#colors: matt herms
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rapidhighway · 4 days ago
god finally new knuckles I'm so happy
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augustheart · 2 years ago
i'm a comic book colorist appreciator . if you're a fan of comics you should have a favorite colorist. there should be comics where when they get announced you're like yessss but it won't be complete without [x colorist]'s work
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identifying-sonic-in-posts · 7 months ago
Sonic Colors (2010)
Sonic IDW Endless Summer, art by Tracy Yardley and Thomas Rothlisberger, inks by Maria Keane, colors by Joana Lafuente
Sonic IDW #45, art by Evan Stanley, inks by Matt Froese, colors by Reggie Graham
Sonic Speed Simulator (Roblox), Summer Sonic
Sonic Adventure 2, hero story
Sonic Channel, Sonic Pict January, 2021, art by Yui Karasuno
Sonic IDW #41, art by Adam Bryce Thomas, colors by Matt Herms
Sonic IDW Endless Summer, art by Tracy Yardley and Thomas Rothlisberger, inks by Maria Keane, colors by Joana Lafuente
Sonic IDW #53, art by Adam Bryce Thomas, colors by Reggie Graham
Sonic The Hedgehog ”Passion & Pride” Anthems with Attitude from the Sonic Adventure Era, art by Yuji Uekawa
A lot of Tails’ stuff being blue, most of Sonic’s belongings having a hint of yellow.
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idwsonicnews · 10 days ago
DC x Sonic the Hedgehog #1 Preview
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Writer: Ian Flynn
Line Art: Adam Bryce Thomas
Colors: Matt Herms
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cultkinkcoven · 7 days ago
One of the big breakthroughs that both Lord Lucifer and Lord Hermes have really helped me understand is the idea of sensing energy in objects.
So often we talk about sensing and observing energy, but to beginners, our vague descriptions can be confusing or miss the point entirely.
When we talk about sensing energy in objects, people, crystals for example, remember that we’re not searching for some hypothetical mystical thing that “only REAL witches can see”. Every single person is capable of observing energy.
Lord Lucifer really helped me understand that energy is not just this mystical imaginary thing that we’re trying to tap into. You are very used to observing energy, you are already a pro at it.
Light, sound, touch, texture, solidity, surface tension, color, yes, all of these things are also energy, information. So many times I have seen practitioners in crystal shops waving their hands around the rocks, feeling them in their hands, staring into them deeply, even putting them to their ears, and I always thought “WHAT is it that they are sensing that I am not sensing?”
It wasn’t until I found myself in a crystal shop waving my hands above the crystals to feel which ones felt like they were radiating heat that it clicked for me. When Lord Hermes tells me to feel the crystal in my hand, he’s being very literal. When he asks me why this crystal is reflective, he is asking me why light interacts with this object the way it does. What does this tell me about the structure of this object? This feedback that my body is telling me is not just mundane, it is inherently telling me vital information about the object and it’s composition. These are universal truths.
Why do I see pink inside the quartz structure of a rose quartz? Why does angel aura reflect rainbows the way it does, why is obsidian shiny and onyx matte? Why is Sapphire a different shade than Opal and why is Opal different than Opallite? What makes all of these things different than lavender and water? Why are these things different from fire and sand?
What you are seeing in the mundane is not just an object. You are seeing a reflection of its attributes, quite literally. You are also hearing, feeling, even tasting these things as well. Sensing energy, feeling the vibration of a crystal, is not this talent that some people just have. You have it too, you just have to learn how to make sense of the information you’re already receiving. Those witches that seem so experienced aren’t waving their hands around the crystals because it looks aesthetically pleasing. They are actively trying to understand the structure of the object and how that relates to its energy.
Good magic takes root from good observation. I can feel that my friend is troubled, perhaps because of the vibes their ethereal aura is emitting, sure. But also because their quietness can be observed across multiple spectrums, through their appearance, through the rhythm of their breathing. My subconscious brain understands all of the billion subtle cues a body can produce before I can. I trust it.
When I approach my friend and say “hey, your hair actually looks great” and they go “wow! really? How did you know I was nervous about that?” , I might reply saying that I sensed it. What I actually mean is that I saw it, I heard it, I felt it on my skin, all at the same time. And before I even understood all of these things individually, I knew that her vibe was somewhat off. I don’t need mystical powers to understand that. Everything from the sweat on your brow to the sound of your voice is an energy and vibration. The way your hair falls tells me how damp your scalp is. The way your face looks indicates to me how you tongue is sitting in your mouth. All of these things I can sense, not through super powers, but through the basic information that is also available to you.
