#comfortable furniture in barbados
gajahhome · 12 days
Mattress Toppers: An Investment for Better Sleep
Do you take sleeping pills? Is it difficult to stay asleep throughout the night? The majority of us face sleep issues. Blame it on our lifestyle or our sleeping patterns; it is a common problem. However, there is one good solution to ward off sleep disorders- buy a mattress topper Barbados. Though you maintain a healthy diet and exercise daily, you might still not be getting adequate sleep at night. Sometimes, falling asleep is a problem and other times, staying asleep becomes difficult. Have you ever wondered if your bed type might be the reason? The quality and quantity of sleep are negatively affected by the wrong bedding choice. please click the link for further information
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armin-supremacy · 1 year
please, just break the silence.
pairing: lucifer x gn!mc
genre: hurt/angst, comfort
prompt: ❗️lesson 16 spoilers ❗️everything went back to normal much too quickly, leaving you to suffer the pain and memory alone.
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Hurt. Sadness. Anger.
You shut your door quietly behind you, leaning against it with your gaze to the floor. These feelings bubbled in your chest, getting stronger the longer the commotion from the common room reached your ears.
How long had it been? Weeks now?
That day your kindness came back to bite you in the ass remained fresh in your memory. Almost like it was yesterday. The healing bruises along your neck still provided an ache you wished with every fiber of your being to go away.
It doesn't matter if it was another timeline. It was still you.
You could still feel the burning in your throat, hear the sickening break of your own jugular in your ears. And his fingers...those cruel, cold fingers that belonged to Belphegor plaguing your flesh.
All because you wanted to help him. Genuinely.
You didn't ask for anything in return, didnt want anything. Just reuniting him with his brothers was reward enough. Helping the misunderstanding you had been told took place.
How naive of you.
Things went to normal all too quickly. It made you sick to your stomach. You tried to push it away for the time being. You couldn't bring yourself to ruin the brother's reunion.
You forced a smile, engaging with Belphegor happily for the sake of the others, hoping the topic would be properly addressed and talked about after the buzz passed.
But it didn't.
Nobody had checked on your wellbeing, had made sure your feelings about the situation was heard. They continued on as if Belphegor had never left honestly. Making jokes and conversation, dragging you left and right for everything and anything.
You were still expected to go to RAD and socialize. Still expected to stay on top of your tasks. All while slowly breaking down because you couldn't let go.
You refused to let it go. And why should you?
You died. Sure, you came back. But what if Barbados hadn't been there? What if there was no other timeline?
What if there was only one of you?
You were starting to go numb.
And today....today was the breaking point.
You had been wearing high necked tops and a scarf, covering the yellow bruising and fainting fingerprints left by Belphegor painted along your neck. You were ashamed of wounds.
In all the time that has passed since that day, the clothing piece was finally acknowledged.
It was a simple, little question. Asmodeus had asked if he could borrow the scarf, complimenting how it'd actually go perfect with an outfit he had planned for his weekend out.
You could feel your chest tighten. You declined, lying with the excuse that it was a gift you weren't wanting to risk parting with.
Asmodeus being Asmodeus, the demon had pouted and teased you. You had snapped at him before hurrying off to your room before you exploded.
No...you should have. Maybe then, you could get their attention.
Before you knew it, you had taken your anger out on your desk. Everything tumbled to the floor with a crash.
Tears ran down your cheeks.
But you didn't stop.
Before long, your room was a disaster. Broken glass and books littered your floor. Your desk and dresser was toppled over, wood splintered by the force when you had kicked and punched the furniture.
Your hand throbbed. You had hurt yourself at some point. But you didn't care. You wanted these feelings gone. You wanted to be okay.
You wanted some kind of relief.
You caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess, eyes were bloodshot. Your face was red and puffy.
"MC, what in the world is-"
You turned quickly at the intruder. Lucifer stood there frozen as he took in the destruction of your room.
"Get out!" You threw the closest thing you could reach at the demon. The item hit the wall next to his head loudly. "Get out, get out, get out!"
Your screaming was broken. Anyone could hear the pain in your voice. As you moved to grab something else, Lucifer had taken you in his hold, worried you'd hurt yourself more then you'd already had.
You screamed and struggled in his grasp. His arms were wrapped around your body securely to restrain you, your own arms pinned against your chest.
"You need to calm down."
If you were stable minded, you'd be able to use the pact against him. So all you could do was kick and try to fight your way out of Lucifer's grip. "I said let me go!"
Your scarf had slowly loosened before falling to the floor. You could feel Lucifer's gaze. "Please..." you sobbed. "let me go."
You couldn't hide them now. And you knew Lucifer wasn't going to drop it now that he had seen them. Defeat slowly caught up with your body, along with the exhaution. Both physically and mentally.
You faltered in Lucifer's arms, you head resting on his chest as the tears started up again.
Usually so composed and stoic, Lucifer spoke softly. "Come on."
He shut your door, the lock clicking quietly. He needed to deter his brothers from bursting in. You let him lead you over to you bed, careful of the glass on your floor.
Definitely need to clean that soon.
Lucifer sat in front of you. He carefully took your face in his hands, thumbs slowly running over your cheek to wipe your tears.
"MC? What happened?"
"You all truly are cruel", you replied quietly. Your eyes searched his. You could see a flicker of pain in his expression.
"What have we done-"
"I died, Lucifer", you cut him off. Your tone was harsh and bitter. You weakly shoved his hands off your face. "I died and you all didn't care just because I came back."
You continued. Finally you could let them hear it. At least, one of them.
"Do you not realize a toll that can have? I felt everything. My life leaving me. Your brother's fingers around my throat. I heard the sound of my-" you stopped. Sick. It made you absolutely sick.
You turned away. Lucifer's eyes flickered down to your neck. "That's why you've been wearing that scarf, isn't it?"
"Why else?" you snapped. "In the time you've known me, when have I ever worn a scarf?"
You were right. You hated scarves. They were itchy and uncomfortable to you. And yet, you'd been wearing one nonstop for the past few weeks.
Why on earth didn't he question it?
"Why didn't you say something? Tell us something was wrong?" Lucifer asked. It was careful, as if you'd break again.
"I shouldn't have had to! Who the hell goes back to normal like that after someone dies?" you stated. "especially when it happens to someone you claim to care about-"
"I do care!" Lucifer argued quickly. "I care about you just as much as I care about my brothers. You are just as important to me. To us."
"Then why, huh!? You were so quick to make sure Belphegor was settling back in just fine. So quick to make sure he was content in comfortable", you began. "Everyone was ready to jump to his aid, yet nobody checked to make sure I was okay. To make sure I was ready to move forward!"
"I tried so hard to be civil despite what I had went through. I tried so hard so I wouldn't ruin your reunion and disrupt healing for you all. And maybe it's selfish, but when am I supposed to get that?" you accused. "because at this point, it seems like I was never gonna until I exploded on someone!"
Your breathing was ragged as you tried to catch your breath. You had spoken so quickly Lucifer almost wasn't able to keep up.
"I apologize, MC...." he said softly. For once, he looked down regretfully. "I'm so sorry my brothers and I put you through so much suffering alone.."
Lucfier looked up to meet your eyes. He was genuine. It was rare for Lucifer to be vulnerable, especially due to his pride.
But he, along with his brothers, had hurt you. He cared deeply for you, truly.
"It's gonna take more than that."
Lucifer nodded. "I know." he said softly.
You let him pull you into him, his arms holding you gently.
"I promise you", he began quietly. "I'll do everything in my power to fix this..."
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patioproductions · 10 months
Deep Seating Wicker Patio Furniture Sets
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Deep-seated wicker patio furniture offers widened dimensions to increase the comfort of your outdoor patio furniture. This is well-suited for taller individuals and those who enjoy the feeling of laying back on their outdoor sofas. On the contrary, normal seats can make you feel like you are sitting on the edge of your seat. This creates discomfort and detracts from your overall experience. This article will provide more information about the design of deep-seating patio furniture sets and some of our most popular options. Patio Productions specializes in high-end patio furniture. Visit our homepage to browse a wider variety of products. Deep Seating Outdoor Furniture Deep seating furniture describes furniture that features an extended depth on the seat bottom. This means you have more space to scoot back in your seat so that your entire upper leg is on the sectional. This is highly recommended for individuals over 6' tall. Although deep-seated furniture is considered an upgrade, it may not be ideal in all cases. Shorter people can sometimes feel as though the depth of the seats creates a feeling of being "sunken" into the sofa where your back cannot reach the seat back when you are scooted all the way back with the back of your knees against the front of the sofa. In this case, standard outdoor seating would be suitable for you. If you have individuals in your family that are both tall and short, you can consider adding extra throw pillows to create a compromising solution for both parties. Key Features of Deep Seating Furniture: - Spacious Design - Oversized - Overstuffed Cushions - Generous Frame Construction Deep Seating vs Standard Seating Dimensions As a primary example, many customers comment about the depth of the Barbados Collection from Sunset West. This is not to say that the Barbados is inferior to any other sectional set. In fact, it is one of our most popular items. Just as you would have to find the right size fitting for your shoes, the same is true for your outdoor furniture. The image below demonstrates the difference in seating dimensions between our deep seating sofa (left) and the Barbados collection, which has a much more narrow depth. The Most Popular Deep Seating Sets of 2018 1. Cubo Wicker Sofa and Club Chair Sets - 40" Seat Depth 2. Havana Sofa Set - 37" Depth The Havana Wicker Sofa Set 3. Urbana Deep Seating Wicker Sectional - 34.75" Depth Urbana 5 Pc Sectional Set 4. Urbana Eclipse Sectional Set - 34.75" Depth 7 Pc. Urbana Curved Sectional 5. Ciera Wicker Sectional Set - 37.5" Seat Depth 6. Delago Wicker Sofa Set - 37" Seat Depth 7. Hudson Wicker Sectional Set  - 37" Seat Depth 8. Majorca Wicker Sectional Set - 37" Seat Depth 9. Catalina Sofa Set - 37" Seat Depth 3 Pc. Catalina Sofa Set 10. Avian Wicker Sofa Set - 37" Seat Depth 11. Ramsey Wicker Sofa Set - 36" Seat Depth 12. Leona Sofa Set - 36" Seat Depth 13. Lexington Outdoor Sofa Set - 36" Depth 14. Serenity Wicker Sofa Set - 36" Seat Depth 15. Coronado Wicker Sofa Set - 35" Seat Depth Coronado Wicker Sofa Set 16. Mia Outdoor Sofa Set - 35" Seat Depth 4 Pc. Mia Outdoor Sofa Set 17. Kingsly Wicker Sofa Set - 35" Seat Depth 18. Bay Harbor Sofa Set - 34.25" Seat Depth 3 Pc. Bay Harbor Sofa Set 19. Hampton Outdoor Wicker Furniture Set - 33.5" Seat Depth 8 Pc. Hampton Outdoor Wicker Sectional 20. Wreak Beach Sofa Set - 33.5" Seat Depth Important to Note One more thing to mention. Normal patio furniture covers won't fit over deep seating sets. Most furniture manufacturers create their own furniture covers. Search for covers made for your specific seating set first. - View Patio Covers Designed for Deep Seating Sets. Where to Buy Deep Seating Wicker Patio Furniture Patio Productions carries all of the Top Rated Outdoor Wicker Brands. We carry over 100 Deep Seating Sofa Sets. A variety of materials are available to you, from aluminum to all-weather wicker patio sofas. You can contact us for specific inquiries. Please have the name of the set you're interested in purchasing. Thank you in advance. --View Deep Seating Outdoor Sofa Sets-- More Ergonomic Outdoor Furniture: - The Top 10 Outdoor Patio Furniture Brands - Thick Wicker Furniture Sets with Rounded Strands - Outdoor Cushion Buying Guide: Materials, Foam, & Padding - The Best Outdoor Wicker Furniture Brands About the Author Cheryl Khan is able to lend her insight on this topic after spending years in the design field. She has learned that all outdoor furniture is not the same. She is a contributing author to the Patio Productions Blog where she shares outdoor living tips to transform your backyard! Read the full article
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Time Heals....Chapter Fifty-One
Chris plopped down in a chair just as his mother walked onto her porch, “Boy, if you don’t stop plopping down like that, you’re gonna mess up my furniture.”
