#comforting canon
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pocketmania · 4 months ago
[A/N] So like i saw Kevin's Dream Job and I am absolutely foaming at tHE MOUTH FHGRAAAHHH‼️‼️
SOO I'm gonna write about the reader comforting him after his nightmare
Take this Lil mini fic while you wait for my other requests ✨️
Now onto the thingy
# 7:00 A.M.
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(💀🎃💏❤️‍🩹) - spooky month comfort
(reader type) - androgynous / gender neutral
(‼️warnings) - mentions of death
You woke up. Why are you awake?
It was 6:51 A.M., about 9 minutes before Kevin's alarm usually went off. You didn't normally wake up before it went off; in fact, he was usually the one to wake up first, so this was an abnormal start to the morning.
You sat up, stretched in bed, and looked to your lover beside you. He seemed to be sleeping soundly. You smiled warmly and rubbed his shoulder before pulling the covers over him to insulate him better.
You lay back down and grab your phone off your side table. You took it off the charger and turned it on, checking your notifications and just scrolling through social media. The room was completely quiet beside the sound of funny videos from your phone and your quiet giggles.
That is, until Kevin's alarm went off.
He didn't wake up at first, so you just let him sleep a bit. He deserved it, anyway. But then he started to toss and turn. You sat up using your elbows and looked to him, then his alarm clock. 7:02 A.M. He.. should've woken up by now. The alarm wasn't particularly quiet.
You gently shook him and whispered his name. "Kevin... Kevin, baby, wake up." You looked at his face and realized he was sweating. Was he too hot? Maybe.
Just in case he was, you reached toward his chest and tried to pull the covers doW—
Kevin shot up from his spot in the bed and gasped for air. He was hyperventilating. His abrupt awakening startled you so bad you let out an audible swear. Quickly realizing he was in a panic, you gingerly placed your hands on his shoulders to attempt to calm him down. "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, love! It's alright!" You whisper-shouted so you didn't worry him anymore.
Kevin's eyes met yours, and he tried to slow his breathing. "That's right, love," you reassured. "Deep breaths. I'm right here." Eventually, Kevin's irregular breathing stopped. He sighed and held his head in his hands. You reached behind him and shut off his alarm.
"Are you alright now?" You asked. You leaned forward so your head was at the same level as his. He looked to you, one eye still covered by his hands. "I just..." He tried to mumble, but he simply couldn't get the words out. You shook your head. "You don't have to speak right now, Kev. Just.. relax."
And that's what he did. He stayed tense in your arms for a solid 20 minutes. 20 minutes that were supposed to be spent getting ready for work. He sighed and closed his eyes.
"I thought I was dead."
You raised your eyebrows and looked down at him. Was that what his dream was about? You tightened your grip on him. "Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked, gently rubbing him once again. He looked toward the end of the bed.
"That job.. I don't know what it is." He started, letting his body relax. "Maybe it's those kids. I know that's exactly what they are, but.. they just bring me trouble whenever I'm around them. I've been held at gunpoint, stabbed, threatened by a cannibal. I've almost died, like, five times!"
You nodded, pursing your lips. You kissed the top of his head before you suddenly got up from bed and made for the doorway. "Tell your boss you're calling in sick for a couple days. You need a break. I'll make breakfast—your favorite."
Kevin looked up at you, surprised. It had been a while since he had a proper breakfast. It took him a moment to register, but when he did, he gave a tired smile. "Thanks, (N/N)." He whispered as he reached a hand out. You walked over and interlaced your fingers, pulling him in to kiss his forehead. You gave one last smile before turning to go make breakfast like you said.
Kevin lay back down and sighed. He grabbed his phone from the side table and texted his boss, saying he had caught a cold and wouldn't be able to come in for the next few days. He looked to his alarm clock. 7:27 A.M.
Not that the time mattered to him right now.
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lotus-pear · 3 months ago
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kimiko24-art · 3 months ago
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and the demons are winning
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starshakez · 2 months ago
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I love you selfshippers with "unconventional" or weird f/os
I love you selfshippers with anime f/os
I love you selfshippers with cartoon f/os
I love you selfshippers with live action f/os
I love you selfshippers with nonhuman f/os
I love you LGBT selfshippers
I love you disabled selfshippers
I love you selfshippers with obscure f/os
I love you selfshippers with well known f/os
I love you selfshippers with 100 f/os
I love you selfshippers with only 1 f/o
I love you selfshippers that don't use self inserts
I love you selfshippers that make ocs or self inserts to fit into your f/os world
I love you selfshippers that ship with a main character
I love you selfshippers that ship with a background character
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laikabu · 10 months ago
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transhet t4t AU sorry im just playing w my touys in my dollhouse pls don’t get mad at me look away if you dont like
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sketchy-tour · 1 year ago
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Redrew some of my old daycare attendant doodles as stress relief today
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zurenie · 1 year ago
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i hate them all
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technically-human · 7 months ago
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St. Hilarion's ghost story
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months ago
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Cite your sources.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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reneesghostinthelivingroom · 3 months ago
Cherishing Her Touch
|| Sevika x fem!reader
|| Warnings; reader's upset, reasoning is altered for whatever you want, Sevika averting reader's touch which leads to her being upset, reader cries, Sevika tries to comfort, little dialogue, brief swearing, mentions of vulnerability
|| Summary; when avoiding another hug attempt from reader, Sevika doesn't realize what happens next before it's too late.
Requests closed!
Started; December 11th
Finished; December 11th
HurtCember2024; Day 10, Touch Aversion
Author Note; running a little behind on all my fics, this challenge, my series stuff and requests. hoping to at least get my request stuff done before christmas. thank you for being patient :)
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Dating someone who always tried to be tough wasn't easy. Sevika was exactly that type of person. She wasn't one to show vulnerability often. To her, letting someone touch her was showing vulnerability. She didn't like it. In fact, at the start of your relationship with her you couldn't count the amount of times she completely averted your touch. Making the extra effort to dodge your attempts.
It only stopped when she realized how upset she was making you. You'd been having a rough day and went to her, seeking a hug. You'd snuck up behind Sevika when she was focused on her work. The hug caught her off guard and she moved you off her. Your lip trembled and the waterworks couldn't be stopped. Normally it wasn't something that made you cry, but you were already having a rough day as it was. That was your finale straw. Sevika didn't notice right away that you were crying. Until she heard your little sniffles. When she noticed she felt bad.
