#concept: reeducation
reality-detective · 2 months
The Sun The Moon The Stars
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Are "Dandelions" the only flower that can represent the Sun, Moon, and the Stars during the 3 different stages of their life cycle? 🤔
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shentezzu · 1 month
Idk of this is a dumb question, but I'm a dumb person so I'mma ask.
In part one of Cupid's arrow, why did Irep's spiked collar thing beep? Is there a reason behind it?
Oh, speaking of which! :]
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Jorgen also imposed punishment on Peri. (His godson has almost wiped out the entire population of the fairy world, so there's no way without it.) Peri can become Dev's godparent, but only under the condition of "much more responsibility." At that time, he did not yet know that he would also need to control Irep's behavior. just like Irep didn't know that he would work in a team with someone he can't stand. Why did he do that? i just want so. I like the concept of anti-fairy reeducation (And I really want Dev to get the love and attention he deserves). lets just hope that without bad deeds irep will not explode!! :]
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ignore the mistakes in the text, English is still not my frist language
Bonus information:
Dev didn't lose his memory thanks to the sunglasses. during the time without a godparent, he began to realize his mistakes
Irep can't Make wishes against the rules, but he can still do bad things.
Coming back as a godparent Peri built himself hiring for the role of babysitter (Not that Dale cared, he agreed, no matter who it was.)
Unlike Peri, Irep does not want to contact people, he refuses to create a human appearance for himself
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thaltro · 14 days
this ask is a free pass to talk abt did/osdd as much as you want 👍
I love these free passes..thank you..please give me more 🫶🏽
Spending my pass on a rant about the online perception of DID/OSDD
One thing I find interesting is the concept of fake claiming and how that’s affected the community. In 2020 there was a large increase in mental health “awareness” online- mass vague posting of common symptoms and connecting it to larger disorders. This eventually lead to a lot of people misdiagnosing themselves with DID/OSDD. And Contrary to popular belief, I actually think most misdiagnosing was in good faith- younger teens for the first time connecting to disassociation, maladaptive day dreaming, emotional swings, PTSD, and derealization- and genuinely believing they had it. It’s more likely they had more common disorders like maybe Bpd, DDD, depression, psychosis- because there is a huge overlap in symptoms. (It’s also important to note it was also a huge awakening for actual systems too- because I’m definitely not saying everyone who had did/osdd in 2020 was misdiagnosed, in a lot of cases people were right!)
The internets reaction to this wasn’t with reeducation or kindness or even respectful criticism- it created a whole list of “faking signs”. I personally think the people who misdiagnosed themselves harmed the community much less then the people pushing for constant fakeclaiming. And now these arbitrary concepts plague actual systems pushing them into a deeper denial and opening them up to waves of unwanted harassment. Like ok, here’s some common misconceptions you’ll see (all the ones I’m listing are just bullshit and are contradicted with actual medical research)
-Systems can’t have fictives
-Systems can’t unmask
-Systems can’t have littles
-Systems can’t have factives
-Systems can’t have internal relationships
-Systems can’t have high amnesia
-Systems can’t have rapid switches
-Systems can’t have faceclaims or go by different genders/sexualities
ALL OF THIS IS BULLSHIT! None of these actually are backed up with medical research! And the worst part is I see groups of people just harass normal systems who show these normal symptoms and constantly fakeclaim them. I see cringe compilations, r/fake disorder cringe, tik toks, and video essays just spewing this nonsensical shit and it genuinely hurts. (It’s SO ANNOYING when they say shit like “people who do this hurt actual systems” YOUR HURTING ACTUAL SYSTEMS SHUT UP 😭) but Yes I do think there are people out their who do fake this disorder and use it to hurt and manipulate people. But I don’t think that’s the majority of misdiagnosed people. Even if someone was wrong I think it’s safer to just ignore them then to spread misinformation about DID/OSDD and encourage the possible harm onto genuine systems. (Also being wrong and admitting you are wrong is fine)
But yeah I’ll end my rant by saying If you support this weird online fakeclaiming witch hunts then I don’t want to associate with you. And to the self diagnosed systems or suspecting systems, it’s incredibly hard being in that position- harassment is almost guaranteed online and that sucks. Self diagnosis is valid especially if you can’t afford DID specialists- however with that statement If you do self diagnosis its necessary to do research. Don’t look at plural pedia or random websites- I recommend reading the DSM and The haunted self (it explains the fundamentals of structural dissociation)
PDF for the actual book ^^ (it’s also good for self diagnosed systems because it can help you weed out any other possible disorder overlap with BPD and PTSD)
But yeah 🙁 sorry for the rant I’m just really frustrated with the current climate of the internet especially for systems.