“As much as I paid for it, it better not break just because I sit down hard.”
Joyce chuckled and sat down next to him before handing him a glass of iced sweet tea, “now what has you over here so early in the morning? I thought you’d be with your girls.
“I need your advice on something.”
“What happened?”
“I stayed over a few nights ago and she had this dream that completely freaked her out.”
“Ok? And?”
“She freaked out about us being married.”
“What do you mean by freaked out?”
“She was literally sweating and hyperventilating. I don’t know what to do and she won’t talk to me about it.”
“I mean what exactly is she supposed to say?”
“Ma, something is wrong if simply dreaming about being married makes her feel like that.”
“To you, that means something is wrong. She just might have cold feet, that’s all.”
“I didn’t even ask her yet and she’s going crazy. I can’t imagine if I had proposed how’d she feel.”
“Chris, you have to understand that this is still new to her. Y’all as a couple. Y'all as parents. It’s all something she never even thought about happening and it’s only been a year since you came back. You have to give her time. Just because you’re ready and raring to go doesn’t mean she is. You gotta give her her space to get comfortable with this.”
“I do give her space, Mama.”
“And that’s great but you have to keep giving it to her until she’s ready to invite you in. The last thing you want is her to resent you for marrying too soon.”
“How long?”
“As long as it takes, Chris. You have to trust that she's not going anywhere just as much as she does. I know you and you think the only way to ensure her staying is to marry her and that’s not true. She gave you time and gave you a second chance. She’s never interfered in how you processed everything. Give her that same courtesy.”
“I’m worried about her, Mama.”
“I know and I’m sure she does too but she has to come into it in her own time. If that means a few sweaty dreams and a little worry, that's just what it means.”
Chris sighed, “you’re right.”
“Chris, did your therapist ever tell you how impatient you are?”
“She did once or twice.”
Joyce chuckled, “Angel, you love hard and fully until you can’t anymore and there’s nothing wrong with that but you can’t expect everybody to love the same way you do. We all become ready in our own time. Moving on to something like this may be very easy for you but you’ve always aired on the impulsive side of things. Robyn’s not like that. She’s cautious and analytical so she’s not gonna just go wherever her emotions take her, you know?”
“I know.”
“Look, she’s still here. After everything you’ve been through and probably a very untimely marriage proposal, she’s still here, willing to get ready for you. To me, that says all you need to know.”
“It wasn’t quite a proposal, just a conversation but either way I see your point.”
Joyce rubbed his hand and Chris lifted hers up to kiss the back of it, “still a charmer.”
“Gotta keep my skills sharp.”
Joyce laughed, “where’s my babies?”
“Weekend sleepover.”
“Oh. Can you believe how quickly they recovered after their accident?”
“I’m just glad it was just blood clots and not something even more serious.”
“True. Just a few weeks of recovery and they were back.”
“You sound a little weird, what’s wrong?”
“Just thinking, that was the first time I got to really be a dad, dad, you know. Helping them eat and stuff while they were in the hospital, it was great.”
“You wish you were there when they were babies.”
“I do think about it sometimes.”
“That’s understandable. Ever talk to your therapist about that?”
“Yea, that’s how I really got to forgive Robyn about not telling me. I mean what’s done is done but I can’t help but to wonder what they were like.”
“They were very much like you, now that I think about it. I don’t know how I missed it back then.”
“What you mean?”
“You were a clingy baby. You just wanted to be held and up under me and your family all the time. Not much of a crier, more of a whiner. The twins were like that for the first few months then I guess their Robyn genes kicked in because around 7 months, they didn’t want to be bothered with anybody.”
Chris laughed, “that sounds like Robyn.”
“The independent streak kicked in early. As soon as they could pick up their own food, they didn’t want nobody feeding them or nothing.”
“I can see that.”
“You know Chris, those girls adore you and I think it’s good that you aren’t trying to parent them from the past. You’re doing a great job, Angel.”
“Thanks Mama.”
“You going back to see Robyn?”
“Yea. I’m gonna drop by. Hoping it's not still awkward.”
“Why would it be awkward?”
“She’s been kind of distant since the dream incident. I think she’s embarrassed.”
“Well then, make her not embarrassed.”
“I don’t know how.”
“Be you. That usually works.”
Robyn grabbed a pot holder as she opened the oven to pull out a cookie sheet laden with fresh baked cookies. She set the pan on the stove and froze as she felt the hair on the back of her neck raise.
“Chris, is that you?”
She heard a chuckle behind her and turned around to see him leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, “Hey Baby. Your senses are good.”
“Have to be. What you doing here? I thought you were spending time with Mama Joyce.”
“I’ve been there all morning but I wanted to see my woman.”
Robyn rolled her eyes, “well, I’m not doing anything.”
“Didn’t say we were going to do anything. I can’t just want to be around you.”
“Of course. I just figured- never mind. How’s Mama?”
“She’s good. She asked about you.”
“She did? That’s nice.”
“So what you up to?”
“Had a taste for cookies so I made some.”
“Oooh, can I taste?”
Robyn playfully sighed as Chris walked over to her, “I guess so.”
Chris poked her side then opened his mouth. Robyn rolled her eyes as she picked up a still warm cookie and held it to his lips. Chris took a huge bite then moved back, “this is good, Babe. What kind?”
“White chocolate macadamia nut.”
“Taste better than store bought.”
“You think so?”
“Absolutely. “
Robyn took a sizable bite of the cookie before handing the rest over to Chris, who popped it into his mouth, “this does taste good. I was just trying out a recipe but this isn’t bad.”
“I was wondering if you mind me hanging out over here today.”
“Doing what?”
“We don’t have to do anything. I just feel like being up under you that’s all.”
“I appreciate the honesty but aren’t you gonna be bored?”
“Never that.”
“I don’t know Chris.”
“Robs, you’ve been avoiding me and I don’t like it.”
“I have not.”
“You absolutely have. For the last few days, you’ve been acting really funny with me. You keep finding every reason to not be alone with me and you avoid any serious topics. Are you still shook about that dream?”
“I was not shaken up, it was just weird.”
“Weird enough for you to not talk about it. Any other time, we’d just laugh and move on but I feel like that dream really affected you.”
“Chris, it doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
“When it starts affecting our relationship, yes it does.”
“That dream wasn’t right and it wasn’t appropriate.”
“Wasn’t appropriate for who? Babe, what is going on?”
“Cutting Michael out like that wasn’t right.”
“Robyn, it was just a dream.”
“A dream that I deep down wished was real and that is disrespectful to my marriage and my deceased husband. I loved that man and he was there for me and I should’ve never even had a thought about replacing him. Dream or not.”
“No, I don’t wanna hear that it’s ok or nothing like that. That was fucked up of me so yes it is bothering me.”
“When’s the last time you visited Michael?”
“When was the last time you visited your husband’s grave?”
“I never saw it.”
“I never saw it. The last time I saw him was at the viewing and I never even walked up to see the casket. I didn’t want to remember him like that so I didn’t go to the burial either. After the viewing, I got on a plane to Barbados and didn’t come back for almost 6 weeks.”
“Do you know where it’s located?”
“Yea, I still have the paperwork from the funeral home. Why?”
“We’re going.”
“What? No we’re not.”
“I’m not arguing with you about this. You’re conflicted and until you get some things off your chest, you always will be. You wanna be mad or break up with me because of this, fine but do it after we get back. Where’s the paperwork?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“Robyn, don’t make me call your former mother-in-law. I still remember her phone number.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I absolutely would.”
“Chris, where is this coming from?”
“I am worried about you and I know there has to be something else going on in your head about marriage other than not being ready. Not being ready wouldn’t have you sweating in your dreams and feeling like you're being disrespectful to someone who’s been deceased for years. I understand you loved your husband and I would never want to diminish those feelings but you are holding onto something and you need to talk about it. If you won’t talk about it with me, talk about it with the person it has something to do with and I have a sneaky suspicion that this has something to do with Michael.”
“You don’t know me well enough to-”
“I know you too well and we don’t have to be a couple for twenty years for me to know that something is wrong. I want you to not only be ready for marriage but I don’t want you to regret it because you feel guilty or conflicted down the road.”
“Walking or over my shoulder?”
“Either you walk to the car or I’ll carry you but we’re going.”
“You know what? Fine.”
Robyn tossed down the pot holder and grabbed a plastic container and dumped all the cookies in it before placing on a lid and tucking it in the back corner of the counter. She turned off the oven and brushed past Chris with a shove to his shoulder. Chris chuckled and shook his head as he followed behind her.
45 minutes later, Chris parked on a tree-lined dirt road. The cemetery was small so they would have to walk most of the way. Chris turned to look at Robyn, who was staring down at her hands in her lap. He touched her shoulder and she jumped, “we’re here, Babe.”
