#comics infecting me again
katistry · 1 month
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no more mushrooms.
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fightwing · 9 months
the implication some version of animated teen tita.ns vaguely like ttg exists in comic canon.... i desperately need to know who in dick's life is a die hard show fan and how many times he rants he's 'not like that'
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lemonyinks · 9 months
I'm just. so grateful for LOSH
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themyscirah · 9 months
This week's Outsiders fucked heavily imo
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x-headcanonstuck · 1 year
hoh karkat with hearing aids and maybe signing something?
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i wasn’t entirely sure what to have him sign so he’s spelling C-R-A-B.
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murderboisblog · 8 months
I actually only started reading Johnny the Homicidal Maniac super recently because I saw you posting about it XD but I have such a deep and abiding affection for THE EDGE in all its forms. I was more of a creepypasta type (but like, the kind of creepypasta kid who couldn't look at the creepypasta website for very long because Jeff the Killer's face was too scary..... and Abandoned by Disney had me noticing Mickey Mouse ear shapes everywhere and really freaking out about it. Creepypasta was a cruel mistress LMAO)
Ahhh! Sorry for spoilers!!
My introduction to creepypasta was actually Marble Hornets, needed to look up more Slenderman stuff, you know how it be sometimes.
The picture that freaked me out the most was actually Smile Dog, was pretty susceptible to "if you look at this you'll die!!! OhhHHhh spooky!!!" Stuff back then lol
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kingsdodecahedron · 9 months
suddenly getting back into a character u were into before after awhile is so fun because all the old concepts and scenarios you thought of feel fresh again and it’s great
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ironmanstan · 1 year
I think m gonna start reading comics again we are gonna be back on the marvel on main grindset people
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lemonmatronics · 5 months
my ass was so close to falling asleep and then I remembered the sunflower Mecha watches over is totally the first flower the metal virus infected and now I’m WIDE fuckin awake again GOD this comic makes me so FUCKING CRAZY
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Criminal I never saw really anyone talk about it, but I wasn’t active on Tumblr at the time so maybe I missed a revelation twt didn’t really highlight on
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antsday · 1 month
under your thumb
[part two of this. inspired by @habken 's incredible scammers to lovers au. hope you enjoy!]
“I need him dead,” Izuku says, pacing intently. His bright red shoes squeak with every step he takes, and his eyes are wide with mania. “I genuinely need him dead.”
La Brava takes a long slurp of her soda fountain abomination - two pumps of every flavor of every soda, in one supersize cup - and gives him a knowing, pitying look. “Dynamight causing trouble again?”
He buries his face into his hands and makes a noise like a wounded animal. 
“Did he finally explode his laptop beyond repair or something?” La Brava asks. “Talk to me.”
“He asked me out on a date,” Izuku grits out, and La Brava’s eyes go wide. “A date. Lunch at a crepe shop? There’s no other way to take that.”
It wasn’t ever supposed to go this far. At first, loading Pro Hero Dynamight’s laptop with viruses was just a way to get back at him for being an asshole. But then he just- kept clicking them. And then he kept coming by, and revealing that he wasn’t so bad to talk to and then-
Izuku’s been played like a damn fiddle. All this time, he thought he was the one pulling the strings- only for Dynamight to sweep the rug out from under him in the most sudden possible way.
“Huh,” she says.  “Huh.”
And then, after a long pause:
“...Well. IT guys are in really high demand nowadays,” she says, stirring her drink with her straw. “With the economy, and all.” 
“This can’t happen. He’s a Pro-Hero,” Izuku stresses, grinding his teeth to stubs. “A Pro Hero who can’t go a week without getting scammed, but a Pro Hero nonetheless. This can’t happen. It can’t.”
“He’s a public servant, Deku, not a nun.” 
Izuku points at her. “Exactly! He’s a public servant. He has a duty to the people first and foremost, and I can’t get in the way of that.” Izuku says, placing a hand on his chest with feeling. A beat passes, and then, “Also, he is so fucking weird.” 
“And there it is.”
