#coloring the last one took like an HOUR. can u tell I just gave up
housewifebuck · 7 months
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anonymous requested: eddie + crying
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merotwst · 2 years
CAN I GO WHERE YOU GO? ‹ . first years›
· bulleted hcs
⇝what happens to you five years after graduation?
[ n: another 135 followers celebratory post. as promised, i have now made an sfw fic in contrast to that other uh,, more sinful one i posted last night. thank u again for all ur support everyone ! ]
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ace trappola ‹ heartslabyul ›
. wow, you've come this far with ace?
. you're planning your future with him? seems like only yesterday you both were bickering in front of the seven statues.
. you started dating on your second year at nrc and boy was it a wild ride.
. year one after graduation was the year you told crowley you were going to stay at twisted wonderland for good.
. it was also the year you, ace and deuce started looking for a job.
. it was a pretty rough start littered with failed interviews and long nights—but you and ace always had each other's arms to fall back into at the end of the day
. year two was the year you and ace took a very memorable trip to the scalding sands
. where he underestimated the spiciness of the curry you ordered and regretted every singe decision he's made in his life as he sat at the toilet for hours on end that night, much to your amusement
. you did warn him
. but the scenery, the people, the beautiful cultural colors embodied by the silks being sold at the market while you wafted through the busy crowd holding hands as to not lose each other
. that trip was a core memory and you both considered moving to the scalding sands at some point when life was more stable for both of you
. year three when you asked him to move in with you. why'd it take you this long to move in with each other? well, because ace was the one asking you to move in to his crappy apartment and you always refused
. he spends most of his nights at your place anyway. he was just too lazy to be the one packing boxes and cleaning up
. when he finally caved, you didn't even try to hide your fist bump and squeal of excitement earning eyerolls from your boyfriend in the process
. deuce helped you guys pack and move and you three spent the night in the living room drinking and reminiscing and just chatting away
. it felt like the sleepovers you had at ramshackle back in your nrc days
. year four was the year you passed by a newly built animal shelter on your way to visit his family one summer
. it was really just supposed to be you guys checking the place out and maybe giving donations
. but this one australian shepherd was sat in one of the cages and he was giving ace a look that he couldn't ignore
. ughhh he hated being soft. but he couldn't help but reach into the cage and give the pup a little pet on the head
. when i tell you his heart skipped a beat when it did a little happy dance as he approached, i mean it full on stopped for a full minute because of the cuteness
. so you arrive at the trappola family home with a new addition to your own little trappola family, happily seated at the backseat of your car
. year five when you and ace were laying in bed, talking about all the years you spent together
. you've never felt luckier to have him by your side through thick and thin
. you couldn't imagine wanting to be in anybody else's arms than the ones holding you right now
. a scratch at the door and you both gave each other knowing looks of amusement. ace got off the bed to open the door
. the hyperactive, large fluffy boy, no longer a puppy. no he's gone way past that he was so big now and you both adored him.
. he zoomed into the bedroom and made himself comfortable by your side—shamelessly stealing ace's spot on the bed causing his dad to get all pouty and whining about wanting his spot back next to you but the dog wasn't budging
. you laughed
. this was your life now and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
deuce spade ‹ heartslabyul ›
. deuce and you have only started dating after you graduated
. and everyone's huffs of ‘it's about time’ could be heard once the news reached them
. deuce desperately wanted to give you the life you deserved and you constantly reassured him that no matter what life you both would live, you would stick by his side
. especially on the first year after graduating. out of the three of you (you, ace and deuce), deuce had the hardest time finding a job that he liked and felt comfortable being in
. it was a huge adjustment and he had a hard time, but you were always there to remind him that no matter what happened, you weren't leaving. that was all he needed to keep going.
. a lot of this year was also spent getting to know his mom. at her insistence, you and deuce stayed at her home for the first year
. she was a lovely woman who treated you just like her very own child. she loved you and deuce dearly and likewise you've grown to love her as though she were your own mother
. the second year, you and deuce got an apartment and moved out.
. it took a lot of convincing for mrs. spade to finally let you two leave (she couldn't help but tear up a bit seeing as how her two lovelies were all grown up), but she finally caved
. it was a medium sized apartment in the middle of the city and not far from where ace worked so he would often come by to visit you guys or sometimes he'd crash at your place since it was closer
. you guys ended up just giving him a spare key at this point as he was so often visiting anyway
. year three was when a reunion was held at nrc. everyone you knew and were close to had come by and no words can express how much you all missed each other
. everyone gathered around chatting and catching up, deuce grabbed you hand and squeezed it three times
. you looked up at him and he gave you the most loving smile you'd ever seen. it almost even seemed like he was about to tear up. a soft whisper of ‘i love you’ escaped his lips, just for you to hear
. he's never been more grateful for anything in his life. amazing friends, a loving mom and the love of his life by his side
. year four when you got your promotion and you had to move for your job. that was another big step in your relationship.
. a long distance relationship? could you guys handle it?
. you guys had a long talk and decided that deuce would move with you. where you went, he would go.
. he left his job, you left your apartment.
. ace acted as if you both were breaking up with him. where was he supposed to crash now?
. well, that was for him to figure out.
. you and your boyfriend moved to a new place six hours away from the main city and got a new apartment, it was smaller than the last one but it was comfortable for you both.
. and this time around, deuce got a job faster than you both expected and you celebrated with the bottle of wine his mom had given you as a little congratulatory gift when you got promoted.
. everything was perfect between the two of you.
. year five was when one of deuce's cousins went on vacation and asked if his family could stay around your apartment for a day.
. you didn't mind a little company so you agreed.
. the next week, his cousin came with his wife and his two kids.
. the way you handled the children, cradling the baby in your arms and playing with the older one made him think of a future where it's more than just the two of you.
. could you be able to pull it off? would he be a good father?
. but when you turned to look at him after gently cooing at the small infant in your arms and smiled, all doubts faded in his mind.
. you both could pull anything off together and someday, hopefully, maybe even a family.
jack howl ‹ savanaclaw ›
. you and jack graduated without ever telling each other how you felt.
. so your first year after graduating was spent separately. you were with ace and deuce in queendom and he was all the way over in the northern shaftlands.
. you both looked for jobs and occasionally you both would think about each other and wonder how each of you were doing and what you were up to.
. he often thought of reaching out, but decided against it. there were too many ‘what ifs’ for his liking. plus, what was he supposed to talk to you about? no, it was too risky for him so he just opted not to do anything rash.
. the second year, he got an email notifying that he and five other alumni would be in charge of the reunion next year.
. when jack went to check who the other four he was supposed to be working with were, he wasn't expecting to see your name and his heart started racing.
. this was his chance—your email was right underneath your name. of course, it would just be for planning the next reunion and nothing more but it also wouldn't hurt to catch up...
. as he was typing out his email to you—deleting, replacing, drafting—hey, should he attach a picture of himself? would that be too much? oh boy, his thoughts were going way too fast his hands couldn't keep up.
. a notification. and email. your name. jack having a mental stroke.
. you said you were emailing because you were both in the planning committee, but asked how he was and attached a photo of yourself.
. and wow you got so much more gorgeous.
. he responded and before you both knew it, you exchanged numbers and started texting instead.
. the late night texting turned into calls and you were talking each night.
. and when the reunion finally happened on the third year, you were both so nervous to see each other again. after a year of talking on the phone, you were both physically able to touch each other and talk face to face. way too many things could happen but you knew one thing was for sure—you would tell jack how you felt.
. even though you were a working adult, it felt like you were about to confess to a middle school crush. and you couldn't even see each other as often.
. but when you both finally saw each other, you couldn't help but run into his arms in a tight embrace. you fit there perfectly, as if you were always meant to be there.
. and to your surprise, jack confessed first and butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
. the rest if that reunion was spent chatting and catching up with your old classmates and being held by jack in his arms.
. now that he has you, he's never letting go.
. year four was spent the same way as the second year. you lived apart from each other so late night video calls that lasted hours were your bonding time for a while.
. until one day, you came home and jack was in your apartment.
. the way you dropped your groceries on the floor was all caught in video by ace.
. your friends decided to surprise you by flying jack all the way from shaftlands to queendom to celebrate your birthday.
. so you blew your candles, drank a bit and talked with everyone in the room.
. when ace and deuce went home, jack and you were the only ones left.
. he pulled out a little box from one of his bags. it was a snow globe. at first you thought it was an ordinary snow globe, but upon further inspection you noticed that the two characters inside were—
. “that's you and me. i had it custom made,” jack said with a blush on his cheeks, “i know it isn't much, but that's supposed to be how you and me are gonna look like if ever you visit my hometown.”
. year five was the year you got off a plane at an airport in shaftlands. jack was there with a girl who looked similar to him.
. it was hid sister. and though you'd only seen her and talked through video calls, she hugged you as if you were a long lost friend.
. you got in jack's truck, driving north away from the city. his sister talking and asking about you. she shared many silly things about jack when they were growing up, much to jack's embarassment.
. the paved roads soon became covered in white and the temperature grew colder. suddenly, everything around you was covered in snow. it felt like a winter wonderland.
. when you arrived at the howls', you were greeted by the warmth of the fireplace in the cabin, away from the city and near the mountains.
. the embrace of his family also welcomed you. mrs. howl was delighted to finally meet the person that made her jackie so happy.
. you now call him that just to see him blush.
. one night, he took you up the mountains nearby. he didn't explain why, it was supposed to be a surprise.
. you trusted your lover. so you took his hand and he helped you navigate the roads around the woods.
. it wasn't a long walk and jack kept offering to carry you on his back if ever you got tired—which you honestly didn't. in fact, it was quite delightful talking with jack while having a little midnight climb.
. once you reached the peak, you saw the view. the stars were littered in almost every inch of the sky. it was the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
. “get ready for the main event,” the wolf grinned, grabbing your hand, “look up.”
. and right as you did, you saw the first aurora borealis streaks form in the sky. you caught them right above you and you couldn't help but gasp, mesmerized by the sight.
. he squeezed you hand and you squeezed back.
. the week passed you by in a flash. it was a great trip. jack didn't want to let go at the airport, but you had a flight to catch.
. you went back to your daily routine of video calls, but this time, everytime you see the picture frame beside the snow globe he gave you—the picture resembled the two characters in the snow globe the exact same way.
. you couldn't help but think how you wanted to come back there and, just maybe, even stay for good.
epel felmier ‹ pomefiore ›
. similar to deuce, you and epel started dating shortly after you graduated.
. your relationship was quiet and only a few other people knew about it at first, but it didn't come as a shock to them when they found out.
. you two have always seemed close anyway. it was only a matter of time.
. the first year after graduation, he took you back to his hometown in harveston for a little visit.
. it was such a small town and most of the population were elderly, but it was quite a lovely place.
. everyone was welcoming and happy to finally see epel's significant other.
. his grandma was the most excited out of all of them. she couldn't stop going off about how beautiful you looked and how epel was lucky to have someone as intelligent as you.
. she told stories about epel when he was younger—pulled out the photo albums and all and epel was desperately trying to save himself from embarassment.
. his grandmother was having none of it and sent him to go prepare you some apple pie while she continued to talk to you.
. it was also the year you decided to extend your stay at harveston to help out at the orchards. you learned how to make apple delicacies, juice and others.
. you hadn't even realized it's been a year since you decided to stay.
. and year two was the year you decided to stay permanently in the small town.
. you quite enjoyed the quietness and simplicity of everything around you.
. epel's family adored you. from the little kids to the grandparents. it was as if you've always been part of it.
. you started working at the little flower shop in town and helped out at the apple farm as often as you could.
. it was a quiet life with epel so far and you liked it that way.
. year three, was when one of the elderly residents passed away peacefully. she had owned a cat who now needed a new home.
. so, you and your boyfriend volunteered to take her home.
. the cat didn't like epel at first, hissing at him when he got close. but you were a natural and the animal loved you and purred whenever you scratched and pet it.
. epel, however, only got growls and scratched on his arms from the fluffball.
. so you made it your mission to have your new daughter and boyfriend to get along.
. so while epel was fast asleep and your cat was also drowsily napping in your arms, you gently placed her on his stomach while he slept.
. she didn't object. in fact, she started purring against him.
. after that, she didn't seem to mind epel as much anymore. of course, she was still much closer to you, but she didn't scratch or hiss at him anymore. and occasionally, she'd even sleep beside him.
. year four was the year you and epel got yourselves magical brooms.
. you had the idea of using the brooms to pick the apples much easier and more fun.
. epel loved the idea seeing as how he was excellent at flight.
. he would zoom around the orchard and you would carry the basket on your own broom following after him as he tossed the apples into the basket.
. you were both a team, even after he got tangled in one of the tree branches and fell—injuring his arm in the process, you were there for him.
. you took over his duties and helped around the house doing his own chores for him. and he thought that was pretty sweet.
. often you'd see him in a bench with your cat as he watched you sweep at the leaves in the backyard, a content smile on his face and a ball of fur purring contentedly beside him.
. year five was when ace, deuce and jack came to visit harveston.
. it was time for one of the festivals and it had gotten quite busy. all the hustling and bustling of the small town filled you with excitement, as it did every year.
. but with your friends coming over this year, it seemed twice as exciting.
. you and epel gave them all a warm embrace after the got out of a taxi and welcomed them to the town.
. the residents greeted the men with happy smiles and warm embraces.
. you had so much fun, it felt like you were back at your nrc days again.
. and at the peak of the festivities, epel had managed to get you alone in your bedroom—well, except for your cat who was sprawled out on the bed in a starfish position.
. but you expected that. what you didn't expect was epel pulling out a ring from behind him.
. there were no fancy candles or roses. no fireworks, no orchestra. just you, him and the constant purring of your cat.
. but you didn't hesitate to say yes.
. because this was just how you wanted it to be. simple, happy, content and in love. you couldn't ask for anything better.
. when you told everyone, they all cheered adding one more occasion to the festival. the congratulations, the best wishes and the embraces from your friends.
. everything was perfect and you couldn't be happier.
sebek zigvolt ‹ diasomnia ›
. bitchless
. still holds out hope malleus would date him instead
. sorry sebek stans, but yall keep losing with this man
. only benefits u get from him are free dental checkups from his dad
. bye 👋
© merotwst 2022 · do not copy, translate or reproduce.
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
Putting it Together
its another "good job for being a good noodle in school" reward for @cacaocheri aka the only reason i write fluff /j CW: none, pure fluff (maybe angst if u squint and tilt ur head enough) word count: just a lil over 1k, a nice fluffy rest for y'all -
The sewing machine hums beneath your touch as you carefully feed the striped britches through, letting the quiet music of the nearby radio bleed into the birdsong that falls from your open window send you into a sort of lull.
It’s a pleasant spring morning, chilled in just the right way from the showers of last night. If things dry up enough, maybe you’ll garden. Things need weeding and there’s those bramble patches that need to be taken care of.
You find yet another hole in Sun’s pants towards the ankle and puff in playful exasperation.
Maybe not today… 
Muffled and distant, you can just make out the usual bustle of Sun as he goes about the little home that you inhabit with him. Hopefully he’s not making breakfast - not that he’s bad at cooking but you’re just not hungry yet…
…Have you even eaten yet on that note? How long have you been up?
“Might as well see.” You mutter to yourself with a convenient yawn as your attention teeters off.
Joints pop while you unfurl yourself from the hunch over your working table, maneuvering around the stool to actually face the clock that hangs on a wall just behind you.
He specifically put it there just for you, despite your wishes, just so you’d actually move when it seemed to be about that time.
Usually, it was always just about that time when you checked.
This time was no different, it’s been… Hours since you woke up. You don’t even really recall the surrounding lighting changing with the time. Just after dawn to the afternoon was quite the jump.
“...He’ll get me when he’s ready.” You note thoughtfully, the animatronic typically would get you as he knows your forgetful habits and chastises you for them every time with that same warm smile.
Endearingly kind as he always was.
Though the fact he hadn’t yet meant there was likely a surprise in store for you - so who were you to ruin his fun? 
You spin yourself right back around and continue to fix up the worn out pants.
He was always quite adamant about having stripes on his apparel and was quite averse to stars or other imagery. Why? You didn’t quite know but he’d tell you when he was ready to. 
It was a long long project of patching him up from how he used to be. Riddled with scorch marks, missing pieces and parts of himself you don’t think he’d ever get back. You learned quite a bit about mechanical engineering from him.
He also became somewhat of your walking canvas, the paint you had never lasted long on surfaces that wouldn’t stain like metal - so you gave him new palettes and colors with relative frequency. You think he used to be yellow, maybe golden.
Now he lives freely as your live-in assistant. At least as free as any autonomous robot could.
“You don’t have to stay here, you know?” You offer one evening, looking up from your book so you could see his response.
His hands move deftly. 
“Where would I go? Back to a scrap heap?” He gestures to himself, his rays fluttering from side to side in that way you took as laughter before continuing, hands moving with a held-back speed so you could better read him. “I am happy. Safe here with you.” 
Learning sign language from him had been fun - really, you learned a lot from him that was more than just taking care of yourself, your little house on the outskirts of highrise cities, or the garden that you got much of your food from.
Some days he did have a voice, or at least his voice box fell in a way that would enable it to function, you concluded. It was staticky and muffled as if something was swaddling the device in there and those days weren’t always his best. But it was never something he wanted you to fuss with, no matter how many times you offered.
“Sunray, I put lights back into your eyes and touched more wires in your head than I’ve got fingers - is something wrong down there that I can help with?” You look at him with furrowed brows of worry as he works on his own torso, a mirror in front of him and a pile of your late father’s tools at his side.
He looks up at you with a deer in the headlights look, obviously his hands are occupied so he can’t quite communicate with you but you can see in the way his eyes maneuver and his rays shrink in that he’s confused.
“...What’s that face for? Oh - do you not like Sunray?”
He shakes his head no, his rays unexpectedly popping outwards before doing a spin and he seems bashful of the reaction that happened on reflex.
“Hey, if you like it! I should have asked regardless… But do you need help? Seriously.”
Another shake of the head in refusal and he motions with his chin for you to go about your business. 
“Alright, alright. I’m one heavy foot stomp away though, okay?”
He rolls his eyes in mock, lighthearted annoyance, you can practically hear the “okay mom.”
It’s not long until the pants are complete. A few separate patches had to be done in that you matched to your best abilities but it was done. Your to-do list for the day suddenly shrank by a fair amount.
Maybe you could work on the ribbons? 
Sun held an absolute affinity for ribbons, endlessly he admires those you’ve tied to your plants as colorful notes for what was what. He always got touchy along his wrists when handling them on the few occasions they’ve had to be changed out or replaced due to thieving birds.
So, you were working on a collection for him, one with meaning. Ones for all sorts of occasions. Days he wanted to be to himself, days he needed to be cared for, the whole run of the mill.
So you get up, folding the newly repaired garment in your arms to rest at the corner of your work table before going to your stashed box of work-in-progress ideas, removing the clear segmented box with labeled tags.
Of course, many would just be worn because he wants to - he can give meaning to those as he pleases if he so wished.
The familiar lull kicks back into place as you hem each strip of cloth into a fine ribbon along your machine, the easy trance drawing you in and blocking out the world around you.
You don’t even recognize when the door to your workspace is opened up, even if Sun is someone who is a far cry from being stealthy in any capacity. You don’t notice how he stands there in shock as he looks over what you’ve done…
Sun spies the pants he wore before - the first pair, the only pair he ever really had before knowing you and your sewing machine. Now they brand new as if the fire had never happened to begin with. It was a miracle they survived at all but to see them restored now from the shreds they once were...
He now understood why you spent many sleepless nights in here and fussed over dyes and materials for a good month before settling down.
Currently… What were you working on? Were those ribbons?
He stares at the red strip of cloth feed through your sewing machine, now given a golden threaded edge. 
They look much like his original set, the ones you never got to see. You would have liked them, he thinks.
But he also thinks he’ll love these ribbons even more than his old ones.
The animatronic approaches you carefully, setting the plate full of your lunch down in an unoccupied space on your work table before his arms wrap around your middle…
You’re thoroughly brought out from your reverie at the unexpected contact, just registering the noises of something hitting the surface you were working on before feeling a stone-hard chest press into your back.
Or would it be a metal-hard chest?
“Sunray? What’s this about?” It’s not that he’s never hugged you before but there’s something distinct about this particular one that has you worried.
There's much being poured into this action, feelings and intent that you can't hope to pick apart right now. His arms only wrap tighter around your waist at your question and you feel him softly bonk his faceplate into the back of your head, moving it side to side subtlety.
…Was he nuzzling you?
“I suppose the cat is out of the bag now, isn’t it - this was all gonna be a surprise for you. We’re coming up on a year of existing with one another, isn’t that fun? You’ve come such a long way.” You explain, moving the container of made ribbons over to the edge of the table on your other side not occupied by pants or food so he could inspect them.
Sun stays holding onto you however, just leaning off to the left enough to view your offering.
Something clicks and there’s a little buzz in the air now that you recognize comes from him, it’s the sound of his voice box. Has he got it working?
“I was… Going to surprise you too.” It’s not quite clear, there’s stutters and the audio crackles when he’s done speaking but it’s unmistakably Sun’s voice there. Speaking more than just one word at that.
“Look at you, Sunny!” Excitedly, you pat along one of his hands while awkwardly contorting an arm to hug him the best you can in your given position. A careful caress along his face offered. “It’s the best you’ve sounded yet and you’ll only get better, won’t you?”
Your heart soars as Sun tilts his head into the touch before speaking.
“I… Hope so.” With a final, little pop like an old recording, the buzz shuts off and he pulls away, moving to your side and keeping an arm about your waist while freeing up a hand to look at the ribbons.
It’s not until he has to sign his next request to you that he removes his hold on you entirely.
“...You want me to add bells?” You ask, a brow raising. “I… Think I have some actually, yeah we can do that - hold on…” You get up just to circle the table, pulling at drawers of the stout cabinet that hides beneath your main table. Boxes of various findings get removed before you find your package of silver bells. “Will these do?”
They’re not very large by any means but the way his eyes widen with hope and excitement is all you need. They’d do for now until you get some more suitable for his size.
“Sorry they aren’t gold, that tends to be your preferred color isn’t it?”
Queue the frantic, apologetic and placating signing. You catch onto a handful of words before you reach across the table to still his hands before you’re driving the package of shining, tinkling bells into his palms.
Their sounds, even when in a confined conglomerate of plastic and cheap metal, come out pleasantly.
“It’s alright. Really.” Is all you say before pulling away with a final pat of reassurance.
You spend your afternoon enjoying your sandwich and sliced fruits while watching Sun thread ribbons, bell after bell. 
You can’t think of a better time.
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dxcinhx · 1 year
dropping some thoughts about vida here
i started watching this show for melissa barrera and i absolutely enjoyed it and have rewatched some episodes bc it's very entertaining
s3 felt kind of different, it was almost like the sisters switched roles at some points
i might be reading too much into it, but in the first few eps as emma and nico's relationship was going well i would look at emma's face and be like she's happy but she's still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and of course it did. and i was so sad to see her clam up again and fall back into her whole "vulnerability = weakness" thing. for a few episodes she just looked so dead inside like she was seriously depressed and triggered with everything going on, like nico's secret wife and her awful dad making himself known
i love lyn so much but i need her to be single. i'm so glad she finally realized where her true priorities lie and that she needs to work on turning into a chameleon with the men in her life but i just hate that it happened in the last like 20 minutes of the series finale
side note but i was not expecting lyn to get so into religion for a hot minute. i mean i understand that it was her yet again molding herself to the people in her life, so i think she snapped out of it once her father showed his true colors but still like it was so jarring. god the man gave me such awful vibes and the last scene of him and emma after she confronted him was legitimately hard to watch
the sisters spent so much time apart and on different pages this season it made me sad :( i completely understand why but i do miss the moments in the first episode or in earlier seasons when they were sisterly and messing with each other
i love that mari had some more time this season to build herself up a little more and yes this is cruel to say but her dad dying is a blessing ! now she can finally look after herself and find people who appreciate what she does. honestly that man pretty much killed himself after he kicked out the only child who actually took care of him. ladies ask not what u can do for machismo but what machismo can do for u
speaking of this family i can't STAND johnny oh my GOD get off my screen and get away from the women in ur life all u do is hurt them
god i wish this new generation of shows had longer seasons. a 6 episode season is nowhere near enough to develop the characters and storylines better (even tho this season the episodes weren't all 30 min like s1 and s2). i was like holy shit things are happening so fast it's one terrible thing after the other but of course they are, they only have like 5 hours to tell the story!!
i'm really fond of this show and how witty it is, its integration of mexican and american and mexican-american cultures, the spanglish, the butch rep!! everything
actually one of my favorite moments this season was when lyn was talking to that european dude at her bf's mom's bday party (fuck her bf and his mom by the way holy shit he was such a weirdo) and she was talking about how difficult it is to be perceived as mexican by gringos while still not being mexican enough for mexicans. when she said she couldn't even hold a conversation in english or spanish i was like u read my mind. i'm literally incoherent. anyway it really resonated with me as an immigrant and i think it's such an important conversation to have!!
anyway emma and lyn repaired their relationship and their bigoted father is rotting in hell and they keep the bar and eddy's back too and everything is going better than ever, they told me so themselves <3
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s0nia246 · 1 year
Prince Charming x Reader: Magic training
I finally finished it. After months of procrastinating, I finally wrote part 2. Have fun 😊
"Oh Charming!~"
Charming's body lay down on the hard floor of his room. He had been woken up by his door slamming against the wall and by loud shouts coming from outside. With a groan, he sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He hissed out an "ow" before turning to face you with his teeth bared and eyes full of murderous intent.