She looked up and out the window, “Chris, I don’t want to do this.”
“And you know if it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t make you. Throughout my divorce, the one thing you always pushed upon me to do was be honest with myself. I’m employing you to do the same. Robyn, there is something going on here and if you don’t confront it, you’ll never get over it.”
“Who says there’s something to get over?”
“Your actions, Baby.”
“Chris, I love you and I want to be with you. Shouldn’t that be enough?”
“It's enough but you deserve more. You deserve happily ever after. You deserve forever. And even if it ends up not with me, I still want you to have that. I see the conflict in your face every time we talk about marriage, like you want to do it but something is holding you back and if it's not me, it’s something else or someone else. I never doubted that you loved me. You wouldn't be here if you didn’t but you’re short changing yourself from something I feel you want to do.”
“I don’t like this.”
“And I don’t like the sadness I see in your eyes sometimes,” Chris gently held her chin in his hand, “I could live with it but I wouldn’t be doing my job as your man if I did.”
He smoothed his thumb across the crux of her chin as she stared at him for a few moments, “it hurts me when I can’t fix something for you but I know it hurts you more when you can’t fix it either. All I want to do is help and if I gotta push you a little bit to do that, I will. Even if you end up hating me for it.”
“I could never hate you, Chris,” Robyn remarked softly.
Chris smiled and pecked her lips, “you wanna at least try this with me? Maybe you just need to talk to him and you’ll feel better.”
“I’ll feel crazy talking to a dead man.”
“Robs, just like I tell our daughters, just because he isn’t physically here doesn’t mean he isn’t still around. I’m sure if he loved you like you say, he’s still watching over you.”
“You’re being really understanding about this.”
“Anybody who protected my girls when I didn’t, is alright with me.”
“You’re sweet.”
“And still slightly jealous but I’m a man and I’ve gotten over it.”
Robyn laughed and Chris caressed her cheek, “there’s the sound I’ve been missing.”
“You mind if I do this alone?”
“I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
“Thanks Babe.”
“Not a problem.”
Robyn sighed as she climbed out of the car and started walking.
Michael’s headstone was right underneath a large Blue Chinese Wisteria tree. Robyn walked over and brushed some dirt off the marble before standing to the side and looking down at it. 
“I guess this should’ve happened a long time ago, huh?” She murmured softly, “I know you’re probably up there mad as hell but still understanding why I never came here to see you. I never did deal with death well but of course you know that. I always thought it was odd that you knew me as well as you did though we weren’t together as long. You listened to all my childhood stories, even suggested I make up with Chris before you passed. I don’t know if you just wanted me to have someone after you were gone or if you really believed me and him should’ve patched things up. Funny, sometimes I think you sent him back to me. Even though it was like in the worst way possible.”
Robyn chuckled as she wiped tears from her eyes, “I love that man. I’ve always loved him but I loved you too and I don’t know if that means I wasn’t giving you all of me or if I’m not giving him all of me and I feel so damn guilty about it. Mike, I’m not ready to be a wife because I’m not ready to be a widow again. You came into my life when I least expected it and then you were gone. Chris has been a part of my life for a long time and I’m not strong enough to lose him too. Our babies adore their father so much and I wish I was strong enough to grieve you and move on at the same time like them but I can’t do it. And I don’t know what that says about me. And this feels so cliche and rom-com like but I need to know if you’re ok with this. That you don’t hate me for loving someone from my past this much. That I’m not making a mistake. That I’m strong enough for this because I don’t know if I am but if you do, I’ll believe it.”
“You know he always wanted you to love again.”
Robyn turned around at the sound of a familiar voice and quickly wiped her face, “Ms. Lisa?”
“Hi Robyn.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Just visiting some people. This is family burial land.”
“You did tell me that before. Sorry for not asking-”
Lisa waved away the apology, “you’ve never had to ask to be here, you know better than that.”
“Yea but it’s been a while and-”
“And you’ve been living. Robyn, I never expected you to stop living and Michael didn’t either. He figured out about your feelings for Chris even though you never told him.”
“Never stopped him from loving you or from loving your children. He knew you loved him but you had a life before him that didn’t just vanish because you were upset. Surely, you didn’t think he was that naive.”
“No Ma’am.”
“The family may not have known to the extent your relationship with the twins’ birth father but then again Michael would never betray a confidence and it wasn’t any of our business. He never doubted you and he never wanted you to be alone.”
“I’m not alone.”
“Physically, no but emotionally is a different story. Everything he did in those last 15 months was to make it easier for you to move on. He didn’t want you to worry about anything, not even what flowers to get on his wreath. I never knew he told you to make up with Chris but knowing my son, he knew if there was anyone you needed once he was gone, Chris was probably gonna be that person.”
“He never knew him.”
“Yea but Michael knew you and that’s all that was needed.”
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“Because clearly somebody needed to tell you. If I had known you were holding onto all of this, I would’ve told you sooner but then again maybe you wouldn’t have been ready to hear it back then.”
“Probably not.”
“What brought you here?”
“Ah. He seems like a really good guy.”
“He is.”
“That’s good. You and the girls need that.”
“Ms. Lisa, this is weird.”
Lisa laughed, “it doesn’t have to be. Listen, Michael can’t talk back to you but he hears you and he knows your heart. You loved him and you lost him, that’s life. You can’t dwell on that forever. Besides moving on doesn’t take that away.”
“I guess you’re right. “
“I know I am.”
Robyn laughed, “I guess I should get going then.”
“I’ll see you around, Sweetie.”
“Thanks Ms. Lisa.”
“Not a problem. I’ll come by and pick up the girls sometime. I miss them.”
“You’re always welcome.”
They hugged and Robyn left Ms. Lisa standing at Michael’s grave. 
As she made it closer to the car, she noticed Chris leaning against the hood and smiled. He stood upright just as she stopped in front of him, “how you feel?”
“Told you so.”
“I guess we should talk.”
“We don’t have to. If you wanna keep what you told him private, I’ll understand.”
“For some reason, I think he would like for you to know.”
“How about I make us dinner and you tell me all about it?”
“You’re gonna cook?”
“Oh, I have got to see this.”
Chris playfully poked her before opening the passenger door for her, “Smart ass.”
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
Stripped Bare - Chapter 1
Summary: Eddie gets an offer from his company to work in Barbados over the summer. Beautiful weather, all expenses paid trip, and a stay in a suite at one of the most highly rated resorts in the world. How could he say no? Unfortunately, Eddie soon realizes there were a lot of reasons to say no. His skin doesn't take kindly to the harsh sun, his suite ends up being the size of a shoe box, and, oh yeah, it's also a nudist resort. Pairing: Reddie (side Benverly and Stanlonbrough) Rating: E Warnings: Eventual smut, explicit language
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Dear Eddie Kaspbrak,
Having you work for us at our Portland location for the past five years has been an enriching experience. As sad as we would be to see you go, we must ask if you would be interested in working over the summer at our Barbados location, as it appears we will be short staffed. Your entire trip would be covered, as well as your stay in one of our suites for the duration of your work period. If you’re interested, please let us know as soon as possible.
Included is a PDF file with the additional information about our Barbados location.
-  Wise Resort and Spa
Eddie reread the e-mail three times as he rubbed sleep out of his bleary eyes. Checking his e-mail first thing in the morning was a habit that didn’t result in the best retention. His brain struggled to put together what he’d just read in layman’s terms, AKA, early morning terms. His company wanted him to work in Barbados… and they were going to pay for it? There had to be a catch, but in his current state it seemed like the universe had finally taken pity on him. A vacation in Barbados was exactly what he needed to cut through the boring routine that had become his life. Granted, he’d be working the whole time, but he’d be doing the same thing if he stayed in Portland so why not do it wrapped in the warmth of the Caribbean sun instead? Without over thinking it, as Eddie is prone to doing, he shot off a confirmation e-mail and chucked his phone back on to the pillow next to him, burying himself deeper in his comforters to daydream of new desires.
The flight was god awful. Eddie ended up squished between a woman with a screaming baby, and an older man who needed to squeeze by Eddie to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Eddie was just starting to question if taking this job had even been worth it when he chanced a glance out the window. Past the thin haze of clouds was an expanse of the bluest water he’d ever seen, glittering as the sun cast down on it. It was like a completely different world from Portland, and a completely different planet from the small town he’d grown up in. It felt like a physical disconnect from the life he’d lived up until now.
The flight attendant’s voice crackled out of the speakers announcing their beginning decline to the ground. As if everyone around him had synced up to his newfound feeling of freedom, the baby beside him finally settled down, and the man on his other side controlled his bladder for the remainder of the flight. Twenty minutes later and they were touching down.
The entrance to the resort was eerily similar to what Eddie had ingrained in his brain alongside a feeling of dread, only the backdrop was entirely different. Bright green palm leaves shook in the wind, rustling the trunks they sat upon with dangerous vigor. The sun was already beating down against Eddie’s skin relentlessly, but it also shone out from behind the giant sign announcing the resort’s name. It was oddly beautiful, something so familiar yet so new. It was an invigorating feeling.
Eddie walked into the main building with a bit of a pep in his step, confident enough as he strode up to the front counter and greeted the friendly face behind it.
“Hi, uh, I’m supposed to start working here this week? I’m the transfer from Portland.”
The man behind the counter smiled wide, a friendly grin that revealed rows of perfect white teeth nestled between full lips and dimpled cheeks. All that combined with smooth dark skin and defined muscles nearly had Eddie swooning before he could respond to the guy’s next comment.
“Eddie! We’ve been excited for you to arrive. I’m Mike Hanlon, I’m your supervisor.” he extended a hand towards Eddie. Mike’s hand completely engulfed Eddie’s own and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t send a little jolt down his spine.
“I’m a bit busy right now,” Mike continued, clearly not having noticed Eddie’s flush. “But Bill over here can show you around.”
Mike clapped a hand on the shoulder of another form, a body that Eddie had somehow completely missed during the greeting. He had his back turned and was busying himself with something behind the counter, but at the mention of his name, he gave Mike his full attention.
The man was cute. Like, next door neighbor crush cute. Was Eddie going to fall for every semi good looking employee at this resort? So far it was two for two, so the odds weren’t in his favor (or were, depending how you look at it).
Cute neighbor boy, Bill, Eddie corrects himself, stepped out from behind the desk and slung his arm around Eddie, completely bypassing the courteous approach Mike had taken.
