#communications manifest
(@golden-threads-local-group) [LIVE BROADCAST] - Private Twelve Endless Nights, Three Stars Above Clouds TEN: Is this working? TEN: Our communications array has been down for some time. TEN: To the intended recipient of this broadcast, I am Twelve Endless Nights. I, too, was built as an observatory to study the skies above. TEN: After spending far too long only to be able to speak with my own group, it is a relief to speak with another possibly like-minded individual. TEN: Tell me, how has your work gone? Are your systems and instruments in good condition? How grateful I am to speak with another of my caliber!
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TSAC: Ah, hello Twelve Endless Nights! I recall reading some of your published methodology many cycles ago; I have stored it in my archives alongside the research of others in my field of study. I am glad we are able to speak together!
My work has been proceeding as normal. My nightly sky surveys provide me with a near-constant stream of data to analyze, which keeps my processing strata rather busy. If you would like me to share any survey data with you, please let me know; I have preserved my results from several of the past hundred cycles within my Memory Conflux.
(However, the data payload may be quite dense… too dense to send over the broadcast network in a timely manner. It may be more efficient to deliver the data via a pearl… perhaps I should look into some alternative communication methods. Let me know if you have any ideas.)
Some parts of my facility have… seen better days. But the damage is not severe enough to prevent me from doing my work. I’m grateful that my equipment has remained functional for so long after our creators’ departure. I have learned from listening to broadcasts that some of our peers have not been so lucky.
How are you? And your group members, if you have any? I hope the issues with your communications array has not made your work more difficult. Have you uncovered anything interesting recently that you are willing to share?
[ OOC: Ancient typeface source, Inspiration ]
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shradsmanifestt · 1 month
I promise you, This is the only loa post you'll ever need.
I promised and I will deliver.
Law of assumption basically means - what you assume to be true is true in your reality. That's it. That's all there is to it. But you guys just wanna overcomplicate this so much when all you got to do is assume in your favour and move on with that. Assume that your desire is already yours and persist on that.
Manifestation is INSTANT. The minute you decided you wanted it, the minute you decided that it is yours - It was done. That was it. It's already done. That is your new assumption, that is your story. As long as you persist in this there is nothing on Earth that could stop you from having it. BUT, there is one thing that can stop you from having it.
YOU, IT'S YOU. YOU ARE THE REASON. What other answer did you expect it to be?
The only thing to know here is this : The 3D is not what we change when manifesting, we change the 4D. The 3D simply reflects it. That is all.
You guys are so obsessed with changing the 3d, "trying" to manifest something, clicking on every clickbait video that says this is the technique you need to manifest your desire in 24 hours and all sorts of shit.
GUYS, GUYS GUYS PLEASEEEEE, Stop it. You are only telling yourself how you don't have it. You have got to realise that by now atleast! I mean c'mon. This is your reality, ok? You create every single part of it. If you can create it unconsciously, you sure as hell can do it consciously. You have to realise now and now that you are the creator of your reality. Don't let anything or anyone convince you otherwise.
Ok now I understand that some of you may be struggling so I am gonna be real straight with you. You are the one going back to the old story again and again. You're the one who is just overconsuming information instead of actually applying what you know. Stop this cycle. Look every single question you ask me again and again is an affirmation. An affirmation that tells everyone how you don't have what you want.
I've been persisting for two years but I didn't manifest it - Affirmation It feels impossible - Affirmation. Why aren't my affirmations working - Affirmation. Am I even doing this right? - Affirmation.
You are doing this to yourself. You get that??!
If you want it, you have to be willing to change yourself, to change your thoughts, to stay discplined in the story that you want. There's no other magical way to it. This is it. If you want it bad enough, OWN IT. FUCKING OWN IT AND PERSIST ON WHAT YOU WANT.
You know why you don't have it yet?? CAUSE YOU'RE SO FUCKING RELIANT ON THE 3D. Stop it. You aren't trying to change the 3d. Your only job is to change your 4d - your thoughts , your attention and awareness. The 3d has no other choice but to reflect it. 3d has no power and yk why? Cause it's so malleable and all it can ever do is reflect your 4d, your imagination. But your imagination - NOW that is in your hands, You can choose to think what you want, You can choose to accept what you want as true and just let your sc mind do it's magic. Thats all you need to know.
