#come baaaaaaaaaaack
graciereadshannigram · 3 months
so which one of you fellow fannibals ran up to me at pride, yelled how much you loved my "cannibals want me, fish fear me" cap, and then just ran away before we could be friends?????
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lorillee · 3 months
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elizaaarts · 9 months
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The Mirrors House... Doesn't this sound familiar? Yes, that villain is coming. HAHAHAHA.
Hi guys, I'm back! UFF It was almost 4 months without my comics and 6 months of pure suffering between me and college, but luckily... it all ended. Well, the next part will be out in 1 or 2 weeks, now I want to rest a little :]
COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK, LIKE, SHARE!! So I know what you want and I can keep posting. I want to see if the fandom is still good! 👉👈
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nessieartss · 5 months
Yuuji [ugly crying]: PUT IT BAAAAAAAAAAACK
Sukuna laughs until his tummy aches but then decides never to prank Yuuji like this again bc Yuuji was legit so distressed. After this Yuuji spend the entire afternoon hugging Sukuna and crying. “How did you even find out you could do this?” 😭😭. Sukuna sighs
Poor big bro yuuji he was so traumatized for the rest of the week 😭😭 bet he would ask kaori and jin if sukuna is really their kid cuz no way he could do that and still function normally
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ntls-24722 · 6 months
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ebiuxxxx · 6 months
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- after a long time of ignoring the fact that i have this acc i decided to come baaaaaaaaaaack !!!
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- sadly Louis won't be here with me anymore:( he has lost motivation to edit and i'll be the only one in charge of this acc now on:(((
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writingmaneskin · 1 year
Handwritten - An Ethan Torchio Story || Chapter Six
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Pairings: Ethan Torchio x OC Character
Summary: Words are magic and when one author pours their heart and soul into something, the Universe just…answers.
Words: 2024
A/N: Tell a friend to tell a friend, we're baaaaaaaaaaack.
kofi || taglist || ask away
The bed was warm and the body sleeping next to her made her feel like it was all a dream. A dream that she didn't want to wake up from. 
Ethan was next to her, his arm draped around her middle, sleeping peacefully, his hair slightly messy from the sleep.
Aurora took a moment to watch him. Counting her blessings one by one. He was there, the man that with each passing second she fell more and more for. Holding her, taking care of her. 
She touched his face very gently, with the tips of her fingers, wishing she could get the courage to kiss him just as gently as to not wake him.
The grip on her tightened only slightly and he smiled sleepily.
She kept tracing his features very gently.
"Why are you up so early?" He opened one eye, squinting at the light.
"I need to go." Aurora pressed a kiss to his jaw.
"Noooooo." He pouted, looking so cute that she felt like she could implode.
"Yes, I have an appointment I need to go to. You go back to sleep." She pressed more kisses to his skin, almost like she was committing it all to memory.
"You are making it very difficult to let you go." He pulled her closer and smiled sleepily. 
"I hate that I need to go but I really have to go to that appointment." Auri pressed another kiss, this time lower on his neck.
"When will I see you?"
"Hm, later today?" 
"Good, I am really getting used to falling asleep next to you."
"I am getting used to that too." She kissed his cheek.
"You covered me in kisses." The sleepy smile did not leave his face.
"Yes, and now you can sleep for both of us." She pressed another one, this time to his shoulder.
"I will. But you need rest too."
"So I keep hearing." Auri chuckled and rolled out of bed.
"Text me when you can." Ethan mumbled, sleep taking over once again.
"I will." 
Therapy was exhausting but Aurora knew it was worth it. It was worth it because she deserved to heal and move on in her life, she deserved to get better and have a better life than the one she’d left behind.
“You look better than you did last week, Aurora.” Lucia commented.
“Thank you. I slept really well last night.” 
“That’s positive news. So, what would you like to talk about today?” 
Auri took a deep breath, trying to sift through the thoughts that had been in the back of her mind for the past week.