“Alright fresh meat, let’s get you acquainted.”
Bill was tall, and Eddie struggled a bit to keep up with his pace and pull his suitcases behind him at the same time. When Bill noticed, he removed his arm from around Eddie’s shoulders in favor of picking up both suitcases and carrying them along as if they weighed nothing. Eddie wanted to be embarrassed about the difference in strength, but Bill gave him no time, already back to rambling on about the do’s and don’ts of the job. Eddie realizes he should be listening, knows he’s probably missing out on important information, but watching the way the muscles in Bill’s back tensed up as he walked was much more favorable.
When he’d finally finished ogling his new co-worker, they’d arrived in front of a small wooden door.
“37B.” Eddie reads aloud.
Bill nods, putting down one of Eddie’s suitcases so he can fish a card out of his pocket. He swipes it through the lock on the door and a little green light announces their permission to enter. Pushing open the door with his shoulder as he grabs Eddie’s suitcase once again, Bill welcomes Eddie to his room.
“So, this is where you’ll be staying for the next three months.”
Eddie takes in the room around him. It’s tinier than he’d expected, definitely not the ‘suite’ he’d been promised, but it was cozy. There was a small bed pressed up against the nearest wall and sliding glass doors that opened up into the courtyard. A small dresser and closet decorated the room, with not much else to show for. The adjoining bathroom held a shower bath and a toilet close enough to the sink that you could shit and wash your hands at the same time. Quaint, Eddie thought.
“This is the employee floor, so you won’t run into any guests while you’re down here. My room is just down the hall.” Bill supplied.
“Oh, are you also a transfer from out of town?” Eddie asked curiously.
“Nah, I just like staying here. I work such early shifts it’s easier than making the commute every morning, so boss man lets me stay here when there’s empty rooms, which there almost always are.”
The words from the e-mail ring back in Eddie’s mind. Short staffed, they’d said. The resort seemed pretty busy when he got here, so why would they have a problem with employing people? Unless the management was terrible. Oh no, what if the management was terrible? What if Eddie was stuck working with horrible people for the duration of the summer? He should have taken more time before responding to the e-mail, should have done more research, should have read reviews and called around and-
“Wanna head down to the pool deck?” Bill interrupted Eddie’s snowballing thoughts.
“Sure.” Eddie managed, giving Bill a tight-lipped smile as he tried to swallow down his anxiety.
They left Eddie’s suitcases in his room and made their way down to the deck. Bill finally mentioned what his job was, he was the lifeguard, meaning him and Eddie would be working the same area. Eddie was relieved to hear that he’d at least know someone on his first day.
That relief left his body the second they stepped out on to the deck.
Penis. That’s a penis. That’s definitely, undoubtedly, a penis.
“Dude,” Bill nudges Eddie’s shoulder. “Rule number one, don’t stare.”
Eddie tries to avert his attention but lands on a pair of breasts. He averts it again, this time it’s lean tan muscles leading down to, yep, another penis. Another penis by the bar, a pair of breasts climbing up the pool later, an ass bending over to- Nope. Nope nope nope. Eddie squeezed his eyes shut as panic began taking over his body. What was going on?
A warm hand circled around Eddie’s bicep and turned him around, guiding him for a few steps until the temperature changed around him and noise became distant.
“Uh, you can open your eyes now.” Bill’s voice says, confusion evident but no judgement present.
Eddie only dares to peek one eye open, keeps it squinted in case he needs to shut the world out again. But all he sees is the ugly upholstery he’s used to seeing every day, green and brown leaf print that covers the majority of the furniture in the lobbies of The Wise. So, he eases his other eye open, glances around him in an attempt to re-orient himself, and then settles his gaze back on Bill.
Bill is sporting a subtle smirk he’s clearly trying to fight down, but there’s also distinct worry in his eyes.
“Well that’s the most dramatic reaction I’ve witnessed so far, sure you have the stomach for this job?”
Eddie’s brain short circuits.
“What job!?” Eddie squeaks.
All the humor is gone from Bill’s face now.
“Um, are you serious dude? This is a nudist resort. You knew that… right?” The hope laced in Bill’s question leaves Eddie’s heart hurting.
No. He didn’t know that. How was he supposed to know that! Isn’t that the kind of information you tell someone before offering them a-
Eddie can almost feel the ground disappear beneath him when he realizes it.
The PDF file.
He never read it.
The “additional information” Eddie decided to forgo reading. Because how different could one resort be from the next? Apparently, very.
Eddie had been silent long enough that Bill flagged down Mike from across the room. A soothing voice was coaxing Eddie back into this plane of existence, and once he was finally able to clue into some of the words being said he also felt a hand settled low on his back.
“-ecause if you need us to call someone or-”
“What?” Eddie interrupted Mike a bit too bluntly, watching Mike reel in relation to his tone.
“Sorry, I… What were you asking?” He recovered.
“You seemed a little zoned out there, I was just checking if you needed anything, or wanted us to call someone for you?”
Eddie blinked dumbly. He wanted to… help? Eddie’s old supervisor would have been yelling by this point. Eddie’s had enough panic attacks on the job to expect the worst once he pulls himself out of them. But Mike seemed to be genuine, and Bill was still wearing that worried expression he’d held previously.
“No, no, I’m fine.” Eddie nodded a bit too eagerly.
“Okay, if you’re sure… Well, hey, while I have you here, I have a bit of a favor to ask you.”
Bill’s ears seemed to also perk up at this, all attention on Mike.
“You wouldn’t happen to know any other employees from the Portland area who would be willing to transfer, would you? We just got word that one of our transfers quit last minute. We’d still be able to scrape by without her, but it would be a lot easier on all of us if we were a little less short handed around here.”
The answer was easy, Eddie really only had one co-worker in mind.
“Stanley Uris.” He blurted out, before thinking through his answer. Stan would never work at a nudist resort. But then again… If he didn’t know…
“Amazing! I’ll send in the request right away. Do you know him well? If you could talk to him for us, maybe put in a good word, that would be great. The last thing we need is another employee dropping out right under our noses.”
You could say that Eddie knew Stan well, if being best friends for the last 15 years counted. They’d stumbled into working for the same company purely by accident, going in for the same interview as a friendly competition and both coming out with a uniform and a name tag. It had been so exciting, finding out they were going to get to work together. It stayed exciting for approximately one week, until they discovered how terrible the job was. Well, the job itself wasn’t bad, but the environment was depressing, and the clientele was awful. Their boss wasn’t the worst man in the world, but he was stuffy and old and a bit too loud. It made Eddie skittish. He also had the sense of humor of rock, making any kind of playful banter completely null. Stan hated working there just as much as Eddie did, but they stayed there together out of solidarity.
So, yeah Eddie knew Stan well. And if there was anyone he needed in a time like this, it was Stan. But he’s not entirely sure how he would pull off convincing him to work at a place with naked people walking around.
“Is your co-worker going to be okay working here, what with…” To finish off his point, Bill gestured vaguely in the direction of the pool deck.
“Yeah, oh yeah, he’ll be fine.” Eddie tried to sound convincing. It didn’t work.
“Will you be fine?” Bill asked, that little smirk creeping its way back into his features, still not unkind.
Eddie sighed but nodded along. “Yes. I’ll be fine. As long as, oh dear god, wait, don’t tell me employees need to be nude too!?” Eddie’s eyes widened comically as he felt dread pool in his stomach at the thought.
Bill’s laugh was warm. “No, we have uniforms.”
“Oh thank god.” Eddie breathed out, earning another laugh from Bill. He joined in this time, feeling himself lightening up just slightly under the presence of someone with a calmer mind.
Later that night, as Eddie was getting ready for bed, he played over conversation scenarios in his head. He could tell Stan the truth, but then there’s no way he’d come. He could lie, but then there’s no way he could live with himself, knowing he’d conned his best friend into something he’d never otherwise do. But if he were to just… omit the truth… That wouldn’t be so bad, would it? Besides, how many times had Stan tricked him into an uncomfortable situation? This could be payback for all the years of dragging Eddie to “a concert” (the Opera), “a casual hangout with friends” (a blind double date), or who could forget the “small family gathering” (IT WAS HIS AUNT’S WEDDING).
Before he could talk himself out of it, Eddie was pulling up his text conversation with Stan and shooting off a message, then slamming the phone face down on the counter as if it might be able to read through Eddie’s thoughts and judge him.
Eddie Kaspbrak: I may have put your name in for a transfer today.
The response came in surprisingly fast.
Stanley Uris: You did what now?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Come on, we could work together all summer like usual. You know you miss me.
Stanley Uris: I’m sorry who is this
Eddie Kaspbrak: Ha Ha very funny. Seriously, Stan, this place is beautiful.
Technically, not a lie. It was beautiful if you just held your thumb over the nude bodies standing in front of the sunset.
Stanley Uris: It’s Barbados, of course it is.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Soooo come enjoy it with me. It won’t be the same without you.
Stanley Uris: Are there lizards? Eddie Kaspbrak: What
Stanley Uris: Lizards. Are there lizards there?
Eddie Kaspbrak: I haven’t seen a single lizard since I’ve been here. Stanley Uris: Okay. As long as there aren’t any lizards. And as long as you admit that you can’t go a single day without me.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Seriously Stanley Uris: I mean, unless I’m reading this whole thing wrong and you actually don’t need me…
Eddie Kaspbrak: Fine. I can’t go a single day without you. You’re the light of my life, the yin to my yang, the sun shines out of your asshole. So, are you in or what?
