starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Hi :) I noticed that you post a lot of Rose x Scorpius! I found this great fanfic on ff(.)net that you might like! There are only three chapters up rn but it looks like it has a ton of promise. The writer uses great grammar and spelling as well :D it’s Folie à Deux by ItsLeviOsa-NotLevioSA :) www(.)fanfiction(.)net/s/11536026/1/Folie-%C3%A0-Deux
Thank you for the rec :) I’ll put it on my follow list and be sure to read it once it’s finished :)
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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Title: Satellite Artist: TheOddGod http://theoddgod.deviantart.com/art/Satellite-555704704
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Fan Fic: Not What I Expected by Lt. Basil
“ Her father had told her that Scorpius Malfoy was bad news... so why did she feel so irresistibly drawn to him? He had always been excluded, lonely, and afraid... so why did Rose Weasley make him strive to be noticed? It looked like they were going to find out.” https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10136286/1/Not-What-I-Expected 
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Just a heads up for that anon - van scribble's the revolt is a pretty long fic with a Slytherin Rose!
Rock on to you, too, Anon! 
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
For the anon wanting good Slytherin Rose fics, I have a one :) TOXIC by Queen of the Wallflowers is really good, but sadly really short. Hope it helps!
Rock on! Thanks, Anon! 
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
So a while ago I found a fanfic that you shared and I haven't been able to find it again, it had scorpius and rose from the beginning of Hogwarts and then they starting hooking up and then dating but Ron and Draco don't approve so they have to trick them into thinking that they hate each other. If you remember what that is it'd be great!
I....... don’t remember. But that sounds like a really good fic!! Hopefully I can go through my recs again and see if I can find it. I’ll try, but I’m making no promises. Anyone else have an idea of what this fic might be? 
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Hey can you recommend me any good slytherin rose fics? Theyre really hard to come by but i love them!
I’ll be 100% honest with you. I can’t recommend any right now because I can’t think of any. Truth is I had a baby 4 months ago and she’s been QUITE the cute little handful. I haven’t been able to read fics as much as I want, so my mind isn’t in “fic mode.” However, I’ll post this to my page and hopefully some kind understanding soul will be able to make a good recommendation. :) 
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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Title: Library Lovers Artist: vanshands http://www.deviantart.com/art/Library-Lovers-553402988
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Fan Fic: Ice Sculptures by in between nights
“ He sits on his chair, scratching out the properties of the Devil's Snare and sneaks a glance at her, at those ghost-white, pointy cheekbones, her honeydew lashes...that long, ginger-blonde (like gold, he thinks faintly) hair and he doesn't mean to (he would never, ever mean to) but he feels pity.”  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10279306/1/Ice-Sculptures
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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Title: scorose Artist: doodlebug321 http://www.deviantart.com/art/scorose-552799446
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Fan Fic: Unexpected by livy bear
“ Rose Weasley's life could easily be argued as a series of shocking, unexpected events.”  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10370243/1/Unexpected
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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Title: A little Scorose... Artist: TheOddGod http://www.deviantart.com/art/A-little-Scorose-545068743
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Fan Fic: Distraction Techniques by roses and hello
“Scorpius really hates (really, really hates) losing at Quidditch, especially to the Gryffindor team. But, maybe, it's not so bad when Rose Weasley attends their celebrations?”   https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10553961/1/Distraction-Techniques
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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“C'mon Scorpius, you know better than to listen to them”
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
Fan Fic: Superlatives by greencopperpenny
‘“There you go again, Most Inquisitive." "I accept that, Most Dubious Agenda." Rose has always been fascinated by Scorpius Malfoy and his natural charisma. So needless to say, she's a little bit flustered when he decides it's finally time for the two to get to know each other...’ https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10571942/1/Superlatives   
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starcrossdscorose · 9 years
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