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madsipie · 1 year ago
everyday i mourn the loss of conrad/brad because they would've been such a power couple
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slvtvogue · 2 years ago
I need to be the change I want to see in the world and write a conbrad fanfic but I have one ff I need to edit (it's been a month 🤦🏻‍♀️) and one I need to finish and edit
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 years ago
I have a Headcannon that Connie was fairly addicted to partying and drugs- he’d use all kinds of drugs and alcohol to mask the feelings of loneliness bc people would only use him for his money. He’d sleep around too. After he met Brad, they started working on it together, and brad helped him through major withdrawals.
Hold on I- hrnghhh omggg
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silly-slacker-person · 5 years ago
I added the ‘Ambiguously Bi’ trope under Conrad’s entry on TV Tropes
You know I’m not wrong
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i-used-to-wear-the-fedora · 5 years ago
Man of Medan Conbrad AU, Like a Virgin
"So how was the first time diving little bro? Everything you expected?" Alex asked as he and the rest of the group sat the small circled around the lamp. The sun having previously set with the moon glistening against the waves.
"It was amazing. But terrifying. Like really cool but I thought I was going to pee myself."
"Best place to do it's in the ocean," Conrad nudged Alex with a grin.
"Ew, that's gross Connie."
"What? Have you tried taking off a week suit to use the bathroom? If you're in the water-"
"Can you please not talk about how you use the bathroom in the ocean, please?" Fliss asked and Conrad saluted.
"Aye aye captain." Their Captain rolled her eyes when Alex pulled out the underwater camera.
"Well now that we're all here let's take a look at the navigator's path we found. Maybe we can figure out why the plane's out here." That was Conrad's signal to tune out. He didn't really care about all this weird history shit. Instead focusing on his...third? Fourth? ....possibly fifth bottle of beer.
"What do you think?" Conrad snapped back as Brad spoke.
"While they're busy tomorrow we do in our own adventure?"
"Ugh, you sure? This is only like your second time diving ever."
"C'mon, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"On one condition."
"Of course, anything."
"Get me another beer."
"I think you've had enough," Alex laughed.
"Hey who's the diving virginity taker here?"
"Fine but if you fall off the edge I'm not the one diving after you."
"Hope not. I'd want somebody who can actually lift."
"Hey! I can lift."
"Textbooks don't count." Alex tossed his can of beer at Conrad who easily dodged. "Whatever, I'm turning in for the night. Don't wake me up unless someone's dying."
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radept · 5 years ago
I JUST REALIZED THAT CONBRAD'S RELATIONSHIP RISES CONSIDERABLY IF BRAD SAYS HE HASNT DOVE BEFORE (which leads to conrad's line about, "water virgin" and "we're gonna pop your cherry together")
also the way he looks at brad is SO fucking endearing done even @ me
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conmanofmedan · 6 years ago
Before I go to bed, bc I just got another ask on the matter: I don't do character x character stuff, im sorry! I've written a lot of fanfics in my time before MoM, and it's just never been something I wanted to do or liked I'm afraid, my expertise is "x readers"😢 Feel free to send me your ConBrad or ConFliss or JuliAlex HC's tho, I'm open to being sounded off to 💕
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shinnydraco · 6 years ago
Conrad, talking to Fliss: Hey, I just thought, why spend all my time down in the dark when I already like what I see out top? Conrad, out of camera: I know exactly what I am doing ;) Conrad, talking to Brad: Right on Bradical. I like the cut of your ship... Hey, Brad Pack! Brad Boys two! Bradleby, the Sniveler! Hahaha, Brad. Bradley. Conrad, out of camera: Is this working out? :) 
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bandicoot88 · 6 years ago
Okay but... Conrad teaching Brad about diving.
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marina-roslinka · 6 years ago
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you can't stop this force
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morkhan · 6 years ago
ConBrad is the most valid thing in Man of Medan, I will die on this hill.
Look, I just think that any ship where one member gives the other a set of increasingly dorky and strained nicknames as a sign of affection deserves to be celebrated and protected by international law, okay?
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potato-lord-but-not · 5 years ago
i like ur art- and when i first saw ur art it was conbrad art- but now i love love love all ur art- i sound weird
I’m glad you do!! And you don’t sound weird at all, don’t worry uwu. ConBrad is so underrated, so it’s nice to see other people who like it as much as I do!^^
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cwistopherhartley · 6 years ago
Ima just say it
Conrad is a bi disaster and brad and him had amazing chemistry and I’m deeming them conbrad
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potato-lord-but-not · 5 years ago
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Best ship, change my mind
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i-used-to-wear-the-fedora · 5 years ago
Man of Medan Conbrad AU, What if They Got to Go Diving Too?
"You know, now would probably be a bad time to mention that I'm not the strongest swimmer."
"Dude, chill. There's nothing to set about. Except maybe sharks."
"Conrad, quit being a jack ass." The blonde rolled his eyes as his sister elbowed him in the chest. Brad looked over the edge of the boat nervously as Alex helped set up the rebreather tank.
"I think I've changed my mind-"
"No way dude. You made a promise. We're gonna pop your cherry together." Conrad winked causing Julia to elbow him again.
"Don't be weird about it Connie. Brad's already having a panic attack."
"I'll be as weird as I damn well please." The blonde adjusted the oxygen mask over his face. Brad approached the edge anxiously.
"What if something goes wrong? Or we get hurt? Or-"
"Dude, chill." Alex handed his brother the underwater camera. "Everything will be fine. I'm sure Conrad won't let anything happen to you."
"That's supposed to reassure me?"
"Hey!" Conrad interjected. "I am an amazing diving partner. I'll show ya!" Before Brad could protest Conrad grabbed his wrist and they were both underwater. Glancing around Brad paused to see the underwater floor. He tested the waters out by kicking himself downwards to where Conrad was waiting.
"Holy shit...."
"Pretty cool right?" Conrad asked as they swam further down. "All kinds of shit down here."
"You know I see why Alex-OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT?!" Brad panicked as he felt something brush against his leg. He looked back to see it was just a his wet suit cord. "Oh...."
"Dude. It's nothing. Now what you actually have to worry about is jellyfish cause they hurt like a bitch."
"Yeah if you get stung someone has to pee on it."
"There's no way that's true."
"Fine but when you get stung don't ask me to pee on it for you."
"Wasn't planning on it." Brad followed the blonde further until they reached the wreckage of the airplane. Or at least, what hadn't fallen even further down. "I was right. This is amazing."
"Congratulations, your prize is a bullet ridden plane that can give you tetanus if you even look at it for too long." Conrad remarked as the brother of his sister's fiance took the camera out and began snapping more photos. "You know this is probably the only time we're gonna have without them. Maybe we could...."
"Could....what?" Brad asked confused. Conrad trailed off before turning around.
"Forget it. It was stupid anyway. Let's get the hell out of here, this place is freaking me out."
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shinnydraco · 6 years ago
Conrad: Bro, I had a dream we fucked.
Brad: Bro, it's just a dream.
Conrad: Ha! Gay! I wouldn't fuck you!
Brad, visibly hurt: ... You wouldn't?
Conrad: I mean, unless you want to...
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