#complete overhauling that oneshot
joculatrixster · 1 year
me: oh boy cant wait to be productive today and finish the projects ive had on the back burner
the 2 new loz aus i made on the bus: allow me to introduce myself 😉
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mokulule · 8 months
I wrote the last of A Pinch of Salt today 🎉 Not gonna update it yet it needs to rest a bit and this being a collab with @clockways it also needs their eyes on it to make sure we agree on things :D It’s a nice feeling though to have completed something.
And after that it just needs a rewrite/editing overhaul before going on Ao3 as a oneshot, which is exciting!
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pleasantspark · 2 months
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Welcome to my BLOG!
Hello, I am Orion, I am a 20 year old Trans Masc from America, I make mid ass fanfictions because I cannot write well. Soooo, yeah.
I tend to write x Readers, OCs for myself, and I occasionally write content pertaining to my AUs.
I am known as Jeice and Frieza Lover.
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Fanfiction Related Questions
Where do I request stories? In my Ask Box
Am I allowed OC x Canon? I normally charge for it, because OC x Canon (Your OC) is too much work to do, especially if I'M not equipped to write it.
Where can I support you? I have a Kofi but currently Comms are closed, I do not have a working PayPal at all. So once I get that sorted out then yes, Alternatively I have a CashApp.
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Frieza and The Cold Family are MY personal ones from my AU. If you see anything that isn't Canon, read my Bio.
I run the Overhaul Doc for the Frieza Race located here: X
Most of the DBZ fics I write are enlisted in my main canon and not DBZ's Canon.
I own a Human AU, so if you want to request a oneshot, go ahead.
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This is the main AU overhauling EVERYTHING. Currently here's a roadmap.
Frieza Race Overhaul Doc: 100% Complete (Actively Being Edited Occasionally)
Saiyan Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Namekian Race Overhaul Doc: 30% Complete; WIP
Android/Bio Android Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Character DOCs
This is for the Characters in the AU.
Frieza: WIP
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Note: This section is currently being updated, any FanFictions I post are here for Navigation. Color Codes are below.
Update (08/16/2024): For better viewing I decided to split the Oneshots and Series for now, Imagine/Headcanons are situated under the Oneshots section.
Update (08/24/2024): Dunno when I updated it, but I added a color code for WIPs and the like. Adding Drafts as well.
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Green: General Audience Orange: Teen Red: Unrated/Explicit White/Black: WIPs (Drafts)
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Oh Mary, Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? (Vegeta x Reader) I Can't Imagine A Future Without You (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Little Blue Book (Vegeta x Majin! OC x Jeice) Premature (King Cold x Female Frieza Race! OC + Frieza + Cooler) Red Magma (Jeice x Cyborg! Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Mating Season (Cell x Bio-Android! OC) Robotic Heart (Android 16 x Majin! OC) An Alternative Reality (Gevo x Saiyan! OC x Android 16)
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Headcanons & Imagines
Ginyu Force Is Still Alive - Headcanon Zarbon is French - Headcanon Frieza Loves Pudding - Headcanon Human Jeice - Headcanon Frieza's Favorite Past Time - Headcanon Soulmate Imagine - Imagine If Frost Met Frieza's Wife - Imagine Why Jeice Didn't Went Pro - Headcanon Cell With A Potential Partner - Imagine Raditz is Biologically King Vegeta's Son - Headcanon
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Forever & Ever Series (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Addict Series (Frieza x OC, Human AU): 1 Little Kuriza Series (Frieza x Sayian! OC + Kuriza): 1, 2, 3 Three Ways To Love You, But I Want To Say It In One Series (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Just Yours Series (Yandere! Ginyu Force x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Arranged Marriage Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 A Prize To Be Earned, Not Won Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC x Jeice): 1 Baby Daddy Zarbon Series (Zarbon + Daughter! OC / Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 A Monster Has Vices, Too Series (Monster Form! Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 Pink Eyes Series (Yandere! Cell x Saiyan! OC): 1, 2, 3 Apart of Your World Series (Yandere! Dragon Ball Ensemble x Saiyan! Isekai! OC): 1 LOYALTY. (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1 Strictly Business (King Cold x Saiyan! OC): 1
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Regarding my stance on shipping!