My friends constantly tease me and say that I can “read minds” because I constantly finish people’s sentences or know what they want to tell me before they can even form the words.
“how did you even know to ask me that?”
“woah wait I haven’t even told you that yet”
Im a terrible person to buy gifts for because I know what everyone is going to get me before they can buy it. Am I a mind reader? Do I have superpowers? Probably not. I have simply gotten so used to interpreting subconscious information that I’m just a little bit quicker than usual. I see someone’s gaze shift, I see their forehead wrinkle which implies that they are about to speak. I see their arm subtly move in a direction, I see in their eyes that they want something. We’re standing in the hallway. Yes I can close the door, no problem. How did I know you were gonna ask me that? For the same reason I know that amethyst heals. Energy reveals itself through context.
edit: Lucifer gets real quantum with this idea. There’s a concept that dark matter- which is matter that does not interact with light- still affects matter, and therefore what cannot be seen can still be revealed in what can be seen. Coming to intuitive insights means access the ability to see what is hidden, to have prophecies and all that jazz. These effects are subtle, so you have to focus, but they can be seen.
Obsidian is not just protection because it has some innate fantasy quality that is only found in obsidian. Your brain understands black obsidian as black and sharp for a reason. That translates both literally and symbolically.
You’re reading right now, right? You see squiggles on a screen and yet you completely understand these concepts I’m presenting. A whole message has been communicated to you through nothing more than lines and squiggles. This form of transferring information is not limited to words. This thing that you’re doing right now occurs every single time you observe anything. A whole message, understanding and idea is communicated through the texture of Labradorite in the same way that it is in this post.
The next time you try to feel a vibe or energy, don’t just try to feel with your soul. That is a super important step, yes, but also make sense of the information your brain is already great at interpreting. In fact, I’d argue that as soon as you stop thinking of magic as this fantasy thing that some people just have, your abilities will absolutely explode.
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Oh this artist is very kind to Linda...
Flash vol. 6 #14 art by Vasco Georgiev, coloring by Matt Herms
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aphroditeinthesea · 8 months ago
HEY! Can you do a Connor stoll x fem Aphrodite reader dating hcs🙏🏻
“ time slows down (whenever ur around) ”
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connor stoll x daughter of aphrodite 🐍
⚠️ one swear word
a/n kinda short sorry
⋅˚₊‧ ౨ৎ ‧₊˚ ⋅
- he definitely lets you do his makeup
- like you don’t even have to try and convince him
- you just ask him, expecting to have to give all your reasoning of why he should let you do it
- but then he’s just like “okay”
- and he looks gorgeous
- prettiest boy in the hermes cabin
- and he always has his nails donr
- it starts with you just testing how colors look and basically using him as your doll
- until he starts asking you to do his nails
- 🫶😭🫢🙁😭🥹
- you also help him up his fashion game
- mans is dressing snazzy
- (in my head he’s matt sturniolo)
- (travis is chris)
- (could be interchangeable actually i can’t decide)
- anyways so when u guys first start dating, he knows like the reputation aphrodite girls have of being high maintenance
- so he sets up this plan of taking you out to dinner in the city
- and he sneaks you out
- and he takes you to this fancy little restaurant
- (ik camp half blood is in long island? i think??)
- (idk how far nyc is from there)
- it’s this french restaurant
- for specifics, i just decided it was actually this restaurant called la grande boucherie that’s in nyc
- oui oui 👨🏻‍🍳
- sorry i’m not french and have never been to nyc
- but it looks really expensive
- and you know what?
- he pays for both of you 🫶🫶🤧🥹
- jk
- he gives a fake card and dips
- and according to the reservations, yall were mr and mrs john kennedy
- but it’s the thought that counts
- and the arrest warrant
- but when you get back to camp, you guys totally are holding hands and he walks you back to your cabin
- and you give him a little smooch
- then he’s just stands there for a minute after you walk in
- he’s just like “what just happened where am i what’s my name”
- travis walks by and literally smacks his head and is just like “knock out of it”
- but this boy is whipped
- would literally roll out a red carpet for you if he could
- he’s adorable
- speaking of french, you always call him french nicknames
- mon amour, mon coeur, mon bébé
- and whenever you do, he literally just gets this like lovesick look on his face
- he tried to find a cute french name for you
- but that stopped when he tried to say “ma biche” but didn’t know how to pronounce it and you thought he called you a bitch
- he stuck to english after that
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dailyjsa · 3 days ago
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Justice Society of America v4 #12
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist/Inker: Todd Nauck
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Rob Leigh
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warcats-cat · 3 months ago
My friends in the EPIC fandom I need you to see my new favorite stickers ever!!