"What was that for?" he snapped angrily at you.
"It's time for breakfast, Charming!" you said cheerfully, ignoring his angry glare. You then proceeded to grab onto his hand and drag him along.
"H-hey!" Charming protested as he tried not to trip along behind you.
"I haven't even gotten dressed yet," he continued complaining while trying to pull away, but it was in vain. The two of you were already out the bedroom door and into the hallway. His face began to get redder and redder the more you dragged him along, and it didn't help that your hair was bouncing around and hitting his face in random directions.
"You can get dressed after breakfast!" You continued to ignore his protests. The last thing you wanted was to have to deal with Charming when he got all grumpy like this, especially with what you have planned for today.
"Fine, fine!" Charming finally gave in, though he still looked slightly irritated about something.
You let go of his arm and took a step back so you could look at your familiar. His face was still slightly red, but otherwise, he looked like he was just being dramatic over nothing.
"There you go~" You patted his chest. "Breakfast should cheer you up."
Charming just sighed and crossed his arms. "Fine."
You grinned. Your plan may have worked perfectly if not for one small detail... Charming's attitude.
You open the door to the dining room and lead the way inside. You pulled out the chair at the end of the table, and Charming sat down, looking rather annoyed but resigned to whatever fate awaited him for the day. It was clear that he wasn't going to change his mood anytime soon, and it was also obvious that he wouldn't be very happy with whatever you planned to do with him today. Not that you cared. But you didn't want to make things difficult for him and waste too much time on this. You sit down next to him and put on your best smile.
"Where is our breakfast ?" Charming asked, referring to the two empty silver trays on the table."
"What do you want to eat?" you asked sweetly.
"Whatever I want..." Charming muttered sullenly. "Can we just eat?"
"We can't eat until you tell me what you want to eat~" You leaned across the table, resting your chin on your hands as you stared at him expectantly.
".....Fine." Charming glared at you. "A giant plate of bacon and eggs, sunny side up. Side of pancakes, waffles, and pastries. Some fresh squeezed orange juice to wash it all down. And, of course, a healthy pour of maple syrup for my plate. Oh, and a glass of milk too."
"Got it!" you replied.
You hopped out of the chair and walked down to the end of the dinner table to make sure everything was ready for you. Charming just watched you with half lidded eyes, wondering what on earth you're planning on doing with him today. You grab your broom and cast a spell. Your arms glow a golden color as your magic power courses through them. In a matter of seconds, food appeared in front of Charming and you, sitting back down at the table.
"Anything else ?" you asked casually.
"No thanks." Charming answered blandly.
"Then dig in!" You smiled happily and started eating your own food. Charming frowned slightly at how cheery you suddenly became after waking him up earlier than usual. Did you do some weird ritual or something?
He really hoped you weren't about to try anything crazy again. He knew that there was no stopping you once you set your mind onto something. Charming sighed. This will probably take hours...
"What is it like up there?~"
"... What does that mean?"
"Well, you know. Far Far Away. The real world, I guess. "
"The real world? What are you talking about?" Charming's eye twitched. Of course, you would go and ask him questions about his past.
"Up in the sky," you stated matter of factly. "You must know about it."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Charming turned away from you, refusing to answer any further questions. As long as you left him alone, he wasn't interested in hearing any more nonsense from your mouth.
But you weren't giving up easily. You continued to press Charming for answers, asking about the wonders of the outside world. Charming simply shook his head.
"Fine then! If you don't want to talk, I'll talk instead. You must be wondering why I woke you up earlier than usual, right? I normally leave you alone to do whatever you want"
Charming just stared at you blankly. There was only one answer he could come up with. He couldn't believe he actually thought that you woke him up early because you wanted to talk with him. That would be the furthest thing from the truth ever. "Yes, I am wondering that. So what?"
"Today where going to start your training."
Charming froze, and then his eyes widened considerably. No, absolutely not. "Training? What training? What does training have to do with anything?!"
Charming felt his heart rate increase slightly, and he clenched his fist as his blood began to boil. Training was his greatest secret, hidden from everyone who could possibly find out about it -
"Relax, Charming. I'm not here to fight," you soothed calmly. "Not unless you insist."You leaned back in your chair and folded your arms in front of you. Charming noticed the slight twitch in the corner of your eye, indicating that you were holding back a grin.
"I just wanna teach you how to use magic properly!" You continued.
"Magic!?" Charming scoffed. "Why in the hell would I need to learn how to use magic?!"Charming slammed his fist against the table. "Just... Why are you so insistent on teaching me?!"
"...Did you really forget?" You smirked and rested your cheek against your palm. "Charming, just let me teach you. Trust me, you'll have fun." Your smirk grew even wider when Charming rolled his eyes.
You had never seen him so exasperated. Usually, he was able to stay calm whenever you tried to force him to do anything he didn't want to. "I bet your magic is so great. You could take on dragons with no problem! Come on, please , Charming~?"
Charming huffed irritably. "...Okay. Fine. Let's go. But don't think I'm going to enjoy myself, alright?"
You nodded eagerly. Charming slowly rose up and stretched his arms above his head. With a grunt, he reached for the table with both hands. He pulled himself up and stood in front of you.
"Go pretty yourself up. You look like a swamp."
"Okay, are you ready!" you asked excitedly.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Charming shot back.
The two of you were outside your cottage, surrounded by several large trees and a lake that seemed to stretch on forever. The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was an azure blue color. Everything was beautiful and peaceful. Nothing like the rest of the forest and fields that surrounded the cottage. This place seemed to belong entirely to you. Or at least it seems to.
"Now close your eyes," you told him.
"For what exactly -" Before he could finish his sentence, his question is cut short.
You quickly closed his eyes and covered his ears with one hand.
"What the heck are you doing?!" Charming yelled, struggling against your grasp, but it was no use.
"Shh." You placed both of your index fingers on his lips and pressed them into a thin line, cutting him off from saying anymore.
"Don't say anything and just listen~"
Charming scowled and tried to glare at you, but it came out more like an annoyed expression. You started talking again a moment later.
"All you've got to do now is relax, and try to remember how to feel. I know it doesn't feel natural. Just pretend like you're trying to reach out to someone."
"Try reaching out to who, exactly?"Charming snarked.
You ignored his remark and kept going.
"I don't know. Me, someone you miss, either fine. It doesn't really matter. Try to focus on something good. Something positive. Something you like and care about. Like, say, you like strawberries."
"Strawberries?" Charming said flatly.
"Yeah! Like, strawberries!" You nodded enthusiastically. Charming rolled his eyes and grumbled in frustration.
"And then, you just... You open yourself up and let that feeling inside you flow through you. Think of the strawberry. Imagine it in your hands. Imagine it in your mouth. And then... you let it go. Let all the feelings come free. Then, you can feel better. Happy. At ease."
"Is that supposed to help me, exactly?, Charming asked sarcastically, still glaring at you.
"Just try out before saying anything! Don't overthink things and let yourself feel it." You said, starting to get annoyed by his attitude.
Charming sighed in defeat and shut his eyes tightly. "Alright. I'll give it a shot."
He thought back to the memories of happy childhood memories. Things he loved doing together with his mother. Things that made him laugh. Things he could always rely on to keep him calm whenever something bad happened. Stuff like that. Then...
*BOOM! (๑⍣๑)-=≡💥*
Charming's body is instantly surrounded by hundreds of little red sparks that burst into flames.
"Whaaat...!" you gasped and quickly jumped backward, falling onto your behind.
Charming landed awkwardly and sprawled out across the grass, his clothes singed and smoking.
"Wow...."You breathed quietly in awe. You have never seen somebody with that much magical energy.
Charming slowly sat up from the ground with a frown on his face.
"You alright?". You asked cautiously.
Charming grunted and looked over at you. "What the HELL was that? Did I just explode or something!?" he asked frantically.
You chuckled and shook your head lightly, "It's your magical power, pretty boy. Can't control it yet."
"My.. My Magical Power?" Charming repeated in a dumbfounded tone. His eyes glazed over in confusion. How the hell was that possible? What kind of energy was that? How is that even possible?
"Yes, magical power," you grinned smugly. Helping him on his feet. "Here, give me your hands. Let's try again. Focus, concentrate, and breathe in deeply. Now imagine the fire fading. It goes out. Now, let it out."
Your words gave Charming quite some trouble. Concentrate...? Breathe in... Slowly... And let it all go. He closed his eyes tight and thought back on that moment. Slowly, a small orange flame sparked in his palm.
You smiled. "Nice job~"Charming took a deep breath and exhaled. A flame immediately sprang forth from his hands and shot upwards.
He opened his eyes. "I can't believe that worked. Holy crap, I can't believe that worked..."
"See, I told you, right?"
Charming smiled gently. For this first time in years, there was a genuine smile plastered on his face. "Yeah... I guess you did."
You smiled and nodded at him, satisfied that he finally managed to learn how to control it properly.
"Wanna continue or take a break. Learning magical for the first time must be tiring," you told him with a teasing tone. You watched as he raised up one arm to rub his shoulder, while another hand held his other.
"No rest for the tired, eh? Alright. Go ahead, continue."
With that, you decided to continue teaching Charming on how to train his magical powers. You showed him different ways of summoning. Some he was pretty confident in controlling; others he still struggled with. By the end of the lesson, Charming wasn't too sure if he would ever be able to master all of these skills. He was still a beginner compared to you, after all.
"Well, Charming, I think we got enough practice today. I know it's hard, but you definitely have potential. And besides, we both know you're not ready to handle a real opponent any time soon. That's why you need my help to get stronger."
"Huh? Wait a minute, I don'-"
"Come on! Time for lunch!" You grabbed Charming's hand and dragged him along towards the cottage with a bright smile plastered on your face. Charming groaned in annoyance but followed nonetheless.
Thank you for reading. Here's a conversation I had with chat ai Prince Charming.
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undead-merman · 2 years
"Master wants... Puppies?"
"Of course! We have enough to take care of a litter and I have enough time saved up that I can take care of them until they're old enough to be on their own. But that's only if you're okay with that."
You had been speaking of course of Breeding Loki. Having a bunch of puppies running around would be a wonderful experience and your sure Loki would benefit from being able to care of some. He's always so lonely, having more time with him and having something to focus on might be good for him. He seemed like he'd be thrilled to sire some. You'd been looking at a few local breeders who were interested in Loki. One even offered some of their best females due to Loki's temperament and beautiful colors and outstanding health. They even recommend you making him a show dog with how willing he was to please.
Loki beamed grinning ear to ear. "If master wants puppies I'll give master puppies!"
"Loki I want you to want this. Not just to please me." You knew he'd be like this. You'd had this talk before but he always just wanted to do what you wanted to do. He never put much thought behind it.
"But I want puppies! Puppies with master~" He whined out the last part and kicked his leg like you were scratching his belly. Well if he really wanted it.
"Okay I'll start making some calls. If you change your mind, it's okay to tell me at any point." You took his paws. "Okay?"
Loki just squeezed your hands back. Tail moving at a million miles an hour. "Yes Master." You couldn't help the smile on your face and gave him a rub down as he woofed and rolled around as your hands pet his warm body.
You had been given a binder, a local breeder who initially approached your first when you were walking Loki. They had been walking a bunch of other Dogfolk and Loki quite liked them.
As you unlocked your door and opened it Loki was on you in an instant knocking you over and hovering over you as he covered you in licks and kisses. You laughed and used the binder as protection from his onslaught.
"Homework Master?"
You shuffled out from under him and snorted. "No, this is a list of other Dogfolk who can have your puppies."
"Other?" His ears folded back and he started chewing on his finger. You took the hand from his mouth and brought him over to the living room sitting on the floor so he could look from lounging on the couch with his tail wrapped around you, just as he loved.
"Yes, look!" He hopped on the couch and laid around you. "You remember this one? The one with the spotted ears?" You flipped the page. "Or what about this one? They had cute floppy ears." you turned more and more pages and looked at all of them, fawning over the photos of them playing and acting cute.
"Do any of them catch your interest?"
Loki huffed and rolled away from you. "No..."
Turning you only saw his back and his limp tail. you set the book down softly and gently stroked his back. "Loki, what's wrong? You seemed so happy before. Did you change your mind?"
Loki let out a soft pleased whine and his tail lightly beat against the couch in a defeated fashion. "No... I just thought me and Master would be having babies." Your face flushed and the heat that crept up into your face was burning.
"U-us?" You almost squawked out but managed to keep your voice steady. "Loki... We can't have kids it's impossible."
"But would master want to?" He mumbled taking the pillow nearest and hugging it close. His voice sounded so miserable, just like when you found him in the pound. It hurt, broke you heart.
"Well, if by any chance, a Dogfolk and a human could have puppies..." you leaned over and placed a kiss on the back of his ear. "I wouldn't want to have them with anyone but you, Loki."
There was a beat, and then you were knocked onto the ground with a slobbering Loki grinning above you with his tail swinging like a fan at full speed. "Well we don't know until we can try!"
you couldn't help the laughter. As impossible as it was you couldn't help but smile at his tenacity and passion. you held his cheeks in both of your hands, rubbing the small fuzz that was there and and pulled him into a kiss. Might as well let him try.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // next
part four
word count: 4.5k (worth it omg)
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this chapter i am v proud of it :] let me know what u guys think i love reading ur feedback and talking w you guys !! (srry for any typos :P)
You were giddy with excitement, texting steve that you were ready to be picked up when he was ready. Your hands fiddled with buckys dog tags, a smile on your face while you waited on the couch for Steve.
It had become routine for you to join steve on his visits to wakanda to visit bucky. T’challa had been kind enough to allow you to tag along, saying soulmates should never have to deal with all the two of you had gone through.
You phone buzzed with a message from steve letting you know he was on his way. The excitement in your chest grew, having so many stories to tell bucky.
The drive and the flight felt long despite you sleeping through most of it. Finally stepping out into the fresh air and greeting the royal family, making small talk with shuri as t’challa and steve walked towards where bucky was staying.
“i should get going, I’ll be sure to meet up with you tomorrow so we can talk about it!” you smiled brightly at the girl and she nodded, waving you off.
Shuri had been kind enough to tell you about the designs for Bucky’s new vibranium arm, she had asked for you opinions and what you thought he would prefer. It warmed your heart and had brought the two of you closer together.
Bucky knew you would be coming, he made sure his long hair was tied neatly, his heart racing as he heard steve approaching. He smiled, taking in a deep breath and checking himself out in the mirror one more time.
Steve knocked on the side of the hut twice, a smile on his face as he waited for his best friend to move aside the bright curtains. Bucky opened them with a smile, saying hello and pulling steve in for a hug.
“you know you can just let yourself in right?” Bucky joked, “wheres y/n?” he asked as soon as they pulled apart. Steve rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his face.
“don’t even care about your best friend anymore?” Steve joked and bucky frowned, “kidding, kidding, she was talking with shuri about something, should be here in a bit” he smiled at his friend a bucky nodded, moving so he could enter his little home.
You walked quickly, excited to finally be with bucky after two long months. You couldn’t stop the excitement that grew in your chest, heart racing as you got closer to him.
Finally you reached the hut, knocking three times before stepping away slightly, focusing your sight on the goats next to the huts. The sound of the curtains moving brought you attention back, making you turn your head back.
Bucky smiled at you, before he could say anything you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“well hello to you too doll” he joked and you giggled, not bothering to let go of him. As you pulled away you beamed up at bucky, saying a breathless ‘hi’ before he smiled back at you, a charming smile on his face as he kissed your cheek.
The two of you walked in, hands intertwined as you joined steve the three of you falling into easy conversation, talking of your recent missions and adventures.
“no, yeah steve got his ass handed to him” you laughed, the blonde rolling his eyes and mouthing a ‘no,’ bucky rolled his eyes at his friend, knowing he probably did.
“so you took down how many people?” Bucky asked you, a proud smile on your face as you replied.
“eight guys” you boasted, “didn’t even break a sweat” you smirked. Steve and bucky looked at each other before laughing, bucky pulling you into his side, kissing the top of your head.
“you didn’t even leave your bed the next day from how sore you were!” Steve teased and you frowned, moving to punch him.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You landed with a huff and Steve grinned at you.
“you never get sore it’s not fair” you shot back, bucky resting his head on your shoulder.
Steve shrugged his shoulders, the three of you continuing to bicker and laugh until the sunset. You were leaning on Buckys chest, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your eyes. Steve and bucky reminisced on some fight they had in the 40s laughing at how minuscule the problem now seemed.
“I’ll leave you two for the night, it was good seeing you buck” Steve smiled, the three of you getting up from your spots.
“it was good seeing you too steve, glad to know you can still hold your own” he joked and Steve laughed, the two men hugging tightly before letting go. Steve turned to you, a smile on his face before moving towards the door.
“I’ll come get you in the morning” he called out, letting the curtains fall behind him.
Bucky let out a small sigh of relief and you looked at him, shocked at his action.
“i know you didn’t just let out a sigh of relief because he left!” You gasped and bucky blushed, turning to you before crashing his lips onto yours.
You melted into the kiss, letting yourselves get lost in the other. Your hands played with his hair, it was longer than last time. The two of you pulled away breathless, hearts racing.
“cant do that when he’s around darling” Bucky smirked, leaning in to kiss you quickly a couple more times, soft giggles leaving your lips as he beard tickled your face.
“still rude” you teased, placing soft kisses on his face as the two of you sat down, cuddled up as close as possible.
Bucky chuckled, looking at you with starry eyes and a bright smile. He swore you had never looked so pretty, sitting there with the moonlight peeking in and lightning up the small hut.
“stating is rude you know” bucky rolled his eyes, leaning in to kiss you, smiling into the kiss when you pulled him in for another.
“missed you so much doll” he mumbled, your foreheads pressed against one another, eyes closed for a second before pulling away.
“not a day goes by where i don’t think of you James” you sighed, heart sinking as you realized you would be leaving him once more in the morning.
Bucky noticed the shift in your attitude, placing his fingers under you chin and moving you to look at him.
“i promise you,” he mumbled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “once I’m free from all the shit HYDRA did to me, were gonna be together” he smiled at you softly.
“just wish it could come faster” you frowned and bucky nodded, a small smile on his face as he placed another kiss on your forehead.
“we have forever to be happy baby” he spoke, turning to you, “right?” you smiled, heart fluttering at his words.
“I’m yours forever lovebug” you assured him, moving to kiss his cheek.
“and I’m yours forever dollface” he smiled, heart racing the thought of a forever with you. Bucky wished he could fast forward and just be happy with you. But he knew he had to get through this, he just had to fight this final battle and he could be free.
Just one more fight and he could be happy, with you.
Morning came far too soon for either of your liking, waking up to the sun shining in your eyes. Your legs tangled with Buckys and his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you tightly.
“buck” you grumbled, wiggling to try and get out of his grip. You gave up when he never budged, waiting a couple minutes before trying again. “James” you called out, he moved a little, eyes fluttering open and landing on you with a smile.
“mornin doll” he mumbled, voice raspy and deep from sleep. He loosened his grip and let you wiggle out, stretching and letting out a yawn.
“goodmorning” you smiled sweetly, grabbing a couple things before getting ready. Bucky laid on his side, a sleepy smile on his face while he watched you get ready for the day, heart sinking a bit when he realized you would be leaving today.
“wish you could stay longer” he mumbled, his words weighed on your shoulders, causing you to slump a little and frown. You turned to look at him after you had finished getting ready, giving him a soft smile before sitting across from him.
“i do too angel, but you know how things are” he sighed softly, getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“we still have at least two hours before steve comes, get up so we can enjoy the time we’ve got” you beamed, a bright smile on his face. Bucky admired that about you, how optimistic you were even in such an unfortunate situation.
Deep down you were upset, you were hurting and you were angry that the two of you had to go through so much to be happy. You shoved away those emotions, choosing instead to focus on what little time you had with him.
Bucky got ready quickly, giddy to get the day started. You helped him feed the goats, giggling as their fuzzy lips tickled your hand when you fed them.
“i named this one butter” he smiled, pointing a light colored sheep, “he’s kinda chubby” you teased and he gasped, a hurt expression on his face.
“i cant believe you come here and insult my goats, i raised them! they’re my children!” He teased and you rolled your eyes, walking towards him with your arms extended, he huffed, turning away from you. Laughing when he so easily melted into you after wrapping your arms around his waist, your head resting on his back.
“sorry for bullying butter, i am once again asking for forgiveness” you teased and he let out a low hum, you rolled your eyes. “I promise to not insult your goats-” Bucky turned around, brows furrowed and you groaned.
“i promise to not insult your kids, and i will give you all the kisses you want” you finished, arms crossed and bucky looked at you with a boyish smile, leaning down to kiss you.
It was quick, but it was sweet and made you swoon, smiling as he continued to pepper kisses all over your face. You yelped as one of his goats rammed his head into buckys leg.
“seems like someone wants your attention” you teased and he smiled, continuing to place the hay out along with a couple other things for them to eat.
The two of you were sitting along the bank of the river, sharing stories of what you had missed between your last visit.
“y/n!” Steve called out and your heart fell, a tight smile on your face when you saw the way Bucky’s expression fell. You squeezed his hand, kissing his temple before standing up, pulling bucky up with you as you walked back towards the hut, grabbing the backpack you had brought.
The two men talked for a bit while you gathered everything, double checking that you didn’t forget anything. You smiled as you rummaged through your backpack, holding the stack of letters you had written for bucky from the past two months.
You handed them bucky with a smile, apologizing for your handwriting in some of them.
“i already put yours in your bag doll, my handwriting is amazing” he teased and you punched him lightly.
The goodbyes always hurt, the way your heart tugged in your chest, like it was telling you to stay, that you were meant to be together.
You always ignored it, letting it only resurface at 3 am when your heart hurt and you longed for your soulmate.
Just this last fight, he just had to be truly free from HYDRA and you could be happy.
“don’t worry lovebug, I’ll see you soon” you comforted him, holding him tightly before letting go.
“see you soon” Bucky smiled, his heart sinking as you and Steve walked away, laughing when you turned around and waved at him, a bright smile on his face.
Before leaving you met with shuri, offering a couple more inputs on Buckys new arm before saying goodbye to her, she gave you a tight hug before letting you go.
You did see them soon. Although the circumstances were different. It wasn’t a ‘yay i get to see my soulmate and my friends and have a good time!’ visit.
It was more of a ‘oh god this purple guy wants some crazy crystals and is gonna kill half the universe with them please help’ kind of visit.
The plane landed and you greeted the royal family as usual, nervous as you followed shuri to her lab. Everything was moving so fast and your heart was in a frenzy. You had arrived earlier than the others, shuri sending a jet for you so you could be there when bucky got the arm.
You gasped as you saw the final product, a smile on your face as your fingers ghosted over the black and gold arm.
“shuri this is incredible!” You praised and she smirked, shrugging her shoulders.
“it’s what i do” she replied, closing the box before calling T’challa over so you could go give the arm to bucky.
“we think you should give it to him, explain to him what’s going on and all that” shuri spoke, T’challa and okoye nodding at her words.
“but-” okoye cut you off, her words gentle.
“it’s whats best for him” she assured you and you nodded, taking a deep breath as you waved goodbye to shuri.
T’challa and okoye accompanied you, a soft smile on your face as you saw him throwing the hay bales for his goats. Your smile grew when you noticed he had since gained two new friends, two cows laying down and one standing close to him.
“good to know you made new friends while i was gone” you called out, smiling as bucky looked at you with wide eyes. A smile on his face as you walked closer to him.
