#comic inker
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galaxiadeletrasposts · 30 days ago
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Mis tintas sobre los lápices de Marcio Abreu.
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yalster54 · 9 months ago
uxm 159 having bill sienkiewicz on pencils but not inks is so weird cause most of the issue looks like this
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but then he drops an insane panel like this
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and im like ohhhhhh did sienkiewicz draw this
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random-marvel-drawing-ref · 19 days ago
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detail from the first issue
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year ago
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Paul Neary died on February 10th.
This is a gallery of him inking Bryan Hitch.
He inked a lot of Bryan Hitch’s most important comic book runs, and he inked Alan Davis on Excalibur. Great, great artist that had a knack for making the guys he inked look the better for it. He was also the EIC for Marvel UK for a good long while.
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piningpercussionist · 8 months ago
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I d ont want to work on this anymore you can't make me,, sorry LisIm nation-
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welcometogrouchland · 1 year ago
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IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR BATMAN AND ROBIN (2023) FANS!!!...he eat a burger [ID in alt]
(taken from Nicola Cizmesija's insta, who's on art for B&R issues #5 and #6)
#ramblings of a lunatic#batman and robin#damian wayne#dc comics#''ladel are you gonna get obsessive about the character again and hunt down any and all official art of them-'' no what makes u say that#nikola cizmesija was the artist on the recent red hood gotham wars tie-ins btw! same colourist as those issues too#...idk how much dc tumblr is actually in to the production side of comics. i know i am but i have a feeling that's not universal#anyway i actually really like to know the individual artists colourists and inkers on stuff if i can it's fun!#anyway i quite liked the art in those red hood issues so i am :] excited for issues 5 and 6!#there was also a cover(?) defs done by cizmesija that has damian and bruce in like underwater batsuits? like they're wet suits#and they're fighting orca on it! and cizmesija mentioned getting to design new suits so! it seems like we're getting an underwater adventure#for that arc at least! the writer joshua williamson said that he's trying to focus the structure more around shorter arcs this time#so it seems like in the shorter breather arcs we might get little artist changes to break it up?? neat imo#i like a book w consistent art if I'm really vibing w the art but i get that a lot of ppl have mixed feelings on di meos art for b&r#so I'm interested to see what the reception will be to cizmesijas when it comes out in...i think January? same month as the annual#i saw a solicit that said the art for the annual was by Howard Porter but i could be wrong#god this got way off track. ANYWAY! he eat a burger#(also williamson has said before that damians a vegetarian so I'm assuming it's a veggie burger)
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vertigoartgore · 10 months ago
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1993's Flash Vol.2 #80 cover by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.
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keycomicbooks · 9 months ago
Stan Lee Talks about the importance of change when it comes to the world of comics. Crazy how these complaints regarding change have only increased regarding comics.
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis / Penciler: Mark Bagley / Inker: Drew Hennessy / Color: Studio F / Letterer: D. Lanphear
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robotnikholmescomicblog · 1 year ago
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Looks like Mega Man's met his match...Copy Robot is next! While his name still isn't creative in the slightest, and we're more than used to the whole "evil doppelgänger" trope, in the narrative he serves as the perfect foil because he's what Mega Man was afraid of becoming.
Also being an unhinged, pale copy with redder eyes is exactly the kind of crazy-cool thing I like to see in my comic books. xD Seriously, Patrick Spaziante's art is SO GOOD
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galaxiadeletrasposts · 4 months ago
Entintado final.
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In ur opinion,who do u think draw moon knight best?
Mine is Declan Shalvey
I’ve waxed on and on about the writers of Moon Knight. The best ones, the worst ones, a few mediocre ones that got the job done…. 
But what about the art? 
Each artist has their own style, their own ideas, and their own grasp of Moon Knight. 
When you get very lucky, you get a writer and artist dream team that create something beautiful. 
Let’s start with Bill Sienkiewicz. 
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He was not the first to draw Moon Knight. THAT was Don Perlin!  Look at this cape design! 
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He was relatively new to the comic scene, but quickly a very sought after man. New Mutants, Electra, and many others for many different publishers. 
And even after he left us he still pops in now and then to remind us that no one…NO ONE can draw Moon Knight like he can.  Look at Sienkiewicz JUST FLEXING. 
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(2014 people!!) Someone came to him and went, "Hey we could use a Moon Knight Variant. Do you wanna dip back in and hand us a little ol' Moony?"
And he gave them this and I'm sure they went "...WTF we didn't even ask for this. We thought he'd just do him perched on a building or something in the distance. What do we do with this? It's too good holy crap."
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(2022 because he felt like schooling us again with another cover)
But he gave us more than the cowl. He gave us the men who wear it. 
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And as amazing as his art was: 
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He also gave us the most important pieces: 
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I could wax on and on about Bill all day… But let’s take a look at some other artists. 
Kevin Nowlan Kept the dark parts of the suit and the billowing cape. 
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Bo Hampton is the one that teamed up with Zelenetz to give us a fantastic sleek and angry design. Here's MK punching some Neo-Nazi in the face! 