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You can get them on Etsy and the seller was super sweet! Hermes was a custom request (the one in their shop says "Good Luck" without the Darling)
As someone who works in printing I can say these are really good quality too!! The coloring is beautiful and very accurate to the screen, the lines are smooth and crisp, and the paper itself is a nice smooth material (it's not paper-y like some home-made stickers, it's matte but idk if it's waterproof.)
I'm so excited. The urge to stick one of the Hermes (I got 3) directly to my forehead was so powerful.
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onedegreeofsoniccomics · 6 months ago
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Multiversus: Collision Detection #2: "Level Two: Sequence Breaking"
Writer: Bryan Q. Miller Pencils/Inks: Jon Sommariva Colors: Matt Herms Letters: Marshal Dillon
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identifying-sonic-in-posts · 6 months ago
hello my brother in arms. do you know where this jpeg of silver is from? because i don't think ive ever seen it and i am DYING to know
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Archie Sonic/Megaman Free Comic Book Day, Worlds Unite Prelude, pencils by Adam Bryce Thomas, inks by Gary Martin, colors by Matt Herms
(most places you can read this online has it upside-down because of the way the original comic was printed. you can read it here with the ability to flip the pages)
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augustheart · 1 year ago
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orion-nottson · 11 months ago
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GYAT DAYUM this piece is finally finished! 😭 took me ages but its worth it for my man 😌❤️
inspired by and some colors directly drawn from the flash #788: rogues to redemption with matt herms as the colorist. i just really enjoy how vibrant yet realistic his coloring is 😊
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idwsonicnews · 9 days ago
DC x Sonic the Hedgehog #1 Further Preview Pages
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Writer: Ian Flynn Line Art: Adam Bryce Thomas Colors: Matt Herms Letters: Becca Carey Editor: Michael McCalister Group Editor: Katie Kubert
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megalizardon4736 · 1 month ago
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Lia Hauata Makeover 💗
Hair -
Lamia V3 Hair by simstrouble
Hairline G10 Default Color by GoppolsMe
cupid eyebrows by peachyfaerie
Eyes -
connor eyes by obscurus-sims
3D Lashes (Uncurl Edition) Makeup Version by Kijiko
Skin Details -
galleria skinblend by granitefalling
body mask #16 by sims3melancholic
Eye Masks by Sammi-xox
misc. face details by okruee
Upper Chest Tattoo Celestial Journey Tattoo by SNOOTYSIMS
Astro Girl Left Leg Tattoo by SNOOTYSIMS
Iban Tattoo by marsmerizingsims
The Smirk Collection Teeth by LightDeficient
Makeup -
Almond Nails Matte by Joliebean
Sleek Smoky Eyeliner N12 by Pralinesims
ShellDustES by faaeish
Blush N4 by northern siberia winds
SatinLipstick by faaeish
Clothes -
Reverse Reverse by AJ Nebula
Louisa Dress by Sentate
Kale Bracelets WRIST LEFT by CandySims4
Short Skirt by Sentate
Magnolia Mules by greenllamas
Mia Top PRINT PATTERN by CandySims4
Athletic Sweatpants by Caio
Kareena Necklace by ice-creamforbreakfast
Hermes Dress SATIN PATTERNED misc pt 2 by CandySims4
Ayi Bikini Cardigan by Boschiana cc
Ayi Bikini Bottom by Boschiana cc
Lola Top v2 by Boschiana cc
Iguana Short by CandySims4
Rattan Sandals by HuiEn
Hideaway Knit Dress by Trillyke
@officialsnootysims @sims3melancholic @sammi-xox @okruee
@northernsiberiawinds @granitefalling @obscurus-sims
@pralinesims @joliebean @simstrouble @kijiko-sims @trillyke
@sentate @marsmerizing-sims @huiernxoxo @greenllamas
@ice-creamforbreakfast @candysims4 @caio-cc @boschianacc
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tomoleary · 2 months ago
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Fernando Pasarin (Pencils) and Matthew Ryan (Inks) “Ordered Mind” The Flash #789 Title Splash (February 2023) Source
Colors by Matt Herms
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