#comfort OC fr
wexhappyxfew · 6 months
hi shannon! i saw you were taking prompts and i knew i HAD to ask for bessie! can i ask for "i wouldn't miss it for anything" from the random dialouge prompts for her? excited to see what you come up with!
HEY BLU!!!! thanks so much for stopping by! :) let's just say i had a LOT of fun with this prompt and got to play with a few OCs i haven't introduced in writing yet - so, please enjoy our resident navigator of Silver Bullets, bessie carlisle, with judy rybinski and a guest appearance from marianne salinger! please enjoy and thank you again!
"Has Tommy written you?" Judy asked quietly from beside her against one of the walls inside the flying club, nudging her shoulder with that small smile of hers, "Any news from the Pacific?" Bessie grinned and pulled the letter from her pocket.
"That and some newspaper cutouts of the 100th that he's been seeing," Bessie said pushing some hair behind her ears, "a real sweetheart, truly, my Tommy." Judy giggled and looked through the cutouts and glanced at Bessie.
"He popped the question yet?" Bessie glanced at Judy before smiling slightly and crossing her arms.
"He's hinted….through his letters. When I see you again…..my Ma's house….back porch looks beautiful in the summer….I'll get you flowers the second we're home and a nice dinner….Mr. Thomas McKenzie isn't smooth when it comes to covering up his intentions in the sweetest way possible." Bessie said with a chuckle and Judy giggled again.
"Please tell me I can attend the wedding." Judy said, gripping Bessie's arm gently with a soft squeeze, "I'll make my Mom's lemon and blueberry scones for the bridal shower."
"Awe, Judy," Bessie said with a grin, "of course you'd be there, dressed in a beautiful blue dress no doubt. One that matches your eyes. All the girls." Judy grinned - she always looked happiest with the women of Silver Bullets. Her smile looked best glazed on her face with joy.
"I wouldn't miss it for anything, you know that." Judy said, looping an arm through Bessie's, "And you two are going to have a wonderful family, and a cute little home, and you'll be the best geography teacher Queens has ever seen."
"Thanks, Judy." Bessie whispered and Judy watched her, genuinely and deeply, her eyes peaking out from behind her long eyelashes and bright, blue eyes.
Judy, young as she was, was by far one of the most genuine people one would ever meet. Attentive, kind, considerate, as well as someone with incredibly good aim (but you wouldn't guess that about her from first meeting), Judy was like Bessie's little sister in some ways. An incredibly good friend, listener, and tagged along with every opportunity - beers, darts, dancing - she was there.
"Good evening, ladies," both Bessie and Judy looked up and over and found the newest replacement pilot - Lieutenant Robert Rosenthal - stood there, perfectly gelled and curled hair, a soft look in his eyes, a slight smile on his face, and his peak cap tucked under his arm, "I don't mean to interrupt." Bessie watched the Lieutenant; she'd never spoken to him, but Annie had come back from a meeting with Operations, mentioning that she'd had a run-in with a new Lieutenant, Robert Rosenthal, and that he'd been real sweet, a calm presence, and had flown B-17s in Texas in his skivvies. Bessie smiled. Quite the combination.
"Not at all," Bessie said, with a wide smile growing on her face, "what can we do for you?" Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled and nodded and stuck out a hand.
"Robert Rosenthal, I just wanted to introduce myself to all the women a part of Silver Bullets," he said, and Bessie shook his hand firmly, "I met Lieutenant Bradshaw and she advised for it and said you'd all be here, and I wanted to follow through with that."
"Bessie Carlisle, I'm the navigator." she said, before glancing at Judy and almost chuckling at her face. Judy - sweet, innocent, Judy Rybinski, was stood, bright-red in the face, a nervous smile on her lips, watching Lieutenant Rosenthal, staring up at him like she suddenly didn't know how to speak. Bessie nudged her ribs.
"Judy Rybinski, sir," Judy said, sticking out a hand, "turret-ball gunner. Pleasure to meet you." Bessie watched Lieutenant Rosenthal shake her hand, a small smile on his face as he nodded, before readjusting his gaze to the two of them.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both," he said, "Lieutenant Bradshaw discussed with me the previous happenings of Silver Bullets and her position as well….I'm sorry about Captain Faulkner." Bessie watched Lieutenant Rosenthal, feeling Judy's tightening grip on her arm an evident signal that Judy's emotions about Captain Faulkner were still as prominent as the day it had happened.
The day Francis had called over the comms that Birdie had died on impact, that she, Francis herself, was taking control of the fort, that she was going to make sure they'd make it all back, safely. Bessie remembered Judy coming up and out of the ball turret, eyes red, stumbling as she tried to control herself, curled up in her cot thereafter, struggling to get out of bed. It was their first real loss and ultimately the most devastating. It wasn't like they'd gone down and she was MIA; she was gone, she was dead.
"She was one of the best pilots I'd ever met," Bessie said, "thank you though, Lieutenant Rosenthal." Lieutenant Rosenthal nodded and then looked towards Judy. Bessie took a willing glance at Judy and saw her, a few drips of tears in her eyes being fought back in her vision and she nodded.
"Yes, sir, one of the best," Judy offered.
"I'm sorry," Lieutenant Rosenthal said quickly, "I didn't mean to upset you both, just that I recognize how important she was to the 100th-"
"No, no," Bessie said quickly, placing a hand on his arm and shaking her head, "not at all, she was the best, but really, don't worry, it's okay." Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled and nodded and then glanced towards Judy again.
"Can I buy you both something?" he asked them. Bessie knew Judy had a nearly entirely filled beer in her hand and that Bessie's was almost out, so she cleared her throat and nodded.
"Yeah, Judy here could use a refill, I'm pretty filled though still with my beer, thank you though, Lieutenant." she said with a nod and glanced at Judy who was staring at Bessie with wide eyes.
"Let me get you something," Lieutenant Rosenthal said to Judy and Bessie watched as Judy swallowed and stood up a bit straighter and nodded.
"Thank you, sir, I'd appreciate it." Judy said, nervously tucking her dark brown strands of hair behind her ears that had fallen from her curls, "You really don't have to though, sir, I was thinking of taking the rest of the night in." Lieutenant Rosenthal smiled - he had an incredibly nice smile - and glanced back at the bar and then back towards Judy.
"You sure?" he asked her, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Judy watched him for a moment before a nervous smile grew on her face.
"Maybe just one drink then, sir," she said, her cheeks glowing red, before glancing towards Bessie, "I'll be back in a bit, Bes, don't wait up for me." Bessie grinned and watched as Judy stepped forward and waded beside Lieutenant Rosenthal towards the other part of the bar, a smile riding on her face, far and wide. Bessie couldn't remember the last time Judy had let herself as loose as she seemed to be tonight. She deserved to relax a bit, especially with how the last few months had been for her.
"A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant Carlisle," Lieutenant Rosenthal said with a wave over his shoulder and Judy shot her a grin. Bessie nodded with a smile.
"Who's that?" a voice asked, appearing beside Bessie in record fashion - she glanced over and found Marianne Salinger, resident tail gunner of Silver Bullets, with her orange cat, Frank, curled in her arms, a slight smile dancing on her face as she watched Judy stand at the bar next to Lieutenant Rosenthal, the widest smile spread on her cheeks.
"Lieutenant Robert Rosenthal, you heard anything about him?" Bessie asked her. Marianne shrugged her shoulders and glanced towards Bessie.
"Flew planes in skivvies, that's about it. Likes Artie Shaw, taps his fingers a lot." Marianne said quietly, ever-observant as she was, "Seems like a nice crew, don't know much else though." Bessie smirked and glanced over back towards Judy and found her rather excitedly talking to Lieutenant Rosenthal - Judy was very enthusiastic about a select few things and that usually involved intense hand-waving and apt descriptions and Bessie could tell the girl was in her element. And Lieutenant Rosenthal, ever the enthralled and attentive person he appeared to be, was listening intently and deeply, his eyes seemingly refusing to leave her face.
