sonphia · 2 years
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stuff i saw on my walk the other day
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handleerz · 25 days
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mucrimme7768 · 2 years
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#vintage #ancient #feudatory #architecture #culture #commitee #wedding #rivưlét (at Liên Trung, Đan Phượng) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUJSS0rbBG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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summer break battle of the bands down at the wharf kinda vibes anyone??
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
Randomly thinking about Elain (per usual) and how both Feyre and Nesta pointed out that she has small boobies on multiple occasions and it’s just so very funny and unnecessary of them 😂😂
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akascow · 3 months
smth smth i really like how they always give frankie a shorter half when they wear pants to show off their prosthetic leg i think its neat idk
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simming-in-the-rain · 5 months
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happy belated mothers day or something
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jibanyans-chocobar · 8 days
Watching Naruto Shippuden's first filler arc atm and I uh. Have some questions even though I know none of this is canon
- Why is Asuma denying that he has something going on with Kurenai like DUDE. We know YOUR OLD TEAM KNOWS Kakashi knows EVERYONE KNOWS
- What the heck is wrong with Sora (/gen like what is wrong with him is he okay)
- Why are the bad guys surfing on graves. Just. Why
- Fym Asuma was part of a 12 people (if i remember correctly) squad made to protect the feudal lord or something like that
- Why did Naruto basically say "I'M NOT GAY" to Sai out of nowhere? Like I mean I get why but did he really have to say that "he doesn't go that way" lies lies LIES
- Why did they animate one of the best openings in anime history EVER for a freaking FILLER ARC (and it happens again. And also happens with endings. Like. Diver or Broken Youth or U Can Do It orrrr idk what else)
(Spoiler warning under the cut for the arc that follows this one)
- Is this a filler arc to just say "oh look at Asuma he's so cool he was part of that organization and stuff LOOK AT HIM AND START LIKING HIM because we're about to kill him" or what
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tangledinink · 1 year
three am is not the ideal time to suddenly desperately miss my twin brother.
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kitty-lemon · 2 months
I hate Olympics.......the most bullshit event ever
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buck and eddie would be the most insane PTA moms ever, actually. because eddie loves his son and being a bitch and buck loves bossing people around with a clipboard and being involved.
#eddie would absolutely have beef with one of the moms over something stupid like the bake sale banner colors or something#and would convince buck to join the planning/organizing commitee and buck would be all okay!!!! yay that sounds so fun!! :)!!#and buck would end up taking it Very Seriously and whenever eddie tries to tell him ideas for the bake sale buck would get all ah ah ah#as a member of the committee i cannot consider new ideas without consulting the other committee member#eddie always complains that hes just brain storming and needs to bounce ideas off of buck and buck would just be all rules are rules eddie#so eddie has to present his ideas to the pta like all the other parents and buck doesnt ever appear to treat his ideas any differently so#eddie always catches his eye after hes done and winks at him and buck just glares back at him with red ears and ofc buck (usually) ends up#voting in favor of eddie and buck scolds him after meetings because “its inappropriate to flirt to try and get my favor eddie”#“i already have your favor buck. and when you have a clipboard its really hard not to flirt.”#also you know buck would be all over the micromanaging#like “hi jill you wrote down on the spreadsheet that you were going to make four dozen brownies#NOT four dozen chocolate chip cookies. now we have more chocolate chip cookies than we'll be able to sell and not enough brownies.“#and eddie would love getting involved like “yeah jill WAY too many cookies. now the sale is ruined and the kids will never get their trip.”#“eddie why dont you go set up your booth? you shouldve already done that by now...”#“right....”#like eddie would love arguing with the moms about like which activity is more suitable for earth day or whatever#they would literally love it so much
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system-reset · 4 months
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favretheundead · 1 month
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angelkeitai · 4 months
silently stalking around tumblr for One thing
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inkmage13 · 1 month
I'm happy to say that not only has Black 2.0 progressed to Black 4.0, it comes with the same beautiful disclaimer:
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constelationprize · 9 months
Something I'll never stop finding funny is that Exy is an Olympic sport. Like my family is pretty involved with karate and there was a whole thing about how people spent YEARS begging the Olympics Comitee to make it into a category. And then they said yes, put them in Tokyo 2020 in truly atrocious times that no one watched, and then took it back out. Do you guys know how old Karate is. Its so funny this sport created in the 70s could make it in while there are entire communities of players of truly ancient sports biting at each other to be included. I just know no one can fucking stand the Exy crowd they must be so smug
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