Stanley Uris: I’ve been in this whole time. They called me a few minutes before you texted. I’ve got a flight on Wednesday.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Fuck you very much Stanley
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vvexpyke · 6 years
I love the idea of the houses of westeros as American families
The starks are old money but all American like the Roosevelts, they live in Northern Michigan, the boys play hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the spring, they hunt as a family and have a lake house
The Tyrells are living in Georgia in an old antebellum house, Margaery has a debutante, Oleanna fusses over their cooks and tells them they're not adding enough butter, the boys were all captain of the football team at one point, but they're humble about it
Of course the Lannisters are from California, they have a massive house in Malibu on the beach, with a swimming pool, all of the kids have over 50k followers on Instagram, Tywin finds joy in his days of turning down movie scripts and rejecting actors as a hot shot Hollywood producer
The Martells are from Arizona, Sedona to be exact, they live in a huge experimental house that is built to comfortably withstand the environment as well as be completely sustainable, it looks just as modern is it sounds, Doran treats his business partners to drinks at the golf club, Oberyn takes his Sand Snakes out in the desert on ATVs and horses, they're on the cutting edge and armed to the teeth
In up state New York the Tully family constructed several very profitable Mills in the 1910s, their fortune has only grown since, they reside mainly in a boathouse on Skaneateles, where Edmure stores his sailboat and takes prospective girlfriends in between semesters at Cornell
The Baratheon family lives in a old Victorian out side of Seattle that's been in the family for three generations, well, Stannis lives there, Renly up in Portland at Reed, he's finding himself while Stannis actually works and takes Shireen on wilderness hikes and camping trips
The Greyjoy family lives on the edge of the pines in a house with a dock on a Chesapeake inlet, Asha wins bread for the family buy building and repairing sailboats and when Balon feels like it he feeds his family with crabs caught on crabbing trips that are more like alcohol binges, everyone has a boat and thinks that things were much better in the good old days
Money from an off shore account in Barbados pays the rent of a New York penthouse with floor to ceiling windows and an expensive view, it seems like more furniture is being delivered every day but it's expensive tenant has yet to arrive
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seaviewlong01 · 2 years
Villas in Barbados
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We provide villas in Barbados on rent with fully furnished with modern furniture & well maintained to meet your comfort needs. We have luxurious villas which offer you a dreamy vacation in the serene and relaxing vibes of Barbados, our villa is a popular to enjoy beautiful beach view from it.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts
When I look into my crystal ball, I see myself sleeping on a mattress on the floor for the next two to three months. Unfortunately, there’s a defect in this crystal ball, so it doesn’t do the legwork of specifying exactly what kind of mattress it is: Is it firm, does it have a little give, is it made of organic latex, is it better for a side-sleeper or a stomach-sleeper? Does it share a name with a friendly ghost, or a secondary color, or a popular fruit often spread on toast? Does comedian Neal Brennan have the right idea?
These days, the world of sheets and pillows and mattresses-in-a-box and duvet covers is supersaturated. When my eyes glazed over Krispy-Kreme-style after reading my eleventh mattress-centric message board, I decided to change my approach and beeline to a few well-rested experts for their personal recommendations on how to concoct the perfect bed. Below are a bunch of enthusiastic suggestions that’ll make sleeping in your bed feel like snoozing on a CBD-infused cumulus cloud.
Liz Eichholz, co-founder and creative director of Weezie Towels Liz’s favorite sheets: “Here ends the never-ending hunt for the perfect set of sheets! I am obsessed with this super-soft set from Ettitude: the Bamboo Lyocell Sheet Set. I love that they’ve held up well in the wash and don’t wrinkle. Bonus points for keeping this warm sleeper cool throughout the night.”
Elizabeth Tamkin, market strategist of Man Repeller Elizabeth’s favorite summer sheets: “This 100% Linen Sheet set from Linoto is locally made and the set includes the whole shebang: flat sheet, fitted sheet, and two pillow cases. They also come in 25 different colors to suit your style. This is the perfect summer sheet set that remains soft and sturdy wash after wash.”
Gyan Yankovich, managing editor of Man Repeller Gyan’s favorite linen sheets: “My boyfriend didn’t get a good night’s sleep for the first two years we lived in NYC—in the summer the weather was too hot, and in the winter, our building’s heat was on full blast. He spent a lot of time researching the best linen sheets and came away with these ones, the Pottery Barn Belgian Linen Sheet set. I was apprehensive to spend so much money on sheets, but we did and they’ve been a game-changer! I have some other sets of linen sheets (from much ‘cooler’ brands) but these are the best by far.”
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Mattresses and bed frames
Allison Petty, design director of Hyphen & Co. Allison’s favorite mattress: “The Avocado mattress offers both green and vegan options which is something we really love. The quality and comfort is there, while also committing to a more earth-friendly product.”
Ellen van Dusen, founder of Dusen Dusen Ellen’s favorite bed frame: “I have the nest storage bed from Design Within Reach, and as a borderline hoarder, it is perfect. I do a lot of ‘testing’ for new bedding when we get samples for my line… which means I have way too much bedding… which takes up a lot of space. The bed frame easily lifts and there’s an empty compartment underneath, which is where I store it all. Also, it just looks really good and has a soft headboard. It’s relatively low to the ground and has an aesthetic I’d describe as plump, the visual equivalent of how I want my furniture to feel.” [Ed. note: while still a splurge, the Cello storage bed by EQ3 is an alternative to the Design Within Reach model!]
Tavia Forbes and Monet Masters, principal interior designers of Forbes Masters Tavia and Monet’s headboard tip: “We often recommend a bold headboard, like this tufted one by CB2, to our clients. Whether it be ornate or upholstered, the headboard is a great decorative addition to a space. Paired with a beautiful set of table lamps or pendant lights above the side tables, we love!”
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:: TRAVELING DESIGNERS :: As we gear up for our #LA install we couldn’t help but reminisce on the bold and eclectic install we completed in #barbados this year. #accentpillows #interiors #decor #decorating #decorations #interiordecorating #accents #crafts #custom #custompillow #black #white #blackandwhite #design #designers #interiordesigners #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxury #luxe #fabulous #fab
A post shared by F O R B E S M A S T E R S (@forbesmasters) on Sep 28, 2018 at 6:25am PDT
Tiffany Wilkinson, creative director of Man Repeller Tiffany’s favorite pregnancy pillow: “I ordered this Parachute Home Body Pillow as an alternative to the crazy shaped pregnancy pillows, hoping that I’d be able to keep it as part of my bedding set up post-pregnancy. After I ordered it, I had buyer’s remorse, wondering if it was too self-indulgent of a purchase. Once it arrived, it became an instant game-changer—I immediately started sleeping better, my whole body felt so supported, and it’s great to have something so substantial to spoon. I love the pillow so much I even gave it a name. My partner is a little envious of all the love my body pillow is getting, but if I get out of bed before him, I’ll look over and see him fast asleep straddling the pillow in a deep blissful spoon.”
Liz of Weezie’s favorite sham: “I’m a sucker for layers and an eclectic mix of playful patterns throughout my home—and that extends to our bedroom! I’ve long been drawn to the gorgeous prints from Biscuit Home. Next up for me: this Texan-inspired print that reminds me of my hometown of Austin, the Biscuit Home Marfa Euro Sham.”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite throw pillows: “The Milaya Project has great embroidered throw pillows that have a ton of personality. We love that they also help support the art of South Sudanese refugees.”
Ellie Buckingham and Miri Buckland, co-founders of The Landing Ellie and Miri’s favorite throw pillow: “We love the Big Rock Throw Pillow from one of our new partners, K-Apostrophe. K’era takes neutral, soothing colors but applies them in interesting ways that make these pillows a great statement piece for many colors of bedding without being too over the top.”
Yours truly Edith’s favorite slender pillow: “If you, like me, sometimes only want a nominal lift from the mattress for your noggin, the Vermont Country Store makes just the slender pillow for you. I’d dress her up with this brown striped Tekla sham sold by Goodee.”
Elizabeth’s favorite decorative “body” pillow:  “I suppose this isn’t technically a body pillow but during the night I like a pillow to hug and this Hook Pillow by Justina Blakeney is a great substitute for when my dog doesn’t want to sleep beside me. It also happens to be absolutely beautiful (I love many of Justina Blakeney’s designs and find that their price points are great)—a nice touch to a made bed when you’re not sleeping.”
Megan Hopp, interior designer Megan’s favorite lumbar pillow: “Every bed should have a lumbar pillow, and St. Frank has my favorite selection. While I love color and pattern, I still opt for a calmer combination in the bedroom and these pillows are perfectly patterned. I am also smitten with the gold zipper detail.”
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Lindsey Johnson, co-founder and CEO of Weezie Towels Lindsey’s new comforter: Buffy Cloud “The Buffy Cloud is the most recent addition to my bed, and it is certainly living up to its name! Not only is it incredibly soft and cozy, I love that it’s sustainable and made up of 100 percent recycled fiber. A win-win!”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite comforter: “We love down comforters but are always looking to see how we can make more ethical choices in the products we suggest. Feathered Friends comforters come in different weights depending on preference and use ethically sourced down!”
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Oh hey, we make bedding too!
A post shared by Feathered Friends (@featheredfriends1972) on Feb 14, 2020 at 8:50am PST
Blankets and duvet covers
Lindsey of Weezie’s favorite quilt: “At the end of the day, nothing beats a solid white quilt, and this one—the John Robshaw Hand Stitched White Quilt—has stood the test of time! It’s my go-to base for a fun mix of pillows and a patterned duvet.”
Ellen of Dusen Dusen’s favorite blanket: “Tooting my own horn here, but I love our coverlets at Dusen Dusen! My current favorite is the river coverlet. It is really soft and drapey, has enough heft that you’re not missing the weight of a duvet, and it’s light enough that you’re not sweating all night during the summer. They are all individually woven by a small manufacturer in Portugal and then stonewashed, so they have that lived-in quality while still looking fresh. Plus, it’s cute!”
Ariel Okin, interior designer Ariel’s favorite blankets: Kashwere blankets “Kashwere makes the MOST comfortable blankets—you’ll feel like a little kid with your blankie.”
Tina Rich, interior designer Tina’s favorite bedding: “I’m a huge fan of Cultiver Bedding! I have them in my own home and recommend them to all my clients. The linen gets softer with each wash and I especially love their gorgeous colors. Their bedding is perfect for a natural, effortless look.”
Elizabeth’s favorite dog-proof blanket: Pendleton Glacier National Park Throw Blanket “I have a dog who’s slept in bed with me since she was a baby. I only like white sheets, so this combination has been an ongoing struggle for all nine years of our time together. I’ve never had a blanket that disguised her shedding or protected my white sheets quite like this Pendleton blanket. It’s not cheap, and I purchased it after much consideration, but I’ve now had it for over five years, and it still looks brand new. It is hands-down the best home purchase I’ve made.”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite duvet cover: “Duvet covers are a great way to bring in color or pattern without having to commit, we love going soft and neutral with tones but if you want something a little more fun, Aelfie has a great line of duvets that come in exciting and unique prints.”
Edith’s favorite duvet cover: Marimekko Unikko duvet cover “I’ve had this duvet cover for years, and it does a lot of visual legwork in a room, plus it does not overheat the sleeper who runs warm. If I could buy it again, I’d pick this beige/light blue/off-white color-way instead.”
