her Whitley pulls down his mask and gives Penny a soft kiss on the forehead.
Whitley: Sorry, Penny. I can make it back on my own you enjoy the rest of the night with your friends. I’ll call you when I get back.
Penny: No, I’d rather go with you to the station.
Whitley: You sure?
Penny: Yeah, this was fun, but I don’t want to stay without you. Besides I promised to be there whenever you come to and from Atlas.
Whitley: But it’s late.
Penny: Yes, and my promise did not come with time restrictions.
Whitley: Oh you!
He squished her cheeks, gods she just couldn’t help being so adorably earnest, could she? While the two lovebirds fawn at each other and attempt to figure out their transportation plan Flynt steps in to offer a helping hand.
Flynt: ‘Ey if you need a lift home, we can help you with that.
He stated, wrapping an arm around Kobalt’s shoulder and pulling him forward.
Flynt: Koco’s a damn good getaway driver with a mean set of wheels. He can get you up top in a hot minute. Right Koco?
Kobalt: Yeah! Just gimme an address and I’ll get you there no problem!
He exclaims chest puffed up with pride. Penny and Whitley share questioning glances, it would be easier to get a direct ride home for both and cut their commute time down considerably. It was a genuine kind offer so what would be the harm in taking it?
In the alley behind the jazz club, Kobalt walks the pair to a large van. The vehicle has a heavy coat of black paint decorated with blue hot rod flames and neon strip lights. It was clearly meant to be a cargo vehicle but had clearly been modded for speed in the most brazen ways possible. As if its owner had tried to convert it into a race car but couldn't find its humble origin.
Kobalt: Alright kiddies meet your lift for the night. This is my ride, my baby Blue Blaze!
Kobalt beams, proud to show off his beloved car. Meanwhile, the young couple have some reservations about this mode of transport.
Whitley: …. Wow.
Kobalt: I know right? Ain’t she a beauty?!
Penny: Isn’t this a standard-issue all-terrain delivery van?
Kobalt: Yeah! My old man knows a guy who runs a shipping yard, sold me one of his old vans for cheap.
Whitley: Is it even street-legal?
Kobalt: Of course! She’s old but still runs like a dream!
Whitley: Is it insured?
Kobalt: Well, yeah……mostly, for like most stuff. Come on! Don’t you have somewhere to be?
Whitley pauses, contemplating whether or not this is a really good idea, but time is of the essence, so he relents. They get in, Whitley and Penny in the back and Kobalt in the driver seat, everyone buckles u, Whitley gives him the address and they take off into the night. The drive is actually quite smooth as Kobalt takes his own route through Mantle’s streets, navigating like only a true city native can. Everything is fine and dandy until it’s time to go up.
Now most far-traveling vehicles that went to and from Atlas to Mantle and into the tundra had to be built with three modes to be driven. First was standard street mode, second was heavy terrain for trekking on the ice of the snow climate, and lastly, to reach Atlas was flight mode. Every road vehicle that traveled between the cities had a street and flight mode. Blue Blaze was no different.
As they’re driving Kobalt turns into a take-off road, a road that was little more than a public runaway for flying vehicles. Cars are spaced further apart than on other roads to accommodate flight gear, needed momentum, and clear passage. There was no turning or passing in the lanes only moving forward and into the sky. Once on the road, Kobalt engages the flight mode, and the van shifts, the windows and doors tighten shut, and the wings and thrusters emerge from their place in the thick undercarriage. Kobalt speeds up, going with the flow of traffic, a fiat that necessitated Atlas and Mantle driver’s licenses class B and above to have the hardest driver’s proficiency test of all four kingdoms. The van shifts and hops as it starts to gain some air.
Whitley, having never flown in such a small craft, starts to get nervous. His stomach drops as he second guesses if this damn thing can even make it off the ground! Penny, seeing his uneasiness, reaches out and holds his hand, clasping it gently and giving him as sweet smile when he looks up once he feels her touch. This distracts him as take off is emanate.
