#colour genetics
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roseate-felidae · 2 years ago
Hi, @leslapinscretins
In reference to these merged images:
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Here are the colours for you. I have included the regular name, rex name and images of them in the mini rex rabbit.
All blue box mini rex photos are from The British Mini Rex Club.
Agouti series
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Agouti, chestnut in America. sometimes called Chestnut agouti. This is the wild rabbit colour.
Used to be called Brown grey in the old days, still is used for old breeds like Flemish Giant and Dutch.
Official name is Castor in rex, meaning "beaver". Rex used to be called Castorex until more colours were added.
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Opal, this is dilute Agouti, aka. Blue Agouti
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Cinnamon, this is Chocolate Agouti, most people don't know this name. Sometimes called Amber in rex.
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Lynx, this is dilute Chocolate Agouti, basically dilute Cinnamon or lilac Agouti.
Otter series
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Otter, comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
Tan is basically otter with rufous gene, sometimes called Black and tan. But it does come in blue, chocolate and lilac aswell.
Tan is allowed in few breeds like Tan rabbit and Belgian hare. It is usually a disqualification in otter colour rabbit breeds, nicknamed "fire belly".
One of my favourite colours (I love tri and Lutino more though).
Self series
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black self, called Smoke in angora rabbits.
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blue self, the dilute of black.
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Chocolate self, in the past was called brown. Rex is named Havana, after the original chocolate rabbit breed, who in turn is named after the cigar.
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lilac self, the dilute of chocolate
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Red eyes white (REW), colloquially called White, in rex is called Ermine after the winter coat of stoats (which were used in fur industries). Is actually not a self breed but a chinchilla series. any rabbit will become this if carrying double Red eyes white. it works like a blanket, masking the other colours.
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Blue eyed white (BEW), the double form of vienna. Single version is called Vienna.
Vienna sometimes shows up as random white patches. Not all have white patches, if your rabbit has one, two or partial blue eyes, it is still carrying a vienna gene.
Blue eyed white is not related to the chinchilla series Red eyed white.
Chinchilla series
The chinchilla series removes yellow pigment. Below is chinchilla series on Agouti.
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The chinchilla or Chinrex when rex. was named after the rodent. It is Agouti and Chinchilla series.
Dilute is called Squirrel, aka. Blue chinchilla.
Chocolate and lilac chinchilla exist but are disqualified and rare.
The chinchilla series Otter rabbits
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Marten, sometimes called Silver Martin or fox. Named after the animal used in fur industry. Comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
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Sable agouti (right), mostly forgotten colour, comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.
Actually darker and bigger face marking then image. Image is juvenile.
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Seal, comes in Marten seal, and a self version, called Siamese seal. Marten seal is double dose of shaded gene on a marten, Siamese seal is double Siamese sable..
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Martin sable, the sable gene on an otter rabbit. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades. Has a chocolate variant.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Martin smoke pearl, the dilute of Martin sable. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Siamese sable, the self version of sable marten. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Siamese smoke pearl, sometimes shortened to smoke pearl. The dilute of Siamese sable. Needs to carry Himalayan or red eyed white to not be seal. Comes in dark, light and medium shades.
Kits have no pattern, develops with age.
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Himilayan, a temperature based albinism. Named after the cat. Also called Californian and pointed white. Comes in black, blue, chocolate and lilac.I
A self breed. Agouti or otter is called martenized Himalayan and is disqualified.
Born white, pattern develops with age.
non extension-
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Orange. used to be called yellow, old breeds like Dutch are still called Yellow. Called Fawn in Angora. Becomes red when paired with rufous gene. not a self rabbit but actually an Agouti based rabbit.
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Fawn, dilute orange. Sometimes called Beige. Not a self rabbit but Agouti based.
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harlequin, sometimes called Japanese harlequin or Japanese. It is a Agouti breed. Self versions are faded and called tort based harlequins. Tort based harlequins are disqualified.
Comes in Black-orange, blue-fawn, chocolate -Orange and lilac-fawn
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magpie. Pairing of harlequin and Chinchilla series
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Sooty fawn, sometimes called tort. Is named tortoiseshell in rex. a self shaded breed that is non extension. The dilute of sooty fawn is called Beige.