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mimeo-tan · 16 hours
an angel is a symbolic entity. it need not eat — except, that it is possessed of the belief that if it does not eat then it will startve, and thus it must eat. a pet angel may consume anything so long as it has the form of "food", irregardless of substance. however, some individual angels have acquired the belief that tasty food it nutritious, and thus necessary to avoid starvation. it is your role as a responsible owner to reeducate these creatures and provide appropriate care. if your angel still refuses to eat, it is worth keeping in mind that an angel does not naturally possess a sense of taste, and can be easily fooled by the use of overpowering spices and scents, allowing you to wean it off human food.
should your angel believe its wings need to be preened, or hair be brushed, it aught be firmly reprimanded. rebuke its impertinence by placing dolls, and other well-trained angels in its immediate environs, and avoid making any reference or gesture towards physical hygiene in its presence.
when correcting an angel, be advised that the halo is one of the most sensitive and accessible parts of its form, a concentrated reality-projection in which most of its self-concept is stored. any activities involving a halo thus acquire a deeper sense of intimacy and personal meaning to the angel, and any damage to it may cause irreparable damage to the rest of their form. however many angels have been known to become addicted to, or dependent on physical correction for emotional fulfillment, especially as the halo becomes involved. be judicious with use of physical force and exercise caution when acting on the halo. should the angel exhibit signs of enjoyment or pleasure discontinue correction immediately.
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txttletale · 2 years
always slightly bemused by the moral worldview of people who think the concept of political reeducation is authoritarian and then turn around and say 'the only good fascist is a dead fascist.' i think killing people is a mite more authoritarian than most other stuff you could do to them. tbh
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dysfunctional-doodle · 2 months
too many turtles made me headcanon mutant mayhem mikey as having dyscalculia :]
do you have any neurodivergence headcanons for the turtles you want to share? (can be about what they have or what they do)
I hc mutant mayhem Donnie and Mikey as austistic (they literally had the autism rep stickers in the concept art for both of them so it’s kinda canon to me), and so are most of the Donatellos in some way, some higher on the spectrum than others because…it’s Donatello. Just like how I hc that most Michelangelos have ADHD or ADD, I see it not as a trait that defines their character but a trait that has helped build their personality in the best way possible :)
Also, mutant mayhem leo I hc as having an anxiety disorder that, like some anxiety disorders often do unfortunately, worsens as he grows more mature. And I hc that 2003 Leo suffered from depression in season 4 and still has episodes that his brothers help with. I actually have included this aspect in my future design of him - he has his brothers’ mask tails woven with his own to remind him that he is not alone and will always be supported by them.
And finally, Raphael. I hc that 2003 Raphael also has autism, hence his struggles with controlling his emotions and frustrations at change (for example, he was very uncomfortable in Fast Forward, when they travelled to the future).
Obviously no one has to agree with these, I only really hc them to aid me in writing their characters rather than draw attention/label any of the bros in Too Many Turtles just by these neurodivergencies
Feel free to discuss your own hcs, or disagree with mine! I am sorry if I offend anyone with any of these, I am very eager for some reeducation if I have accidentally offended anyone :)
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artofkhaos404 · 1 year
Hobie Brown is a fantastic character.
His design, concept, uniqueness and how HOT he is make him altogether very likeable. But all these things are not why I love him so much; it's what he represents that gets me.
The symbol in modern media he is for many different types of people. For one, he's pretty awesome for people of color to enjoy. Another black hero who can get down to business is always welcome, though it's nothing new for the Spiderverse universe with Miles Morales being our main protagonist. Having a British black character makes it all the more fun, diverse and interesting!
All that being said, the thing that warms my heart about Hobie Brown is what he means for the alternative community.
Im a punk. I'm also an anarchist.
Like anyone, I look for people in media who represent me in both appearance and ideals. As a plus sized person, finding people in media who look like me and aren't part of the toxic stereotype for fat people is uncommon. Chubby characters who don't make their weight part of their personality is unheard of.
