#colonel bombshell
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bthingsart · 3 months ago
Libby Sk8er Girl #198: "Boop!"
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Billie is fully aware of personal space and boundaries. She just thinks she's cool enough to ignore them…
By Brian T. Sullivan | December 11, 2024
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eyelambspider · 6 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞. - König
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : a year after a near fatal encounter with an enemy bomb, könig has developed severe ptsd, insomnia, and experienced the loss of his voice. Resorting to sign language and therapy, the large quiet colonel finds little to look forward to then returning to the battlefield as a sniper... and y/n, whom he has been... 'observing' for a while. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.2k 𝐚/𝐧 : gyahhh, i also have a bot on janitor of this bot (he meets y/n in group therapy) so check it out if you like this! this is also quick posted dmm, just wanted to get my writing out there finally 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : dark themes, yandere personalities, mentions of harm/gore/ptsd/death, no mentions of y/n
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König's brows furrowed a bit. The endless droning on from his therapist, Doctor Esteban, having temporarily held his attention. Even as he stared down at the textured brown carpet between his boots.
"König," the Doctor sighed softly, pushing his pristine glasses up his hooked nose as he stared at the broken soldier. He knew better than anyone that war was capable of breaking even the strongest men.
The Colonel sitting in front of him on the repurposed couch was no different.
Just another soldier, no matter his rank, build or height- reduced to nothing but a survivor to the horrors of a brutal bombshell.
"Happiness," he started again, "is a valuable asset. Especially now." Esteban noted, glancing down at his perfect penmanship with a soft grimace.
Today would've been almost exactly a year since it had happened to him. And they both knew it would be nothing more than what it was. An uphill battle towards König's recovery.
"What things make you happy? What things do you like to do recently?" The Doctor's glasses gently clinked again as he shifted, trying to catch the soldiers eye to no avail.
"Have you picked up any hobbies?"
There was a silence, for a moment, but the Doctor waited with a ghost of a smile on his lips. For he had hope, perhaps the only one in the room who currently did.
Hobbies? Happy?
The words stuck like grime against the sides of his skull, unable to be shaken away.
Amongst the nightmares and sleepless nights... there was only one thing that even remotely made him forget about the sound- that haunting sound of the Earth splitting beneath his feet.
The Doctor's smile quirked awkwardly, seeing a visible shift in König and the way he sat. The question of happiness having seem to struck something in the veteran who refused at every turn: to quit service. Even after having lost his voice.
The six foot ten man shifted visibly, his elbows propped loosely on his knees, head tilted downcast... but it was all in his eyes. Those piercing blues that shone from the black sniper veil he wore, cast over his face like a shadow. Lifting finally to glare through the white coat that sat opposed to him.
Side to slow side, König shook his head, the shirt draped over his face hissing almost inaudibly with the movement. The only thing that could fill his newfound silence.
"No?" Esteban quirked a brow, clicking his pen against his paper like he did when he was thinking. Incessantly.
"I know you are eager to get back to the field, König, but I have to clear you for that. And to do that," Esteban gestured between the space, "I need to know you are actively recovering."
While Esteban gave him something to think about, another soft sigh left his lips, considering his and the Colonel's options. The next step, perse. The sound of clicking following.
"When we meet up next, I want to hear of a new hobby? Alright? Show me some progress to report on. It will be good for you," Esteban pushed gently into his head, only to have that piecing glare fall back to the carpeted floor, seemingly going idle again. Or uninterested.
"I do not mean cleaning your sniper, like I know you like to, or any physical activity." An idea struck the Doctor with a pearly smile. "Nothing related to your service," The Doctor set his pen and paper down finally and laced his hands in his lap. "Take up something creative. Knitting, painting, cooking-"
König shot a glare over at the Doctor this time, who in turn held his hands up in mock surrender. "Something new. Try something new and tell me about it next time, hm?" The Doctor looked over the rim of his glasses expecting compliance he knew he would eventually get. If König ever wanted to work in the military again.
That was the only thought that made him happy. Or at least, kept his life's purpose within his control.
König thought it over for a moment before nodding slowly.
As he stood, he remembered to thank Esteban for the time, bringing his hand (palm towards his mouth) and extending outwards. A simple sign he had learned: thank you.
Something new. A new hobby.
It gave him something to think about at least as he left the session, making his way back down the familiar halls of KorTac's base of operations. Merc's and operators alike passed him, or more like, moved around him as he walked. His height and silent presence parting the swarms of rookies and office bugs like the red sea before him. Something that actually hadn't changed for him in the past year.
What changed? What changed in him ran deeper than any physical scars or his inept vocal chords could reach.
It scarred his very soul.
And in all honesty, if he could tell anyone, even his Doctor about it. They would shudder at the thoughts and images that plagued him.
The Colonel made his way down the hall, blue eyes unwavering from its mark... who walked a few feet ahead of him. Unaware just like always that he was following.
An imperceptible pang echoed through his chest as he stared ahead.
You had no reason to believe anyone was following you. In fact, you had never noticed him following before. Coincidentally, his path and schedule always lined up with yours. Able to trail after you down a simple hallway after each one of his therapy sessions.
Like clockwork, you were always there. A few steps ahead, but so-so impossibly far behind.
What made you so fucking special?