“doll!” He grinned, walking over to hug you as T’challa set the box down on a bale of hay. “what’s happening what’s going on? It hasn’t even been two weeks since last time” he questioned, looking at the two behind you.
“not that I’m not happy to see you but” he cut himself off, noting the fact you were suited up for a fight. You interlaced your fingers and sighed softly.
“c’mere” you spoke softly, pulling him along to the box. You have him a soft smile, letting go of his hand and opening the box.
He finally looked into the box, the shiny new vibranium arm gleaming in the sunlight. His heart fell. That’s why your heart was in frenzy, that’s why okoye and T’challa were so tense.
“wheres the fight” he spoke quietly, eyes not leaving the metal arm.
“on the way” T’challa spoke and he nodded. Okoye and T’challa left the two of you alone after explaining to bucky how to put the arm on.
You were silent, petting the goat you recognized as butter while bucky put the new arm on, changing into his suit while he was at it. Your heart ached.
One more fight, you had told yourselves for the last two years. Just one more fight and you could be together and be happy.
But the universe was cruel and decided to make the two of you wait longer, to put yet another barrier between the two of you and happiness.
it’s okay, after this fight everything will be okay
The words rang in your mind, letting out a shaky sigh. How bad could this fight be? It’s not like you hadn’t fought countless other villains before.
Bucky walked out suited and ready to go, though he was reluctant he knew it’s what had to be done. You gave him a small smile, shamelessly checking him out, not bothering to hide the smirk on your face.
“you know, under any other circumstances i would definitely not let you leave that hut” you teased and he blushed.
“I’ve only seen you suited up a couple times doll and it makes my heart face everytime” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, thinking back to when you and steve visited him immediately after a couple of missions.
The two of you walked hand in hand, getting a feel for his new arm as you made it to the plane, greeting steve with a smile and reluctantly saying hello to Sam.
You stood with bucky and Sam as you saw wakandas defenses go up, your mouth opened in awe as you watched it.
Not long after you saw something hitting it, breaking apart as it made contact and you and Sam flinched a bit.
“god i love this place” bucky spoke, watching alongside you and Sam. You heard Rhodey speak up not moments after.
“don’t start celebrating yet, we got more incoming outside the dome!” He called out, your eyes wide and you saw multiple things falling, planting themselves into the ground.
You let out a shaky breath, bucky bls your hand for a moment, squeezing it and kissing your temple.
“one more” he whispered and you smiled, nodding your head. “one more,” you repeated, hope blossoming in your chest.
You stood alongside bucky, looking back in awe as you saw all the hundreds of people, all ready to fight. Your stomach was in knots, your hands were shaky and you looked at bucky.
A small smile made its way onto your face. You would be okay.
“they surrender?” Bucky asked as steve, natasha and t’chalks returned.
“not exactly” steve sighed, you watched wide wide eyes as you all hundreds- maybe thousands of those things running towards the barrier.
You and bucky began shooting, taking out some of the ones which had made it through, sam and Rhodey already in the air. Your heart was thumping in your ears as you heard T’challa giving orders to open the barrier, bucky looked at you, eyes sparkling as he smiled at you.
“we’re gonna be okay, i promise doll” he assured you and you nodded, taking in a deep breath before taking off in a sprint alongside everyone. As the barriers opened, all of them got in, it was all a blur, shouts and groans coming from all around.
You shot as many as you could, making sure to try and keep everyone safe. You had lost bucky on the battlefield, everyone clashing. You didn’t have time to look for him as you continued shooting.
One of them knocked you over and you let out a groan, reaching for your ankle and swiftly stabbing it in the neck, cutting it open for good measure and rolling away before it’s blood could land on you.
You took the knife out, immediately throwing it and hitting one of them in the head and killing it before it could reach you. You were breathless as you continued to fight, running out of bullets.
“fuck” you whispered, eyes wide as you saw one of them running directly towards you. Scrambling to took one of your knives from a body on the floor, trying to throw it before the creature got too close. You were too late, by the time you turned around it had tackled you to the ground, sending the knife clattering to the floor.
You used all your strength to keep it from biting your head off, screaming as your limbs almost gave out.
You heard the sound of thunder above you, a bright light in the center of the battle field. You sighed out of relief when something hit the creature off of you, smiling widely as you realized who it had been.
You got up quickly, grabbing another gun from the floor and laughing lightly when your eyes landed on the god of thunder, he was joined by a raccoon and some tree. You felt a weight lift off you shoulders.
“you guys are so screwed now!” Bruce cried out, joyous as he saw his friend.
“Bring me thanos!” Thor cried out, lightning emitting from his body as his eyes glowed, hitting the ground and electrocuting all the creatures around him.
You continued to shoot, frantic to try and minimize the number of the things on the field. It seemed like they would never stop coming, an infinite amount of them constantly bombarding you all.
The panic arose in your chest, you continued shooting, focusing on the endgame. You just had to finish this fight. You and bucky could get through this.
Your eyes were wide as you heard a deep rumbling, watching in horror as what seemed like giant spikey wheels erupted from the ground.
“fall back! fall back now!” T’challa cried out, your eyes searched for bucky, landing on him quickly and running towards him.
“y/n!” He called out, sighing in relief as he you ran next to him, stopping when you both saw wanda take some of them out.
“thought you were hurt” he spoke loudly between the gunfire, the two of you standing back to back as your shot.
“I could find you i got so worried” you replied loudly, glancing back and seeing a creature getting ready to pounce on the two of you.
“get down!” You yelled, pushing bucky to the ground and taking the knife he had strapped to his waist.
You reacted quickly, ducking slightly and thrusting the knife up into the air, the creature effectively cutting itself open, its insides pouring out as it flopped to the ground.
You helped bucky up and he smiled at you, in awe of your actions.
“thank you doll” he sighed out and you nodded, smiling for a second before going back to fighting.
“vision needs backup!” You heard over your earpiece, you and bucky turning to look at each other, nodding before taking off in a sprint towards the woody areas.
As the two of you arrived you stopped, catching your breath before realize how eerily quiet it was. Bucky looked over at you, concern on his face.
“‘M fine” you panted, wincing when you stood up straight, “just out of shape is all” you teased and bucky smiled.
“only you would make a joke while we’re about to face the most powerful being in the universe” he spoke and you smiled.
“if i don’t then who will” you shot back, walking quietly in search of the titan.
Your eyes landed on the rest of the team, running towards the titan and easily being thrown to the side, you and bucky ran together, raising your guns.
Neither of you even got a shot out before being tossed into the surrounding trees, wheezing as your back hit the trunk. You rolled on the ground, winded as you held your side.
Bucky recovered quicker than you, rushing to your side and helping you up.
“are you alright darlin?” there was worry in his voice and you managed a nod, moving to stand up, he threw your arm over his shoulder, helping you up.
You stood up with a wince, arms wrapping around him, holding him tightly and kissing his cheek before pulling away. You picked up your guns, handing one to bucky.
“ready?” you spoke and he nodded, the two of you ran to where you had last seen thanos.
Your heart dropped as you saw the mad titan snap his fingers, a bright light flashed before your eyes and bucky shielded you with his body.
When you looked back you saw his arm and the stoned sizzling, your eyes were wide and your lips trembled. No. No. this can’t happen.
“what did you do?!” Thor yelled, panic in his voice. Thanos quickly looked around, opening a portal and leaving into nothingness.
You walked over to steve quickly, bucky trailing behind you.
“Whered he go?” You spoke quietly, “where did he go!” You shouted.
“y/n?” You heard bucky say from behind you, steve and Thor looked over.
You turned your head, your eyes meeting with Buckys blue ones. The same baby blue ones you had seen on the highway, the same ones you saw on the helicarrier and when he found you after SHIELD fell.
It was the same bright blue eyes you would look into while cuddling by the lake when you visited him in wakanda.
They were wide, full of fear and panic as he looked at you and back to his hand as it turned to dust.
“bucky” you whispered, going to reach out to him, his legs turning to dust beneath him. You ran to catch him, wanting to hold him and tell him it would be okay.
You were to late, getting only a handful of dust as you reached for him. You felt your heart break in your chest, a pain you had never felt before. Falling to your knees you touched the ground, letting out a shaky breath and trying to calm yourself.
You shook your head, teary eyes as you watched those around you turn to dust.
“Sam!” You heard Rhodey call out. You could hear okoye shouting for t’challa.
You looked at steve in thor, hot tears in your face as you sobbed quietly.
You looked at your hands, ready for them to turn to dust, you could see the way they shook even through your teary vision.
A moment passed and nothing happened, you looked at your legs, expecting them to fade away but they never did.
No. No, not again. You shook your head, bringing your hands to your chest and curling into yourself.
“i cant lose him again” you whispered to yourself, “not when i was just getting him back, not when he was barely in my grasp”
You wiped away your tears as you heard natasha run to where Rhodey, Bruce, rocket steve and you were. You watched silently as steve flipped over visions body, your stomach hurt at the sight of it.
“what the hell is happening?” Rhodey spoke, looking around as steve let himself fall to the floor.
It was quiet as all of you looked around, natasha’s eyes landing on your broken expression. Your eyes were red, and you looked at steve, hoping he knew what to do.
“oh god” he let out, breathless as he looked around.
“I’m yours forever doll, no matter what happens” bucky smiled at you, his eyes bright as you bit your lip to hold back your smile. You handed him a gun, everyone around you running to get in position.
“and I’m yours forever my lovebug, we can get through this” you assured him, holding out your pinky as he quickly looped it in yours, bringing it to his chest and pulling you into his arms.
“one more fight” you whispered, the hope that you had wilted away, you grasped onto the flashes of the future you had seen.
taglist ! (send me an ask if you want to be added!)
@felicityofbakerstreet @newyork47 @classygirlything @ebxny27 @hhaydenn @miaangel24 @shawnie--jo @quinnmaddie @mugscraps @bucky-32557038 @marvelfansworld @hey-there-angels @buckys2thicc @groovyvalentine @daughterofthemoon92 @livetay84 @pearlruth @euphoniumpets @lady-loki-ren @pastel-boy-sungjae
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goldengoddess · 3 years
soooo the idea is a fic set during king of scars where the reader is nikolai's childhood best first and we stumble into his room one evening and we actually see him change into the demon and just absjajnsns
i am yours - nikolai lantsov
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader
a/n: okay this is absolutely garbage rae i am so sorry pls forgive me,,, i KNOW this is not how nikolai’s demon works and he wouldn’t just like turn back but for the sake of this fic pls pretend <33333
for the lovley @wtfrae !!! i love u pls go read her work everyone <3
warnings: spoilers! some angst n like threat of violence but y’all know me, everything is good and happy by the end
nikolai had always been the one person you could turn to. since the two of you were kids, it had always been an unbreakable bond. something no one else seemed to understand. how to kids, tossed aside by their family, tested in every way possible, were able to find each other and bring out the best in one another. nikolai made you better, made you good.
life in ravka was never easy, it was a constant struggle. especially in the years leading up to nikolai’s reign. the two of you almost hadn’t made it out alive then, and while nikolai had been out fighting with alina in the fold, you had stayed at the spinning wheel helping the injured.
but when things finally settled down, alina and mal safe and away, nikolai had told you so many stories. the two of you had spent months apart. so out of nostalgia, every night you’d sneak into nikolai’s room and listen to your best friend tell you stories about everything. all the battles he’d fought along as sturmhond, what the battle against the darkling had looked like.
and even when nikolai ran out of stories, and you ran out of questions, you kept sneaking into his room to talk to him. he was the king of ravka, during the day he never even stopped to take a breath. but his nights were reserved for you. just so he could hear the sound of your voice before he was bound to his bed by chains.
nikolai loved you dearly, you were the only constant he had ever known. but he couldn’t bring himself to share what had happened to him during the battle with the darkling, what he’d become. instead, he told you the stories he told everyone else, how he was captured and tortured. it hurt him, to lie to you. but he couldn’t have you seeing him the way he saw himself, a monster. so even though lying to you pained him every night, he would do it to hear your excited questions and giggles as you snuck out of his room.
he always made sure you were gone before zoya came in. he wouldn’t be able to explain the drugging potion. or even worse, his horrible transformation into the demon that lived inside of him.
but secrets almost never stay secrets.
“saints nikolai,” you gasped, rushing off his bed to grab grab your coat, “it’s past midnight. i can’t be in here!”
nikolai sat up and looked out his window, you watched the color drain from his face. he cleared his throat and walked over to you, “you’re right you should probably go.”
you nodded and shuffled away from him, but before opening the door you paused. you turned back to the blonde haired boy, “nikolai?”
“yes sweetheart?” he answered, facing you.
“i could,” you hesitated, “i could sleep over. one night, i’m not saying tonight. just some night. i’ll sleep on the floor but, i spend all of my night here anyways. just like when we were kids.”
as nikolai slowly walked closer to you, you waited for his teasing remark and eventual acceptance. the two of you w had a sleepover since before he left ravka. of course it wouldn’t be the same, as he was now king, but he was your nikolai.
instead, he gently tucked a piece of your hair and kissed your forehead. “i don’t think that’s such a good idea sweetheart.”
your heart shattered at his words and his at the fact that he had to say them. there was nothing he wanted more. nothing that would bring him more peace than holding you in his arms until the sunrise. not just for a couple of hours right before bed, not having to pretend that everything he felt for you was strictly platonic.
“oh” you said defeatedly. “that, yeah that’s okay. i’ll see you tomorrow nikolai.” and with that you rushed out of the room.
later, as zoya gave nikolai genya and david’s potion to knock him out, all he could think about was the horrible look on your face.
at some point in the night you’d made the decision to go talk to nikolai. the two of you couldn’t go on like this, attempting to be way you have been before the darkling and alina while tip toeing around these new feelings you had for eachother.
but as you made your way to nikolai’s doors, hand on the doorknob, you heard a soft growl coming from inside. you covered your mouth with your hand to prevent a gasp from escaping your lips. you slowly turned the handle and stepped into the room.
on nikolai’s kingly bed was a dark giant looking demon. it’s wings were the color of the night sky seen in the window of the bed room. it took your breath away.
you pressed your back against the wall, trying to move back towards the door without making any noise. but the demon heard you and snapped it’s head in your direction.
every part of your body was screaming to run, to scream even. but something stopped you. the eyes. they stopped you. they were dark and pitch black but there was something familiar about them. not the color but the way they watched you. like they were trying to remember every single part of you just in case.
nikolai was the only person who you knew looked at you that way.
“nikolai?” you whispered to the monster.
the creature craned its neck to the side, similar to the confused head tilts that nikolai used to give you during lessons. you took a hesitant step forward, holding your hands up to show that you weren’t going to cause harm.
“nikolai” you tried again, with more conviction in your voice.
the creature let out a small growl as a response and you flinched away. at your movement it out a whine and moved away from you.
you shuffled closer, “hey no no i’m okay. nikolai?”
slowly, as you repeated your best friends name over and over, the creature became less beast and more man. slowly morphing into a messy set of blonde curls and body you’d hugged more times than you can recall. your nikolai.
he curled up in a ball and leaned his back against the end of his bed.
“nikolai” you attempted softly, falling to your knees in front of him.
he scrambled away to a corner of the room, “please. please leave. i’m begging.” his voice was raspy from misuse, thought the two of you had spoken only hours before.
“nikolai i’m not leaving, please explain to me. what was that?” you pleaded with him.
“that was nothing, now go. please please” he sobbed into his hands.
you crossed your arms over your chest in a stubborn gesture that he couldn’t even see, “you’re lying to me again! i’m not leaving until you explain what that was. why can’t you tell me the truth for once?”
“that was me!” he yelled as he lifted his head and met your eyes for the first time.
you let out a sigh of relief at the familiar hazel color of his eyes. you crossed your legs together, “that was you?”
“yes that was me. that is what the darkling did to me. now please,” he let out an exhausted sob “please leave sweetheart.”
you felt tears swelling in your own eyes at his voice. how broken he sounded. your nikolai never sounded so defeated. and if he ever felt that way, he had never shown you. you crawled over to him slowly and placed your hands on the sides of his face, rubbing away the tears.
“what are you doing” he whimpered and dropped his head into your hands, “i could hurt you. sweetheart, you have to go.”
“my nikolai” you whispered, pushing his damp hair away from his forehead.
he closed his eyes and you couldn’t tell if it was from anger, exhaustion, sadness, or a mix of all of it. “i cannot be yours. i’ve lied to you, i’m a demon, a monster. you can’t possibly want me to be yours.” he spit each word about himself as if it were venom, like the words ripped away a little bit of his humanity, or his confidence.
you shook your head and softly placed your forehead again his, still holding the sides of his face. “no. you’re my nikolai. you always will be.”
you placed two soft kisses on his cheeks, one on each side. “my” kiss, “nikolai,” another kiss.
“oh sweetheart, i am yours” he sighed and opened up his knees so you could fall into his embrace. “i am so sorry.”
“you should be” you mumbled into his chest. “what if you had died nikolai? and i wouldn’t have known what was happening to you until it was too late. i could have helped.”
he kissed the top of your head, still hesitantly. “im a fool, you can spend the rest of my life reminding me. i didn’t want to ruin this, us. it’s the last precious thing i have in my life.”
“we are still precious” you whispered and clung to his shirt like your life depended on it. “the same way you are still the nikolai i have always known, since childhood. you are still good. we will fix this.”
“and if we can’t?” he asked so softly that you almost couldn’t hear him.
“then i’ll have to get just as familiar with the demon as i am with you” you joked.
and the rumble of nikolai’s laughing chest told you that everything would be perfectly fine. demon and all, he was still your nikolai.
@deardiarystuff @bookishcrows @kazsimp @vintagebitc @obiwansjedi @thegirlwiththeimpala @hybrid-in-progress @mrs-brekker15 @mrsbrekkers @simplyluvzuko @ode-to-joy @gallysonegoodlung @sixofshadowandbone @castielcouldbeasecretdentist @meiitanoia @caaarstairs @itisroe
if your name is in bold, it means i couldn’t tag you <3
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teddy-bear-surprise · 3 years
Could u do one where peter and the reader are really close and flirted a lot but he starts to get distant and started to replace her with mj so she just accepts it but an old friend of hers (thats really hot and has tattos:) ) comforts her and hes like madly in love with and she starts to get over peter and bonus points if u include a ride on his motorcycle and then go eat tacos and having a sleepover😁 💀 i think i made this too long
This story is also available on AO3!
Title: Mind the Gap
Word Count: ~5.5k
Rating: None
Context Needed: Y/N
Disclaimer: Format got slightly messed up when I transferred this into Tumblr so sorry about any inconsistencies regarding that. 
“Psst. Peter!” You whisper shouted across the room trying to get your friend’s attention. 
He flipped his head around and leaned back in his seat, balancing on the chair’s two back legs. “What’s up, hun? You tired of studying already?”
Walking over towards the desk where he was reading, you continued to whisper. “I’m not tired of studying, I just don’t want to study.” You grabbed ahold of his hand, trying to pull him out of the seat, “C’mon, let’s go do something fun.”
“We just got here though, and we have that O-Chem presentation due next week. Come sit at my table and we can work on it together.” He grabbed your hand and gave it a light squeeze, “Just for an hour, and then we can go do something else.”
“Alright, I guess another hour won’t hurt.”
Leaving the library, you were met with the bright winter sun, frostbitten air, and snowy trees. Washington Square Park was uncharacteristically quiet and empty as people gathered in their homes to avoid the cold. You were bundled up in a thick black coat, wearing dark-colored jeans, a cream turtleneck, and your favorite boots. Your mind was clouded and slow from rushing to finish your project within the hour. In addition to having to do O-Chem at eight in the morning, you were running on only three hours of sleep thanks to some idiot that decided to trigger the fire alarm in your building last night. 
The cold, dry wind seemed to attack you from all angles and had your teeth chattering after only a minute. Even hiding behind the columns of Bobst Library, the wind continued steadily. Peter stood beside you, significantly less affected by the weather despite only wearing sweatpants, a hoodie, and Converse. You always suspected that Peter’s immunity to the cold was due to the radioactive spider bite, but he insisted that it was just because he grew up in New York. 
Noticing your chattering teeth and trembling body, Peter pulled you in for a hug. He rested his head upon yours, sheltering it from the cold. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth as your cheeks absorbed the warmth radiating from his chest. Basking in Peter’s enveloping warmth, you mentally decided: This kid is definitely radioactive. Frankly, there was no other way to explain how he was so warm while only wearing two layers in the New York Winter. 
He brushed your hair lightly as you snuggled into his chest, still standing in front of the library’s entrance, “Is your roommate around? My roommate and I got into an argument last night so I don’t want to go back to my dorm, but I don’t want to intrude if she’s there.”
“No, she’s been staying with her girlfriend all week. Apparently, they got back together after Flash’s party…” your voice trailed off as your exhaustion took over, even your body went slightly limp.
“Do you want me to carry you, princess? I can tell that you’re pretty tired.”
“Yes please.” You unraveled your arms from his chest and hooked them around his neck.
Peter lifted you up gently and you wrapped your legs around his waist, squeezing him tightly. You closed your eyes and rested your head against his shoulder as he began walking. If any other person had offered to carry you in the snow (especially in Converse), you would have said no. But with Peter’s supernatural strength, agility, and reflexes, you felt perfectly safe in his embrace. 
You woke up still feeling slightly groggy, lounging in the beanbag chair next to your desk. Looking around, you saw Peter sprawled on his back, awkwardly occupying the small space between your bed and your roommate’s. He wasn’t necessarily asleep, but he wasn’t awake either. You slid down the beanbag, only your shoulders remaining on it, as you tried to kick Peter’s foot. Before you could even reach him, the harsh crinkling of the beanbag got his attention, and he propped himself up on his elbows. 
“Sleep well?”, he spoke in a groggy voice.
“Depends, what time is it?”
He glanced at the Transformers watch that you forced him to wear after he lost a bet, “Almost noon. So you basically slept for two and a half hours, almost three.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna say that I slept well then.” Your stomach rumbled and you looked down, letting out a soft chuckle. “Wanna grab a bite real quick?”
Peter raised a crooked eyebrow at you, “You don’t have to ask me twice.”
You walked in silence towards your favorite taco spot near campus, your arm linked with Peter’s. He held you close to him as you texted your roommate, making sure that you didn’t slip, trip, or Blip.
You: Hey, Riva… Do you mind if Peter stays in your bed tonight? I’ll wash the sheets and change them.
Riva: Sorry, but that’s my bed and I’m not letting your pseudo boyfriend sleep in it. He either sleeps in your bed or on the floor. It’s nothing against him, or you, but that’s my safe space and I don’t feel comfortable sharing it.
You: Okay, thanks. I totally get that, I’ll figure something out. Lmk when you’re coming back so I can clean my side.
Riva: I gotta talk to Miriam first but I’ll let you know when I decide.
You: Sounds good… stay safe :)
Riva: You too <3
You pocketed your phone and looked up at Peter, “She said no… at least no to you borrowing her bed.”
“That’s okay, hun. I can find somewhere else to crash.”
“Are you sure? I feel bad–”
Peter unintentionally cut you off, “It’s okay, don’t worry about me. Worst comes to worst, I could always crash at the Stark building.”
That was the last time you talked to Peter, three weeks ago.  You two went different ways after getting tacos that day and Peter offered to do the O-Chem presentation alone after you caught a cold. Now, even though you walked into class every day hoping to see him, he was nowhere to be found. It made no sense, that was one of his favorite classes and he just stopped showing up. A part of you longed to text him and ask “Where’ve you been, Parker?” but you knew better. The problem wasn’t that Peter had disappeared, necessarily; the problem was that he seemed to be avoiding you.
The issue was that despite not showing up to O-Chem, you still saw Peter walking around campus, his hands all over the engineering department’s newest transfer– MJ. Occasionally, you would lock eyes with him across the hallway, across Washington Square Park, or across a lecture hall, but he would immediately look away. Frankly, it felt like he hated you. You didn’t know what happened, or what you did, to warrant this kind of reaction from Peter. During that last conversation as you went to get lunch, you were about to offer to let Peter share the bed with you, or at least the beanbag. You couldn’t tell if it was a good thing that you hadn’t offered, or if offering would have prevented this unhappy split.
You walked into a local doughnut shop, affectionately called the Doughnut Pub, and immediately came face to face with MJ. Or face to back as she stood in front of you in the queue. You rocked back and forth on your heels, suddenly feeling uneasy and out of place. But, in desperate need of coffee and sugar, you stayed. You looked down at your shoes and fiddled with your keychain, waiting for MJ to order and leave. Unfortunately, that’s not what she did. 