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Sable point. Is a Tort mixed with chinchilla series.I
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Broken. Called Dalmatian in Rex. Shown above is Dalmation Bi. It is also called English, spotted and butterfly. Needs to be blanket version on most. Spotted version is allowed on rex. spotted required on English spot, rhinelander, giant papillion and dwarf papillon.
In its double form it's white with head markings and Herringbone on back. The double is called "Charlie " after the incomplete nose marking resembling Charlie Chaplin moustache.
Booted- broken is only shown as white feet on solid rabbit. Disqualified.
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Tri colour. Called dalmatian tri in rex, tri in others. It's similar to Tri-colour Dutch (except that's harlequin and dutch, not harlequin and broken.) The English also comes in tri colour. It is not excepted in most breeds. One of my favourite colours!!!!!!
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Lutino. A new mutation. While albinism removes melanin, if it removes yellow it makes albino, if it keeps yellow it's a lutino.
All Lutino have red eyes. On an agouti rabbit it is called Shadow Lutino (it has grey fur closer to skin), on Orange it is just Lutino and on self it is called Dove (Beige in America).
On the left is lutino and the right is Dove.
Unstandardized in most breeds, has been recently allowed in Netherland dwarf rabbits.
This is my favourite rabbit (and bird) colour mutation!!!!
Colours without images-
I hit my image limit on this post. :(
these are some other colours below.
Dutch - only allowed in Dutch rabbits. Used to be called belted. There was a "new style" that had four boots and thin blaze and collar. Thankfully the old style is what stayed. has a white "belt" that covers the front legs, a "blaze" and two white back feet called "stops". Some mini lops call it split.
Steel- sometimes called steel grey. In double form is nearly black and called super steel.
Frosty- a white rabbit with very faint points. Made by mixing sooty fawn and chinchilla series. Unstandarised in every breed.
Sallander- rare variety breed, "Base colour pearl with blackish brown guard hairs giving a veil of pale charcoal". Made from shaded and sooty fawn.
Thuringer- rare variety breed. "buff to deep yellow ochre with blue-black ticking"
Well I'm finished, it took all night and my hands cramped, but it's done!
You didn't ask but I was enslaved by some otherworldly autistic forces took the opportunity.
* updated, removed spelling mistakes basically*
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pangur-and-grim · 11 months ago
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HELLO, welcome to the kitten gacha game!
here's how it works: all pointed cats are born white and mysterious. that's because pointing is temperature dependent, and cats are baked at an even temperature in the womb! as they age, their colder extremities develop colour
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a while ago, I received photos of three pointed kittens, and had to guess where they fell on this chart based on subtle clues:
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I ended up choosing a grub who developed into a seal point with white (my sweet Belphegor!)
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and now I'm giving YOU the chance to choose! kittens A, B and C will each become one of the colours on the chart as they are manufactured age.
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reserve them now at greerstothers.shop, and receive your enamel pin grown kitten in the mail!
(close-ups of the clues under the readmore)
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feel free to guess their colourations in the replies/reblogs! I'm curious to see how many people get it right.
the enamel pins will come with a breakdown of their colour genetics on the backing card!
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eye-of-the-hawk · 10 months ago
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“Yes. Stole my own hypothesis and turned it against me.”
“Fascinating. I’d love to meet her.”
“… Ah. So you’re just like her here, aren’t you?”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
“*Sigh…* unfortunately, you’ve already made it quite obvious.”