It was a thought that simmered under his skin like an itch he could never scratch. Uncomfortable and aggressive. Sometimes at night, he wouldn't dream of the bomb.
He wouldn't hear the whistle of it falling from the sky. Or the screams of young boys in men's camouflage using their lasts breaths to cry for home. Or the sound of the devil ripping the earth from beneath his feet. Or the feel of fire latching onto his throat like an iron noose.
He dreamt...
He dreamt-
He snapped out of his thoughts as you turned the corner, your side profile visible to him through the crowd even as you tried to blend in and get back to your work. The sudden change snapped him out of his trance.
He blinked, breath suddenly ragged like he had run a marathon, stopping in the middle of the hallway. Disconnected as people opted to walk around him. As if he was merely a specter in the world of the living.
König didn't know if he dared to turn his head and catch another glimpse of you because...
For the second time in his life, he was scared.
Terrified of the thoughts that now flooded his head.
König's head turned slowly to the right. Body moving on its own accord to follow the sight of your retreating form. The way your hair swayed with your steps. The way you looked down momentarily, flashing a glimpse of your nape to the fluorescent light of the base...
His once dull, tired eyes dilated as he gazed upon the delicate sight of your exposed skin.
At night, he dreamt of wrapping his rough hands around your throat and watching as the light faded from your fucking eyes.
König's heart stopped as the dream reappeared like a vision swimming before him, the itch swarming under his flesh like serpents wanting to strike.
This time, instead of turning away and walking to his quiet quarters, his boots turned right. Continuing to follow after you.
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Twilight Sleep
Colonel Hutcherson's blonde bombshell wife has been making waves in our small town since the moment she got off the train in a bright red pin up dress with more creamy cleavage on display than our poor farm boys had ever seen. Her sea green eyes, red lips, and shapely hips on top of the longest set of gams in stilettos to ever set foot here immediately made her gossip fodder for the bar flies and the busy bodies.
They said she couldn't buy bras off the rack because her breasts were so big. That she sent all the way to New York for her stockings. That her hair was falling out because of all the peroxide she bought to keep her hair a brilliant platinum white.
Either she already had a baby growing in that flat belly of hers when she came to town or Colonel Hutcherson put one in her right quick because it wasn't long before Ashley Hutcherson’s already obscene titties were spilling out of her tops and her belly was growing straight out like a bullet. She wore her dresses so tight the whole town knew the very day her belly button popped from an innie to an outie.
I knew Ashley, of course, because I was her OBGYN. One thing I figured out quickly is there were no thoughts behind those pretty eyes. Ashley was so dumb she could barely string a sentence together and I had to explain to her how her baby was going to come out of her tiny little fuck hole. The look of horror on her face when she realized she was going to have to push a watermelon out from between her legs was priceless.
And that was without me telling her that she had an extremely narrow pelvis and Colonel Hutcherson made such large babies his last wife had labored for 3 days to squeeze a 14 pounder out. She could barely walk for weeks and she was a regular size farm girl.
Ashley was so relieved when I told her about the miracles of twilight sleep I almost popped in my pants right there. She was delighted she’d just go to sleep and wake up with a baby, none of the mess of having to push it out. 
When the time came, Colonel Hutcherson delivered her to my home surgery when her pains were regularly five minutes apart. She was so swollen by that point she was wearing nothing but a white silk robe trimmed with lace over her shoulders. Her pretty face was screwed up in discomfort when I opened the car door to help her out.
Her eyes lit up with relief when she saw me. 
“Oh, doctor, I’m so glad to see you. I’m ready to go to sleep now. I don't like how my tummy feels. It hurts!”
She clutched my arm with one hand and her massive, straining belly with the other as we walked inside. We bid goodbye to her husband at the door and I promised to call him. Her kissed her on the cheek and told her to mind the doctor. 
She shivered when I led her into the delivery room and she spotted the steel table in the middle of the room. Her eyes went immediately to the stirrups.
“We’ll put your legs up there to help the baby come, honey, but first we have to get you ready to go to sleep.”
I coaxed her out of her robe, taking a moment to admire her dark, swollen areolas and how the baby had settled low in her elongated belly. She was so big I had to help her up on to the table. She let out a grunt of discomfort as she lay back and the full weight of her overloaded womb and her massive milk laden tits settled on her small frame.
She was pliant as I strapped her legs into the stirrups but she gasped sharply when I ran my finger through her folds. 
“Let's get you ready, Ashley.”
I didn't bother to explain what I was doing or apologize for the cold temperature of the shaving cream as I spread it over her vulva. She had just a smattering of blonde curls but I ran my razor over them anyway just to have a clean work surface.
“That's a good girl,” I reassured as Ashely moaned through a contraction while I wiped the cream and hair away. She was a groaner but she was clearly trying not to writhe too much in the stirrups.
I let her recover from the contraction while I prepared the enema supplies. When I approached her with the tip of the tube and a bit of lube, I saw fear flash across her face for the first time.
“Where's that gonna go?”
I smiled reassuringly. “We need to clean out your insides to make room for the baby.”
I slipped it in quick, shushing Ashley's yelp of protest, and allowed the warm water to start flowing. She was dumb but quickly figured out what was happening when an urgent pressure started to build in her bowels.