"Judy looks happy and I think that's all that matters," Marianne said with a smile, lifting up the fat, orange cat, "and we'll let Frank here get the final word, but at the minute, if she's happy, I'm happy." Bessie reached forward and scratched behind Frank's ears, the cat purring slightly and the touch before she noticed the slight tear in his ear.
"What happened to Frank here?" Bessie asked and Marianne rolled her eyes and glanced towards where DeMarco was with Meatball.
"Meatball was bothering Frank, and so Frank, as he should, not putting up with his bullshit, fought back and well, his poor little ear got the brunt of it," Marianne said, "I was up Benny's ass about letting Meatball all about - you know it killed one of the neighbors' chickens? I told Benny to get a grip on his dog or else there'd be issues." Bessie let out a laugh and shook her head and Marianne sighed.
"Major Cleven had to go pay the poor son-of-a-bitch because Meatball killed the thing," Marianne grumbled, "I mean, Frank's one of the most chaotic cats I've ever gotten the pleasure of holding, but he's not going around doing that. He's just crazy when he wants, but I control him."
"You're too funny, Mar," Bessie said and watched as Marianne smirked and shook her head, "so, you want to introduce yourself to Lieutenant Rosenthal, get the pleasantries out of the way with Frank?" Marianne smirked and glanced towards the Lieutenant and Judy, before glancing at Bessie.
"Let's wait until Judy has come down for air first," Marianne said, "she's having fun. Frank can sniff him out later."
"Sounds like a plan," Bessie said.
And to top off the night - Frank really loved Lieutenant Rosenthal.
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abd-illustrates · 1 year
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I missed drawing these DnD lads but I finally caught a moment to doodle them again! 🥺😭  (Felix is my warlock and his patron Kevin belongs to our DM!)
(DON’T EDIT / REUPLOAD TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS) ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️  
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alienssstufff · 1 year
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fellas is it gay to hallucinate your sworn enemy only to realise you hallucinated you AS him killing a past version of you, taking what (metaphorically) symbolises your heart out of your own beating chest, and eating it ?
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Ica (Ultimate Pilot) sprite I have on standby for a future spoiler
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snailsnaps · 2 years
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i got brainrot again and it would NOT LET ME REST until i drew them
hello, meet the robo-turtle
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shortcakelils · 8 months
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I’ve been drawing ponies for the last week sorry guys
The unicorn is Silvia Star and the pegasus is Storm Stripe
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whumpy-wyrms · 25 days
if you were a whumpee what type of whumpee would you be?
ummm that’s a very good question anon one that i definitely haven’t thought about my whole life every single time i imagine whump scenarios in my mind with me as the whumpee
anyway i definitely wouldn’t be completely broken or conditioned, but i also wouldn’t be very defiant either. fear yknow.. like terrified whumpees who are very scared and will do anything to not be hurt.. that’s good soup that’s me. fearfully compliant but obviously does not wanna be there. oh to be kidnapped and tied up in someone’s car and locked in a basement against my will…
i’m not the biggest fan of whumperless whump so if i were a whumpee i’d want the whumper to be a carewhumper (cough cough Anton cough). carewhumpers my absolute beloved i can’t get enough of those guys. you see i would be held captive and restrained (gagged, blindfolded, drugged, etc) but also taken care of :3 they’d like hold me and comfort me and pet me after hurting me and i’d be so scared of them but it’d also be so so cozy.
if i were a whumpee i wouldn’t rlly want to be actually tortured and stuff. hurt a little bit for enrichment (not like this all isn’t enrichment for me) definitely because knives and bruises are very fun but fear is also good too. they would like threaten to hurt and kill me but not actually yknow just to see my scrumptious reaction. though i wouldn’t mind a vampire biting me and drinking my blood or a mad scientist experimenting on me of course. just not like actual full on torture no thank u
this was fun to answer because i think about this a lot.. i’m just a little guy fr…
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little-red-fool · 9 months
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Letting Pascal revel in whatever religion-driven insanity he has.
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janetbrown711 · 2 months
If I Fail You
Zhu Li Na is four months old when the cracks in the universe return, so it looks like it's time for baby's first Collect-A-Thon to Save the Universe! Surely nothing will go wrong!!! (Season 5 Rewrite adding in freenoodles fan kid Zhu Li Na + diving deeper into the mentality/mental health of certain characters)
Chapter 1: Watching Him Fade Away
Pigsy notices his son is starting to crack, but it's hard caring for a monkey-demi-god-kinda-regular-god and a four-month-old. But nevertheless, Pigsy tries.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Ao3 Link
Doodles !!!
MK was a very, very good big brother. 
He was over at Pigsy and Tang’s as frequently as Sandy, always helping out and playing and cuddling and changing and cleaning and taking care of the little piglet as much as possible whenever he wasn’t training with Monkey King. 
Pigsy hadn’t minded the extra help at first. It was nice to have his son and daughter bond and who was he to refuse an extra pair of hands when he was this tired all the time? Plus, Tang had to go to work, and so the help was certainly needed at times. 
But something was… off with his son. Of course, something had been off for months now, but whatever it was it was clearly getting far worse as he was gaining circles under his eyes so dark they were supposed to be reserved for new parents. He was also adamantly in denial of the whole thing, as any time Pigsy tried talking to him about sleep or stress, he jumped right up and suddenly remembered a task he had procrastinated and dashed off. 
A part of Pigsy worried MK had been lying about accepting all this change– that he didn’t like his room being taken, or that he even didn’t like Li Na. Another part of him told him that was ridiculous, as MK seemed genuinely happy to help her whenever he could. Another, deeper part of him wondered if MK had been like this for months, but Pigsy just hadn’t noticed, too busy dealing with the pregnancy and NICU. A more optimistic part said maybe the couch wasn’t as comfortable to sleep on as it used to be, and he should encourage the kid to go back to sleeping at his place. 
But that could easily make him feel worse, right? Pigsy worked to make sure MK knew he still had a place in his home, he didn't want the kid to think he suddenly flipped a switch on him. He needed to know he could still rely on Pigsy, even if he was a lot busier these days. 
It didn't help that no matter what progress Pigsy felt he made, it felt like he was back at level zero every time MK returned from training. 
He needed to think up a plan, and quick– or else risk MK losing his mind. 
Of course, it was hard to plan with a four-month-old in constant need of attention, but you know. 
“If the problem is a lack of sleep, bringing MK back to his own place and away from a screaming baby would certainly be for the best,” Sandy suggested, finishing buttoning up Li Na's onesie after a change. 
“Yeah, I know, I know– but I don't want ‘im thinking I'm shoving him out, you know? I want ‘im to know he can always come to me for help,” Pigsy sighed, folding some of her laundry. 
“Have a little faith in the kid; he knows you love him, he's said so himself.” Sandy picked Li Na up, though she cooed and reached away to Pigsy. 
“I–... I dunno… he's real sleep deprived– you know how thoughts can get,” Pigsy scratched his neck. 
“Then remind him,” Sandy gave a soft smile. “Tell him you're concerned and be honest about why.” 
Pigsy looked away. “Eh… me and honesty don't really get along well, what with sayin’ I wasn't the kid's dad to his face and all for twenty years…”
“Are you sure that was honesty and not insecurity?” Sandy raised an eyebrow as Li Na began to whine. 
Pigsy sighed, taking his daughter back in his arms. She immediately cooed happily, which made the elder pig demon chuckle a little. “I guess you might be right… but still, I just– I'm not good at this. Not really.” 