Kobalt: Hold on tight! We’re going up!!!
Kobalt howlers, the moment he feels that all the wheels are on the ground he guns the thrusters and they take off from the runway road into the sky!
Whitley grabs onto Penny tight as he feels the break of the sound barrier closer than ever before! His body pushed back into the seat from the force of the lift-off makes him flinch and close his eyes tight!
He doesn’t open them again until the ride smooths out. When they hit a coursing altitude and the turbulence has calmed down Whitley takes a peek and finds Penny still holding his hand calmly. She was completely unbothered by the lightness under their feet and the hum of air rushing around the outside of the van. Looking past her and out the window Whitley sees something incredible.
From the angle they were ascending, he could see the city Mantle below, parts of the underside of Altas, the tundra around both, and the starry sky. It was an alien experience, seeing the place he’d lived in all his life from this point of view. He could see some of the inner workings of the structures that were usually unseen in the higher metropolis and the totality of the lower city. All the lights, towers, and buildings of the grounded city and the maze-like layout of its streets. And the mountains, being above one would never know just how enormous and intimidating they really were. But here as they go up Whitley can see just how massive the tundra surrounding the territory was as even the smaller of them were as tall as Mantle’s highest building and the largest could easily press at the bottom of Atlas if not pierce through it. The darkness of the night sky only heightens the depth of the world around him, stars twinkling in the distance further than anyone could ever reach.
For a moment Whitley truly understands how small he is compared to the grandness of the frozen kingdom and how little he has really seen of any part of the world he was born in, even in his own birthplace.
The majesty of it has him so encapsulated Whitley continues to stare out the window until it’s time for the landing.
The jolt of the van bucking back onto solid ground breaks him from his trance, his grip on Penny’s hand tightening as he jolts back back to reality from the shift in gravity. Penny doesn’t mind it and holds onto him as the van zips onto Atlas’s streets. The van weaves and rolls through back streets and shortcuts Whitley had never been down before, Kobalt commanding the vehicle with surprising expertise. It was oddly thrilling, like being in a scene out of a coming-of-age movie.
A getaway driver is making great time to get the male lead home after a night of mischief, the female lead coming along out of gentle concern and sweet stubbornness. The outlandishness of it all was enough to make Whitley grin!
Had he ever had this much fun in one night before?
Whitley: Is this what they call the thrill of youth? I could get used to it.
He muses, his nerves fully relaxed as they continue on towards the manor. When they’re just about forty yards from the monument estate Whitley gets up from his seat and taps Kobalt’s shoulder.
Whitley: Pull over here, I’ll walk the rest of the way.
Kobalt nods and parks the van. When the vehicle comes to a complete stop Whitley unbuckles his seatbelt, rushing to get out. But turns around before his feet can touch the ground and plants a quick kiss on Penny’s cheek.
Whitley: I’ll call you tomorrow, Good night my sweet.
He whispers, playfully winking before hopping out of the van and making a dash for the manor. Penny closes the van door behind him and watches him from the window. Instead of walking through the front door Whitley seemingly disappears into the estate after running out of her field of view.
Confused at where he’s gone, Penny texts Whitley to see if he’s made it in alright and replies yes. She asks how and he replays cheekily with-
Whitley: [That’s my little secret. At least, for now]
Penny giggles at the message and writes back a good night before giving the all-clear to head back.
She can’t help but smile, this night had been amazing in so many ways. Even though their relationship was discovered the news was received positively by most. Sure there were some bumps here and there and some loose ends to tie up with her friends, Neon was definitely going to bug her about this for the next week at the least, but overall this had been the best outcome.
So on their way back into the city and Penny spots a familiar white limousine, she doesn’t feel the nervousness she normally would.
A bastard businessman would be coming home to a perfectly quiet house, his heir “sleeping” peacefully in his bed just as he had expected.
The perfect crime without a trace of evidence.
At least for the act they thought would be the end of them.