“Ow, ow, my belly, it's too full already! It hurts!” She rubbed the underside of her aching orb, trying to twist to the side to alleviate the pain in her gurgling gut but stopped by the straps on her ankles in the stirrups. “I feel like I need to poop, why are you doing this? Ow!”
I pressed my palm against her pelvis, rubbing firmly. She cried out in protest.
“We wouldn't want you to poop on me or your baby's head, no would we, Ashley? I can't believe you're being such a bad girl. I'm sure the Colonel told you to do as the doctor says.”
Ashley looked betrayed now, scared, in indescribable pain, exposed on a table with no way to know what was coming next or to do anything to stop it.
As if to illustrate the point a contraction gripped Ashely's roiling abdomen and she screamed, full throated, as tears streamed down her face. The agony of contracting with a full bag of warm, salty water in her ass broke any last semblance of composure and Ashley started begging me to make the pain stop.
I secured the catch bag underneath her and prepared the drugs I would need to administer twilight sleep while Ashley screamed and pleaded her way through three more contractions. I realized quickly she would need extra restraints while under because she was tossing her aching body wildly, huge tits swinging. 
When I finally removed the plug the noise the laboring woman made was so erotic I got hard instantly. It was a groan of agonized relief followed immediately by a yelp of pain when yet another contraction closed around her middle. 
Ashley was spent, legs splayed limply, her bowels empty and her ass clenching. The baby had dropped so low by this point she was starting to feel him in her aching hips. She was unimaginably full and the ordeal of the enema had taken it out of her.  After the pain passed, she gathered her composure enough to look up at me beseechingly. 
“Put me out now, please. I don’t want to hurt this bad anymore.”
I had to adjust my rock hard cocktail before moving to her side to slip my special cocktail into her IV. I stroked her face as she started blinking and nodding her head from side to side. I watched as awareness left her eyes and her mouth dropped open with a weak groan.
“Ashley?” I tapped her cheeks, moving her jaw from side to side. Her green eyes stared up without recognition. I reached down and tweaked her engorged nipple and her lips opened to emit a moan of pain.
This was my crowning, pun intended, achievement. I'd perfected a scopolamine cocktail that turns the patient’s brain to mush but leaves her aware enough to feel and respond to the pain of labor in order to be a beautiful, brain dead birthing doll for my and my patron's pleasure.
I left Ashely lying on the bed, contracting now about every three minutes and really feeling it, measuring by her noises, to make a phone call. Then I put an oxygen cannula under her nose, cleaned her up between her legs, checked her dilation, and wrapped her wrists and ankles in towels so there wouldn't be any questions about bruises. 
When John Hutcherson arrived, he looked as eager to get the night started as I was. We'd met during the war when I served as the chief medical officer of his battlefield command. We found out one pregnant local girl later that we shared some frowned upon predilections and now, ten years and a lifetime of experience later, we partake of his wealth and my medical genius as often as we can without raising suspicions.
It's John's wife so, of course, he gets to go first and however he likes. He loses his pants quickly after he walks in and sees her strapped spread eagle, her arms straight out and tied to the table and her legs secured in stirrups. She's screaming through a contraction and oblivious to our presence.
John moves on her like an animal in heat, plunging his generous, throbbing member into her exposed, dilating cunt without any preamble. She shouts as she is brutally and unexpectedly skewered on his cock while a contraction is still ripping through her. He doesn't give her even a moment before he starts pistoning in and out of her so hard her back is slapping up and down on the steel table.
Her titties bounce lewdly, slapping from side to side atop her grotesquely swollen belly, as he rails her with all his strength. I finally go up and hold Ashley’s head to keep in from hitting the table due to the force of her husband’s pounding. Her leaking green eyes are filled with fear and pain but it’s also clear the struggling woman isn’t capable of understanding what’s happening to her. Her world has narrowed to the pain and fullness in her tits, hips, and cunt, and as far as she is concerned, it’s never ending. 
Hutcherson blows his first load when she has an especially hard contraction on his cock. He lets out a surprised gasp and then he’s jerking as he’s milked by his wife’s laboring uterus. Their cries blend in the air, one of utter pain and the other of blissful pleasure. 
When he’s finally able to pull out, his flagging cock plops loose with a squelching sound. His cum mixed with blood and amniotic fluid floods out of her and on to the cloth below. 
The brutal pounding leaves Ashley listless and moaning with a little bit of drool making its way down her chin. It’s part of the beauty of the drug that even though she’s blasted out of her mind, her body is going to push the baby out no matter what. 
Over the next several hours, we take turns playing with her engorged nipples, sucking them to induce contractions. John sticks his hand up her through a couple, shivering with arousal when she cries out and tries to get away from the intrusion. Eventually her agonized sounds change to desperate screeches as transition hits and the contractions become longer and unbearable. We each dip into her a few times while she endures the most painful part of labor and both barely keep from cumming when she clamps down on our dicks and wails. 
It takes her hours to get the baby down but it’s huge in her tiny pelvis and when it gets lodged in her hips, she starts vocalizing low, loud grunts as her body tries to expel the huge head. I almost blew my load too soon when I wedged my dick up against her massive stomach and rolled her hips side to side to help urge the huge load down. 