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bastart13 · 7 months ago
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My sister got me to read some Warrior Cats books so here are some other OCs I've AUed into cats:
Hedvig/Dewshine (she/her) - Pretty silver-ginger she-cat. Deputy to her clan and definitely not planning to usurp leadership
Elisedd/Embereye (he/him) - Massive black colourpoint tom. Former medicine cat apprentice before being exiled, and now looking for revenge
Lizaveta/Stagtooth (she/her) - Broad cream tabby she-cat. Bloodthirsty and proud warrior, eager to keep other clans in line
Maya/Shadowleap (she/her) - Sleek black she-cat. Quiet deputy to another clan with a speciality in information-gathering
Alexei/Mousenose (he/she/they) - Thick-furred black tabby. Gossipy warrior curious to see how things play out and how they can stay on the winning team
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infriga · 1 year ago
Okay so I love Luffy being Latino of course, but I did think it was funny how he has the most white-ass grandpa on the planet, like Garp literally has a Scottish accent (which works really well for his character actually ngl). So I thought well maybe we can just assume that Luffy's mixed race from his biological mother's side then or something (it's not like we've seen her or learned a single thing about her in all these years so far) and Dragon will be white too but then no, apparently Dragon was cast already, and he ain't white either. So like, we can just assume Luffy is mixed race or something, or even that his dad just has darker skin, but that leaves Garp as the odd one out lmao
So now Garp's casting is extra funny because like sir, how? How'd you manage to be the only white guy in your family, who is also the only cop mind you, meanwhile your entire family is full of POC criminals who are all fighting the system and sticking it to the man while challenging the government and demolishing corrupt dictatorships? Is the live action show going to try to explain this or just rely on Luffy's absent grandmother to fill in the genetic gaps via audience imagination? Or is it going to be revealed some day that Dragon was adopted or something, because everyone is adopted in One Piece since it's found family propaganda incarnate? Or are they just going to ignore it completely because One Piece genetics are already completely bonkers anyway? Or maybe Garp is just that one white-passing family member with funny genetics who happens to look white lmfao
To be clear, this isn't a complaint, it's something I just find funny. Garp's real world ethnicity hasn't been brought up in any sbs answers I don't think, and the casting has been too perfect for me to have an issue with small things like "how come this Latino kid has a white Scottish grandpa?" if anything it heightens the experience and adds to the surprise of the reveal 😂
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mindblowingscience · 6 months ago
From shifting skink rainbows to dazzling hummingbird metallics, many creatures display brilliant hues created by nano-structures weaving wavelengths of light. Researchers led by Utrecht University bioinformatician Aldert Zomer have now pinpointed genes that allow bacteria to make use of this vivid phenomenon too. Where colors emitted by pigments are the leftover parts of the visible light spectrum that aren't absorbed, structural colors arise from the way light interferes as it is reflected.
Continue Reading.
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scruncheduppaper · 6 months ago
do you guys ever think abt v1 getting stained more and more with blood as they go thru hell and ending up looking like v2. like ik that not how it work but man even in death theyre still there yknow. like how v1 keeps v2 alive technically thru their arms.
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cad-faoi-maeglin · 4 months ago
I need Tech to elaborate on how the Yalbec queen stinger is a delicacy. Like, is there meat attached/inside or is the pointy bit boiled in some kind of broth-making situation..? 🤔
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roseate-felidae · 11 months ago
Learning new cat colour genetics. Sunshine, Bimetallic and Golden.
Basically, I learnt most of the genetics of cats and some rodents from a book called the Colour Inheritance in Small Livestock by Roy Robinson. Printed 2013.
Many new genes have been discovered since then. Like Golden, sunshine and bimetallic. So I've tried learning what they mean. Placing it in a post for easy access if I forget.
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Golden- Persian, Exotic and British shorthairs
What is it- Wide band, pushing colour to the tips and widening the light colour. (Wb). Is dominant.
Important notes- Sometimes carries one inhibitor gene. Due to being found originally in lines with silver tabbies.
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Sunshine/corin gold- siberian forest cats
What is it- the golden hair showed a large yellow band instead of the short subapical one normally seen in agouti hair. Base is apricot or light chestnut, Nose leather is pink.
Genetics- is corin gene and recessive. Wideband WbSib
first "rufism" gene in cats.
"Golden" siberian sometimes called sunshine. But Different to GoldenSib.
Also comes in extreme sunshine.
Extreme sunshine is dominant to sunshine.
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Bimetallic/corin silver- siberian forest cats
What is it- mix silver tabby and sunshine on one cat.
Genetics- Corin silver is the TICA name for the Siberian sunshine silver cats that were colloquially called bimetallics. Recessive
Not-Silver with rufousism on belly or tortie- Have no red gene or golden gene (Wb)
GoldenSib- Another "golden" siberian-
What is it- base is warm chestnut, nose is normal colour.
Genetics- is called siberian recessive wideband or wbSIB. Is recessive.
seperate gene to sunshine.
GoldenSib is dominant over Sunshine
Sit on same loci space as sunshine. (Loci is like a, b, c etc.)
The order of dominance appears to be: Non-GoldenSib/non-Sunshine >> GoldenSib >> Sunshine
CORIN has been described as a modifier of the ASIP (Agouti Signaling Protein) pathway. CORINs are always tabbies and only recognized as black based colours (black/blue/chocolate/cinnamon, and no torties allowed). They Can't be self.