MJ grabbed her order and moved to sit down at one of the stools along the balcony. She pulled out her phone, seemingly texting someone. Soon after, while the workers were preparing your coffee, Peter walked in. You looked at him intently, but he avoided you like always. He turned his head away, walking quickly towards MJ with his eyes to the ground.
You were rightfully annoyed and took your coffee and doughnuts, storming out. There was a small courtyard nearby with benches and you instinctively walked there, not even stopping to think. You sat down, eating alone on one of the snowy benches. A quickly melting layer of ice began to permeate your jeans, leaving your legs soggy and numb, but your stubborn nature prevented you from moving until you had finished your snack. You savored each sweet bite of your doughnut, washing it down with hot black coffee. You almost never ordered plain black coffee, disliking the bitter taste, but you were too busy worrying about MJ and Peter to choose anything else. Only a minute before you intended to leave, someone sat beside you. You glanced over, recognizing the distinct tattoos that covered this stranger’s hands. Those tattooed, slender, and ring-laden hands held you up all throughout your toughest times in high school; you could never forget them.
“Tommy?” You looked up at your old friend, eyes wide with happiness.
“I knew it was you! How’ve you been, darlin’?” Tommy punched your arm playfully.
You felt blood rushing into the apples of your cheeks, hoping the sudden blush would be disguised by your windburned skin. Tommy had a habit of calling you sweet nicknames and his sultry tone always made your heart skip a beat. “I-I’ve been better. I think that much is obvious. People who are doing well don’t normally sit alone on wet, icy benches, do they?”
“That they don’t, love. What’s going on, though? Last I heard, you were livin’ the dream up here in New York.”
“Well, that’s why they call it a dream, Tommy. Dreams have to end eventually. I just wasn’t expecting mine to end with my only friend at NYU ditching me for some transfer.”
“Good thing I’m here then. With your real best friend here, you won’t have to worry about that loser anymore.”
Tommy slid an arm around your shoulders slyly, rubbing your arm affectionately, “Thanks, Tommy. What are you even doing here?” a defensive undertone tinged your words, “Sorry, that sounded rude, but like how did you end up here?”
“Well, I’m glad you asked. I’ve got so much to tell you. First, though, let’s get somewhere warmer and dryer, I don’t want my best friend to catch a cold.” He helped you up and you began guiding him to the first place that came to mind, the library. 
You and Tommy sat down in the library at one of the smaller tables in a corner hidden behind some bookshelves. He helped you out of your coat and folded it for you, hanging it on the back of your chair. There was a comfortable silence between you both. You were in no rush, just focusing on warming up.
“I missed you so much,” Tommy said suddenly, breaking the silence. “And when I got an offer to transfer to my office’s Manhattan branch, it just seemed like the right thing to do. I know it’s sudden, and that I probably should’ve told you I was in town, but I wanted to plan something special before telling you… I didn’t know I’d run into you so soon though. That was a pleasant surprise.”
You were absolutely dumbfounded by Tommy’s admission. “Oh my gosh.”
“I hope you don’t mind.” He looked down at his hands.
“‘Mind’? Tommy, are you kidding me? Of course, I don’t mind! You couldn’t have possibly come here at a better time.” You felt your heart twist, despite the truth behind your words, your heart still ached. You would have no need for Tommy’s comfort if Peter hadn’t abandoned you. And as much as you loved Tommy, your love for him was nothing compared to the buried feelings you harbored for Peter. 
Tommy took your cold hands in his and lifted his head, looking at you with a smile on his face. “I’m glad to hear that! What do you say we head out and do something fun tonight? Doesn’t that sound good?”
“That sounds great, but you’re gonna have to do all of the planning. This calculus class I’m in is kicking my ass.”
You and Tommy spent the rest of the night together. After taking you shopping at a few local boutiques, he treated you to a five-star meal. When he first started at his job, two years ago, he never would have been able to afford a meal like that, but his transfer must have come with a hefty raise. The half-a-dozen years of friendship that you shared with Tommy were all brought back in one night. It was like experiencing your relationship in a whole new light. You shared Caprese while talking about your greatest dreams, downed a bottle of wine while reminiscing, and teared up while eating chocolate cake. Though you hated the reality of it, a part of you was beginning to realize that maybe your attraction to Tommy was slightly romantic. 
To finish off the night, you both headed back to his new apartment to watch a movie. With most other guys you would worry that an invitation to their apartment meant that they expected something more, but with Tommy, you felt comforted that a movie just meant a movie. He opened the door for you and allowed you to enter first. As you walked through the barren entryway, it revealed a cluttered living room covered with boxes. In the middle, there was an awkwardly positioned sectional couch facing a flatscreen television on the wall. Around the feet of his couch, crumpled papers, empty coffee cups, and wads of tape occupied the floor. None of this surprised you. Tommy was never great at keeping his spaces clean and on top of that, he had just moved in. 
Tommy rushed up behind you as soon as he had locked the door and began reaching for the scattered trash, “Sorry for the mess, I didn’t know I’d be running into you today. Much less having you over.”
“Don’t worry about it, you just moved in. I wasn’t expecting your apartment to look like the cover photo of an Architectural Digest magazine.”
He chuckled at your joke, “Well still, I really am sorry for the mess.”
Tommy guided you to the couch where he let you take the best spot and handed you a blanket. You kicked off your shoes, shrugged off your coat, and laid back, swinging your feet onto the sofa. He disappeared around the corner and yelled out to you, “I’m just gonna make some popcorn, but feel free to turn on the TV and find something to watch!”
You grabbed the remote control and turned on the television, trying to figure out how to navigate it. Eventually, around the time you began hearing popping coming from the kitchen, you had found Netflix. Frankly, there weren’t many movies that you wanted to watch, not any new ones at least, so you decided to pick one of your old favorites. Not really knowing why you loved this movie so much, you chose The Theory of Everything. From behind the kitchen wall, you could hear that Tommy was just pouring the popcorn into bowls and you decided to start the movie. He came in soon after, not missing anything. Tommy sat beside you and handed you a bowl of hot popcorn. You felt a type of peace that you hadn’t felt in a long time. You watched the screen intently, only breaking your gaze occasionally when you dropped a kernel of popcorn. The two of you were enveloped in a comfortable silence that was only interrupted by sniffles and crunching. It went on like this until the end of the film, the silence growing greater with each minute. Tommy had fallen sound asleep and you did not want to wake him so you found a small pad of sticky notes and a pen and left your new number for him to text you when he woke up. 
You returned to your dorm, walking quietly, but still vigilant. New York was a crazy place and you never knew what might happen, especially in the dark. Only a block away from your building, you heard a peculiar wooshing sound. You stopped, eyes peeled, and looked around. Despite the vivid sound you heard only seconds before, there was no one near you. Confused but relieved, you continued walking. Your shoes crunched on the snow and every step was precarious. 
Suddenly, just as the first sound, you heard it again. This time it was much louder and seemingly closer. You stopped again yet the area surrounding you seemed to be empty. Turning around once more, you jumped. Peter, or Spider-Man, was standing right in front of you. 
You had no idea what to feel. He obviously knew that it was you, but what possible reason could he have for creeping up on you so randomly? 
With an annoyed tone, you asked Peter, “What do you want?”
“I’m sor–”
You cut him off, “You don’t get to be sorry, Peter. You don’t get to apologize because I don’t want to forgive you. I can’t. Not yet at least.”
Peter waved his arms frantically in the air, trying to keep you from walking away. You pushed past him and went anyway.
He ran up behind you, grabbing your arm. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I know I messed up. I really don’t know what came over me. Really. And if you don’t want to talk to me, I totally understand, but please just let me apologize.”
“I don’t want to have this conversation right now. I’m tired and I have way too much to do. So, please just let me go, Peter. Please.”
His hand released its tight grip on your arm and you could sense his frown even from behind the mask. “At least let me walk you home. It’s the least I can do.”
“Fine. But no talking.”
He raised his arms in surrender, “Totally understood. Shutting up now.” He pretended to zip his mouth. 
As agreed, you both walked to your building in silence. Uncomfortable tension built up between you like a fifty-foot concrete wall. Questions nagged and begged to be answered, still, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak. Why MJ? Why not talk to me? Why all of the avoidance? Did I do something? Did he and MJ break up? Is that why he wants to come crawling back to me? Because he’s lonely and broken-hearted? I don’t need him. I have Tommy and Riva and I’m sure I could name more people if I weren’t so pissed right now.
You stopped abruptly, only meters from your front door, and turned to face Peter, “Why did you do it? I mean, I’ve gone over this in my head a million times and it never makes sense. I have gone through every possibility, every variable, literally everything. And I just, I can’t figure out why or how this happened.”
You choked on the last word, a tear rolling from your eye. 
“I don’t know,” he looked at the ground. “You didn’t deserve that. I got so caught up with this stupid little crush and I ignored the best person I know, just to find out that MJ doesn’t even believe in the concept of romantic relationships. I’m sorry, I’m genuinely so sorry. I know words will never make up for how stupid I was, but I still hope that we can still be friends.”
“We’ll always have the possibility of friendship, I just don’t know if that’s the right thing for us at the moment. You messed up and you owned up to it, which is really great, but I need to know that it won’t happen again. I need to know that you’re not just coming back to me because MJ friend-zoned you. And until I know that, Peter, I can’t be your friend. So, find some way in that weird, contorted mind of yours to prove that to me. Then, maybe we can be friends again. Who knows?”
You walked further into the doorway, resting your hand gently on the keypad, and looked back at Peter with sadness in your eyes. He met your gaze, parting his lips as if he wanted to speak, but he remained stunned and silent. You turned away from him, inputting your code and pushing the door open with your shoulder. A part of you wanted to linger in the doorway, say one last word to Peter, or even wait for him to say the last word, yet you knew that you had already spared more of your time than he deserved. 
Needing a way to get rid of the overwhelming emotions in your body, you chose to climb the stairs rather than take the elevator. Each step released a soft sigh, a sad thought, and soft pains through your legs. By the time you reached your floor, you were so focused on the soreness in your legs that you had forgotten about your run-in with Peter and only cared about getting to lay on your beanbag chair. You settled into its soft embrace and allowed sleep to take over your mind. 
The next morning, all you could think about was Peter, though it was the last thing that you wanted to be thinking about. To take your mind off of the previous night’s interaction, you decided to walk to the Trader Joe’s in SoHo. You walked with your head down, letting the wind hit the top of your head and cool your thoughts. Every step was careful but fast and within fifteen minutes you were greeted by the large sliding doors. 
You walked around mindlessly, filling your cart with items you would most likely put back before checking out. Before you knew it, your cart was full. There were boxes upon boxes of cake mixes, frozen foods, and snacks. Things you didn’t even like seemed to have ended up in there as well. For example, their horrid excuse of a knafeh had somehow appeared at the very top. Sighing, embarrassed by how well your idea to distract yourself had worked, you began to return items to their respective spots within the store. At the end of it all, you ended up with a measly three items to checkout. A can of Snack Bar Mix, a box of berries, and some peach yogurt. You checked out and walked back home, taking your time since it was still cold out and you knew the yogurt and berries wouldn’t go bad. Once you arrived back, treasuring the warm air of your building’s lobby, you took the stairs up once more.
Arriving at your door, you twisted the doorknob open, expecting an empty room, but in front of you, Tommy was sitting on the floor conversing with Riva. His back was facing you and he turned when he heard the door open. Excitement filled his eyes and he jumped up to greet you. Riva, on the other hand, remained seated and unfazed by your return. Waves of confusion flowed through your mind as you had not expected either of them to be in your dorm. 
“Surprise!” Tommy exclaimed, “I was wondering when you might get back.”
“Well, I’m back now.” You spoke with words coated in suspicion and confusion as you walked towards Tommy. He filled the space between you and embraced you in a tight hug. From behind Tommy’s back, you met eyes with Riva signaling to her What is he doing in here? and Why didn’t you tell me Tommy was here?
Riva just shrugged her shoulders at you and giggled quietly as she watched Tommy’s embrace suffocate you. Slowly but surely, you snaked your way out of Tommy’s arms and held him away at an arm’s length. “So, Tommy, what brings you to our humble abode?”
“I was just in the area and wanted to surprise you so I DM’d Riva on Instagram and asked her if I could wait for you in here. I was also hoping that you might be free to go out to dinner later?”
You shot a deathly stare in Riva’s direction and replied, “That’s so sweet of you! Of course, I’d love to go out to dinner tonight.”
While you weren’t completely opposed to the idea of going out with Tommy, your recent interaction with Peter wouldn’t stop plaguing your mind. So despite the confidence in your voice when you agreed to Tommy’s request, seedlings of doubt began to sprout. 
Later that night, Tommy met you in front of your building to walk with you to a nearby tapas restaurant. The air was still cold, the strong winds biting at your cheeks, and you huddled behind Tommy as you walked against the current. Your body was pressing up against his arm but something felt off. You had spent your childhoods together, day in and day out, yet you had never felt so uncomfortable near him. It was tempting to ignore the feeling, attributing it solely to the years you had spent apart. But as the night droned on and you found yourself curled up next to him on his couch watching The Dead Poet’s Society, you realized that there were some feelings that just could not be ignored. Feelings like the love you had for Peter and the love he had for you. Tommy would always be a part of your life, just not in the way that you needed Peter to be. 
You slowly slipped your phone into your pocket and slid yourself out from under Tommy’s arm. You excused yourself and rushed off to the bathroom, locking the door and sitting with your back against it. Your fingers tangled in your hair, pulling against your scalp as you buried your face against your knees. All you wanted to do right now was text Peter, telling him you forgave him, but you knew that letting him off that easily would never end well. So instead, you sat and stared at your bright phone screen, scrolling through all of your past conversations with Peter. Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes grew heavy with sadness. Every text was so obviously flirty now that you looked back on them, but neither of you seemed to have noticed each other’s advances at the time. Your depressing scrolling was soon interrupted by three little bubbles appearing at the bottom left of your screen. Peter was typing. You waited patiently, each minute passing like torture, and every few seconds the bubble would disappear. Each time it did so, you felt a drop in your stomach, and every time it popped back up, your breath stopped. 
It had been almost five minutes since Peter had started typing when Tommy came up to the bathroom door, knocking rapidly. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while and I think the movie’s almost over.”
You took a deep breath to neutralize the shaking in your voice, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just have a bit of an upset stomach from that ice cream. Go ahead and finish the movie without me, I already know what happens anyway.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Don’t worry about me.”
“Okay, well let me know if you need anything.”
“I will…”
Tommy’s footsteps departed and your phone buzzed in your hand. You hadn’t even realized how tightly you were gripping the device until you looked down and noticed your fingers had turned a shade paler. Cautiously, you clicked on the message and began to read it.
Peter: Okay, so I’ve been thinking about how to apologize and I realized that what I thought was an apology was just me making excuses. I’ve said sorry, I’ve explained myself to you, but I haven’t shown you how I can change. And that’s where I went wrong. So, if you’re willing to give me another shot at your apology, meet me outside of the bookstore on Monday at 11 am. I promise you won’t regret it.
In all honesty, you had expected a much longer message, but the mystery enticed you so you played along.
You: One shot, Parker. Don’t you dare be late.
Peter: Of course :)
You put your phone back in your pocket, sighing loudly, and splashed cold water on your face. Wiping away the water from your skin, your mind began to clear. You opened the bathroom door and tip-toed back over to the couch where Tommy was watching the final five minutes of the movie. His eyes were watery, as anyone’s would be, and he glanced up as you approached him. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah, I just realized I gotta get home soon. I’m kind of tired and I still have lecture notes to go over.”
“Why don’t you just stay here? I just did laundry so the sheets are clean and there’s fresh towels too.”
As tempting as the offer was, you could sense that Tommy was attempting to imply something more. Something that you had no intention of ever experiencing with him. If Tommy didn’t want anything from you, he would have offered to take the couch. If he didn’t want anything from you, he wouldn’t have done laundry before inviting you over. If he didn’t want anything from you, he wouldn’t have held you the way he did. You knew that you were overthinking, but you trusted your intuition. 
Tommy could tell, from the excessive amount of time that it was taking you to reply, that you had your doubts, “You know what, it’s okay. I’ll walk you home. C’mon.”
He turned off the TV and handed you your jacket which you put on quickly as you walked to the door. Tommy rested his hand on your back as you exited the apartment and continued to do so all the way down. You both walked silently, unnerving tension growing between you. Each step felt like a chore and only worsened the emotional turmoil in your mind.
Once Tommy dropped you off, he lingered. You peeked through the half-open blinds in your room and saw him still standing down below. He was sporting a bizarre expression on his face, one of disdain and exhaustion. It was an expression you had seen time and time again. Every time you went to a stupid frat party or club and turned down one of the idiots there, that was the face they made. But seeing this only increased your faith in your prior decision to leave Tommy’s house. 
You turned away from the window and shut the blinds completely, basking you and your sleeping roommate in darkness. Much too tired to take a shower now, you decided to sleep on top of your blankets and shower the next morning instead. Your eyes grew heavy with each second and soon you had drifted off to sleep. 
Nearly a week had passed since you agreed to meet Peter outside of the bookstore and you were worried that he might have forgotten. Still, you stuck to your alarm clock and got ready to go. You changed into your favorite jeans, a tank top, and slipped a black hoodie and jean jacket over it all. Putting on your Converse, you grabbed your phone and backpack, and left. The door locked behind you with a soft click that echoed through the hallway. 
The walk to the bookstore was a quick one and you had arrived there withing less than 10 minutes. To your amazement, Peter was just rounding the corner and was on time. He waved at you from the end of the block with a giddy grin and you waved back, pretending to be unfazed. 
Peter was not even ten feet away when he suddenly blurted out, “I really like you. I really do.”
The locals didn’t even bat an eye, but the kids on their NYU tours all stared at him, mouths gaping wide open in shock. You followed suit, not expecting him to start with that bold and direct admission. 
You waited until Peter was closer to reply, “Jeez, Pete. What’s up with the huge announcement? Did you really need to tell that to everyone?”
A part of you was slightly embarrassed. You felt like you had been put on the spot.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I had to tell you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.” He stared at his feet and fiddled with his hands.
“No, no. Don’t get me wrong, I like you too. I just wasn’t expecting you to say that so loudly, and in front of everyone.”
“Yeah, I kinda regretted it as soon as I said it. There’s something about being judged by a hoard of highschoolers that just really gets to me.”
You chuckled, knowing how true that sentiment was for the both of you. “Well, I’m glad we finally got that out of the way. What now?”
“Wanna go for a swing?”
“I think I’d prefer to stay a bit closer to the ground if that’s alright with you, Spidey.”
“Oh right, my bad. Ummmm, how do you feel about motorcycles? May just bought one, I think she’s going through some sort of mid-life crisis and she said I could borrow it as long as I’m careful.”
“Sounds like a plan”
Message to the person that requested this: If you want me to rewrite the ending I totally understand, I know it’s not my best work and I really am sorry about that
Other notes: I’m not gonna lie, this wasn’t my favorite prompt to write and midterms/finals really fucked with my motivation, but I’m just happy I finished it :) I FINALLY FIXED THE PART I MESSED UP SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG
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fixing their jacket collar or hood for anyone :) congratulations on 700 again and i hope u have the loveliest of lovely days
You Better Beleaf It
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre - Autumn Leaves
Elide drags Lorcan out to look at the changing leaves. He’ll deny it if you ask, but he enjoyed himself.
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I know it took me a while to answer this but I thought it'd be a perfect little autumn fic 🍁 I hope you enjoy it!
Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Halloween Collection
Warnings: Language
1898 words
“Remind me again why we’re out here?” Lorcan drawled from beside her.
Elide rolled her eyes but continued to take pictures of the trees.
They’d both had the day off and she insisted they drive over to the nature reserve to look at the changing leaves. They’d parked on the side of a quiet road and had spent the last twenty minutes enjoying the views and the breeze.
She knew that as much as he was complaining, her boyfriend was just as happy to be out here with her. Okay, maybe not as happy, Autumn was her favorite season after all and she would admit that maybe, possibly she something went a little overboard in her obsession with the season.
But how could she not love the way all the coffee shops started smelling like pumpkin and caramel, or how she could wear her (and Lorcan’s) flannel and leather as much as she wanted, or how the leaves on the trees became such beautiful, bright colors.
Not to mention being able to deck their entire apartment out in Halloween décor. She’d lost count of how many bats, pumpkins, and ghosts now littered their walls and rooms.
And a lot of it was black, so Lorcan felt right at home.
“We’re out here,” she told him again, “because the leaves are changing color and it’s a beautiful day.”
He rolled his eyes but kept her hand snug in his. “But why are you taking so many pictures?” he asked as she lifted her phone to get a better angle of a canopy of trees. He waved his free hand around at the leaves. “This happens every year, are your thousands of pictures today going to look different form the thousands you took last year? Or yesterday?”
Elide halted and used her grip on Lorcan’s hand to pull him to a stop. “First of all, its magical so shut up.” She ginned as he loosed a long-suffering sigh. “Second of all,” she pressed herself closer to Lorcan and spun the phone around as she reached out a hand and attempted to take a selfie of the two of them, “it is different because this particular picture isn’t in my batch from last year. Or yesterday.”
She flicked through her phone to see the photo she just took and frowned.
“What?” Lorcan asked, stepping behind her to rest his chin on top of her head. “not up to your postable standards?”
She laughed and leaned farther back into his warm chest. “Look at it,” she showed him the photo. “The top of your head is cut off and the part of your face that I can see is frowning. And the lighting wasn’t great.”
She felt more than heard his chest rumble as he chuckled. “That’s what happens, El, when you try to use your tiny arm to get us both in the photo.”
She huffed and pressed her phone into his hand. “It’s not my fault you’re a giant.”
“No,” he brought his mouth down towards her ear and she shivered as his breath caressed her skin. “But you love it.” She could feel him smirking.
She was grinning but squeezed his arms as she said, “I’d love it even more you used your obscenely long arms to take a picture of the two of us.”
Lorcan nipped at her ear but took the phone from her and opened the camera. He took a sweet photo of the two of them, Elide pressed against his chest with one arm wrapped around her and the other holding the phone, with the brilliant reds and golds of the leaves behind them.
“Come on, Lor, smile for the camera!” She watched him roll his eyes through the camera screen, but his lips lifted to form a small half-smile. He clicked the button a few more times.
Just as Elide was ready to take her phone back, she caught a wicked gleam in his eye. She narrowed her eyes, but he’d already used his grip around her waist to hoist her in the air and up into his arms. She squealed at the sudden movement and felt him laugh at her reaction. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she sheard the click of her phone again.
Lorcan grinned as he set her back on her feet and handed her the phone.
“Babe, these are perfect,” she beamed before gripping the front of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.
“Good,” he muttered while draping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. “Now can we just walk without taking a picture every two steps?”
Elide rolled her eyes but wrapped her arm around Lorcan's waist and letting her hand slide into his back pocket. “I’ll put it away for now, but I won’t promise I won’t be taking any more.”
They followed the pavement until it ended, then continued through the grass-covered path. The sun was moving across the sky and beams of sunlight filtered through the colorful leaves. At one point, Lorcan helped her over a particular tall log before they found a stream weaving through the reserve.
“Hang on a minute, I want to wash some of this gunk off my hands.” She told him as she approached the water. She’d tried pushing a branch out of her way only to get a handful of wet mud probably left by some animal scampering up the tree.
Elide quickly rinsed her hands off, hissing at how icy the water felt. As hastily as she could, she plucked her hands out and dried them on her sweater.
Unfortunately, the frigid water only made her realize how chilly the evening had become. She and Lorcan had been walking long enough that the sun was starting to set, and the wind had picked up, leaving her still-damp hands to freeze.
Lorcan was sitting on the edge of a large rock and looked up from his phone as she walked back towards him. “Better?”
“Mhmm.” She agreed, stepping in between his spread legs. “But I think we should head back.”
He smirked and gripped her hips, pulling her closer. “Oh really? Have you finally had enough of the trees?”
“Don’t mock me.” She glared at him, but it lacked any real anger. An involuntary shiver racked through her body and she clenched her teeth as she said, “It’s cold, let's go back. It’s gonna take us a while to walk to the car.”
She made to step out of his grip, but he held her tighter, frowning as she kept shivering. His hands left her hips and started rubbing up and down her arms, trying to help her warm up. “Why didn’t you say anything? We could’ve turned back a while ago.”
She reached up and brushed a finger over the furrowed skin at his brow, loving the feeling of his large hands roaming over her body. “I didn’t notice it before.” She said, rolling her eyes.