She screamed bloody murder when it finally crowned and John held it there for a good long while, stroking her engorged clit and easing the head out so she didn’t tear. The body was huge, however, and we had to put her legs as far back as we could to help her deliver the shoulders. Her cries of pain echoed off the walls as I roughly jerked the rest of the body out of her sore cunny. A huge flood of liquid shot out of her bloody slit and she was left with her pussy bared, gaped open and dripping birth fluid. 
I handed the baby off to my loyal nurse who maintained the nursery in the next room and turned back to my friend. He was hard a rock, stroking his wife’s ruined cunny. She was still visibly hurting, both from the sheer size of what just came out and the after birth contractions. 
I climbed on top of the beg, squatted over her deflated belly, and put my dick in between her massive tits. Behind me John let out an erotic groan as he sunk his massive length deep into his wife’s loose, bleeding pussy. It made a nasty squelching sound when he pulled all the way back out and slammed back in as hard as he could. He proceeded to brutally rail his wife’s post birth pussy and I came all over her tits while she flopped up and down on the bed, screaming from the pain. 
The next time I saw Lucy, she was back in her white silk robe, a 17lb baby suckling at her ample breast. She’d reapplied her lipstick but her eyes were bloodshot and she looked like she’d been through hell. She woke up initially screaming about the pain in her pussy and she was still sitting awkwardly, an ice pack on her bruised and throbbing sex. 
That being said, she was thrilled she didn’t remember a single bit of it. She thanked me profusely and told her husband she wanted me to deliver all of her babies. Once her poor little cunny healed, of course. 
Josh and I shared a look over her head. We were already counting down to Ashley’s next labor and delivery. 
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crazymadpassionatelove · 10 months ago
A little sneak peak of something in the works...
Oh look! Finished product here...
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Dedicated to my fave blonde bombshell @ab4eva 🩷
Elvis Presley Quietly Marries At Home
The man with the famous pelvis is now a married man! Colonel Parker confirmed that Elvis married Paramount actress Leona Grace at his home in Memphis on the nineteenth of March. The wedding comes on the heels of rumors that the new Mr. and Mrs. Presley are due for a visit from the stork. The Colonel’s response? “Those are questions for a different day”. The hush hush, spur of the moment wedding did not follow an engagement announcement and no pictures of the happy couple seem to exist beyond set outtake photos. The event reportedly took place in the evening with just family and close friends in attendance totaling about 50 people. A red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was served for dessert and sources say that Elvis's own music was played late into the night as friends danced in the backyard of Presley's Graceland mansion.
“See ya in a bit, baby doll, gotta meet with the Colonel about some stuff,” his lips lingered on her skin while he eyed her in the mirror. Leona couldn't suppress the sour look that appeared on her face. 
“What sort of stuff?” she questioned cooly. 
“Some movie stuff, ain't nothing for you to worry that pretty head about,” his tone was casual yet dismissive. Those were fighting words for Leona, who stomped her foot like a child and demanded to know just exactly why he was allowed to make movies while she had been regulated to pick flowers in the garden with the dogs, lounge in the pool, and shop herself silly with Patsy. She felt like a bird in a cage, albeit a gold-plated diamond-studded cage. 
“Oh ya want me to start calling you my pretty little baby bird?” he teased, those long fingers, perfect for reaching all the right spots, were tickling at her ribs. Leona yanked away from his grasp and pouted. “Baby, you're a wife now, my wife, I'm gonna take care of things. No need for you to stress yourself and slave away to send money back home to your momma and granny, I had my daddy send a check two days ago,” Elvis explained, sliding on a pair of sunglasses that made him look utterly delectable as he shifted his weight from one leg to another in the doorway, seemingly unable to keep still. 
More to come soon....
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
10 stories they chose not to tell you this week.
The Vigilant Fox
Jan 19, 2025
10 – Bill Gates’ New Bioterror Project Exposed
Gates revealed to the Wall Street Journal that he had a three-hour conversation with Trump about “global health,” saying he was “frankly impressed.”
What Gates isn’t telling you is that he has been funding risky research projects, including a $9.5 million effort at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study how bird flu viruses (H5N1) might evolve to infect humans.
According to epidemiologist 
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
, this work could actually make bird flu more transmissible to humans and “qualifies as bioterrorist activity.”
“And also recently, the Russian Ministry of Defense gave a briefing, and in the briefing, they laid out who is funding these illicit African Biolabs run by the US Military. It’s none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and even the Clinton Foundation,” Hulscher revealed.
“So these guys are funding this extremely dangerous research. It’s risking millions of lives,” he warned.
Bill Gates has also explicitly referred to India as his “laboratory” for testing experimental drugs. Such statements raise serious ethical questions about the billionaire’s intentions, especially when he openly expresses a desire to reduce the world’s population.
Adding fuel to the fire, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced an investment of nearly $600 million in Moderna’s bird flu vaccine development. As journalist Maria Zeee (@zeee_media) pointed out, “Someone is expecting a return on that investment.”
“Why is a man that funds bioterrorist activities, speaking bioterrorist-like activities, rather, speaking with the president about public health?” Hulscher asked.
“He should not be allowed to meet with the President. In my opinion, he should actually be behind bars.”
Meanwhile, more damning evidence continues to mount against the COVID-19 injections. 
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
 lays out the evidence, demonstrating why these shots should be pulled from the market.
Watch as he presents the facts.