“I don't know, Li Na seems to think you're doing just fine.” Sandy winked, making Pigsy roll his eyes and blush slightly. 
His friend laughed. “Just trust your instincts, Pigsy. You've always been good when you listen to your heart.” 
Pigsy snorted, but didn't have a good rebuttal. Especially because Li Na did seem plenty happy, reaching for the buttons on Pigsy's shirt with glee. 
The thought occurred to Pigsy that maybe Sandy ought to be the one to talk to MK since he was so good at it. Before he could suggest it though, there was a massive woosh throughout the apartment announcing MK's arrival from training.
“You want me to head out for some groceries?” Sandy offered, but Pigsy shook his head. 
“I think it'll be good if just the two– er, three– of us head out for a bit,” Pigsy suggested. 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea, Pigsy.” Sandy smiled at him all bright and corny, which made him roll his eyes again as he exited the nursery. 
Not to his surprise, Pigsy found MK in the kitchen wiping down the countertops with extreme vigor, acting like each little crumb and blotch was the Lady Bone Demon and needed to be wiped off this plane of existence asap. It might have been funny if it weren't for the stress and exhaustion weighing in his eyes. 
“Hey, kid. You– uh… feeling okay?” Pigsy asked. 
“Pigsy–! Hi! How're you doing?” MK shot up from the counter with a forced grin. 
“I asked you first.” Pigsy raised an eyebrow, shifting Li Na to an upright position so her head was against his shoulder. 
“O-oh! Right! Yeah, I'm all good man! Never felt better!” His son gave an even bigger smile and thumbs up for emphasis. 
Pigsy frowned. “Kid, when was the last time you slept?” 
“Bah, sleep is for the weak.” MK tried to wave off. “How's Li Na? When's the last time she slept?” 
Pigsy gave an unamused look. “Kid, I know what you're trying to do and it ain't gonna work.”
“What? Being helpful? I'm hurt.” MK put his hand over his chest dramatically, before scrubbing the counters again. 
Pigsy rolled his eyes. “Li Na is fine, MK. It's you I'm worried about.”
“I told you, I'm fine! Never felt better!” His son insisted, tossing out the cleaning wipe. 
Pigsy growled in frustration, causing the piglet in his arms to whine, sensing his distress. 
“Oh–! Hey, I can take her if she's not feeling okay! Or I can get her formula started or her diaper changed or–”
“MK, she doesn't need any of that–” Pigsy took a breath to try and calm himself while rubbing Li Na's back. “Just tell me what's wrong… please.”
MK's smile faltered. “A-are you sure you don't need anything? I can clean up around here or wash the van o-or even cook dinner, if you need.” 
Pigsy sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, before remembering his idea from earlier. “You know what? Let's go check on the restaurant. See how it's holding up.”
That worked to snap MK out of his spiral, as he froze and tilted his head. “Really? Why? You're not gonna open it for another four months.” 
Pigsy shrugged. “Fresh air'll do us good. Plus, I wanna make a proper meal on a proper stove, and I think my old cookbook is still over there.” 
“Oh– Okay! I can get the ca–” 
“I'll get the carrier and bag. You can take Li Na,” Pigsy decided instead. 
MK seemed confused again, but accepted the now smiling infant into his arms. “Hey kiddo, you having fun?” he asked, scrunching his nose. “We're gonna go to the restaurant soon. That's where you were born! It's also my favorite place on earth, so it'll be super fun.” 
Pigsy chuckled, shaking his head before going back into the nursery to get the same well-loved carrier he had used years and years and years before with MK. 
“So..? How's it going so far?” Sandy asked, startling the pig who had forgotten he was there. 
“We're gonna go for a walk, get some fresh air… though if you wanna take over, be my guest,” Pigsy half-joked. 
Sandy gave him a pitiful smile. “You got this, Pigsy. Just open up a little bit and you'll be golden.” 
The chef rolled his eyes. “Yeah, just text Tang where we are so he doesn't think we're being kidnapped or somethin’.” He snorted before  finding the diaper bag and throwing a few things in.
He had to dig a bit through the closet before he found his old baby carrier, with a well-worn scrapbook sitting right underneath. 
The chef couldn't help but smile a little as he picked it up and started flipping through. At the time he'd thought it was corny, that he wasn't MK's dad so there wasn't a point. However, his grandmother (and eventually Tang) insisted it was just to preserve good memories, and Pigsy couldn't have been more grateful. 
His heart ached with happiness and joy as he saw old photos of MK's chubby face, with fistfuls of noodles and a face covered in sauce. It had been a long, long time since he'd seen that face, so full of joy and nativity. No past, no future, just in the present focused on gorging himself on noodles. 
“Found something?” Sandy asked, peeking over Pigsy's shoulder. 
“Just an old scrapbook,” Pigsy chuckled before shutting it carefully. 
“Oh? I thought you weren't the ‘nostalgic type’.” Sandy grinned cheekily, quoting Pigsy from twenty five years ago. 
“Yeah, yeah, shut up,” Pigsy huffed and stood up, pausing when he realized he was still holding the book in his hands. 
…He wasn't exactly sure why, but he slipped it into the diaper bag too. 
“Text me if you end up needing anything,” Sandy said, not commenting on Pigsy's impulse decision. 
“Yeah, yeah. Get some sleep while you can,” Pigsy gave his friend a short crooked smile. 
Sandy laughed. “I sleep plenty fine on my boat, Pigsy.”
“With all those cats? Sure.” The chef retorted. “I should be back in an hour or so.”
“I'll hold the fort down. Have fun.” Sandy gave a salute, making Pigsy huff in amusement before heading back out to the living room, where MK was bouncing Li Na in a mix of exhaustion and worry. 
“C'mon, Li Na, it's okay, h-he'll be back soon, it's okay, you're okay, you're– Pigsy! She started whining and I-I think I'm messing it up, she won't–”
“Hey, hey, it's okay, kid, it's okay.” Pigsy immediately set the carrier and diaper bag on the couch, rushing to his son's side and placing a hand on his back. “You're okay, kid, just relax.”
“No, she wants you, she doesn't want me, I-I'm all messed up– take her back, please.” MK's resolve was starting to crack. 
“Hey, MK, it's okay, you're okay, just take a breath for me, alright?” Pigsy placed a calm and firm hand on his chest, taking a slow breath MK eventually copied. 
“Th-thanks, Pigsy.” MK sniffled, trying to bounce the still squirming piglet. 
Pigsy's chest ached with worry for both of them, but he shook it off for a moment. “I'm gonna get the carrier on, and then we'll go for a walk, alright?” 
“Yeah, that’s good.” MK nodded, small tears forming in his eyes.
Pigsy bit his cheek, but knew the best thing would be to just move on for now. And so, he quickly got the baby carrier on, putting it into front-inward carry mode, and placed Li Na inside, who relaxed as soon as her chest was against his. 
MK just stood there, watching at first before looking at the ground with his hands in his hoodie. His eyes were shining with tears, and his head was slowly sinking further and further down. 
It was something MK did a lot as a kid, especially on days he wanted nothing more than to just disappear. It made Pigsy want to cry, but the chef toughed it out. 
“C'mon, let's get some air.” He gave a mostly-not-forced smile and patted his son's shoulder. 
The boy nodded, clearly swallowing his tears before he suddenly moved, picking up the diaper bag and opening the door. 
“Dads-ies first.” MK cracked a mostly-forced smile that made Pigsy's heart twinge. 
“Thanks, kiddo.” He patted his arm again, and the three of them headed out into the night. 
The chef instantly felt more relaxed the second the late evening air hit his face, but he could tell it made MK more than a little anxious. Pigsy nudged the kid before taking a deep breath, implying for him to do the same. MK did, his shoulders loosening a little, but his eyes stayed glued to the ground. 