“My birthday is coming up and I am terrified.” 
“What makes you feel that way?
“It was only the past two years that I got my birthday to be about me and not about other people’s feelings and wishes. Now that I got the courage to start over and be here, I am scared that old feelings of unease and anxiety, and quite frankly pain, might resurface and ruin the day.”
“How did you get it to be about you only two years ago when it was about you all along?” 
“Rationally I know it was all about me, but I always went along with whatever relatives wanted. The last two years I preferred to spend the day with my closest people instead and do what makes me happy.”
“Were you happy?”
“Yes, but there were always consequences.” 
Lucia took a moment, wanting to phrase her words well.
“That is part of your past and the fact that you made it here means that you were strong enough to fight for yourself. Strong enough to make a better life for yourself. The fact that you acknowledge the past struggles and you are worried about patterns repeating speaks volumes already.” 
One of the corners of Aurora’s mouth lifted.
“I haven’t told my boyfriend about my birthday anxiety.”
“From what I’ve heard about him from you, I am sure he will support you to the best of his abilities.”
“I know he will. I am just scared that the mess that I might turn in might push him away.”
“You shouldn’t make the choice for him. Give him the space to see you for who you are and go from there.” Lucia suggested.
Auri swallowed hard.
“Allow people to celebrate you.” 
She unlocked her phone after therapy and saw the notifications on it, only to lock it again. Her mind was full of Lucia’s words. Things were different now, better. There wasn’t anything to be worried about. Worry still ate away at her. 
She walked through the busy Roman streets, not rushing, trying to clear her head enough so she could maybe work for a little bit once at home.
Her phone buzzed again.
“Are you okay? How was therapy?” It was a text from Ethan that brought a smile to her face.
“I think I am okay, just deep in thought. I have something to tell you (nothing bad, I promise) as soon as we meet up.” 
“I am glad it went well. Do you want me to pick you up?” 
“I am almost at the apartment.” 
“Oh. Okay. Did you eat?”
“I had a chocolate cornetto on the way to therapy but I am too nauseous to eat right now.”
“I could bring you some soup.”
“No, I just need some time to calm down really. It will be fine.” 
“Okay, I am one text away if you need me.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I think I’ll go to the gym for an hour and then meet with Thomas for coffee and then go see my mum.”
“Sounds like a good plan. Have a good day, tesoro.” 
“You too, cara. Text me if you need me.”
Auri caught herself before she could send “i always need you.”  It was too early for that and she didn’t want to push too hard.
“I will.” 
“Don’t drink too much coffee.” 
“I can’t make any promises.” 
Ethan showed up with a bag full of snacks to Thomas’ apartment. He’d freshened up after the gym, gotten snacks and then gone straight to Thomas’ apartment.
“Edgar!” Thomas threw his arms open and hugged him tightly.
Ethan chuckled and hugged his friend.
“You act like we haven’t seen each other in a decade.”
“What’s wrong with me showing you affection?” Thomas chuckled and kissed Ethan’s cheek.
“You’re very perky.”
“I am, life is amazing, how could I not be perky?” Thomas grinned and took the bag.
“I am glad life is treating you well. Does that mean you and Tom are doing well?”
“They are but I am not willing to disclose more at this moment.” Thomas grinned despite using his most formal tone.
“How formal of you.” Ethan chuckled.
“Tom is just…special. I feel like everything is just as it was always meant to be.” Thomas explained as he ripped into a bag of chips.
Ethan looked at him curiously.
“You’re thinking of settling down?”
“And you’re not?” Thomas raised a brow.
Ethan didn’t respond so Thomas pushed on.
“I’ve seen the way you look at Auri.”
Ethan flushed.
“You and Tom are so new.” 
“Don’t change the topic.”
“I am not. I am telling the truth.”
“I lost more than enough time without Tom. I am not going to propose tomorrow but I am also not letting go of Tom anytime soon. Tom is my endgame even if there are bumps along the road.”