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279/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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neg4tivecre3p · 5 months
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the brainrot persists
hes just obsessed with his wife
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chaosduckies · 2 months
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No color because I’m lazy TwT (I’m sorry-) I’m actually happy with this little drawing! A certain scene in the upcoming chapter hehehe- :D
Chapter 5 is both wholesome and extremely angsty in my opinion I just have a few more things to add and edit- But I hope you’ll all like it! :3
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 7 days
my brain, a while ago: -hucks saiki headfirst out the window- you're doing yuri on ice now.
me: uh! sure, okay! :D yoi yoi yoi yoi~
me, yesterday: okay time to yoi yoi yoi yo- hey.
me: where's the yoi.
my brain:
my brain:
my brain: so about the ending of the future diary k fic-
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veriken · 8 months
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to access #175 orange-haired yeonjun gifs, click the source link below!
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princeloww · 21 days
new chapter of my TOTA/broadchurch crossover !!
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springtime-offrd · 7 months
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Dogday got to see cavetown
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m00ngbin · 8 months
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incorrect-losers · 11 months
Richie *during a show*: Hey can y’all boo me real quick
Audience: Boooooooo Booo Booooo
Richie: Thank you, I needed to be humbled
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dailycupofcreativitea · 7 months
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guys I read chapter 102
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
sometimes i think why it’s taking a lot more time and effort to finish greatest of luxuries than talk your talk chapters and worry that im falling out of love with the au but then i remember that each chapter of greatest of luxuries is like double the word count of a chapter of talk your talk and this au consumes my every waking thought
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lonely-night · 1 month
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pretending this is research for my degree thesis 🙂‍↕️
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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kinda thinking about t h e m again…
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Part 4 of the Steddie Vegas AU! With a very special thanks to @estrellami-1 for fixing all my mistakes ❤️
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3
The concert was incredible! Steve didn't appreciate the band in the way his three companions did, but Metallica had put on a great show. The fans were having a ball! Even when they started what Eddie had called a mosh pit, which he'd been sceptical of at first until Eddie invited Steve to join him in it and he realised he'd never felt exhilaration like it, not with both feet on the ground anyway.
Overall, he'd had a fantastic time, a better time than he thought he'd have when they were standing in line for the venue. The fans surrounding them were dressed the same as they were, but it was almost like they could sense he didn't belong, like they could smell it on him. It wasn't like they were hostile or anything, everyone he met was super friendly, he supposed he just wasn't used to being a newbie or the odd one out.
And although very loud music really wasn't his favourite thing, he'd enjoyed being there, he'd delighted in the way Eddie lit up from the inside as soon as the first beat kicked in like all his dreams were coming true. Savoured the feeling of Eddie's hand in his, or his arm around his waist, or his legs around his neck from when a particularly tall guy had temporarily stood in front of them and Eddie was standing on his tiptoes desperately trying to see the stage, to Steve it just felt like the obvious solution! The finger to the eyeball wasn't all that fun and Eddie didn't seem too keen on being nine feet tall, but the song ended and the guy moved, and Eddie was happy enough back on the ground at Steve’s side, grinning ear-to-ear at him. Steve relished the smile Eddie sent him whenever he would recognise a song from one of Robin's many mixtapes, the first one he knew so well he was even able to sing along.
And Chris and Robin were nothing short of adorable! They spent the whole night wrapped around each other, singing together into an imaginary microphone like kids at a sleepover, dancing and screaming and jumping up and down. Stumbling home together, hand in hand, Robin so obviously falling more and more in love with every passing moment.
Honestly, it was one of the best nights of his life, revelling in the giddiness his three companions were exuding, stopping for delicious street food and heading back to Eddie and Chris' suite for the night, it was just... perfect.
Eddie's hair up his nose was the only thing that'd disturbed him from his blissful slumber. It'd been a while since he'd been the big spoon and he'd forgotten where he was supposed to put his face, and by the time he'd finally found a comfortable position, he and his stomach were wide awake.
