#combat weight gainer
cookiesuga55 · 11 months
Subscription Gainer
Gainer Jungkook has a subscription to a weight-loss tips magazine... just so he can do everything they suggest in reverse. He gets so excited every month to get his new book of health tips, food trends, and learn what dietitians say you shouldn't eat... which means Jungkook tries it.
Jungkook happily flips through it across the next few weeks to pick up things that keep his gaining-lifestyle exciting.
"Oh... laying down after eating increases belly fat?" Jungkook moves from sitting to reclining on his couch after chowing down on Chinese takeout, a hand resting on his full belly as he smiles down at it. "You fatten up for me, okay?" He pats his gut and belches, rubbing in bliss.
"Dairy is one of the top foods on the list of 'what wrecks your metabolism'. They say to cut out milk... it's bad for your thighs and waistline." Jungkook puts four big gallons of whole milk in his cart at the grocery store, fully intending on having a thick glass with every meal. He gets blocks of cheese, tubs of yogurt, and a carton of heavy whipping cream just to top it off, humming contently as someone peeks over at his peculiar purchases.
"Someone who drinks 1 to 2 cans of soda a day will expand their waist line five times faster than someone who doesn't..." Jungkook pants as he reads that one. "Thankfully I've got that covered." He takes another swig from his two-liter jug of coke and flips to the next page about combating a sedentary lifestyle, and kicks up his feet.
"Using a smaller plate will make you think that you're eating more, because your plate looks fuller. Limit yourself to only one portion. Oh that'll be fun-" Jungkook piles up food on a massive platter that he serves guests with on holidays and uses it as a plate for himself. He loads it up with a mountain of mashed potatoes, fried chicken, cornbread, and creamy mac n cheese. "It's still only one portion..." He giggles as he sets the feast in his lap and begins to dig in.
"Low-fat foods are loaded with sugar and can actually make you gain weight..." Jungkook frowns as he warily picks up low-fat mayonnaise off the shelf, feeling like he's betraying himself. "I'm putting all of my faith in you, dietitians. If you deprive me of the deliciousness of full-fat mayo-" He turns over the two bottles to compare the nutrition facts and his eyebrows shoot up. Three times more sugar. Jungkook whips out his phone, googling if sugar or fat is worse for weight gain. He grins as he drops the low-fat option into his basket and happily pads away, his tummy warm with the promise of extra poundage.
"Cut out fast food." Jungkook racks up points in his delivery app. The numbers on his scale climb up just as quickly.
"Choose foods that keep you full for longer. Sugar makes you hungry. Stay away from sugary foods late at night." Jungkook drags his carton of ice cream out of the freezer at 1 am, licking his lips as he pops it open. "Sugar and cream. Delicious and so fattening. I love you, ice-cream. Marry me." He groans around his spoon.
"All it takes is a surplus of 200-500 calories a day to see quick results of gaining fat." Jungkook's mouth waters, and his hands come up to slowly squeeze and knead at his flab as he reads aloud. "If you eat an extra 500 calories a day- a few oreos or dessert- it will take 6 days to gain 1 pound of fat." Jungkook groans, greedily grabbing the heavy pooling of blubber resting in his lap that he is growing. He shakes it, wanting to drool as his entire body responds in wobbles. "And how fat will you get by overeating constantly, huh? How fat will I get from one stuffing?" He asks his magazine as his gut growls just at the thought of being stuffed and fattened. Jungkook reaches for his takeout delivery app, cashing in his hard earned reward points as he imagines the hearty feast filling his greedy gut.
Oh, how the dietitians that work so hard to research and make this health magazine would scream if they could see how Jungkook uses it like a holy bible of ways to get even fatter.
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ex-jock-enthusiast · 10 months
Being absolutely serious for a moment, I think sex ed should have a module covering kinks and fetishes. Like high school senior year, just explain the basic concept to people and, without going into any specifics, list some odd and unusual examples of things that could be fetishised to demonstrate range and esoterica. That's it. Quick and easy lemon squeezy. Because I think that would go a looooong way to combatting some of the absolutely headass takes I have seen recently.