Now I get it, circumstances may same really really bad like almost impossible for you to believe that the opposite of what is actually there is actually the real reality. But you're just gonna have to do it anyway. Imagination - IS THE REAL REALITY. And there is nothing you can do to change it. SO accept that and change your thoughts.
Now if you don't believe in all this and sees this as some manifestation crap then I'm respectfully asking you to get the fuck off my blog, I don't need you here if you don't need me.
But if you know that this is it, this is true then I want you to read very carefully what I am gonna say next because THIS IS IT -
is loa real for YOU? (yes) is manifestation real for YOU? (yes) so is your imagination the real reality in your life? (yes) - so obviously what you assume has to be real too right? So it is real and it is yours. You have it and you have it now. That's it. That's all there is to it. If you believe in this, If you can know this, You have to know that this is it, what you assume is true, IS true in your reality.
All you gotta do is persist. Persist in your new story. It doesn't matter what technique you guys use. Just know that it is done. Stop treating it like a process - MANIFESTATION IS NOT A PROCESS, IT IS INSTANT, IT WAS YOURS THE MINUTE YOU DECIDED SO. CREATION IS FINISHED, IT IS YOURS.
Just know that it's done. You're not waiting for something to happen in the 3D - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Guys this is it, this is all you need, read it and reread it as many times you want to just get it in your head but trust me this is it.
You've got this!
Love, Shrads
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esotericc-angel · 6 months
the BEST & FASTEST way to manifest
yes thats it.
all you need to do is just affirm in the present tense, and PERSIST. no matter what you see, or hear in the 3D, you need to persist. don't stop repeating to yourself that you ALREADY have what you want. there is no magical method. just affirm. what works the best for me is mindless robotic affirming. i don't wine or complain or think about anything else, i just stay completely focused and i keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
i'd get my manifestation in 1-2 days, a week at most. i've never had to wait longer than a week for my manifestations with robotic affirming. there's no need to "feel it real" or do "SATS" or take any action in the 3D. the 3D is a dead mirror. once you react to unfavorable circumstances in the 3D, all you do is reaffirm your old unfavorable beliefs, since your outer world is a reflection of your mind. remember that in order to see change in the 3D, you need to change your thoughts IMMEDIATELY. as soon as something unfavorable pops up, affirm the opposite. affirm every second that you possibly can. affirm whenever you don't need to focus on something and give it your full attention.
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edensreality · 15 days
It’s not your “face claim” it’s YOU
It’s not your “DR self” it’s YOU
It’s not your “DR family” it’s YOUR family
It’s not your “DR life” it’s YOUR life
Embrace your dimension, it is real life, not a silly little scenario.
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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herchilddelusion · 17 days
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affirming, visualization, feeling, states, none of it fucking matters unless you PERSIST
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starsreality · 1 month
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Firstly, what is actually the difference between ‘imagining’ and ‘daydreaming’? › Imagining is choosing your state. Knowing your desire is fulfilled and persisting in that truth by enjoying it in imagination. (Being) › Daydreaming is thinking about your state. Trying to manifest your desire by controlling the 3D. (Thinking)
Now, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do you know what your desires are? 2. Did you decide your desires were yours? 3. Are you persisting in the wish fulfilled/living in the end state? If you answered YES to all 3 questions then you've been practicing Law of Assumption perfectly!
For those who still don't understand the Law of Assumption 'formula': 1. Decide what you want, be specific! (Intention) 2. Realize you have it right now because you decided so. (Knowing) 3. Persist in your truth. (Being) Congratulations! Wasn't that so simple, easy, fun and instant?