(See 9 More Revealing Stories Below)
9 - Bill Maher Torches California’s Disastrous Wildfire Response in Brutal Monologue
8 - James O’Keefe Exposes Secret Pentagon Plot to Sabotage Trump’s Return
7 - Scientists make another damning discovery about the COVID-19 mRNA injections.
6 - WaPo Cartoonist Arrested for Child Porn Depicted Trump Supporters as Nazis for Complaining About Grooming
While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more weekly news roundups.Subscribe
#5 - Trump’s Pick for CIA Chief Obliterates Adam Schiff, Sets Him Straight on Hunter’s Laptop
#4 - The FDA finally bans food dye Red No. 3, citing serious concerns about its link to cancer.
#3 - Shocking Cover-Up Exposed in Explosive Tucker Carlson Interview
#2 - Arab Officials: Trump Envoy Did More to Pressure Israel in One Meeting Than Biden Did All Year
#1 - Storm-ravaged North Carolina sends a dire message to America.
Plus, Lt. Colonel Pete Chambers joins to discuss the mounting security concerns surrounding Trump’s Inauguration.
BONUS #1 - Dave Chappelle Captures Attention With His Comments on Trump and Jimmy Carter
BONUS #2 - The Meat Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed
BONUS #3 - Mel Gibson Drops Two Medical Bombshells on the Joe Rogan Podcast
BONUS #4 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak and More
BONUS #5 - Jeffrey Epstein’s Former Cellmate Alleges Shocking Scheme to Impeach Trump
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marley-manson · 2 years ago
it's very funny to me that when Mash got super into characters manipulating their friends to prank them as subplot fodder, Hawkeye's like the only one who never gets a plot like this.
Hawkeye, champion gaslighter and manipulator extraordinaire of the first three seasons, a dude who invented a whole person to defraud the military out of thousands of dollars, a dude who gaslighted a colonel into early retirement, and a dude who took out two(2) healthy appendixes, among plenty of other schemes, never uses his frankly legendary skills for evil
you get plots where Charles or BJ pit their friends against each other for ther own amusement, where the entire rest of the cast works together to drive Hawkeye into a fit of paranoia, Potter terrorizing our faves with a grand manipulation scheme in one episode, and plenty more where BJ works to turn the camp against Hawkeye for fun, but I can't think of a single subplot where Hawkeye does anything similar to anyone who isn't an antagonist.
he has a few revenge pranks on BJ in the episode tags, but these are basic straightforward ones that don't involve gaslighting or manipulation, just shaving half his moustache or letting him wake up naked in the nurse's tent. His pranks in April Fools were straightforward and boring as far as I remember without rewatching. Bombshells could almost qualify except convincing everyone Marilyn Monroe was coming was a total accident, Hawkeye just made an offhand joke that snowballed.
I think the closest he comes is the revenge prank he, BJ, and Margaret pull on Charles in An Eye For a Tooth to make him feel guilty, and he's only one of three people involved in that.
And lol I think the reason is because later Mash prefers Hawkeye to be a pathetic victim rather than an impressive mastermind, but it sure has the accidental side effect of making him come across as a much better friend. Like we know he has the chops to make BJ a social pariah in revenge after an episode like Bottom's Up, but he'll stick to something lighthearted because he reserves those schemes for psychiatrists trying to section him, or colonels trying to get people killed, or Frank.
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ultraericthered · 5 months ago
The Lost Potential Of Dr. Regal & Nebula
I've got some thoughts to spare regarding this guy:
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Dr. Regal, leader of the Nebula netcrime syndicate and Big Bad in both the Megaman Battle Network 4 and Battle Network 5 games. Regarded as the weak link among the main villains in the series, far weaker a Big Bad than his father Dr. Wily, and would be considered about as solid a Big Bad as Sean from BN2 at best were it only not for his horrid showing in BN4. While almost a total waste in the games, he was made into a far more effective villain in the anime and manga adaptations (both titled Megaman NT Warrior in the west.)
I've talked about that before, but I believe that while Regal himself got rescued from evil mediocrity by the adaptations, Regal as the son of Dr. Wily and Regal as the leader of Nebula never quite reached his full potential anywhere in the franchise. For sure the anime handled the former better than the games and the manga handled the latter better than the games, but neither got it down definitively.
In BN4, Regal drops the bombshell that Wily is his father completely out of nowhere during his nonsensical moral relativity ramble at the end of the main story, literally seconds before he drops himself to his apparent demise. Obviously that's some shit writing, but BN5, to its credit, tried to salvage the idea and make something of it by having Regal and Yuichiro play off each other, with their plot all about Regal trying to finish work that was begun by both of their genius fathers, Dr. Hikari/Light and Dr. Wily respectively, only Regal sought to abuse that work in service of his own crazy scheme for world destruction. But then the game kind of sabotages that by bringing in Wily himself at the climax, with only the Colonel Version actually giving you the full scene and showing that it's even him. There is no substantial interaction between the father and son before the former breaks the latter's mind and erases his memories. Regal becomes a goodie who joins Yuichiro's research team, and then in BN6 Wily's the Big Bad once again and Regal never shows up and is never talked about.
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So I can see why the anime had Regal as one of Wily's adopted children and the manga left their connection untouched. Like if you weren't going to make much use of him being Wily's son by blood, then what's even the point of going in that direction to start with?