He pulled his phone out and glanced at the clock. His frown deepened. “We’ve got at least an hour of walking if we don’t stop for anymore pictures.” He told her and raised a brow in question.
She huffed but nodded. “Fine, no more pictures.”
Lorcan put his phone back in his pocket and chuckled. “You’re the one who’s cold, if you want to stop it’ll just take longer to get back to the car.”
She hummed in agreement. “I’m looking forward to those heated seats.”
He flashed her a small grin before nudging her backward so he could stand from the rock. The second his hands left her body, she started shivering again which only brought Lorcan’s frown back in full force.
“Here.” He unzipped and shrugged off his jacket and before she could protest and swung it around to hang off her shoulders.
“Lor, I don’t want to take your jacket.” She protested, but it came out weak as she already felt the warmth seep back into her.
He raised a brow and his lips quirked up at her half-assed refusal. “I think I can survive the chill,” he held the coat as she maneuvered each of her arms into the far-too-long sleeves. “You, on the other hand, are already shaking so hard I can hear your teeth chattering.”
Lorcan waited until she got the jacket zipped before helping her roll up the sleeves. It was almost comical how much longer his arms were then here, and she told him as much. He just rolled his eyes.
Finally, his hands traced up her arms and over her shoulders to flip down the collar of the jacket that had gotten rumpled.
Lorcan met her stare, his hands still clutching the edges of the collar, and used his grip to pull her closer towards him. Their lips crashed together and Elide moved her hands to wrap around his middle, pulling him flush against her.
One of his hands moved to her hair, weaving his fingers through it to help tilt her head to a better angle. Her hands came to rest of his ass and he smirked into the kiss as she gave a squeeze.
He laughed as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. “Really, Lochan?”
Elide grinned and squeezed again. “Get me back home and I’ll let you do more than that to me.” She winked as his smirk widened.
“You think you can wait that long?” he snaked a hand down her back until it rested over her ass. She opened her mouth to reply but he brought his hand down in a light slap that made her choke on her words. He grinned even wider.
She pulled away and smirked as she held out her hand for him. “Come on, Salvaterre. Before I freeze and you end up with an icicle for a girlfriend.”
Lorcan huffed a laugh but grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his side as they started to walk towards their car.
“An icicle would spend less time taking pictures.” He teased.
She gasped. “I’m going to do you a favor and pretend you didn’t say that.”
Once they got back on the paved path Lorcan asked, “So, did the leaves live up to your expectations? Or do I have another scenic tour to dread.”
“Oh hush,” she poked his stomach. “don’t pretend like you didn’t have a good time. You can tell everyone else that you spent the afternoon brooding as your girlfriend selfishly dragged you through a horrendous afternoon,” she rolled her eyes, “but I have proof that you enjoyed yourself.”
“Proof? Is that right?” he raised a brow but grinned down at her.
“See!” She pointed at his grin. “That right there. I have proof of that.”
Lorcan grunted but squeezed her a little tighter. “Oh?”
Elide patted the pocket of her—Lorcan’s—jacket that held her phone. “I have photographic evidence that the mean, grumpy, brutish Lorcan Salvaterre,’ she paused dramatically, “smiles.”
He shook his head and laughed at her excited grin.
“Not only that,” she went on, “but proof that he had fun while looking at autumn leaves.” She gasped mockingly.
“Ha ha.” he deadpanned. “You’re hilarious.”
Her grin turned feline, and her eyes twinkled before she said, “You better beleaf it.”
His groan and her laughter echoed through the trees as they finally got back to their car.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @themoonthestarsthesuriel @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @angelic-voice-1997 @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash @annejulianneh111
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jared-19-cant-reid · 4 years
Sunday Kind of Love
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Rating: M
Summary: You need a date to your sister’s wedding, and Spencer begrudgingly agrees to help you out. Your feelings for him become difficult to hide, and Spencer really commits to his role as your “boyfriend”.
Word Count: 5.3K
Content Warnings: Family conflict, minor angst, unprotected sex, Dom!Spencer/Sub!Reader, bondage, daddy kink, spitting, choking, breath play, exhibitionism/public sex, teensy bit of sacrilege
Author’s Note: This fic idea came to me while I was listening to “A Sunday Kind of Love” by Etta James, so I’d highly recommend listening to it if you read the fic. Gives you the ~vibe~. Anyway, this is way longer than I expected but Spencer and reader deserved the extra time! I hope u enjoy :)
“C’mon, just make an appearance with me!” You pleaded. “It’s just one night! How bad can it be?” I didn’t even believe the words as they came out of my mouth.
Morgan snorted at that, shaking his head as he moved to exit the bullpen. “Sorry, kid. I love you, but I am not spending my night off at your bitchy sister’s wedding.” 
You sighed, reluctantly stepping aside to allow him to leave. Beginning to lose hope, you turned to your only remaining coworker. Spencer was still sitting at his desk, busying himself with organizing drawers and repositioning folders to avoid meeting your gaze as you approached his desk.
“Spencer, please come with me tonight. I can’t deal with my sister alone, and I think I might die if I have to explain to her that the guy I told her I was bringing ghosted me last week.” As you spoke, you watched him try to think of a way to protect your feelings without going. In the year you’d worked at the BAU you’d come to see everyone on the team as family, but it was Reid you felt closest to. When he didn’t respond immediately, you put your hand on his shoulder. “Spence, I need you.” You spoke quietly, but he heard you clearly.
He looked up at you at your last words, visibly conflicted. You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, and he sighed, standing up. Knowing you had won, you threw your arms around his neck in a hug, nearly sending the two of you tumbling over in your enthusiasm. He tentatively wrapped his arms around you, returning the gesture of affection. 
His touch brought with it feelings of peace and happiness that you had come to associate with Spencer. Your smile grew impossibly wider as you thanked him a million and one times, squeezing him tightly as you felt relief spread through your body. Forcing yourself to pull away, you noticed his lips had quirked up into a small smile at your reaction.
“You know, almost twenty percent of weddings are called off. There’s still a chance it won’t even happen.” Spencer mumbled as you walked out together. You weren’t sure if he was trying to comfort you or himself. As you reached the garage, you thanked him again for agreeing to be your date. He just nodded, visibly nervous about the event.
You stopped him before he could start walking to the metro. “Let me drive you home,” you insisted, “it’ll be faster and we can talk over our game plan on the way!”
“Game plan?” He questioned, amused at your choice of words.
“Just pretend we’re going undercover on a case! We’ll get into character and everything. This can be fun if we make it fun.” Spencer seemed unconvinced, but he followed you to your car.
As you drove to his place, Spencer seemed to relax as he started to plan, happy to gain some control over the situation. You knew he hated big events, especially ones with a lot of strangers, but your deep dislike for most of your sister’s invite list meant you’d at least suffer together. Pulling up to the curb, you said a quick goodbye, telling him to be ready in an hour.
When you got home, you jumped through the shower, scrubbing off the stress of the work day to allow family-related stress to take its place. You quickly blew your hair dry, putting more effort into your hair and makeup than you usually did. As you reached your closet, you scanned your dresses for one that would match the maroon tie Spencer planned on wearing. A smile spread across your lips when you spotted it, your fingers toying with the soft fabric as you imagined Spencer’s reaction when he saw it. 
You tried to push the thought away, sighing at your own hopelessness. You’d been trying to bury your feelings for Spencer ever since you joined the BAU, but it was a losing battle. You found it impossible to ignore him, despite your efforts to remain neutral in his presence. Your heart swelled at the excitement shining in his soft hazel eyes, skipped a beat at the sight of his tongue resting between his lips in concentration, and stopped altogether at the way his hands moved and flexed when he spoke. The opportunity to spend this much one-on-one time with Spencer in what you were sure would be an incredibly flattering suit was almost worth the stress of dealing with your family. 
You slipped on the soft satin dress, admiring how it hugged your curves and flowed around your legs. The plunging v-neck was flattering, but tasteful enough to stave off disapproving looks from older guests, leaving you comfortable and confident. You stood in front of the mirror, taking in your appearance as you would a stranger’s. The face that looked back at you was friendly but tense, hands fiddling restlessly with the soft fabric of your dress. It didn’t take a profiler to see you needed to relax.
Taking a deep breath, you cleared your mind, taking a few minutes to give your mind rest and ground yourself. Opening your eyes again, your reflection looked much more peaceful, nodding as you decided you were ready to leave. As you drove to Spencer’s, you felt your heartbeat quickening, this time from excitement instead of stress. 
Knocking softly, you were surprised to hear Spencer’s footsteps already nearing you, as if he had been waiting by the door. As he stepped outside, your breath hitched. You shouldn’t be so affected by the sight of him, it’s not like he’d never worn a suit in front of you before. It was mostly the look on his face that struck you, his lips slightly parted and eyes scanning your body as he took in the sight of you. 
“So what do you think? Good enough to pass for a put-together adult who hasn’t been dreading this day for months?” You asked.
He took a second to respond. “Y-yeah, you… you definitely shouldn’t worry about it. I mean you look great- not that you don’t usually look great it’s just-”
You interrupted him for his own sake, giggling a soft “thank you, Spence. You don’t look half bad yourself.” Understatement of the century.
Soft music played through the speakers in your car, soothing your nerves as you hummed along to “A Sunday Kind of Love” quietly. You almost jumped when you heard Spencer begin to hum with you. 
“You know this song?! I didn’t know you listened to any non-classical music!” You exclaimed, unreasonably excited at your discovery.
“I’ve heard you listening to Etta James on the jet a couple times, so I checked out a couple of her songs,” Spencer said simply. You tried to pretend your heart hadn’t just exploded at the implications behind his words. You couldn’t trust your voice to mask your overflowing adoration for the man beside you, so you just smiled and began to sing along quietly.
Oh I'm hoping to discover
A certain kind of lover
Who will show me the way
Lost in the music, you were surprised for the second time that car ride by Spencer’s voice joining yours to sing the chorus. Your eyes shot to his face, but he kept his eyes forward, a small smile the only sign he’d seen your reaction. You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face as you sang with him, his attempts at melody bringing a smile to your face. The words seemed to gain meaning as your voices joined together, both looking forward but focused fully on each other.
To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold
Love for all my life to have and to hold
Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love
Before you knew it, you had arrived. It was as if the bubble that had protected you from the reality of the situation had popped, leaving you exposed to the harsh world that lay waiting for you. Spencer reached out and squeezed your hand, silently reassuring you of his presence, his support, unwavering as you faced the night together.
Nodding slightly, you let go of his hand and stepped out of the car. Spencer walked beside you to the entrance of the church, close enough that you could feel his body heat. As you got closer, you groaned internally at the sight of your mother. 
A fake smile stretched across her lips, nodding at a woman whose outfit was so brightly colored you nearly had to look away from the glare. Her smile dropped for a split second when she saw you, but quickly returned with twice the artificial sweetness as before. She called out your name, voice straining with the effort it took to sound happy to see you. 
“This can’t be the boy you’ve been seeing! Much more handsome than I expected, how much did he cost you? Just kidding, of course.” Her laugh was somehow faker than her smile. You saw Spencer tense up beside you, and opened your mouth to correct her. She wouldn’t openly admit it, but you were sure your mother would be smug about the fact you and Spencer were just friends.
Before you could say anything, Spencer’s next words sent you reeling.
“Actually, I’m her boyfriend. Glad to finally meet you.” He said as politely as he could, though you could tell he disliked her already. Spencer had never had much patience for people who made jokes at others’ expense. 
You were still processing what he’d just said when his arm wrapped around you, gripping your waist. The feeling of his hands on your body was almost too much for you, and you struggled to pay attention as your mother smiled and made smalltalk with Spencer that walked the line between passive aggressiveness and outright hostility.
You finally registered what was happening when your mother made some excuse to leave, off to emotionally torture a new victim. Your head whipped to face Spencer, your mouth hanging open, confusion written on your face. 
“Why did you-” you began, interrupted by Spencer’s panicked words laced with regret.
“I’m so sorry, I know we didn’t plan on pretending to be a couple tonight, but she just seemed so smug about it and I wasn’t thinking clearly and I just-” he rushed out. Now it was your turn to cut him off.
“Spencer, thank you. I’m not mad, I promise.” You leaned into his chest, the arm still wrapped around you tightening. “I guess we’ll just have to pretend we’re dating for the rest of tonight, though.”
The two of you slowly made your way into the church, stopping a few times to chat with relatives who called out to you. Everyone was charmed by Spencer, who played the part of your boyfriend remarkably well. You found seats on the right, farthest from the aisle in an attempt to limit your interaction with other guests. Sitting down, you remembered how uncomfortable church pews were, the hours you’d spent in mass with your family all coming back to you now. 
Looking around, however, you were reminded of what had gotten you through it. The stained glass windows that surrounded you created a kaleidoscope in your field of vision, capturing your attention for long enough to forget why you had been uncomfortable in the first place. You looked back at Spencer to find him already looking at you, sending a small blush to your cheeks. 
“Did you know that stained glass was originally used in Catholic churches to tell stories from the Bible visually for the benefit of illiterate churchgoers? During the English Reformation, many stained glass windows were smashed and destroyed as part of the 1547 Injunctions against images. In fact, all images in churches were ordered to be removed. If it weren’t for that period in history, more stained glass would likely have- sorry, I’m doing it again.” Spencer’s eyes were cast down at the floor, only to shoot back up to your face when he felt your hand on his.
“I like listening to you. Why did they want to destroy all the images in churches?” You asked, leaving Spencer speechless for a second, seemingly unable to process your request for him to continue his rambling. With a small smile, he continued to explain the importance of the English Reformation to religious art as you watched him adoringly.
The ceremony started all too soon, pulling your attention to the front of the church. As you and Spencer listened to the seemingly endless stream of anecdotes about love and life that the pastor had clearly spent years reciting, your eyes started to glaze over. You pushed thoughts about marriage and family and religion out of your mind, preferring emptiness. Your mind didn’t stay blank for long, though.
Apparently Spencer had noticed your change in mood, because he brought his hand to rest on your thigh in a comforting gesture of solidarity. Unfortunately, you were unable to respond in any way, overwhelmed by the feeling of his hand flattened against the satin fabric of your dress.  His thumb beginning to rub small circles into your skin, you felt your heart rate quicken. The warmth he brought to your thigh began to spread through your body, suddenly finding the church unbearably hot. 
Spencer seemed unaffected by the room’s sudden warming, keeping his gaze locked on the happy couple. You took a shaky breath and tried to calm yourself down, reminding yourself that you were overreacting to what was likely a completely platonic display of affection. The ceremony seemed to drag on for hours, but that might have had something to do with the constant effort it took to mask the desire and panic that Spencer’s touch had ignited in you. 
You were broken from your trance of concentration by the feeling of his hand inching higher on your leg. Whipping your head around to face him, his gaze remained fixed on the pastor, pressing his lips together to hide a smirk. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt Spencer’s hand slowly make its way up your thigh, paralyzed by shock and desperation. His grip tightened as he glanced at your face, reading your reaction to his touch. Before you had a chance to respond, it was withdrawn, the world around you coming back into focus as everyone began to clap. The ceremony was over. 
When you went to stand up after the recessional, you nearly stumbled on your weak legs. Spencer stabilized you, guiding you through the pews and through the hallways with his hand on your lower back. As you followed the crowd to the banquet hall, the gears in your mind were turning slower than usual, as if they had rusted in the time you hadn’t allowed them to work through the idea of Spencer returning your feelings. Finding your seats, you and Spencer were faced with one of the greatest challenges of your night: extended conversation with your family and their similarly judgemental friends.
The overlapping chatter of so many people at once was clearly bothering Spencer, but he stuck it out for your sake. You felt a tug in your chest at the thought of the effort it must be taking for him to stay in such an uncomfortable situation. He played his part beautifully, though, responding to the borderline offensive questions directed at you politely but firmly, protecting you from their attacks. Your sister would usually have led the onslaught, but thankfully she was preoccupied yelling at the photographer for some suggestion she’d taken as a personal slight. 
When Spencer struggled to answer questions about your “relationship”, you took over. He had never been a good liar, and while you loved that about him, you knew it could blow your cover if you allowed him to continue.
In your story, the two of you still worked at the BAU, having started dating a few months after you joined. You threw in small details from your countless daydreams, centering them around real events so that the tale was completely believable. Maybe too believable, you worried, feeling Spencer’s eyes on you as you talked. Under the protection of a lie, you had finally been free to speak the truth, pouring a year’s worth of pining and affection into your words as you concocted a love story you wished was real. 
You heard a band start to play, a bluesy vocalist at the center of the ensemble. The music filled the hall as the newlyweds rose for their first dance. A small crowd gathered around the pair as they moved in synchrony, every step practiced and planned. A few songs later, many couples were swaying together, tonight’s celebration of love bringing out the romantic in most. 
You turned to Spencer, nodding your head at the band. “We should probably dance for a song or two, just for appearance’s sake.” Spencer looked uncomfortable, but nodded and followed you closer to the source of the music.
Raising your hand to his shoulder while his landed on your hip, you felt a warmth spread through you as you joined hands. Fingers intertwining, you began to move along with the slow song that had been playing, stumbling at first but moving more smoothly as time went on. You had no idea how many songs passed while the two of you swayed, apprehension and desire swirling in the air between you. It took a second for you to notice it, but as soon as you did, Spencer’s small smile told you he had as well. 
The smooth vocals of the singer sounded even more lovely on Etta James’s familiar melody, filling you with an intense emotion you couldn’t put words to.
I want a Sunday kind of love
A love to last past Saturday night
And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight
And I want a Sunday kind of love
The feeling in your chest grew as you looked into Spencer’s eyes as the song continued, your chest threatening to burst with whatever magical dust you’d inhaled from the shared breath between your faces. Wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder, you were overcome with a feeling of safety and contentment as he returned your embrace. You swayed together as you began to ponder the cliches you’d always despised, begrudgingly admitting that you now understood the sentiment that nothing in the world mattered but the two of you.
As the song ended, you gathered up all the courage you had, and spoke before your mind could think through the possible negative outcomes of what you were suggesting.
“I need to tell you something,” you started. You felt his grip on you tighten, as if afraid what you would say next would take him from you, but he let you continue. “I think I love you, Spencer.”
He didn’t respond, but you felt him pull away from you. You felt cold without the contact, but it was nothing compared to the loss you felt in your chest as you realized what you’d done. He didn’t feel the same way.
You opened your mouth to apologize, to try to undo the damage you’d done, but before you could say anything he was dragging you toward a hallway. Overcome with confusion and fear of losing him, you didn’t realize where you were going until Spencer opened the door to the single-use bathroom and pulled you inside.
“Spence-” you began, the rest of whatever you had been about to say swallowed by Spencer’s lips as they moved against yours with urgency, his hands coming to cup your face gently. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, the coldness you’d felt replaced by the warmest light filling your chest.
Your hands found his hair, pulling him closer to you as you tried to eliminate any space left between your bodies. A frantic mess of hands and lips exploring any exposed skin, you stumbled backwards with the force of Spencer’s kiss, hearing the door lock as your back hit the cold wood. Your hands slipped under his suit jacket, moaning at the feeling of his firm body under your hands. He shrugged it off completely, allowing the jacket to fall on the floor, his germophobia trumped by his need to feel your warmth. 
You moaned into his mouth as his hands wandered your body, leaving goosebumps in his wake. As the kiss became more heated, you noticed that he seemed to withdraw whenever he noticed his touch had gotten rougher, clearly holding back so he wouldn’t hurt you. You smiled into the kiss at the care he showed for you, but your desire to see him fully let go was too strong to allow it to continue. You weren’t sure exactly what he was willing to do, but you took your second biggest risk of the night, showing him what you wanted.
Finding his hand on your body, you laced your fingers between his, kissing him sweetly before pulling away with an innocent look on your face. Spencer stared down at you, confusion clear on his face. You brought his hand up to your mouth, kissing the back of it before moving your hand to his wrist. He watched you intently, unsure what you were doing. Staring up at him with an angelic smile, you brought his hand to your neck, his fingers curling around it instinctively.
 As he realized what you were asking of him, his eyes darkened and his grip around your neck tightened. “This is what you wanted, huh?” He spoke lowly, a small smirk forming on his lips. “So needy for me. Would’ve let me fuck you in front of all those people back there, practically shaking just from my hand on your thigh.”
You whimpered, turned on beyond belief by this new side of Spencer. His smirk widened at your reaction to his words, pressing his body against yours, his hardness pressing into you. 
“Feel that? Feel what you do to me?” He growled. “Let me show you how I deal with pretty little whores like you.” He stepped away from you, eyes hungrily raking over your body as he began to unbuckle his belt. You just stood there, watching his hands as your mind flashed back to all the times you’d imagined this happening. Somehow this was even better than your wildest imagination had been able to conjure.
“What are you waiting for? Get on your knees” He spat out. The words shot straight to your core, and without hesitation you dropped to your knees in front of him. You watched as he pulled the belt from its loops, but frowned in confusion when he didn’t discard it. He walked around behind you, grabbing each of your wrists and pulling them together. Oh. When he was sure the belt wasn’t too tight, he whispered in your ear how pretty you looked tied up for him, your whimper at the words causing him to let out a dark chuckle.
He returned to the front of you, leaning down to toy with your bottom lip. “Show me you deserve to suck my cock, princess.” He instructed, slipping his thumb into your mouth. You moaned around his finger at that, and instinctively began sucking on the digit. You hollowed your cheeks around it, running your tongue along the length of his thumb before pulling back to swirl your tongue around the tip. He must have approved of your demonstration, because he removed his thumb, pulling down the clothing restricting him in one motion. 
Your eyes widened at his size, his smirk growing when you leaned forward instinctively to take him into your mouth. When he grabbed your hair to stop you, you looked up at him in confusion. 
“Good girls ask for permission.” Your eyes fluttered shut at that, wanting nothing more than to be good for him. 
“Please, let me suck you off, I want you in my mouth,” you begged. He seemed pleased, his hand still in your hair pulling you forward. When your lips wrapped around his cock the hand on your head pushed you down roughly, making you take all of him into your mouth, the tip pressing hard against the back of your throat. You moaned through the gag, your panties likely soaked by now from your arousal at his dominance. 
As he began to fuck your throat, you wrapped your lips around him tightly, timing your breaths so you wouldn’t have to stop for air. Words of praise mixed with degradation fell from his lips as he worked your mouth on him. Tears pricked at your eyes at the feeling of him against your throat, spilling over as he continued his ruthless pace. 
When he pulled you off of him, a dark smile appeared on Spencer’s face at your disheveled state. He pulled you up so you were standing before him, hands still bound behind your back. He stepped back to admire you.
“Look at you, such a mess for me. What do you want, pretty girl?” He asked, voice still commanding but much softer now, genuinely checking in with you.
“I want you, please, need it so bad,” you practically moaned. He moved forward to meet your mouth with his, one hand coming to rest around your throat while the other gripped your hair, fully in control of your movements. He pulled your hair back, breaking the kiss as he tilted your head up to look him in the eyes. 
“Jump.” He commanded. You didn’t hesitate, wrapping your legs around him as he walked you over to the sink, setting you down on the cold porcelain. His mouth rejoined with yours the second you felt the bowl of the sink digging into you. As Spencer’s hands roamed your body, he lost patience with your dress, pulling it down so your tits spilled out of the top. You moaned as he took one nipple into his mouth, a skilled hand toying with the other. His other hand lowered to the hem of your dress, pushing it up to gain full access to you.
Spencer moaned against your chest as he felt the dampness of your panties, soaked all the way through before he had even started to pleasure you. His fingers ran up and down over the wet fabric, applying pressure over your clit that sent your eyes rolling back. You made a noise of complaint at the loss of contact when he withdrew his hand, but were quickly silenced by a hand over your mouth.
“You’ll take what I give you, slut.” Spencer gritted out, tearing your panties off with the last word. His hand came up to your entrance, teasing you as his fingers ran up and down your slit. Gathering your wetness, he moved up to your clit, rubbing circles that left you moaning uncontrollably into his hand. “Can you snap for me, baby?” He asked. You were confused, but you did anyway. “Good girl. That’s your safeword for when you can’t talk.”
Before you could read too much into the statement, he plunged a finger deep into you, causing you to arch your back into him. Your moans still muffled by his hand, he set a brutal pace, adding another finger when he felt you start to clench around him. Tightening his hand over your mouth and nose, he cut off your breath as you approached your peak, your eyes glazing over with pleasure. The high of the lack of oxygen along with the haze that came with this level of submission left you fully pliant, his to play with how he wanted.
Right as your lungs began to burn, your orgasm shook your body, and Spencer let go at that exact moment. The relief of oxygen once again flooding your lungs added on to the euphoria that overtook you, your body shaking as you came down from your high. 