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salemlunaa · 2 months
get your ass up and get your dream life
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*mild tough love because some of you need this*
so alot of people go on about how they procrastinate the void and shifting to their new reality because of fear. but alot of you do not want or care to admit that , you’re just too fucking lazy. And to that i say seriously?? You know that you can have ANYTHING, absolutely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you dream of, with just a trip to the void state and yet you hold it off. “I’ll do it tonight” you say, even though the most groundbreaking thing you have done today was scrolling through your phone on this app and others (which is time that could have been spent tapping in). You torture yourself scrolling through tiktok and instagram, looking at others from afar with jealousy wishing you had their lives. You add posts into your favourites telling yourself “i’ll have that life someday”, “i’ll have that body soon”, “when i shift i’ll be as pretty as her” (when you could literally have all that and better RIGHT NOW) You insert yourself in different narratives, shows and groups you wish you were apart of, when you could literally shift to a reality where you are there.
you don’t have to look at them with jealousy
you dont have to get upset about your shitty life
you don’t have to imagine
you don’t have to want for anything
you don’t have to yearn, long, desire
it can be yours, if i’m honest you should be more excited about this, scripting anything you could ever possibly dream of, even the little details, and they could be YOURS. you should start being so much more excited about this, about your dream life, like seriously. And that excitement about having everything should motivate you to tap in. Instead your lazy ass has adopted a loser mentality, doing absolutely nothing all day telling yourself you’ll “try at night” and when you don’t get in you repeat the cycle. You abandon responsibilities telling yourself it doesn’t matter because “youre gonna shift anyways”, and you don’t even put in the actual effort. It’s a very dangerous cycle to go down and you can go from moving round that cycle once to doing it 30 times and before you know it you’ve spent a month in this rut.
you don’t have to wait until the night and you know that so don’t give me bullshit. Take those limiting beliefs away and do it at any time of day when you get the chance.
Do you know how lucky you are to even have the access to learn about this shit. There are probably so many people much more disciplined than you, that would do so much with this information, who don’t even have access to the internet or any outside resources to even reach this sort of information and you’re fucking wasting your days lurking on this app. doing what? And it’s sad because, this community is so small meaning you are here for a reason my love, all that shit you went through and didn’t deserve, you looked at it all and knew there was more out there for you, knew that you were deserving of more. And i’ll be dammed if your lazy ass ruins it for yourself.
You have overcomplicated the void so much to the point where you’re scared to “fail” and “let yourself down” so you put it off and say you’ll “do it later”. Now remember, you cannot fail the void, you cannot fail something that is inside you, something that IS you. What you fail to do is stand firm in the fact that you’re a god and can do anything, everything is easy for you so get off your ass and go shift.
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i just HAD to 🤭 @smellofemale
you deserve everything, and you CAN, in fact, have it all. JUST DO IT 🥥💋
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ponchigg · 1 month
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How To Actually Set Intention To Reality Shift.
Original post made by LadyNuggie on the reddit shifting community r/Shiftingrealities. All credits to them.
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Setting the intention to shift is one of the most widely discussed topics in the shifting community. A lot of shifters (especially on tiktok) will tell you "all you need to shift is intention." One girl literally said, "all you need to shift is intention, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying." Something about that didn't sit right with me and it took me a while to put my finger on why that statement bothered me.
The thing is, first of all, all you need to shift is intention and the right altered state of consciousness that works for you so you can connect to your DR and detach from your CR. But besides that, let's say all you did need to shift was intention. Well then, how do you set that intention? Because there is a right way to set intention and a wrong way.
Setting intention isn't going to sleep half hoping you wake up in your DR. Some people have literally shifted that way, but that doesn't mean that that is how you actually set intention. The key to setting intention is moving a message, desire or want from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind makes up about 5% of what we call "the mind". The remaining 95% is your subconscious and unconscious mind. Your subconscious is comprised of everything you've ever seen, heard, tasted, and experienced. Your thoughts, beliefs, values, and habits all stem from the workings of your subconscious mind. That is why "reprogramming your subconscious mind" is a popular topic in the shifting community.
Now, you set intention by ingraining or imprinting your desire into your subconscious mind. Simply having a thought or want in your head does not mean that the intention has been set. And this is where I explain what prospective memory is.
Prospective memory is when you have a "prospect" or something in mind that you want to accomplish later. Maybe you want to remember to buy more toilet paper the next time you drive by target or you need to remember to pick up your sister from her piano recital. You remember to do those tasks in the future because of prospective memory.