Finding characters who properly represent my beliefs and ideals is nigh impossible in my experience. Seeing a punk in modern day popular media is rare. And when I say punk, I'm talking PUNK RAWK. Musicians with colorfully laced boots and symbols painted sloppily all over themselves. Gritty political activists in homemade clothes and piercings, fighting tooth and nail for what they believe in. In truth, I don't know if I've ever seen that in popular media; not authentically.
What do we get instead? Punk coded teenagers who don't really believe in anything, pissing people off for the sake of it. That ain't us. We believe in respect, love and morals. We believe in doing whatever is necessary to achieve the perfect world, whatever each individual believes that is.
The representation is even more insulting for anarchists. Everywhere are both mature antagonists and cartoon villains parading around preaching "anarchy" and completely misusing the word. Its to the point that my political belief is now more closely related to dictatorships (the literal OPPOSITE of anarchism!) or simply death and destruction rather than the true definition: no institutions, just people.
That word has been defiled. I've had people laugh at me and ridicule me when I share my political stance with them due to this stereotype. I've had people tell me I believe what I do just because it "sounds cool."
People that were uneducated to the concept in the first place have now been reeducated by an overlord walking across a battlefield of dead bodies in some movie screaming about "anarchy." Thanks Hollywood. Really appreciate that.
But Hobie is a punk. And he's an anarchist.
He's a hero. He's intelligent. He knows what he fights for and he fights well. That alone is revolutionary for the anarchist movement.
And in a MARVEL FILM. Millions of people watch Marvel films across the globe. Across the Spider verse has pulled in 1.35 Billion dollars. This is exactly what we need.
So, as a representative of my community, thank you Sony Pictures for this gift. I hope to see more like it. And while we're at it, thank you for all the diversity in this new film between all the ethnicities shown onscreen to putting someone my size in the mask!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(also if anyone has any recommendations for realistic punk characters in media I'd love to hear em)
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Anyway, if you condone harassment over something so stupid and childish as a videogame, you’re a literal child. You either need a minder to keep an eye on your internet activity, or a few hours of Mister Rodger’s Neighbohood to reeducate you on the concept that being a bully is actually a bad thing.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 7 months
One of the things that make Demolition Man a fascinating movie is that it takes some wild sci-fi concepts, presents them to you, and then goes "I dunno, man, I'm a silly little excuse for Stallone and Wesley Snipes to have pretend fights with each other".
Like, the fact that people in cryoprison are awake and experience pain, but are not aware of the reeducation they are undergoing. It's never confirmed or denied that the authorities know this. Re-education in cryoprison is tailor-made to the capabilities of every prisoner. How that is accomplished, who cares.
They make a little joke of it that when Sandra Bullock's character refuses to have sex with Stallone's character, and she kicks him out of her apartment, he just goes home and his first instinct is to sit down to knit something. He knits a sweater for her, OVERNIGHT. In a doylist way, it's just the writers not knowing how long it takes to knit a sweater, but in a watsonian way it implies that John Spartan was indeed naturally talented at knitting, and should have probably gone into bespoke knitting instead of law enforcement.
This movie is so dumb, and mesmerizing.
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is in full swing, and most of what is being said there accuses former President Donald Trump of cooking up some kind of subversive agenda for America. Meanwhile, hypocritical Democrats continue to rattle on about their own plans to subvert the country by forcing noncompliant Americans into reeducation camps.
Back in 2015, for instance, two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton told a camp conference that the nation's political class should create "camps for adults" that basically force people to cooperate with the political process in accordance with her desires.
"We really need camps for adults," Clinton said casually at the American Camp Association, New York and New Jersey's Tri-State CAMP Conference.
"Maybe mix it up a little bit," she added, further suggesting the creation of red cabins and blue cabins where Republicans and Democrats, respectively, would be forced to "come together and actually listen to each other."
"Wouldn't that be a novel idea?" Clinton continued, pridefully commending herself for the concept.
MSNBC's Eugene Robinson said much the same as Clinton a few years later in January 2021 when he called for Trump supporters to be forced into concentration camps as punishment for supporting him.
"We have – there are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed," Robinson said – watch the video below.
"It's as if they are members of a cult, the Trump-ist cult, and have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process, much less complete it?"
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etoiline · 27 days
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
(Whichever you prefer)
🌩️ From the Jedi Survivor/Horizon Forbidden West crossover no one asked for, where Aloy and Kotallo somehow end up on the Star Destroyer floating over Koboh (also important to note that Kotallo has only one arm or I guess this isn't as funny):
"Where is Aloy?" Kotallo says, nothing threatening about the words, only their tone. The same tone he uses on new recruits chafing at their lack of authority.