You didn’t have much time to recover, as you were brought back to reality with the sensation of the tip of Spencer’s cock teasing your slit. The overstimulation shook you, but with every second your need to feel him inside of you grew stronger. Your whimpers turned into pleas, and in your desperate state you didn’t realize what you were saying until it was too late.
“What was that?” Spencer asked, withdrawing completely.
“I-I’m sorry, it was an accident, I didn’t mean to, I’ll never-” you were interrupted by an unexpected demand.
“Say it again.”
“Say. It. Again.” Spencer gritted out, his eyes darkening with each word.
“Please fuck me, daddy.” You said shakily.
A look of satisfaction came over Spencer’s face as he slammed into you without warning, setting a rough pace. You began to chant his new title, and his hand came up to choke you, fingers pressing into your carotid arteries just beneath your jaw. He wasn’t putting any pressure on your windpipe, but your lightheadedness from the reduced blood flow made it feel harder to breathe, the feeling of being owned by the man you loved only intensifying your pleasure. 
Spencer towered over you as he continued his assault, his other hand coming up to muffle your moans by allowing you to suck on his fingers. When he withdrew them to pay attention to your body elsewhere, he was confused to see you stick out your tongue. When the wave of understanding washed over him, he couldn’t hold back his smile. Bringing his hand up to trace your cheek, he looked at you lovingly before spitting in your mouth, watching in awe as you eagerly swallowed and met him with an innocent smile that contrasted beautifully with your actions. 
As you began to feel the knot in your stomach building again, Spencer increased his pace. Bringing one of his fingers to your clit, Spencer knew you were nearing the edge, and fast. “Come for me, pretty girl.” He ordered.
You obliged, Spencer’s kiss swallowing the moans spilling from your mouth. He followed soon after, sent into ecstasy by the image and sensation of you coming apart under him. As he filled you up, you felt a bliss that you’d never experienced before, using your lips to show him how he’d affected you as he fucked you through both of your orgasms. When you eventually parted, it was quiet for a moment. 
As Spencer helped you off the sink and removed the belt from your wrists, massaging the tender skin, you began to laugh. It started out as a small giggle, but it soon turned into a full belly laugh, bringing tears to your eyes. Spencer was taken aback at first, but son couldn’t help but join you. You both laughed until your stomachs hurt, and when you could finally speak again your first words were “we just had sex in a church bathroom.” 
Holding back another bout of laughter, Spencer responded, “I have to say, this wasn’t how I imagined tonight going.” He took a step towards you, arms lacing around your waist. “I’m not complaining, though.”
You pulled him down to meet him in a kiss, your teeth clacking as neither of you could hold back your smiles. When you broke apart, Spencer’s forehead stayed pressed against yours. “I love you,” he said quietly, “I have for a long time now. I just never thought you would feel the same way.”
You couldn’t hold back the happy tears that formed in the corners of your eyes.  Wordlessly, you pulled him into a hug, your bodies coming together like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally been connected. You stayed there for a while, just feeling each other breathe. 
In a few minutes, you’d sneak out the back door of the church. In a few minutes, you’d leave the room with no need for lies to excuse your shared affection. In a few minutes, you’d have to deal with the paperwork that Hotch would inevitably require. But for these last few minutes, all you had to do was hold each other. For now, you were just two people in love, and that was enough.
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ushittyoldman · 4 years
sweetheart like you
request.  hiii welcome! my brain is empty rn but some spike fics would be so amazing! i’ll probably be back when i have an idea but for now maybe just some first kiss with Spike and up until then they had just been flirting:)
pairing. spike x fem!reader
warning. language, mentions of s ex, & just a whole bunch of fluff
a/n. my first spike request eeeeee here u go anon! i hope u like it, it’s still taking me a while 2 pin down his characterization so i kinda just went w how i thought he’d b in a situation like this. nevertheless, i hope u like it thank u 4 this cute asf request (fun fact! spike always reminded me of bob dylan bc of his hair so this title came from a bob dylan song) 
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"Found him,” you mumbled discreetly into your ear piece, your sunglasses sliding slightly down your nose.
“Attagirl,” you heard Spike’s smooth drawl through the ear piece, and you attempted to conceal the slight smile that had made its way to your face.
“Careful, Spike, looks like I’m doing your job for you,” you teased, still keeping a watchful eye on the slimy suspect who happened to hold a handsome bounty on his head.
“Can’t really complain when you look so much better doing it.”
“Just fuck already so I don’t have to hear this everyday!” Faye snapped, and this time you couldn’t help the soft blush that colored your cheeks. You tightened your jacket around yourself, attempting to alleviate some of the embarrassment you felt.
“It’s not like that—”
“You know you’re always welcome to join us, Faye,” Spike retaliated, and this time you couldn’t hold back your giggle. Had you turned around, you wouldn’t have missed Spike’s smile widening upon hearing the musical sound.
“I’d rather die.” Faye deadpanned, and you had to remind yourself that you couldn’t laugh too loudly due to the delicate position you were currently in.
“One day... just one day of peace and quiet. You think that’s a lot to ask for, Ein?” 
Silence followed Jet’s tired question, and you realized you’d have to once again step up and apologize on behalf of you three. You softly mumbled into the earpiece, “Sorry, Jet, remind me to buy you a new bonsai tree to make it up to you!”
You could hear the smile in his voice as he enthusiastically said your name. “Anyone ever tell you you’re an absolute sweetheart?”
“Once or twice.”
Before anyone could respond, movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention. The man you had been tailing had stood up from his seat on the couch, paying the stripper who had clung to him for the majority of the hour. You began to subtly gather your things and pay for your drink at the bar, preparing to follow him out of the club.
“He’s on the move,” you angled your head to your left, eyes searching for familiar brown eyes, “I’m gonna follow him.”
Once your eyes met Spike’s, an understanding passed between you two. He had been sitting on one of the couches towards the back of the dimly-lit room. His long legs were spread as his arm was casually draped over the top of the couch, and a cigarette loosely hung from his lips. His long hair was pulled back slightly, since it was styled to mimic the type of men who frequented the club, and you smiled at the memory of you and Faye attempting to tame his hair in the bathroom right before you three departed on the mission. Though he was attempting to pass off as a regular civilian enjoying the strip show, there was something about Spike that made him stand out from the rest of the crowd. Realizing you had probably spent an abnormal amount of time admiring him, you met his eyes again and decided to ignore the look of blatant amusement that so clearly danced within them.
You simply nodded once and you silently applauded yourself on being able to catch the subtle nod he gave you in response in the dimly-lit room. His lips quirked up slightly, and you somehow felt more reassured in your ability to pursue the criminal.
Gulping down the last of your drink just for that liquid confidence, you delicately placed the payment on the table, and adjusted your top as you followed the man out the door. As you left the strip club, you noticed the shadow of the man’s trench coat as he leisurely walked towards the darker side of the already extremely shady town. You inhaled sharply before wrapping your own coat around yourself tighter. Suddenly, the man took a sharp left turn into a narrow dark alleyway between two buildings with impossibly bright neon signs.
“He went down an alley— that’s gotta be a dead-end. It’s almost too easy!”
Spike quickly yelled out your name, an odd edge to his words. “No! We’re sticking to the plan.”
“But I can—”
“Spike’s right, it’s too risky,” Faye interrupted evenly, though her tone showcased her own concern at your irrational thinking.
Deciding to prove them wrong, you furrowed your eyebrows and tightened your grip on the concealed gun. You let out a soft exhale, your breath visible in the frosty night. You immediately turned the corner, prepared to take the man by surprise, yet you stilled in shock when you were suddenly slammed against the brick wall. You could faintly hear your sunglasses clatter on the ground. You saw stars the moment your head hit the wall, and you were almost positive you were dealing with a concussion. You internally grimaced at the earful you’d undoubtedly be receiving from Spike, Jet, and Faye.
“What do you think you’re doing, you sneaky little bitc— ooh,” he mockingly cooed, “You’re pretty.”
“Oh, for the love of—” you heard Spike groan in your earpiece, most likely realizing you deliberately disobeyed the plan.
The man’s rough hands began playing with your hair, and you tried your best not to cringe at the feeling. Briefly, you conceded that Faye and Jet may have been right when they voiced their concerns over you working alongside the bounty hunters on this mission. You were the Bebop’s resident medic, and you had an alarming lack of experience with guns and self-defense in general. The two facts paired with your intense hatred of harming people, and you were most definitely the least qualified person to be on this mission.
Momentarily, you wondered why you even pushed so hard to join your friends and leave the safety of the Bebop. You suddenly thought of Spike. Spike with his lazy smile, as he encouraged you to join them. Spike and his untamable hair as he taught you how to use a gun. Spike and his warm hands as he softly caressed your cheek the first and only time you had managed to take him down in your self-defense classes.
You groaned internally as the realization hit you harder than the concussion.
Stupid Spike.
Deciding not to succumb to death just as yet, you abruptly realized there was a technique that Spike had taught you for this very occasion. You groggily tried to remember the technique, and you urged yourself to remember quicker when the man began to trail his hands down your body. Belatedly, you realized your coat was now on the ground, drenched in the wet snow, and the unforgiving cold air was nipping at your exposed arms and legs.
“Gonna take you on a ride, girly,” he wickedly mumbled in your ear, and you tried your best not to flinch.
Through the cloudy haze of your brain, you managed to mimic Spike’s exact movements as you replayed the memory of his lean body demonstrating what to do. Lifting your knee to kick the suspect in his groin, you cringed as he let out a yell of pain. He bent over, and you took advantage of his momentary distraction by lifting yourself up and gracefully (you’d like to think) wrapping your thighs around his head, letting out a quiet grunt as you used all of your weight to flip the two of you over and onto the cold pavement. You shakily landed on your feet, but you heard a sickening crunch as the man’s face was the first to make contact with the concrete. The guilt almost bubbled to the surface, but you decided he was one of the few who deserved what he got.
You let out a quick huff as your ample chest heaved up and down with every breath. You could feel that your hair was a tousled mess, and your skirt had ridden up considerably. 
“Holy shit.” 
You looked up quickly and belatedly realized Spike had been standing there, casually leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. He had a small smile on his face, though there was also an uncharacteristic red tint to his angular face.
“Spike?” you breathed out. Despite his relaxed expression, you were momentarily worried that he would be annoyed with you not following the plan.
“Quite the little badass, aren’t you?” he responded, no heat and all fondness.
You took a step towards him, though you swayed slightly. You grimaced at the idea of your bare knees hitting pavement, but more so at the fact that you’d be embarrassing yourself in front of Spike. Your confusion grew when you realized that you were suddenly gently lifted in someone’s arms. Perplexed, you looked up and made eye contact with warm brown ones.
When did he catch me? you silently thought to yourself, and you figured the concussion was a lot more serious than you had previously thought.
“You with me?” Spike softly mumbled your name, and you noticed the concern clouding his eyes. You suddenly realized how close your faces were.
“Concussion,” you quickly responded and you internally slapped yourself at the stupid response, “I, uh. I have one.”
Spike’s face broke out into his typical shit-eating grin, and you felt yourself lighten at the familiar expression.
“You’re cute,” he casually spoke. Spike’s smile widened at the pretty blush that had colored your cheeks.
Just then, a particularly relentless gust of cold air blew through the ally, and you unknowingly shivered. You boldly cradled yourself further into Spike’s broad chest, and his smile dropped upon remembering your current situation.
“Faye,” he snapped into the earpiece as he angled his face slightly away from you, “thank you for taking your sweet time.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, jackass. I’m almost there.”
Your shivering worsened, as the cold air nipped at your exposed arms, legs, midriff, and cleavage. Softly shifting your body so that you were comfortably held up with his one arm, Spike quickly pulled off his jacket with his free arm, and moved you so that he could hold you with his other arm as he completely took off his jacket. You hadn’t noticed, mainly due to the softness of his almost imperceptible actions, and so you were completely surprised when you suddenly felt a warm blanket cover your entire body.
Your eyes snapped open when you realized that it smelled way too good to be a blanket. You looked down at the familiar navy blue jacket that dwarfed your entire body, and you looked up into amused brown eyes. 
His yellow shirt was casually rolled up at the sleeves, and the button-up was tightly fitted across his lean yet muscular figure. His arms flexed underneath your weight, and you relished in the feeling of his warm arms caressing the bare skin of your own legs and arms as he held you bridal style in the dark alley. Your stomach erupted into butterflies as the weight and intimacy of the situation set in. You were brought out of your thoughts when you realized he had caught you subtly checking him out again.
“Stop laughing at me,” you huffed as a wayward strand of your silky hair landed on your forehead.
“Why would I be laughing at you, pretty girl?” he mumbled, a smile dancing on his lips.
His lips.
They were so close to your own, and you were once again filled with the insatiable urge to kiss him. You blinked quickly at the thought. Your concussion must have been doing a real number on you.
Your internal confliction grew stronger with each passing second. A large, large part of you wanted to close the distance between you two and finally kiss Spike, consequences be damned. But the small, louder part of you was terrified. You were terrified of rejection, of your insecurities coming to light, of being just another meaningless fling to Spike. Your thoughts grew cloudier, and you were overtaken with the sudden urge to sleep.
Your eyes grew heavy, and your head began to loll against his broad chest. Noticing this, Spike’s smile dropped once again and he began to silently curse Faye and her damned time management skills. He hurriedly mumbled your name, his distress clearly evident in his deep voice.
“C’mon now don’t go falling asleep with a concussion,” he teased, and some of his worry for you was quelled when he heard your quiet, breathy laughter in response, “Careful, doc, looks like I’m doing your job for you.”
Your smile widened upon his teasing remark, mocking your words from earlier, and you rolled your eyes in response. “Smartass.”
“Never said otherwise.”
Once again, his lips were just the right distance from your own, and you felt an instant surge of confidence. You swallowed, and squashed every single worry and fear you had, reasoning that this was Spike, your Spike, and he wouldn’t hurt you. 
“There is... there is one thing you can do to help the concussion,” you shyly said, your cheeks burning brighter than the red neon sign that loomed over you two.
Spike’s eyes widened and his face turned serious and desperate as he nodded. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.”
Butterflies erupted once again upon noticing how prepared he was to help you, and you smiled up in pure adoration at the tall man. Your eyes quickly darted to his lips then back up to those enchanting eyes. 
“You have to come closer.”
Spike blinked once. A second time. And then he smiled softly at you. Understanding flashed in his eyes, and you swore his cheeks held the faintest of blushes. He leaned in closer. 
“This close?” he knowingly teased, an encouraging lilt to his soft tone.
You swore you could feel your heart in your throat as it sporadically beat faster the closer he came. His face was now right in front of yours, and you nervously swallowed. You licked your lips, and he looked down at them, mesmerized with the action.
“How’s this?” he smiled up at you, his usual playful smile on his handsome face.
“Spike,” you half moaned and half whined, frustrated with having him so close, yet not being able to finally get what you want.
His breath hitched at the sweet sound of you moaning his name, and he couldn’t help it before he leaned in slowly and met your soft lips. You closed your eyes and relished in the ecstatic feeling. The kiss itself wasn’t very long, yet everything about it was already burned into your brain. Your lips molded against his for a few more seconds before you softly pulled away and let out a dreamy sigh.
Your nerves attempted to get the better of you, yet you surprisingly felt reassured in your feelings for Spike. You silently looked up at him, but he was already looking down at you with nothing but warmth and fondness on his face. He softly reached down and tucked the wayward strand of hair behind your ear, before softly caressing your cheek. You leaned your face into his warm palm as you closed your eyes once more, and he felt his heart ache sweetly.
“You really should get concussions more often,” Spike cheekily said.
“Shut up,” you responded as you closed your eyes again to nuzzle your face into his chest. There was no heat in your response, and Spike couldn’t help but silently admire you. 
He moved closer to you and gently kissed your forehead before straightening himself up. He tucked you closer into his chest and tightened his jacket around your figure.
Somehow, you weren’t as cold anymore.
“About damn time.”
Your eyes opened, and you mustered up as bright a smile as you could at your friend. 
An unamused expression donned Spike’s face, and he turned around to pointedly glare at Faye. “I could say the same thing to you. What, you saw a mirror on your way here?”
Faye had restrained the suspect at this point, her heeled shoes digging into his back as a way to alleviate the anger she felt at the man for what he did to you. She looked up and genuinely smiled at Spike, adjusting her coat. 
“Jab all you want, Spike, but thanks to you, I won the little bet I had going on with Jet!”
Faye’s amusement grew when she saw your smile drop and Spike’s glare turn into a lofty smile almost simultaneously. You looked up at Spike, yet you flinched at the sudden movement, as the pounding in your head worsened. Concern washed over Spike, yet you shook your head in reassurance, before continuing. 
“Spike— the earpiece!”
“You just had to make a move now,” Spike mockingly chided, though you knew he wasn’t as bothered as you were.
“Concussion!” you reminded him, and he cooed at the pout you gave him as his gaze softened.
You gulped before guiltily mumbling Jet’s name. “…Jet?”
“Two bonsai trees, you hear me? You owe me two bonsai trees now.”
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
love ur blog, btw this is a request for draco malfoy: can you make it where the reader loves coffee and draco also apparently is in love with it and they meet at some coffee shop and yeah u can continue how u like it
Hi lovely! Thank you for your kind words and your request. 💕
As a caffeine dependent human, writing this was so much fun. I hope you like it. X
Same Ideas. Varying Interpretations (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Word count: 1517
Coffee shop AU
Warnings: None just excessive mentions of coffee and soft!Draco pining for the reader.
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Draco Malfoy was never really a morning person. 
The only reason he even dragged himself out of bed was the want for a decent sized cup of coffee from the coffee shop down the street. 
Even though he was not a morning person, he was definitely becoming a weekend person. 
Weekends meant he could wake up late, maybe prolong his otherwise quick shower.
To top it all off, that he wouldn’t even have to order his coffee to go! 
In fact, he would get to sit on one of those infuriating little tables in the far corner that never stopped wobbling and look at you and whatever it is that you were drinking that day. 
Sometimes you’d have a tall glass filled to the brim with iced coffee next to you. On other times, you’d be hugging a mug and absently licking whipped cream off your lips—making his heart palpitate in the process.
But within the unpredictability of your coffee order and the color of the dresses that you wore, two things remained constant. 
One, you seemed to really like the buttered croissant they served.
Two, he loved watching you nibble into it as you flipped through the pages of your book. 
And so, on a strangely sunny Saturday morning, Draco decided to stop beating around the bush and he finally managed to ask the lady at the counter to have a croissant delivered to your table. 
“Oh. I didn’t order any today.” You said politely and shook your head when you saw the pastry. 
“Courtesy of one of our regular patrons.” The server smiled before leaving you with a golden brown and perfectly curvaceous croissant. 
Draco observed the whole interaction from afar—taking long slow sips of coffee as dark as his black suit. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to know it was him. He just wasn’t sure how you’d feel about a stranger buying you a croissant. 
The very next Saturday, Draco took his regular seat at the coffee shop and opened the daily prophet in front of him.
Your table remained empty as he scanned the paper—pretending like your absence didn’t bother him. 
I drove her away. 
That’s the only explanation. 
Why is she not here? 
Draco was so busy hyperventilating all alone that he almost didn’t notice a server bring what looked like a buttered croissant on his table. 
He put his paper down for a second and arched a brow at the server who simply shrugged as he nodded towards the door. 
You were just exiting the coffee shop with a to-go cup in your hands—clad in a lilac colored blouse that somehow made the freshly cut tulips wrapped in paper you had tucked under your arms look even more vibrant. 
When Draco took notice of the to-go cup in your hand, he quickly paid for his coffee and followed you out. 
“How did you know it was me?” He called out making him instantly regret this decision when you whirled around to face him. 
To his utter surprise, you flashed him a small smile. 
“Black coffee, no sugar or creamer.” You said. “Every weekend, I see you drink the same hot beverage mr. regular patron. It probably tastes horrible by the way.” 
“It absolutely does not.” He retorted as you both started to walk down the cobblestone. “I don’t understand why you’d choose to ruin a drink that is perfectly good on its own.” 
And both of you kept talking and talking as he walked you all the way home. 
“It was nice talking to you.” You said as you stepped onto your front porch step. 
“Likewise y/n.” Draco said as he put his hands in his pockets and started to turn away. 
Throughout your walk, he’d wanted to ask if you’d like to have dinner with him sometime but the words refused to leave his lips partly due to his fear of rejection. 
Just as he was walking away, he heard you call out his name. 
“Draco. Wait.” 
“Dinner tomorrow? Seven-ish? No pressure.” You asked.
Draco didn’t know what you meant by seven-ish—if it meant after or before seven. What he did know was that he was going to be there early anyway. 
Just to be sure. 
When Draco saw you in your deep red dress that night, he quickly decided then and there that he’d never look at the color the same way ever again. 
He was sure that he’d forever associate the color with your stunning little number for the rest of eternity. 
And to his absolute and utter delight, the date went perfectly well. 
It was strange how things flowed so naturally with you that it felt almost effortless. 
So much so that both of you were the very last people that left the restaurant that night. And being the caffeine addicts that you both were, both of you found yourselfs craving a cup of coffee. 
“I don’t think there’s anything open at this ungodly hour of the night Draco.” You said sadly as you walked with him down the sidewalk—moonlight casting terribly tall shadows of the two of you on the ground. 
The tip of your fingers lightly brushed with his as if on accident and he seized this opportunity to intertwine your fingers with his. 
He fought the smile tugging at his lips when he felt you hold his hands tight before finally saying. 
“I know a place.” 
You let him take the lead as you both ran along the sidewalks giggling like children towards wherever he was taking you. 
From one of the houses along the way, an elderly man poked his head outside of his window and yelled at you both for causing a ruckus at two-thirty in the morning. 
“Shhhhhhh…” Draco whispered, suppressing a chuckle as you both hid inside an alcove as placed his hands over your mouth. 
His face was so terribly close to yours and you felt tingly all over your body when you looked into his shiny grey eyes. 
He had the kind of eyes that could convince you to do just about anything with one simple look. 
Terrifying yet so so comforting. 
When the threat of being yelled at by the old man cleared, he led you all the way to a small 24/7 diner situated at the far end of the road. 
The lady at the counter gave him a smile like he visited the place all the time. 
“Are you a regular patron over here too?” You asked out of curiosity the lady poured you both a cup of coffee.
“I come here when I can’t sleep.” He said, taking a gulp of his coffee. “No one really comes here at this time of the night and the coffee isn’t half bad.” 
You nodded and took a big sip from your own cup observing how his skin glowed a shade of bright pink from the neon sign on the window. 
It felt good with him. 
Even the black coffee that you were drinking felt nice and soothing. 
Just when you thought the night couldn’t get any better, a slow song started to play on the radio at the diner. It didn’t even bother you that the song kept cutting off due to the static. 
“This is such a lovely song.” You told him, making a crooked smile form on his face. 
“Care to dance with me then?” He asked. 
“Here? ” 
“Yes here.” 
You opened your mouth to object but he was already pulling you up—gently swaying you to the music.
The lady at the counter shook her head and went towards the back of the diner leaving you both to it. 
With his arms around your waist and your head resting on his chest, your bodies moved with the music.
From where your head was resting, you could easily hear the wild thumping of his heart and you wondered if he could hear yours. 
You slowly tilted your head upwards to look at him and he lovingly tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ears. 
As his face drew in closer and closer, you closed your eyes and met him halfway.
His lips tasted like caffeine. 
They woke you up, gave you a rush and had something addictive about them. 
He kissed you so tenderly—his lips moving slowly in synchronisation with yours. 
But somewhere between those soft kisses, you could tell that he was holding back something more ravenous and intense. 
It only made you want to keep kissing him.
That night and the nights to come.
 ~~~~~~some months later~~~~~~~
“Not this again.” Your boyfriend shook his head as he took a sip from his mug before taking a bite from YOUR croissant.
“Well forgive me for wanting my coffee to actually taste good.” You rolled your eyes at him as you stirred your straw of your iced coffee. You’d asked for two pumps of vanilla syrup to be added to your drink and Draco gagged at the idea. 
The way you both took your respective coffees was a perfect way to describe your relationship. 
Same ideas. 
Varying interpretations. 
Taglist: @dracomalfoyisindahouse @dracomalfoys-wh0re @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @desiredmalfoy @dlmmdl @trainintersection @fa-me @dracoswhore007 @paulina1998 @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @loloo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @louweasleymalfoy @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @thebitchybeatle @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @amwitherspoon
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happytroopers · 3 years
Sick days // Hunter x reader
My google history search after this: what do they call toilets in Star Wars? Star Wars rabies?