When trying to learn how to lucid dream, one of the first concepts you come across is reality checking, which is basically performing an action multiple times throughout the day so that you get used to it and at some point do it in a dream (because it's been ingrained into your subconscious and has become a habit). So if your reality check is counting your fingers, when the action pops up in a dream, you become lucid because in a dream you could have 8 or 4 fingers on one hand and you realize it's a dream!
Let's say you told yourself that whenever you walk into a room or stand up from a seat, you would do a reality check. That is you utilizing your prospective memory. That way, the action shows up in a dream because your subconscious mind "remembered" to do it!
So how does this relate to shifting? Well, a major reason why sleep methods don't work for a lot of people is because (like me) they have weak prospective memory. You could tell me to clap twice in the next 30 seconds and I'll forget. So it's no wonder that I "forget" to shift when I use sleep methods.
You shift with a sleep method when you set the intention to shift (using prospective memory) to your DR and detach from your CR through an altered state of consciousness (in this case, that would be sleep). When you successfully shift using a sleep method, it is because your subconscious "remembered" to do so!
This is also why a lot of people have dreams about their DR. Because the images, people and sensations from their DR have been ingrained in their subconscious mind, so they dream about it! I've literally had dreams where I walked through a portal to try to shift although I wasn't lucid.
So if you want to use sleep methods, (although this is important for any kind of shifting method) I highly recommend working on your prospective memory by giving yourself little tasks to do throughout the day. You could also start doing reality checks, that way, even if you don't shift at least you could have a lucid dream which you could use to shift anyways.
An Example of a Prospective Memory Exercise for Shifting (can also be used for lucid dreaming):
▪️ The next time I walk into the kitchen I will: do a reality check and remind myself to shift to my DR when I go to sleep.
▪️ The next time I turn on a light bulb I will: do a reality check and remind myself to shift to my DR when I go to sleep.
▪️ The next time I pick something up from the floor I will: do a reality check and remind myself to shift to my DR when I go to sleep.
▪️ The next time I flush the toilet I will: do a reality check and remind myself to shift to my DR when I go to sleep.
Try to do each task 3 times each day. Good luck!
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gl1ttrr · 1 month
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Some phrases to use for your affirmations ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱
✮ here are some phrases you can use when creating affirmations, just fill in the blank with your desire / whatever
ex. for now on, I have all of my desires
ex. yesterday I manifested passing my exams
ex. I embrace my hourglass body
• it is a fact ___
• Finally, ___
• For now on, ___
• I (have) always ____
• I am _____
• I possess ____
• I accept (the fact that) ____
• I embrace ____
• I truly believe ____
• I trust ____
• I am ____
• It is so easy to manifest _____
• Isn’t it amazing how ___
• I am grateful for ___
• Everyone can see that ___
• I hereby certify that ____
• Dear diary, ____
• Yesterday I manifested ____
• I exclude ____
• I love having ____
• I always had ___
• ___, It is done
• ___, So shall it be
• I naturally have ___
• I am fortunate enough ____
• I am blessed with ___
• I have the luxury to have ___
• I am the master of the universe, so, ___
• I am in control, so, ___
• I declare that ___
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3lisorahh · 1 month
me ever since I realized that my imagination is the real reality and the 3D is a copycat that has no choice but to materialize my thoughts and assumptions.
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Greetings Three Stars Above Clouds, could you be of assistance? I have a data pearl with valuable information, such as old star charts and information of early observation of stellar bodies, but I failed to decode and extract said information. Could you help and show me that is imprinted on it? - WSS
*Crimson red pearls being presented. Encryption is quite simple, so it did not take long until the data was available for extraction. Amongst the promised data there's more, some kind of ancient hymn no doubt, fast rhythm and despite the age of the data pearl first words of the hymn being heard laud and clear:
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy
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TSAC: Oh! Thank you for the pearl! I'll gladly decode it for you.
...This pearl contains archival information from the early Green Hegemonic Dynasty, before the Void Fluid Revolution. It includes very detailed records of the movement of the stars, as well as some rather impressive calculations considering the limitations of technology at the time. I have data from a similar time period stored in my archives, and this appears to be a genuine pearl from that era...
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There's something else encoded here... it appears to be some kind of ancient hymn. I'm not sure what a recording of this nature is doing alongside old astronomical records. It doesn't seem to be related in any way...