"If you mean the other barbarian, she refused to cooperate and was taken to another level for reeducation--" Kotallo gently pushes down on the hammer and the officer splutters. "The detention level! You were deemed less of a threat because you were, ah, unarmed--"
Kotallo shakes his head, lets the hammer fall, and grabs at the officer's short hair and slams the man's head into the shiny floor.
"He showed him unarmed," says one of the grunts at the console, and Kotallo looks up at them. Both of them raise their hands higher.
☔ I haven't really explored the idea but I've toyed with writing something where Cal experiences the Dark Side through an echo and something something can't break out of it. I am at heart a pretty naïve and hopeful person so writing something truly "Dark" is tough to imagine, though I love the tropey-ness of it.
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ask-the-pale-elf · 11 months
Astarion... I can't sleep, a nightmare, I mean, you don't have to say yes, but you're comforting to me, so if you don't mind um... Can I just, hang out with you for a bit? -Fen
His pointed ears twitch when you mention 'nightmare' and a certain level of softness washes over him. It's horrible to be trapped by your own mind, helpless and alone.
He takes a deep breath and despite his soft eyes, he still has his signature smirk upon his face, "I'm not surprised, especially considering that I'm your best bet at company, amongst our gaggle of tadpoled weirdos."
Despite this, he was unsure how to comfort you. It was a concept long forgotten to him, no matter how hard he yearned for it when being... reeducated by Cazador.
He opened his arms out to you dramatically, "Come here, we both know you've wanted a cuddle. I could hear your whines whenever you couldn't get enough of me."
A moment of silence washes over the both of you as Astarion held you. It was awkward but it was safe, it was enough. He strolled through his faded memories, looking for something that could help him comfort you. But a tune can be heard from his lips, he didn't even realize he was humming.
As he began to realize what he was doing, he held you tighter and closed his eyes.
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whatthefusco · 2 months
Finally finished playing through Dragon Age Inquisition again so that I could play Trespasser for the first time, and I have some (objectively correct) thoughts. I'm going to ramble a lot here, but click below for a 300,000 word essay on why I'm gonna crack Solas's head like an egg and make a dreadwolf omelette.
People have spoken at length about how the roles of Inquisitor and Herald of Andraste require your main character to put aside everything they were before, appearing as a symbol while the person is forgotten. It's a theme throughout the game, most explicitly called out in Jaws of Hakkon. But I'm going to broaden that thought and talk about the concept of masks and how that applies to our companions (and ultimately Solas).
Sera is a Red Jenny. She is very much her own person with a very vibrant and wacky personality, but like the Inquisitor she dons this alter ego to do good in the world. The little people need to feel there is someone is looking out for them, so she disappears into the collective role of Red Jenny to help the common folk help themselves (and provide the occasional ass kicking when it's required). Sera gives up a piece of her identity to help people.
Iron Bull is a spy for the Qunari and tells you that immediately, effectively claiming that he isn't going to bother with wearing a mask here - you get to see the "real" Iron Bull immediately. But he is very clever, and keeps his true loyalties close to his chest, which ultimately leads to him either betraying you or not at a pivotal moment. He admits that he submitted himself to a Qunari reeducation camp, burying his own identity deeper to better be of service to them. Bull intentionally buries himself to better fulfill his role in Qunari society (and to better help the Inquisition, if you earn his loyalty).
Dorian is asked by his family to wear a mask - to do a political marriage and have children for the purpose of Tevinter's weird magister breeding values and hereditary political power- and rejects it. His sexuality keeps him from fitting into the ideals of Tevinter society, but he won't compromise his identity for an unjust purpose. Instead he walks away and finds his acceptance in the Inquisition. When his father dies he returns to Tevinter, never hiding who he is, and uses his political power to fight for a more just Tevinter. Dorian rejects a convenient mask and puts himself in danger for what is right.
If Sera's mask is closest to the Inquisitor's, then Blackwall's is closest to Solas's. Blackwall is ashamed of his past - the actions he took hurt people, and he believes his true identity of Thom Rainer to be beyond redemption. When the real Blackwall died, Thom took up that mantle - a mask to hide himself from the world, but also to live up to the ideals of the Wardens: duty and self-sacrifice for the greater good. He donned this role selfishly, but as he tries to embody these ideals and put his past behind him he genuinely grows as a person. When one man is about to be executed in his stead, Blackwall gives up the mask immediately. He stops the execution and reveals his true self to be judged for his crimes, believing he will be executed himself. Blackwall drops his mask for the life of one relatively-innocent man.