Ethan was surprised by his friend’s words. He was happy for him, of course, but he didn’t expect Thomas to be talking about endgames this early in a relationship.
“Are you alright?” Thomas sat down, stretching his legs. 
“I am. Of course, I am. It feels like I am in a bubble of joy.” Ethan affirmed, smiling.
“Good, you and Auri are so cute together.” 
Ethan blushed, making Thomas chuckle.
“How lucky are we, huh Edgar?” Thomas nudged his friend.
Aurora woke up from the nap because someone was at the door. She had fallen asleep with the laptop next to her - she had been writing ever since getting in from the appointment and she hadn’t meant to fall asleep, yet it happened.
With sleep still lingering, she made her way to the door where she found Ethan, bouquet of flowers in hand and his cutest smile on, effectively melting her immediately.
“Hi.” He leaned to give her a kiss.
“Hi.” She kissed back and stepped aside so he could come in.
“Did I just wake you up?”
“Yup, but I had to wake up anyway.” Auri went to hug him as soon as he set down the flowers. 
“You have been working a lot lately.” He put his hand on the back of her head gently.
“Not more than usual. Ideas just keep coming and it would be a shame if I let them slip.”
“It would be a shame if you work yourself to the ground.” 
Auri held him tighter.
“It’s fine. I promise, it’s nothing I am not used to.”
He kissed her again.
“I was thinking of treating my favourite to some cacio e pepe, what do you think?”
“Who is that favourite so we can have some words?” Auri teased.
“You, of course.” Ethan chuckled.
“Cacio e pepe sounds just like the thing I want right now.” 
“Chef Torchio at your service.” Ethan bowed, making Auri giggle.
“Do you want help in the kitchen?” 
“No, just company.” 
“Alright, I will clean up the bedroom and join you in a moment.”
“Were you working from bed?” Ethan asked as soon as Auri came back and put the tech and the notebooks on the desk.
“We should get you an over-the-bed desk, it would lower the chance of something getting knocked over.” 
“Thank you for thinking about this, love.” Auri spoke shyly and he smiled before going over to kiss her again, the term love just making something in his chest swell with joy.
“Of course. Now do you want to talk about what you mentioned earlier that you wanted to tell me?” 
“Oh. Yes! My birthday is coming up and I decided to throw a party!” 
“Your birthday? When?” 
“On the 5th.” Auri smiled.
“Can I do anything to help with the organising?” 
“Well, you can come with me to find a cake.”
“Absolutely. Rehearsals start later this week but I’ll make it work.” 
Auri smiled and took a picture of him at that moment, wanting to freeze the moment in time.
“I’ll light some candles and set the table.” she announced, putting the phone down.
“Amazing. Can I ask something?”
“Of course.”
“Were you scared to tell me about the birthday?”
She froze mid step and looked at him.
“Yes, but because it’s my birthday, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Auri walked over to the candles and took a moment to gather her thoughts.
“My parents used to make my birthday all about them and when I started setting boundaries and actually trying to spend it the way I wanted to, the guilt trips were endless. I have been no contact with my mom for a while now and sometimes it still gets to me that she doesn’t care. And before I stopped communicating with the others, they’d still try to make it about them and said I was being disrespectful. But with time and a whole lot of effort I stopped people pleasing so much and started going after what I wanted.”
“I am proud of you and thank you for sharing with me.”
“Of course.” Auri smiled a bit. 
“You are one of the strongest people I know.” Ethan went to hug her again.
His words brought tears to her eyes. 
“We’ll make sure that your birthday is awesome and if it gets too much, please tell me and I will deal with it, okay?” He tried to reassure her but the tears were still coming. 
“Thank you.”
