#common ringed plover
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lichenaday · 2 years ago
Some of the baby birds I met on this recent round of field work:
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1. Limosa limosa, black-tailed godwit
2. Haematopus ostralegus, oystercatcher
3. & 4. Numenius phaeopus, Eurasian whimbrel
5. Tringa totanus, redshank
6. Charadrius hiaticula, common ringed plover
7. Pluvialis apricaria, European golden plover
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ornithological · 29 days ago
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common ringed plover (charadrius hiaticula), ireland
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lukepstuff · 2 months ago
Common ringed plover
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dremlikk · 1 year ago
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common ringed plover
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marcalanpen-blog · 1 year ago
Ardmair views. Then photos were taken just before the sun set at Ardmair near Ullapool, in the north of Scotland.
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The scenery is pretty impressive. As for the wildlife, in the few hours we spent there before the sun went down on the sea views were a couple of Oyster Catchers and a very smart looking Ringed Plover just meandering around on the foreshore. Neither seemed to be particularly afraid of me as I took a lot of photos from not a lot more than 10 metres away.
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Ringed Plover.
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This Ringed Plover wasn’t ringed, as in it didn’t have a ring attached to its leg, unlike its companion, below.
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Notice the blue ring on one leg and the silver one on the other.
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This smart Oyster Catcher was quite happy to carry on its preening as I photographed it from a few metres. They’re obviously pretty used to people, which was my good fortune.
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Another sunset photo over the Firth.
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bens-birds · 10 months ago
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Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)
Nimmos Pier, Galway City, Co. Galway - 18-05-2024
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birds-in-posts · 7 days ago
Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)
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dansnaturepictures · 9 months ago
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26/05/2024-Brown-tail moth caterpillar, Common Tern, Avocet chick and views in a sunny time at Lymington this afternoon.
Gorgeous Roseate Terns one of my birds of the year, Little Tern, Great Black-backed Gull, Gadwall, Eider, Shelduck, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Oystercatcher, Swifts circling overhead which was joyful to see, Redshank and Lapwing chicks I'd not seen chicks from the former before, broad-leaved clover, gladiolus and oxeye daisy were other highlights.
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weirdlizard26 · 1 year ago
WILL I FORGOT TO TELL YPO my class in on the highest floor and today during literature a bird landed on the window at the start of the class and stayed there during the whole thing. It kinda looked like a pigeon, its front side+wings were completely white but it had black feathers on its back and it had a beautiful bright orange beak+legs. It was also soaked as fuck(it was raining)
OOOO THATS INTERESTING. i wish i was more well-versed in birds world-wide so i could try to identify it!!!! but it sounds very pretty from ur description its so cool that u got to see it!!!
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theultimatenaturelover · 9 months ago
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Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus, a cute little feathered herbivorous dinosaur that lived from Middle to Late Jurassic and found in Russia.
The colors are based on the common ringed plover and the white-throated dipper.
It kinda reminds me of strawberries ><
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kavohh707 · 2 months ago
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2024 - Bird year in review - part 1.
The first part definitely belongs to my journey to Portugal. It was my first real holiday since the pandemic and it was wonderful. First, Portugal is always wonderful, I just love the people, the landscape, the vibe and of course the birds.
There were so many nice nature reserves, many bird hides (meeting other nice birders in those bird hides). I didn't see everything I wanted to see, but had many great experiences. The weather was nearly too good for bird photography (too sunny), but I managed to take over 3500 pictures anyway. Sorting through them took really long.
The highlights:
Seeing birds of the corvid family like the rare red-billed chough and the really not rare iberian magpies (who were a constant present in the garden of one of my accommodations).
My first osprey, not the first I've seen, but the first I've managed to photograph, my definitely first glossy ibis and first western swamphen and of course my first ever hoopoe, which I really wanted to see.
The many cute song birds like the corn buntings, the stonechats, the black redstart and many more.