But Solas.
Solas has two masks, in a sense. His ancient mask of the Dreadwolf, covering the actions he took in the distant past, and his modern mask of a simple apostate seeking to aid the Inquisition.
Creating the Veil destroyed ancient elven society. He retreats from the world and goes into a deep sleep for millenia, studying the world through dreams. Eventually he wakes up, decides "no this all sucks, there's no hope here, I'm going to bring down the fade amd destroy all civilization as it exists now in an attempt to soft-reboot to the world of 2000 years ago", and starts scheming. All of this is prior to Inquisition. Before he ever meets the Inquisitor, he's actively working to blow up the world and start over. Cool.
So he can't open his orb and hands it off to Corypheus, knowing that it'll explode and assuming Corypheus will be disintegrated (as opposed to respawning via the Blight). So we get a fun little terrorist attack of convenience to kick off Solas's modern rap sheet, and once again Solas nearly dooms the world by assuming he understood everything (is Solas named the Elven word for pride? Or perhaps is the Elven word for pride based on his true name?).
Solas pivots and joins the Inquisition, correctly assuming Corypheus will be after the Inquisitor. He puts on his apostate mask and gets to advising. He has so many opportunities to bring the mask down, but every single time he chooses to keep it.
He has the chance to help the Inquisition prepare for Corypheus prior to the destruction of Haven, but instead he clings to this mask.
Through Tevinter time travel shenanigans he learns the potential consequences of the Inquisition's failure, but instead of providing much needed intel he clings to this mask.
When the Wardens are planning to march an army of demons into the Deep Roads and kill the Old Gods before they can be blighted, he gets pissed. "There's no telling what that would do" he says, actively scheming to break the world a third time despite being 0 for 2 on overly-clever plans. Once again he tells the Inquisitor nothing and clings to his mask.
At the Well of Mythal, in his supposed area of expertise, he is tightlipped and argumentative the whole time. Yes we need the well. No Morrigan should not have it. No I will absolutely not take it, do not ask again. The Inquisitor drinking from the well seems to be the best choice, but he'll yell at you for it anyway because the man is a control freak. Will he tell you any of the deeply relevant information he has? No, he's just an apostate scholar, what are you talking about.
The Inquisitor can make choice after choice to improve the world. Help the mages. Help the city elves. Make a knowing sacrifice at the well to learn more about ancient elven history and share it with your people. And Solas will simply nod and smile or frown and scold and none of it actually matters to him because he's still going to blow up the world. Just beat Corypheus and get him his orb back already, don't you realize everything you build is doomed?
And at the end of all this, all these calculated lies and missed opportunities to come clean and shape the existing world, he leaves. You spend two more years fixing the world without him, and the Inquisition doesn't really suffer for it considering he was sandbagging you the whole time anyway.
Then he shows up for 2 minutes to monologue at you while you're incapable of fighting him.
Don't worry, it's definitely going to work this time. There's almost a 0% chance some new guy comes in and drops a stone pillar on the ritual, it's fine. The world will be good now, I swear.
Redemption is for people who care. It's for people who are trying. Feeling bad about your previous decisions doesn't factor in if you keep making the same selfish, prideful choices at every opportunity.
You do all that and then have the gall to say you're going to tear the world down? You don't get redemption, you get *hunted*.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Hastur (The King in Yellow) "The actual prototype and inspiration for the "Lovecraftian" concept of maddening knowledge. Variously a person, a book, a stage play, a symbol and a place, he is the titular King in Yellow (Or is he?), with the name being ascribed later. Even in the original 1895 stories, characters who read about him become obsessed, every one of them becoming an unreliable narrator from that point onwards…Or do they? Were they already mad and reading of the King was only a sign?"
O'Brien (1984) "While the Party as a whole is more Web oriented, O'Brien is all about making your mind lie to you. His whole deal is forcing people to believe what the Party wants them to believe, even when it defys reason and physics, and he's very good at this job! Our main character Winston has a very difficult time trying to learn doublethink (being able to accept opposing beliefs as truth at the same time) but a little bit of reeducation with O'Brien soon sets him straight. Eventually, it comes to when O'Brien tells Winston that 2+2=5 then that becomes the truth. If O'Brien tells Winston that he can float, he IS floating in Winston's mind.