The melody in question does not exactly suit my personal tastes... I tend to enjoy compositions a bit less repetitive than this. The lyrics seem to describe the composer's personal struggles regarding the Third Karmic Urge. I suppose this is an interesting cultural artifact, if nothing else.
The clarity of this recording despite the pearl's age suggests to me that it was appended rather recently. I can't imagine why...
Perhaps this is an attempt at humor?
In any case... I appreciate you sharing this data, even if some of it might not be relevant to me personally. I'll attach a recording of the audio in case you wish to listen for yourself.
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THE 3D IS FORCED TO OBEY *it cant pick and choose* 🍓
i feel like we always forget that the 3D literally HAS to obey 🌚 like the 3D isnt our enemy at all, though we should ignore it (often times).WHAT HAPPENS IN THAT NOGGIN, WILL MANIFEST IN THIS REALITY
when your affirming and you feel magnetic, your on a roll and your in the state of the wish fulfilled, and then after your done you go back to “omg why is it still not manifested in the 3D?” well because thats the state your in all the time (desperation/desire)🌚. “well when im manifesting i do all the ‘right’ things, i feel magnetic, and i feel as if i have my desire” babes did you forget that your ALWAYS manifesting??? if you go around the world believing that that man is yours ALL THE THE FLIPPING TIME, the 3D has ZERO choice BUT to obey 🤷🏿‍♀️.
so when you affirm for 3 hours a day but for the next 21 hours you dont believe that its yours, babes thats probably why 😬. Im not saying that you shouldnt affirm and shit, yall just forget that when you AFFIRM, your AFFIRMING that its yours. Your REMINDING yourself that its yours, not ‘making’ it yours.
When you decide that your sp is yours or that you’re rich, IT HAPPENS AUTOMATICALLY IN THE SPIRITUAL. You are exactly where you are at in life RIGHT NOW because of what ALREADY happened in the spiritual. Everything is a MANIFESTATION OF THE SPIRITUAL. (think about that.)
guys im back on my late night rambles again but this one is actually important (i hope) 😛😛
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livvivviss · 1 month
lazy people probably won't want to read it 🙄🙄 HAHSHDA
How to shift: EMBODY YOUR DR SELF!!
Fuck the five senses
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Most of us always focus on the process of shifting, the symptoms, the 5 senses, overanalyze our process and being very critical of ourselves, we try to analyze why we don't shift, giving ourselves excuses and explanations Saying "I didn't do enough", "I should have tried harder" I wish you guys to STOP THAT.
Actually, none of the above matters. The reason you think the methods, meditation, etc matters it's because of your assumptions and beliefs because you didn't get there and you think "you're doing something wrong" and you ARE NOT, leave that mentality behind and stop seeing shifting as a task or obligation, as something with steps that must be followed to the letter.
Stop and get back to BASICS, When you are trying to get to your DR, stop thinking and focus on "I have to get there" just think that YOU ARE THERE, think ABOUT YOU, about your dr self, who are you in your dr? This is why it is very important that you like your dr's self, and not just an "improved 2.0 me, now with ultra-powered engines" because it just makes you feel uncomfortable, and you need to feel comfortable with being your dr self, You must like being yourself, you must know yourself, dive into your brain and connect with your dr self and with who you're there.
And when you connect with who you are there, forget about everything else, forget how many breaths you have to take, what number you are on, or if you visualize enough, just connect with you, with who you are. By connecting with your 5 senses and with the environment, you are not traveling, I mean this is okay but when you're trying to shift, the shift it's in the mindset, not in the around, it happens in your subconscious, it happens when you become that person, you are becoming your dr self not your environment, WHO ARE YOU? Connect with that person. Start with "Who am I?" "What am I doing here?" "What is my name?" Until it becomes a natural flow, connect with your thoughts until it becomes a natural flow. You did it, you've shifted, when you are fully connected to your dr self and you no longer need to think like your dr self thinks, you are there, and nothing else matters, fuck if "your environment tells you otherwise", It doesn't matter what you see, hear or feel anymore, you are in your dr and you are your dr's person. You know that you're there because of your mindset, enjoy that because that is shifting, that is change, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE, this is manifesting, and manifestation happens instantly when you change your mindset.