Eddie was still sleeping peacefully, not that Steve was surprised; they hadn't exactly made sleep a priority, but it did make extracting himself from the bed all the more tricky. Not that Eddie cared, he slept like the dead. He didn't even stir as Steve wiggled his arm free from underneath him, he just kept snoring softly, still all snuggled up to the pillow he was hugging, a content smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He knew the kitchenette was filled with goodies, he'd seen it all himself that night when Eddie had been snackish, but he was so hungry at this point he couldn't work out what he wanted and was now wishing he'd had something when Eddie had offered. He was rummaging through the cabinets when Chrissy came bounding through the front door dressed in her gym gear.
"Morning, hon!" she greeted cheerily, "Surprised you're up," she teased with a wink, making Steve grin. "Is His Royal Highness awake?" she asked, gesturing towards their bedroom door.
Steve couldn't keep the endeared smile off of his face as he thought about Eddie's face, all happy and relaxed, fast asleep and snuggled up. "Nah, still sleeping like a log," he muttered affectionately, absentmindedly rummaging through the cabinets.
Chrissy giggled, rolling her eyes with faux exasperation, "Make pancakes," she advised. "The smell of pancakes is the only thing that'll get him outta bed before noon," she informed him fondly, walking over and pulling the box out of the only cabinet Steve hadn't searched yet.
Pulling out the necessary implements and ingredients to tackle the task, he gave Chrissy a soft smile, "Thanks for the tip, the only thing I've found that works on Robin is the promise of waffles." Their new partner's similarities made them both giggle, "Speaking of, I said I'd take her to Rachel today, if you wanna join us?"
Chrissy's eyes lit up, "Really?" she asked disbelievingly, like maybe Steve was joking. Steve tried not to let his brows furrow, just smiled and nodded enthusiastically. She bounced excitedly on her toes, "That sounds so awesome! Thank you, Steve, you're so sweet!" she said, giving him a hug before heading towards her and Robin's room, her ponytail swinging wildly,"I'll just go take a shower and then I'll try to wake her."
"Good luck," Steve joked with a wave as she disappeared behind her bedroom door. God! That girl!
Being left alone in someone else's place should feel awkward, getting caught searching through their cabinets should too, but it just didn't. The four of them got along so well, it felt like they'd known each other forever. Even if in reality it'd been a little over a day, they each had easy smiles and deep affection for one another, and Steve so easily could see this life for the four of them. Sharing a space, he and Chrissy waking up early and maybe exercising together, making breakfast for the four of them, or maybe brunch if Eddie and Chrissy were going to be working late. Going to work with Robin, coming home to spend evenings together, watching movies and eating pizza, going to watch Eddie perform, going dancing together, maybe even…
He was dragged out of his musings by Eddie shuffling out of the bedroom, hooking his leg around Steve's hips and hoisting himself up to attach himself koala-style to Steve's back, "Good morning, Sunshine," Steve greeted cheerily, rebalancing himself.
"Hmmnph," came Eddie’s muffled response, huffing hot air all over the side of Steve's neck. It tickled, sending tingles down his body and making him feel giddy.
"I'll take that as good morning," Steve teased, kissing Eddie's forearm where it rested around his shoulder.
Eddie raised his chin to kiss Steve's neck, "Mornin'. Pancakes?" he asked, groggy and sleep-gruff.
Steve tried to dampen the grin on his face, but he just couldn't. Eddie was fucking adorable, all sleep rumpled and affectionate. Not that he wasn't affectionate when he was awake, it just felt amazing to have someone who was subconsciously affectionate towards him. "Yep, pancakes, especially for you," Steve declared, and when his stomach rumbled loudly, added, "And for me, 'cause I'm hungry," he admitted with a chuckle.
Eddie hummed fondly. Steve could feel Eddie's smile being pressed into the back of his neck and couldn't repress his own, nor the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.