Really bad. Sevika turned to you with a frown. There was hesitation in her eyes for a moment before her hand cupped your cheek. Bringing you in close. She didn't know what else to do. She wasn't... well, she'd never done this before. She wasn't even sure she was doing it right. But then you hugged her. Tight, too. Damn you really had a strong grip. The doubt if she was doing this right faded into the background. Being replaced with thoughts of making you feel safe. Wondering who/what caused this. Obviously Sevika knew that she had been your finale straw, but she wondered what could have happened before that. You were tough.
One of the toughest people Sevika knew. But, you did have a softer side to you. You could balance the two in ways she never could. That was one of the many things she admired about you. You were never afraid to show vulnerability, unlike herself. Right now, Sevika was kind of just copying what she had seen you do for other people. Giving hugs. She added in an awkward head pat that you snuggled right into. Cherishing her touch. After all, it wasn't often you got it. So you soaked up the moment.
There was a long silence while Sevika waited for you to settle. Knowing it would be useless talking to you when you were crying. She wouldn't have been able to understand you through your sobs.
"What happened?" Sevika asked once she was sure you had calmed down. At least enough to talk. You explained your entire day to her. Sevika listened to every word. Frowning the more she listened. You'd really been sent through the ringer today, hadn't you?
Sevika kept you in her arms. Feeling no rush to move away from you. Like she normally would have. She... honestly, it felt kind of nice. Would she ever tell you that? Fuck no. But she did like it. And in that moment, she realized she really did really love you.
If it had been someone that hurt you, Sevika would make sure to make them regret it. And if it had just been a bunch of stuff that overwhelmed you, if it wasn't already done she'll take care of it for you. But she would hold off on that until later. Right now, you were her focus.
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godmadeaterribleerror · 2 months ago
I'll Crawl Home
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Main Masterlist - Dean Masterlist
Read on A03!
Tags: Dean Winchester/Female Reader, memory loss, angst, pining (unrequited love but not really), smut (blowjob, fingering, p in v sex, creampie), love confessions, no use of y/n
Summary/Warnings: You don't know who these men are, but they seem to know you. Your body seems to like the Handsome one a lot. But the more you manage to remember, the more lost you feel.
Author's Note: This might be one of my favorites. Enjoy!!
Title from Work Song by Hozier
Word Count: 8.6k
You don’t know who these men are. 
There are three of them, all gathered around you with frowning faces and drawn brows, and they seem worried. The tall one in the middle keeps saying your name and asking the one in the tie and trench coat if he can figure out what’s wrong with you. Trench Coat keeps snapping variations of no, he can’t, because the object was guarded against outside interference. 
The third one is silent. He’s a little behind you and wearing flannel like Tall, but his hair is shorter, he’s less lanky, and he’s touching you. His hand is on your arm, his grip so tight it almost hurts, and you’d… barely even noticed. Not because he’s almost inhumanly handsome, or because when he does grumble something in his voice is deep and soothing to your mind, but because your body hadn’t seemed to really register it. And if it had, it hadn’t been worried at all.
But you’re worried. As your brain starts to kick into gear—dragging itself out of an odd, hazy sludge—you are very worried about why Trench Coat, Tall, and Handsome are so close to you. Why Trench Coat keeps saying you’re sick—you’re tired, but overall you feel fine—and why Tall knows your name. Why Handsome is still touching you, why he’s so quiet, why when he looks at you your skin heats and your heart does a little, happy hum.
Why when you yank your arm from Handsome’s grasp, he blinks at you in confusion. Why he says your name so slowly. Why when he reaches back out to you, your body leans forward of its own accord. 
“No!” You shout, and it’s more at yourself, but Handsome’s whole face falls, and he looks like he’s been shot, stabbed, and bled out.
“Shit, she’s talking- Hey,” Tall says your name, reaching to grab your shoulder, and you start to crawl away from him. “Can you- Wait, where are you going-“
“She seems to be experiencing panic.” Trench Coat tilts his head, glancing over your shoulder. “She is likely trying to get to Dean.”
You follow his gaze, and your body is moving to where Handsome—Dean?—had backed away.
“Fuck!” You try to scramble to your feet, ready to run for your life, but you barely make it to your knees before darkness clouds your vision and your head starts to spin.
All three men shout your name, but Dean’s deep voice is the loudest, and when the world grows clear again, he the one who’s holding you upright.
Your body is slumped into him. It’s the same way you’ve slumped into your bed. The same way you used to slump against you mom when you were a kid, because you never thought she could hurt you. Because she’d felt like the safest place to be in the world.
But you don’t know Dean. 
“Don’t- don’t touch me-“ You try to shake him off, but he doesn’t let go. He just lowers you carefully down and moves away, staring at you with an expression that makes your heart ache for reasons you don’t understand. “Who are you people?!”
Tall says your name again. How the fuck does he know your name. “It’s just us, it’s-“ Tall moves to touch you, and frowns when you flinch away.
At least you still know how to flinch away. 
“I don’t knowwho the fuck you are,” you hiss at him. “Or what the fuck is happening, but I want to go home.” You hug yourself, everything suddenly cold, your voice growing small. “Please let me go home.”
Trench Coat nods. “I am able to-“
“Cas.” Dean grunts from behind you, and Trench Coat—Cas—frowns at him. “Don’t.”
“She has requested something I can assist with-“
“She doesn’t fucking know who you are.” Dean snaps, stomping past you, never looking down. It makes the ache in your heart worse. “What the hell do you think is gonna happen when you zap her back to a home she doesn’t remember?”
Tall shakes his head. “We don’t know that she doesn’t remember the bunker-“
“Yeah? Hey,” Dean says your name, his glare and tone firm. Your body has a very confusing reaction to it, your thighs squeezing together as your stomach fills with heat. “You believe in angels?”
You blink. “Like, with wings?”
Dean gives Tall a pointed look, and Tall just shakes his head again.
“That doesn’t prove anything-“
“It proves enough, Sammy.” 
“No, it doesn’t!” Tall—Sammy—crosses his arms, glaring at Dean. “She remembers her own name, it’s not unreasonable to think she might remember her home!”
“That’s cause her name is her name! She doesn’t remember who we are! She’s not going to remember anything else-“
“It may be productive to find out what she does remember before we make assumptions.” Cas cuts Dean off with clipped words, and barely flinches as Dean glowers at him. You’re impressed. Dean seems scary.
Even if your body doesn’t seem to agree. 
“Good idea, Cas, let’s just-“ Sammy drops to the floor in front of you. “Hi, I’m-“
“It’s actually Sam- wait.” Sam blinks at you. “You remember my name?“
“No.” You shake your head, nodding up to Dean. “He said it.”