And of course all the birds on long legs wading through shallow water: the spoonbills, the turnstones, common ringed plovers and of course the black-winged stilts, the flamingos and the western cattle egrets and so many more.
Overall, it was a joy to visit Portugal. Besides the birds I am always happy to be near the ocean (the last picture is not the ocean but the Tejo river).
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proton-wobbler · 11 days ago
Great Backyard Bird Off - Africa (poll 4)
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Bird Info & Submission Reasons
Blacksmith Lapwing (Vanellus armatus)
"used to be called Blacksmith Plover"
"Very elegant, very shy, stupid little legs and overdramatic call."
A smart-looking gray, black, and white lapwing; white crown and black face and breast. Immatures are mostly brownish. It is a common breeding resident that is strongly tied to wetlands, although it may also disperse into flooded grassland and adjacent dryland habitats to forage. Bold and brave parents, Blacksmith Lapwings have been known to launch defensive attacks on African Elephants and harass aerial threats like rollers or raptors in order to protect their young. A loud ringing “tink-tink-tink” call is uttered in series, like a blacksmith hammering on an anvil. (eBird)
Bokmakierie (Telophorus zeylonus)
"I saw them on holiday visiting relatives and they're my favourite now. The gorgeous patterning, the beautiful songs, the diet of geckos and other small creatures..."
A large, sturdy olive-gray and yellow bushshrike with a distinctive black chest band that arcs up to the bill base, forming a broad necklace. In flight the dark tail has striking yellow tips. The juvenile is dull and lacks the chest band. Pairs are bold in shrubby and open country, where they forage low in bushes or grass clumps, hopping on open ground or running between clumps looking for invertebrates. The species has a varied and complex repertoire of songs and calls, the most characteristic of which is a duetted onomatopoeic “bok-mak-ie-rie,” often delivered from a conspicuous perch. (eBird)
Image Sources: Lapwing (David Irving), Bok (Cameron Pearce)
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transient-winds · 6 months ago
Brainrotting a wind breaker daemon au during my last class for the week with my bestie on discord (😘 @prunus-rosales ) is definitely how I want to spend my weekend.
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His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman anyone?? I watched The Golden Compass (2007) movie a long time ago which I didn't know was my first exposure to daemons.
Anyways, since Sakura's young, his daemon would still be able to shift forms so here's my current list rn:
Tuxedo Maine Coon = frequent form
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White Bengal Tiger = usually used during fights (not all the time but when the fight gets especially brutal)
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Common ringed plover = also used in fights (to escape usually but will pluck another daemon's eye or two), but is also another frequent form especially if Sakura's too tired to carry a ~4kg furball on his shoulders or just to hide.
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The daemon's definitely going to be the same-sex as Sakura, so his daemon would be male and he'd probably the only one in Fūrin with a male daemon 😭. To add to his tragic backstory and ostracization from society ✨️.
I imagine his daemon would be very sweet maybe a little shy, like his inner desires for affection and acceptance you know? As Sakura gets more comfortable with Class 1-1 with time, his daemon would definitely take a more caring and parental approach to class' daemons. The class looks up to Sakura and their daemons look up to his daemon. Stick with me here, but visualize this: his daemon in his tiger form holding nirei's daemon by the scruff like they would a cub.
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Anyways yeah, since im doing this with Ales and with the help of some ideas in a windbreaker server she's in, there's a lot more to this au that has been established. (More than the jidaigeki au rip 💔)
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I'll make a better post that's more professional looking than this one w/ more research & exposition later and with ideas for other characters such as Umemiya & some of Class 1-1 + WITH NAMES!! (shit's tiring to type out [Character]'s daemon)...
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bens-birds · 1 year ago
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Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula)
Rosscarbery, Co. Cork (23-08-2023)
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squawkoverflow · 2 months ago
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A new variant has been added!
