#composite filling cost
sabka-dentist07 · 5 months
Cosmetic Dentistry in Mumbai
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Cosmetic Dentistry helps to improve the teeth' appearance through different dental procedures. These procedures include bonding, bleaching, veneers, reshaping, using implants, and several other procedures. It simply does a “Smile makeover” for you. In Mumbai, you can get very fantastic cosmetic dentistry at Sabka Dentist that can improve your dental appearance along with getting a better smile. Cosmetic dentistry includes a series of dental procedures that help in boosting up the appearance of the teeth. Some of the most common cosmetic dental treatment procedures include bleaching, bonding, veneers, reshaping, or even using implants. Cosmetic dentistry is also popularly known as a “smile makeover” that helps to make your smile beautiful and make you feel confident. However, cosmetic dentistry procedures are mostly optional and not something essential, but some cosmetic dentistry also involves certain restorative benefits. Some of the best cosmetic dentists in Mumbai and other places in India also mention that the most common cosmetic procedures are simple whereas other procedures may not require specialized dental care. Why Select Sabka Dentist? There are thousands of dental clinics popping up each day and finding the appropriate clinic out of all is truly daunting. But Sabka Dentist is one of the best cosmetic dental clinics in Mumbai which has its branches in the five most important cities in India. The clinic provides the best treatment quality and maintains an absolute high cosmetic dental procedure standard. The best part is that the clinic provides all the best treatments at the best pocket-friendly rate. The dentists present here are selected based on the experience they hold and the latest technologies that they use. After the first consultation procedure, the dentists provide a tentative treatment plan based on what the patients want to achieve. Sabka Dentists believe in “Safety before prosperity”, so they provide the best cosmetic dental procedures without compromising with patient safety and strictly adhere to the patient safety guidelines. Additionally, the dentists and staff present in the clinic maintain absolute hygiene and use completely sterilized equipment. So, if you are interested in achieving the best confident appearance then contact Sabka Dentist to get your first consultation today!
Phone number - 9222233111
Address - Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Surat, Satara, Vadodara, Assam
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piccadillydental · 7 days
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Cost of White Fillings in London: What You Need to Know
One big reason people choose to get this treatment in a private place, though, is the white filling cost London.
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Other Dental Services Offered | Smile Dental Clinic - Dr Ashish Jain
We look forward to meeting you in person and address your questions and concerns. Our team of experts are always here to help you! Please fill out the following form to request an appointment or contact us directly on the provided details.
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3 Factors to Choose Dentist for Composite Filling Services
You need to get the tooth filling done the right way which would allow you to keep the broken or damaged tooth and ensure that you can retain the smile you have. For this, you need to look for the right dental experts that can help you with composite filling services.
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botanicalsword · 7 months
House ruler in 5H • where to find love
5th House
Theme: Love, Children, Your Talents, Adventure, Speculation, Entertainment, Gambling, Sports, Creative Activities.
Related occupations: Actor, artist, athlete, etc
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Chart ruler in 5H
In romantic relationships, they are proactive pursuers, expressing their feelings with enthusiasm and sincerity. They are unafraid to showcase their emotions, bravely pursuing their love interest.
2H ruler in 5H
Relationships can be costly, but with harmonious 5H aspects, they can be profitable, transforming love's cost into an opportunity. However, if there’s challenging aspects in 5H, they could incur substantial losses, possibly leading to distress and a feeling of helplessness.
3H ruler in 5H
In love, they often choose friends, neighbors, classmates, or childhood friends due to shared experiences, memories, and understanding. Developing these relationships can foster trust, understanding, and friendship, aiding romantic growth.
4H ruler in 5H
Most of their relationships are formed through introductions by family, friends, or fellow townspeople with common backgrounds. They rarely interact with people whose environments and experiences differ significantly from theirs. Their relationships are usually not with people from other locations.
5H ruler in 5H
Their love life is thriving, fostering strong relationships and potential romantic encounters, with support from family and friends.
6H ruler in 5H
Romantic relationships often develop in office environments, where deep connections can form. While this may add complexity, it can also lead to their satisfaction and happiness at work.
7H ruler in 5H
They may potentially marry their beloved, not through matchmaking, but by experiencing love's joys and trials to find their soulmate.
8H ruler in 5H
In a romantic relationship, sexual activity often occurs frequently. If complications arise in the 5H / 8H, there's a risk of deception involving both emotions and property. This could lead to substantial material losses and becoming overly entangled in their feelings of love.
9H ruler in 5H
It's easy to have long-distance relationships, online relationships, or even interracial ones.
10H ruler in 5H
There is a possibility of dating a boss. They may experience an office romance, a special circumstance where they meet and fall in love at work, causing sweetness and contradictions.
11H ruler in 5H
Their community ties could open up exciting romantic possibilities, potentially leading to a complex love triangle, adding intrigue and anticipation to their relationships.
12H ruler in 5H
Their emotional lives, filled with unexpected twists, include complex love triangles, potential infidelity, and possible love affairs, adding uncertainty to their love path.
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tanadrin · 5 months
i fired up civ 5 recently bc i wanted to see how it compared to my memory of it, and if anything it's actually much, much worse.
one unit per tile just... does not work with the idiom of the civilization series! units are not like armies in a GSG, they're like units in an RTS game: grist for the meatgrinder. you build them and throw them at your enemy and if they lose combat, they die. they don't retreat and recover morale, you don't get a chance to reposition and try again, they just go poof. but now in addition to that, you can only fit one unit of a type on a given tile, which means combat is forcibly spread out over a huge space. it's slow, slowed down further by the fact that it now takes a couple turns to fully resolve a fight--i guess the idea is that you can have your injured units fall back, except because of the way units get blocked in now, no you can't!--but you still need tons of units to take cities.
which means they didn't get rid of doomstacks. doomstacks are still logistically necessary to win wars! they just made them really fucking annoying to move around the map.
and on top of that, because OUPT applies to all units, it means you are also constantly having your scouts and workers and other civilian units being blocked in by your own units of the same type, or other players' units of the same type, meaning if you sign an open borders treaty with the AI you are frequently signing up to having your own units' movement being jammed up in the worst way by computer players. and on top of all THAT the units cancel their movement orders if the destination tile is blocked, even if the destination tile is on the other side of the map and you can't see it--which means, basically, any long-distance movement order is liable to be randomly canceled if an AI unit ends its turn on your destination tile.
it feels janky at every single level. the worst possible fix to something that wasn't even really a problem--and if they really wanted to they could have implemented some kind of very basic attrition mechanic. or some other kind of soft cap.
and and and on top of all that, it makes roads and railroads substantially less useful, bc frequently you cannot actually fit all your guys on one road or railroad--but you can't just carpet your territory in roads now like you used to do, because roads cost maintenance per turn. just. ugh. fractally bad decisionmaking! like different people were working at different ends of the design doc and not communicating at all!
the global happiness system means expansion is soft capped early in the game, which makes it feel less like an empire management game than a game of managing four to five cities. since very many units are now hard capped by resource availability now, and expansion is limited, AFAICT in most normal games this means you get like.. two swordsmen? ever? mainly it's strong attack units that are capped in this way, but their defensive counters are uncapped, which means actually playing strategically with your army composition is more annoyance than it's worth. in practice, what this incentives is just building the best trash unit you can afford en masse and throwing them at the enemy, but, of course, see the problems with OUPT.