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Bed-adjacent bells and whistles
Liz of Weezie’s favorite diffuser: Vitruvi White Stone Diffuser “I love crawling into bed at the end of a long day, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, and letting my Vitruvi diffuser roll. It’s a simple indulgence and the perfect way to unwind, relax, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.”
Ellen of Dusen Dusen’s new bedside lamp: Duck Lamp from Dave’s Clubhouse “It gives off the perfect amount of soft light and is on a dimmer, which I love. When it’s off, it’s a cute piece of art on your wall.”
Ariel Okin’s soon-to-be favorite alarm clock: “Very excited about Hatch’s new alarm clock—it sounds like a great way to untether from your phone at night.”
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Feature Image via Cody Guilfoyle.
The post The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts appeared first on Man Repeller.
The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts published first on https://normaltimepiecesshop.tumblr.com/ The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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skycript1 · 4 years
Exceptional Honeymoon Locations For Exclusive Newlyweds
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You are a Distinctive newlywed couple and, as such, you have earned a Unique honeymoon. No run on the mill getaway for The 2 of you. You need to kick off your new everyday living along with a bang and plenty of romance.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5AWOf8DhosThe Bucuti Beach Resort about the island of Aruba may very well be what you're looking for. This can be a couples only vacation resort, and it had been made for romance and comfort. Accommodations are splendid on this island paradise, with backyard garden or ocean views from just about every suite.Pay attention to the turquoise ocean sigh when you snuggle together in your king or queen size bed. Rest by the freshwater pool or stroll towards the powdery comfortable beach for an afternoon of enjoyable inside the Sunshine. Exotic meals are served with the resort on board a replica of the sixteenth century Spanish galleon, or you could possibly select the passionate seclusion of a dining cabana create about the Beach front.Having said that you decide on to spend your time and energy at Bucuti, It'll be romantic.Rocky's Boutique Vacation resort in Koh Samui, Thailand, is actually a when inside of a life time getaway place for Distinctive newlyweds like you. You may remain in your own private non public bungalow near the beach with amazing sights with the Gulf of Siam or lush gardens.Surrounded by teak home furniture and Chang Mai artifacts inside and tropical delights outside the house, you are going to sense you are definitely in A different entire world. And nonetheless your island bungalow is finish with all the luxuries you'd probably hope from a globe class resort. Enjoy the beach, starry nights, and romance. The honeymoon package deal even includes a a single hour Thai or oil therapeutic massage for each of you.Jamaica has extensive been a delight for honeymooners, and you might listen to the decision of your island lengthy before you decide to arrive at Partners Tower Isle. That is a couples only resort with lodging built in the Spanish design and style. Deluxe rooms ignore tropical gardens or The attractive Caribbean Sea. King sizing beds and private balconies or patios heighten your feeling of seclusion In this particular passionate desired destination, whilst a stroll on the Seaside will enable you to mingle with other loving partners.Hammocks around the beach deliver relaxation but, if you're All set for action, the vacation resort features a lot of water sports for instance kayaking and windsurfing. Devote not less than just one afternoon shopping in nearby Ocho Rios or sign up for the tour on the glass base boat to view what's beneath that turquoise Caribbean h2o.The Crane Vacation resort and Residences is found in Barbados, with a cliff that overlooks shorelines of pink sand. This is the historic site the initial vacation resort in built the Caribbean and all of the structures, old and new, replicate the colonial type. There are various models of rooms from which to settle on, but all are comfy and charming, presenting Unique couples the romantic privateness they want.But when you're all set to leave your room, the Crane presents fantastic restaurants, lagoon design swimming swimming pools, and a shuttle service into the island's money city, Bridgetown. Expend a while within the Seashore or exploring other parts of the unique island prior to deciding to return towards your honeymoon bower at the exquisite Crane.Just the most original couples are welcome at Excellence Playa Mujeres in close proximity to Cancun, Mexico. This is often an Older people only vacation resort that provides luxurious accommodations and intimate fun. If you're not enjoying your ocean perspective or pool side place, go windsurfing together, or discover how to say 'I like you' in the course of a Spanish lesson. Yoga and tennis can be obtained, as well, or simply have a stroll to the sugar white Seashore or chill out in a very secluded grotto and luxuriate in one another's corporation.Lodge Martinez is found in Cannes, which is over the French Riviera which is Just about the most remarkable destinations for honeymooners. There is certainly much to see and do here that you'll have to remind oneself to invest a while with your place.And what rooms! Depending on what you decide on, you will have views of the city, the sea, or maybe the hills encompassing Cannes. All rooms have elegant marble bathrooms and sitting regions. A few of the rooms are even soundproof, that makes them great for honeymooners who would like to get to understand each other far better in absolute privateness.The Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort welcomes Exclusive honeymooners like you With all the friendliness that are available only in Hawaii. There are many categories of guest accommodations at this award successful vacation resort, but all of these give luxurious that you won't uncover at many other destinations.Dine on Italian cuisine with an island aptitude during the villa type Dondero's, or head for that Kuaie Luau, which delivers hula lessons and Hawaiian dancing demonstrations together with an exotic buffet. You will not want to go away the resort as it's so romantic and stress free and pleasurable, but That is Hawaii.It's essential to expend part of your honeymoon exploring the wilderness, the beach locations, and Mount Waialeale. The Garden Island will enchant you so that you'll by no means want to go away it.The globe is a major location and location for a singular honeymoon getaway are nearly countless. Engineer the perfect vacation to commemorate you marriage now. Read the full article
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gajahhome · 12 days
Mattress Toppers: An Investment for Better Sleep.Doc
Do you take sleeping pills? Is it difficult to stay asleep throughout the night? The majority of us face sleep issues. Blame it on our lifestyle or our sleeping patterns; it is a common problem. However, there is one good solution to ward off sleep disorders- buy a mattress topper Barbados. Though you maintain a healthy diet and exercise daily, you might still not be getting adequate sleep at night. Sometimes, falling asleep is a problem and other times, staying asleep becomes difficult. Have you ever wondered if your bed type might be the reason? The quality and quantity of sleep are negatively affected by the wrong bedding choice. please click link the for further information https://www.mediafire.com/file/lor7u83osmt48ej/Mattress+Toppers-+An+Investment+for+Better+Sleep.docx/file
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Prince Harry’s One-Time Barbados Rental Is for Sale for $40M—and It’s Blowing Our Minds
Hardings International; Getty Images
When it comes to living arrangements, we know Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will spare no expense for comfort. After all, they did sink a reported $3.8 million into renovating their new primary residence, Frogmore Cottage. That’s just the type of lifestyle afforded members of the royal family, so who are we to judge?
So we were hardly shocked to learn that the Duke of Sussex once stayed in an ultraluxe villa in Barbados that recently hit the market for a whopping $40 million. Harry reportedly stayed there in January 2010, when he was in town to launch the Sentebale Polo Cup, a charity event that raises money for young people affected by HIV in Lesotho and Botswana. Harry founded the charity Sentebale in 2006 with Prince Seeiso of the royal family of Lesotho.
With spacious interiors and views of the Caribbean Sea that rival the best resorts in the world, the Cove Spring House is literally fit for royalty. Here’s the inside scoop on this one-of-a-kind villa and its mind-blowing amenities.
The villa
The Caribbean villa where Prince Harry stayed
Hardings International
Cove Spring House was built using coral stone, which, according to the Hardings International listing, is “the hallmark of Caribbean aristocracy.” The Palladian and Georgian open architecture let natural light and the trade wind into the approximately 20,000 square feet of living space, which includes 10 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms (seven of the bedrooms are spacious suites in the main house).
The incredible panoramic view of the Caribbean Sea is the star of the home, so most bedrooms have verandas that open onto the sweeping patio.
“Properties around the world on or near water, or simply with water views, have more value over those that don’t,” says agent Noemi Bitterman of New York’s Warburg Realty.
The breathtaking home also has a media room, fitness center, commercial-grade kitchen, and a three-bedroom guest cottage.
If the house didn’t already have enough to brag about, it also comes with designer and one-of-a-kind furniture.
The stately living room is appointed with one-of-a-kind furniture.
Hardings International
The grounds
The pool of the villa looking out to the Caribbean Sea
Hardings International
The magnificent villa, which has hosted such A-listers as Nicole Kidman, Rihanna, and Sir Elton John, sits on a cliff set within 1.3 acres. If you feel like taking a dip, you can stroll down to a secluded beach at the base of the cliff. Or you can lounge by the free-form pool and spa. Lush tropical gardens encircle the property to ensure no prying eyes will encroach on your privacy. Bonus: There’s also a koi pond!
A seaside cove on the estate grounds
Hardings International
The staff
An estate of this size requires all hands on deck to keep everything in tiptop shape. But don’t worry, you won’t have to put up a “Help Wanted” sign. The property’s lucky buyer will inherit a full-time, 19-person staff, including a manager, butlers, chefs, maids, gardeners, and security.
According to the listing, “Cove Spring’s staff ensures an incomparable level of personalized attention guests deserve.”
Will it sell?
For expensive properties like this one, it can be a challenge to find the right buyer. There are only so many people who would even consider a property with an eight-figure asking price. But its celebrity pedigree and stellar location certainly make it an attractive piece of real estate.
Could we potentially see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and their newborn son, Archie, making this a warm-weather getaway? Never say never.
Care to take a look around the rest of the estate? Scroll through the photos below.
A grand foyer looking out to the sea
Hardings International
Full bar
Hardings International
A private dining area on the veranda makes meals even more memorable.
Hardings International
A bedroom with a high ceiling and view of the sea
Hardings International
The post Prince Harry’s One-Time Barbados Rental Is for Sale for $40M—and It’s Blowing Our Minds appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/prince-harry-barbados-villa/
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marthaohara · 5 years
7 Inspiring Outdoor Projects By The World’s Best Interior Designers
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7 Inspiring Outdoor Projects By The World’s Best Interior Designers – When planning a home decor project, many people forget about the house’s garden design and it is as much important as the interior design of the house. Whether you have a garden, a patio or simply reorganize the landscape of your backyard, decorating your home is not just about paying close attention to the indoors, but also the outdoor. Discover the best inspirational design ideas here!
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Since the summer season is right outside the door, its time to think about the outdoor decor for your backyard parties. If you don’t know what to do with your amazing garden, today the Best Design Projects team brings the most inspirational design ideas created by some of the world’s best interior designers. From modern architecture to unique outdoor furniture, these inspiring outdoor projects are the perfect inspiration source for you!
