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deebrisbyfish · 2 years ago
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Some folks would prefer that I keep politics OUT of my comic strip, but... uh... it's a comic about my life as a transgender woman, and it's KINDA hard to not be a smidge political when one party keeps pushing and passing laws that make it a crime for me to exist.  So, sorry if you feel this is unfair, but it feels pretty frickin' unfair to be labeled a literal criminal for existing. 
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portrait-of-a-moron · 5 months ago
I’m making a ton of tassels for a costume
My hands hurt I think all ten of my fingers r about to fall off like they do in old cartoons when it gets too cold
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
THIS IS NYCC NEW YORK COMIC CON 2016! cosplay music video vlog recap DJI...
and weheard it phanotmof comicon one of us went down lives here. and it was fun heard it was a giant and is ostracized made it funner. and mb him tons looke. saw tunnels freaked though we know they are there and worked a bt in costume and h ell it was fun we do it again here now this is great. he is greatness
henry kwan no he asian guy at teh party ppl were kissing
an yeh we hear it ok and we were there and said this ck where he is. and then this huge and hid and ok come sup and we looked only  a few big ones. and what yare you saying. hostile and not. and ok. he is here. and a phantom. of the comcicon  they startee lauging were only 6 foot five and three and out no had fun. and with it and yeh we live there and ok and then  big fella inthe suit and how big nok not big lol. nand we were dissapointed. but  got it.  and lots ddi ok honey
alciia he does a really good bain lol ahahah his character ohno and for his Father and Mother from south american this rules ok ahah lol his formula and man he could be huge fantastic help well no but ok
man this is fun we get it he causes work to occur and when there it i s more they hold it off of them the macs do
mac daddy
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mdlucy · 2 years ago
omg you are so stupid
1 moron they had more then 1 episode filmed before tha interview are you stupid to think before a show do an event they flim only one episode ?
2 idiot by the time they got to finale of comcicon you talking about they literally filmed the entire season full of bughead so which is it did ras magically hate bughead but knew thay fans would love it so he kept it. ? make it make sense
you don't have it right because ras literally video saying he planned bughead from the start they literally built entire season over them
@mdlucy RAS, himself, at Comicon 2016, literally states "the triangle starts there".
Andddd here they are interviewing about it.....
Guess the one who should be "studied cause so stupid", would be the painful ignoramous that is yourself, then?
Fun fact....they ALL concoct narratives for interviews/to pimp the show, etc.....it's like Cole's interviewed about getting the role of Jughead as "I told my agent I'd go back to Hollywood for ONE WEEK to see what might happen" AND "winning the role was a long, slow process.....", In reality, he'd A) never left acting really and B) been invited to read/his being attached to the project was part of it getting greenlit.
You really should try waaayyyy harder next time. Meanwhile, I shall continue to look for further proof....(cuz I know you're too lazy and too stupid to use googledy)
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silentmike1701 · 3 years ago
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Comic Book The Movie (2004)… Donald Swan (@hamillhimself) getting berated by Anita (Lori Allan) & Taylor (Roger Rose) in the #sandiego convention center. The area has been repainted and has new carpet, since the movie. Also, since my last lineup. #joker #nerd #geek #comcicon #sdcc #sdcc2021 #sdcc2021specialedition #legends #chewy #starwars #markhamill #fandom #movielocations #movielocation #filmscout #filmscouting #locationscouting #locationscout #canonphotopaper #film #travel #wanderlust #LiveTravelChannel (at San Diego Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CahuPLalpmq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dinobotmania · 6 years ago
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Get ready to have the blood drained from your veins! Get excited for my new upcoming comic! With it's main star Count Wormculla, the literal vampire worm. He'll steal your heart and he'll steal your blood too! Come stop by my booth @meadowlarkcomiccon and get a free coloring comic page. It's the first glimpse of a hilarious, family, friendly comic about a weird bunch of bugs, insects and anthropods of all types. #Instagram #instagramartist #instagramart #art #copywrite #originalcharacter #originalcharacters #comic #Medowlark #medolark2019 #comcicon #comicbook #acrylic #print #printdesign #countwormculla #anthropodia (at Cave Junction, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxRVYDvAH38/?igshid=18sh7xpx1omco
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howtobeaconartist · 2 years ago
How old must you be to have a table/stall at mcm comcicon?