“Oh.” Sam follows your gaze with a small frown. “Do you know his name?”
“It’s Dean.” You whisper, and another strange expression flashes over Dean’s face. “But I don’t remember it, I just heard it. I’m sorry.”
Dean’s jaw clenches, and Sam sighs.
“Don’t apologize, we’re just- It’s complicated.” Sam runs a hand through his hair, scanning carefully over your face. “Can I ask you a few questions?”
You nod—you don’t seem to have a choice, and you’re not nearly as panicked as you should be—and Sam swallows.
“Okay, you know your name, so how about- What year is it?”
You tell him, and he nods slowly. It goes like that as he asks you the date, the president, how old you are, and when your birthday is. It only flips when he asks you where home is, you answer, and all three men gape at you.
“What’s wrong?” You look between their identical expressions of worry. “That’s where I-“
Sam says your name carefully, his voice tense. “You haven’t lived there in almost six years.”
You blink at him. “No… I- I live there now.”
“No, you-“ Sam lets out a long breath. “How about this, do you know what your job is?”
“Yeah, I’m a librarian.”
That was clearly not the answer they wanted, but Sam pushes on. “Okay, what kind of car do you drive?”
“I don’t drive.” You glance up at Cas and Dean, and they’re exchanging a taut look. This is so fucking weird. “I, um, I take the bus.”
“Fuck!” Dean shouts suddenly, throwing his hands in the air. He sounds agitated. It’s making you agitated. “Goddamnit, she doesn’t remember anything-“
“Actually, she seems to remember selective things.” Cas lowers down as well, his gaze seeming to drive right into your soul. “Are you aware of how you arrived here, in this room?”
You aren’t. You try to remember, and it hurts. Your whole head lights up with pain and you double-over, but that seems to answer the men’s questions all by itself, and they exchange low, tense words as you lay on the floor.
Dean keeps looking at you. He’s not speaking to you, but he keeps staring at you, and your body always seems to respond to it. His jaw clenches as Cas helps you to your feet, and your legs want to walk right into him. Dean scowls as Sam explains that you do know them—that they’re your friends, and you’re cursed, and they’re taking you somewhere safe to help you—and your skin prickles under the feeling of it. As they move you into a sleek black muscle car and take off down the road, Dean keeps glaring at you in the rearview mirror and you want to reach out and touch him. You think it would be really good to touch him.
You really want to touch him. He’s beautiful, in the shadows and low lights of the highway, and right now it’s really just Dean in the whole universe. 
Just Dean. Here. With you.
The wind is cold in your hair and loud in your ears, but the Impala is warm, and the music is louder.
Dean is louder. Singing at the top of his lungs and drumming a little off beat on the wheel, his eyes alight and his smile wide. 
He’s warm, too. You giggle and roll your eyes when he makes a terrible joke, and he grabs your face with a strong, rough, warm hand to pulls you into a kiss, all as the road keeps rushing past you-
Cas says your name, and you blink at him. You’re not sure what the fuck just happened.
“Are you experiencing memory recall?”
“I, um, what?”
“Your eyes.” He says, and you notice Sam twisting around to watch from the passenger’s seat. “They began to move in a manner similar to human REM sleep, however you remained awake the whole time. Were you thinking of something you had previously forgotten?”
“I, uh,” you glance in the rearview mirror. Dean’s suddenly fixated on the road, his grip on the wheel white knuckled. “Have I been in this car before?”
“Yeah, you have.” Sam’s words are cautious, his eyes trained on you. “A lot. Cas, you don’t think-“
“I do. I believe it may be our best shot.”
And that’s how it begins. The moment you return to the bunker—a strange, underground building they claim you’ve lived in for years—you’re rushed through the grand tour in the hopes of triggering just a little more of your memory.
You’d consider it useless if it wasn’t working. If your hands didn’t already know how to sort through their strange classification of books. If you didn’t get flashes of laughter and visions of Sam and Dean around a table in what they call the War Room. If Sam doesn’t show you the kitchen, and suddenly your brain is washed over with a memory of sitting at the table, across from him and Dean.
Dean winks at you as Sam tries to show you something on his laptop. You’re going to kill him. He’s being obvious, and a little mean.
It doesn’t stop you from following him out of the kitchen only minutes later, even though it snaps your dignity in half.
“You’ve got something?” Sam’s almost jumping in front of you, and you give him a small smile. 
“You drink smoothies.”
“They’re healthy.” Sam shrugs, his voice raising to a shout. “Cas! It’s working!”
Dean shuffles into the kitchen, barely glancing at you. “Cas left. Said he’s going to look for a better fix.”
Sam frowns. “Why didn’t he tell me?”
“He told me. And you should bring her to her room.”
Your eyes widen as Sam nods, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Shit, yeah, good idea. C’mon,“ Sam says your name, walking to the hallway. “This should be good for you.”
When you see your room, it does seem like your room. It’s decorated how you’d decorate it, clothing scattered on the floor that you recognize, the walls painted how you’d paint them, but there’s also a shotgun on the dresser and a knife on your bedside stand.
“Shit, sweetheart, this is an awesome gun, where’d you find it?”
You look up at Dean from your bed, fidgeting with your blanket between your fingers. “It was in one of the storage rooms. I can show you later, I think there were a few more.”
“Hell yeah,” he aims it at the wall, his smile easy and boyish. It’s adorable.
You wish he’d stop.
He hums, still turning the gun in his hands, and you take in a long breath.
“Are we going to talk about it?”
Dean freezes, his eyes wide and almost panicked on yours as he sets the gun back down.
“I don’t think there’s anything to talk about. I mean, it’s us. We can be cool.”
“Yeah, cool. You have a problem, I take care of it. I have a problem,” he gestures between your bodies with raised brows, and you sigh.
“Yeah.” You smile at him, and this might consume and destroy you. But fuck you, you’re going to let it. “Awesome.”
“You got anything?” Sam asks, and you nod. You might have too much. 
And none of it is making any make sense at all.
The week passes like this. More small memories come to you in visions, your head pounds and stabs with pain, Sam hangs over your shoulder and shows you countless places you can navigate but don’t recognize—their dungeon, their gun range, a place called the Dean Cave, a field, and a corner store down the street—all as Dean swirls around your head, but remains just out of sight. Barely crossing your path, looking like a deer in headlights when he does.