I do not care who ships what, as long as you respect my boundries, I have had people who (I can't tell if they were joking) we're shoving Yamcha x Frieza onto me. And I don't ship canon x canon (I do only for one ship) so yeah, don't be discouraged if I don't do ships. I don't mind if you yap about ships. Just be mindful.
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Current Ships / OCs / AUs
Zarbon x Cell (Canon x Canon)
Zarbon x Zucchine (OC x Canon)
Jeice x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Ginyu x Orion (OC x Canon)
Ginyu Force x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Android 16 x Orion (OC x Canon)
Cell x Genesis (OC x Canon)
Frieza x Orion (OC x Canon)
Husk x Orion (OC x Canon)
OCs Please see this post for all my OCs: x Most of them are ALOT and I needed the extra space. :P
Human AU
Overhaul AU
Trepidation AU
Revamped AU (Android 16)
Rewritten and Revamped AU
Rewritten and Abridged AU
Yandere AU
Swap AU
Hazbin x DBZ AU
Soulmate AU
Frieza Redemption AU
Redeeming The Hellaverse AU (HH/HB Rewrite)
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Social Medias
You can find me over...
@xx16xOrionxx - Official Twitter
@CysLittleMini_ - Alt Account
Fangirlofsonic111 - Main
wallydarlingsmalewife - ALT [TRIGGERING CONTENT]
xoDuskerox - ALT
16xOrion - Main
PleasantSpark - Gacha Account
AshzieReads - Fanfiction Account
MammonGaming - AI Gameplay
YoutubersQuotesandClips - Clips Channel
BiblicallyInaccurate - Series Channel
RoseyPupWasTaken - Main
Starscreaming - Main
xoCaliPlayzxNolaxo - Main
cookiecrumbler9872 - ALT
PleasantSpark - Main
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
do you remember when Horikoshi said that he created Toga for Uraraka specifically? do you think the same could be true for Spinner and Shigaraki?
You know, funny thing. A while ago I remember the same exact thing - that Toga was created specifically for Ochako, and he developed Ochako to match Toga - and realizing that it might explain why the Deku+Shigaraki relationship is so underwhelming. Shigaraki/Tenko was Horikoshi's character from wayyyyyy before HeroAca, while Deku is Deku/a salaryman from a different, later oneshot. Maybe he tried to match them up and couldn't.
Kid who wants to basically destroy feudalism vs. the guy who skips work to play heroes.
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Anyway, to answer your question. idk if Spinner was created for Shigaraki, but it does seem that Spinner is important and connected to the character of Shigaraki, being tied to Shigaraki's arc ever since MVA.
However, when Spinner first appeared, he was completely a Stain fanboy who only showed up during the camp raid (as opposed to Dabi and Toga being shown meeting Shigaraki) and didn't care about Shigaraki at all, and this lasted through the Overhaul arc - though, as I said before, even then there were seeds of a relationship: Spinner being a Stain fanboy, fighting without showing his quirk, but still making it into the League; and Spinner shouting Grand Theft Auto during the end of the Overhaul arc, revealing he's a gamer, much like Shigaraki is a gamer. (Though this is very loose 'evidence'. Barely 'evidence'.)
Plus there's also Nine, a prototype Shigaraki, also had his own loyal discriminated heteromorph subordinate, Chimera, who stood out from the rest of Nine's crew by being the only one to have a flashback to when he and Nine met.
It would be cute if Shigaraki and Spinner's relationship was planned to be a core element from early on! But idk if we can say that with any certainty.
Thanks for the ask!
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breannasfluff · 1 year
I know you have mentioned preening, but do the boys molt their feathers?
They do!! The raptors of the group, due to their nature, can’t be out of commission when they molt. They replace feathers one by one as they go; no big swathes missing. It’s a blessing and a curse; they don’t get grouchy about being patchy, or possibly grounded, but they also have to be good at keeping up with preening. Both to pull any loose feathers, make sure new ones are coming in well, and keep up the health of the current ones.
The passerine birds molt in bigger chunks. They lose a lot of feathers and end up patchy and grouchy. Technically they would molt one or twice a year in breeding or winter season, but I play a little loose with that because it doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Can’t be a hero out of commission for almost a year because some feathers got sliced off!