I think a good example of this is Nikocado Avocado. I think, to any of us, it is clearer than fucking glass that that man is a gainer. Probably mixed up with some bimboification/humiliation stuff thrown in for flavour. Whatever the specific combination of facts, his weight gain is a fetish thing. That's it, plain and simple. And the sheer fucking volume of thinkpiecey youtube animations, reaction videos, pithy editorials bemoaning the corruptive influence of food addiction and the mental corrosion of obesity makes me want to put my fucking head through a wall.
SO MANY PEOPLE seem to think they are messengers sent on behalf of Gabriel himself to teach this man that he is overweight, since obviously his mind has been so addled with calories that he can barely tell if he's even conscious or not anymore. He is aware. He is not delusional. He weighs like 300lbs, which seems like a lot, but is not nearly enough to break your fucking mind like some people are claiming.
Like, guys. He just gets off on it. That may not be as satisfying as trying to save his soul from fucking Five Guys, but it's true. And if people were just taught this stuff, it would save everyone a lot of time and trouble.
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An idea I've had in regards to gaining. Part 3 - tagged #idea_0
Food. It all comes down to food and the relationship a gainer has with it, if you’ve never been a gainer you don’t know what I’m talking about. I remember getting a package of pastries and a jar of peanut butter one time. No matter how much I managed to fit in my mouth, no matter how much I could swallow, I couldn’t eat enough fast enough. I remember drinking a carton of heavy cream, hating the discomfort that was slowing me down. Imagine if the flow of calories was dictated by performance; the deadlier you are, the fewer units you lose, the more contracts you complete, the more calories you get. Imagine a facility, stocked with a slurry of the most fattening substance being pumped through a feeding tube, the amount and access to which is only limited by the damage you deal out. We would probably need to have you sign a contract directly with us to help with the upkeep; we could help broker deals, help fine tune your experience, and we’d only need a very small percentage if my projections that with all the amenities and medical processes automated for a large number of extreme gainers they would actually be quite low-maintenance. Take the right contract and use your earnings to pay for the rent and that gainer shake on tap for an entire year in advance. Maybe that’s not your style. Maybe you’d prefer to get a nice acceleration in your calories with every kill or every completed objective. Maybe you’d like the calorie intake rate to be directly proportional to an AI-determined combat effectiveness index. I won’t tell you how to spend your earnings. I won’t scoff or balk at the specifics you negotiate into your contracts. You’re a freelance mercenary! It’s up to you. Just produce results and no one will care. What the possessive extreme weight gain feeders fail to remember is that pigs can be dangerous. Wild hogs are an absolute menace in Texas and have been since Columbus brought them over to America in 1492. It’s gotten so bad that people have started companies where they let tourists ride a helicopter and shoot down at herds of them with a mounted full-auto machine gun, and yet they remain a problem. These pigs are a tough invasive species, and they are omnivores so they eat everything. A herd has the potential to raze a town, but even a singular boar can kill by running you through with its razor sharp tusks. Properly supplied with the right equipment, anyone could become a pig, just not the pink squishy ones that feeders think of. What do you think an extreme gainer would be willing to do for enough gainer shake to keep themselves full of calories for every second of their life? So no, I don’t like the idea of becoming dumber as you get fatter, and to be completely honest it scares me. I much rather use my grey matter, I don’t mind if it experiences a few horizontal changes. I don’t mind becoming more in tune with my instincts. I don’t mind being motivated by food and violence, because isn’t that where we started? Besides- when it comes to who’s covering your retreat, defending your boarders from invaders, or stamping out your enemies; do you want a bunch of badass super soldiers or would you like to have a ravenous and animalistic machine of war fed by meeting it’s goals, killing hostiles with impunity, and keeping you safe? That machine doesn’t fear death, even so the pilot probably isn’t even in there. That pilot is probably in a little facility in the middle of nowhere that gets shipments of heavy cream, sugar, protein, and whatever other fattening things that could be bought in bulk. The pilot probably wouldn’t even fit.
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weightgaincapsule · 2 months
How to Gain Weight with Ashwagandha: A Natural Approach
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How to Gain Weight with Ashwagandha: A Natural Approach
For those looking to gain weight, Ashwagandha offers a natural and effective solution. This powerful herb, often included in weight gain capsules and Ayurvedic weight gainers, can be a game-changer for men seeking to increase their body mass. In this article, we will explore how Ashwagandha can help with weight gain, its benefits, and the best ways to incorporate it into your routine.