they took out civics and replaced them with Social Policy trees. but everybody has the same set of social policy trees. and there's a bit of a tradeoff here in which trees you choose to fill out first, but you never then switch those old trees out for new ones like civics. they're just permanent bonuses. so there's no sense of, like, choosing your government type.
and then in BNW i guess they realized people missed that, and created Ideologies, which are just a bonus extra-big social policy tree where you get to pick between liberal democracy, communism, and fascism. but of course there's only three. and this isn't unlocked until the late game.
what they really should have done is added more civics and rather than just having you progress from early game civics to late game civics made all civics contextually useful. and maybe given you some extra civics that were unlocked early in the game so you could strategize around them.
as a part of this change culture is now more load-bearing, but cultural victory is just... weird and stupidly complicated. you have to build tourism, and do archeology, and build wonders that provide slots for great works that your three different kinds of great artist create, and all this other crap. versus domination, where you just conquer the other guys. or science, where you just build your spaceship. it's dumb and bad and awkward.
there's no conquest victory now. only domination. but because of the way domination works, it's now not possible to move your capital manually. this is awful and i hate it! let me move my capital, damn it!
buildings no longer go obsolete, which means that if i am founding a city in the year 1973, i still need to build a City Walls in it before i can build a Military Base. this feels ridiculous. and the series already kinda has this problem where it feels like late game it takes forever to get a city really up and running--don't make it even worse by making me build shit from classical antiquity before i can build modern facilities!
the AI is not very bright. they don't expand very much. on big maps, most of the map will remain empty most of the game, at least up through mid-level difficulties i usually play at (that are supposed to be "standard", so I assume the game is balanced around them)
diplomacy is irritatingly primitive. there are few ongoing agreements. declarations of friendship all last a fixed amount of time. the AI is constantly interrupting you to tell you it doesn't like you or it does like you or you and another AI player all like each other. just expose an opinion modifier and be done with it! harun al-rashid and i don't need to pass notes like it's grade school!
they nerfed the range of air units and especially nukes. which feels really weird. the 20th century saw the invention of strategic bombers that had a range of thousands of miles. why can mine only reach cities right next to my own? why do my nuclear missiles have a pathetic range? sure, sub-launched nukes are a thing, but they're only one part of a proper nuclear triad. there's no MAD anymore!
especially because the world congress can order you to stop building nukes and there's nothing you can do about it. you can't defy world congress bans and suffer a penalty. international law has some kind of magical force that even if you are the undisputed hegemon you cannot help but obey. this is very stupid! especially because they could not think of anything interesting for the world congress to do, so it's all shit like banning random luxury goods.
all the stuff i do like--the city-states, the hex grid, the core idea of the trade route system--is swallowed by annoying bullshit. to take the trade route example: you can make money by setting up trade routes. it can be quite lucrative! and you have to protect your trade routes from bandits and shit. but the menu for issuing trade route orders is a mess--way too much scrolling, you can't sort by lucrativeness of destinations, you have to constantly re-issue trade route orders, and the last trade route a unit was on isn't highlighted, or sorted to the top or anything like that. so it's lots of scrolling around, it's very annoying, and it's repetitive as hell.
the real stick in the eye is that this game was not only reviewed well, it was reviewed glowingly when it came out. which is bizarre to me! yes, it looks nice. the art is good and the music is pretty. but it feels awful to play! it is on almost every single metric less fun than civ 4! civ 3 is more fun, and civ 3 was terrible. i hope to god firaxis was bribing people left and right for good reviews because the only alternative explanation i can think of is that everybody who was reviewing strategy games in 2010 was also in the grip of a brutal glue-sniffing habit.
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aureoboros · 28 days
commissions are: open, 4/5 slots filled
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hello everyone!
i’ve had health problems that are making it very difficult for me to work and function outside of my home, which just isn’t viable with how expensive necessities are. so while i’m in this limbo, i’m opening up commissions! reblogs are greatly appreciated :]
a lot of my examples are bg3/dnd related, but regular ocs are more than welcome, too! i can also do fanart for other media if you’d like.
for right now, these will be through paypal. just send me a dm here if you’re interested! more information below the cut.
commission info:
- first come first serve, i will keep in contact with you throughout the process and start the sketch asap. for drawings with the highest level of detail, it’s possible that it may take a few weeks for me to complete. lower levels will take about a week or a few days over.
- while this is over dms for the moment, i’m going to make a proper form to fill out! reference photos are greatly appreciated for ocs, but detailed descriptions work too! i would also prefer if you provided a short personality description, and any ideas you have for poses or character interactions. i want it to be as close to what you envision as possible! if you want the drawing to be set at a specific time, or a specific aspect ratio for the image, let me know that too! busts cut off at the mid-chest, and half-bodies are cut off at the mid-thigh. i can also make icons (head-shot only) for a discount!
- payment comes after you’re happy with the composition! i’ll block out the characters and where they’ll be on the canvas before moving on to the full detailed sketch.
- i know my example images don’t have much shading. it’s because i enjoy the lineart process a lot more than anything else, so i don’t focus on it as much in my personal work. for fully rendered pieces, though, there will be actual light and shadow.
- more explanation on backgrounds: basic flats, simple patterns, and simple objects for framing are free of charge. keep in mind that detailed backgrounds are not my strong-suit, but i do need the practice, and i will try my absolute best. the more detailed the background is, the more it will cost, but everything is negotiable.
- i can do anthro characters (like tabaxi, dragonborn, etc) in my detailed style too! i don’t have as much experience in drawing robotics or machinery, but it’s not off the table. i like doing little details :]
- i will not draw illegal ships or anything hateful (racist, homophobic, the obvious), and i don’t do nsfw.
- don’t use my art for ai training or nfts.
- if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
- thank you for reading ^^
a better look at some of my examples - for more, check the #digitalart tag:
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sanagii · 2 months
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Hi,Tumblr! I’m open for digital and traditional art commissions again! I'll do a lovely art piece for you and/or your loved ones! Lately I’ve been struggling to find new gigs and I really need money to pay my bills, so If you can please consider to commission me. If it's not possible right now, a reblog would me help me a lot! Thank you for your support ♥
The art commission service includes:
Work in process updates
Monochrome background with simple elements if requested.
Transparent background version if needed
If asked, a Cropped version for client
And of course, full resolution png file.
Delivering time:
Your commission will be delivered in 2-3 weeks (Or more, for bigger projects). If you need te art for an specific date please let me know and I'll try have it ready in time! Send me a message if you have any questions.
ADDITIONAL CHARACTER INFO: Prices are below each example, 75% of the base price for each character. *Busts with additional characters are not available. Pets can be added for 60% of the base price!
Terms of service:
I will draw anything (OCs, fanart, real people, humanoid and pets) except mecha, because I’m really bad at it, sorry! I’m okay with NSFW as long is not really explicit. I’m OK with nude art.
Extra detailed accesories like wings, weapons, amors will count as extra details and they will be charged starting at $6 USD. Simple backgrounds such as monochrome bgs, gradients and simple compositions have no extra cost. For detailed backgrounds please send me your ideas and I’ll send you a quote :).
Payments are only through PayPal invoices in USD (US Dollars) or their equivalent in MXN (Mexican Pesos), for the protection of both sides. I also can take Ko-fi.
I Accept two-part payments. I’ll start working on the piece as soon as I receive the first part, first updates will be sent in less than 15 days. The rest of the invoice would be paid before I send the finished illustration.