But you think you’ve sat with your legs over his lap in the Dean Cave. You’ve trailed after him—holding onto the sleeve of his jacket—in the corner store. You’ve had his body wrapped around yours in the gun range, his voice low and teasing in your ear as he guides your hands.
And the most memories come in your bedroom. Sitting on the mattress with him towering above you, lying on the floor with him under you, giggling as he pins you against the door.
He still won’t look at you. He doesn’t even acknowledge you anymore. He’s locking himself in his room, only coming out to get food, sort through the library, or take his car and leave for hours on end.
Sam is worried.
“This… isn’t like Dean.” He tells you, frowning at the door Dean had just disappeared through. “I don’t know what’s up with him, but you guys were really good friends before. Like, really good.” He gives you an odd look. You’ve been getting a lot of those lately. “There was a while where I was pretty sure that he was finally-“ He shakes his head, cutting himself off. “Never mind. I’ll talk to him later.”
You sleep in your room again. It’s felt strange, because your body doesn’t seem to like your mattress. It doesn’t relax into it like it should, if you’ve really been sleeping here for years. You keep waking up reaching for the other side of the bed. You keep being unable to fall asleep at all because something feels off. 
He’s still here when you wake up. His arm heavy over your stomach as he presses your back against his chest, his breath hot on your neck. 
You should’ve kicked him out last night. You try to never let him fall asleep next to you, let alone wake up in your bed. It’s cruel to you.
Because now you have to have this, and then let it go. You’ll never be able to wipe the feeling of Dean wrapped around you from your skin, and your muscles will never forget how easy it was to relax when he was holding you. 
When you roll over your hands will always know how to linger on his bare, warm chest. Your fingers will always know how to map his every freckle, even if you were blindfolded and submerged underwater. 
Your heart will always know to slow down when you look at him. Especially like this. He’s peaceful here. His eyelashes fluttering and his lips parted, his brow dropped to yours as he sleeps. 
As he has no way to know that he’s doing it.
He’s vulnerable. Dean’s body is letting him rest with you at his side. It’s letting him fall into a strong sleep with steady breaths and slack muscles, even though there’s something foreign pressed against him.
And that’s why this is cruel. It feeds your hope that this could be more. That Dean could ever see you as you see him, that he’d chose to rest with you because deep down, he loves you like you love him.
Deeply and powerfully. Irrevocably and brutally. Made of gnashing teeth and blood caking your nails, but also simple in loud music and wind, soft in golden streetlamps that cast halos around his head. Concrete. Dependable. You will always love Dean, even if you lose everything else you’ve ever had.
And he will not love you.
And this is cruel.
But you still let your face bury itself in his neck. You still let your nose memorize the evergreen and amber smell of him. You still let his skin leave burning marks on yours, as he stays asleep. 
And you just watch him. 
You have to drag yourself out of bed. You have to give Dean a close-lipped smile when he walks right past you in the kitchen, and not scream when his skin brushes yours.
It’s not foreign. 
It feels like you.
And you’re so lost. 
You don’t ask any questions. The few questions you have asked made Sam sad, like you should already know the answer, and he always does this puppy-dog face that breaks your heart. The only questions you’d really want to ask were questions about Dean. About if Sam talked to him, about why—if you’re as close as Sam claims, if these strange snapshots are true—he won’t even look at you. About how he’d looked at you before.
About how you’d looked at him.
But Sam’s too busy for you to even really consider it. He’s calling Cas and someone named Rowena all the time, he’s researching day and night to try and fix you, and he’s coming up with strange new ways to trigger your memory every day.
“Sit there.” He points to the driver’s seat of the Impala, moving around the hood of the car. “You’re driving.”
You shake your head. “I don’t know how to drive stick-“
“Yeah, you do, Dean- fuck.” Sam groans, rubbing his forehead. “Well, let’s try having you sit in it? Just to see if anything happens?”
You nod, and things do happen. When you put your hand on the gear shift, a phantom of a bigger, calloused one covers it, and suddenly you can drive stick. You don’t even have to think about it, you just can. 
It might be worse when you think about it. Sam makes you drive—telling you to go somewhere and refusing to specify any possible destinations—and whenever you try to actually dwell on what you’re doing, you make a mistake. 
So you let your body take over. You drive the Impala where your hands want you to go, and where they want you to go seems to be a dive bar parking lot.
“Huh.” Sam glances around as you both climb out of the car, a small frown on his face. “I’ve never been here before. I know it’s a stupid question, but do you know where you are?”
“No,” you sigh, letting your feet carry you to the edge of the pavement, letting your knees bend down as you sit on the curb. “Not at all.”
“Shit.” He mutters. “Well, you want a drink while we’re here?”
You nod, Sam goes into the bar, returns with two beers, and drops at your side.
“This is…” Sam glances at you, his voice soft. Apologetic. “I’m really sorry this is happening. I mean, Dean went through something similar a while ago, but at least we had an idea of how to handle that, you know? I’m- I don’t even know where to start here.” He says your name, rolling his bottle between his hands. “All we’ve got is Dean saying you touched a cursed object, but he’s being really weird and when Cas and I went back to the building there was nothing. We’re going to fix this, I promise, but...”
He sighs, trailing off, and you clear your throat. You haven’t just sat with Sam since this—whatever this is—started. This might be your only chance to try to get answers in a way that doesn’t make your skull cave in and your heart burn.
“Can I ask you some stuff?”
Sam nods, and you take a long, slow breath.
“How did I end up here? Doing,” you gesture vaguely to the air. “This.”
A small smile ghosts over Sam’s lips. “Dean and I were hunting a vamp nest, and you were one of the witnesses. You helped us out a little, we told you some stuff about how you deal with vamps, and then you got kidnapped. We- Well, we tried to save you, but by the time we got there you’d kind of saved yourself. You’d covered yourself in dead man’s blood from one of their discarded vics, and none of them would go near you. After it was done, you asked to come with us, and you haven’t left since.”
“And we’re… friends?”
“We are.” Sam says, rubbing his forehead with a sigh. “I mean, I know you and I are. You helped me organize the library when you moved to the bunker. I taught you most of the stuff about the lore, and we made up a game about it. Dean calls it dumb, but he just hates that he’s bad at it. Sometimes you go on runs with me, and then you say you’re never running again. You’re the one who convinced me to ask out my girlfriend-“
You blink at him. “You have a girlfriend?”
“Yeah, Eileen. You’re friends with her too. You’re friends with everybody.” Sam offers you another smile, and this one seems less painful. “Even Rowena likes you. We didn’t have to threaten her to help us out here.”