“I got you.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“I am glad you do. I got you too.”
taglist: @iosonoarina @maneskings, @vita-thrasher, @ethaneskin, @chemical-killjoy, @butkutee, @8iunie, @sunflowerpumpkinpie, @ventvnni, @dpaccione, @elvirabelle, @cuzimitaliano, @daddydamiano, @shehaddreamstoo, @moonlight-simp, @iamtashaquinn, @alexxavicry, @tnu-ree, @bigsimpsimp, @ccweasley, @queendorkula
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pettypendagrass · 1 year
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! (Briefly left for a few months from VLD for other fandoms but im back on my bs)
And now that im here the very first thing I've done is remember your badass angry Hunk fic. I scoured (read: skimmed) your a03 account trying to find that fic and I can't and I have no idea if you even posted it there but alas it was a failure of an endeavor on my part and it is still a need to reread that I cannot shake.
So 2 questions, 1) did you ever post that fic on a03 and I need a good eye exam or do I need to spend a weekend scrolling here and 2) did you ever make more of that incredible idea?? Even if you didn't that's all good, but before I sink my teeth into the content you've made since my fandom departure I felt it prudent to ask.
(Also I deeply hope this fic was even yours to begin with because if it isn't please disregard everything, but also look forward to me reading your new stuff 💙)
omg!! im glad u liked!! i truly think of that fic constantly. i want to write more of it?? like i want to write somethign more lance focused and something with both of them. for lance i want to come up with a backsstory of him, constantly being told he isnt enough academically, socially, athletically, and a million other things. so he turns to the one thing were he IS validated, even if the validation is shitty. i also have some daddy issues planned for him tbh cus hes canonically fatherless. and then i have an actual planned out fight between hunk and lance that i have been itching to write and unable to actually make myself write
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To celebrate my return, here's some little things of Zakiko & the brothers that have been in my gallery for a long time
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(Self explanatory)
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(Age difference stuff)
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(Talks the most compared to the two, but still)
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(Personal little headcanon of mine)
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(The trio in a nutshell)
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(Come on, tell me it isn't them)
Man, does it feel good to be back!
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sparrowsworkshop · 2 years
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Linktober Day 8: Boat / Ship / Vessel. Inspired by the Wind Waker hacking video made by PeanutButterGamer...specifically this part which still makes me laugh to this day ;) But hey, who even needs a boat?
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
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Welcome baaaaaaaaaaack 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 Come come, bring in your cake and your wonderful cats, I have candles and hot, rose-petal bath, and FYI You missed nothing except my desperate longing for you, I'll tell you that for certain 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
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im-no-jedi · 8 months
MLWTBB: This Isn't Goodbye
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Part 12 of the “My Life With The Bad Batch” series, a (mostly) canon compliant self-insert story set in “The Bad Batch”
rated: M warnings: drowning, discussions of sex, implied character death, attempted suicide, implied sex relationships: Hunter/self-insert, Omega & self-insert (adopted siblings), The Bad Batch & self-insert chapter word count: 2100+ words
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
summary: Hannah is confronted by a long-kept secret of hers that she refuses to bring to light. and after the Bad Batch take on a mission that goes horribly wrong, Hannah experiences one of her worst fears imaginable, bringing her to a breaking point of seemingly no return. everything that she’s faced up until this point will culminate into a life-changing moment that will affect the future for her and the group of Clones that she’s adopted as her new family.
notes: I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! apologies for the long hiatus, I was dealing with my mental health last summer and ended up losing all my inspiration to write for a while 😩 but the good news is, I'm on medication now for my anxiety and depression, and coupled with the hype for TBB season 3, MLWTBB is officially back in business! \o/ I actually had most of this chapter written a while ago and only recently finished it up, so I'm excited to finally post it! I foresee my writing muse to stick around for a bit, so look forward to more chapters coming soon!✨ for now though, enjoy the juicy angst I've prepared for all of you 😋
A/N: this story has not been proofread by anyone other than myself. so apologies for any uncaught errors 😬
previous chapter
Chapter 4: Blood Moon, Blazing Sun
Clank’s voice startled Hannah enough to make her jolt. Ever since the Clones had left, she’d been in an even more downcast mood, going so far as to isolate herself on the bench to sulk. How much time had passed with her sitting there slumped over and stuck in a daze?