Understanding Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is an adaptogenic herb used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. It is renowned for its ability to combat stress, enhance stamina, and improve overall health. Recently, Ashwagandha has gained attention for its potential to aid in weight gain, making it an essential ingredient in many weight gain capsules and Ayurvedic weight gainers.
How Ashwagandha Aids in Weight Gain
Stress Reduction
One of the primary ways Ashwagandha helps with weight gain is by reducing stress. Chronic stress can lead to a loss of appetite and weight, as well as increased cortisol levels, which can inhibit weight gain. Ashwagandha’s adaptogenic properties help lower cortisol levels, promoting a healthier appetite and reducing the negative impact of stress on the body.
Enhanced Muscle Mass
Ashwagandha has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength, which is crucial for healthy weight gain. It boosts the production of testosterone, a hormone essential for muscle growth, making it particularly beneficial for men. This increase in muscle mass contributes to an overall increase in body weight.
Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
Ashwagandha improves digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body effectively utilizes the calories consumed. This is vital for those looking to gain weight, as it ensures that the nutrients from food are absorbed and used efficiently.
Increased Energy Levels
Higher energy levels mean more stamina for physical activities that promote muscle growth. Ashwagandha enhances energy and reduces fatigue, enabling individuals to engage in regular exercise, which is essential for gaining healthy weight.
Balancing Thyroid Function
Ashwagandha helps in balancing thyroid hormones, which play a significant role in metabolism. A balanced thyroid function can contribute to a healthy weight gain by regulating the body’s metabolic processes.
Incorporating Ashwagandha into Your Routine
Weight Gain Capsules
One of the easiest ways to consume Ashwagandha is through weight gain capsules. These capsules often combine Ashwagandha with other beneficial herbs and nutrients designed to support weight gain. Look for products labeled as Ayurvedic weight gainers, as these typically contain natural ingredients tailored to promote healthy weight gain.
Ashwagandha Powder
Ashwagandha powder is a versatile option that can be added to various foods and beverages. You can mix it into smoothies, milk, or even sprinkle it over your meals. The recommended dosage is typically 1-2 teaspoons per day, but it’s best to follow the instructions on the product label or consult with a healthcare provider.
Ashwagandha Supplements
Besides weight gain capsules, Ashwagandha is available in various supplement forms, including tablets and tinctures. These supplements can be taken daily to ensure you’re getting a consistent dose of this beneficial herb.
Combining with a Balanced Diet
To maximize the benefits of Ashwagandha for weight gain, it’s important to pair it with a balanced diet rich in calories, protein, and healthy fats. Foods like nuts, seeds, dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains are excellent choices that complement the effects of Ashwagandha.
Regular Exercise
Incorporating strength training exercises into your routine is crucial for building muscle mass. Exercises such as weight lifting, resistance training, and bodyweight exercises can help you gain muscle and weight more effectively. Ashwagandha’s energy-boosting properties will support your exercise regimen, making it easier to stay consistent.
Benefits of Ashwagandha for Weight Gain
Natural and Safe
Ashwagandha is a natural herb with minimal side effects, making it a safer alternative to synthetic weight gain medicines. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, proving its efficacy and safety.
Holistic Health Improvement
Besides aiding in weight gain, Ashwagandha offers numerous other health benefits. It improves mental clarity, reduces anxiety, enhances sleep quality, and boosts the immune system, contributing to overall well-being.
Supports Hormonal Balance
Ashwagandha helps balance hormones, particularly testosterone and thyroid hormones, which are crucial for healthy weight gain and overall health. This hormonal balance ensures that your body functions optimally, promoting muscle growth and weight gain.
Ashwagandha can be consumed in various forms, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you prefer capsules, powders, or supplements, there’s an option that fits your lifestyle.
Ashwagandha is a powerful and natural ally in the quest for healthy weight gain. Its ability to reduce stress, enhance muscle mass, improve digestion, and boost energy levels makes it an ideal component of weight gain capsules and Ayurvedic weight gainers. By incorporating Ashwagandha into your routine, along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can achieve your weight gain goals safely and effectively. For men seeking to increase their body mass, Ashwagandha offers a holistic and natural approach that supports overall health and well-being. Embrace this ancient herb and witness the transformative benefits it can bring to your weight gain journey
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anonutrition · 1 year
How Weight Gainer Protein Powder Supports Muscle Development.