“Who gets scammed that much? It just makes no logical sense. You’d think after clicking an obvious pop-up the first time and getting your whole laptop overrun with malware you’d just- stop doing it at some point! But no! It’s like he’s a- a little kid with a big red button in front of him. He’s ridiculous. And-and an asshole, too!”
La Brava sighs, setting down her comically large drink. “Okay, Deku-kun-”
“Yeah! He’s a huge jerk. He’s mean to everyone and he acts like- like he’s doing me a favor by making me fix his laptop all the time! You know what, he deserves all that malware, especially if he’s so obsessed with clicking pop-ups!”
“He’s insane. A total freak show!”
“A-A self-absorbed, arrogant-”
“So you don’t want to go on a date with him?” La Brava interrupts, cutting him off. 
Izuku pauses, ceasing his pacing. 
He thinks about Dynamight’s evil looking smiles and fiery red eyes and sharp features; his insane stances and posture and the way his voice sounds like gravel; the way he’s always yelling and acting like a stereotypical macho-man Pro in his office, and yet whenever he steps into Izuku’s he’s always looking away and speaking quieter and holding out his virus-infected laptop like it’s the bento lunch Kiyoko-chan (from the new slice-of-life romance anime Izuku’s been binge-watching recently) made for her love interest in last week’s episode. That one time Izuku had said he was thirsty in Dynamight’s presence and found a water bottle on his desk the next day (and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that-). It's the way that no matter what happens- whether it’s a villain attack or a patrol or rescuing a kitten from a tree, Dynamite comes out on top. 
(Quite literally, in the case of the kitten. The fire department had to come down to Tatooin Station and rescue Pro-Hero Dynamight and a three-pound kitten from a 40-foot tall oak.)
God, there’s so much wrong with him, Izuku thinks. I need to hold his hand or I’ll die.
Izuku’s cheeks heat up and he scratches the back of his neck, very pointedly not looking at La Brava. “...Well. I never said that.”
“Oh my God,” La Brava says. “Oh my God.” 
“Sue me, okay!” Izuku throws up his hands. “Apparently I like deranged goblin men who are a little pathetic and rough around the edges and incapable of not getting scammed! Is that so wrong!”
La Brava stares. And stares. And then she sighs. 
“It- You know what, this is above my paygrade,” she says, taking another long, obnoxious sip of her drink. “I’m not here to critique your frankly abysmal taste in men. So you do want to go on this date?”
He thinks about it more, and starts getting light-headed at the thought of- of Dynamight, buying him a crepe. Sharing a crepe with him. At the crepe shop. Tomorrow, when they’re both free. Maybe they’d even- hold hands, and- ride the ferris wheel in the amusement park across the street- together-
“Hnnnrrrgh,” says Izuku. 
“Well, good luck,” says La Brava, tossing her empty cup. It soars through the air in a perfect arch and lands into the trash with little fanfare. She pumps her fists, and Izuku absentmindedly claps a little. 
 It’s pretty simple removing the malware- he was the one who put it there, after all. Soon enough, Dynamight’s laptop is good as new. And then, after another couple of moments of hesitation, he sneaks in another pop-up. A poor recolor of Naruto, this time, in suggestive kitsune-themed lingerie. 
“You’re literally going on a date with him,” La Brava says, suddenly popping up behind him. ‘You don’t have to keep doing this.”
“Consider it, uh,” Izuku racks his brain, “leverage! Yeah. If he’s. If he’s an asshole.”
She throws her hands up in exasperation and turns back to setting up a pastel pink Project Sekai theme for Phantom Thief's computer (upon his request). 
He’s not being weird, Izuku reassures himself. He’s not. Dynamight doesn’t have to click the pop-up. He’s not, like, obligated, or anything. But if he does, like he has been doing, well. That’s one way to secure a second date. 