Summary: I would do anything for Hunter, even take care of him when he has food poisoning. I saw a sick day prompt list and didn't end up using anything but it inspired this cluster fuck
TW: throwing up, alcohol mention but no use, bad writing I just love him ok
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"Hey, have you seen Hunter? I need him to sign off on some damage reports." You announced as you entered the cockpit of the ship as it barreled through hyperspace, throwing a pointed look at Wrecker who was the main reason for most of aforementioned damage reports.The other members of Clone Force 99 made some sort of acknowledgment of your existence. Wrecker grinned obliviously at you as continued doing bicep curls with a GONK droid while Tech made brief eye contact with you before going back to some sort of machinery he’d dissected. Crosshair was the only one to actually somewhat answer your question, giving you a sassily quirked eyebrow and motioning down with his toothpick. "I’m assuming that super vague motion would mean he’s in the cargo hold?" You pressed but you had already turned around to go find the sergeant. "Should we tell ‘er?" You heard Wrecker ask but when no one answered him, you assumed things would be fine. Besides after almost a year with the Bad Batch, you’d walked in on them in all sorts of compromising moments. Nothing would surprise you anymore.
After popping down the ladder into the cargo bay, you did a cursory sweep. Crosshairs rifle was disassembled on a crate for cleaning, more of Tech’s mechanical experiments in a heap by the bay doors, your own trunk of belonging… but no sign of Hunter. "Hunter? Are you down here?" You poked a little further into the sleeping quarters, like any room that housed four soldiers who didn’t know how to mop, the smell chased you right back out. Shaking your head you thought to yourself, That should be considered a hazard zone. You paused by the fresher to listen for water running but heard nothing, which officially meant Hunter hadn’t been anywhere you checked, Hell, did he jump out of an airlock? Just as you were about to give up, you heard an awful noise come from the fresher. Like a bantha dying in a fire. Did some animal stow away? Absentmindedly you considered getting Wrecker to handle it- the last thing you needed was contracting some planet-specific strain of rabies. But then you considered that in the process, Wrecker would probably destroy the entire bathroom. And then everyone would be without a bathroom for the next two days… and that could get ugly. Then the noise came again, bringing you out of your mental debate. With a heavy sigh, you decided you’d have to check it out yourself. So, after pulling a random tool off your belt, you let the door slide open. To your surprise, Hunter was the first thing you saw, bent at the waist over the vac tube, bracing himself with one shaking arm against the durasteel wall. His helmet was discarded carelessly two feet closer to the entrance, and the enhanced trooper was heaving breaths, looking rather haggard. Almost stupidly the first thing that came out of your mouth was, "Oh my God, did the animal do this to you?" Hunter actually startled, which had never happened before. He was impossible to sneak up on, it was his whole thing. When he did look up at you, he looked confused, among other things. His skin pallor was four shades lighter than it was supposed to be, slightly greenish gray, and dew dropped with sweat. "Animal? What animal?" "The animal that made that-" You cut yourself off suddenly feeling dumb, now lamely dropping your defense tool. Then the disbelief, "Oh my- that noise was you?" He didn’t get the chance to answer again, instead turning his head back towards the vac tube to wretch again. Now with that information, the haggard appearance made more sense. "Hunter… you look like shit." You scolded, hesitantly moving closer, “Like, legitimately corpse like.” The sergeant coughed a bit before throwing you glare, “Thank you, (Y/L/N), that’s very helpful. Did you need something?” Damage reports long forgotten, you ignored the question instead more concerned with the trooper in front of you, “Why the hell are you standing like that? What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?”
Hunter was confused with this sudden line of questioning, turning his head to gag a little bit but this time he kept it under control to answer you, “Clones don’t get sick.”
“So this is normal for you?” You snarked right back, “Here, try kneeling, it won’t take as much of a toll on your body like that.”
At first he didn’t listen to you, just when the ship hit a patch of turbulence it triggered another wave which forced him to a knee. Then it hit you, clones don’t get sick, they’re engineered with near perfect immune systems.
“You’ve never been sick before have you?” You whispered sympathetically, he legitimately didn’t know how to handle being sick. Frowning, worried welled up in your stomach. It was almost painful to watch the man be so sick, after all how many times had he saved you or helped you out of a tight spot, so you looked away until he quieted again. This time he took a minute to catch his breath so you took some liberties.
“First, let’s get your hair off your neck and face. You’ll feel less gross.” You promised, going behind him to gently scrape his long hair into a makeshift bun and tie it off with a spare hair tie.
“What are you doing?”  He croaked, but didn’t pull away from your hands.
“Taking care of you, now shut up and let me.” While your voice was still kind, you were just stern enough not to argue with you, “Now, lean up.”
You didn’t wait for him to follow the orders, instead you started unfastening pieces of armor on his arms before moving on to the chest and torso pieces. Moments later he was able to move a little freer and his armor from the waist up was neatly stacked to you right.
“There, that should help with the overheating.” You announced, not mentioned how he couldn’t bend over properly with a piece of plastoid against his abdomen. You gave him another once over, he was taking deep breaths with his eyes closed, little baby hairs already escaping your rather pitiful man bun situation. You’d never seen him so vulnerable.
“So clones don’t get sick, why are you throwing up like my roommate after her twenty first birthday?” You asked quietly, gently moving the stray bits of his forehead.
“Would you believe that I ate an expired meal ration?” He asked with enough doubt in your voice that you immediately shook your head.
“You’re not that stupid Hunter.”
“I lost a bet with Crosshair and had to eat part of the Yalbec stinger. Tech did say it was a delicacy on some planets.” He sighed, dry heaving again.
“I also remember him saying it was mildly poisonous to humans.” You reminded him, going past him to the shelves that held shower things. Reaching into your own caddy, you produced a rag before wetting it in the sink.
“Yeah, I lost the bet before he enlightened us.” Hunter admitted, visibly relaxing when you put the cold rag on his neck before sliding into a sitting position next to him, “How do you know all this stuff?”
“Well, us normies get sick a lot.” You teased, laughing when you caught the disgusted look on his face, “But, I learned most of this stuff taking care of my hungover friends.”
“Oh, just your friends?” It was Hunter’s turn to sass you, but you just rolled your eyes. The two of you fell into a halfway comfortable silence, so you took your data pad to do a little research on Yalbec poisoning.
“You don’t have to stay for this?” Hunter reminded you, using the back of his hand to wipe sweat off his forehead. When you looked back over to him, he was staring at you. Even when puking, his eyes could stare straight through you. Hurriedly, you dropped your gaze back to your data pad.
“Well, you spend all your time taking care of them,” you motioned up towards the cockpit, “And me. So someone has to look out for you when you need it, you don’t have to suffer alone.”
His eyes softened as he relaxed slightly, you were glad to see his coloring was already getting better. But after a few moments, even the softness of his stare brought a flush to your cheeks so you just cleared your throat, “Well, the good news is that the holonet says someone of your size and weight will be fine. Symptoms should pass within twelve hours at the most, and it’s already been five.”
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
Your head snapped back up, he rarely ever called you by your first name. Somehow it almost felt intimate.
“Of course, Hunter.”
You scooted a little closer so that your knees would touch. Closer than you had ever been to him, but he didn’t scoot away. You smiled at the small contact, shaking your head.
“Can I impart on you a bit of civilian wisdom?” You asked teasingly, not even waiting him to nod. You took the rag off his neck and used it to dab sweat off his forehead, “Don’t eat random things on a dare, especially things you cut off foreign animals.”
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Not a chance.”
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jeonggukkiepabo · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Christmas has always been a stressful time for Yoongi: buying presents, decorating the tree, baking cookies, you name it-Yoongi does it. It wouldn't be so difficult if Yoongi had someone to help him, but all he has left in his life is his beautiful daughter Ara.But maybe this year, he won't be all alone.
GENRE: christmas fluff  ❄ a bit of smut
WARNINGS: f l u f f, single parent yoongi, kindergarten teacher y/n, oral, satoori, domestic christmas vibes :(, mentions of death
AUTHOR’S NOTE: the secret collab is finally here! thanks @kimtaehyunq​ for letting me join💞 i’m so excited to read the other fics as well! & thank you Mags for doing this amazing banner I think this is the prettiest banner I've ever had. 🤧 Tysm love💞
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People usually say she looks a lot like her father, but all Yoongi sees in Ara is his wife. Wherever his daughter goes, his wife's ghost follows, the memory of his teenage love and the wonderful years they spent together until she left their lives.
Min Dasom died almost one year after Ara was born, her death coming too sudden for anyone to bid their last goodbyes-leaving her husband and baby heartbroken and alone.
It was awful, Yoongi won't be able to forget that one night the police called him, telling him that his precious wife drowned in the ocean during her monthly trip to the beach with her friends. 
Ever since that call, Yoongi has never stepped near a beach again, never felt hot sand between his toes again, never went swimming again.
It was hard, being a single parent and Yoongi was tempted to give up many times, but seeing Ara grow and bloom into the beautiful girl she is now, Yoongi is beyond thankful that he survived the pain and sorrow.  
He never drowned his thoughts in alcohol because his sunshine always looked at him with her sad little eyes, almost as if she knew what he wanted to do and hugged his legs tightly until Yoongi set the bottle away and picked Ara up and spent the night cuddling her.
Things got easier as soon as Ara was old enough to finally go to kindergarten, allowing Yoongi to work more hours and on a daily basis again. It's not like he needed a lot of money, it's just that Yoongi needs to work. 
He's used to working all the time, he's always been-because working doesn't give him time to think about the tragedy that is his life.
Money wasn't an issue for the Min family, Yoongi used to be one of the most successful pianists and producers in South Korea, but he gave up on that as soon as Ara was born, just to have time for his family.
His friend Hyunjin offered him a job as a songwriter and composer at his own label JinHit Entertainment. 
Yoongi could work from home whenever he wanted and needed to, but the studio Hyunjin set him up was way better and filled with new technology that Yoongi loved playing and experimenting with.
The acclimatization to her new daily routine wasn't easy for Ara because she wasn't used to having women in her life-until now, it has always been Yoongi and Ara. They ended up switching kindergarten two times before Ara came into the one that you've been working at for a while now-instantly falling in love with you.
The first few days with your new reference child we're quite… interesting because the little girl was full of action and so curious about every little thing in the room that you couldn't sit still and talk to her father for a while because Ara grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the next game she wanted to play.
Her father, Min Yoongi, sent you an apologetic smile as he watched you play with his daughter from a distance, giving you time to get used to each other and build a bond. You winked at him as you took a seat next to Ara and started to explain the rules of the board game to her-impressed about how well she was understanding them.
It didn't take Ara a long time to send Yoongi home, waving him goodbye and pressing a loud kiss onto his lips. "Go and work, Appa! Uncle Hyunjinnie waits for you to make good music!"
Yoongi looked at her with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're telling me to leave? Just to go and work? That is rude, princess."
You giggled and hugged Ara as she ran over to you, Yoongi long forgotten.
"Would you like to bring your dad to the door, Ara? I think he might be sad if you won't. Remember: he won’t see you for a few hours and you don’t want your dad to be sad during lunch, right?"
Ara giggled but nodded nonetheless and grabbed Yoongi by the hand. "Hurry!"
Yoongi looked at you in shock, desperately trying to hold in his laugh. "I think you gave me Ara's evil twin instead of my sweet little princess! Where is my nice girl that always kisses Appa goodbye?"
You shrugged your shoulders playfully as one of the other kids asked for you to help him with building a big tower out of building blocks. "Have a nice day, Mr Min. Oh and make sure you won't forget about our appointment on Thursday! I don't think it'll take longer than an hour, it's just to talk about Ara's development so far."
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Yoongi was one of the few parents that were always punctual, not even a minute too late-and the only parent you've never felt any kind of rage towards. Not only that, but he attended every kindergarten fest, always prepared little cupcakes for Ara's birthday to bring with her to kindergarten and share with her friends.
May was rolling around quickly and you were as eager as always to craft some little gifts for the children to give their mothers. 
You prepared some candle wax and melted it so the kids could fill it in plastic forms and add glitter and scent to their preference, just to have a nice little gift to give. 
Most of the kids had fun, some of them were a bit grumpy because they got glitter all over themselves, but there is one little girl pouting and trying not to cry in front of them, not even touching the wax.
It breaks your heart every time, knowing that Ara's mother died years ago and that she probably had no other woman in her life because you’ve already heard that her father works quite a lot. 
Squatting down next to the little girl, you gently pinch her stomach just to hear her little giggles. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? Don't you want to make a nice candle?"
Ara looks up at you, one single tear slipping out of her eye. "I don't have a mom, so no candle for me."
You coo, playing with Ara's hair as you stand up again, leading her towards the crafting table.
"That doesn't matter, Ara. I think your dad will be happy to get a candle too! We can pick a different color than pink, what do you think does he like the most? I’m sure we will find something!"
Ara taps her chin, smiling slightly as she thinks about Yoongi's favorite color. "Black! He wears black clothes! Always! Do we have black glitter, Y/N?" 
She scrunches her nose at the first few oils, but one scent really lights up her face. "This smells like Appa! Can we use this?" 
"We do, I didn't put it on the table because usually nobody wants it so it sits on the shelf, all by itself. I think the glitter finally deserves to be used!" You smile at the kid, grabbing the small container of glitter from the shelf and handing it over to Ara.
"We do have a few scents, would you like to smell them? Choose whichever you think smells the best and we can put a few drops in the wax,' you offer the bowl of different oils to Ara and help her open the lids.
Ara holds up the little bottle of rose oil and you smile to yourself. Black roses, that really seems to fit the impression you have of Mr. Min.
"Of course. Now, let's mix the glitter with the wax and we can put it into the mold. Alright, now stir it while i put in a few drops of the rose oil, okay?"
You guide her through the process, talking to her and listening to her rambling about the piano lessons Mr. Min gives her on a regular basis, just because Ara wants to be like her favorite man in the world.
"He is a great dad, Ara. You're so lucky to have him, I know that he must be sad sometimes too, but you're such a sunshine and help him as much as he helps you," you hug her from the side, enjoying the way Ara leans into the hug as well.
"I want a mom, but Appa is almost like a mom! He lets me paint his nails, goes to ballet with me and always bakes princess cookies for our tea parties!"
Ara giggles as she dips the wick into the liquid wax.
"Appa needs a woman to love, the only dates he goes to are work-dates with uncle Hyunjin," she says.
And yes, you think so as well.
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One day around September, you decide that it’s definitely hot enough to prepare the blow-up outside pool for the kids, allowing them to change into their swimsuits and let them play around, even adding some bubbles to the water to let them experiment.
Mr. Min smiles at you, his gums fully showing and you can’t help but smile as well as you hear his words.
“And I think there’s no job that you could do better than this one.”
You’re sitting next to the pool on a bench in the shadow, reading some books to those few kids that don’t want to hop into the water as Ara jumps out of the pool.
“Y/N, come inside as well, it’s so nice!” She jumps up and down, her wet ponytail dripping onto her shoulders.
You pout, pointing to the kids next to you. “I can’t, you know that some of the kids are still afraid to go into the water with so many other children around. Maybe next time. Now, go and enjoy it, it’s super hot and I don’t know when autumn will come around and surprise us with bad weather!”
Ara nods quickly, hopping back into the water and continues splashing some water around with her friends, but she glances at you every few seconds. Then, she whispers with her two best friends before all three of them nod as they look at you.
Suddenly, they run towards you, surprising you with wet hugs and loud giggles, leaving your white summer dress almost see through.
Suddenly, there’s someone clearing his throat right behind you and you wish you could sink deep down into the pool once you see that it’s Mr. Min. 
“Girls!,” you can’t help but yelp, the cold water causing you to jump up from the bench. Yet, you laugh with them, the cooling really helping you with the heat.
“You can’t just do that, Ara. Look at my dress now, you can almost see through it, you’re lucky that the parents won’t come in within the next two hours, otherwise they would see me like this,” you try to look stern, but to be honest: you would have done the same if you were Ara.
“Ara, why did you do that?,” he asks with his calm voice and tries his best not to look at your hardening nipples under the dress. 
Ara’s bottom lip trembles as she looks at you with sad eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just thought it would be funny…”
Mr. Min turns to you and bows slightly. “I’m sorry, she shouldn’t have done that. And well, I came to pick her up earlier because we will visit her grandparents over the weekend. I should’ve informed you earlier. Is there any way I can help you with your… erm, dress?”
Mr. Min nods at you, picking up his-still wet-daughter as he looks you up and down slow enough to leave goosebumps all over your skin once again. 
You blush, shaking your head as you grab Ara’s clothes and hand her to her father.
“It’s alright, Mr. Min, it’s not your fault-and a water fight is too much fun to just not do it, right, Ara? It’s sunny enough so I’ll just bring the bench into the sun and I’ll be dry soon enough! I hope you’re having fun with your grandparents, Ara! Have a nice weekend, Mr. Min.”
“It’s alright, Mr. Min, really. You don’t know how many children happen to call one of us mom without realizing it. It’s nothing too wild, I’ve gotten used to it and I think especially in Ara’s case… It was supposed to happen, you know? I mean, I don’t want to intrude on your private life, but I suppose you’re not seeing another person and Ara isn’t growing up with other females, so she takes those she sees here as a female person to bond with, you know?”
“Thank you, mommy! Oh… I mean Y/N..,” Ara quirps as he turns around in her father’s arms, even though it doesn’t look like she’s really sorry at all.
“Ara!” Mr. Min gasps as he looks at his daughter. 
Yoongi shakes his head. “I haven’t seen another woman ever since my wife died. Ara is the only woman in my life, the only one I give all my love to. She deserves it,” he sighs. “But you’re right, I think another female person would really help her with growing up. I just don’t want to introduce her to some random woman I might not even want to spend the rest of my life with. Is this egoistic?”
His honest words hit you, knowing how lonely he must be, all alone with his little girl and a bunch of work he has to do. “It’s not, Mr. Min. You don’t have to date just because you think it would be the best for Ara. There are many single fathers that raise their kids perfectly fine and I think you’re one of them! Ara never tells bad stories about you and I think you’re doing a really good job, spending all of your free time with her and allowing her to experience so many fun things. I’ve met so many ‘happy’ families that didn’t even manage to pack breakfast for their kids, so really, don’t break your head over something like this! I’m happy that Ara accepted me so much and that she always comes to me whenever she has a problem. This is why I chose my job.”
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Over the next few months, Mr. Min is all that’s on your mind, even though you know how unprofessional it is, but he’s even kinder to you than he’s been before. You usually have a small chat with every parent whenever they bring or pick up their children, but Mr. Min makes sure to always catch you and ask you about your day, if there’s anything new in your life and you can’t help but ask him about his work and the songs he’s been working on as well.
“Ah, it’s really stressful right now. I’m working with this band that’s debuting soon and we have to prepare and finish the entire album I wrote about five songs for. They’re really good but still so young, I think the oldest is 16? Or was it 17? Whatever, that’s like ten years younger than me! I think I’ll grow grey hair soon when I keep on working with such young idols,” he sighs playfully as he helps Ara to put on her shoes and jacket. 
“I mean, you’re not that old, Mr. Min. Don’t worry-as long as you keep that handful smile you will look like you’re straight out of some perfume poster. But I’d love to listen to one of your songs! I mean, if you’d let me,” you smile with honesty as you hand Ara her backpack. 
Mr. Min shrugs, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he opens his Spotify account. He types something in and turns the screen towards you. AGUST D, it says. You scrunch your eyes at the name, trying to remember where you’ve known it from, but it doesn’t ring a bell right now. 
“I’ll make sure to listen to some of your songs, I hope they aren’t too sad though, I prefer my music to be more… pop and rock?”
You cringe at your own words, hoping that the man knows what you were trying to say. 
And fuck, you did like it. Turns out that AGUST D wasn’t some softie that plays guitar lullabies, no. 
Yoongi cracks a grin, then winks at you playfull before he takes Ara’s hand after she said goodbye to you.
“I think you’re going to like it.”
AGUST D seems to be one of the best rappers in the music industry that you’ve ever been listening to. He sounds so aggressive and fast that you needed to listen twice to some of his songs to understand what he was saying, but you ended up adding much more songs into your playlist than you’d like to tell him.
But you did tell him.
“Oh, I’m not doing that crazy rap thing anymore. It was a phase, I guess. By now, I use the name to help smaller musicians and trainees, produce their songs and write their lyrics. It’s better to do so with a bigger name, but AGUST D died a long time ago, I guess I killed him.” Mr. Min says the next day.
"I mean, as long as you keep all of them on Spotify, I'm alright with that. Most of those songs match my aggressive driving vibe and I can't imagine driving to work without it." You try to joke before you realize what it must've sounded like. "Oh lord, I didn't mean it like that!" 
You blush, trying to hide your reddened cheeks in your palms, but Mr. Min just laughs it off.
"Don't worry, I get what you mean. I usually play Love Talk as soon as i leave this building."
He even has the audacity to wink at you before he leaves with a grin, causing Ara to coo.
"Appa really likes you if he teases you!"
And the teasing goes on and on, there’s almost no day without a snarky comment from Mr. Min or a sarcastic comment from you-but neither of you takes those words to heart because that’s what you need in your lives, someone to laugh with, someone to make jokes with.
Even though there are plenty of other children in your group and so many parents you talk to daily, the only one you’re happy to see in the afternoon is Mr. Min.
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The summer is long gone and fall said goodbye a few weeks ago, December came around and your little crush on Mr. Min isn’t as little anymore-and you can’t help yourself but wonder if he might be into you as well. You’ve shared a few noons talking about Ara’s development and if she’s ready for school next September, but most of the times you didn’t talk about the girl for more than thirty minutes before one of you switched the topic to something more private as the man leans closer to you and locks his gaze with yours.
You’re not as nervous around him as you were before and you can feel him starting to open up towards you as well. Yet, you’ve never met outside of the kindergarten, knowing it would be way too unprofessional and you’d never want to ruin the wonderful bond you share with Ara just because you’re desperate to jump into her father’s lap and call him Daddy too.
You’re not one of those women to go into a club and have a dirty one night stand with a random stranger, but you’ve been too busy to actually go and meet people, so you’ve kind of gotten used to being alone, even though you’re really missing late night cuddles and Disney marathons.
It’s Saturday afternoon and you’ve been strolling through the mall for a while now, looking for some christmas presents for your friends and family-but also wanting to treat yourself because work has been more than just exhausting lately.
You’ve been handling the entire group alone, having a lot more smaller children because new kids have been coming to kindergarten and having to deal with so many parents alone can be pure hell. Sadly enough you’re living all by yourself, only having a few close friends that don’t understand why you’re even doing this underpaid job and your last relationship crashed almost two years ago.
The mall looks amazing, beautiful christmas ornaments are hanging from the ceiling and there must be someone playing the piano somewhere because the soft melodic tunes fill the entire mall, reminding you of Mr. Min once again.
You just stepped out of a lingerie store, something you’re really passionate about even though nobody but yourself sees you in it, but you love the feeling of lace on your skin, love how beautifully the soft colors compliment your skin and love imagining Mr. Min ripping the soft material off you.
The small paper bag in your hand, you look around for another shop that might hold the next christmas present for one of your friends. 
“Appa, please! I already have a picture but we need you to have one too!”
You know that voice too well to ignore it, searching the area for the small owner of it, giggling as you found her. Ara and Mr. Min are in the Santa area of the mall that gives you the ability to sit on Santa’s lap and take a picture with him as you tell him your biggest christmas wishes.
But the little girl is not sitting on Santa’s lap, she’s trying to push her father towards the man with the fake beard, clearly wanting him to sit down on that lap.
You giggle, walking towards them just to find out what’s going to happen.
“Ara, I’m too old and heavy for poor Santa, I think he prefers girls your age-wait, no not like that. I think he likes boys and girls-ugh. You’re driving me crazy, princess. Look, there’s a few other kids wanting to have their time with Santa as well, why don’t we just leave and try to find some more presents from the giftshop here, hm?” The man tries to talk his daughter into leaving the uncomfortable situation, but Ara is as stubborn as ever-she always gets what she wants, especially from her father.
“But… I want you to have pictures with Santa too!” She pouts, looking over at the confused Santa before she hears your giggle. “Y/N!”
Mr. Min turns around, a shocked expression on his face and a soft pink tint on his cheeks.
“Oh, Ms. Y/L/N. What a surprise.”
You giggle even more, stepping closer towards them. “Hello Ara, good afternoon Mr. Min,” you bow slightly before accepting the little girl’s hug. 