Embarking on a journey to build muscle is a commitment that goes beyond just hitting the gym regularly. It requires a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition, effective workouts, and targeted supplementation. One of the most potent tools in a muscle-building arsenal is weight gainer protein powder. In this article, we'll delve into the ways weight gainer supports muscle development, along with a focus on the role of creatine powder in this process.
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1. High-Calorie Nutrition: At the core of weight gainer protein powder's role in muscle development lies its ability to provide an influx of calories. Muscle growth demands a surplus of calories, which serves as the building blocks for new muscle tissue. Weight gainer powders are specifically formulated to be calorie-dense, making it easier for individuals struggling to consume enough calories through regular meals. This increased caloric intake creates an environment conducive to muscle growth and repair.
2. Protein Powerhouse: Protein is the cornerstone of muscle development, as it supplies the amino acids required for muscle repair and growth. Weight gainer protein powder offers a concentrated source of protein, often a blend of fast and slow-absorbing proteins. This ensures a sustained release of amino acids into the bloodstream, providing your muscles with the necessary nutrients for recovery and growth.
3. Amino Acid Profile: Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and their availability is crucial for muscle development. Weight gainer powder often contains a complete amino acid profile, including essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. This comprehensive profile ensures that your muscles have the raw materials they need for optimal growth.
4. Nutrient Timing: The timing of nutrient intake is a critical aspect of muscle development. Consuming protein and carbohydrates around your workouts can enhance muscle protein synthesis and replenish glycogen stores. Weight Gainer provides a convenient way to ensure you have access to these nutrients both before and after your workouts, maximizing their impact on muscle growth.
5. Creatine Power: While weight gainer protein powder plays a significant role in muscle development, incorporating creatine powder can amplify your results. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in foods like red meat. However, supplementing with creatine powder can increase muscle creatine content, leading to enhanced strength, power, and overall performance during workouts. This translates to more effective muscle stimulation, promoting growth over time.
6. Enhanced Recovery: Muscle growth doesn't solely happen during workouts; it occurs during the recovery phase as well. Weight gainer powder aids in muscle recovery by providing the amino acids necessary for repairing and rebuilding muscle tissue. This accelerated recovery process prepares your muscles for the next training session, promoting consistent progress.
7. Reduced Catabolism: Catabolism refers to the breakdown of muscle tissue. During periods of intense training or when you're in a calorie deficit, the risk of muscle breakdown increases. Weight gainer protein powder combats catabolism by supplying your muscles with a continuous source of amino acids, reducing the likelihood of muscle breakdown and ensuring that your hard-earned gains are preserved.
8. Convenience and Consistency: Consistency is key to muscle development, and weight gainer offers the convenience of a quick and easily digestible source of nutrients. This consistency in nutrient intake, especially in situations where whole-food meals might be challenging to consume, ensures that your muscles are consistently fueled for growth.
In conclusion, the role of weight gainer protein powder in supporting muscle development is multi-faceted and crucial for those pursuing serious gains. Its ability to provide high-calorie nutrition, protein, amino acids, and optimal nutrient timing all contribute to creating an environment conducive to muscle growth. When combined with the benefits of creatine powder for enhanced strength and recovery, weight gainer powder becomes a powerhouse tool in your muscle-building journey. As always, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your routine to ensure they align with your goals and health considerations.
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ayuvyayurveda · 1 year
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Ayuvya introduces Weight Gainer I Gain, a revolutionary product designed to help you achieve your desired weight and build a healthier physique. Carefully formulated with Ayurvedic principles, this powerful supplement supports healthy weight gain by providing essential nutrients, proteins, and carbohydrates. Whether you're looking to increase muscle mass or combat a naturally fast metabolism, Weight Gainer I Gain is your reliable companion. With regular use, you can expect improved energy levels, enhanced muscle development, and a balanced body composition. Take charge of your weight gain journey with Ayuvya's trusted formula and embrace a stronger, more confident version of yourself.