The process of shifting doesn't have to take a long time, it doesn't have to take years, the only reason it takes you so long is because you see it as homework. Get out of that mindset, connect with yourself, change your mindset, delate everything else, stop making everything so difficult. "I didn't shift last night because-" STOP, there's no reason you haven't shifted. We shift in every decision we make, when you go to bed YOU HAVE ALREADY SHIFTED, but you are not going to accept it and you MUST accept it.
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Why you should embody your dr self (good for lazy shifters):
You should try to connect with your dr self instead of using the five senses or connecting with your dr it's because:
1. It's a bit backwards to try to connect with your surroundings instead of yourself. As I said before, you are not shifting to be your environment, you are shifting to be you, to be your dr self. (Although I'm not saying that using all 5 senses is a bad thing, but you shouldn't focus only on that)
2. Embodying your dr self bypasses all the extra shit about you just lying in your bed trying to shift. The moment you connect with your dr's self, you have already shifted, because if you were not in your dr you would not be able to access the thoughts of your dr self. And when you are focused on this, you are no longer focused on the symptoms and that is the best thing that can happen to you because YOU SHOULDN'T FOCUS ON THE SYMPTOMS because it's not a physical process, physical change comes after the change of mentality. Connecting with your dr self's thoughts is much better than memorizing affirmations and meditating, it's more natural, you enjoy it more and it's less tiring.
3. In the case that your physical environment does not end up changing, you end up connecting with your dr self (THAT IS SO IMPORTANT) you alredy had the mindset shift. And many people when they start doing all this, they start having dreams about themselves being their dr self, and having experiences in their dreams being their dr self, and that is SO GOOD (it's literally happening to me) Taking this post into account, I assure you that YOU WILL SEE CHANGES YES OR YES this is a connecting point.
• Please make this post viral, shifters need to know this 🙏🙏
This was a summary of @shaysplanett's 7 and 10 minute videos. We love her (she was really helpful to me)
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itsangelicasworld · 26 days
Dude, sometimes it just hits me how utterly limitless shifting/manifesting is. "Well, DUH Angel, that's kind the whole point" BUT LIKE IT'S STILL CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT TO ME. You can grow wings and learn how to fly. You can go through a complete 180 glow-up without lifting a finger. You can rewrite history. You can customize every single thing about yourself down to nail color like a video game. You can date a celebrity as a non-celebrity. You can get instant fame. You can make an ideal family. You can make "fictional characters" reality. This is the cheat code to life. You can do, be, and have everything and more! You never have to worry. Isn't that just so amazing? Shifting/manifestation is the purest form of freedom
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theshiftingwitch · 1 month
There are infinite realities:
The limit does not exist.
There is a reality out there in which you are a baby still, learning to babble and discovering the world with brand new senses.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 90 year old man who has seen the entire world, lived through wars and catastrophes, but also married the love of his life and had many, many children.
There is a reality out there in which you are a famous artist, living your best life and creating art that inspires generations even long after your death.
There is a reality out there in which you are a butterfly, blue wings fluttering in an early spring morning, living a short, yet happy and fulfilled life, bringing beauty everywhere you go.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 500 year old witch, where immortality is the norm and magic is abundant and accepted, where you use your gifts and skills to heal the world and make it a better place.
There is a reality in which you are a 16 year old girl going through her first heartbreak, a 35 year old man going through a divorce, a 40 year old woman finally meeting the love of her life, a 5 year old boy starting school for the first time.
Time is not linear, and neither are your experiences.
Consciousness is limitless. Awareness is infinite.
You are the universe, having a human experience.
You are everything and nothing, you are the world and the void, the light and the darkness, the conscious and the subconscious, the limitless, vast existence.
This reality is not the standard, it is not the rule to the many exceptions. It is merely one of many, a starting point to your endless experiences. It is not holding you hostage, it is not hindering your progress, it simply is.
All you have to do, is realize your endless potential. You, as you are right now, are a part of the great consciousness, the one infinite awareness.
The creator.
Take a deep breath, recenter yourself, and let go. You will shift.
That is inevitable.
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