“You know– it’s– uh… it’s hard to believe it’s been four months, you know? Since she was born,” Pigsy tried lightening the mood. 
“Y-yeah! Man, time does fly, doesn’t it?” MK gave a weak laugh, one hand briefly leaving his pocket to scratch his neck before going right back. 
“Oh yeah. Sometimes I can hardly believe you’re in your twenties and not still goin’ to school,” Pigsy snorted. 
MK laughed a little less at that. “Yeah, it’s… yeah.” 
Pigsy winced as they stopped at a crosswalk. “It’s… hard to imagine one day Li Na’ll be in her twenties, all grown up and probably helping you fight whatever monster’s attacking the city that week.” 
“I thought you don’t want her fighting?” MK raised a somewhat playful eyebrow. 
“MK, I’m still not jazzed about you fighting,” Pigsy chuckled. “But… if that’s how it’s gonna be, that’s how it’s gonna be.” 
MK looked forward. “Right. Because ‘destiny’ and all that.” 
“What? No–ugh, I’m putting a household ban on that word.” Pigsy shook his head. “I mean because– I– you know– with the whole–” 
“Light’s green,” MK interrupted and immediately started walking again. 
Pigsy sighed, making Li Na shift so the chef put a hand on her tiny head. “I’ve got my work cut out for me tonight, don’t I kiddo?” he asked in a low voice, to which Li Na just cooed tiredly. The chef chuckled and gave her a soft pat before walking again. 
Just listen to your heart, Pigsy, just like Sandy said to. Sure, you’ve screwed this up before just about a million times, but Sandy is usually right about these things anyways so– just– try. For MK. 
“So– um… you feeling hungry at all?” Pigsy ventured, deciding to steer clear of the d-word. 
“Eh, not really.” MK half shrugged. 
Pigsy eyed MK for a moment, looking him up and down and checking for his usual hunger ticks. “Let me rephrase that; when was the last time you ate?” 
“Pigsy, I’m okay, really, I just–” MK tried to lie, but seemed to remember he’d already been caught earlier. “Training was just hard today.” 
Pigsy’s brows knit together. “What do you mean?” 
“No! Not like that, I don’t mean it like that– I just– you know–! The more powerful I-I get the more he works me, which is good! Monkey King isn’t bad, it’s all just– it’s fine, I’m fine, let’s just go back home.” MK almost turned around, but Pigsy grabbed his arm. 
“Kid, I know I’ve been… a little hard on him in the past, but I know he’s helpin’ you in ways I can’t, so it’s okay,” The chef gave a weak smile. It seemed to help the kid genuinely relax a bit, making the chef’s smile grow. “Besides, he did help save your sister’s life, so I know he ain’t all ‘irresponsibility’.” 
MK let out a genuine laugh. “Of course him saving your life doesn’t count for anything.” 
Pigsy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, he’s saved me too, I guess, whatever.” 
“And he’s saved mine,” MK pointed out with a smug grin. 
“Eh, I’d say at this point the score of ‘saved your life’ versus ‘actively put it in danger’ is about even,” Pigsy pushed back playfully, and his son let out another laugh. 
“Yeah, whatever,” The kid shook his head with a chuckle, and all that laughter made Li Na let out laughs of her own. 
“Well, look who’s deciding to join all the fun,” Pigsy teased her a little. “What do you think? You like that Monkey King guy?” 
Li Na laughed again, making her brother grin. “You know, I think that counts as a ‘yes’.” 
“Bah, she’s four months old, what does she know?” Pigsy waved off. 
“Nah, I think she’s got it just right.” MK winked and booped her snout, making her scrunch up her nose and smile big, which MK copied, just as they came to another crosswalk that was thankfully green, and then it was “restaurant, sweet restaurant”. 
“Look, Li Na! It’s the best restaurant in all of China,” MK grinned as he fished out the keys from the bag, meanwhile, Pigsy soaked in the quiet warm feeling of seeing his third biggest pride and joy in person again after four months away. Of course, it also brought back memories of the absolute pain and terror he felt when last there, but there was also plenty of joy and love, so Pigsy was doing just fine. 
As was MK, evidently, as he lifted the security shield and flicked the lights on with delight before zipping to punch in the alarm code at a pace physically impossible for the old chef. Instead, Pigsy took his time letting all the memories soak in (though was certainly thankful all of the… “mess” had been cleaned shortly after going to the hospital). 
“Ahhh, it’s good to be back Pigsy.” MK came out from the back with a grin. “So, what’re we going to make? We gonna go for the longest noodle record again? Ooo– wait! What about the thickest noodle?! You haven’t done that yet, have you?” MK’s more manic energy came out yet again. 
“Woah kiddo, let’s settle down a bit first, alright?” Pigsy said lightheartedly. 
“Ahhh, c’mon! It’s why we came here! Revisit some memories, get cooking, and have a totally cool and awesome time for Li Na’s first visit– er… I guess first ‘return’ to the restaurant since she was born here.” MK tapped his chin. 
“Right, yeah, that’s true, but– I mean– there’s also– you know–” Pigsy hesitated again, cursing himself for stumbling over his words again. 
MK tilted his head. “You feeling okay, Pigsy?” 
“Are you?” Pigsy immediately snarked back, though immediately wished he hadn’t (the cursing in his head growing louder). 
MK’s eyes glanced around the restaurant as he slowly made his way to the bar and sat on a stool before picking at the grout. “I-I mean– I’m okay, if that’s what you’re asking. I-I just–...” 
Pigsy blinked, surprised his screw-up wasn’t backfiring. Scared he’d find a way to ruin it though, he quietly and carefully approached the bar, giving MK an analytic up and down. 
MK glanced his way, noticing the look and shrinking down. “I… I can’t sleep. Every time I do, I-I just– I-I–” The kid suddenly froze, eyes glazed over with a distant look of shame and terror before he desperately tried shaking it away. 
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay– stay with me, kiddo,” Pigsy tried his best to soothe, placing a free hand on MK’s shoulder and squeezing it tight. He could feel MK wanting to resist, but Pigsy held on tight, and eventually his son leaned into his shoulder. 
“I-I’m so tired, Dad. I just wanna sleep, but– I-I have to keep working– I have to keep training, I have to.” MK sniffled. 
“MK, it’s okay to take breaks sometimes,” Pigsy urged, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and giving them a squeeze. 
MK shook his head. “E-even if I didn’t need to, I still can’t– it just doesn’t stop…” 
Pigsy nodded slowly, not entirely surprised he was finally displaying symptoms of PTSD, or whatever Sandy called it– dammit, it really should be Sandy instead of him– why did Pigsy think he could do this on his own? Always so stupid–
No. If MK needed help getting to sleep, Pigsy knew how to get him to sleep– just use the same trick from when he was a kid. And who knows? Maybe with some luck, Pigsy could get a meaningful lesson in there too. 
He could do this. He just needed to listen to his gut. 
“I’m sorry sleep’s skipping out on you, kid,” the chef started, giving him another squeeze. “But since we’re all up and here, why don’t we give Li Na her first cooking lesson?” 
A light sparked in MK’s eyes. “Really? You want me to help?” 
“‘Course I do. You’ve run this place on your own a few times already, and she needs to know all the tips and tricks.” Pigsy winked, going behind the bar. “Although the dish we’re making tonight ain’t on the menu.” 
“Huh? Why?” MK tilted his head and followed. 
Pigsy shrugged. “Consider it a ‘double lesson’.” 
“Ooo! Like a noodle master and his proteges,” MK grinned again.
“Sure,” Pigsy snorted, finding his old cook book and flipping to the particular Lanzhou Beef Noodle Soup recipe he had in mind. 
“You sure Li Na’s gonna be able to stay awake for the whole lesson though? She’s already looking so sleepy to me,” MK cooed over the somewhat droopy-looking infant. 