I do actually have a oneshot that will go over molting for Wild at some point in the future! His feathers weren’t in a good state when he first met the group.
Our two water birds, Sky and Wind, molt their feathers all at once in a short period of time. It means they are land-bound during that time and vulnerable! The rest of the group step up to keep them safe.
I’m going to drops some info from online below because I think it’s fascinating 😅 Thanks for the ask!
Molting is timed to meet various needs. For example, resident temperate-zone birds require more insulating feathers in the winter than in the summer. The number is changed in the process of molting; winter plumage may contain more than half again as many feathers as summer plumage. Since the feathers, which carry the colors of birds, are "dead," a bird cannot totally change its colors without changing its feathers (although its appearance can change substantially just from wear). Therefore a male bird usually molts into his most colorful plumage prior to the breeding season. Molting in most passerines takes from 5 to 12 weeks, but some raptors may require two years or more to completely replace their feathers.
Some birds, such as ducks, swans, grebes, pelicans, and auks, are "synchronous molters -- they change their feathers all at once in a period as short as two weeks, but sometimes stretching over a month. During this period, they cannot fly, and males, in particular, often complete the process on secluded lakes in order to minimize their vulnerability to predators.
Why should synchronous molters have evolved this seemingly risky process instead of undergoing a gradual molt like most birds? These birds tend to be heavy relative to their wing surfaces -- they have high "wing loadings." The loss of only a few flight feathers would seriously compromise their flying ability, and so evolution has favored being grounded for a "quick overhaul" rather than a longer period of difficult flying.
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Rambling March Updates
A little bit of a fun update for this month and moving forward, since I’ve been feeling a shift in how I approach my creative work (and well, everything else too) and I feel like organizing my thoughts somewhere. It’s technically the 2nd of March, but after a mini vacation post half-marathon, I definitely feel like it’s a valid bookend to semi start at. I’m in my usual “time to overhaul my life and plans” mood so it’s fitting for that as well, like a spring cleaning for the mind!
Writing Updates:
I’m about halfway through my celebration oneshot, which is a Bellarke AU based on the winning tropes from my survey that I ran during my follower celebration. So in a sense it’s a collaborative fic which is pretty fun! I’m liking it so far, though I do feel a bit rusty writing the Bellarke again after taking a bit of a break.
If you somehow missed my excessive reblogs, I finished my longest fic ever last month (hence another writing break)! It was for Stranger Things/Hellcheer (Eddie x Chrissy) and ended up clocking in at just under 80k words. Pretty astounding and I haven’t really processed how long it is. I feel like I need to reread it just to bask in the accomplishment and to also remember what I wrote lol.
Organizing the new month means updating my word count calendar, and with it I’ll probably spend some time reworking some outlining and WIP plans. I still like most of my WIPs that are unfinished, though one or two might get axed and abandoned. But the ones I want to finish deserve a polishing up and fixed outlines so I feel more confident getting back into them! And of course, organizing some new fic ideas I have and seeing if I can prep myself into making them shorter, easier projects for the main reason I’m about to share!
The biggest reason I want to spend time narrowing down my approach and what I want to write in terms of fanfic is that I’ve finally confirmed to myself that I want to write my own original novel. The idea started bouncing around in my head and I tried to ignore. Thought about it a little longer, told my husband about it, and he enthusiastically insisted that I legitimately consider writing it. And now I can’t stop thinking about it, so I’m going to give it a go! I can’t let myself think about any goals beyond writing it, but I am excited to see how that goal can fit and how I can push myself with it and hopefully actually write it. 
Design/Visual Creative Updates:
I do want to eventually finish my Stranger Things episode gif sets. I find them incredibly relaxing to make and a nice little visual stimulation break! 
More episode posters such as this one are also something on the back burner. Mainly because I’m also considering expanding my efforts in an online shop and I think it would be cool to include them! A part of that is organizing the categories of work I want to do, as well as the very tedious element of figuring out a name for the shop so that I feel comfortable sharing it across platforms. Hopefully updates on that will come down the line by the summer!