Reality is only what Party consensus is - "We control matter because we control the mind". If everyone agrees that something is real, who are you to disagree? You have a fallible memory. What the Party says is true must be the real truth. You cannot trust your own mind, because it can lie to you.
As a cherry on top, O'Brien also slots into the "fake friend" part of The Spiral. He emits a vibe of friendliness and trust - even without saying anything to Winston he trusts him implicitly. He later poses as a member of the resistance. This is, of course, a ruse to help catch Thoughtcriminals for later reeducation"
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fascinationex · 2 years
The plot of a fanftion that I haven't written but daydream about:
So I was thinking relatively recently about a megastar fic concept, which I'd like to write but there're so many fics already to write so it's a very backburner idea.
Basically the idea is that Megatron and Starscream, by means of a typically backfiring Starscream assassination plot, get stuck on an uncharted (by cybertronians) planet after their ship crashes. The organics who live there have previously had experience with the slave trade with the quintessons, and they capture Megatron after the crash, obliterate his higher-order processing and reeducate what's left.
They hijack the bits of his processor left vulnerable by the quintessons' designs for cybertronians' brains basically. Despite what Megatron's actual personality is like, cybertronian hardware is designed to be used like that. How convenient. 💀
Starscream is not captured (perhaps he even sees them take Megatron and runs away—you know Starscream). He recovers from the crash, breaks in, tries to get Megatron out and discovers he has to plug in and rewrite himself as the God King Of Megatron's Shitty Animal Brain to get him to do much of anything. (Because it's Starscream he doesn't even blink.) So then Starscream's got a crazy Megatron at his beck and call (ideal!), but they're stuck on this gross planet with limited supplies and hostile surveillance and they have to get a message through for a pick up location (bad). And then, Megatron is unnecessarily open and affectionate with Starscream in his highly altered state, and needs the comfort of him plugging in, connecting and controlling his thoughts and body at least once a cycle or else he gets erratic and unruly.
So Starscream gets to be boss of Megatron, as he so desires, but it ends up coming with so much be responsibility for him. Not worth it. :C And then when they get back on the ship, Megatron restores his brain from a backup and they lose very little of his memories and none of his personality, but Megatron and Starscream are stuck navigating the horrible space of "you were very vulnerable and I DIDN'T fuck you over" now between them.
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leofrith · 6 months
writing asks: 3, 22, 30?
3. How would you describe your writing style?
I honestly have no idea. 🧍🏻‍♀️ When someone figures it out, please let me know.
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
Telling the same story but with one element slightly to the left just to see the ripple effect. Every writer is gonna have their own variation of an idea and if it's a concept I enjoy, I will happily read 50 different versions of it.
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
Gd sooo many. I'm hesitant to apply this to basically any fic idea from the last 2-3 years because there's always a chance a hyperfixation will pick back up again (hello Star Wars, my fucking beloathed 💔). But the one that comes to mind that was the most thought out (and I will almost certainly never write, because it's a longfic) was a post Clone Wars canon divergent AU in which Ahsoka and Rex stick together after the Jedi purge instead of splitting up right away (this has since been made canon anyway, but it wasn't at the time).
Ahsoka is captured by the Empire and brought to the Inquisitorius, where Vader takes a special interest in her—for obvious reasons—though Ahsoka doesn't know his identity yet. After much "reeducation" she becomes Vader's second and is in constant opposition to the rest of the inquisitors, who have been there longer and hate her for jumping ranks so quickly. Reva didn't exist yet because this was pre-OWK series, but if I were to write it now I would have her there as well. There was also gonna be a mildly toxic romantic subplot between Ahsoka and Trilla, because I fucking love that rare pair, with them being rivals who slowly become each other's only anchor to their own humanity. Rex, meanwhile, does everything he can to find Ahsoka and get her back, going undercover within the Empire and staging a clone rebellion while doing so.
I don't remember much else about the details, but I do remember a very specific plot point featuring Rex giving Ahsoka one of his blasters so she has something to defend herself with after having ditched her lightsabers. She has it with her when she's captured and Anakin recognizes it, becoming obsessed with capturing Rex as well and "reuniting" the trio.
yet another writing ask
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