These prices are only for personal commissions. If you need art for commercial purposes, please read my full TOS (link below) or send me an e-mail and I’ll gladly make a price quote for the commercial rigths.
I have the rights of every commission made. Please don’t take the credits of the art or reproduct it on commercial products.
For more important info, please READ MY FULL TOS.
How to commission?
If you’re interested to commission, please send an email to [email protected] or send me a DM filling this form:
Character/person name(s):
Art style: (Colored sketch, full rendered, handmade watercolor)
Size: (Bust, half or full body)
Photo references:
Outfit/costume references:
Quick Description of the character(s): (Age, height, hairstyle, complexion, personality, likes)
Pose, background and/or extra details
PayPal e-mail:
If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for your interest ♥ 
PS: You can also commission me directly on Vgen and Artistree!
Twitter | Instagram | Support me on Ko-fi | Portfolio | Carrd
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only10th · 6 months
Been thinking about Pianist!wwx and violinist!lwj playing together at a mall. Wei Wuxian likes to go to the mall to play for people, he loves taking requests, or plays some well known musical pieces and sometimes he’ll play one of this original compositions.
One day he’s playing “Rain” by Ed Carlsen, which is one of his favorite pieces to play when he's out and about. He’s just so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t notice a man standing next to him, pulling out his violin and just joining him on the piece with so much ease. His eyes grow wide but soon that sparkle he has shines brighter at how easy and harmonic both of them sound. He laughs, he smiles, he shows off while the mysterious violinist stays focused and composed, yet the passion drips into every note they play.
Their duet attracts a lot of attention, multiple people taking videos and pictures (plus wwx is recording the whole thing himself since he sometimes uploads the videos of himself playing online) this is the first time anyone has joined him in a duet. After they’re done, they look at each other breathless, a bright smile on wwx’s face while there’s the smallest curve on the mysterious violinist’s lip. Before Wei Wuxian could even ask for his name, he had already put away his violin and walked away. Wei Wuxian groans, annoyed he didn’t even get to know the handsome violinist’s name. Maybe they’ll meet up again.
He hopes they do. He had never felt such a connection with another musician before.
A few weeks later, Wei Wuxian is playing at a restaurant. This time he’s getting paid to do so, which is great! He can’t just let opportunities like that pass by!
So, he’s playing something classical to fit the mood. It is rather fancy, your food, of the size of a quarter, costing you an arm and a leg type of place. Wei Wuxian will never understand why people want to spend their money like that, but it’s because of places like this that he has a place to work. Well, if playing here during the weekends is even considered work. He enjoys it nonetheless.
Once he’s done with a piece there’s scattered claps through the restaurant. This won’t do, the people need to be entertained! Wei Wuxian sets his phone against the piano, already recording. There’s a smirk on his face, cause he already has the perfect piece in mind. Fingers hovered giddily over the ivory keys, an exhale leaving his lips and soon began to play.
The melody startles some of the clients, which makes Wei Wuxian chuckle under his breath. The tune is fun, like a little dance around the calm waters of the lotus lakes of his old home. It’s one of his original compositions, but he’s played it a few times before, so he wouldn’t be surprised if people knew it. Wei Wuxian lets himself get lost in the song, silver eyes fluttering close. A sense of pride fills his chest, noticing how the restaurant had become quiet. He could sense all eyes on him, which sent a chill up his spine. What he didn’t expect was to hear a violin joining his now gentle melody.
His eyes snap open with a gasp, and right next to him he sees the same violinist from a few weeks back. His mouth hangs slightly agape, and for a moment he loses his focus which causes him to play a few sour notes. Yet, he smiles brightly, impressed that, despite this not being composed as a duet, the mysterious violinist was even able to join and keep up. Wei Wuxian can’t help but huff a laugh, and just as he does he is met with a piercing golden gaze. His breath stutters, he had never seen such beautiful eyes, especially ones that looked at him with such intensity.
Wei Wuxian has to stop playing, knowing there’s a solo coming up. He’d usually play it through, but he wanted to see if this violinist had also come up with his own solo, and he delivers as expected. He lets his eyes close and he plays his piece, swaying with the music he produces with much passion and Wei Wuxian can’t help but be completely mesmerized by such beauty. Not just him, but the crowd around him! At some point he has to join back, continue their little dance as both their melodies become one.
A round of applause erupts once they’re done, both of them looking at each other as if nothing else mattered in the world other than this moment. For the first time since their first encounter, Wei Wuxian could take a better look at the violinist. He was only a few inches taller, dark, ebony hair like the keys of a piano cascaded over his shoulder, a white ribbon braided and intertwined in it. A wide smile paints on Wei Wuxian’s face as he stand from the small bench to offer a small bow.
“We finally meet again, mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian says, quirking an eyebrow upward, “You know my song.” It was more a statement than a question.
The man nods in response, “Wei Wuxian is very talented.” Oh, his voice. The low timber sends a shiver down his spine. Wait, how does he know his name?
“How do you…?” Wei Wuxian starts, narrowing his eyes if trying to recall someone or something. “You follow my page. You’ve seen my videos.” He says with realization, which is followed by a laugh.
The man nods again before offering a courtly bow. He doesn’t say anything else as he turns to leave. No, not this time. Wei Wuxian manages to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “Hey, hey, don’t leave like that! Will you at least tell me your name?”
The violinist seems to consider shaking the grip off or telling Wei Wuxian his name. Golden gaze seems to stay glued on the other’s hand for quite some time before exhaling softly. “Lan Zhan.”
“Nice to finally meet you, Lan Zhan. Though, I’ll miss calling you my mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian chuckles. His fingers slip from the other’s wrist, now tucking them into his inner coat pocket to take out a piece of paper and scribbling a series of numbers. “I really, really like playing with you. Maybe… maybe we could…?”
“Yes.” Lan Zhan is quick to answer before Wei Wuxian can even finish his sentence, as if he’s been waiting for him to ask all evening. “I would like to play with you, Wei Wuxian.”
“Wei Ying. Call me Wei Ying.” Handing him the piece of paper with his phone number, a broad smile on his face. “Maybe we can grab some coffee? You took my song and modified it into a duet, I’ll forgive you only if we can play it again.”
There’s the tiniest curve at the corner of Lan Zhan’s lips. Golden eyes melting like honey as they gaze at silver ones. “Mn” he agrees. After that, you’d see them playing anywhere they could: malls, airports, restaurants, out in the streets when it was warm enough. They’d perform the most beautiful duets anyone has ever heard.
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nahisummerhold · 2 months
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@daily-writing-challenge - August 2024 - Day 1 - Melee
One Song
(Sexual content)
(TW - Violence, Blood, Gore)
There is a soundtrack to a person’s life. Some individual stanzas marked years, decades, even centuries. Some songs covered a single moment… or a night.
That night always came flying back in flashes, bits and pieces linked together. Each breath, each scream, each caress, every lover’s embrace becoming deaths instead.. Patternless, no logical order, just snippets of a transformation.
A shivarra stood on the stage swaying, the first words of her song hit like a wave of melodic perfection, magically enhanced to reach through stone and into every body.
Snap. Her mother on a platform arms extended out gracefully while her aria traveled along the columns of the room.a slightly too tight cream dress hugging the older woman’s ripe curves, chest lifting as the strength of her voice fills free space between bodies.
Drum beats pulsed low beneath the breathy lyrics, a driving thrum of a heartbeat that lifted from the floor to grip around the heart to change the thud to synchronize together.