In non-fandom thoughts, I desperately need to update my graphic design portfolio and take new headshots. It’s driving me bananas at how much I’ve stalled on that so that needs to be a priority 
I’m determined to learn how to book bind this year and turn my own fics into physical copies (also a nice tie in for my own potential novel). We’ll see how that goes––it’ll be added to my long list of physical creative projects I want to get into this year!
I’ve negotiated my current contract to being a four day work week, so I’m excited to see my schedule start to form in a way that I can maximize my time and work on more personal projects!
However all of this comes on the back of that my husband and I are officially looking to move to a new state and city! Which means there’s a buzzing amount of stress just consistently in my mind right now, which will most definitely multiple over time as we actually have to complete the process. That means I’ll probably put a lot of this all on pause later this month and into April, but I also think that moving to a bit of a slower paced lifestyle is also going to be really good for both of our goals moving forward. Very exciting and very scary at the same time as we look to start a new chapter in our lives!
Onward to updating Notion and hopefully getting some good work in today! Happy almost spring!
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setsugekka · 1 year
crawling out of my ten-foot deep hermit tunnel for this. hihi <3
okay first i’m rlly curious about ✄. also ★, but specifically retaining to the paradise lost rewrite. which scene were you most excited to revisit again? any parts you didn’t particularly want to rewrite?
and for ✹ i wanna know across all of the characters you’ve written, which one are you the proudest of (most fleshed out, complicated, etc.), which one you love the most (could be to write, or as a developed person), and which one you hated the most (once again, could be to write or one that just made your blood boil).
CORYNN!!! 💗💗🥰🥰💗💗
me seeing this at the perfect time, i just woke up and sat down with a coffee and i get to think about this ask as i wake up enough to finally get to writing...kisses your forehead 😘
✄ what’s your editing process?
my editing process is honestly pretty trashed LMAO because if it was left up to me then it would take a very long time for fic to get out.
i'm an autopilot reader when it comes to my own stuff, which doesn't make for very thorough editing. i think to understand my editing (or lack thereof) you gotta understand my writing process a little which is i write chronologically and i do not go back and edit it until the entire thing is finished (per chapter/oneshot).
then, because i am very lucky and thankful, i ship it off to my best friend who does my beta'ing for me. SPAG and comfort word type stuff, redundancies that i might want to check out on a second read through. because if i go back in and read what i wrote in...less than a month? of writing it? my brain remembers too much of it i don't have critical enough of an eye to actually catch problems. SO. i have to put a lot of time between stuff if i'm gonna look it over again myself.
as for paradise lost thankfully i didn't really end up rewriting it much except for some smaller bits here or there that i think got lost in my attempt to write up meaningful prose 🤣 my favorite scene, however, is definitely the conversation that mc and hongjoong have at the bar in japan. people look over that scene a lot but it's the first time either of them really establish that they want to take the relationship to the next level, and he is the one that puts it on the table! my poor meow meow.
as for not wanting to redo...pretty much all of the smut LAMODJGFDK. there was a large part of me that was considering taking almost all of it out, or at least toning most of it down, but i got too lazy and fixing the SPAG/lapslock was already demanding enough with how hefty the chapters tended to be. you win this round, smutty little fic! [shakes fist]
✹ wildcard - i wanna know across all of the characters you’ve written, which one are you the proudest of (most fleshed out, complicated, etc.), which one you love the most (could be to write, or as a developed person), and which one you hated the most (once again, could be to write or one that just made your blood boil).
oh this is SOOOO fun! i think some of my answers are going to be very obvious though fdhgkfd.
proudest of: hmm, you might not like it but probably a tie between cots!minho and rk!seonghwa! 💀💀 they're quite different characters but they both stole the show of their fics a little bit i think, though for good reason i must admit.
i feel like cots!minho was a force to be reckoned with which is funny because he wasn't really intended to play such a massive role in the story when i had originally planned for him. the idea was effectively "can i redeem the irredeemable character" and that was...a shockingly easy task LMAO. but outside of that, i actually just wanted to write a character that was humorously bad, like your Loki's, for example. yeah he's evil (usually, sorta) but also he's just a silly lil guy.