“Are you feeling alright?” Clank continued speaking in his usual curious tone, but there was clearly some worry mixed in as well.
“I’m… just tired,” Hannah answered with a small sigh. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up at the tall droid and remained in her slumped over state.
Clank let out a concerned hum. “Maybe you should lie down for a bit then. You can’t properly work if you’re tired, you know!”
The attentiveness of her droid made a small smile grow on Hannah’s face. He’d been so sweet from the first moment she’d met him, and it was impossible to not feel at least a little uplifted from his words.
“That’d be nice,” Hannah answered. “But I don’t think I can afford that right now.”
“Nonsense!” Clank reached down and grabbed one of Hannah’s arms to help pull her up to a standing position. “No amount of payment is worth hurting yourself over. I can take care of things here while you rest. That’s what I’m here for, after all!”
Hannah’s already fragile emotional state made her nearly burst into tears from Clank’s words. She gave him an appreciative look and grabbed the sides of his long face to pull him down closer so she could smooch the end of his muzzle. “You’re the sweetest, Clank.”
“D’aww…” Clank scrunched up his shoulders and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
Despite all her refutes, Hannah eventually gave in and took Clank’s advice. She made extra certain that Clank knew his duties, which he reassured her about several times. Clank ended up literally pushing her towards the door, all while stating that everything would be fine and that she didn’t have to worry. He even asked Bolo and Ketch to escort Hannah to her apartment so he could be certain she would actually go take a rest.
The whole thing felt silly, but Hannah knew she would’ve done the exact same thing to someone else. Clank apparently had taken on more of her tendencies than she originally thought. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear that Gildish had programmed him that way on purpose.
Once she got to her apartment, Hannah thanked Bolo and Ketch for escorting her, even going so far as to reward them with a few cookies she’d baked with Omega the day before. The two gratefully thanked her and wished her a good rest before taking their leave.
The front door slid shut. Hannah faced the interior of her apartment with a sigh. It was completely silent. 
And for the first time in several weeks, she was all alone.
It was a familiar feeling. Those years she’d lived alone before moving to Ord Mantell still haunted her. She used to dream of living on her own when she was young. The idea of being independent and not having to rely on anyone else sounded amazing as a child.
She had no idea about the true weight of it all. Especially after having those she cared about most ripped out of her life entirely.
And even if it was just her anxiety talking, it felt like it was happening all over again.
Darn her irrational anxiety.
Despite how tired she was, Hannah took some time to just lounge around before attempting a nap. Her boots were messily tossed in the corner of the room, and she flung her scarf off onto one of the crates nonchalantly. It almost made her chuckle comparing herself to one of the Clones coming in for a visit. She also grabbed a few cookies to munch on, although half of one ended up falling to the floor accidentally. It made her so upset, she almost cried.
“Am I freaking PMSing or something?” she mused to herself after calming down. But it wasn’t hard to figure out her fragile state was because of her current circumstance. She’d had far too many similar experiences back on Astreon. Too many days where life was hitting her hard and it was almost too much to handle.
She decided to not wait too long to take her nap after that.
After scrolling on her datapad for a bit and finishing the rest of her cookie, Hannah finally bit the bullet and began her attempt at something resembling a nap. She didn’t feel like changing her clothes - and heaven forbid she go anywhere near her bed with dirty clothes - so she chose to stay on the couch. She stole one of the cushions from the makeshift seats to use as a pillow and yanked the blanket off the back of the couch to spread over her legs. The last thing she did was turn on some soft music on her datapad to listen to, then snuggled up into the couch with her arms tucked tightly against her chest. She briefly regretted not grabbing one of her stuffed toys to snuggle with, but she was too comfortable to move and just let it go.
Apparently, all the stress she’d had and all the sleep she’d lost allowed her to enter a restful state quicker than usual.
And eventually, the images she played in her mind began to feel more and more real…
…I am alone.