Snap. Hallways filled with people, nobles and servants, defenders and assailants, the clash of weapons, the collision of bodies. People trampled in panic, others, regardless of status, stopping and picking up weapons to guard a retreat.
Incubus and succubus danced together, their power linked to one another and fed through the music to infuse greater passion into a listener. 
Snap. Dancing with her best friend, bodies moving sinuously, hands searing patterns along each other’s bodies in a show for all around them. Turning she looked over the room, searching out the night’s entertainment. There… green eyes move slowly from  entrance to entrance then across those assembled. He was on duty, watching, protecting the delegation from the Temple, yet, for a moment, he looked at her and only her. 
Red and gold heat built through the audience, driving them apart then forging them back together as one.
Snap. Metal meeting, the rough grind or screech of a blade sliding along another or deflected off armor, clanging when dropped to the floor from lifeless fingers, a hiss of a dagger piercing through a slit of a plate helm, the subtle cocking of a pistol followed by the trigger pull. 
Lyrics caressed their minds, speaking of desires met if prices were paid. Each word pitched perfectly making one wonder what would be to high a cost for what the music promised.  
Snap. A clawed hand closing around her throat pushing her back along the smooth marble of the main terrace, her legs forced wide then guided over leather spaulders, fel eyes looking up into her own as she smiled a bratty little smile back, a malformed tongue rolling along the Kaldorei’s lips exposing long fangs, the tearing of silk.
Bass pounding deeper, every organ seeking to chase the beat that is already altering the delicate balance of how a being was created.
Snap. The floor was coated in blood, intestines and the gore that spilled from the body cavities of the dead strewn about like a child’s collection of toy soldiers thrown against a wall. 
A wave of lyrics pounded into the crowd, fear and revulsion rivaled with curiosity and a magnetic pull, the need to hear what the next line was a compulsion.
Snap. A delegation, a proud Sin’dorei flanked by guards of his own race and Kaldorei both. The demons came next, felhounds walking in perfect alignment collars connected to flaming chains held by a sayaad, a shivarra walking proudly followed by a succubus and incubus in collars much like the fel hounds, two observers bobbed pupils darted side to side. Finally came the people, more guards robed and cowled figures and the servants, no one of status would ever travel without them.
A pregnant pause in the composition drawing breath from the lungs carrying it to the ceiling diving, captured on a wave of sound that poured back into the lungs filling a person with lies of immortality.
Snap. Prince Keal’thas’s deep voice echoing through the entire keep. “Energy, power, my people are addicted to it. A dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome to the future! A pity you are too late to stop it. No one can stop me now. Selama Ashal’anore.”
The shivarra’s voice lowered to a pitch that matched the drums in the undercurrent of structure, all of the power fading in to spill into a hushed moment.
Snap. Her hand playing through purple black hair, the giant elven lover with his head on her lap while she laid upon a chaise. Throat sore, she would not be singing for at least a handful of days, his rumbling voice offered an apology that she brushed aside with a harsh laugh. They relaxed together and watched the stars while he told her all about the Black Temple and the vision he felt Illidan inspired.
Voice and melody spiraled, a dance of a hawk spiraling upward together before dropping onto unsuspecting prey.
Snap. Running from the ballroom, dancer’s steps light as she bolted down back corridors now empty until she faced a towering human in blue and silver barring her path, advancing with equal measures of hate, lust and battle madness, “The only good elf is a dead elf.” Dropping to a knee, hoping to rush past as he was sure to accept her submission. The sound of his sword being drawn sent her scrambling back, eyes wide with panic. Her body moved over a broken spear and she kicked it at his feet, he stumbled and fell allowing her time to turn and slip into another hallway while he tried to regain his feet. 
Picking up, the pounding throb of intensity cresting into the wave the song began with before it came slamming back into a trough that scraped low and rolled turmoil through a soul damaging it forever in the span of a handful of words before it faded out.
Snap.  Crossing the room, bodies everywhere, something squished under her foot and clung to it. A woman reached out for her, “Help me…” She pivoted away from the grasping hand, no one was going to slow her. The black mace rose and she sprinted, throwing herself forward tackling her mother where she remained rooted in place. The overhand blow began to fall, what would have been a killing blow glanced across the side of her mother’s head. 
This was the song that would haunt her dreams forever. 
Bea Miller - Playground  | Arcane League of Legends | Riot Games Music
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sabka-dentist07 · 6 months
Dental Clinic in Sion East
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Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic in Sion East Mumbai Offers a relaxed and unique dental care experience, coupled with the highest standards of dental treatments. Dentistry absolutely need not be anything less than a pampered pleasant experience. Dental treatments in Sion East at Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic are confined in calm surroundings and, will amaze you with how painless and fast most modern dentistry is! At Sabka Dentist, our aim is to provide good oral health and create beautiful smiles. In the process of achieving this, we provide excellent implant, preventive, restorative, and conventional dentistry. Our commitment to these goals provides you with unparalleled service with the highest standards of dental hygiene in a comfortable and pampering environment. We know you will be delighted, not only with the treatment but with the way you are treated. Here you will find a welcoming ambiance with warm, friendly staff and total transparency. At Sabka Dentist, people not only receive top-class treatment for their dental concerns but will also get to enjoy among the best in-clinic patient experiences across India. Irrespective of the background or occupation of an individual, we make certain that all our patients feel comfortable and experience absolutely no issues when approaching or getting their dental issues across to our dental specialists. We are amongst the top dental clinic chains in Sion East, Mumbai, and have a legacy that is unrivaled by any other dental clinic in Sion East, Mumbai, India. Our dentists are some of the best dentists in Sion East, Mumbai. Dental treatment at the Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic: -Dental Check-up -Dental Implants -Dentures -Orthodontic Treatment (Braces) -Root Canal Treatment -Teeth Scaling and Polishing -Teeth Cleaning -Teeth Whitening and Bleaching -Overdentures -Oral Health Guide
Phone number - 8291819556
Address - 201, Bansari Bhuvan Building, Ground Floor, Sion Main Road, Sion East, Mumbai– 400022
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script-a-world · 2 months
Submitted via Google Form:
If say 90% of my world has been cremating the dead for 100,000+ years, how does that affect the world physically on the large scale? I'm talking land use, soil composition, crop growth if it's common to use cremains as fertiliser, its effect on climate etc…
Tex: I’m making the tentative assumption that at some point in those hundred thousand-plus years, a more efficient means of cremation has been invented that is resource-efficient compared to the traditional method of burning upon a pyre. If this is the case, then the footprint would be rather low, and likely also ecologically efficient. I can’t say for sure whether it’s a good idea to use cremation remains as fertilizer, but a lot of land would be freed up for other uses that would otherwise have been designated for graveyards.
Licorice: Cremated human remains do not make good fertiliser. I know this from personal experience with a loved one’s memorial tree that we killed by ‘fertilising’ it with her ashes. It was only after we’d done this that we found out from experts that human ashes are harmful to most plant life.
I should think that after 100,000 years your society would have figured out that using cremains as fertiliser is not helping their crops to grow. 
In India they have been cremating their dead for many thousands of years and I don’t think it has an adverse effect on the land, but it won’t be a positive one either. I believe it’s just neutral, as long as you’re not spreading those ashes on your fields. 