rk!seonghwa is just a lot because like i've mentioned, when i decided to completely rewrite the second half of ruined king when i was already halfway into writing it, that meant a complete overhaul of seonghwa's character, including the shit that he had already said and done and fitting in the ways that that worked narratively. it was a challenge but a really fun one, and good job my brain because it actually wasn't even that hard to fit the pieces together between pre-rewrite and post. like he was meant to be a shitty lil psychosexually deranged freak the whole time 💗
love the most: oh my god rk!hongjoong BY A LONG SHOT PROBABLY!!! 💗💗💗i love him so, so much. i agonized on portraying him and how he was coming across to a reader with my best friend when i was writing him. i shit you not, there was a night where she and i took a trip to berlin together and one night we got drunk and just talked about ruined king LEGIT. for like five hours. i don't even know how, but i know a LOT of that was me crying and throwing up and dying on the floor about writing hongjoong in that fic because he was everything to me.
is he just a vague rewrite of an anime character i love from an anime i also love? yes. except he is far more fucked up and has way more issues and that makes me like him more 💗
hated the most: this will probably not come as a surprise to anyone but...paradise lost mc LMAO. i actually just hate her guts a lot and i don't think she's a kind or thoughtful person sowwy.
aside from her? probably like...every main character in atarashii is hateable, but i will admit i had fun writing that because of it. there's something to be said for writing a problematic infidelity-centered fic where every single character involved is kind of a shithead. quite literally welcome to the circus and enjoy the show lmao.
wow i just scrolled up to add a readmore cut to this and saw how long it is am so sorry. jesus christmas. thank you but now you know not to ever put me in a position where i can talk about ruined king because i obviously cannot act responsibly about it 💀
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quidfree · 2 years
oh. any spoilers you're willing to give about the 3-5 fics?
hahaa umm let’s see
1. hopefully update ch for my current tdbk fic, spoiler: overhaul
2. tsh au oneshot, keyword: statues
3. different silly tsh au oneshot, keyword: sugar baby
4. completely rogue the wilds oneshot, weird character study of a platonic relationship
5. this one is up for grabs bc there are several fics that could get here if i focus but it might be a tdbk piece i was asked to write months ago
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transboykirito · 2 years
okay so update: i have a rika/shino oneshot of them being nerds almost finished, currently halfway through a yujikiri smut oneshot as a belated birthday present for one of my mutuals, maybe 1/4 done with an angsty kyouji/shino oneshot, struggling through writing the next chapter of osob
currently editing the first chapter of mtjaf 2 AND the oneshot from the og fic, as well as perfectly imperfect and bwop (which is taking so long because i'm completely overhauling most of the drafts i had from my first attempt sorry)
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embrace-the-sin · 18 days
A very close friend of mine used to work on A Certain Fanfic™ with me back in 2017 and we had a mutual agreement to keep the two main protags exclusively platonic - largely bc both of us were kind of fed up with stories that forced romance into a plot that didn't need it, it was time for the power of friendship!!!
Unfortunately for us, we're both passionate shippers and couldn't help but latch onto a good dynamic when it was served to us on a silver platter like that...
Wanting to respect our agreement terms tho, any and all ship ideas were isolated away from the fic into their own alternate timeline(s), just for us to have fun with the interpersonal dynamics in...
One day, later in 2018 my friend decided to give writing smut a try for the first time and a smutty little oneshot happened - it was never published and entirely for practice, but continued to exist in the bottomless pit that is google docs
they eventually dropped off of the project around 2019 (they just lost interest in it and moved on to other fandoms, but we continued to be close throughout) since then, the whole main fic has been revamped and overhauled completely in 2021, in large part because I got much better at writing and the (thankfully unpublished) first few chapters got scrapped.
fast forward to 2024 and my friend fucking finds this doc again.
It was hilariously bad, it aged like fucking milk - between the characters, the pacing and the very obvious lack of writing experience it was just an unholy, cringy mess - and we both had a damn good laugh about it
Like a fucking sleeper agent, this lighthearted little experience of re-discovering our cringy old writing somehow reawakened the full range of my ship feels for these two fuckers.
For the last three hours I have been plagued by various smut ideas for them. Even worse, I actually am a somewhat capable writer now and much less shy about drawing and writing smut than I was - I actually might have enough skill and experience to fucking execute those ideas decently.