Kiriska: This sounds like a question for MCM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
In most cases though, I’d assume 18+ unless they specifically say parental permission and/or licensing is enough.
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xdaimienx · 7 years ago
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My favorite at #comiccongermany was the 1:1 rebuild of the TIE Fighter and the X-Wing from #projectx1 I got at the end of the Con the short moment to make this pictures. And I’m full in love of this. #tiefighter #xwing #starwars #comiccongermany #comicconstuttgart #comcicon #lucasfilm #tie #t65xwingstarfighter #prob #lifesize (hier: Comic Con Germany)
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nomoremutants-com · 6 years ago
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@kierancosplays is ready for comcicon with his killer Mysterio cosplay!! #marvelcomics #Comics #marvel #comicbooks #avengers #avengersinfinitywar #xmen #gotg #captainamerica #ironman #thor #hulk #spiderman #uncannyxmen #wolverine #drstrange #guardiansofthegalaxy #cosplay #cosplaying #milesmorales #deadpool #guardiansofthegalaxy #captainmarvel #avengersendgame #mysterio #rogue #thanos #blackpanther — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2GBsYmY
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antmayphoto · 7 years ago
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Captain America Emerald City Comcicon Seattle, Washington
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i-want-your-bones · 6 years ago
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baypromoteam · 6 years ago
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Become your favourite character at Sci-Fi by the Sea and join our FREE to enter Cosplay Competition for the chance to win some great prizes, hosted by Thanet Cosplay. Thanet Cosplay are a local community cosplay group where all levels and costume abilities are welcome and have been hosting cosplay zones and services at events within the UK for 6 years and use cosplay to fundraise for charity. There will be a repairs zone for those inevitable mishaps, a props display, a chance to talk to makers and crafters about any questions. *Creator Awards* Cosplay Star: Costume You must have made at least 75% of your costume from scratch (This is open to both cosplay and steampunk). Cosplay Star: Prop A crafted prop (This is open to both cosplay and steampunk). Cosplay Star: Own Character Design your own character and make their costume. Please prepare a brief paragraph about your character. *Costume Awards* Adult Costume Award (over 18) Teens Costume Award (13-17) Junior Costume Award (12 and under) Costume Pair To enter please head over to the costume zone (we'll let you know where this is before the day) before 3pm to get your photos and give your details. You must have a valid ticket to Sci-Fi by the Sea to enter and under 16s must be accompanied by an adult and you must be present at the awards at the end of the day to be eligible to win. All Cosplayers entering will have photos taken and we record permission for the pics to be used in promotions. Please keep all costumes family friendly and convention safe. If you have any questions please drop an email to [email protected] For tickets visit www.scifibythesea.co.uk #hernebay #scifibythesea #baypromoteam #cosplay #cosplaycontest #cosplaycompetition #comcicon http://bit.ly/2Mk2DOO
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silentmike1701 · 3 years ago
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Comic Book: The Movie (2003)… @hamillhimself/#markhamill as Donald Swan at the #sandiego @comic_con. Let me know what you think. #joker #nerd #geek #comcicon #sdcc #sdcc2021 #sdcc2021specialedition #legends #chewy #starwars #markhamill #fandom #movielocations #movielocation #filmscout #filmscouting #locationscouting #locationscout #canonphotopaper #film #travel #wanderlust #LiveTravelChannel (at San Diego Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSRdQ5piOX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marcelmercado · 8 years ago
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Avoid annoying tourist, instead hang out with like-minded geeks at the Megacon Orlando. Visit me at the Artist Alley, buy my book, some prints, and preview my new comic! #megacon #comcicon #vacation #spotlightonartists #art_conquest #instaartist #awesomeart #digitalart #creations #illustration #illustrationoftheday #artnews #artislife #drawingaday #drawingtime #drawingbook #drawingart #drawart #justcreativeartist #creativeartist #artistsoninstagram #artofvisuals #artprints #instaartist #instaart #selfpublishing #myth #legends #coverart #marcelmercado