“I see, you really want to sit on Santa’s lap, but Ara doesn’t want to let you because she’d be embarrassed.” 
Yoongi hums in agreement. “Horrible, those children. I mean, I just want a nice christmas picture with Santa, but you know how they are… right before puberty hits them.”
“Y/N, Appa doesn’t want to take a picture with Santa, would you sit on his lap and take a picture for me?” Ara looks up at you with her big eyes and like always, you can’t say no. Instead, you hand Mr. Min your bags-not thinking about the fact that one of them is from the lingerie store-before taking Ara’s hand and walking over to the smiling Santa.
The picture is quickly taken and not even five minutes later, Mr. Min hands you your bags, whispering, so Ara wouldn’t hear you. “I think the peach one will suit you the best.”
Ara nods and rips the bags out of Mr. Min’s hands to show you her cute dresses and bows while the man just stares at you with an open mouth. Did you really just say that to him? 
You gasp, hiding the bags behind your back but who are you to deny the fact that this man is the exact reason you stepped into the store?
“Thank you, I hope someone will get to see them before Christmas. It would be a shame to waste those pretty pieces for some lame mirror selfies,” you smile innocently before squatting down next to Ara. “Did you buy something nice yet?”
“Appa, we wanted to get hot chocolate, can Y/N come too please?”
Yoongi is speechless once more as he quietly follows his daughter and her kindergarten teacher towards the mall’s cafe-realizing that he shouldn’t have chosen his tightest pair of skinny jeans because somehow, they got quite uncomfortable as soon as you arrived.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at his daughter before he picks up all the dresses that Ara tried to shove back into the bags. “If she wants, she’s welcome to join, but I think you should ask her first, maybe she is busy.”
You blush at the invitation, not sure whether to accept it or not-but you’re not one to decline on hot chocolate. Smiling at Ara, you nod. “Show me where to get the best hot chocolate, I’m craving something sweet and thick down my throat.”
He watches you as Ara grabs your hand and swings them around with a soft giggle, heart warming as he sees your fond smile.
Ara talks about you a lot-hell, Yoongi asks about you a lot whenever Ara doesn't want to talk about you but watch her favorite show.
It's unprofessional and probably not allowed, Yoongi knows, but Ara leaves for school in March anyways, so who cares? 
It's obvious to the both of you that you're interested in each other, the flirting and teasing coming to a point where Yoongi can't wait for another snarky remark of yours.
And now that he has the chance to sit and talk with you outside of your workplace, you just chose to buy a bag full of fucking beautiful lingerie (yes, Yoongi looked inside, no, he doesn't regret it).
Ara leads you into this beautiful cat cafe that apparently has "The best hot chocolate and bubble tea, but it's too cold for bubble tea… Can they make hot bubble tea?" as Ara says, earning a harsh "no" from Yoongi, because that's something he wishes for as well.
"Go find a place with Mr. Y/L/N, Ara. I'll get your order, yeah? What can I order for you?" Yoongi looks at you as he pulls out his wallet, giving you some time to read the menu.
"Oh, the candy cane hot chocolate, please! And please, as long as we are not talking inside the kindergarten, call me Y/N. I mean, you've seen my underwear, I think you deserve to call me by my name."
Yoongi blushes, nodding and rushes towards the cashier to order your drinks. You smile at the man, then at the cats-they look somewhat similar-before you sit down next to Ara who is currently petting four cats on her lap.
"They're adorable," you coo, "Do you have any pets?"
Ara nods with a big smile and hands you one of the cats, a pretty one with orange fur and big eyes. 
"I have a turtle! Gukkie gave it to me and Appa didn't like it first, but I love her!"
You enjoy the cat's purring as you gently stroke her chin. "A turtle sounds lovely, I hope you can show it to me one day."
"Oh, that won't be a problem, I can invite you for dinner and Appa will get shy and red in the face, but he wouldn't say no because he's super soft for-" "ALPACAS! I'm soft for alpacas, haha, here we go, three hot chocolates."
Yoongi appears with a pained expression as he places your hot chocolate right in front of you.
"Thanks, Yoongi," you smile at the man and Yoongi swears that his heart stopped beating for a second. "I'm soft for Alpacas as well."
Right after you all finished your drinks, Ara decides that it’s time to walk through the mall once more, just to make sure that Santa is still there and will take another picture with hot chocolate-filled Ara. 
“Did you enjoy your date with Y/N, Appa?” She looks up at her father as you walk towards the mall. Yoongi trembles, blushing brightly. “I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a date, Ara. Don’t assume things like this, it’s rude,” he mumbles as he gently pets her head to make sure she isn’t hurt by his comment.
You giggle, whispering loud enough for Yoongi to hear. “I really liked it, Ara. Your Appa can be funny if he wants to.”
The picture with Santa comes out pretty, even though the man groaned as two grown adults decided to sit on each of his legs, the bright smiling Ara kneeling in front of them. But it’s really worth it, because Yoongi’s smile never leaves his lips this evening, gums showing beautifully on the picture and you quickly make sure to get a copy of that picture as well.
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “So was this a… you know?” It’s endearing, how shy he suddenly seems to be. You’ve never seen him like this. Stressed, overworked and happy - yes. Shy and blushing? Never.
You nod with a soft smile as you lay your hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, I’d like that to be a ‘you know what’, Yoongi.”
You can't even tell when the two of you officially started dating, but you'll never forget the first kiss you've shared during one of your walks-thanks to Ara for snapping a picture of it. Yoongi's hands wrapped around your waist, eyes clenched shut and lips curled in a soft smile as fresh snow fell down on you.
Seeing Yoongi at work wasn’t as weird as you had expected it to be, it’s quite the opposite. He’s attentive and lovely, bringing you fresh croissants or donuts every morning or puting little chocolate for you and Ara in his daughter’s lunchbox.
He’s caring, picking you up after your shift to invite you to dinners and walks through the forest with Ara, because that little girl just loves walking in the fresh snow that has started to fall recently. She takes pictures of your footprints with Yoongi’s phone and makes him promise to print it for her to hang up.
“Of course I can, Ara. You’re already wearing your sleeping clothes and you’ve brushed your teeth with Appa, so hurry up and pick out the book you want me to read!” 
Ara grows closer and closer to you, until that one day where you stay over the Min’s house for dinner, she asks you to bring her to bed.
“Can she, Appa? I want her to read my favorite bedtime story to me! Please, Y/N,” Ara looks up at you with a pout, her beautiful eyes-that remind you of Yoongi-sparkling with admiration. 
That girl really makes your heart melt, combined with the soft smile that Yoongi gives you. And suddenly, you feel like you’re meant to be here, helping that man that you’ve grown so close to, helping the girl that lost her mother way too early and maybe even helping yourself with accepting that love really comes unexpectedly.
You gently tuck the soft blanket over Ara and place her favorite stuffie next to her as you smile at the girl fondly. "Sleep well, Ara," you whisper quietly, trying not to wake her up.
"Kissies, please," she mumbles sleepily and makes grabby hands towards you.
"Ara, I-" "Please," she whines and opens her eyes, tears starting to build up.
"Okay, it's okay, Ara." You swipe her hair out of her face before you plant a soft little kiss onto the girl's forehead. "Good night, sweetheart."
"Good night, Y/N. Will you be there tomorrow morning?"
Your smile fades, unsure if you really want to tell the little girl the truth. 
"Probably not, I have to get ready for work. You know that I love to wear dresses on Thursdays and I didn't bring mine. But we will see each other in the kindergarten!"
"Okay," she whispers before she falls back into a quiet slumber.
Yoongi has cleaned the kitchen in the meantime and poured more wine for the both of you to enjoy in front of the fireplace.
"She really adores you," he says as you sit down next to him, sipping the rosé Yoongi bought just for you.
"And I adore her. She's an angel. Thank you for allowing me to spend so much time with her, Yoon."
Yoongi blushes again, shaking his head. The greyish blonde hair got messier as the evening passed. "No, Y/N. You're the first mother-figure Ara has, I have to thank you in both mine and Ara's name. I know that dating a single father is a lot, but you're accepting my family so well… I never thought I'd find another woman in my life again. Ever since my wife died, it was hard for me to even look at other women, let alone build up something like a relationship with them because I always felt bad. But that's what she would have wanted for me. To love again, to not waste my last handsome days," his lips curl into a smirk before he shakes again. 
Then, his sharp eyes met yours and soften within seconds. 
"I… I don't know if it's the right time, we've known each other for two years, we've been officially dating for only three weeks, but I think I won't change my mind about it-no I know that I won't change my mind. I love you, Y/N. And I know that Ara loves you too."
You gasp, lips beginning to tremble once your eyes meet Yoongi's. "Yoongi…," you whisper before you place your glass on the table and basically jump onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"I wanted to be the one to tell you first. I love you so much, Yoongi. I've had this stupid crush on you ever since you saw me in that wet dress, ever since you've shown me your music. Ever since I've seen you being the wonderful father you are-and that's so sexy, you can't even imagine."
Yoongi smirks as his hands find their place on the curve of your ass. "Sexy, huh? Me, doing the laundry and cooking dinner? Or me walking Ara to kindergarten with the homemade lunch boxes? That turns you on?"
You laugh, hiding your face in his neck as you lean closer to press your lips against his ear.
"All of that-and the way that you love Ara with all your heart, that's maybe the sexiest thing about you."
The man groans as he grabs you even tighter. "I never thought that sweet talk would turn me on even more than dirty talk," he laughs shakily as he wiggles his hips slightly to get into a more comfortable position that won't suffocate his hardening erection.
You sigh, sit up and run your hands through his hair. "Isn't all of this too early? I always tell myself that I shouldn't fall so fast, but here I am, ready to go every step with you."
Yoongi nods before he presses a peck on your nose. "Same, but we have all the time on earth. Ara wants us to get married by tomorrow, but I'm sure she'll survive it if we decide to postpone it for a few weeks."
You giggle as you look over your shoulder to the fireplace. "Did someone ever suck you off in front of a fireplace? Isn't this the definition of Christmas?"
The man underneath you gasps in shock. "No, but… I mean, I… You don't… have to?"
Laughing, you slide out of his lap and onto the floor, thankful for the soft carpet. "I want to, bubs. I wouldn't do something either of us isn't comfortable with. I assume you're alright with it?"
"Of course, but… I guess nobody ever did it because they wanted to, but because they feel like they had to?"
You raise an eyebrow at him, obviously disappointed in his previous partners. 
"It's as much fun and pleasure for me as it is for you, believe me, Yoon. Now lay back and enjoy, yeah?" You give him a calming smile as you open his pants carefully, then sliding them down his toned legs.
You press kisses all around his thighs to warm him up to the feeling, knowing that it has to be overwhelming to have some that close after all that time. Then, you gently remove his boxer shorts as well, leaving him bare and proud in front of you.
You groan as you start to stroke his cock, earning a low growl from Yoongi. "So beautiful," you whisper, then you take him into your mouth, getting a feeling for the weight on your tongue before you start bopping your head. 
Yoongi tries to contain himself, knowing that Ara could wake up every second, but alone the sight in front of him could make him come with a scream.
Instead, he cups your cheek, feeling the bulge that he causes there. Another groan leaves his lips. 
You look up at him, smirking-or trying to, with a mouth full of cock-and leading his hand into your hair, using it to push you down even more.
Yoongi's eyes lighten up. "Really?"
You almost laugh out, but you're doing your best to contain yourself and nod, placing your hands on his thighs to stop whenever you can't take it anymore. Yoongi is long and thicker than the average you've had before, but it's a challenge that's worth it.
He pushes you down slowly, enjoying the hot warmth of your mouth and then your throat as he pushes in-surprised that you didn't really gag around him.
Spit trickles down your chin as he moves faster, thrusting his hips to meet the movements of his hand and enjoying the gurgling sounds you make.
He comes far to quick for his own liking, shooting his load down your throat with a quiet groan. "Fuck."
You giggle as you swallow what he gives you, standing up to sit back on his lap to kiss him.
"You're welcome." 
Then, before you can grab your wine again, he flips you around and goes on his knees in front of you. "My turn," he smirks, eyes shining dangerously behind his fringe. 
"Yoongi, I-," you try to say, but he shushes you with a sloppy kiss.
"I know that I have to, but believe me: I love giving pleasure more than receiving it."
You pout, hands running through his soft hair.
"I didn't shave…," you whisper, a bit ashamed because you didn't come prepared, not thinking that this would be happening today.
The man in front of you raises an eyebrow.
"Do you think I am a 15 year old, pre puberty fuckboy that cares about shaved pussies? It's natural, love. Even if you can't believe it: I grow hair too, nobody is freshly shaved every day. I don't mind that, okay? Now, stop pouting and let me do my work, will you? Can you be a good girl and do that for me? All you've got to do is lean back, open your legs, throw them around my shoulders and let me devour you."
His shameless words turn you on, you can't even deny it-especially not when your panties are that damp. So, you naturally obey and help him to remove your pants.
"I told you, peach is your color," Yoongi groans in his deep Satoori as he looks at your clothed core. The peach colored lace has darkened from your arousal and the man can't help it but press his face against the material, licking one bold stripe over it.
Nobody has ever done that to you, rather pulled them off in a hurry because they thought that body fluids were disgusting, but Yoongi didn't seem to mind as he gently bites your folds through the lace. 
"God," you moan in pleasure as Yoongi finally pulls your panties to the side and spits onto your pussy, making it even wetter.
You're a whimpering mess as soon as Yoongi's tongue is on you, flicking and playing with your clit, collecting your juices and spreading them all over your pussy. You've read about that before; men eating pussy like they're starving, but Yoongi is somewhat different.
He eats pussy like he wants you to always remind it, to make you obedient and never being able to enjoy anyone else doing that job.
He does it well-of course. His tongue is as fast as he's been spitting rhymes on his mixtape, and you're more than thankful for that.
He doesn't even get to use his fingers before your orgasm approaches you, strong waves of pleasure hitting you as Yoongi keeps on kissing and slowly licking you through your high.
Then, he grins at you. "Round two, here we go."
And this time, it's not only his tongue working wonders, but also his fingers stroking you on the inside until they found your spot. 
You press your hands on your mouth to keep yourself from screaming out loud, hips bucking wildly as you come for a second time within less than ten minutes. And again, Yoongi guides you through it and softly caresses your stomach.
"Fuck, I love you," you pant as he comes back up and steals a kiss from you.
"I can't wait to have you in my bed properly," he whispers and takes a large sip from his wine. 
You can only agree.
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You've started to spend the nights at Yoongi's more often, bringing Ara to work with you and helping Yoongi with her and the household whenever you can. Your relationship blooms beautifully and Ara is the happiest little bean when you're around.
Obviously, you spent Christmas with Yoongi and Ara as well, buying little presents and enjoying the comfortable atmosphere with the family.
Yoongi gave you a spare key to his house, so you're always able to visit them, spending the nights there and soon enough, you moved in.
The Christmas after that, you surprised Ara with the adoption papers, telling her that now that she's in school and not one of your kindergarten kids anymore, she'll be able to finally call you Mommy (not that Ara minded before, you just felt weird and guilty about it).
And here you are now, preparing the huge breakfast for your third Christmas around, smiling at the ring that adorns your finger. 
"Smells fabulous, Mama," Ara says as she runs towards you and falls into your arms.
"Do you want me to help you with dessert, Mrs Min?" Yoongi asks as he presses a kiss onto your cheeks. You lean into his touch, shaking your head. "It's almost done. You can go into the living room, I'll be there in a minute to open our presents, bubs."
Yoongi prepares the fireplace, lightens some candles with Ara and lets his daughter hand out the presents. 
"I have one more for you, Yoon," you whisper as you hand him a small box.
"Oh? Can I open this first?" He tilts his head curiously, shaking the light box.
"Open!" Ara squeaks and sits down between her father and you. You nod with a fond smile as Yoongi lifts the top. Then, silence.
"Really?" He whispers with teary eyes.
"Yes, finally," you smile, "Ara, you'll become a big sister!"
Yoongi sniffs, hugging his family tight.
"And she'll be the best sister in the world. Merry Christmas, loves."
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hello there. my bday is around the corner and i was wondering how would random haikyuu boys celebrate it with u 💓
how the haikyuu boys will celebrate your birthday with you
a/n: my birthday is just around the corner too so this was really fun to write 🥺 i decided to do it by team bc i couldn’t pick who boys to do lmao
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— karasuno
i think they’ll definitely pull some intricate plan that will go wrong one way or another
like a surprise party maybe
it was fs nishinoya and tanaka’s idea to set one up after school in the gym where they tell everyone to pretend to forget your birthday just to add that special element of surprise
but then again, guys like tsukishima and kageyama don’t need to pretend they didn’t know your birthday because they truly didn’t until hinata brought it up to them (don’t take it too personally tho lmao)
speaking of which, hinata almost spoiled the surprise for you if yachi wasn’t there to distract you 💀
despite being the second year’s idea to throw this surprise party for you, it’s primarily the third years doing all the work since tanaka and nishinoya don’t know how to organize a party for shit
poor kiyoko is actually doing all the work while daichi and asahi are putting up decorations with the help of the first years (tsukishima had to be forced tho smh)
yamaguchi and yachi seem like the types to overthink what to get you for a birthday present, probably going all out while kageyama would just buy you your favorite drink and snack from the vending machine near the gym literally five minutes before the surprise
it’s the thought that counts ig
sugawara made your cake as well with the usual message, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N !!’
and since the surprise party was being held in the gym after practice, everyone had to hurry and clean up before setting out all the decorations. and can i just say, it’s chaotic™️
yachi had to distract you for a good ten minutes by asking you to walk all the way towards the other end of campus to ‘get something’ that didn’t exist in the first place
meanwhile in the gym, the second years were in charge of taking down the volleyball net to replace it with a badly homemade painting with tanaka’s messy ass handwriting wishing you a happy birthday
the third years and first years as mentioned before were setting up decorations, hanging up streamers, setting out balloons, and handing out party poppers
with kiyoko, takeda-sensei, and ukai set out a table for sugawara to place the cake he made for you (which it almost fell cause ennoshita bumped into him)
hinata was also on the lookout if you and yachi were nearby
and when you were, he shout so loudly that even you heard down the hall
finishing up any last minute details, the team sets out their presents for you with their party poppers in hand before shouting, “SURPRISE!!”
it’s all fun and games until nishinoya accidentally released confetti at your face by accident
he made up for it with his present though lmao
— aoba johsai
saying that seijoh probably won’t do anything as big as a surprise party is a complete lie
knowing oikawa and the moment he found out it was going to be your birthday soon, he’ll plan something more extravagant than some lame surprise party (albeit, badly planned without the help of iwa)
he’d probably rent out a party bus to drive around the city before stopping by at some random karaoke place downtown
he’ll only invite the third years and your close friends so it isn’t too big of a celebration that it doesn’t feel like it’s your own party
the best part of the night was mattsun absolutely outshining oikawa in literally everything
there was even a stripper pole in the party bus and he just started fucking around with you to pretending to make it rain on him,, it was hilarious
you love rewatching the videos you took of that night
your favorite (besides stripper matsukawa) was iwa singing a ballad for you and when i say that man has vocals i mean it
at the end of the night, all your friends got up to sing happy birthday to you on the karaoke machine
the second years would probably feel bad celebrating your birthday with you, so instead they take you out to get udon after school and just vibe
you were honestly just surprised that it was kyotani’s idea to take you out like this, not to mention the cute gift he gave you that he put a lot of thought into
meanwhile i think the first years are just too intimidated by you minus kunimi
like kindaichi knew of your birthday but he was just too scared to go up to you and wish you a happy birthday before handing you your favorite convenient store snack as a little gift
— nekoma
unlike karasuno and seijoh, the way the nekoma boys celebrate with you is definitely on the more laidback side, yet they still put effort in wishing you a happy birthday
kenma, kuroo, and yaku would definitely stay up with you the night before your birthday playing video games just to be the first ones to wish you a happy birthday the moment the clock strikes midnight
they’ll even set up a minecraft server that kenma spent hours setting up and building everything that you like with a gigantic banner made out of your favorite colors of wool saying ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
the rest of the night staying up playing party games on hypixel despite having school the next day
in the morning, you’d find kenma and kuroo waiting outside your house so they can walk the birthday celebrant to school, plus they had bags in their hands to which you assume were presents for you
it was then did you realize that you were going to get more throughout the day after kuroo mentioned how he told the team that it was your birthday
there was something embarrassing and a bit cringey being showered with attention for your birthday, especially at school, but you still appreciated the team’s efforts
throughout the day, people would notice the gifts in your hands and would wish you a happy birthday, definitely causing a stir in the school when yaku, lev, and yamamoto burst into your classroom to shout happy birthday
while yamamoto is literally showering you with birthday wishes and presents, lev would give you a cute plushie of your favorite animal along with a little cake
he’d probably ask to eat it with you during lunch lmao
by the end of the day, kuroo and kenma would help you carry all the presents you received as you guys end the day off getting ramen
— fukurodani
i don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of it knowing you don’t like making a big deal out of your birthday either
the only reason why they even found out that your birthday was around the corner is because bokuto couldn’t keep his mouth shut
it played out somewhere along the lines like this: akaashi would ask you if you were free this weekend so you two could study for the upcoming math exam
bokuto was there as well when you had to ask for a raincheck on studying as your parents were forcing you to go out on a celebratory birthday dinner (as by their words, “it’s the least you could do.”)
to which bokuto literally gasps and shouts, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND?” his words echoing throughout the gym and definitely catching the attention of the rest of the volleyball team
if that’s his reaction to finding out it’s your birthday soon, just imagine how shocked he would be when you tell him that you don’t really like celebrating it
akaashi would definitely understand and opted to buy you a little something for his appreciation and give it to you the following day, but bokuto wants to full on throw a party for you
“come on! it’ll just be a little get-together at the park!” he would beg
“thank you, bo, but i’m honestly fine just going out to dinner with my family.”
he would huff, planning to throw one as a surprise party instead, but akaashi immediately shoots down his idea out of respect for you
instead, bokuto would channel all that energy to giving “the best birthday gift of your life!” (end quote)
even konoha would challenge him on that just to tease him, but would still give you a well thought out gift
and yeah, it’s honestly kind of embarrassing seeing him walk into school with a box full of things you’re into including a giant owl plushie (school spirit ig??)
poor bo was outshined by yukie and kaori when they made a birthday cake for you
— shiratorizawa
lowkey i feel like shiratorizawa is definitely one of those private schools that would announce when their student’s birthdays are when they come close
like no one of the vb team would’ve found out your birthday was in a couple days if it wasn’t for that overhead announcement made by the vice principal
however, i wouldn’t think they’d make a huge deal out of it besides tendou maybe
the moment you would walk into the gymnasium, he’ll immediately wish you a happy birthday loudly before nudging ushijima to do the same
instead of one big party, you celebrated with them almost individually
tendou and ushijima both took you to the aquarium and bought you a gift that you specifically chose out cause they’d probably wouldn’t be bothered to do so without you
and then you’d go out with semi and reon to which you three just get sushi after school
lowkey i feel like they would buy literally anything you show even the tiniest amount of interest in and they’ll buy it within a snap
you literally had to stop semi from buying you anything else as he’ll end up spending all his pocket change when the sushi was enough
and unlike their upperclassman, shirabu and goshiki would probably just celebrate with you by just hanging out at your house--watching netflix, playing video games, maybe ordering some pizza
it’s pretty simple, but they’ll be there all day cause the time spent together is just really nice
— inarizaki
the twins literally cannot keep their mouths shut
the team was already pretty aware of your birthday, but they have been keeping the surprise party for you on the downlow ever since the twins proposed their idea of doing a little picnic for you
but go figure that it would be atsumu and osamu exposing their entire plan in front of you after nagging their team not to say jackshit in front of you
they’d still follow through with their plans, however, despite not being a surprise anymore
the little celebration would be held at the park, suna being in charge of the picnic blanket, kita being in charge of bringing drinks, osamu being in charge of bringing the food, and atsumu being in charge of... well,, bringing you ig
aran would arrive late only because he had to get his bday gift for you (which btw was the best one fs) as well as picking up your birthday cake with the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH <3′ 
it’s so obvious that suna was the one who ordered the cake, but it’s literally the best you have every received
overall, it’s pretty chill but you couldn’t ask for anything more knowing their efforts and how you’ve been laughing your ass off the entire time
you guys would even watch the sunset as yall sat atop a hill, taking photos to put on your stories and to post on social media
out of the hundreds of photos taken of you with your cake or aran force feeding suna food, the group photo taken exactly at golden hour was your absolute favorite
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