Kelly Hoppen Barbados House 
Fully decorated by Kelly Hoppen, this Barbados private house is as good at it can get! From the fourth floo all the way down to the basement,  the luxury residence comprises five bedrooms, all of which are en-suite with the exception of one, and two spacious living areas on the ground and first floor.
The Parker Palm Springs Hotel by Jonathan Adler
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Located n the Coachella Valley Palm Springs, California, we can find the Parker Palm Springs a luxury hotel that looks amazing on the inside and on the outside. Opened since 1959 as California’s first-holiday inn, this luxury hotel garden features Norma’s tables with bird-shaped ceramic salt and pepper shakers were specifically designed by Jonathan Adler for the hotel.
Graphic Collection By DelightFULL 
The colorful and extremely communicative graphic lamps are perfect not only for non-conventional interior design but also for creative outdoor decor. Inspired by the city of angels, the Graphic Collection is one of DelightFULL’s most popular lines. It is bright, fun, can be used for both indoor and outdoor lighting pieces! These floor, table and wall fixtures will revolutionize the lighting concepts, arriving in the form of letters, numbers or symbols.
Patricia Urquiola  & Kettal
The Roll Collection by The Kettal in partnership with Patricia Urquiola combines a curving wicker basket with large colorful cushions and wooden legs. Also known as ‘Vimini’ these outdoor furniture designs were based on the classic Basket Chair designed by Nanna Ditzel in the 1950s. Blending traditional lines with a modern, and relaxed vibe, you couldn’t expect any less from one of the most renowned Spanish designers!
Don’t forget to read:
Bold Animal Prints Inspirations For A Luxurious Home Decor
Terracotta Is The New Favorite Tone From The 2019 Color Trends
Michael Smith & Brown Jordan
These beautiful outdoor furniture collections were created by  Michael Smith in partnership with Brown Jordan created back in 2016.“I love the romance of outdoor furniture,” says Smith, who grew up in California, where “Brown Jordan was everywhere. The idea of working with a brand that made something familiar, comfortable, and of amazing quality really appealed to me.”
Refabricated House By Marcel Wanders
Marcel Wanders brings back humanity in the technocratic world of design, through this Refabricated House project that he considers to be the representation of the Contemporary Renaissance of Humanism. Also known as Eden, this prefabricated house design for Revolution Pre-crafted features a relatively small glass-walled living space and a larger covered outdoor area as you can see by the pictures.
Temptation Resort & Spa Cancun by Karim Rashid
This spectacular 430-room superstructure filled with sensual curves and bright colors resort was created by Karim Rashid through a “sensual minimalism” concept inspired by the human body. Redefining the Cancun skyline, this resort has just been fully refurbished and is only suitable for guests over 21, who can enjoy an exclusive atmosphere of provocation and eroticism.  Guests can also enjoy a provocative poolside experience “Sexy Pool” where fun and enjoyment are ensured by the DJs.
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Do you like the inspiring outdoor projects list on Best Design Projects? What do you think about these amazing inspirations? Let your comment below and share this content in any of the social media channels. Your feedback helps us to improve.
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from 7 Inspiring Outdoor Projects By The World’s Best Interior Designers
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portersbanbridge · 3 years
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Garden Furniture NI
Timeless style, it is eternal, but sprucing up your outdoor area is just something that we do. For the short amount of time that we get to enjoy the sun, a fresh, bright look is desired, but for the majority of the time, a comfy seat beside the fire in the garden is where you want to be. Whatever vibe you are going for, the design experts at Porters Banbridge will be happy to help you with your perfect outdoor space or accessories to revamp it.
Over the past year there has been a lot of talk about “inside outside” to stay in line with the corona virus regulations and everyone embraced this. If you are looking for a great way to add sq. footage to your property, join in on the embrace and make a cosy outdoor space that will act as a sanctuary for all in the house.
What is the overall aim that comes to mind when you are google garden furniture NI? Most likely comfort, function and personality? That alongside the question of how you are going to remain dry most of the year - right? The design experts at Porters have an end to end solution for outdoors, from furniture to cushions and all of the finishing touches. Get in touch today and watch your vision come to life.
Outdoors is the new indoors and the happiness it brings is undeniable, if you are looking for rattan furniture, outdoor heaters, parasols or just about any other outdoor accessory then you are in the right hands with Porters Banbridge - did I mention that they have hammocks?
The Garden Furniture NI Didn’t Know They Needed
Timeless is the approach that Porters Banbridge are going for  throughout each of their ranges, seamlessly blending modern technology with classically undeniable style that will transform your outdoor space.
Maximise space, create the oasis that you deserve. If you don’t have an eye for design, you are just in luck, there is absolutely no chance of going wrong here. Sophistication, elegance and comfort are a standard in all of their products.
Their cloud like cushions and bean bags that you can sink into after a big backyard BBQ are the perfect addition to any outdoors space.
Since the beginning of time, but certainly amplified over the past year is the use of outdoor space. With holidays just turned off like a light, heading outdoors was everyone's biggest hope of enjoying that ‘getting away’ feeling. Comfort, relaxation, a feeling deeply missed, luckily for you Porters have a transporting range of outdoor furniture, you’ll feel like you are in Barbados.
The Rattan range from Porters Banbridge is  ​elegant and architectural, adding class to your space. Express yourself through your surroundings. Spice up your life and go decorating mad with all of our soft furnishings. It might seem like it would take a lifetime, but with their delivery service that operates at speed, you could be backyard Bahama bound in no time. 
Are you ready to take your outdoor space to the next level? Illuminate with Porters, manifest the tropical vibes and transport yourself, self care is so in.
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shopcourtsbarbados · 3 years
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The internet is a wonderful place where you will find information, entertainment and even furniture. That's right. Finding the perfect furniture for your home has become easier with online furniture stores. Many people have started choosing online stores for their furniture requirements. This is because an online furniture store offers many benefits which a physical store does not. This includes making shopping possible from the comfort of your home and without having to step out. No need to worry about delivery as the online store will deliver it right at your doorsteps. Not only this saves you time but it is also a very convenient and hassle-free shopping option.
Shopping furniture online also means better shopping decisions as it allows better space planning, colour coordination and design compatibility with the rest of the items in your house. You can also easily compare prices to find what best fits your budget. Furthermore, online stores usually have great deals and discounts on their products making them a viable option. If you are new to online shopping, maybe start with a small, less expensive item and as you get more comfortable with online shopping, you will realize how easy and efficient shopping become when done online.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts
When I look into my crystal ball, I see myself sleeping on a mattress on the floor for the next two to three months. Unfortunately, there’s a defect in this crystal ball, so it doesn’t do the legwork of specifying exactly what kind of mattress it is: Is it firm, does it have a little give, is it made of organic latex, is it better for a side-sleeper or a stomach-sleeper? Does it share a name with a friendly ghost, or a secondary color, or a popular fruit often spread on toast? Does comedian Neal Brennan have the right idea?
These days, the world of sheets and pillows and mattresses-in-a-box and duvet covers is supersaturated. When my eyes glazed over Krispy-Kreme-style after reading my eleventh mattress-centric message board, I decided to change my approach and beeline to a few well-rested experts for their personal recommendations on how to concoct the perfect bed. Below are a bunch of enthusiastic suggestions that’ll make sleeping in your bed feel like snoozing on a CBD-infused cumulus cloud.
Liz Eichholz, co-founder and creative director of Weezie Towels Liz’s favorite sheets: “Here ends the never-ending hunt for the perfect set of sheets! I am obsessed with this super-soft set from Ettitude: the Bamboo Lyocell Sheet Set. I love that they’ve held up well in the wash and don’t wrinkle. Bonus points for keeping this warm sleeper cool throughout the night.”
Elizabeth Tamkin, market strategist of Man Repeller Elizabeth’s favorite summer sheets: “This 100% Linen Sheet set from Linoto is locally made and the set includes the whole shebang: flat sheet, fitted sheet, and two pillow cases. They also come in 25 different colors to suit your style. This is the perfect summer sheet set that remains soft and sturdy wash after wash.”
Gyan Yankovich, managing editor of Man Repeller Gyan’s favorite linen sheets: “My boyfriend didn’t get a good night’s sleep for the first two years we lived in NYC—in the summer the weather was too hot, and in the winter, our building’s heat was on full blast. He spent a lot of time researching the best linen sheets and came away with these ones, the Pottery Barn Belgian Linen Sheet set. I was apprehensive to spend so much money on sheets, but we did and they’ve been a game-changer! I have some other sets of linen sheets (from much ‘cooler’ brands) but these are the best by far.”
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Mattresses and bed frames
Allison Petty, design director of Hyphen & Co. Allison’s favorite mattress: “The Avocado mattress offers both green and vegan options which is something we really love. The quality and comfort is there, while also committing to a more earth-friendly product.”
Ellen van Dusen, founder of Dusen Dusen Ellen’s favorite bed frame: “I have the nest storage bed from Design Within Reach, and as a borderline hoarder, it is perfect. I do a lot of ‘testing’ for new bedding when we get samples for my line… which means I have way too much bedding… which takes up a lot of space. The bed frame easily lifts and there’s an empty compartment underneath, which is where I store it all. Also, it just looks really good and has a soft headboard. It’s relatively low to the ground and has an aesthetic I’d describe as plump, the visual equivalent of how I want my furniture to feel.” [Ed. note: while still a splurge, the Cello storage bed by EQ3 is an alternative to the Design Within Reach model!]
Tavia Forbes and Monet Masters, principal interior designers of Forbes Masters Tavia and Monet’s headboard tip: “We often recommend a bold headboard, like this tufted one by CB2, to our clients. Whether it be ornate or upholstered, the headboard is a great decorative addition to a space. Paired with a beautiful set of table lamps or pendant lights above the side tables, we love!”
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:: TRAVELING DESIGNERS :: As we gear up for our #LA install we couldn’t help but reminisce on the bold and eclectic install we completed in #barbados this year. #accentpillows #interiors #decor #decorating #decorations #interiordecorating #accents #crafts #custom #custompillow #black #white #blackandwhite #design #designers #interiordesigners #interiordesign #interiordecor #luxury #luxe #fabulous #fab
A post shared by F O R B E S M A S T E R S (@forbesmasters) on Sep 28, 2018 at 6:25am PDT
Tiffany Wilkinson, creative director of Man Repeller Tiffany’s favorite pregnancy pillow: “I ordered this Parachute Home Body Pillow as an alternative to the crazy shaped pregnancy pillows, hoping that I’d be able to keep it as part of my bedding set up post-pregnancy. After I ordered it, I had buyer’s remorse, wondering if it was too self-indulgent of a purchase. Once it arrived, it became an instant game-changer—I immediately started sleeping better, my whole body felt so supported, and it’s great to have something so substantial to spoon. I love the pillow so much I even gave it a name. My partner is a little envious of all the love my body pillow is getting, but if I get out of bed before him, I’ll look over and see him fast asleep straddling the pillow in a deep blissful spoon.”