Three hours were spent fucking fighting with myself, like Gollum and Sméagol fought over The fucking Ring I have tried to resist temptation to not write a fucking 5+1 format oneshot about little mutual "pranks" (sexcapades) in their office workplace as the primary setting that may or may not involve a photocopier somewhere, exclusively for the shenanigans potential of some "accidentally" photocopied bare ass and/or boobs.
So, after three hours of fighting it, I caved. I am writing up notes for that stupid oneshot now, and this will be the OST for my clownery:
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overhauls-arms · 6 months
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This might be an in character account, a fan account, or maybe a oneshot/fanfic account
I will edit this
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GIFs and images:
1. Overhaul
2. Overhaul
3. MHA various
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My main account (completely unrelated to this one)
Find me at: #overhaul’s arms
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captainsparklefingers · 11 months
It's always weird when you get an idea for an au story and it sounds great as an idea, but then when you go to try and plot it out, you're like 'wait this is either gonna involve a complete overhaul of canon or I'm gonna have to ignore a lot of shit or get really, REALLY creative'. And suddenly the whole thing just feels very, very daunting.
I think that's why I haven't done anything longer than oneshots (interconnected or otherwise) for a while.
Like, writing Conspiracy of Ravens, my last multichapter story for anything, did involve a major canon change, but it was something that could, I think, be done in a way that could sort of slot into canon and not feel eo out of place? I mean it wasn't perfect, but i5 didn't feel like...wildly impossible, which for something that could have big ripple effects is good, I'd say.
I've got other ideas for longer things, four of which I'm seriously consider writing, one of which I've actually been trying to write on and off for liiiiike...two years? And as you can see, they do not exist beyond my brain and a bunch of notes that go nowhere, or they get started but the idea of a complete canon rewrite is so daunting that even beginning to plan that out is a struggle.
I gotta say, I really admire people who do massive aus that manage to both diverge from their canon source in a big way while also following similar plot beats or echoes and staying true to both the characters and the heart/feel of the original source work. Because that CANNOT be easy.
(you know exactly who you are, if you're reading this, and I both envy and deeply respect you.)
....look I've been home sick with a major headcold all day, with nothing to keep me company but my cats and my thoughts. This is what happens when I have free time. Not any ACTUAL writing, but a dumb blog post about how writing is hard. In short: I'm sick, I'm bored, I have writers block, and I'm complaining instead of, you know, doing anything productive.
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pleasantspark · 1 month
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Premature (Oneshot) King Cold x Female Frieza Race! OC (Frigid Cold) + Frieza + Cooler Genre: Tragedy & Hurt/Comfort Tropes: Warnings: King Cold being a good father, Frieza is born premature, Mama Cold is currently traumatized, Frieza's Birth did a number on Mama Cold, Cooler being neglected (In his eyes.), Angst AUs Utilized: Overhaul AU A/n: I decided to write some angst about King Cold and Mama Cold. Let me know if you want a part two. I wrote this to warm up lmfaooo. King Cold POV
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"...He's kicking." Is what Frigid told me, it's been nearly 5 months since we found out she was incubating with our second child, my eyes dart over to her, she was hunched over the soft sofa with her hand above her incubation chamber. I nodded, a curt gesture to tell her I heard her, I was still manning my control panel.
"That's... amazing to hear." I said, I blinked for a bit tending back to my work. I still struggled with the news even after 5 months. I wasn't hoping to have another child. I was content with Cooler. But then things lead down a different path and here I was, being a father to another Icijin.
"Are you not happy?"
I paused at Frigid's words, my fingers hovering over the keys of the control panel. My back was faced away from her. I knew she looked completely crestfallen. I sighed, and retracted my fingers from the keys.
"It's... a complicated feeling, My Dear." I said, "But that doesn't mean I won't accept him or her."
Frigid lets out a sigh. "I know, it's just... It was so soon even after..." Frigid began. I nodded, I was in the midst of securing The Alliance with the Saiyan's but that had to be postponed, caring for a new child comes first.
"Yes, prior commitments have to be assorted and pushed to the side, but there's nothing wrong with that." I reassured her. I placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked beautiful. I never really paid attention to her when she was pregnant with Cooler, mainly because of the Mood Swings and constant cravings deterred me away. I had sent most of my soldiers to deal with her.