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mdlucy · 2 years ago
You being this stupid is something that should be studied First you. freaking example of. incest
Why would he give fan service to a ship he didn't know was going to be big ? like I know you dumb as hell zumpie but even you should know 2+2 doesn't = fish
2 comcicon literally happened after season 1 but you said they had all bav stuff planned so in your dumbass mind they said hey bughead actually popular let's have all cast and crew come back and quickly re shoot all this stuff with them like again zumpie being this stupid is rare you should be proud
3 hm why. keep bughead apart when they constantly seening people hated they new direction they went good question why would writer's not want to admit with our certain couples they couldn't write a good freaking teen drama to save there careers 🤔 not like they know they be creamed for rest of there life and. possibly have deal. with admitting they bad no idea were to go with our bughead varchie or choni
4 oh you mean then new love interest they had have more connections with freaking Betty Veronica and Toni and has appeared a record of ,2 time in final season ? ya they put a lot effort into that
like I know you use to being a loser zumpie but once again you embarrassed your self and Cole Sprouse fan base you desperate little fan girl who begs for attention
Oh Myyyyyy.....
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Well, OFC, Mr. 58 Seconds……your fave actual ship IS fanservice AND your dislike of Cole/Jughead is also loonggg been knew (even if you did curtail it a bit when you got to participate in an interview call with him…..)….
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@glitta​ @colemsprouseupdates​ Zalben has me blocked, cuz I doooo have some weigh in, here…..
“Doing something else” was most assuredly NOT good for the show (and I say that as somebody who now ships Jabi, hard)—-and certainly not for PP’s character (or acting)….but it wasn’t so much about “capitalizing on their IRL relationship” as that it’s why jizzy happened in the first place and then, ultimately, they did need to split them up…..because, in reality? It was neverrrr RAS’s plan, he’d been wanting to split them up for quite some time AND he didn’t like the pairing for a variety of reasons….
However, did he keep them together, largely—and even tried to rework it as/after they split? Sure…..but still, not his plan
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@mdlucy​ errrmmm….nope. RAS’s OG plan was BAV triangle, with Slizzy as the sack, pining doormat….just like in the comics. PP, herself interviewed as much at first Comicon. Plus RAS can’t plan his next dump, let alone 7 seasons of a show. And neither “the writers” nor RAS “liked” them…..they became an onscreen couple cuz Barfie was such utter shit in the pilot/ep 2 AND SH’s IRL chemistry inspired things…..by your express argument, they’d never have been split up, let alone permanently, let alone casting a main entirely to play Jug’s new love interest, etc….
Nope, once they put them together, they WERE intended to “stay together”, so you’re both wrong. TBF, RAS did try to split them up (like early/mid season 2) and also sometimes had them with separate story arcs….but that was because they were always splitting up (PP slutting around, etc) and because RAS wanted them split….
However, again, simple fact is, they got together because IRL couple, they stayed together (on the show) because popular, they were ultimately split up because they split up, permanently. 
So you’re both naive and not “the network”, but “the show”….
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Errmmmm…..actually Pinkle was never the plan and became a couple entirely because of fanservice. Pussy only became a lesbian because MM didn’t want to have to kiss KokeJ ever again (wound up not working out there, either!). Plus, you’re assuming a lot of pointless shit, here…..dude, none of that was the OG plan, because, again, RAS can’t plan anything….and shows do couplings because that’s teevee shows.
And, again, nope, jizzy was never ever the plan and they split because SH broke up. And it’s precisely why (as was pointed out to all of you thru seasons 5 and 6) jizzy was neverrrr gonna happen again.
Yes, it was moar popular than Barfie, but, again, SH broke up and that’s why it never, ever happened again. And no, the writers most assuredly didn’t love jizzy….
Also season 5 wasn’t an AU, season 6 might or might not’ve been….and, regardless? They were split up before that. Dude, it’s all canon, time to get over it.