I wander through empty space with no semblance of where I am.
Darkness surrounds me, but I know there is something there.
I reach out. I feel around me. I long for the touch of familiarity.
My hands brush across the bark of a tree.
I look around and see more trees. Tall, towering evergreens all around me. Bright, green grass below me. Massive, imposing mountains ahead of me.
I do not recognize this forest. But it is beautiful.
I wish to explore. I want to see more.
My feet pick up pace. I speed through the woods. My body feels lighter than ever.
The edge of a cliff approaches. But I do not stop.
I leap from the ground and hang in the air.
I can fly.
I spread my arms out, feeling lighter than air. I feel the warmth of the sun on my back and the wind rushing through my hair.
I am at peace.
I am free.
And… I am alone.
A shadow drifts over me, calling my attention. I look up to see the sun, shining brightly, though it does not blind me. The warmth of its rays coats me like a soft blanket. I feel a deep connection between its celestial body and my own.
A different object catches my attention. Another round figure in the sky, nearly drowned out by the rays of the sun. It mirrors the sun, reflecting its brilliant light onto its own surface. The sun’s rays turn the object’s surface a lucent shade of red.
A blood moon.
I should be afraid. But I am not.
I embrace the blood moon.
The shadow appears over me again. My eyes follow it, trying to determine its source.
I see a silhouette shadowed by the blood moon. It is flying towards me.
No… it swims to me.
The silhouette darts towards me like a shot fired from a blaster. The shadow passes over me again. I turn to see a figure floating nearby me.
My heart begins to race. The air catches in my throat. A searing heat stronger than the blazing sun courses through my body.
I see him. The one my heart belongs to. The one my soul is bound to. The one my life is owed to.
He floats beside me, hair and limbs flowing as if he is suspended in water. His stoic face softens at our proximity. His eyes reflect the light of the sun and moon in tandem.
He offers a hand to me and I take it.
Together, we soar through the sky, hand in hand. The sun and moon follow us, mirroring our movements. Soft orange lights dance across us as we fly. Our hearts beat as one, a symbol of our deep, unbreakable bond.
We are together.
We are at peace.
And nothing can ever tear us apart…
…red. I see nothing but red.
The sky has become bloodied by the overwhelming crimson hue, drowning out the light of the sun and moon. 
My grip on my love’s hand tightens, and my heart races faster.
But my grip is not strong enough. I feel him slip away, as if he’s taken away by the current of a river. I scream his name as he plummets beneath me. His visage disappears into the trees below, blocked by the encroaching darkness.
I want to follow. I want to fall.
I need to save him.
A searing heat burns against my back. The sun, brightly glowing red, encompasses me in its grasp. I am overtaken with fear and anger and rage.
I am the sun. 
Below me, the moon glows red, drowned out by the rays of the sun. It disappears into the trees, as my love did before.
The moon is gone.
My love is gone.
I cannot save him.
I cannot…
I will not…
I cannot be alone again…
Hannah jolted awake from her sleep by the sound of her own voice. Her whole body shivered, and her breath was quick and heavy. A wet fog clouded her eyes that quickly turned to tears as she blinked. Her chest ached from the hard pounding of her heart, and her hand shakily drifted up to clutch the pendants on her necklace tightly. 
For a moment, she just laid there, attempting to steady her breathing and trying to convince herself that it was all just another bad dream. 
Easier said than done.
It all felt so real to her… too real…
Suddenly, a beeping noise made Hannah’s heart leap out of her chest, and she let out a surprised scream. Her comlink was going off. She almost hesitated answering it, but quickly regathered herself and reached over to grab it off the side table.
“Hello?” she hesitantly answered. She could still hear the remnant panic in her tone, but hoped whoever was on the other end wouldn’t notice.
“Where are you?” was all that came through the comlink. The voice was gruff and metallic sounding.
Hannah let out a harsh sigh after realizing who it was. “Master? What… what are you talking about?”