White-faced Plover (Anarhynchus dealbatus) © desertnaturalist
It hatches from black, brown, colored, common, complete, dark, difficult, dry, further, little, other, pale, ringed, sandy, separate, similar, small, top, unknown, visible, and white eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Clanmew translations of some ocs
Petalsnow: Pfefiurch (Fluff petal-snow)
Snow prefix is supposed to mean snowfall
Hawkstep/star: Yi'issappa/Yi'ishai (Sparrowhawk-padding/star)
Not sure on the suffix
Rookstorm: Mraawbahahao (Crow-haster)
Doesn't seem to be a word for rook, went for haster because this man is a violent storm apparently
Willowmoon: Sawashowosha (Gray willow-moon halo)
Combined "shom" and "wosha" for the prefix, was very tempted to name them pussywillow but gray willow won in the end
Runningflame: Gabrllfyn (Crackling-cooking fire)
Sounds like a honor title tbh, this man can cook
Stoneclaw: Bponbkach (Boulder-claw)
She's a big woman, so big stone word it is
Monkeyfoot: Kossachungpwyyarr (Tree monster-foot)
Combination of "kossa" and "kichung" for the prefix, meant to be the generic term for certain animals. He'd likely have a honor title like Monkeyscar
Thundershine: Krrakashemimi (Thunder-has shined)
Meant to symbolize that lightning has hit and thunder will come soon
Splinterstripe: Karkseek (Chip-long stripe)
Couldn't find splinter so chip it is, neither of the stripe words really fit them but I went with seek because it sounds better
Piperleap/star: Krekekluara/Krekekshai (Gray heron-has jumped/star)
Piper wasn't on the lexicon so I just went for a bird word that began with K to match with their siblings. The leap part of their name symbolizes their shift from cleric training to becoming a warrior
Tinybounce: Eebpipip (Small-bouncing) or Peskepipip (small cluster of flowers-bouncing)
Little guy, so smol. Second translation was literally made because it fits with zir family's names so well (such as petal and rose)
Runningflame/Crackling-Cookingfire/Gabrilfyn is absolutely my favorite, TOTALLY sounds like an honor title, 100% excellent
Here's some more words for you! While I'm at it, I'll fill out the missing corvids;
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) = Naahg
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) = Niw
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) = Aai
Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) = Hraor
This, with Nyok for Raven, Rawk for Carrion Crow, Ke'ek for Magpie, and Mraaw for Corvids as a generic term, completes the entire family!
Next is a few wood-related terms that are missing;
Splinter = Koa
Wood (General) = Okok
Pith (The spongy inner wood of plants, usually in reference to flax or soft rush) = Sowa
And lastly... on pipers.
Pipers are a rare bird for Clan cats to see. They're mostly shorebirds that come in-land to nest. There's well over a dozen fat, thin-billed, long-legged little waterbirds (called Waders) they see on a regular basis, but the two piper species they'd know about would be very rare.
So here's a generic term for you, and a couple of the most common ones. I found a good way to give you a K-term while most of this family has peepy-type calls;
Wader (Generic) = Kikaboo From Fang + Beak + Fat. Includes rails, coots, pipers, dunlins, etc. Birds with long legs, long little beaks like a tooth, and round bodies, found near water.
Beak (of a bird) = Kaba
Moorhen = Ia The most common wader in the territory. The closest thing to a chicken the Clan cats have.
Curlew (Numenius arquata) = Urloop An interesting little bird that nests close to kestrel nests, in spite of the danger. Featured in a Clanmew saying, "Curlew in the shadow of a kestrel," roughly means, "Choosing danger for the sake of safety"
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) = Bieew A symbol of peace between RiverClan and WindClan in the Lake territory. The southern delta is mostly gravel and stony, the exact place that a Bieew likes to nest. Both Clans have an interest in protecting these pretty little birds, which can bring them together for negotiation.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) = Peepapi A rare shore-dwelling bird that occasionally comes in-land to nest; not discovered until the Clan cats returned to the Lake. When used as a name, has a connotation of traveling or going on a salt patrol.
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