But the problem with Nebula might be more galling to me personally. This is what "Nebula" is named for, what Regal plans to unleash:
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Nebula Gray is a malicious software program made entirely of Dark Power, embodying all the darkness within the human soul, with the power to amplify a person's darkest emotions, form for them dark thoughts, and feed their darkest impulses, even giving them tangible form. The power from it in its base form serves as the core source of the Dark Power that goes into the making of Nebula's Dark Chips. The manga takes it a step further by saying that Nebula Gray is the digitally generated vessel for an eldritch god of darkness and destruction who sourced all Dark Power. Holy shit, that is EPIC.
Didn't feel all that epic in the game, though! And honestly, that's not on Nebula Gray itself - it services as a final boss just fine. I realized that the real problem here was with the Nebula syndicate. They did not work in a way that properly built towards the threat of Nebula Gray. And unlike all iterations of WWW or Gospel from BN2, there are no notable, named, fully designed humans in Nebula aside from Dr. Regal himself. Everyone else are generic masked Mooks.
As for the “Darkloid” programs that serve the syndicates, both BN4 and BN5 put together only give us these six:
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They're alright, but Laserman.EXE (Regal's personal Navi) is only present in BN4, three of them are only present in BN5, and Dark Megaman is like Negaduck in being technically two different entities.
Personally, I think these programs from the BN4-BN6 trilogy that were not affiliated with Nebula should've been Nebula Darkloida:
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I feel like this would round out Nebula's Darkloids to give them a far more distinct identity. WWW had a varied lot of minion programs, while Gospel was more distinctly mechanical/metallic in their programs aesthetics. Nebula, given what it's named for and sought to unleash upon the net, should've been full horror/monster-based. I mean, it's already kind of there with the killer android, the bat-winged vampire, the dark storm genie, the abominable snowball man, the alien being, and the evil Megaman clone. Even Regal himself, as I've noted, is like Victor Frankenstein crossed with Vlad Tepes/Count Dracula. Adding some more creepy, wierd looking programs to the mix, including a literal Frankenstein's Monstrosity in Junkman.EXE, would've helped to really push and solidify that vibe.
As for the lack of human operators? I think the approach to that needed to be something along the lines of what another despicably monstrous evil scientist, one Akihiro Kurata, did in Digimon Savers with his Bio-Hybrid minions. The human operators would be unseen because they'd be directly synchronized with the Darkloids, with the Dark Chip serving as a medium between the boosted powers of the Darkloids and the soul of the human connected/merged with their programs. Not only is this extra fiendish for corrupting humans with Dark Power and really leaning more into the drug/substance abuse angle of the Dark Chips, but in creating a dilemma where if Megaman deletes any of these Darkloids he could risk killing a human being. And that in addition to what Dark Power does to programs and how Nebula gladly has programs sacrificed as cannon fodder would make the syndicate as strong as Gospel in terms of being a scary threat.
Also, Regal could've afforded to be more like his anime incarnation because that Regal was fucking GOATed in what a menace he was.
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years ago
Midge Maisel Flashforwards
Okay, so I want to be clear here, and I hope this post doesn't incite backlash but I really wanted to get my thoughts out on the flashforwards provided in the first three episodes of Mrs Maisel
Spoilers Ahead!!!
So it did come as a shock to have these flashforwards, but I like it mainly for three reasons: 1) it gives light to Midge's future which is something very realistic as well as shed light on the fact that Midge's decisions have downsides as well; 2) it has This is Us vibes but something that was a little Forrest Gump meets How I Met Your Mother vibe and is set in the beginning of the episode instead of the end or a misleading event to hide a bombshell 3) ASP doesn't plan on returning it so don't expect a AYITL part to Mrs Maisel.
So with that, let's dive into the flashforwards:
First Flashforward- Esther Maisel
So for those who thought Esther was annoying and the fact that Midge Maisel is a terrible mother is unwarranted, you're wrong!!! Esther is definitely unique, given that she's very much a version of Abe and Midge in the earlier season with her mother in terms of how she views her relationship with her mom, but you can't help but be empathetic to her because yes, being a child of an uber-famous parent is not easy. Take for example, Gypsy the musical, or children of famous actors- its something that happens. Given that Esther was a baby when Midge started out her career unlike Ethan, her mommy issues are bigger and more intense. I hope the show extends this further.
Second Flashforward- Midge's 60 Second show
So, I think this is by far the biggest of them all, because it gives some great and not so great updates on Midge's life- her career has skyrocketed, she's got multiple awards, she did an infamous show at Carnegie Hall a decade after Lenny's own show, she toured worldwide (as she would've done at Shy's own tour), with Bob Hope (something Moishe thought she was doing) and made friendships with renowned faces. On the downside- 4 failed marriages and multiple romantic relationships. This... is not exactly normal, but if you look at the romantic lives of these actors/celebrities- Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Ginger Rogers, Irene Castle, Rita Hayworth, Sonny and Cher, Marlene Dietrich, even comedian Fanny Brice, you'll find that busted romantic lives is a common thread. If you also want fictional examples- A Star is Born, Blue Valentine, Revolutionary Road, Once, The Way We Were and many other similar movies.
With regards to Midge and Suzy's certain rift, it can be considered the opposite of Elvis Presley and Colonel Tom Parker. It's sad (but you kind of see it coming). It's like when bands break up- they'll find success but everyone wants their own identity. The worst enemy is yourself.