Steve wasn't usually one for it, spluttering words was usually Robin's forte, but he found in that moment the words just started spilling out of his mouth without really bypassing his brain, "I'm taking the girls to Rachel today, maybe you could come too? If you felt like it, you don't have to. It'd be amazing to spend the day with you, but this is your holiday. I get it if you don't wanna come-"
"Sweetheart," Eddie interrupted, gently turning Steve's head to face him, "Stop talking. I'd love to," he added, smiling so tenderly it made Steve want to burst.
"Okay," Steve murmured, blushing under Eddie's intense gaze and turning back to the pancakes as an excuse to hide it.
Eddie settled back against him, just watching him as he added the batter to the pan, flipped the pancake and slid it out onto the steadily growing pile. And although the monotony of the task was relaxing, feeling Eddie's intense gaze and his heartbeat thrumming against his back was so intimate, it thrilled Steve. He snuck a sneaky glance out of his peripheral, trying desperately not to think about what had Eddie so deep in thought.
He was losing his battle with just outright asking when the moment was abruptly interrupted by Robin barging into the living space, "There better be pancakes for me, Dingus," she yelled unnecessarily, flopping herself down on one of the sofas.
"Always," Steve called back. "Rachel today!" he reminded her, kind of excited to do something solely for his best friend for once. They did lots of things together, things they both enjoyed, but this was something just for her, something she'd wanted to do for a long time, and he was going to get to witness her in her full element. It was going to be like taking a kid to Disneyland for the first time, and honestly, he couldn't wait.
Eddie dismounted with a kiss to Steve's shoulder as Steve turned off the heat, collected the stack of pancakes and the empty plates, and headed over to the coffee table. It shocked Steve when he turned around to go back and found Eddie had Eddie grabbed the cutlery and the plate of fruits and syrups, so Steve wouldn't have to go back for them. Other than Robin, he'd never had someone who just did things like that. El and Dustin would do things when asked, Hop was the free-for-all type, everything you could possibly need already lived on the dining table and Claudia never let anyone help her do anything, mainly because her ex said some pretty nasty and uncalled for bullshit when he left. But Eddie had just helped, just like that. Steve had stood there gawking so long, Eddie just pecked him on the cheek and passed him to put the stuff down on the coffee table.
Robin was excitedly bouncing around the sofas, so much so both boys had to dodge her as they found a comfy spot around the table. Not that either of them minded, they both had affectionate grins for her childlike excitement. 
"Yes! Oh my god, I can't wait! Eddie, did you know..." she started, and Steve had to admit he kinda tuned her out a bit, he knew it wouldn't be anything he hadn't heard before, and honestly, watching the two of them interact was far more fascinating than facts about a small town.
They were amazing together, Eddie listened to Robin with rapt attention, nodding in all the appropriate places, asking questions that sent Robin deeper into a tangent instead of desperately trying to get her back on topic like some people did with her. Eddie only ever seemed to shift his attention away from her for long enough to put more pancake in his mouth or to beam softly back at Steve when he'd catch him staring.
And Robin seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with Eddie. At the concert, he and Chrissy had gone off to the bathroom together, only to come back to Eddie and Robin dancing! He'd never seen her dance with another guy before, hell Robin would barely even dance with him, but somehow Eddie seemed to have cast a spell over her, it wasn't even forced dancing either, if anything he was pretty sure she was the one dancing with Eddie, and she was actually having fun doing it!
Steve had seen her fake her way through a friendship with the odd few people Steve had contemplated dating since Billy, but Robin, for all her wonderful qualities wasn't that good of an actor, and her friendship was far too important to fuck up. For all her eccentricities, he trusted her instincts. But she smiled genuine smiles and got into deep conversations and laughed raucously with Eddie. He'd probably be jealous if he didn't know beyond a doubt she was his soulmate and if he wasn't so smitten with Eddie himself.