If it’s important to your worldbuilding to use human remains as fertiliser (which honestly, I think would be a very respectful way of using the bodies we leave behind) perhaps they could have developed some form of human composting: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/turning-our-dead-into-fertilizer/
Utuabzu: Historically, many cultures have cremated their dead, ranging from Japan to Ancient Greece to the Aztecs to India, and a whole lot of others. It’s probably the second most common means of dealing with the dead, after burial. However, cremation requires a very high temperature, around 900°C, which even with a modern closed furnace does require a fair amount of fuel. An open pyre would need even more. Any society that cremates their dead is going to have to account for that fuel, likely with managed forestry.
After that, there’s still going to be large bone fragments. Modern western crematoria usually grind these down into a fine powder, but in eastern Asia the bone fragments are usually collected and stored. You’ll need to consider what this world’s cultures do with the bone and ash, and also any other remains, like metals from medical implants and tooth fillings (we usually recycle them).
If you’re going for low environmental impact, the method of disposition with the lowest environmental cost is probably exposure. It’s rare, most prominently practiced by Tibetans and Zoroastrians, but it doesn’t really require any fuel and does return most of the body to the ecosystem rapidly. But unless you’ve got a good cultural/environmental/theological reason most people find it kind of upsetting.
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3 Factors to Choose Dentist for Composite Filling Services
How to Choose a Dentist for Composite Filling Services?
When you are serious about your smile you need to take care of teeth and gums. However, most people generally never take oral health seriously. Also, accidents can lead to broken and damaged teeth which can further make us appear bad in various pictures. Hence, you need to get the tooth filling done the right way which would allow you to keep the broken or damaged tooth and ensure that you can retain the smile you have. For this, you need to look for the right dental experts that can help you with composite filling services.
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Local Composite Filling Professional
If you are planning to get your tooth filled you need to look for the one close to your location. This is essential because you don't want to commute long distances for such procedures. Hence, you need to look for a tooth filling near me when you are browsing more information online. You can also ask people in your vicinity and they can provide you with names of dentists who are good at it.
Reputed Composite Filling Professional
Similarly, you also need to look for experts who have a good reputation for various procedures like tooth filling removal. This would ensure that you can make the most of their expertise and knowledge. Choosing dental professionals who have thorough knowledge and information can help you with getting the filling process done the right way. They can also provide you with information on how to take care of your tooth shortly.
Cost of Composite Filling
Also, when you are looking for tooth-filling procedures and experts you need to consider the total cost. If you are in Delhi you need to focus on dental filling cost in Delhi to ensure that you can make the most of the total cost.
While there are many dentists and dental professionals you need to look for the ones that can help you with the tooth filling process locally. Also, you need to evaluate the reputation and testimonials they have along with the total cost of the filling process.
About the Author:
The author is a dental professional that has helped patients with the composite filling process over the years at the best price in New Delhi.
Source: https://medium.com/@dentalclinicdelhi/3-factors-to-choose-dentist-for-composite-filling-services-db7283901f3f
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alvin-draper · 29 days
Alien: Romulus
let's chat. and also preface with the fact I've only seen alien and Aliens before, both of which I adore and rewatch endlessly.
I've seen some reviewers talk about this, but Andy carried that movie character wise. Everyone else was good - props to the weird cousin guy. He was a dick but he added some much needed internal group conflict.
Andy and Rain - she was weirdly cookie cutter in a very video game protagonist kinda way. She had a goal: get off planet. She had a brother who she viewed both as person and as pet. Something to be loved and coddled. At no point was she ready for him to have more agency. From the minute you knew she'd decided to leave him behind, you could plot the course of her entire arc. Andy was better. I was worried they were doing a weirdly placed take on adults with strong autism to start with, and was kinda relieved to find out he was artificial with a buggy system, and then realised that actually no the comparison still 100% works, but I like how they played it. He gets agency with intelligence, but it's at the cost of losing his human connections. His little sister, and the friends he's an outlier to. He never feels integrated into the group, always slightly on the outside. When he gets his new chip and directive, I read it as equal parts programming and rebellion. It took away some of his desire to do anything for Rain, and replaced it with pragmatism. But you can see its still him in there, and that he's mad about them leaving him behind. He keeps making decisions to keep Rain alive, but he focuses in on her life rather than her emotional needs, and lets other people die. It still reads as love, to me. But instead of her sacrificing him for her better life, he sacrificed her emotional wellbeing for both of them to live. Definitely the character with the most intricacy.
As said, everyone else and everything else felt kind of cookie cutter. The characters don't make interesting decisions. Its still well written and well done: you understand the how'd and whys of every decision they make. But none of them shine enough to keep up with Andy.
Okay, enough character stuff. Let's talk everything else.
The score and sound mixing: incredible. Loved that it started on that deep space silence. The music is good and more than functional, will probably listen to the soundtrack as a background for a while. The best choice sound wise in the whole movie is when she floats out the bottom of the cargo bay in the final act and the sound cuts almost completely. You could've heard a pin drop.
The look of the thing: impeccable. The minute they get onto those prowling H G Geiger ships I was sold on the whole thing. The wires and curves and me grin so hard. Less excellent alien hiding places than I would've liked, but they didn't use that trick too many times so it worked out. The red and orange lighting in the dark rooms gave the movie a very distinct aesthetic, separate from the other Alien movies that I've seen. And of course the shot composition was glorious. One of my favourite visuals was in the water filled cyro fuel room, when Andy freezes and reboots. Hi standing stock still as the camera pans up and we the audience understand: oh shit, that's a lot of facehuggers.
Things they set up and paid off: the pregnancy. Andy slipping a vial of the compound into his pocket. The X Ray scanner. The dropped key. The gravity timer. Just about the security cameras. Things they didn't quite pay off: the temperature sensing device. The facehuggers travelling through the vents. The sharp edges and quick mechanical closing of the vent covers they get into the ship through.
Shit that came out of nowhere: all the goddamn fully grown xenomorphs. That bit was pretty out of left field. I had anticipated there being more Aliens, but they fact they left it so late doesn't really make much internal sense. I guess because they were in the other half of the outpost?
Callbacks I loved: the Nostromo at the start and the vague references to Ripley. Rook being Ash. That was gooooood. Also shows that the companies whole thing in Aliens that synthetics aren't like that anymore is kind of bollocks.
That fucking thing: I'm calling it Romulus for obvious reasons. I thought the design was excellent. So fucking horrifying. I will be having nightmares. Its like they reached into my subconscious and designed it specifically to get to me. Incredible. Didn't like the fact it roared I think if it had made either an Alien hiss or a human noise it would've been way more compelling. Properly horrifying though. Really hit home that it's a horror movie more than anything else. Also. The death scenes in the movie? Incredible. It did those Well. My favourite was absolutely the acid blood literally burning a whole through that guys chest, because it was visceral and brutal and horrifying and so so hell done. You could really feel the panic and tension and still clock him scrabbling at his chest just to melt his fingers and feeling sick all over again. Just brilliant.
Overall: it was good! It sucks that I only really liked Andy, and he only really atarts coming into his own after Rain betrays him. Still fucked she took his autonomy away again at the end, even if their quipping was cute. Loved them raising the temperature of that room as a disguise that was inspired. Loved them turning off the Gravity to shoot the Aliens that also worked great. The elevator was also a good set piece. The biggest let down in this movie is the characters. Andy's great, Rain is alright, and sos the cousin who's only around for the firstish act. Bit the main side character guy, who's sisters pregnant? I don't even remember his name. They kept hinting at there being both backstories for him and for Rain that were more interesting than what he got. For him, some kind of genuine military past. For her: she'd been to Yvaga before. Maybe even grew up there as a little kid. It was an opportunity to add proper dimension to both characters that was squandered in favor of the crazier action scenes, which sucks. This movie was in dire need of clearer and deeper characters, particularly because in my eyes that'd what Alien does best, and Aliens takes a really good stab at considering the larger main cast.