Well. Not that he’s hoping for a second date with Dynamight, or anything. He’s not anxiously counting down the seconds or whatever. That’d be insane. Right? Right. Totally insane. And Izuku is not insane, so therefore he is not incredibly and unhealthily invested in this-
“Stop muttering about this or I swear to God-”
So now he’s here. Standing in front of the crepe shop in his nicest clothes (a white ‘Dress Shirt’ shirt, a half-buttoned striped orange button up, and brown corduroy pants with a black belt), blasting music to distract himself from the fact that he may have been stood up. 
Okay, fine, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. He probably hasn’t been stood up. Sure, it’s been three minutes and fifty four seconds since their agreed upon time, and there’s still no sign of Dynamight anywhere, but that probably doesn’t mean anything. He’s probably just running late. 
He has to be running late. What is he going to do if he actually is being stood up right now? 
Kill him? 
Kill Pro Hero Dynamight?
No, Izuku realizes, deflating a little. No, he’d never be able to go through with it. Maybe more malware? Maybe every piece of malware at once?
For once, the Go Get Your Man, Kiyoko-chan! theme song isn’t taking his mind off things- a clear sign of his deteriorating mental state. There’s a part right before the final chorus in which they let a cat just meow into the mic for a solid thirty seconds and it always reminds Izuku that good exists in the world- except for today, apparently. 
After a few moments of hesitation, he goes to his messages. They have each other’s numbers, strictly for business, but occasionally Dynamight will text him hey in the middle of the night and then take three hours to respond to Izuku. 
Where are you?, he types up. But before he can press send, his phone beeps.
Izuku frowns.
“A villain attack nearby?” His hair blows slightly in a sudden breeze. “Huh. I hope it’s not too close.”
He has about two seconds of peace between uttering this final, ironic sentence, and then turning his head-
-because one minute he’s pausing the theme song on his phone, and the next he’s face to face with a giant, menacing pincer that's seconds away from peeling off his entire face.
His life really is just one prolonged punchline, huh.
So there he stands, tears in his eyes, fear in his heart, and the thirty second meowing solo ringing in his ears; dressed his nicest 'Dress Shirt' shirt, holding an expensive laptop that he can never again infect with malware because he’s been stood up and he’s going to die. Brava was right, Izuku thinks belatedly. Maybe I should re-evaluate my taste in men.
And then everything explodes.
part one/part two
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sereh624 · 1 month
in honor of me having laryngitis (im not gonna shut up about it ill lick your mouth and you can feel how i feel)
sick redactedboys headcanons :3
david who gets surprised with canned microwaved soup when he has to stay home due to the flu. while he hates anything from a can or heated in the microwave, he also hates waste, so he shuts up and drinks the shitty chicken noodle soup with a frown.
asher who also, like me, loses his voice. it's already raspy but when he gets a cold, his vocal chords get super inflamed and it's like he can barely talk at all. after the first couple of times, baabe and ash come up with their own weird but cute little sign language to communicate with eachother for when he does inevitably lose his voice again.
milo who has a dad sneeze. "ah-ah-ah-ACHOO!" in all it's comical glory. whenever sweetheart spooks him while he's sick it triggers an almighty sneeze, which leads to him muttering curses and walking over to the tissue box.
angel who drinks an ungodly amount of tea while they're sick. a good chunk of their texts with david during the times they have the flu is them requesting tea from him.
"tea plz 😇🥺🥺"
"so u hate me and u want me dead ok"
darlin who ignores the fact they're sick until they physically can't get out of bed anymore. they're too badass for some little cold. they however, are not too badass for a severe infection and are forced to stay in bed for the next week.
damien who, similar to darlin', doesn't quite ignore his symptoms but still tries to do things anyway. sneaking on his computer to work on assignments, trying to get some practice in before a practical exam, fighting admin on something petty, literally anything to make himself feel like he's not wasting time at home.
freelancer who gets super fatigued when they're sick. they sleep pretty much all hours of the day, and the few moments they're awake are like five minute intervals between the hours of 10pm-7am. they use this time to mend their body's over exertion, and it .. sort of works.
lasko who secretly likes to be babied when he's sick. he likes the fussing, the worried "are you okay?"'s, the little gestures of concern (being brought tea, giving blankets, etc), everything. he'd never dare admit it, but dear figured it out pretty early on into their relationship.