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Chris Warner came later in "First of Khonshu" run and started with a very classic 1990s muscle bound and glitzy design. A design that might start to look familiar to those of you with a sharp eye (look at that belt. We're approaching the BLING age of Moon Knight.) 
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This was a weird time in comics for Moon Knight. We were switching out writers a lot and he suddenly had a much more Egyptian style theme. 
Moon Knight art goes on a WILD ride after this. We get the "Marc Spector" run that spans late 80s and early 80s and the art gets very 90s. Solid, Dark, and BUSY.
Sal Velluto (With the Punisher! This was a fantastic pair up!) 
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Ron Garney Plays with the sharp edges of the cloak and that’s nice. Also gives his mask a bit more of a definition. 
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Gary Kwapisz comes in with a BOLD metallic Moon Knight. Just look at those fists! Time time in MK was just wild you guys. 
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James Fry flies in and tries to make sense of those MUSCLES. 
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1993 arrived and the 90s hit HARD. 
Stephen Platt deep in that 90s style. 
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What’s happening here? I don’t know. You don’t know. No one knows. But man does it look ACTION COOL. 
Muscles got BIG in this period in the 90s. Anatomy got weird and chest size had no limits. 
Tommy Lee Edwards steps in and slims our pal Moon Knight back down.
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Now THAT is a breath of fresh air. I love this. 
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Look at the use of that cape! And the hood? The subtle mask outline… Yes please. 
Mark Texeira steps in after this. Let me tell you guys about this art. This is the start of the modern age. 2008! 
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(Look at the little Moon Knight design in the upper right near the signature! OMG little cutie!) Also the details in that rugged face and wet hair. 
But how does the suit look?
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We leave behind the glorious Tex and head to David Finch! You might recognize some of these motiffs as we get to some more popular runs. 
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Hello there fist spikes! This is when Moon Knight starts to get his reputation as being a bit…punchy… 
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The point in his cowl gets defined in this style too. 
Mico Suayan takes on this hard hitting run too. 
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Clean lines, dark darks and white whites and that cape! The spikes are gone but the muscles are coming back.
This was a big action packed run and numerous artists got a chance. 
Now… This is about where I stop listing every single artist because it gets too fast pace with single issues, annuals, events, and all that fun business. SO here are some highlights. Also I have an upload limit so I'm sorry I can't show you all the beautiful art styles that branched off at this time.
Bong Dazo  gave us that little sad startled cat. 
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Jerome Opeña Had such AMAZING action picks. I’ve never seen action done so well. And that outfit! 
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I…I could go on forever about this artist and the run he did. But that’s for another day… Just know that I think about it all the time and it lives in my head rent free. 
I’m going to skip a lot here and jump to the BIG GUNS. 
Hate the run, LOVE the art. 
My dear Alex Maleev makes it worth it. 
The absolute SLAYING of the white in every image kills me. LOOK. LOOOK AT THE USE OF NEGATIVE SPACE.
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It honestly brings me back to Sienkiewicz. 
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I’m screaming inside holding this up to the moon. 
From there we slide SO easily into Declan Shalvey my precious. 
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You know what I’m talking about. 
Ron Ackins Took over from there and it was stellar.
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I am going to skip over THREE artists on purpose because not only was the RUN bad (the worst) but also the ART was just the worst. (See BEMIS run. Ugh. Nothing was good in that run.) 
Do I need to talk about Greg Smallwood? 
Do I really need to post anything about Greg? 
Or Cappuccio who works with MacKay's current run? 
Or Federico Sabbatini who also fills in with MacKay?
(I would but I'm out of picture space. Thanks Tumblr).
So who is my favorite? 
Hard to say… I’m caught up in the colors and designs of some, the action styles of others. Sometimes the raw power of MK’s fighting or just in how clever his cape and cowl are done. 
And sometimes I crave that amazing 1980s Sienkiewicz designs of Moon Knight in the rain, Stained Glass Scarlet’s everything, and the shape of Moon Knight (or shapelessness of him). 
I could argue that ANY artist that draws Moon Knight during a good run is my favorite. I could forgive most any style if the story is right and the style will weave into the words and the flow of his cape will settle into my heart once again. 
And sometimes…. 
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philipreadart-blog · 1 year ago
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Spooktober Day 12 to 15
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random-marvel-drawing-ref · 11 days ago
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Bobby's outfit from the first issue
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drzone · 1 year ago
Hiii another question I was wondering what brush you use for lining? You use procreate right?
yea i use procreate! i have 6 go-to inkers shown here
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the four on the right are in here -> Google Drive and the two on the left are from Pufuu’s Splatoon Brush Pack its worth noting i usually draw Really small around 700px at the widest so that affects how they look ^__^
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age-of-moonknight · 10 months ago
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“What If…Venom Had Bonded To Loki?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #4.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Penciler and Inker: Diógenes Neves; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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nia1sworld · 4 months ago
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Just a little doodle cause Why not
Moon/Inkeres belongs to @e-icreator23
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