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So I am losing weight, I also happen to be something called a “gainer”. For the uninitiated, a gainer is someone who enjoys getting fatter and being gluttonous, often for rather impolite reasons. At my heaviest I was 230 pounds which made my BMI 36.0. I got so big that I didn’t realize that most of the goals that I was setting where I was saying, “I want to get as fat as them and look just like them,” even though I was already a lot fatter than those I sought to look like. I just wasn’t really observing what was going on, I just enjoyed the momentum of the weight gain and having the fat pile on. I had always considered losing weight, and I think it’s fortunate that some circumstances changed to make it a lot easier for me to lose weight without really having to try. I lost 45 pounds, down to where I was no longer obese at 185 pounds. It was easy, but circumstances changed again and keeping the weight off has proved more difficult since my progress seems to have plateaued. I have since gained back 6 pounds and I’m starting to feel the urge to gain again. I still want to keep losing weight and keep all my hard work, something in me also desperately wants to tear all that away from me. It’s like half my brain wants one thing while the other wants the opposite. Kinda maddening. I find that talking about it like this really helps. I have a gaining blog on Tumblr too, but I made this one to kinda combat it. I had been posting more and more about how I was avoiding overindulgence, “but maybe tomorrow” and it just started to feel wrong. I want to lose weight, so why am I posting in such a way that makes it seem as though weight gain is inevitable? I didn’t really even consider gaining while I had momentum losing weight, now I have to talk to my family about being worried about my weight loss progress when I have cravings. I can’t just tell them I’m a gainer though so I can’t really get to the meat and potatoes of the situation. I think it might’ve started after I unintentionally regained 6 pounds and it was as if something in my brain just said, “If we are going to go back to being fat, we might as well enjoy it.” It’s been perhaps the closest I’ve come to gaining again. I’ve just had to fight that temptation with willpower. On the whole I just like being thinner than I was, I didn’t like how fat my face looked, my fat was distributing in very disappointing ways, and I just really prefer the flexibility I have now. I didn’t hate how I looked, I wasn’t really all that unhappy. I just started to realize how much I preferred being thinner as I lost weight. I’m planning to get down to a healthy weight but I don’t need to have a perfect Michelangelo’s Statue of David type of body, I’ll probably always have a bit of a belly as a matter of preference, and maybe I’ll allow my weight to fluctuate more than the average person, but even thoughts like these can go bad. If you are willing to fight, it is 100% worth it. You do have to be disciplined, but that’s a learned trait.
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luispratts · 5 years
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human growth hormone nz
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makeamericaeatagain · 2 years
Far too often we Gainers & Feedees views medical experts institutions & authorities as fat phobic enemies of our fetish. But we should gladly welcome encourage & support every new medical advance, therapeutic innovation, pioneering treatment, biotech revolution & pharmaceutical breakthrough in cutting-edge healthcare! With medical science on our side to combat prevent & overcome the health risks morbidities & physical constraints of our kink, our gluttony greed & obesity need never know a limit!
I'm fine with healthcare innovations making it possible for people to stay healthy at ever-higher weights. As a death feedist, that just means we can go to even more extreme weights to push our bodies to the limit. "Oh, you can be perfectly healthy at 800 lbs now? Guess we'll just have to push for over 1,000 lbs to really get some health consequences now" 😈
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cicca-ca · 5 years
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beyondxmyxthoughtss · 5 years
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x-elf · 5 years
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samuel-henry · 2 years
Bodybuilding and supplements go hand in hand. Dietary supplements are the lifeline of bodybuilders. They are the most convenient way to maintain your nutrient levels, both macro, and micronutrients. There is a long list of bodybuilding supplements but one must take only the best when it comes to fitness. This article will guide you about the top 10 bodybuilding supplements online in the U.S.A. Let’s get started.
1. Creatine
Creatine supplements are perfect for high-intensity activities. They increase your working capacity, endurance, and energy. 
Creatine supplements help to replenish ATP, the primary unit of energy. Thereby, creatine helps in muscular contractions. 
Creatine also helps to neutralize the acidity that could hamper energy production. 
Creatine supplements come in the form of creatine monohydrates. For best results take it with fast-acting protein like whey.  
2. Casein-Whey Protein Supplements
 Milk proteins like casein and whey are excellent for bodybuilding purposes. Milk contains 80 percent casein and 20 percent whey. While whey is fast acting, casein is slow digesting protein.