Simple facts, in summary:
Cole and PP became a couple, it inspired jizzy, which saved the show in season 1.
RAS neverrrr wanted that, only pretended he liked it/them/etc for fanservice and started trying, in various ways, to split up jizzy beginning in season TWO. If you rewatch w/o shipper goggles, it’s really obvious, in fact.
Seasons 3 and 4 actually have jizzy interacting minimally (as does the first entire half of season 2) because SH were always splitting up…..fact is, THEY only lasted that long as a couple because they were stuck in Vancouver, on a show together. Same reason everybody was “besties”, even tho we’d see them all interact really minimally during hiatus.
In season 4, SH went from rocky on/off to totally split up and the show ran with that.
Starting in season 5, shit was so acrimonious they cast an entirely new woman to be Jug’s love interest because they literally couldn’t be in the same room (and we do have that clip of PP throwing shit at Cole, as Jug, BTS in season 4 to support this, along with other stuff).
RAS had always wanted Barfie (and, again, a show all about everybody loves Douchie), so he ran with that….
Additionally, a LOT of the couples on the show were IRL couples largely at the same point and it was why it happened…..and they were split up when the actors split. Vagey (twice), Tolars/Minkle, etc….
No idea why it upsets any of you, the facts are on full display….and it’s precisely why there was never gonna be jizzy endgame.
Oh also? KokeJ never had a “crush” on Slizzy, he did have one on Cole, tho (probably still does!)—-and even if he had? He was like 18 at the time so it has nothing to do with Barfie, currently….
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eastsidemags · 5 years ago
East Coast Comic Convention 2020
We make #comics, collect comics, and deal in #rare underground #comicbooks, so we thought we’d like to make a #comcicon that embodied our sensibilities. The May #2020 lineup for East Coast Comic Convention is absolutely stellar this year. We've got all of your comic book #legends who you'd expect to see, such as: The Intense Art of Simon Bisley Kevin Altieri Jon B. Cooke Russ Braun Joe Jusko Don McGregor Al Milgrom Don Rosa The Art of Stephen Blickenstaff Bob Budiansky Jan Duursema Michel Fiffe Maria Hoey Griffin Mark Morales Brandon Montclare Billy Tucci Timothy Truman Adam McGovern Joe Giella - Artist Toby Cypress Tom Mandrake: draw, write, sleep, repeat. Carl Potts Fabian Nicieza Ty Templeton Mike Grell AND SO MANY MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED! In addition to our Comic Guests, we have a #Celebrity Guest lineup in the works for May's show at Meadowlands Exposition Center that's turning out to be INCREDIBLE. We're just getting started with: Khary Payton (also the voice of Cyborg - Teen Titans), Ross Marquand, and Cooper Andrews of The Walking Dead are coming! Johnny Yong Bosch of The Power Rangers Zeo, Bleach, and he's the voice of an impressive number of #videogames and #anime characters - you tell US who your favorite is! Richard Brake, the #NightKing from HBO's International Emmy Awards-winning smash hit, Game of Thrones storms the East Coast Comic Convention! Red Dead Redemption 2 jumps from the screen to the convention floor! We are so proud to announce the cast of Rockstar Games magnum opus will be at the show! Jo Armeniox, Peter Blomquist, Roger Clark, Meeya Davis, Curzon Dobel, Mick Mellamphy, Jim Santangelli, Gabriel Sloyer, Samantha Strelitz, Kaili Vernoff, and Rob Wiethoff! And as if that wasn't enough: we've got The Warriors cast #reunion coming! COME OUT AND PLAAAA-AAAYY and get your merch signed by Brian Tyler (#Snow), Dorsey Wright (#Cleon), Terry Michos (#Vermin), David Harris (#Cochise), and Michael Beck (#Swan)! JUST ADDED: Chandler Riggs the actor who plays Carl Grimes and Michael Cudlitz also known as #Abraham of The Walking Dead! Like, follow, get your tickets NOW because the list is only going to grow, and the #tickets WILL sell out!
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