Chrissy had arrived a short time after Robin began chatting away, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown and a hair towel, but other than eating, she was similarly lost in the same world as he was. Steve liked that about her, that she was just as beguiled with his best friend as he was with hers. Because Robin deserved nothing but the best, and somehow he just knew that Chrissy was the kind of person who’d give her nothing less.
And as weird as it seemed, she felt like someone he knew. It felt almost like looking in a mirror when he looked at her, like when he watched her watching Robin, he just knew that she felt the same way about Robin as he felt about Eddie, like he could physically see her emotions flowing across the room.
Watching the three of them, he finally understood what it meant to feel content. He could've sat in his warm spot by the window watching them chatting and smiling and laughing all day. He wished he could take a picture to be able to remember it forever, but he didn't have a camera and unfortunately needed clean clothes and to pack a bag of essentials for a trip to the desert. So when all the pancakes were gone and the plates were finally empty, Steve gathered them and took them over to the kitchen sink, Chrissy following him, immediately taking the task of washing up off of his hands, and shooing him away the same way Claudia would, stating she’d already showered and Eddie and Robin were still deep in conversation, and she was happy to do it.
"Are you sure?" he asked her quietly. She just nodded, keeping one ear tilted toward the conversation going off in the lounge. Steve smiled gratefully and thanked her, disappearing off into the bedroom to steal the other ridiculously fluffy dressing gown from the back of the bathroom door. Wrapping it firmly around himself and checking he had his room key, he tried to wait for a lull in their conversation, but they were deep down a rabbit hole, so he gave up calling to the other two, "I'm gonna go take a shower and to get some clean clothes, meet back here in an hour?"
The conversation skidded to a halt as Eddie screeched, "An hour! What'll take an hour?" looking bewildered that anyone had even moved without his notice.
Steve was about to reply when Robin tutted and rolled her eyes, "His hair," she grumbled. She'd always hated how long he spent on haircare, her eyes had nearly bugged out when she'd been with him when he'd first bought new products. It didn't faze him, though, even now with all three of them giving him the same bemused look.
Steve headed for the door, shrugging, "Some of us aren't blessed with naturally perfect locks, sue me," he yelled as he left, letting the door fall shut behind him, heading downstairs to his room for a shower, taking the stairs for the same reason he’d borrowed the dressing gown instead of getting dressed: he didn't want anyone to think he was doing the walk of shame. People strolled around the hotel in the fluffy white robes, heading to the pool or the spa or even to breakfast, but wandering around in nighttime clothes with last night's eyeliner still smudged under your eyes said things about his night he didn't want anyone to think.
Luckily, he made it all the way to his room without bumping into anyone, sliding the key into the lock and shutting himself inside with a sigh. The light on the answering machine was flashing again, he knew it wouldn’t be his parents, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lawyer. Steve pushed himself off the door and wandered over to hit the button. Thankfully it was just El. “Stevie! Dad’s trying to book a flight, so unless you want him crashing your sex holiday, I suggest you call. him. back! Love you!” Beep. Shit! He sat on the edge of the bed and called the cabin, it rang and rang but no one answered, he tried the station, but Flo just told him Hop wasn't on shift, but she’d let him know he called when she saw him. Steve just kept hoping he wasn’t too late! Claud! She’ll know how to get a hold of him! The phone rang a few times before Dustin picked up, “Hullo!”
“Dustin! It’s me.”
“Steve-o! Got my book?”
“What? No, not yet!” Steve snapped, “Your mom home?”
“Nope! She’s buying supplies for our epic tournament! Why?”
“Need to know where Hop is. Can you get El on the walkie?”
“Why not?”
“Why haven’t you got my book yet?”
“I will, alright! I just haven’t had time to go shopping!”
“Like brother, like sister,” Dustin muttered and Steve could hear him shaking his head against the phone.
“The reason I can’t get El on the walkie is because she’s too busy sucking face with Max! Which I’m assuming, and please don’t actually confirm, is the so-called reason you’re too busy to get my book!” Dustin grumbled.
“You’d be sucking face too if your girlfriend didn’t live a couple thousand miles away!” Steve points out.