They can be extracted from milk at the end of the curdling process. Both these milk proteins contain all the nine essential amino acids, which help in muscle growth. 
While whey protein helps the liver to quickly oxidize and deliver amino acids, casein prevents the excess breakdown of protein. As a result, there is considerable muscle growth.  
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega three fatty acids are gained through fish oil, which comes in the form of capsules, liquids, and tablets.
 Omega three fatty acids cater to the health of the brain, heart, and muscles. They even help in weight management, which is essential for bodybuilders.
 Plus, omega-three fatty acids prevent the risk of cardiovascular issues, and heart stroke. 
Omega 3 fatty acids also improve cognitive abilities, memory, and concentration level. They control depression, aggression, mood swings, and anxiety. They even relieve joint and muscle pain.  
4. Antioxidants
Antioxidants control the oxidative reactions produced during a strenuous workout. 
Antioxidant supplements as present in the best online supplement store USA helps to deal with numerous toxic oxidants. They control free radicals and boost oxygen metabolism. 
The most common antioxidants include vitamin E, C, B complex, selenium, zinc, manganese, etc.  
5. Post-Workout Recovery Drinks
The post-workout drinks, as the name implies, help to re-energize you. They speed up your muscle recovery process. 
They promote glycogen replenishment and insulin release.  
6. Glutamine
Glutamine is an amino acid. It helps bodybuilders by combating their physical stress. 
Glutamine also removes excess ammonia that can get collected in your body after exercise. By removing excess ammonia, glutamine prevents harmful reactions and the risk of damage to your body.  
7. Multivitamins
Multivitamins are as important for bodybuilders as protein and carbs. Bodybuilding multivitamins contain various minerals and vitamins that help in muscle growth, strengthen immunity, boost energy, and keep you active. 
Multis also help in keeping you in shape. Plus, certain minerals like zinc and chromium interact with various anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, the growth hormone, and insulin. Thus, they increase your work capacity and energy.  
8. Green Tea
Green tea is an antioxidant. It is more of a daily beverage than a supplement. Green tea inhibits cardiovascular disease and cancer. 
Plus, being a form of caffeine, keeps you active and energetic. Green tea prevents joint degeneration.  
9. Weight gainers 
 Mass gainers or weight gainers are high-calorie protein supplements. They contain all the macronutrients like fat, protein, carbs, and essential vitamins and minerals.
 They help in muscle mass increment. You can take a mass gainer in the form of a shake either before or after a workout.  
10. Fiber Supplements
Certain amount of fiber is necessary to consume every day for optimal health. Fiber helps in improving gut health.
 It also controls total body inflammation and protects you against elevated blood lipids and blood pressure. Fiber helps in weight management as well.  
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Muscles are the fuel of life. There are 600 muscles in the human body. Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac are the three types of muscles. It is absolutely vital to maintain your muscles mass. This article will enlighten you about muscle mass necessity, and the best supplements for muscle growth.
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Muscle mass can be defined as the weight of muscles in your body in kilograms or pounds. Muscles are synonymous to engines. They are the battery, and a surveyor of energy. The human muscle mass plays a crucial role in building body fitness. The process of building muscles, will burn your energy as well as fat all the time. An increase in muscle mass results in faster functioning of the body. Muscles make your body burn calories/energy. As a result, there is an increase of your basal metabolic rate (BMR). In a way, building muscles help you maintain your weight. The best supplements for muscle growth cater to the process of muscle making, as well as supplying other nutrients for overall fitness.
Muscles growth is necessary for a number of reasons. I have jotted the most important advantages of maintain muscle mass below:
Maintaining regular body function- Aging results in a natural loss of muscle. It is known as sarcopenia. Muscle mass smoothens the normal bodily functions like walking, standing, and lifting objects. Proper muscle mass reduces the risk of chronic disease. Maintenance of muscle mass, via supplements and exercise makes it possible to fight the natural decaying of muscle mass.
Preventing osteoporosis- The best supplements for muscle growth help in controlling osteoporosis and bone decay. Weakening of muscles, especially in old age, can lead to bone issues. When bones decay they turn brittle and more fragile. Thereby, there is an increased risk of a fracture or break. Maintenance of muscle mass is therefore necessary. Apart from taking supplements, lifting weights can help to increase bone density and bone strength.