Even as you return Sam’s smile, a last question eats at your tongue, and you’re too tired, too confused to think better of asking it.
“What about Dean?” You whisper. “Am I friends with him?”
Sam sighs. He seems to do that a lot. 
“Yes. Kind of. I… I don’t know.” He mutters, frowning at the pavement. “It’s complicated. I’m not- This isn’t really my place, you know?”
You swallow. “Does he hate me?”
Sam laughs at that. A loud, full laugh that echoes around the parking lot. 
“No.” He shakes his head, clearly amused by something you don’t understand. “I don’t think either of you could hate each other if you-“
“I fucking hate you!” You scream, shoving his chest. He doesn’t flinch. He never flinches. 
“You’re drunk.” Dean grunts your name, catching your hand against his chest. “We need to go home.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you, Winchester-“
“Yeah, you are.”
Dean starts to tug you across the parking lot, back to the car, and you hate that you just let him. You always let him. He takes you somewhere and you just follow him like a fucking lapdog. Waiting for him whenever he leaves. Whining and whimpering at the door when he’s gone and lighting up from the inside when he returns. 
Barely getting a treat or a smile when he pays attention to you. Only really getting his attention in brief flashes that build your body to an explosion before leaving you to pick up the pieces yourself. Leaving you alone, wracked with a love he can’t return, mending your own heart until he asks to break it again, and you let him.
“You’re going to sleep it off.” Dean mutters from ahead of you, and there are little blond hairs at the nape of his neck that seem silver and gold in the low light. Just another piece of him that’s impossibly beautiful. Another piece you get to touch but never keep. 
“I don’t need to sleep it off!” You yank your hand from his grip as he tries to guide you into Baby, and drop on the curb with a dramatic sigh. “Just leave me alone, Dean.”
“I am not fucking abandoning you at some sketchy bar-“
“Why not?” You raise your chin at him, narrowing your eyes. “Afraid I’ll find someone else? That I’ll crawl into another bed, and they’ll actually like me, and you’ll lose your favorite pet?”
He scowls. “We’re not having this conversation right now-“
“Why not?! You know it’s the truth, Dean! I’m just, I’m your fucking toy and you hate sharing-“
He says your name in a low warning, but you can’t stop now. This pain has been building up and up in your chest and lungs for years, and now that it’s out it’s volcanic. You couldn’t keep it in if you tried.
“But you’ll never actually care about me! I’m easy for you! That was the fucking deal, right! We’re easy for each other and that’s it, just using each other until one of us fucking dies! You keep acting like I mean nothing and then you get all fucking possessive when I try to get over you-“
“You’re not trying to get over me.” He mutters, not fully meeting your eyes. “You don’t have anything to get over. You’re just fucking wasted-“
“Yeah, I am, because you won’t just say that I matter to you-“
“Of course you matter to me, you’re my friend-“
“You’re not my friend!” You scream, your voice echoing through the parking lot. Your head is starting to spin. “Friends don’t do this to each other!”
You’re dizzy. You feel a little faint. 
And you’d just spend an hour telling Dean you hate him. But he’s still grabbing you and keeping you steady.
You really wish he wouldn’t. It would make it easier to pretend you really did hate him. That just his touch didn’t make you feel safe and cared for, even when the dickhead didn’t really care. 
“You done?” He asks, and you hum, something hot and wet stinging at your eyes.
“I hate you, Dean.” You mumble, even as you slump into him. “I fucking hate you.”
He brushes some hair from your face, and your eyes flutter. “I know you do, babygirl.” He mutters, and you don’t think he knows you’re still awake. “Let’s go home.”
Sam’s frowning at you when the real world comes back into view. And when you whisper that you’d really like to leave, he doesn’t ask questions. He doesn’t even make you drive, or try to talk to you as you stare out the window. 
He doesn’t push for the rest of the day. He shows you a few more things that trigger smaller memories, and you don’t see Dean at all. 
But he’s everywhere. In every memory. You walk through the library as Sam explains a system you allegedly designed, and a memory of you explaining this exact system to Dean flashes through your brain. He’d made jokes, and you’d giggled, and his smile had numbed your brain. You try to make yourself dinner, and suddenly you’re laughing and throwing food at Dean, right before he presses you against the counter with a searing kiss. You wander through the halls and you can hear heavy, controlled steps behind you. You return to your room, and he’s at your side in bed, wearing the same flannel from the memory in the parking lot. Making you drink water and helping you change, muttering low apologies you can’t actually really hear. Tucking you in bed and tracing his hand over your face, grabbing you a trash can to vomit in when you shoot back up, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
His whole face is set in that memory, but it’s all hazy. You don’t know if you trust it, because all the other memories have been sharp and clear, but this one is dreamlike. Like even before you lost your memory, you weren’t sure if it was real. The you who all this happened to might have just made this up for herself. Made up Dean holding her hair back and pressing a soft kiss to her brow as she lay back down, even though you can still feel the warmth of his chapped lips in that exact spot. She might have made up Dean smiling at her when she mumbled that she didn’t actually hate him. She might have made up him staying when she begged him to in a soft voice. 
You don’t know. You don’t know anything. You’ve never felt more lost, never been in more pain. Your body is where it’s supposed to be, but your brain isn’t. It’s restless and worried and tearing itself apart, and when you fail to sleep your body knows how to walk through the halls, even as your whole mind spins and shreds itself to pieces.
Sam was sorry this was happening to you, but you don’t know why. You don’t know him. Every time you’ve seen Cas since you’ve returned, he’s asked you questions you don’t know the answers to. Every day your body remembers things, but you don’t. You want to, you want to so bad, but you’re adrift and drowning in a vast, cold ocean and you can’t even remember how you got there. You keep feeling like there’s a lifeline, just out of reach, but you can’t grab it. It’s not in your room, or the kitchen, or the library. It’s nowhere Sam takes you, nowhere you remember how to go.
You feel like something had been guiding you, anchoring you in the waves, and now it’s missing. Vanished from your hands. 
And now you’re lost, and in pain, and alone. Wandering aimlessly through the depths of the bunker in the dead of night, searching for a lighthouse you’re not sure exists.
You walk into the War Room, and Dean’s already there. Glass of whiskey in hand, head tipped back and eyes closed, the fancy headphones you’d gotten him for his birthday blasting music so loud you can hear it from across the room. You walk up behind him and run a gentle hand over his cheeks, and he doesn’t flinch. His eyes just open slowly and find yours in a second, his attention soft as he tugs his headphones down, grabs your hand, and kisses your knuckles. 