Pigsy chuckled, patting her head again. “She’ll be just fine; us Zhu’s can practically cook in our sleep.” 
“I made instant ramen once in my sleep, does that count?” MK joked. 
As much as Pigsy hated that garbage, he nodded sagely. “No doubt about it.” 
That seemed to strike MK, as his joking smile twisted in surprise, before he shook himself out of it. 
“R-right– well, um– I’ll get started on the dough,” MK forced a more casual smile before zipping off to the back again. 
Pigsy bit his cheek, looking down at Li Na and silently wondering if that all was a good sign or not. The infant just blinked and smiled back tiredly. 
“You know, you’re a lot like your brother when he was a kid,” Pigsy smiled tiredly and kissed her forehead. She cooed a tired response before nuzzling her face into Pigsy's chest. 
Shortly after she did, MK came out from the back with all the stuff needed to make the noodles piled high in his arms. He managed to set it down just fine though; probably due to the kid’s super strength. 
“Alright, I’ll get started on the dough if you get started on the chicken and beef?” Pigsy proposed. 
“On it.” MK grinned, and Pigsy hummed happily as the two of them got to work. 
Pigsy immediately started talking Li Na through the process of making noodles, despite her immediately falling asleep at the likely familiar sounds of sizzling meat and boiling pots. MK of course chimed in whenever he could, whether with a joke or with how he liked to do it versus how Pigsy did it. A part of Pigsy wondered if the kid knew his sister was asleep, but even if he didn’t, Pigsy wouldn’t dare say a word. After all, he was having fun, and that plus the sleep he’d get tonight would make him start feeling better in no time. Not completely fixed, of course, but better. And MK needed better. 
It was dark out by the time they were wrapping everything up, and while MK was babbling about this one customer he had to serve, Li Na was starting to stir once again. Pigsy immediately started to sway as he stirred to try and keep her wake-up calm so MK wouldn’t worry, but babies are babies and soon enough a cry broke out. 
“Seriously! A whole avocado! Who doe– Li Na–!” MK dropped everything to run to his dad’s side. “Is she okay? What’s wrong?” 
“She’s okay, she’s okay, she just woke up from her little bed time nap, didn’t you?” Pigsy tried assuring the both of them, but Li Na must’ve been tired of the carrier as she started wriggling in frustration. 
“Okay, okay, I hear you kiddo, just hold on a sec, okay?” Pigsy told her before looking at MK. “How’s about you do the finishing touches and I get her settled, alright?” 
“O-Okay, yeah, I-I can manage.” MK chewed his cheek but tried to smile. 
“Everything’s under control. Don't worry, MK.” Pigsy placed a hand on his arm again and gave it a squeeze. 
“Right, yeah. On it, boss.” MK nodded to himself and went to the pot, giving Pigsy enough confidence to make his way to the bar where he finally freed his agitated piglet from her prison. 
“There you go, it's okay, you're okay,” Pigsy shushed, carefully holding her in one arm and setting the carrier down with the other. 
Li Na still continued to fuss though, threatening to wail as she kicked and failed her arms. Pigsy bit his cheek, trying to rock her but she kept trying to push him away. 
“Kid, it's okay, I'm just trying to help you, just let me help you,” Pigsy pleaded with her, trying to bring her back to his chest but that only made her angrier as the wailing began. 
Pigsy winced, trying to rock her instead, but that wasn't working either. She just kept crying and crying and crying, her face turning bright red and scrunched up. He tried digging through the diaper bag for something to help, but with how much squirming she was doing it was hard to be efficient with one arm. 
“C'mon, it's okay, you're okay,” the chef whispered, desperate to not stress MK out even more than he already was. 
God, this was such a mess. Sandy would've had it all figured out by now– he could read Li Na like a book, and he could help MK actually talk about his feelings. All Pigsy could do was bury his own feelings deep down and hope his kids didn't do the same. No wonder MK was like this, Pigsy was an exhausted mess too– he couldn't help anyone like this– he–
“Here, I got her formula for you.” MK suddenly appeared in front of Pigsy with a bottle in hand, startling the chef who needed a moment to comprehend. 
“I– uh– thank you,” Pigsy took it with hesitation, unsure if it would work. However, the second the bottle reached the infant's lips she started chugging away. 
Pigsy cursed himself internally for not even considering that could be the issue. 
“Thanks, kid. How'd you know?” Pigsy asked tiredly. 
MK shrugged. “She had that kinda clicky sound when she cried, and she only does that when she's hungry. I think it's because her tongue is in position for the bottle or something, I dunno.”
“Oh, yeah, I– uh– I guess she does,” Pigsy looked at her, shame weighing heavy in his chest. 
“A-anyways– um– soups on,” MK gave a big nervous smile.
“Right, yeah. Back to our cooking lesson,” Pigsy forced a weak one back. 
Taking a breath to ground himself, Pigsy got up and started making his way back to the counter. “You see, Li Na, the thing about good food is when you make it just right– the flavor, the feelin’– it all just comes rushing back to you,” Pigsy couldn't help but smile a little, thinking back to the last time he held MK in his arms in this very kitchen. If you do it just right, Li Na, it's more than ‘just food’, you know what I'm saying?” Pigsy looked at MK too. 
“Right! Yeah, Li Na, follow the recipe and it'll all be good,” MK patted his sister's head. 
“Oh– well– no, I, um–” Pigsy glanced at the noodle dish, when he realized MK– if he was following the directions to a tee as he claimed– missed an ingredient, and did a taste test to confirm. 
“Hmm… it's missin’ somethin’.... but what?” He teased his son a little, and panic quickly entered his eyes. 
“Wh-what?! But I followed the recipe perfectly, right?” MK went to flip through the cookbook before Pigsy rolled his eyes and let him have his own taste. 
Thankfully, that snapped MK out of fight-or-flight as he tasted it for a second before it must've clicked in his mind. He instantly stood upright and reached for the soy sauce. 
“Ahhh,” Pigsy winked encouragingly. “See kid, it's not always about following the recipe like it's written; sometimes you gotta feel it.” The chef smiled softly at the piglet as MK got bowls down and poured servings for the two of them. “And when you do, it becomes more than just food: it's home.”
“Oughhhh, it's so good,” MK laughed, tiredly picking the bowl up like he was talking to it. “Wish Li Na could try some, man, it's delicious.”
Pigsy chuckled, noticing Li Na was done with her bottle and quickly moved to start burping her, towel already on his shoulder. “Can't say I'm surprised. When I found– er– when you–... when you were a kid, this was your favorite.” He smiled tiredly at the memory, thinking back to the scrapbook. “I don't know when you stopped likin’ it so much, but–... but it always helped you sleep, so I figured–” 
A soft thud of MK resting his head against the bar, next to his bowl, made the chef chuckle. “Still works.” 
MK mumbled something in his sleep, and Pigsy rubbed a hand across his back until a small smile crept on his son's face. 
“Now for the hard part.” He cringed, thinking how he'd now have to carry both of his kids up the stairs to MK's room. 
Welp. He had no one but himself to blame, so may as well get to it. 
Pigsy worked quickly and efficiently, making sure Li Na was 100% satisfied and ready to go back in the carrier before he set it to “backpack mode” and placed her in. After that, he mentally prepared himself for how much his back was going to hurt in the morning, before scooping up his sleeping son and throwing him over his shoulder, trying his best to make sure no part of him was hitting Li Na. 
Immediately, Pigsy knew this was a stupid idea and that he should just text Sandy or Tang to come over to help. Instead, Pigsy stubbornly trudged up the stairs and into MK's apartment before all but dropping him onto the bed, before he too practically collapsed and sat. 
“You know… that… was a lot easier when you were little, kiddo.” Pigsy snorted. 