Its what causes golden tigers.
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theneverfadinglands · 9 months ago
Theoretical Noldorin Hair Colour Genetics
Hello, long time no see. I was busy studying, I hope it would make Fëanor proud. Perhaps he would be displeased with my grades but he may find my baby research work at least a little bity interesting. However I might at least put my biology degree to some use, so I did this hair colour inheritance chart. Fëanor and Nerdanel are straightforward and easy to conclude, there is only some doubt about the genotypes of Caranthir, Curufin and Maglor. It is possible for them to be both Mr and Mc genotype. But it creates interesting possibility, Celebrimbor as rc – red hair. I think red-haired Celebrimbor is my new favorite Celebrimbor. His mother would have to be cc – silver haired Teleri/Sindar.
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Some difficulties arrose in the Finarfin's family tree. Finarfin himself must be Lc – golden haired heterozygot, because Finwë can be only Mc (which also creates this alternative possibility for cc Fëanor, but it would change the colours of all his offspring's hair to silver or red). Eärwen should have golden hair herself, because then it is:
F1: Lc x Lc
F2: 1LL : 2Lc : 1cc
fenotype: 3 gold, 1 silver
If Finafrin is Lc and Eärwen cc then
F1: Lc x cc
F2: 2Lc : 2cc
fenotype: 2 gold, 2 silver
I came to the conclusion that Eärwen has gold hair.
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Another interesting thing I found out is the fact that if Elrond and Celebrián have had more children they might get a surpirse blonde or silver haired child, because Elrodn is either Mc or ML if Nimloth is cc. Which I assumed since her father is Galathil, brother of Celeborn. Although there is a possibility that Galathil is Mc, if his mother is Tatyar Avari descendant Mc, then Celeborn cc and Galathil Mc is plausible. Therefore Nimloth might be Mc or even MM.
I also added Gil-Galad. I think if he would be blond it would actually be interesting explanation for all of that parentage confussion. He might be considered Fingon's son, looking similar to him but with gold hair, which would be possible if Fingon is ML and mother is LL, Lc, cc, rc. So he might pass as Fingon's son, same for Orodreth who has blonde daughter. If Lalwen is ML and Círdan cc, then Gil-Galad might be Lc. If Lalwen is Mc then he might be Mc or cc, black or silver fenotype.
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marlinspirkhall · 10 months ago
I love gimmick blogs because every so often you get periodic reblogs about little details you'd never thought about before.
“Seventy". Seventy what? Vowels, apparently. "Ginger". Ginger what? This one is about cats. “A G C A G C G G G C A A A G G G G A A CA”? This is the sound of my DNA being stolen.
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dragofelid · 13 days ago
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Commission or @utsugi-ren
Red and Blue <3
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angie-starz · 4 months ago
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I'm slowly coming back to my roots, but in the meantime have some chronohaul lovechildren, I was scrolling around to see what I'd missed and saw @dvdkisser and @orb-weaving fan kids and decided to jump on the bandwagon :)
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danderria · 3 months ago
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Jodie Foster (S1, 14/31)
Check out the other characters in this project here
More outfits under read more!
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rhapsoddity · 10 months ago
If it wasn't obvious already, I like BDubs
I think we should let Apollo have his turn with the hypnosis powers, as a treat.
- 🍀 Glare Anon
apollo is a walking epilepsy warning as it is, imagine what he could do with colour/j
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lowkeyanakin · 2 years ago
thinking about togruta!anakin and how fucked up that would make things, canon-wise. like,,,,togrutas have unique markings (or so i like to believe) on their lekku, montrals and faces. even after getting burnt to a crisp, im guessing anakin's would still be somewhat recognizeable (or if they weren't you would still be able to tell that vader was not human)
people would be able to tell that's him under the mask, eventually, because what are the fucking chances? and it wouldn't be wise for him to completely cover them with armour because good luck with hearing and sensing stuff.
but, most importantly, luke and leia would know they're somewhat related because honestly,,,,two half human-half togruta young adults around the same age who happen to have identical face markings and very similar lekku/montrals? there arent many explanations lol
and luke, noticing swirls he knows like the back of his hand beneath vader's charred skin? he would know.
i'd totally love to expand on this one day, especially on the additional damage made by lava to anakin's nervous system contained in his montrals lololol
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