“Hi.” You whisper, and he grins.
“It’s late.” You run a hand through his hair, and he lets you. He’s amazing and horrible, so he lets you have this. “It’s bad for your back to sleep in a chair.”
“Bad for my back?” He chuckles. “I’m not that old, sweetheart-“
“It’s bad for everyone’s back-“
“Sam sleeps in his chair all the time.” Dean raises his brows at you, and you swallow. “You’re not on his ass about it.”
You sigh. You don’t want to entertain this. You’re too tired for the fight that it will lead to. “Please just go sleep in your bed, Dean.”
He hums, and you let him guide you around the chair, until you’re standing between his legs.
“Maybe I will, if you’re there with me.”
“Don’t say that.” You whisper, unable to move away. He’s going to break your heart again. You’re going to let him, because your heart is traitorous and loves being broken by Dean. It just likes that Dean has to touch it to break it. “Please.”
He shakes his head with a long, deep exhale, and doesn’t say another word. 
But he doesn’t go to bed either. He stands up until you’re trapped between his body and the table, and places his whiskey down, his eyes never leaving yours. He’s scanning over your face with an expression like he’s lost, like he’s looking for something he’s desperate to find but terrified to see.
You don’t know if he finds it. 
All you know is that he’s touching you, and you’re molding into him, and whatever he does to you, you’ll allow. 
As long as it’s Dean doing it.
He unplugs his headphone until the music is filling the War Room, picks up his iPod, and changes the song. This one is soft, a gentle melody drowning you in honey and a daze of Dean. You didn’t think he’d own a song like this. It’s slow and romantic, and it flows so easily as he takes one hand in yours, places the other on your hip, and moves you away from the table.
He starts to sway, holding you steady in his arms, and soon you’re dancing. Really dancing, in measured, easy steps that Dean guides you through. You didn’t think he’d know how to do this. You didn’t think he’d ever do it with you.
But you’re lost in him, and you’ve never felt like you’ve belonged anywhere else. You’re drowning in the song, but Dean’s drowning with you, so you know exactly where you are. Trapped in this infinite and fleeting moment, trapped in Dean’s eyes, trapped in the warmth of his light, casting over your body and guiding you wherever you’ll need to be.
When he leans in to kiss you, you don’t push him away. You could never push him away. Your hands only know how to curl in his shirt and your lips only know how to crash into his. Your tongue always craves Dean’s taste of whiskey and pecan, and your body always knows how to catch the small sparks of lighting his touch creates, then throw them through your whole body.
And Dean always kisses you with everything he has, but this is different. It’s not desperate and needy, it’s long and deep and feels like home. When he sucks on your lower lip, it’s like he’s trying to leave a mark. When his steps still and he dips you down, you gasp, and he breathes it in like it’s more than oxygen. When your arms wrap around his neck, he pulls you closer, like you could be absorbed into his body forever. 
When he pulls away—the song long over, the only sounds in the world his ragged breath and your heartbeat in your ears—he still doesn’t speak. And you don’t move. You’ll be a statue until Dean’s command brings your back to life. You’ll be cold marble, sinking down, down, down until he takes your hand and reminds your body how to be.
And that’s pathetic.
But when he squeezes your hand in his, presses a soft kiss on the space between your eyes, and starts to guide you out of the War Room, you don’t even try not to follow him.
Because Dean would never let you stray from where you’re safe. Next to him.
Your legs are carrying you out of the war room, down a path that they remember but you don’t. To a door that your hand aches to push open, into a room where the air is warm but fresh, and an overwhelming smell of amber and evergreen tints against your nostrils. They don’t seem bothered by it. They seem to relax into it, like it’s an anesthetic. 
This must be Dean’s room. If your body couldn’t tell you that, your increasingly fragile brain would still piece it together. It’s obviously lived in—clothing on the floor, sheets messy on the bed, small bits of evidence scattered on the shelves and dresser—and there’s only one lived in room you haven’t entered before. Dean’s.
Sam hadn’t even shown you where it was.
Apparently he hadn’t needed to. Your whole body had pulled you here.
And that’s your shirt, on the bedside table-
Dean peels off your shirt without a word, discarding it to an unseen corner of the room. You fumble with his belt, your need growing and growing with every second his hands map over your body—he’s already explored it, found places you didn’t even know existed yourself, but he never seems to get sick of you—and Dean just chuckles, keeping his brow pressed to yours as he takes care of it himself. His jeans have barely fallen around his ankles when he grabs your face between his hands and kisses you until your knees are weak.
Neither of you are speaking. There’s nothing to say that hasn’t already been screamed or sobbed or snapped, hasn’t been moaned or mumbled or whispered. 
All that left to do is touch each other, like you have a million times before. Like you will a million times again, because you can lie to yourself that one day your patience will run out and you’ll leave, but you know you won’t. Dean’s changed your body on a level that feels deeper than skin. Your heart only knows how to beat for him. Your brain only knows how to think of him. Your hands only know how to palm at his dick, tenting through his boxers, and your lips only know how to part as he groans down your throats.
You fall to your knees, free him from his underwear, wrap your hand around his proud cock, and look up at him with a soft smile. His massive, rough hand has tangled in your hair, his eyes hooded and throat bobbing, and when you take him in your mouth you know exactly how to play him like an instrument. How to suck when he bumps the back of your throat, how to flick your tongue over the head of him, how to squeeze and jerk off the base of his cock where you can’t get him between your lips. You know to keep going as he starts to groan your name in a low warning, because if he wants to cum in your mouth, you’d never stop him.
That’s another taste you’ll always crave. Salty and bitter and so purely Dean, marking you in a way he can’t take back.
But he pulls you off with a firm tug of your hair, wiping a little drool from your lips with his thumb before tilting your head up and crashing his lips into yours. When Dean hauls you to your feet you crumple into him, and when he tosses you onto his bed you giggle, crawling backwards and spreading your legs in a silent offering you’ve given him a million times before, and will never stop giving him as long as he takes it.
And he always takes it. Dean’s eyes always darken, and he always prowls over you. But it’s never like you’re prey. Never like you’re just a body to be taken and notched on a bedpost. 
It’s like you’re something he’s trying to bathe himself in. Like an external piece of him he’s trying to protect and tend to by covering himself in it. It’s why he always dives down between your legs first, keeping you pinned to the bed with a hand on your stomach, shoving his tongue deep into your cunt and pressing his nose on your clit until you’re writhing and suffocating him between your thighs. When he moves to pull that bundle of nerves between his lips—pressing his tongue flat against you and sucking—a coil in your gut snaps, and you drown his face in your release.