@definetelynuwonhere @skunkox @huxleaf
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sen-ya · 5 months
Life After Info Post
[Click here to access the Life After Digital Comic Book]
Summary: Two years ago, a viral outbreak rose the dead. Considering how his life had gone up to this point, surgeon Trafalgar Law figured this might as well happen too. When a supply run into the nearby city gets intercepted by a seemingly reckless and impulsive former patient, the dependable routine Law had settled into in this new life shatters. He finds himself exposed — his body out in the infected landscape, his conscious clawing to define what he believes is right, his heart begrudgingly deciding to find a new home on his sleeve. Maybe there’s more than a virus roaming the new world that can bring a dead man back to life.
Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, zombies/body horror (but lbr I am not good at making scary things look scary)
Relationships: Luffy x Law
Update Schedule: New page every Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Page Count: [37 posted | 55 drawn]
Latest Update: [7/21/24] WOWEE did I get myself carried away this morning. I just spent 5 hours organizing my comics and creating the digital comic book pages. I could have spent that time drawing or idk not doing what I do for my job, but I cannot be stopped. Anyway I blocked out 30 pages of this comic last week and they include the most intense action sequence I've ever done in my gotdang life. Wish me luck because I am nervous about tying down all my drawings lmao.
[6/29/24] HULLO! I'm doing so bad at keeping my masterposts updated lately I am sorry. All pages of life after are tagged life after if you're ever looking between masterpost updates! Also exciting update, I finally have figured out all the different plot points i'm gonna be hitting (yay!). I got hung up on something for awhile that made me not wanna work on this project, but I'm back at it. I think we'll end up with 6-7 parts! I have probably another 80-100 pages to draw lol. Also i got the app Magic Poser and it's AWESOME and I immediately used it to block out sets cuz MAN I hate backgrounds.
[6/10/24] HELLO. I'm sorry I've been shit at updating my masterposts lately. It's easiest to do from my computer, which I rarely use, and life has been happening. I also can't believe I bungled the queue and posted pg19 before pg18 i am very sorry 🤦 Eventually I'll have to turn this into an airtable base I'm sure, but until that day comes where I have like 100 pages of this comic we're stickin to the regular post lmao
[5/26/23] I got real caught up in doing summer of lawlu comics this week and this is the first week since the first week of April I haven't drawn new Life After pages and it feels weird 🙊
[5/19/24] More Luffy backstory comin' this week! :^)
[5/12/24] Updating now so get myself on schedule to update on Sundays like I had been with my other comic master post!
[5/8/24] Thank you to everyone who's liked/reblogged/comment on the first few pages!! It means the world to me that anyone's reading my silly little comics.
[4/28/24] HULLO. It’s happeninnng. I’ve spent the last few weeks working on this comic, and I gotta make this post so I can start queuing pages & link this in them! This is the most like….legit? Comic endeavor I’ve undertaken perhaps….ever. I’m very nervous about committing to how long it will need to be lol. This story is dear to my heart — zombie content is kind of my very favorite. I’ve always found it to be a great backdrop for exploring themes like grief, coping with change, community, and learning to live again. It’ll be a long haul but I hope you’ll ride it out with me!! Tomorrow I’ll be posting the first two pages. After that a page will post every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. As of this post I’ve completed over 20 pages so that I have a good lead on what’s posting and continuing to write, so I’m hopeful that’s a cadence I’ll be able to maintain. I’ll update this post weekly to include the most recent pages the way I do with my main comics master post. All pages will be tagged 'Life After' and I'll tag any pages with zombies in them with 'zombie' for blacklisting etc.
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wolfiesmoon · 10 months
The sweetest memories
Toji x gn!reader
You have infected me with fixed!toji brainrot i hope you're proud of what you've done. You know who you are.
Anyways writing this made me remember so many sweet memories from my childhood omg🤭💞
Also our bb megumi is a toddler😚😚
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"Why do I have to do this..." Toji grumbled under his breath, dragging the sled behind him without much effort needed.