Essentially. It's a good damn horror movie, but I'm not sure it's a great Alien movie, for all the incredible HR Giger and weird sexual violence undertones. I'm just not sure that plot wise it earned its Alien credentials. Like the last few lines. Rain leaves a log, as she's the last survivor of her ship. But there's no passenger log. It was never an authorised mission. Its a pointless message to leave. It gives the audience closure because it flashes us back to the end of Alien, but it makes no sense as closure for Rain. That's where I'm at.
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laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Preaching Date translation + Subbed Video
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien casually closes his eyes and raises the gun, pulling the trigger without care.
The barrel swiftly twists, and a bloody "firework" explodes on the man's finger.
Lucien's expression remains indifferent, but crimson bloodshot vessels have already filled the bottom of his eyes.
Like a calm sea surface concealing a dark vortex that has already surged, ready to swallow everything at any moment.
Everything- including himself.
Translation under the cut
[Subbed Video]
[Part 1]
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The summer is full of sunshine in Europe, yet the temperatures are rather gentle like late spring.
I lift up my phone and capture a snapshot of the emerald-green scenery under the radiant sunlight.
MC: Lucien, what do you think of this photo I took?
Beside me, Lucien slightly leans forward. His other hand wraps around my waist.
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Lucien: The composition is novel and the theme is clear, but it lacks a finishing touch.
MC: Huh? What do you mean?
As he speaks, he hands his phone to me, and the screen displays a photo — with the same emerald green tones, but this time with the addition of my silhouette in the background.
The thought of me taking a picture of the trees while Lucien takes a picture of me at the same time and space makes me unable to suppress my laughter.
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MC: Professor Lucien always seems to play the role of the “watchful observer”* behind the scenes, doesn’t he?~
(T/N: 黄雀在后 (Lit. the oriole behind) is from a complex idiom 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 (lit. The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind) which generally means to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger. You can say that Lucien is the greater danger and it’s an important foreshadowing :D)
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Lucien: Is that so? I haven’t thought that much about it though.
Lucien: In my judgment, the best scenery is only found where you are.
I raise the corners of my lips and hook my hand around his neck under the shade of the trees.
MC: Well, I admit you’re more meticulous~ But are you sure you want to accompany me sightseeing?
MC: You have to attend the academic exhibition tomorrow. Shouldn’t you go back to the hotel and prepare for it?
Recently, there have been groundbreaking advancements in the research of neurodegenerative diseases at the Ultima Bioresearch Center.
To make further progress, Ultima Bioresearch Center organized its researchers to participate in the latest academic exhibition in Europe to present the project research to major medical companies.
If the collaboration between the two parties is successful, they will jointly develop lower-cost medications to save more patients.
Lucien smiles and lifts the palm of his hand to cradle the back of my head, imprinting a kiss on my forehead.
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Lucien: Mm, can’t be more sure.
Lucien: The reason I came a day early is to bask in the sun and take a walk with you in advance.
Lucien: Moreover, this city holds numerous festive gatherings during its lively times, and I’m really looking forward to this time of leisure and exploration with you.
MC: Alright then, I can enjoy myself without worry.
MC: However, if there’s any assistance you need from me at the exhibition tomorrow, as a “non-staff personel,” I’ll be there to support you!
After saying that, I grab his hand and walk towards a bustling crowd ahead.
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Apart from the fantastical carousel and teacup-like Ferris wheel, there are also shooting stalls, ring-toss games, claw machines, and other stalls all around, creating a lively atmosphere.
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Lucien: Which one would you like to play first?
MC: Hmm... It seems like there are long queues for all of them.
Lucien looks around and then takes my hand, leading me toward a shooting stall filled with plush toys.
Lucien: Since that’s the case, let’s go to the place with prizes first.
Lucien: If we arrive late, I might see a “disappointed” little lady.
[Part 2]
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That night, I fell into a deep slumber, holding tightly onto the small fox plushie that Lucien had won for me.
After a restful sleep, I wake up refreshed the next day and neatly organize the materials at the booth.
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MC: It’s starting in ten minutes.
I adjust the name tag on my uniform, ensuring that the synchronous translation device in my ear is functioning properly. Then, I wave at Lucien before heading off.
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MC: Today, I’ll be your little assistant, Professor Lucien. Feel free to give me any instructions~
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Lucien: Then I’d like to offer a token of appreciation before we begin as a small thanks.
He smiles and takes my hand, walking towards the nearby railing.
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The exhibition is located in an open-air atrium of a luxurious hotel, surrounded by lush greenery. With a gentle inhale, the air is filled with a delightful fragrance.
To my surprise, I discover that on the ground floor of the hotel, there is also a festive gathering with various stalls in the courtyard.
MC: Haha, I didn’t expect the organizers to be so thoughtful.
MC: They even consider that even the greatest and most rigorous scientists need to relax and unwind their minds from time to time~
Colorful tents adorn the area, and among them stands a person-sized rabbit plush toy inside a claw machine.
It raises its furry paw, seemingly beckoning to those who are destined to take it home.
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Lucien: MC, don’t you think it would be a perfect match with the little fox from last night?
He seems to have noticed the same thing as me, and his voice gently resonates with a joyful tone.
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MC: Yes, it’s indeed a perfect companion!
MC: I wonder if it will still be here waiting for us once we’re done with our busy schedule.
As I speak, I glance around, searching for any potential “competitors.”
However, since it’s an event within the hotel, aside from the staff, only a few people are sitting on a swing in one corner.
They are wearing casual plaid shirts and don’t have any name tags, so they must be hotel guests.
However, it seems like they are not very interested in the gathering as they keep their heads down, engrossed in their phones.
Lucien: It seems that for now, there won’t be anyone to compete with us for that adorable little rabbit.
With a subtle sense of delight, I tidy up his collar once again.
MC: Professor Lucien, shall we start working? We can bring it home with us once we’re finished~
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Since it is a highly selective exhibition, the attendees here are representatives from authoritative companies in the medical industry.
In addition, with the format of poster presentations, Lucien and other researchers take turns being on duty.
One group is responsible for providing explanations to the attending representatives, while the other group can explore and learn from other booths.
Although I may not have expertise in the relevant field, I do my best to assist by delivering materials and providing guidance.
After two busy hours, the visiting group of researchers returns with smiles on their faces.
Researcher A: Thank you for your hard work. Now it’s our turn to take over and provide explanations.
Researcher B: The booths this time are all impressive. I believe you will gain a lot from exploring them.
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Lucien: Alright, shall we go then?
Lucien’s fingertips naturally intertwine with mine through the gaps between our fingers. However, he doesn’t stop at any booth but leads me directly to the entrance on the ground floor.
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MC: Huh? Aren’t you going to explore the booths?
He glances at the rabbit still inside the claw machine, and there is a slight relaxation in his expression.
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Lucien: Of course, we’ll explore them, but we have two hours, remember?
Lucien: If all goes well, within ten minutes, I should be able to have you holding the rabbit in your arms.