“Don’t play ignorant with me,” the architect droid responded in his usual condescending tone.
Between the dream she’d just had, the grogginess she was currently experiencing, and all the stress she’d been under up until that point, it was a wonder Hannah didn’t explode back in response. The grogginess was most likely what kept her in check. “I’m not, I really don’t know.”
An annoyed sigh came through the comlink. “Humans and your faulty memories… you’re lucky your opponent likes you so much!”
Opponent? What the heck was he talking about?
“Should I let him know you’ve canceled then? That you’re forfeiting for this week?”
Canceled? Forfeiting?
Had Master Gildish signed Hannah up for some sort of race without her even knowing it??
Hannah continued to rub the grogginess from her eyes as she sat up further from her position on the couch. One of the pillows fell off, and it almost got her crying all over again. She did not need this nonsense right now.
Then it suddenly hit her. The current date, the time of day, an “opponent who likes you”...
It was kriffing Game Night.
Hannah let out a groan and shook her head, holding it in her free hand. “No, no, you don’t… I lost track of time, that’s all. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“You’d better!” was all Master Gildish said before the comlink went dark.
Still shaken, now frustrated, Hannah took a moment to simply rest her head in her hands. She still felt like crying and couldn’t tell if the wetness in her eyes was tears or residual sleepiness. But she knew she couldn’t sit there for long. Gildish would most likely call her again if she didn’t leave soon.
Maybe going to see Krag would be a good thing. Maybe she needed a change of pace, something to distract her from the turmoil inside her.
All she knew was she did not want to think about that horrible dream ever again.
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poltergeist-coffee · 10 months
I'm losing my mind I'm not okay Where is my boy Where is that little brat Where is my favela six???? WE NOW ONLY HAVE 1/6 FAVELA SIX WHO WE KNOW IS OKAY NOOOOOOO CELLBIT YOU- SEU CORNO, DON'T YOU DARE KILLING YOUR CHARACTER THIS IS FOR ALL OF THEM I can't have the og favela five to be dead:(
Ah yes, feelings, emotions and such
F qmaxo, you will be missed I hope they let Maxo play other characters:D
I WANT MY BOY BACK(<- is suffering from Richas abistinece(I don't how to write him)
BAGI GET YOUR FAMILY BAAAAAAAAAAACK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am okay So... Yeah, I guess I will go back to "no thoughts, only vampac" I was happy And I... I'm writing I don't if is good, but is certainly something that has been written
Oh, and Bagi was camping on server's door KKKKKKK She was just waiting to it to open
And she's on the maze, WHY THEY KEEP GOING BACK????? (And Chay's floatie still there)
Anyway, I will write that thing out of pure depression and need for fluff No angst, only silly thoughts
Oh yeah, I'm on a rp with friends I am a child that is literally a feral stray cat:) The first thing that I did was throw a flipping table on someone
-Plate anon
CELLBIT SAID ON STREAM HE WONT BE STRAMING QSMP FOR A WHILE BECAUSE HE HAS TO FOCUS ON OTHER PROJECTS D:: ITS GOING TO BE AGES BEFORE WE FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!!!! (this also means i robably cant get qforever betraying qcellbit because of the judas thing………..a little heartbroken about it……..)
no angst only silly fluffy thoughts <- my motto (very excited to see your writing!! u got this >:DD)
YAHOOO FERAL CATS 🔥🔥 truth be told the reason me and my friend come up with so many aus is because we rp them with the qsmp charas kekw
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mediamatinees · 1 year
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They’re baaaaaaaaaaack. Coming soon to a blog near you.
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thinkin about that one, now-deleted-for-years-now youtube poop of the mario teaches typing 2 head (tht i think might have been my first introduction to that thing) tht was just called "Mario's head goes on a rampage" iirc n this one part where he's like "Mario-cise? Mario-cise? Mario-cise?...COME BAAAAAAAAAAACK, -AAAAAAAAAACK, -AAAAAAAAACK"
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