Regulating blood pressure- Muscle mass regulates blood pressure. Various researchers depict that taking up muscle growth supplements and weight lifting can increase in blood pressure. But the increase in only temporary.
Lower your resting heart rate- Muscles manage your heart rate. People who are involved in heavy weight training find it difficult to maintain heart rate. The reason being that heavier weights cause more exertion on the cardiovascular system. Hence, taking up the best supplements for muscle growth is advisable.
Combating heart disease and type 2 diabetes- Healthy muscles combat heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. Muscle via strength training can improve the human body's tolerance to glucose and insulin sensitivity. Glucose and insulin balance regulates blood sugar levels.
Add to the above, muscle growth is beneficial for mental health as well.
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Now that the importance of muscle growth has been elaborated, let us take a look at the best supplements for muscle growth:
Protein Supplements
Protein is the building block of the human body. Protein is the foremost supplement in context of muscle growth. Not just bodybuilders, and athletes, but laymen also need protein. Consuming enough protein is essential for gaining muscle. In order to gain muscles, you must consume more protein than your body breaks down via natural processes.
If taking up protein rich food is not feasible, then it’s best to take protein supplements. You can choose protein powders, shakes, bars, and tablets. The most popular type of protein supplements are whey, casein and soy protein. Protein supplements are sourced from both animal and plant products. Hence, they are safe for vegans also. It is proven through research that taking protein supplements, especially with exercise, leads to muscle growth.
Weight Gainers
Weight gainers are also known as mass gainers. They are one of the best supplements for muscle growth. Mass gainers are calorie dense dietary ingredients. They contain macros like protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Mass gainers also contain micro nutrients like vitamins and minerals. These supplements are designed to conveniently make you consume more calories and protein. Mass gainers are mostly recommended for skinny people, bodybuilders, gym enthusiasts, highly active people, and those who have poor appetite.
Calories are the basic unit of energy, and mass gainer supplement offer you high calories. They work instantly. Just mix the mass gainer supplement powder in water or milk or smoothie and gulp it down to experience a hike in your energy levels. Mass gainers work best when paired up with exercise and regular workout. The increases calories via mass gainers will further increase your lean muscle mass when combined with exercise, else it will just lead to unhealthy fat accumulation.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids
Amino acids are the manufacturing unit of protein. Some amino acids are not build inside the human body. They are called essential amino acids. They must be taken via diet or supplements. Amongst the essential amino acids, there are three important ones which are grouped together to form branched-chain amino acids. The BCAAs contain three individual amino acids called leucine, isoleucine and valine. These BCAAs are necessary for muscle growth. In fact, BCAAs make up about 14% of the amino acids in our muscles. If taking up BCAAs via food is not easy then one should take it via supplements. Experts recommend that BCAAs significantly improve muscle gain and reduce muscle loss. Various other researches depict that BCAAs only benefit you if you are not eating enough high-quality protein in your diet. SO, yes, maintaining diet is required along with BCAA supplementation.
Multivitamins are the next best supplements for muscle growth. Multivitamins are a combination of various vitamins and minerals. Multis not only help in muscle growth but also provide other nutrients for the welfare of the body. Vitamin D is necessary for bone health. It is called the ‘sunshine’ vitamin because it is gained through sunlight. Vitamin D maintains bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium supports vitamin D in the endeavour of strengthening bones. Iron is an essential mineral. It makes up haemoglobin and enhances the oxygen supply throughout the body. Iron increases the production of red blood cells. Iron boosts your energy levels and makes you active. Vitamin C is the immunity booster. It is a water soluble vitamin, and must be taken regularly via supplements. Vitamin C helps you to fight infections, and reduces the risk of getting diseases. Magnesium is important for maintain hundred of body functions. It is helpful in maintain metabolism. Zinc is an energy booster again. It is also beneficial in maintaining mental health and reducing depression or mental stress. All in all multis cater to muscle health whether directly or indirectly.
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fitnesstack · 4 years
MusclePharm Combat XL Mass Gainer is a revolutionary weight gaining supplement formulated with dense, functional calories and essential nutrients partitioned precisely to create the perfect muscle-building environment an athlete needs. Featuring essential fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, and 4 sources of protein, Combat XL works to promote muscle recovery allowing you to get big – and stay big!
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