MC: Professor Lucien is quite confident, huh~
Lucien: (chuckles) In my plan, having it as our companion will ensure that we have a good mood throughout the entire day.
As he speaks, he takes out a stack of bills and exchanges them for a basket of coins at the counter. He then walks over to the claw machine.
Because the rabbit plush toy is quite large, the claw machine is filled with balls of different colors. The goal is to grab the only pink ball, and then exchange it with the staff for the rabbit plush toy.
MC: Are you so confident? Those claw machines can be rigged, you know!
Lucien: As long as I practice a few times and observe the claw’s gripping strength, speed, and inertia when it shakes...
Lucien: Then we can bring it home.
The claw slowly descends after Lucien presses the button, scratching the smooth surface of the ball but coming back empty-handed.
He doesn’t feel discouraged. A sharp gleam appears in his narrow eyes as if he is quickly calculating something.
As time passes, with only two game coins remaining, Lucien calmly inserts them into the machine.
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Lucien: MC, if I succeed on the last attempt, can I get some rewards?
I certainly know what he’s hinting at. I tiptoe and give him a kiss.
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MC: Of course you can.
MC: However, based on my understanding of you, you can totally redeem the reward in advance!
[Part 3]
MC: Wow, this rabbit is even softer than I imagined.
Lucien: (chuckles) It’s very cute indeed. Can you lend it to me for now and place it at our booth as a mascot?
Lucien: Who knows, it might attract more company representatives to come over.
MC: Um! After we place it, then I’ll accompany you to visit other booths...
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As I speak, I suddenly feel a buzzing sensation in my head, as if a layer of white mist is enveloping me. My vision becomes blurry, sometimes appearing closer and sometimes farther away.
Slowly turning my head, I notice that Lucien’s figure has become hazy, and the surrounding noise is drowned out by a buzzing sound.
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He seems to have noticed that something is wrong with me as well, and he anxiously wraps his arm around my waist.
Lucien: MC.
I can’t hear anything.
I can only see his mouth opening and closing as if he’s calling out my name, but when I try to reach out and hold him, my hands are unresponsive and out of control.
It feels like an unknown force is pulling at my body, and I am aware that I have opened my mouth, uttering unexpected English words.
But in the next second, the translation earpiece automatically recognizes my voice and converts it into a cold, electronic sound—
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‘MC’: “Hey, Professors, how can you two just casually leave the exhibition like that?”
What is happening?
No matter how much I try to wave my hands or shout out loud, it’s of no use.
It feels like my consciousness is being drawn into a vessel, and no matter how much my brain sends commands, my body refuses to obey my instructions.
Just as I try to seek help from Lucien, my legs suddenly start running forward, and then I leap up, using the railing in front of me for support, momentarily soaring into the air.
I sense a hint of pain as the ligaments in my thighs tear instantly, but in the next second, my body jumps over the railing.
Soon, the swing that I saw in the morning comes into view in my line of sight, and my hands immediately reach out from the bushes, holding a handgun.
After completing all the actions seamlessly, a cold muzzle is pressed against my temple.
My mind goes blank for a brief moment.
The expected pain and agony do not arrive as anticipated. In my line of sight, birds startle and flap their wings towards the sky, while the people around me scream and scatter in all directions.
In the chaos, several armed men drive the people who couldn’t escape into the tents, and sobs can be heard from inside.
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Lucien: This evolver, what do you plan to do?
I feel the corners of my mouth twitch, and I keep the gun barrel pressed against my temple. I turn around and look at Lucien, whose face has turned icy.
His face is particularly grim, and the temperature around us seems to drop several degrees under the scorching sun.
But “I” simply give a shake to the bunny ears in my hand and let out a scoffing laugh.
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‘MC’: “Professor, don’t be nervous. I’m just here to get the job done. If possible, I don’t want anyone to die here either.”
‘MC’: “So, before I explain my intentions, how about we quietly return to the venue?”
Lucien doesn’t take a step forward, and his narrow eyes become slightly cold.
Lucien: You have already stirred up trouble.
Lucien: I’m afraid that there won't be a way to calm things down peacefully.
As “I” speak, I tried countless times to escape from the white fog, but each attempt ends in failure.
Just as I am trying to calm down and think, “I” suddenly releases the grip on the gun and casually flips it around twice.
‘MC’: “Fine, let’s save some time then.”
‘MC’: “Although I’m not a professional, I do know that all of you have excellent research achievements. It’s just that they’re a bit too good.”
‘MC’: “If we continue to lower drug prices, there will always be people who are unhappy.”
‘MC’: “So, on behalf of my boss, I want to have a chat with all of you, discuss some business, and ensure that everyone presents has an opportunity to make money.”
The cold translation plays through the earphones, gradually making me realize that a terrorist attack is being launched against the exhibition.
However, he seems unfamiliar with Lucien, and the fact that I’m the one being "held hostage" is more like a “random stroke of luck.”
With that in mind, I instinctively nodded toward Lucien, despite being out of control.
‘MC’: “Alright, let’s go back to the venue with us. This way, I will release this lady.”
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Lucien: I understand your intentions now.
Lucien: But you've taken the wrong person hostage. She is not a research team here.
Lucien: And compared to you, the person standing in front of you seems to pose an even greater threat.
My lips twitch again, but the bristling hairs on my body told me that there is some surging emotion building up.
However, the person controlling my body seems oblivious to this subtle change, even arrogantly crossing their arms.
‘MC’: “Professor, actually, my luck is not bad. Even if I’ve taken the wrong person hostage, she is still the most important one among these people.”
‘MC’: “Because you care about her a great deal, don’t you?”
‘MC’: “If you don’t believe me, take a look at this...”
The rabbit in my hand slips away and falls in front of my shoe.
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I lift my hand and press it forcefully onto a sharp fence behind me, leaving a trail of blood.
A piercing pain spreads from my fingertips to my whole body, and my vision becomes blurred by involuntary tears.
However, the person controlling me seems to be devoid of shared pain, continuing to press down without any concern—
An instant frost envelops my fingertips, followed by my joints as they freeze, leaving my limbs completely immobilized in place.
Bang- Bang!
“I” follow the sound and look, only to see the people who were holding the gun also frozen on the ground, their eyes filled with fear clearly reflected through the ice crystals.
??: AHH-!
The people being held hostage immediately scream and flee from the tent, leaving only “me” and Lucien standing in place.
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Lucien: Sorry.
Lucien: It might be a bit cold, but it'll be fine soon.
Lucien walks towards me step by step, and wherever he goes, thin ice forms in his steps.
I’m unconsciously trembling from the chilling air, and he covers the back of my hand with an even colder palm.
In just an instant, the gun in my hand is taken away by him.
[Part 4]
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‘MC’: "If you're willing to do it, go ahead and shoot. After all, she'll be the only one getting hurt."
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Lucien: I see you still haven't figured out the situation.
He shows no emotions on his face, the tightly pressed corners of his mouth sharp as a blade.
Lucien: The issue I'm facing has never been about making choices.
Lucien: Because even if you were to gamble with your life, your life is not worthy enough to do so.
Several sharp ice shards suddenly appear with us at the center, slanting downward and refracting a cold gleam of light.
Lucien: I know where you are.
Lucien: I also know what your fate will be.
At this moment, I feel my body stiffen, as if it's a reaction triggered by that Evolver.
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‘MC’: “You-!”