"Because, you promised to be a good dad." You lightly poked his chest. He groaned slightly in annoyance, but you just know he'll mention days like this to you once his hair is gray and his back is killing him.
Megumi had asked you to take him sledding yesterday and you were immediately ecstatic about it. Toji a little less, apparently.
"You're staring at me real hard. Do you really find so much joy in my suffering?" He asked, exhaling with a visible cloud of cold air. "Are you trying to tell me you never went sledding as a kid? Some child you were." You playfully huffed, briefly stopping Megumi and fixing his scarf.
The three of you arrived at a local hill where many kids and their parents gather to go sledding in the winter. Megumi excitedly grabbed Toji's hand and tried pulling him towards the hill to no avail. "Come." He mumbled.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin' with you, brat." He dutifully ignored the glare you shot him at the name he called his son, going up the hill with him in tow.
You smiled as you watched him place Megumi in front of him on the sled and then sitting down himself. He mumbled something to Megumi before sliding down the hill with him.
This is truly one of the most adorable sights you've ever laid eyes upon. Megumi is comically small compared to your husband and it becomes super visible in moments like these. You got the sudden urge to take a photo, though you know Toji might sneak off at night and delete it.
"Again." Megumi begged, clinging onto Toji's sleeve. Toji sighed. "Why can't you go?" He looked to you.
"No. You." Megumi's eyebrows furrowed slightly and you couldn't help but giggle. Toji simply took him back up again, muttering something to himself as he went along.
You decided to keep yourself busy by making a snowman while watching the two of them go up the hill and slide down over and over. Over time, the slight smile on Toji's face was unmistakable.
You knew he would eventually stop grumbling and enjoy the moment. He always does. It makes your heart swell every time.
Suddenly, the two of them are approaching you. "Nice snowman, babe." He complimented, looking it up and down. You even carved a little face into it with sticks and your fingers. "It's weird-looking." Megumi commented, making you gasp.
"Hey, what did I tell you about saying mean things?" You scolded him lightly. "Dad told me to be honest."
You sighed. "Of course he did."
"See? I'm raisin' him right." He said, placing a peck on your lips. You squirmed a little at the coldness of his lips, but your face got flushed with warmth a second after anyways.
Oh man, his kisses are always so great. The scar on his lips makes for an interesting addition, too.
Your sweet little thoughts were interrupted by a snowball to the back of your head. "Ow, what was that for?!"
"You weren't paying attention." Toji smirked.
"Fine. No kisses for a week." You crossed your arms.
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
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casually-salad · 3 months
cutie pox chronicles, full master-post.
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welcome to my sick and twisted world.. everything will be found below.
so firstly! i know theres a couple people coming from off tumblr sites to check this out (( hi jay!!! )) so ill explain somethin real quick!
All of my comics have hand written text! now sometimes these can be hard to read, and so if you press this button ( image below ) and ive wrote out all the text in there for your convenience! make sure as well to read the body of the post and also the tags! usually i have some post upload thoughts or feelings i talk about there - some add context and some are fun!
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normally i would recommend going through my archive and searching for "mlp infection au" or "cutie pox chronicles" but you wont have to do that here - but for nontumblr users if you want to check out other blogs i recommend that method.
now before reading there is a massive trigger warning: on all posts with these topics everything is tagged as "tw (topic)" and so i would recommend blocklisting ones that make you uncomfortable or understand what youre going into! triggering contents include: blood, gore, body horror, eye horror and eye trauma, child death, dismemberment, and cannibalism.
now! all posts will be in upload order, liked here with the title and the in story date ( as it changes. ) as well as which posts are single images and which ones are comics. when looking at stat sheets, the more full the better! 0% - or empty health is death, and 0%- or empty, composure is maina. alright!!!!! here we gooooo!!
The Cutie Pox. (day 0) comic
stat sheets ( day 1 ) comic?