Third Flashforward
Ethan Maisel at 24 being a little aimless and having an unconventional professional journey (honoring his Jewish identity by working in Israel at a kibbutz and becoming a rabbi) and actually marrying a woman who is controlled and strong (an Army version of Midge- I like that they named her Chava, it's a callback to Fiddler on the Roof's third youngest daughter) shows his mommy issues which are different from Esther's but still there- it's all pretty in character. The fact that he keeps his engagement from his mother but still respects her nevertheless shows how much of mothering that we've seen from Midge from throughout the show has affected him.
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aliypop · 2 years ago
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SO these headcanons are more so her earlier years, but I hope you all like her she lives in my brain rent-free!
Cecelia Valmos was born on January 7th 1935 In North Carolina
Elvis and Cecelia met, actually during the Louisiana Hayride in which her mother brought her along to a one night only concert of hers.
The Hayride performance was the reason Cecelia really took music seriously, not that she didn't before, but her mother was a famous jazz singer, and Cecelia preferred Blues and Rock n Roll
Cecelia wouldn't say while starting her career under her mothers label that she was obsessed with Elvis, but when the two started playing gigs on the same stage, she had wanted nothing more than for him to notice her.
When Cecelia and her mother decided to open a recording studio in Memphis and keep their NYC studio open, she didn't think she'd find herself running into Elvis so much especially in Beale Street
Cecelia loves Mustang cars the way Elvis loves Cadillacs
Cecelia would sneak out of her mothers tour Rehersals if she knew Elvis was in town.
Cecelia and the colonel don't exactly see eye to eye, but not as much as Her mother and the colonel don't.
When Cecelia finally got to meet Elvis, it was at Club Handy by the doing of BB King.
Cecelia, in her early career, was very well seen as risqué for her choices in dresses, the nearly skin-tight pencil skirt dresses, and her outrageous rockabilly hair, thus earning her the title of " The lady Elvis."
It was a compliment until it wasn't... although it never was a compliment in the first place.
When the two did start dating, both their managers agreed it was safer for them to hide their relationship rather than be open about it.
They were bad about hiding it.
Cecelia had a huge crush on James Dean, Frank Sinatra, and Cab Calloway growing up.
She's a Betty Boop Fanatic.
A Billy Holiday Fan
And Ella Fitzgerald
Her favorite superhero is Wonder Woman
She inspires to be a bombshell like the classic Hollywood greats.
When Elvis was drafted, she was devastated. She'd go go Graceland every day wondering if he was back yet.
Gladys found her dedication to writing him letters very sweet.
However, Cecelia would barely eat or drink anything unless she knew he was okay.
Vernon couldn't get her to even sleep.
When Gladys passed and he returned, she refused to leave him. She gave him space but equally grieved. Knowing how it is to be close to one's mother, she could only imagine the pain he felt.
Her death impacted her mother, learning that Gladys and her mother Denise were friends when she had her first tour down south and Gladys, although not having much housed her when no one else would.
Cecelia and Elvis both have nicknames for each other, Babydoll and Sugar pie.
Elvis and Cecelia have been known for having conversations via eyebrows.
Cecelia's favorite show is I love Lucy
Although in her early 20s it wasn't her favorite genre so she'd say, but if Elvis were to ask her to sing it, she'd sing dream a little dream of me as she's scratching his head.
This usually gets him to fall asleep instantly
Cecelia is a morning person .
Shes a film fanatic.
Elvis caught her a few times while on set, saying how she'd make the movie better if she had her way.
Her favorite movie of Elvis's is King Creole, it holds a soft spot in her heart.
Not only can she play guitar, but violin and it's rare if she plays it.
They once went to go see Birds, and Cecelia was terrified to leave the house for a week.
Elvis once took her to a carnival and took her on the ferris Wheel in which she had her eyes closed until they were back on solid ground.
These are just a few head canons I have, but there's a lot more coming!
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ylespar · 1 year ago
"Garry Nolan, asked about the aftermath of Disclosure, explains that he has spoken with Karl Nell and David Grusch on the subject. It became clear that there are many things that can go wrong if information is released to the public in the wrong way. So Colonel Karl Nell wishes to 'prepare the instruments of power, (...) prepare the instruments of government and Society in a careful way to accept the information more readily.'"
Alexis Druaux, "Garry Nolan interview and new bombshell at the Sol Foundation Symposium" [Ref.]
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bthingsart · 4 months ago
Polarnoids #228
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You know…I don't think that tank is even amphibious…
By Brian T. Sullivan | November 17, 2024
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pipelinelaserraygun · 4 months ago
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🕎🛐 Father God, under HIS direction, ✝️🆚👿, the 🇺🇸🗳️ American Beulah/babylon 💥 election winds down with a Victory in Christ unanimous decision. PRAISES, & thanks.
Please THWART the NEXT 👹👺 deep state 🎃 October "surprise" moves, & beyond.
In YOUR Son's name, Amen.
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We know how the story ends: 1000% ✝️🛐🗳️🇺🇸🦅 total Victory, in Christ.
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What did you make of YOUR life?
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For evildoers, a fate 🕎 from which there's NO escape.
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For evildoers, a fate 🕎 from which there's NO escape.