“Touché! Hang on!” Steve heard Dustin put the phone on the counter, then the rustling sounds of him moving around and the static of the walkie as he picks the phone back up, “Max! Code red. Pick up!”
There was a pause and then Steve could just about hear Max shouting, “I swear to God, Henderson, this better be important! I’m talking life or death! Or you will. be. sorry!” 
Steve couldn't help chuckling to himself, no-one liked to be interrupted mid-make-out, but Max always had to take it to the next level. 
Dustin swallowed audibly before squeaking out, “Steve needs to know where Hop is!”
There was a pause and then El had the walkie, “Are you talking to Steve?”
“Yeah, he’s on the phone, where’s Hop?” Dustin enquired.
“He’s at Joyce’s, tell him dad’s flipping his shit!”
“I know!” Steve answered, even though chances are El can’t hear him.
“He says he knows!” Dustin repeated for him, because although he’s a little shit, he’s a good kid really.
“Okay, tell him I love him!” El yelled into the walkie.
“I’m not saying that!” Dustin huffed.
“Tell her I love her too!” Steve returned with a grin, because he does, but knowing it has the added bonus of annoying Dustin too makes it all the sweeter to say.
“I’m not saying that either!” Dustin squawked indignantly.
“You’re not saying what?” El asked at the same time as Steve adds, “Okay, shitheads, I love you all, I’m going to talk to Hop.” And just before hanging up, he hears Dustin mumble into the walkie, “He said he loves us!” making Steve grin wildly.
Luckily he still remembers the Byers’ number from his babysitting days. He punches in the code and then the number and swings his feet by the bed while it rings.
“What?” Hop snapped. Apparently, Max and El aren’t the only ones I interrupted!
“Hop, it’s Steve.”
“Fucking hell, kid! Where’ve you been?” Hop grumbled, but it had relief in it.
“Sorry. Vegas is wild!” Steve replied, as an excuse and an explanation.
“Too damn right! Did you really get married?” he asked, sounding kind of disappointed.
“Yep. I was too drunk to even remember doing it,” Steve admitted, sounding kind of disappointed himself, not that he did it, just that he doesn't really remember doing it.
“Joining the lonely and divorced club, then?” Hop only half joked. Steve vaguely remembers yelling that at Hop once upon a time after he’d broken up one of Steve’s parties, sending everyone home and leaving him in the silence of that massive empty house. He hadn’t meant it, doesn’t mean Hop hadn’t felt it, definitely gave him the right to tease Steve with it.
“No!” Steve asserted quickly, “Not if I can help it, no,” he confides because if anyone would understand it’d be Hop. And he did.
“Must be special,” Hop wondered aloud.
“So special! I could talk about him all day, but I’m taking Bobbie to Rachel today, I have to go,” Steve whined, because he really does want to stay on the phone with his dad and gush about his husband!
“Okay, okay, I’ll let you go. Just be careful, okay, kid?” Hop muttered affectionately.
“I will,” Steve assured him, “Love you!” he added, because he did.
“Love you, too” Hop replied before hanging up.
Steve sighed heavily as he put the phone down, the silence of the room ringing loudly in his ears. He hated it, got up to turn the shower on, to warm the water and to fill the emptiness he felt now he’s finally well and truly alone. He absentmindedly twisted his ring around his finger, thinking about that one part of their wedding he could remember, wondering if maybe, just maybe, Eddie would like to do it again. Sober this time, with some friends and some family, I wonder if El’s too old to be a flower girl? The woods around the cabin would be nice! We could hang fairy lights! Steve stepped under the warm spray and let his mind run away with him, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this little daydream would come true.
Part 5
Tag list @gregre369 @adhdsummer @newtstabber @nerdfighteratheart @anaibis @hbyrde36 @dolphincliffs @marinarasarah just lmk if you want removing 💖
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fruitybashir · 7 months
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holidate ch10 spoilers without context 😌✨️
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