All the ice shards pierce through, resoundingly embedding into the ground, except for one spot where a different sound emerges from the thicket of trees—
—like a muffled sound that blends together the piercing of flesh and bone.
As my body trembles uncontrollably, a body pierced by ice shards in each limb falls from among the trees.
Lying on the ground is a young man who appears to be around thirty years old, dressed in a plaid shirt...
In an instant, I recall that he seems to be the person who was sitting on the swing earlier in the morning!
So, it turns out they had already infiltrated early in the morning.
‘MC’: “....”
The person controlling my body seems to be overwhelmed with fear, only able to produce hoarse gasps.
Lucien takes oppressive steps forward, picking up the rabbit plush toy and the scattered game coins that fell to the ground.
Seeing my blood on them, a cold gleam flashes through Lucien's typically calm eyes, causing terrifying cracks to appear in the surrounding frost.
After a moment of silence, he sits on the nearby bench, quietly embracing the plush and holding it as if it were a lifeline.
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Lucien: Sir, you made my rabbit dirty.
Lucien casually closes his eyes and raises the gun, pulling the trigger without care.
Lucien: However, that's not the only mistake you've made.
The barrel swiftly twists, and a bloody "firework" explodes on the man's finger.
Lucien's expression remains indifferent, but crimson bloodshot vessels have already filled the bottom of his eyes.
Like a calm sea surface concealing a dark vortex that has already surged, ready to swallow everything at any moment.
Everything- including himself.
Lucien: But now you still have the opportunity to make the final judgment.
Bang- Bang!
But Lucien seems uninterested in receiving a response, immediately firing several shots at the man’s various limbs.
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The next moment, I feel my vision blur once again, but this time it seems like control over my body has returned.
I make a few deliberate movements with my fingers, and the sensations transmitted through the nerve endings make me realize that the person controlling me seems to have vanished from my body.
However, the peculiar sense of detachment amplifies within my body, and I can't prevent myself from losing strength and falling to the ground—
A strong hand scoops me up and embraces me.
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Lucien: MC, it's all right now.
Lucien: It’s all right now…
It’s as if he said the last sentence to reassure himself, with barely detectable tremors in his soft voice.
MC: Lucien...
The lingering fear makes me instinctively cling to him, as if trying to absorb his warmth, burying it deep within my chest.
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And he is holding me tightly, his large palm gently stroking me over and over again.
Lucien: Don't be afraid, I'm here.
MC: I... I can hear and see everything, but I just can't control myself...
Lucien: (chuckles softly) MC, do you need to confirm it again?
Lucien is holding my hand to his cheek, a cool and soft touch comes from his fingertips.
My fingertips tremble slightly, then slowly glide across his cheek, his nose, and the edge of his lips.
I want to imprint these ordinary touches deep into the bottom of my heart.
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Lucien: Even though it feels a bit ticklish, you can take as much time as you need to be sure.
Lucien: I'll be here for you until you're fully at ease.
Lucien lowers his head and gently kisses my lips. His movement is light and slow as if he wants me to feel him as much as possible.
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 MC: Lucien....
I grip his lapel with a bit of force, feeling the tension of the fabric under my fingertips, gradually soothing my unease and palpitations.
Everything that just happened seems to be just a nightmare.
After deepening the last kiss, he gently sets me down, crouches, and takes hold of my knee, slowly rubbing it.
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Lucien: Are you still cold?
Seeing the apology in his eyes, I shake my head, preparing to say something, when a siren suddenly rings out from the distance.
I stare blankly at the man who's fallen unconscious on the ground, the pool of blood beneath him is a shocking sight.
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Lucien: He’s fine for now.
Lucien: But I need to take you to get bandaged up first.
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He massages my knee again, his gaze fixed intensely on the coagulated blood at my fingertips.
Even though it's just a minor scrape, I don't want him to worry any further, so I obediently nod.
MC: There seems to be a medical station in the venue, so by the time the police arrive, we can still manage to cooperate and give statements...
Before I can finish, Lucien pulls me into his arms, his chin lightly resting on the top of my head.
Lucien: There's no need to rush
Lucien: I don't want to make you suffer any more today. I will negotiate with them to postpone the process until tomorrow morning.
He unconsciously tightens his grip, revealing deeper emotions beneath his slightly stern demeanor.
Apart from guilt, there's a greater sense of fear that he can’t control.
[it’s the fear of losing someone yet again :”]
I can't help but hug him tightly, feeling his silent but turbulent embrace.
MC: Even though I'm fine now, I'll still listen to you~
The light in Lucien's eyes softens a bit more, he releases me and picks up the rabbit plush at his foot, and gently pats it.
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Lucien: MC, my plans have been disrupted, so to make it up to you...
Lucien: I will help you clean it. In the time that follows, both me and it will be here to bring you joy.
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1272x1306 -- Spotlight on the Hubble Deep Field at full resolution, c. 1996. (R. Williams, the Hubble Deep Field team, NASA).
OVERVIEW: "In 1995, astronomer Bob Williams wanted to point the Hubble Space Telescope at a patch of sky filled with absolutely nothing remarkable. For 100 hours.
It was a terrible idea, his colleagues told him, and a waste of valuable telescope time. People would kill for that amount of time with the sharpest tool in the shed, they said, and besides — no way would the distant galaxies Williams hoped to see be bright enough for Hubble to detect.
Plus, another Hubble failure would be a public relations nightmare. Perceptions of the project, which had already cost multiple billions of dollars, were pretty dismal. Not much earlier, astronauts had dragged Hubble into the cargo bay of the space shuttle Endeavour and corrected a disastrous flaw in the prized telescope’s vision. After the fix, the previously blind eye in the sky could finally see stars as more than blurred points of light. And now, finally, it was time to start erasing the frustrations of Hubble’s early years.
Except that staring at nothing and coming up empty didn’t seem like the best way to do that.
But Williams was undeterred. And, to be honest, it didn’t really matter how much his colleagues protested. As director of the Space Telescope Science Institute, he had a certain amount of Hubble’s time at his personal disposal. “The telescope allocation committee would never have approved such a long, risky project,” he explains. “But as director, I had 10 percent of the telescope time, and I could do what I wanted.”
Wiliams suspected the billion light-year stare might capture eons of galactic evolution in a single frame and uncover some of the faintest, farthest galaxies ever seen. And to him, the potential observations were so important and so fundamental for understanding how the universe evolved that the experiment was a no-brainer, consequences be damned.
“Scientific discovery requires risk,” Williams says. “And I was at a point in my career where I said, “If it’s that bad, I’ll resign. I‘ll fall on my sword.’”
So, with his job perhaps on the line, Williams went off, put together a small team of post-docs, and did exactly as he’d planned. For 100 hours, between Dec. 18 and 28, Hubble stared at a patch of sky near the Big Dipper’s handle that was only about 1/30th as wide as the full moon. In total, the telescope took 342 pictures of the region, each of which was exposed for between 25 and 45 minutes. The images were processed and combined, then colored, and 17 days later, released to the public.
It turned out that “nothing” was actually stuffed with of galaxies. More than 3,000 of them came spilling out, some roughly 12 billion years old. Spiral, elliptical, irregular – red, white, blue, and yellow – the smudges of light that leapt from the final composite image cracked the universe in ways scientists never could have imagined."
-- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, "When Hubble Stared at Nothing for 100 Hours," by Nadia Bynadia Drake, published April 24, 2015
Source: www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/when-hubble-stared-at-nothing-for-100-hours.
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