MK didn't respond in the slightest, those noodles really knocking the living daylights out of him. It was good to finally see him relax and hopefully, with time, the dark circles around his eyes could disappear. 
“Sorry I had to kinda trick you into sleeping, kiddo, but it's for your own good. You need to take care of yourself before you try and take care of me and your sister,” Pigsy chuckled a little as he heard Li Na coo behind him. 
“Oh yeah, your brother's a real hard worker, missy. He needs his rest so we can't be staying long,” he told the infant, though wasn't really motivated to move. 
He watched as MK's chest slowly raised and fell, over and over and over again in a rhythm that finally made Pigsy's own tense shoulders relax. He chuckled to himself as he instinctively reached and brushed his son's hair out of his eyes.
“I don't know how I ended up with you, but… I'm so glad I did,” he whispered. “I love you, son. Get some rest.”
Pigsy sat there for a while, softly stroking his son’s face and humming a lullaby out of habit. It seemed to help his son relax even more, a smile creeping on his resting face, making Pigsy feel like his heart could burst with pride and love. However, the chef knew he couldn’t stay forever, and so after finishing the song, he stood and turned off MK’s lights and left him to do as he was told.
Once outside, he let out a heavy, exhausted breath before going back to the restaurant where he took off the carrier and rearranged it to be front-facing once more. 
“You have fun with your cooking lesson, kiddo?” Pigsy asked, adjusting the straps. 
Li Na had no response, of course. Instead, she just watched her dad with big, curious eyes as he started gathering up all the baby supplies. 
“Glad you liked it cuz there's plenty more where that came from,” he teased and slung the bag over his shoulder before he looked at all the bowls and food still out. 
“Looks like we're coming back tomorrow anyways because I do not have the energy to clean all this up.” He snorted, which Li Na tried to copy. 
Pigsy chuckled. “Nice one, kid. Now let's get you home.” 
Li Na again attempted to snort, which Pigsy took as tired acceptance, so the two of them left the restaurant and headed homeward. 
Despite Li Na waking up every two to three hours for food and changing, Pigsy actually felt somewhat at peace knowing his son was finally getting some rest. On top of that, Sandy was finally taking a day off as well, working on a “personal project” since it was Saturday. Tang didn't have work too, meaning he was home and relaxing as well. The only one not relaxing was Li Na, but she was still getting the hang of the “existing” thing, so it was fine. Besides, she was getting good at sleeping (much better than the previous three months), so he was relieved and proud nonetheless. 
“You know, call me crazy, but I feel like we're actually starting to get the hang of this whole ‘baby parenting’ thing,” Tang joked, lifting Li Na in the air while he sat on the couch, making her squeal in delight. 
“Compared to how we handled MK? Definitely,” Pigsy agreed as he repacked the diaper bag so they could go back and clean the restaurant.
“Oh, c'mon hon, that's not fair– he snuck up on us,” Tang pointed out, putting Li Naback down. 
“Literally,” the chef snarked. 
Tang rolled his eyes. “I don't know, I don't think we were terrible or anything– he's still alive, isn't he?” 
“By a miracle.” Pigsy shook his head. “I still remember the beach incident.”
“Hey! That wasn't my fault! And in my defense, he's probably literally made of stone! And it's not like he was drowning or anything, I just–” The scholar got all red and flustered, making his daughter giggle. “You mock my pain, Li-Li.”
“Clever girl,” Pigsy smirked as his husband shot a dirty look. 
“Well, if she's going to be like that then she doesn't get any more upies.” Tang stuck his nose up and Li Na's face fell. 
“Tang…” Pigsy cautioned, noticing her face already beginning to twist and redden for a cry. 
Tang looked back and noticed too, before immediately correcting his error and lifting her back into the air. “It's a good thing I'm not though, because you're such a cutie! Yes you are! Yes you are!” he said, lowering to kiss her cheek before raising her again and again. 
Pigsy smirked and shook his head. “You're such a sap.”
“You are too! Yes he is, yes he is!” Tang fought back without stopping his little game. 
The chef rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I'm all packed, we good to go now?” 
“You know, I don't understand the purpose of taking MK all the way to the restaurant when you could've just made him food here,” Tang quipped, standing up and cradling his daughter, who was slightly less upset than before that their game had ended (though she did reach up at him with excited arms). 
“It was for the lesson! Plus, kid needed to sleep in his own bed so he wouldn't be woken up by Li Na for once,” Pigsy pointed out, getting the carrier ready for Tang. 
“You just wanted to check up on the place again, didn't you?” Tang raised a playful eyebrow. 
“And if I did?” Pigsy dared his husband to question him as he handed the carrier off
Tang chuckled, kissing Pigsy's cheek as they swapped Li Na. “Big sap.” 
“Oy,” Pigsy rolled his eyes yet again, bouncing Li Na a little as he did. “Can't a man have some peace in his own home?” 
“I think even you should know by now the answer to that is ‘no’,” Tang snarked, clicking all the buckles. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get a move on.” Pigsy placed her in the carrier with her chest against Tang's, and this time Tang kissed him on the lips. 
“Maybe you can whip me up a bowl of noodles while we're there too, hm?” he teased, his fingers tracing up Pigsy's shoulders flirtatiously. 
“Freeloader,” Pigsy scoffed. 
“My darling husband.” Tang batted his eyelashes. 
“Yeah, yeah, let's try and get going before sundown,” Pigsy stopped the banter before they got too carried away, and so the couple (+ baby) headed downtown. 
Of course, the walk wasn’t long since it was just the three blocks, but “somehow” Tang’s ankles were already hurting, so he “rested” by the bar and played with Li Na while Pigsy started cleaning on his own. 
“You know, I’m kinda surprised you’ve been handling the whole ‘stay at home dad’ thing so well so far– I really thought by now you’d be itching to just open this place again– or at least be writhing with envy at the fact that Golden Hog’s open right now,” Tang pointed out, eyeing the window of the rival restaurant across the street. 
“It’s nice to know you have confidence in me,” Pigsy huffed, scrubbing off some sauce from a bowl. 
“Oh, come on– I’m allowed to make comments based on years of observation and learning now, aren’t I? Besides, it’s a compliment. You’re doing well,” Tang gave a small smile. 
Pigsy just hummed a little, continuing his work. 
“Then again, when you get to spend almost all day every day with this lil’ cutie, I can see why,” Tang scrunched his nose and took Li Na out of the carrier to cradle and bounce her. 
“Yep, she’s my favorite little freeloader,” the chef teased, setting the dish on the drying rack. 
Tang gasped in offense. “I’m wounded, Pigsy. You’ve wounded me.” 
“Take it up with the baby, I’m sure she’d love to hear why you’re better than her.” Pigsy waved off, grabbing some more pots and spoons to clean. 
“...Am I at least your favorite big freeloader?” Tang asked cautiously. 
Pigsy laughed. “You’re ridiculous.” 
“Wow. You did it. You wounded me again,” Tang sighed dramatically, which made Li Na laugh and reach at his scarf with excitement. “How can you live with yourself?” 
“Knowing that this is payback for all of the many, many noodles I've cooked over the years,” Pigsy gave his husband a wink. 
Tang stuttered to think of a comeback, but didn't manage to get one out before there was a loud squealing of tires outside and someone burst through the bamboo flap. 
“Heyo my favorite-set-of-dads and niece-y! How's it hanging?” Mei grinned wide as she took off her motorcycle helmet. 
“Mei! It's so good to see you,” Tang practically jumped to hug her with one arm. 
“Yeah! What're you guys even doing here though? Aren't you staying closed for another two months?” Mei looked to the chef. 
“I'm cleaning up from an impromptu late night meal I made last night for MK,” Pigsy explained casually. 