"I understand, it must go on after all. But the most problem I am more worried about, is Cooler." Frigid said. I looked towards the glass door, where Cooler was slumped and crossed his arm as the nanny I hired, Berryblue who was scolding Cooler for breaking an important device.
Cooler has been oddly different since the announcement of his new title as "brother" he was always happy about being my only. And while I understand, I always told him nothing will change between me and him, and by extension his mother. But he didn't listen.
"I understand, Cooler is just a kid, he needs time to adjust. Surely when his little brother comes along, he'll come around." I said, dispelling any worries from Frigid.
"Now, do you want some of that pudding?"
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"He's been doing fine." Berryblue commented, when I asked about Cooler's progress.
"That's good." I said, it's been nearly 3 more months since then, and Cooler has been improving his aloof behavior. And even started spending time with his mother again, the noticeable improvement in Cooler's behavior really surprised me.
"Yes, My Lord. How's Frigid?" Berryblue asked me.
"...She's..." I stopped walking momentarily which caused Berryblue to worry.
"Sir?" She began.
"Frigid... Has been having complications with the incubation." I admitted. She hasn't been feeling interactions with Frieza as of late and had even described a bleak description of Frieza becoming an egg in the womb. I couldn't help but feel worried.
"Complications, you don't mean-"
"No, nothing like that, I assure you. Just, Little Frieza is currently in egg form. I don't know how long unt-"
I was about to explain what's wrong with Frigid before my scouter beeps with an important message from the medic that was head of the Maternity Wing I took it.
"You have reached King Cold, please state your business." I said.
"Frigid has went into early, Labor. King Cold, your son might be born premature, please come down here at once." The voice at the other end said.
"I will be there at once." I said, cutting the call, I turned to Berryblue. "You're on babysitting duty. I have an emergency. Make sure Cooler's accounted for." I didn't give Berryblue a time to respond, I flipped my cape and rushed to the medical wing.
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The Medical Wing was currently empty as most soldiers don't really go and heal their wounds that often. I went down a corridor where I was met with another Icijin. He's been the families everything when it came to child care and rearing. He was tapping his clipboard and his head lifted up once he heard my arrival. He bowed to me.
"King Cold." He said, I nodded curtly.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"Come here, she's currently healing from the birthing process." The Doctor had me follow him, I was... Anxious and my nerves were all bundled up. I felt like I was going to throw up.
The room was quiet, until I entered. Frigid was in the bed, hooked up to machines. I was worried and walked to her side.
"What happened?" I asked her. Taking a hand in both of my larger hands.
"I don't remember, all I know was, I handed off Cooler to Berryblue after complaining about stomach pains and feeling dizzy. So I thought I needed some rest. And... I woke up to searing pain, tons of it. And I think my water broke? So I called the doctor..." She said, I furrowed my eyes and looked at the floor.
"Is he okay?" I asked.
"Yes, he's just born premature." Frigid answered.
I nodded, and got up, I went to the royal nursery, and in the middle of the room I saw the egg being incubated. I placed my hand on the glass.
"Don't worry, Frieza. You're going to be extraordinary."
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BNHA Masterlist
~Oh Lord, won’t you tell me?~
Aizawa Exception- Aizawa x Dom Fem OC, Oneshot Bakugou Across Frontlines- You weren't exactly a normal omega. Recessive alpha genes ran thick in your bloodline and had become tangled in your omega presentation, which meant you carried alpha traits. However, this meant you were undesirable as a mate but could lead your pack with both an omega's and alpha's strengths. At least until the Bakugou pack found you, until you became another territory to conquer and you finally caught the eye of an alpha. Sadly, this was not the alpha you wanted, but Bakugou Katsuki did not take no for an answer. Even if that meant destroying everything you knew and loved so he was all you could turn to. Chap One | Dabi The Unseen and Those Forgotten-The age of the Greek gods is long past. Dabi is one of the few left, his name in the ancient days had been Hades. Now he skulks among the humans, as a deity at half strength. With the old gods dying, the new ones have taken control of the humans’ feeble minds. There is a storm on the horizon though, quite literally, the end of days is nipping at mortality’s heels and the key to unlocking Kronos’s resting place, the only creature strong enough to put a stop to the apocalypse, is you. Sadly you have no idea what part you will play, after all, you are just an office worker who has an affinity for plants....