Lillys last cutiemark. - single
first sightings -single
first nights out. - comic
how far away does a home stray? - single
lillys last mark - comic
the everfree - single
from hell and back - comic (day 0)
imbalance - comic (day 2)
finding the spark - comic
moon dancers melancholy part 1 - comic
moon dancer sheet - single
fleeting feelings - comic
helping hoof..? - comic
moon dancers melancholy part 2 - comic
freezerburnt - comic
fleeting calmness - comic ( day 3 )
dreams fall hard today - comic
princesses stat sheets - comic?
wilting lilly - comic
youre going to live with that guilt - comic
home - home again. - comic ( day 4 )
hurt everywhere you go part 1 - comic
bracing for impact ( hurt everywhere you go part 2) - comic
get well - comic
fly free canary. - comic
getting worse - comic
a storm on the horizon- comic (day 5 )
i really never thought this comic would get me as far as it did, seince i started posting i went from having 100 followers to about 210, thats more than double! thats insane. i wont lie i am SOOOO ANXIOUS to have such a following!!!!! usually my posts prior wouldnt get more than 5 notes but now!! almost all of them ( at least of this comic ) have over 30 on every one!!! thats just, so crazy. i hope everyone continues to look forward as i begin preparation on chapter 2, and what else i have to offer on here - i have a whole lot more story to tell and im excited to!
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Some colorized bits from my recent free printable zine WHY WE MASK: It's Not "Just A Cold"! I purposefully made the whole thing b&w to make printing as cheap as possible, but it's fun to add color especially to the snot-splosions.
HEY COMICS FRIENDS going to SPX or other cons this weekend - MASK UP, EAT OUTDOORS, and REST if you start feeling run down. COVID-19 levels are BAD bad right now (it's currently the worst September out of the whole pandemic) and the government does not have our backs. This virus causes YEARS worth of horrible vascular, neurological, and immune system damage, and each infection raises your chances of gaining fun new disabilities that could prevent you ever making comics again.
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I strongly advice cancelling festivals, cons, indoor dining, anything involving crowds indoors OR outdoors, etc. But I know people depend on income from cons, so: PACK MASKS, NASAL SPRAY, and CPC MOUTHWASH and actually use them! If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms (headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, sore throat, sore joints, etc) don't assume it's "just a cold". Stay in your dang hotel room and REST! You can TRY to "push through" to keep tabling but you are NOT gonna like the long-term results (aka Long COVID).
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I care about all you comics people and I want you to enjoy many more decades of making and sharing and reading comics with each other. If you're feeling sick at a show this weekend and don't know what to do, drop me a line! No judgements. Take care of yourself and each other out there and remember, no one can rest your body for you but you.
(Image Descriptions are in the Alt Text. Also please feel free to print my zine and hand it out if you do go)
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Okay alright guys. It's two thousand twenty something, new year, Mickey Mouse is in the public domain, doctor who is starting from season 1 again and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is probably on fire right now(not in a good way). Disney is distracted and we must plague them into making their best villain into a big thing outside of comics.
This year we must infect the English speaking world with Phantom Blot propaganda as much as we can. We need them unknowing Americans to see the light.
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Everybody has been complaining these days about there not being enough real good villains. Everybody wants the Phantom Blot. They just don't know it yet.
Blah blah Disney and their emotional trauma is the real villain, Disney and their terrible twist villains, etc etc. They have the solution right here
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Look at him doesn't he look like a great solution?
There needs to be more Blot demand. I demand that he is actually the big bad in that stupid mobile game that now also has a manga. You will like the phantom blot I swear you will hes cool And cOOl aNd yOU WILL LIKE HIM WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY
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That picture is me, i stabbed them for not liking the phantom blot.
Anyways. Phantom Blot propaganda. That was it. By the end of the year I want everyone to know the guy. Soon he will be on the big screen, on the small screen(not as a magica hating loser smh ducktales) and they should sell black cloaks in Disneyland. Make the people aware that they need him because they do. Fantagraphics you can help where is the Nucci/Casty volume of Disney masters containing their three Phantom Blot stories
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So here I declare 202? as the year of Blotty, ignore that it's Donald's 90th anniversary.
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