Liz of Weezie’s favorite sham: “I’m a sucker for layers and an eclectic mix of playful patterns throughout my home—and that extends to our bedroom! I’ve long been drawn to the gorgeous prints from Biscuit Home. Next up for me: this Texan-inspired print that reminds me of my hometown of Austin, the Biscuit Home Marfa Euro Sham.”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite throw pillows: “The Milaya Project has great embroidered throw pillows that have a ton of personality. We love that they also help support the art of South Sudanese refugees.”
Ellie Buckingham and Miri Buckland, co-founders of The Landing Ellie and Miri’s favorite throw pillow: “We love the Big Rock Throw Pillow from one of our new partners, K-Apostrophe. K’era takes neutral, soothing colors but applies them in interesting ways that make these pillows a great statement piece for many colors of bedding without being too over the top.”
Yours truly Edith’s favorite slender pillow: “If you, like me, sometimes only want a nominal lift from the mattress for your noggin, the Vermont Country Store makes just the slender pillow for you. I’d dress her up with this brown striped Tekla sham sold by Goodee.”
Elizabeth’s favorite decorative “body” pillow:  “I suppose this isn’t technically a body pillow but during the night I like a pillow to hug and this Hook Pillow by Justina Blakeney is a great substitute for when my dog doesn’t want to sleep beside me. It also happens to be absolutely beautiful (I love many of Justina Blakeney’s designs and find that their price points are great)—a nice touch to a made bed when you’re not sleeping.”
Megan Hopp, interior designer Megan’s favorite lumbar pillow: “Every bed should have a lumbar pillow, and St. Frank has my favorite selection. While I love color and pattern, I still opt for a calmer combination in the bedroom and these pillows are perfectly patterned. I am also smitten with the gold zipper detail.”
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Lindsey Johnson, co-founder and CEO of Weezie Towels Lindsey’s new comforter: Buffy Cloud “The Buffy Cloud is the most recent addition to my bed, and it is certainly living up to its name! Not only is it incredibly soft and cozy, I love that it’s sustainable and made up of 100 percent recycled fiber. A win-win!”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite comforter: “We love down comforters but are always looking to see how we can make more ethical choices in the products we suggest. Feathered Friends comforters come in different weights depending on preference and use ethically sourced down!”
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Oh hey, we make bedding too!
A post shared by Feathered Friends (@featheredfriends1972) on Feb 14, 2020 at 8:50am PST
Blankets and duvet covers
Lindsey of Weezie’s favorite quilt: “At the end of the day, nothing beats a solid white quilt, and this one—the John Robshaw Hand Stitched White Quilt—has stood the test of time! It’s my go-to base for a fun mix of pillows and a patterned duvet.”
Ellen of Dusen Dusen’s favorite blanket: “Tooting my own horn here, but I love our coverlets at Dusen Dusen! My current favorite is the river coverlet. It is really soft and drapey, has enough heft that you’re not missing the weight of a duvet, and it’s light enough that you’re not sweating all night during the summer. They are all individually woven by a small manufacturer in Portugal and then stonewashed, so they have that lived-in quality while still looking fresh. Plus, it’s cute!”
Ariel Okin, interior designer Ariel’s favorite blankets: Kashwere blankets “Kashwere makes the MOST comfortable blankets—you’ll feel like a little kid with your blankie.”
Tina Rich, interior designer Tina’s favorite bedding: “I’m a huge fan of Cultiver Bedding! I have them in my own home and recommend them to all my clients. The linen gets softer with each wash and I especially love their gorgeous colors. Their bedding is perfect for a natural, effortless look.”
Elizabeth’s favorite dog-proof blanket: Pendleton Glacier National Park Throw Blanket “I have a dog who’s slept in bed with me since she was a baby. I only like white sheets, so this combination has been an ongoing struggle for all nine years of our time together. I’ve never had a blanket that disguised her shedding or protected my white sheets quite like this Pendleton blanket. It’s not cheap, and I purchased it after much consideration, but I’ve now had it for over five years, and it still looks brand new. It is hands-down the best home purchase I’ve made.”
Allison of Hyphen’s favorite duvet cover: “Duvet covers are a great way to bring in color or pattern without having to commit, we love going soft and neutral with tones but if you want something a little more fun, Aelfie has a great line of duvets that come in exciting and unique prints.”
Edith’s favorite duvet cover: Marimekko Unikko duvet cover “I’ve had this duvet cover for years, and it does a lot of visual legwork in a room, plus it does not overheat the sleeper who runs warm. If I could buy it again, I’d pick this beige/light blue/off-white color-way instead.”
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Bed-adjacent bells and whistles
Liz of Weezie’s favorite diffuser: Vitruvi White Stone Diffuser “I love crawling into bed at the end of a long day, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, and letting my Vitruvi diffuser roll. It’s a simple indulgence and the perfect way to unwind, relax, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.”
Ellen of Dusen Dusen’s new bedside lamp: Duck Lamp from Dave’s Clubhouse “It gives off the perfect amount of soft light and is on a dimmer, which I love. When it’s off, it’s a cute piece of art on your wall.”
Ariel Okin’s soon-to-be favorite alarm clock: “Very excited about Hatch’s new alarm clock—it sounds like a great way to untether from your phone at night.”
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Feature Image via Cody Guilfoyle.
The post The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts appeared first on Man Repeller.
The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts published first on https://normaltimepiecesshop.tumblr.com/ The Best Mattress, Pillows, and Sheets, According to 15 Well-Rested Experts published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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skycript1 · 4 years
Exceptional Honeymoon Locations For Exclusive Newlyweds
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You are a Distinctive newlywed couple and, as such, you have earned a Unique honeymoon. No run on the mill getaway for The 2 of you. You need to kick off your new everyday living along with a bang and plenty of romance.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5AWOf8DhosThe Bucuti Beach Resort about the island of Aruba may very well be what you're looking for. This can be a couples only vacation resort, and it had been made for romance and comfort. Accommodations are splendid on this island paradise, with backyard garden or ocean views from just about every suite.Pay attention to the turquoise ocean sigh when you snuggle together in your king or queen size bed. Rest by the freshwater pool or stroll towards the powdery comfortable beach for an afternoon of enjoyable inside the Sunshine. Exotic meals are served with the resort on board a replica of the sixteenth century Spanish galleon, or you could possibly select the passionate seclusion of a dining cabana create about the Beach front.Having said that you decide on to spend your time and energy at Bucuti, It'll be romantic.Rocky's Boutique Vacation resort in Koh Samui, Thailand, is actually a when inside of a life time getaway place for Distinctive newlyweds like you. You may remain in your own private non public bungalow near the beach with amazing sights with the Gulf of Siam or lush gardens.Surrounded by teak home furniture and Chang Mai artifacts inside and tropical delights outside the house, you are going to sense you are definitely in A different entire world. And nonetheless your island bungalow is finish with all the luxuries you'd probably hope from a globe class resort. Enjoy the beach, starry nights, and romance. The honeymoon package deal even includes a a single hour Thai or oil therapeutic massage for each of you.Jamaica has extensive been a delight for honeymooners, and you might listen to the decision of your island lengthy before you decide to arrive at Partners Tower Isle. That is a couples only resort with lodging built in the Spanish design and style. Deluxe rooms ignore tropical gardens or The attractive Caribbean Sea. King sizing beds and private balconies or patios heighten your feeling of seclusion In this particular passionate desired destination, whilst a stroll on the Seaside will enable you to mingle with other loving partners.Hammocks around the beach deliver relaxation but, if you're All set for action, the vacation resort features a lot of water sports for instance kayaking and windsurfing. Devote not less than just one afternoon shopping in nearby Ocho Rios or sign up for the tour on the glass base boat to view what's beneath that turquoise Caribbean h2o.The Crane Vacation resort and Residences is found in Barbados, with a cliff that overlooks shorelines of pink sand. This is the historic site the initial vacation resort in built the Caribbean and all of the structures, old and new, replicate the colonial type. There are various models of rooms from which to settle on, but all are comfy and charming, presenting Unique couples the romantic privateness they want.But when you're all set to leave your room, the Crane presents fantastic restaurants, lagoon design swimming swimming pools, and a shuttle service into the island's money city, Bridgetown. Expend a while within the Seashore or exploring other parts of the unique island prior to deciding to return towards your honeymoon bower at the exquisite Crane.Just the most original couples are welcome at Excellence Playa Mujeres in close proximity to Cancun, Mexico. This is often an Older people only vacation resort that provides luxurious accommodations and intimate fun. If you're not enjoying your ocean perspective or pool side place, go windsurfing together, or discover how to say 'I like you' in the course of a Spanish lesson. Yoga and tennis can be obtained, as well, or simply have a stroll to the sugar white Seashore or chill out in a very secluded grotto and luxuriate in one another's corporation.Lodge Martinez is found in Cannes, which is over the French Riviera which is Just about the most remarkable destinations for honeymooners. There is certainly much to see and do here that you'll have to remind oneself to invest a while with your place.And what rooms! Depending on what you decide on, you will have views of the city, the sea, or maybe the hills encompassing Cannes. All rooms have elegant marble bathrooms and sitting regions. A few of the rooms are even soundproof, that makes them great for honeymooners who would like to get to understand each other far better in absolute privateness.The Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort welcomes Exclusive honeymooners like you With all the friendliness that are available only in Hawaii. There are many categories of guest accommodations at this award successful vacation resort, but all of these give luxurious that you won't uncover at many other destinations.Dine on Italian cuisine with an island aptitude during the villa type Dondero's, or head for that Kuaie Luau, which delivers hula lessons and Hawaiian dancing demonstrations together with an exotic buffet. You will not want to go away the resort as it's so romantic and stress free and pleasurable, but That is Hawaii.It's essential to expend part of your honeymoon exploring the wilderness, the beach locations, and Mount Waialeale. The Garden Island will enchant you so that you'll by no means want to go away it.The globe is a major location and location for a singular honeymoon getaway are nearly countless. Engineer the perfect vacation to commemorate you marriage now. Read the full article
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