“Oh, sick! He doing okay?” she asked, pulling up a stool next to where Tang sat again. 
Pigsy's shoulders tensed a little before he shrugged. “He's resting now.” 
“Oh, that's good. I noticed him being wayyyy more active on my late-night streams than he normally does. That's good.” Her eyes wandered back to the little four-month-old. “Omg–! Is this Li Na's first outing? That's so cool! I gotta take a photo!” 
Pigsy paused. “Ah– well– actually she was with me last night–” 
“Shushhushhushhushshhhh–  I'm taking photos.” Mei grinned, taking out her phone and snapping picture after picture of Li Na looking at her with her head tilted in confusion and curiosity. 
Pigsy couldn't help but laugh and shake his head, putting the last few dishes on the drying rack before taking out one of his bigger pots and boiling water yet again. 
Mei perked up. “Ooo, you cooking for Li Na too? That's so cute!” 
“Nah, this is just to satisfy the freeloader, since Li Na's too young,” Pigsy sighed dramatically. 
“Ah, right, can't make her sick in the tum-tum, got it.” Mei nodded wisely. “Though– uh– can that be for two freeloaders?” she asked, batting her eyelashes. 
“You people are gonna be the death of me.” Pigsy shook his head as if he wasn't already planning to. 
“Teehee,” Mei giggled, making Li Na giggle too. “Ough, she's just too cute! How do you people get anything done around her?!” Mei booped her snout. 
“Lots of practice,” Tang laughed, offering to let Mei hold her, which she immediately accepted. 
“Well, call me untrained because all I wanna do is play with this cutie patootie, yes I do, yes I do,” Mei grinned wide as she tickled Li Na with one hand, filling the restaurant with piglet squeals. 
Pigsy couldn't help but smile as the restaurant came to life with cooking, chatter, and laughter as Tang and Mei caught up while keeping the piglet entertained. He could actually relax when it was like this, when he knew exactly where all his loved ones were and that they were safe and happy. He loved feeling like he could provide for them– that he could watch over and protect them. It was something of a scarce feeling these days, so Pigsy would soak it up while he could. 
Pigsy was about half way through cooking a massive pot of zha jiang noodle soup, when there was a massive truck that parked just outside. At first, Pigsy worried that the delivery company forgot the restaurant was closed, but one glance outside revealed it was just Sandy with his new pet project. 
“OMG! Sandy! And Mo!!!!! Hi Mo!!!!!” Mei ran out the door and waved, piglet still in arm and squinting and squirming at the sudden sunlight. 
“Mei, don't run off with her,” Pigsy cautioned, not taking his eyes off of the bamboo he was slicing. 
Thankfully, she heeded the warning, as Sandy came to them instead of vice versa. 
“Wow! Nice surprise seeing you all here.” Sandy smiled big, Mo perched on his shoulder. “What's the occasion?” 
“Clean up turned late lunch hangout,” Pigsy explained, adding the vegetables to the pot. 
“And here I thought maybe you'd actually take a day to relax,” Sandy teased. 
Mei laughed, sitting back down on her stool. “This is Piggy we're talking about– he wouldn't know relaxation if it hit him in the head.”
Pigsy scoffed, but let the insults come. He didn't feel like explaining the nuances of his hobby, and was perfectly content knowing they were having a good time trying to roast him anyway– or at least Mei was. Sandy and Tang moreso just laughed along. As for Li Na, she reached and grasped at Mei's jacket while oinking here and there before she started to grow tired. 
By the time soup was up, Pigsy recognized she was on the verge of getting cranky, and so ordered Tang to take her before serving up everyone's meals. 
“Wow, Pigsy, are you psychic or something? How'd you know to make enough for Sandy too?” Mei asked before eating a spoonful. 
Pigsy shrugged. “I always make more than enough because I know a certain freeloader is gonna ask for more.” He shot Tang a dramatic look, to which his husband grinned. “Besides, I wanted to make enough for MK too in case he heard all the noise and decided to come down.”
“Oh yeah, he must be real conked out right now, huh?” Mei spat out bits of sauce. 
“Must be.” Pigsy shrugged and handed her a napkin. “I should probably check on him soon.”
“Ah, MK's fine, Pigsy. He's just a very sleep-deprived adult. If he's resting, I say let him,” Tang waved off. 
“Yeah, yeah, you're right, I'm just being paranoid,” Pigsy let out a tired sigh. “I think I'm in need of some sleep too.”
Sandy smiled at him pitifully. “I can help out at night too, you know.” 
“Bah, you got your trucks and boats to work on,” Pigsy waved off and Mei immediately snickered. 
“That's our Pigsy, ladies and gentlemen,” She clapped with a shit-eating grin. 
“I can and will charge you for that bowl, Miss Dragon Heiress.” Pigsy squinted at her. 
Mei squinted right back but said nothing, eating more. 
Pigsy ate in smug satisfaction. 
The “late lunch” ended up lasting hours, the gang all laughing and talking and taking care of Li Na and feeling normal together. Pigsy hadn't realized just how isolated and disconnected he felt being locked up in his apartment all day every day, but now that he was here it was like a breath of fresh air. If Pigsy could find a way to capture the moment in a bottle for him to access whenever, he would. 
However, the longer it went on, the more… off Pigsy felt. Despite Sandy and Tang's assurances, he couldn't help but worry why MK hadn't wandered his way down yet. It was true MK had slept an entire 24 hours before, but something deep in Pigsy's gut told him something wasn't right. He tried to ignore it, especially whenever Li Na needed him, but it continued to nag at the back of his mind even as the conversation went outside to Sandy's new truck. 
“OMG!!! It looks just like Mo! That's so cute, Sandy!” Mei admired the headlights and grill. 
“My little guy does so much for me, it's the least I can do for him,” Sandy smiled softly, giving the cat a nice scratch on the chin. 
Pigsy thought it was corny, but knew not to say anything. Instead, he kept on wiping down the counter near the outdoor bar, where Tang was eating his third bowl and wearing Li Na in the carrier. 
“Omg-!! Is that a little kitty cat-patterned car seat?! That's so cute! We gotta get Li Na in it!” Mei beamed excitedly into the vehicle's windows. 
Pigsy looked at the time. “Maybe later kiddo, we gotta start wrapping up soon.” 
“Awww, I don't wanna go home. Home is lame and I want more delicious noodlessss,” Mei whined. 
“I have some leftovers if you want em,” Pigsy offered, and Mei immediately grinned. 
“Man, Dadsy, you're the best,” She gave an enthusiastic thumbs up. He responded with his own tired one that made Tang chuckle. 
“You sure Li Na's our first daughter?” Tang smirked. 
“Yeah, shut up.” Pigsy scrubbed harder to avoid the stupid look on his stupid husband's stupid face. 
“You know, I got a feeling that this baby is built to last.” Sandy patted his handy work, andthat sense of unease in Pigsy went into complete overdrive right before a sword fell from the sky and right onto Sandy's truck before three louder crashes destroyed the carrier. 
As if almost triggering a heart attack from the sheer volume and damage alone weren't enough, Pigsy could make out the familiar groans of pain from MK, making his heart sink into his stomach. 
“MK?! What– are you okay?! What just happened?! Pigsy exclaimed, rushing out of the restaurant. 
“Aha– we have to go.” MK hopped up just fine, though had a look of extreme panic on his face. 
“Does that have anything to do with the fact that the ominous cracks are back in the sky?” Tang questioned, pointing up. 
Oh god…
“It's okay! We got a plan!” Sun Wukong smiled and patted MK's back like it was no big deal (as per usual). 
“Oh, do we, huh? We don’t even know if these magical pillar healing stones are real,” Macaque bit back, filling Pigsy with rage towards the Monkey King for the millionth time, especially when he realized all the noise had woken Li Na from her nap and she was starting to wail. Tang was handling it, of course, but it still was enough to make the elder pig demon growl. 