Your body only ever does that for Dean.
You don’t think he knows that. And every time you think to tell him, he’s always already moved on. Risen above you and shoving two fingers into your still raw and sensitive pussy, finding the deepest part of you like it’s a magnet, and rubbing on it as he watches you come undone once more. 
He cleans his hands with his mouth, licking them and smirking at you as you reach for him, trying to grip his body and pull it down over yours. He usually takes his time—teasing and edging you until you’re a whining mess—but tonight really is different. His smile on your flushed, already wrecked face isn’t taunting or lustful, it’s relaxed. And he still doesn’t speak, but when he kisses his way over your navel, up your chest—stopping to suck on one nipple as his hand plays with your other breast, because he’s Dean and he can’t help himself—it’s louder than anything else in the world. He’s taking him time because he’s trying to keep you in his bed. He knows that once this is over, you’ll gather your things and leave, like you always do to protect yourself.
So he’s giving you a reason to stay.
He nips and sucks up your throat and over your jaw, plants kisses everywhere on your face but where you’re begging for him, and pins your squirming body to the bed with his full weight before his mouth finally makes its way to yours. 
He’s kissing you into the mattress, kissing you until your lips are swollen and your head is spinning from oxygen deprivation. He only pulls back to watch his hand stroke his cock, right before he guides himself into your dripping, fluttering pussy and bottoms out in one thrust. He lets out a low grunt as you adjust, and when he rolls his hips, you moan.
And he falls right back into you.
From there it’s only Dean. Fucking you until you’re scratching at his chest and putty in his arms, your mouth is slack as he groans and grunts above you. He hikes your thigh up to push his cock in at a deeper angle and marks your neck and shoulders with bites and hickeys that you hope never fade, building his speed until you’re just a squirming, whining mess and he’s slamming into you at a brutal pace. 
He doesn’t slow down when you cum, clenching around his cock and screaming a high whine of his name. He only swallows the sound with a bruising kiss, plunging his tongue down your throat and rutting harder and harder into your cunt. All you can do is take it. You’ll always take it. If this is how to you get to have Dean, you’ll never push him away.
He cums with a roar against your lips, trigging one last, small, shuddering orgasm through your body, and collapses on top of you.
Dean rolls you over until he’s beneath you, caging you against his chest with big, strong arms. He doesn’t pull out—letting his cum drip down and dry on your thighs—and when your look up at him he’s staring at you with a drunken, awestruck expression. 
His eyes are already drooping, his breathing slowing to an even, steady pace as he keeps you trapped against his body. You wish your hands could remember how to pry him away before he falls asleep, because now you’re going to be trapped here for a long, painful night where Dean’s sheathed inside you and you can smell and taste him everywhere, but he’s still not yours to have.
Yet, you can’t move.
And right as his eyes close, he mutters your name. You almost don’t hear it. You’re not sure you did hear it.
He repeats your name, and it’s barely a breath. 
“I love you.” He mumbles your name one last time, and you gape at him. He doesn’t even know he’s speaking. “‘m sorry. Love you. Don’t leave.” He buries his face in your hair, and he won’t remember this in the morning. “Please don’t leave me.”
“What are you doing in here.” 
You drag your gaze away from the bed and turn to see Dean, wearing flannel pants and a white sleep shirt. He’s not glaring at you, even though you’ve invaded his room without permission. He just looks weary. Tired.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, rooted to the spot. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
Something pained flashes over his face, and you feel small cracks form across your heart.
“Whatever.” He mutters, walking right past you without another glance. “Get out.”
You don’t know why you said that. This isn’t your place to be, especially when Dean doesn’t want anything to do with you. When he doesn’t want you here. But you don’t feel adrift here. And you don’t want to go.
Dean stares at you. “What.”
“I’m not going.” You hug yourself, your eyes moving back to the shirt on the dresser. “That’s my shirt.”
He huffs, rolling his eyes as he mutters to himself. “So a fucking shirt you remember. Awesome.”
You swallow. “Why do you have my shirt, Dean.”
He goes rigid, but doesn’t speak, so you keep going.
“Why won’t you talk to me?” You don’t realize you’re walking forward he’s closer. It feels right. “Sam said-“
“Sam doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.” Dean grunts, but he doesn’t move away. Even when you move closer. Even as you push on.
“Then you tell me.” You sound like you’re pleading. You kind of are. “Every time I remember something you’re there, but you won’t even look at me! I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what’s going on, and I keep thinking about you but you’re acting like you want nothing to do with me-“
Dean’s jaw clenches, his words pushed through his teeth. “That’s not true.”
“It is! You can’t even stand to be in the same room as me!” You feel like you’re going to cry. You haven’t even wanted to cry, not since this began, but something has crashed down inside of you, and this room feels like a safe place to fall apart.
Dean feels like a safe place to fall apart.
“I’m, I’m so lost, and I don’t know what’s going on, and everything keeps coming back to you but I don’t know who you are! You won’t tell me who you are, Sam won’t tell me who you are, and I feel like I’m supposed to know but I don’t! I know who I am but I feel like I’m missing something, and everything hurts, and I just- I need to know-“
Dean grunts your name, and you let out a choked sob.
You’re sick of being lost. You’re sick of not knowing. And when you meet Dean’s eyes they’re like a beacon, and you can’t help but float into them. 
“Who am I to you, Dean?”
“You’re the love of my life.” His voice is hoarse, and his eyes widen slightly at his own answer. You don’t think he expected it. 
His hands grab your face—holding you so carefully, like he’s practiced this a million time—and you melt into his touch. 
“You’re everything to me, and I- I fucking failed you.” Dean’s thumb traces over your cheekbone, wiping away a tear. “I can’t fix it. I’ve been fucking trying, baby. I promised you I’d try, but I can’t. I- I can’t. I need your help but you’re-“ He makes a low, strangled sound, dropping his brow to yours. It fits perfectly there. “I can’t do this without you. I never tell you that, I never say that I need you, but I do, and I failed you, and now you’re-“
Dean’s whole body shudders, and your arms wrap around him on instinct alone. He falls over you, clinging to you like you’re going to vanish, and-
“You don’t have to do this.” Dean mutters in your ear, and his hug is going to suffocate you, but you don’t care. Maybe he’ll leave an indent on your body. “We can just fucking destroy it-“
“Because trying to destroy cursed objects has worked out so well for us, historically.” You give him a sad, dry smile, and he shakes his head. 