Chap One| Chap Two
Taking His Beauty- Tartarus was his life now. Emptiness he couldn’t hope to understand filled his days. But then you stepped into his life. You made him feel normal, human if dare he think it, instead of the monstrous creature they painted him as, that he had begun to accept himself as all those years ago. And so, it was obvious what was meant to happen. You were meant to be his. You were created for him, to complete him in every way. And he would have you. Chap One | Chap Two | Chap Three | Chap Four | Chap Five
Wear My Name - Dark Content, knife play, branding, one shot Not SFW Kai Chisaki/Overhaul You Look Like Home- Honestly demons and angels were never meant to mix, you were a cherubim and from a very respected family, so you never considered it. Chisaki was the Demogorgon, an important demon, the one who kept the lawless under control. Anyone would be lucky to have his attentions, as long as that person wasn’t of angelic blood. However, Chisaki didn’t play by the rules, too old to care. When the Abyss began to stir though, keeping the two of you separate was the last thing on everyone’s mind. What you didn’t know, what you couldn’t possibly foresee was that you were soon to become a bargaining chip in an upcoming war, something to get the Overhauler to join the ranks of the ethereal army.... Prologue| Chapter One | Chap Two Shinsou Hitoshi Technicolor Smiles- Halloween SFW One shot  Sleighbells and Mistletoe- Christmas NSFW One shot Second part to Technicolor smiles
~Am I the righteous or the damned?~
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
1, 20, and 30?
Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely? - oof well as far as stuff i've posted/published, none of them; i'm usually pretty happy with what i write when i decide to share it, and i don't like to go back and change things much after the fact. there's a few older half-baked fics in my docs that'll probably never see the light of day though that, were i really invested in them still, would see some real overhauling
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you? - longstanding multichapters usually will sit around for a while, waiting for me to get the inspiration/motivation to work on a couple chapters at a time here and there, and i'll often write different smaller things at the same time/on the side. but when i get like, a bolt of inspiration for something, i generally focus on writing That And Nothing Else until it's done (usually oneshots)
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't. - gd i had this grand notion once of writing a long multichapter that basically retold the entire story of fantasy high sophomore year from the villains' perspective, like speculating on/fleshing out the details of what all went down while the bad kids etc were out adventuring. i had a lot of plans about what happened when and where in the story etc but never actually wrote anything down, and now that the height of my d20 obsession is past i don't think i ever really will lol. but it was definitely fun to think about
[ask meme]
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realtylong · 2 years
Aftermath game
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Eternabyte CLOSING THE GAME WINDOWDo not worry, it is safe to do so. Step into Beat Saber and hundreds more hit games and one-of-a-kind experiences. Options for better performance and accessibility.ĬONTENT WARNINGMuch like OneShot, Aftermath contains aspects of paranoia and heart-string pulling.Īlong side this Aftermath has mild language from some NPC's, none of which is excessive however.
From the basics of water to negotiating with outside groups, the knowledge base is vast and easy. World War Z: Aftermath download PC game cracked in direct link and torrent. In order to resolve an enemy turn, players must activate the enemies. If the task dial is equal or greater than the difficulty, then everyone has succeeded. Cards must match in color or number in order to help. To thrive in Surviving the Aftermath you'll have to know what's important enough to devote precious time to, otherwise, you'll end up focusing on the wrong things that won't keep things stable. Players have the ability to play action cards to the group task when it is their turn.
In depth lore beyond what's even fully presented in-game. RELATED: The Best Survival Games For Beginners, Ranked.
Gameplay mechanics that go beyond the game window.
3 whole new areas inhabited by brand new characters and figures.
Do you wish to proceed? FEATURESAlong with a complete engine overhaul powered by ModShot, the game boasts optimizationĪnd a graphical upgrade, accompanied by an atmospheric soundtrack. One year after the events of Solstice, you and Niko find yourselves returning to this world. OneShot: Aftermath is a fan-made sequel to the surreal Puzzle/Adventure game “OneShot”.
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