“W-what if going after the stones is just another tricky plan by tricky plan demon– like this is exactly what they want? Wh–... what if we really just are chaos..?” MK paced with anxiety, and Pigsy wanted nothing more than to put a hand on his shoulder and tell him that whatever he was talking about, it was okay and they'd be fine. 
However, Wukong beat him to it. “Listen bud, the only thing I know for sure is I don't trust anyone who isn't standing right here, right now.” He looked around the street, making Pigsy feel slightly bad for getting so angry at him.
“If those stones are important,” Wukong continued, “then the safest place for them to be is with us.” 
“Uh… what?” Pigsy finally got the chance to ask just as a bunch of sigils appeared in the sky. 
“It feels like we're still missing something important here,” Tang pointed out, looking at the sky while he tried patting Li Na's back to soothe her. 
“Oh– Yeah! We're– uh– sorta on the run from the celestial realm,” MK confessed, scratching his neck. 
“I'm sorry– what?!” Pigsy exclaimed. 
“I-I can explain, but we really gotta get going,” MK urged. 
“What?! But what about Li Na? She's only four months old!” Tang added, the parents sharing a worried look. 
“Yeah, well too bad, she's an accomplice now, so let’s get a move on,” MK urged, and terror settled in its usual spot in Pigsy's stomach. Just then, celestial soldiers teleported down all around them in pillars of light, armed and ready for battle. 
“Yep–! Go now, people! Now, now!” MK laughed nervously, grabbing Mei's arm as he looked for an exit. 
“Yeah, you probably shouldn't have messed up Sandy's fancy-schmancy new truck,” Mei pointed to the wreckage, which MK seemed to just now notice. 
“Oh-! A truck! Yes, I can make one,” MK quickly decided, twirling his staff around before he hit the ground. It caused a blast that thankfully pushed away the celestial armies while also making the remains of the truck turn into a proper and overcomplicated getaway vehicle. 
“Okay-! Everybody in!” MK called, looking around as the soldiers readied to fight again. 
Pigsy froze momentarily, unsure of who to help or how, when Tang grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the truck, his other hand covering Li Na's head. 
Right– yes, Li Na was here– Li Na was in danger– MK could handle himself, but Li Na was just a baby– he'd be okay, MK would be okay, Li Na would not, not if he froze– not if he–
“Pigsy, come on,” Tang urged at the open door and Pigsy snapped out of his spiral to quickly shuffle inside, taking Li Na out of the carrier and into the car seat MK had thankfully thought to include just as Wukong let out a painful cry somehow louder than Li Na's. 
“What on earth is going on around here?” Pigsy muttered, digging through the diaper bag for Li Na's blanket while Tang tried patting her chest to keep her calm. 
“If the sky cracks are back, it can't be anything good.” Sandy gave his friend a somewhat grim look through the rear-view mirror. 
“Great, okay, good, just great.” Tang’s eyes started twitching. “And here I thought maybe everything was okay for once and that we were having a good time but nope! No peace in this family, no siree, we’re monster magnets and we’re never going to know peace a day in our lives until we die and–” His rant was interrupted by Wukong and MK suddenly falling into the truck from a shadow portal.
The second they were in, Sandy shifted the vehicle into gear and floored it on out of there, MK sticking his head out of the window to look back at whatever fight was still happening with Macaque. 
“H-He’ll make it out of there, right?” He looked at Wukong, whose eyes were distant with shock. “He always gets away… right?” 
The king didn’t seem capable of answering. 
“I’m sure he’ll be okay, kid. Macaque’s a tough one,” Pigsy tried to comfort, though was distracted by Li Na still wailing. 
“R-right, yeah, he’ll–...” MK again glanced at his mentor, before just falling back into his seat and hanging his head back. 
The kid somehow looked even more exhausted than before. 
Pigsy finally found the quilt Sandy made for Li Na and gave it to her, stroking her cheek gently twice to maximize her comfort. After a bit of that, she was able to stop her shrieking, which was only a slight relief to all other passengers as now the car had a tense atmosphere of uncertainty and pain no one knew how to address. 
Pigsy wasn’t surprised when Tang suddenly held his hand, and he gave it the strongest squeeze he could before reaching and placing a hand on MK’s shoulder, squeezing it too. 
“We’ll figure this out, kid, I promise.” Pigsy forced a weak, but hopefully encouraging smile. 
MK sniffled and put a hand over Pigsy’s. “God, I hope so.” 
“Hey now, there’s nothin’ we can’t figure out as a team, alright? We got this,” the chef insisted, trying to sway both MK and himself as he did. 
“Right… right, yeah, we got this… together?” MK smiled. 
Pigsy nodded. “Together.” 
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tesnuzzik · 4 months
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The small bronze guiding bird <3
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br3adtoasty · 2 years
Youssef O’Toodles
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Template by @piraticusdorm
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
Japanese ユセフ・オトゥードル
Twisted From Toodles (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
Voiceclaim Rie Takahashi
Gender Non-binary (they/he/she)
Sexuality Unlabeled, but definitely not straight
Age 18
Homeland ???
Family Father, Grandmother
School Year First
Class 1A
Club Carpentry Club
Best Subject PE
Dominant Hand Ambidextrous
Favorite Food Meshabek, Hotdogs
Least Favorite Food None
Dislike People with no imagination
Hobby Roller-skating, playing in playgrounds (you’re never too old!)
Magical Item: A Tool for Later!
A set of magically enchanted bag and cardigan. Any item or material, usually tools, can be pulled out from the many pockets they have, but only for 4 times per day. The bag seems to also have an unlimited space for storage. Though, they can only be utilized by Youssef themself. So don’t ever think about stealing them, ok?!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
A magicless student from another world. One day Youssef found themself waking up in Night Raven College with almost no memory of their life prior. But with the handcrafted bag and cardigan his grandmother gifted to him, Youssef is set on enjoying her time in this twisted world and whatever it has to offer as much as possible.
Known for his incredible skills at problem-solving and repairing things. It is said that if you shout the name ‘O’Toodles’ once or twice, Youssef will come rolling in on his wheels in a matter of seconds, with no regards to the location. On the roof, in the air, underwater, even in your private quarters, you name it! Whatever you have problems with, they’re always there to help.
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wexhappyxfew · 1 month
carrie achterberg, you are just so me! to the highest degree! eldest daughter and sibling who not only bottled up emotion but tried to forget about them! so stubborn, a nail wouldn't even dare budge! if someone's trying to help her she says she's got it, she's good, she can handle this herself! and if james douglass admits his feelings for her, she'll act like it is the farthest thing that there is from the truth! at all times!
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yuco-the-alien116 · 1 year
Day 1: Comfort
Parky noms Mac to help her relax and calm down after a crying fit.
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Parky belongs to @grandthefoxdelusion and Mac is my persona!
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palilious · 1 year
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bonks my ghost to let him know that he's doing a good job
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just some guy. and his emotional support vanilla latte. trying to survive the horrors (day time job)
taglist (reply/dm to be added/removed):
@spaceratprodigy @solstheimtxt @babylon5 @terendelev @velocitic @reaperkiller @devilbrakers @edgepunk @yrlietlanaevyss @honeylemony @wavebf @vvanessaives @the-lastcall @katsigian @primonizzutto @hiddenbeks
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naurasweetarudesu · 9 months
Everytime someone give Sri pats on the head, her will to live increased by 15%
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donotenter505 · 2 months
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Seeking comfort
Too many things have happened lately, i need a hug. But i dont have anyone to hug. So i draw my OCs hugging (gotta make them a character sheet fr).
Im gonna wait until i find someone to hug (im lonely asf)
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