“There’s another way. There’s always another way-“
“We don’t have time for another way. And it won’t be permanent. All curses can be cured.”
“But we don’t even know what the hell this one does!” He shouts, and you don’t wince. He’s not mad at you. “‘Taking what you value most’ could mean anything, could fucking do anything-“
“I know. But it will kill you if I don’t-“
“We don’t know that-“
You do know that. So does Dean. This object latched onto Dean, and it will either leech his life slowly, involuntarily, or take something from you, along with a piece of your memory. And you’ll lose whatever you need to if it keeps Dean safe.
“Listen.” You hold Dean’s gaze, making your voice firm. “Don’t tell Sam and Cas. They’ll get caught on what happened, and you’ll all start fighting, and we can’t afford that. You just need to find what I value, bring it back to me, and I’ll be okay. Got it?”
Dean shakes his head. “How am I supposed to know what you value if you won’t tell me-“
“I don’t know.” You sigh. “I- I honestly can’t think of what I value most, but hopefully you’ll notice something is missing, and you can track it down.” You give him a soft smile. “I believe in you, Dean. And if I’m awake, I’ll try to help you.”
“You won’t remember-“
“It should only take my memories relating the thing. I probably won’t even know anything is wrong.”
“But I’ll know.” He mutters. “And what if I don’t get the thing back to you-“
“You will get it back to me.” You say simply. He’s Dean. You trust him with more than your life. “And I’ll be okay.”
You start to move away, but he doesn’t let you go. He’s pallid and bloodless from the object draining him, but he’s still strong. And you don’t really want to leave him at all. 
“Don’t. Please.” He mutters your name, and it sounds like a prayer. “I’m not worth this, baby.”
“Of course you are.” You smile at him, tears stinging your eyes as you manage to force yourself away. “I love you.”
His eyes widen, and he looks like he wants to say something, but anything he can say will only make you hesitate.
So you turn away.
Right before you touch the object you have a thought. An epiphany that—if your hand wasn’t already pressed on the object’s cool surface—would have made you break down and scream for Dean to make you stop, to drag you away.
But it’s too late. And everything goes dark.
He leans back to look at you, and you know him. You know everything about him, and it’s destroying your brain and body, trying to break out but trapped down. This pain is horrible.
But Dean is good.
“You love me?”
He swallows, but nods. He seems afraid. Tense under your hands, like you’re going to push him away and he’ll have to just take it.
He won’t. Because you do the only thing you’re certain you know how to do.
You kiss him.
It’s like fireworks, but there’s no electrically you haven’t felt before, no colors you’ve never seen. You’re swept up in his waves and wide fire, but it could never drown or burn you. You’ve adapted to move with it, to breathe in his water and smoke and trust him to bring you exactly where you need to be.
Against his chest, dipping and holding you steady, pouring his all and then some into your body. And your memory doesn’t crash back into you, it just washes over you like rain. 
Dean pulls back, and you smile at him like you always have. Like you always will.
“Hi,” you whisper, and he grins. 
“Hey,” Dean says your name, and you’ve done this dance before.  “Are you-“
You kiss him again, and you know exactly who Dean is. What he is to you, how he loves you in strong, unspoken silence that kills you and cures you all at one, and how you might be built to love him. 
You are.
And he’s built the same way for you.
End Note: Obsessed with love as a thing that happens to you physically, if you can't tell. Thank you for reading!
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chiquilines · 7 months ago
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In honour of mha ending, have some old (and i mean OLD) miryumi scribbles i never got around to posting. They were the main characters in my heart
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kimiko24-art · 4 months ago
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I will explode u
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kittyplushy · 5 days ago
mentally ill self shippers who struggle with seeing themselves as the exception for their f/o or a special case for them to love, please listen to that voice that considered it in the first place. You deserve to be loved no matter what!! you deserve to be the exception, you deserve to be that person your f/o loves and cherishes and is more patient and gentler with. simply because you believed you deserve to be handled delicately. Glory to the hammer and the nails but praise to the carpenter because you dreamt of it and no one else.
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ciderjacks · 8 months ago
despite Laios low self esteem making him think that if he’d been eaten, Chilchuck and Marcille wouldn’t have helped Falin,
theres a small part of me that thinks the reason Chilchuck stayed with the party and went back in the dungeon in the first place was because he didn’t want to leave Laios alone. That Laios was moreso the reason he stayed.
#dungeon meshi#chilaios#OK SORRY. THE DEMONS. I REALLY DID NOT WANT TO LIKE THIS PAIRING. I DIDNT. BUT. HHH. FHFHJFJV. I FEEL CRAZY. LET ME EXPLAIN.#Pre canon it seems Laios is the person Chilchuck is really the closest to#He gets along with Namari and they are probably way better as buddies than he and Laios but#He and Laios seem *closer*#If that makes sense#Laios calls him his first name enough and without any issue or hesitation from Chilchuck#That I sort of inagine its not like. A misunderstanding. Laios is on a first name basis with him for a reason.#He also worries probably more than anyone about Laios#And his biggest criticism of him is that hes “reckless”#he’s comfortable around Laios in a very specific way and so is Laios around him#and in the series he shows many times that he’ll risk his life to protect Laios#Like staying with him to confront the elves because he was worried Laios would say something stupid#Hes the first one to run up to him when Falin punches him#I mean I think he was also going back for Falin like its not like I think he doesn’t care about her or anything#He clearly does#But I don’t know if he’d have gone back if Laios hadn’t#And if Laios had been eaten I think he wouldn’t have even had to be convinced by Falin#I also think Marcille would’ve gone back for him but probably more bc Falin was going back#Like sort of a reversed thing#AGAIN not that I don’t think she cared about Laios at the beginning either#But she before the story she was mostly Falin’s friend who knew Laios through Falin#She only really got to know him when Falin got eaten and they had to do a team building exercise#Though now I sort of want to see an actually reversed scenario#Bc we also know that Chilchuck is sort of uncomfortable around Falin (said in relationship chart)#So I would love to see them be forced into a team building exercise to find a person they both love the way Laios and Marcille were
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starshakez · 2 months ago
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To my non-sharing selfshippers: Remember, your F/O only loves YOU!
Picture their confusion or even disbelief on their face at someone else claiming to be their partner. To them, you are irreplaceable.
To your F/O, there’s no competition, you're the only one they could ever love. Your love is exclusive, special, and yours, and no one can change that ♡
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