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non-fictionalbooks · 10 months ago
Top 24 Biographical Films Inspired by Books
Have you ever wondered what it was like to walk in the shoes of one of history’s most fascinating figures? Biographical films will help you do that, as they provide a captivating glimpse into the lives of remarkable individuals. Biography films inspired by books bring the stories of those individuals to life on a whole new level. 
The list in this article explores the top most popular Biography films inspired by books. From political leaders to social activists, literary icons, and more. So grab some popcorn and settle in your comfy sofas to get inspired by the life journey of some unforgettable characters. 
No. 1 Film Inspired by Books - A Beautiful Mind
Movie Name-  A Beautiful Mind
Film Inspired From the Book – A Beautiful Mind by John Forbes Nash Jr.
A Beautiful Mind is a top Biography film inspired by books. Despite issues with tone and structure, as well as some key absences from Nash’s real life, A Beautiful Mind has become one of the most fascinating and well-loved films of all time. Because the film focuses on Nash’s life rather than his mental health, and because of Russell Crowe’s inspiring portrayal, Nash is given a second chance to relive both his success and failure. Despite issues with tone and structure, as well as some key absences from Nash’s real life, A Beautiful Mind has become one of the most fascinating and well-loved films of all time. Because the film focuses on Nash’s life rather than his mental health, and because of Russell Crowe’s inspiring portrayal, Nash is given a second chance to relive both his success and failure.
02nd Movie Inspired by Book - Elvis
Movie Name – Elvis
Film Inspired From the Book – Priscilla Beaulieu Presley’s 1985 memoir
Elvis narrates the life story of American music legend Elvis Presley, played by Austin Butler, from his youth to his rise to rock and roll stardom in the 1950s and maintaining a complex bond with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker.
Butler’s brilliant portrayal of Elvis humanizes the legend, thrusting everything from his body language to his huge, raspy voice into the spotlight to reveal the troubled man behind the timeless God of Rock. Furthermore, the wild singing, set design, re-enactments of iconic events, and compelling cast give the impression that the audience is watching a documentary instead.
No. 3 in Biographical Movie Inspired by Books - Ray
Movie Name – Ray
Film Inspired From the Book – Brother Ray: Ray Charles’ Own Story by Ray Charles, David Ritz
Ray is the next best Biography films inspired by books. The story tells the story of famous musician Ray Charles (Jamie Foxx) and his struggles with darkness, poverty, and addiction, as well as the women in his life. It also highlights Charles’s musical career, including his experimentation with various styles of R&B, gospel, and country, and his collaborations with other musicians.
Ray is a poignant and inspiring film that explores the life of one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century and the struggles and triumphs that shaped his extraordinary career. Plus, the acting is strong, the directing is masterful, the story is enlightening, and Foxx gives an excellent performance.
One of the Best Films Inspired by Books - The Wolf of Wall Street
Movie Name – The Wolf of Wall Street
Film Inspired From The Book – The Wolf Of Wall Street By Jordan Belfort 
One of the best Biography films inspired by books. The story of 1990s stock trader Jordan Belfort, whose company, Stratton Oakmont, participated in unprecedented levels of corruption and fraud, is told in Martin Scorsese’s bombshell biopic. The Wolf of Wall Street. Scorsese’s picture is the height of excess, with Leonardo DiCaprio giving a truly outrageous performance as Belfort. As in many of Scorsese’s films, sinners must confront their sins, but “Wolf” warns us in the end that any cautionary tales will keep future generations from indulging in short-sighted, amoral, selfish ambitions. Will not stop.
Read the full blog- https://nonfictionalbooks.com/top-24-biographical-films-adapted-from-books/
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roboe1 · 10 months ago
“There’s NOTHING Left!” 600,000 Ukrainians DEAD! | Colonel Douglas Macgregor On The Ukraine War
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
Joachim Hagopian
Parts 1 and 2 of this series exposing the two biggest Khazarian mafia lies leading humanity to teeter on the edge of extinction, both biblical lies falsely justify Israel’s very existence at the literal expense of Palestine’s disappearance. Israeli citizens are neither the birthright descendants of Judea nor the rightful claimants of a dubious ancient temple again at the literal expense of the Islam’s enshrined Al-Aqsa Mosque’s disappearance. Using historical lies and omissions to pretend to be Semites in order to obliterate the real biblical Semites will no longer be tolerated as the world learns this ungodly deception. In the name of Babylonian Talmudism thinly disguised as Jewish Supremacism, scientific factual truth will not permit barbaric heathens to erase whole pages of history and a whole people off the face of this earth. Part 3 of “The Real Jewish Problem” sources an important yet conveniently overlooked book nearly three quarters of a century old, almost as old as the Jewish nation-state itself. John O. Beaty’s The Iron Curtain over America provides the missing link between Ashkenazim and Khazar, unmasking the Jewish cloak of deception as the Synagogue of Satan caught in the act.
On December 4th, former Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff posted Beaty’s exposé in its entirety on his theinteldrop.org, despite its obscurity for decades. Author John Beaty (1890-1961) worked as an English professor and department head at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas for many years. The World War II veteran served in US Army Intelligence Service, ending up a Lt. Colonel, before the conservative patriot resumed his career in academia, authoring a total of 14 books along the way. But none were more important than his December 1951 cautionary nonfiction tale of The Iron Curtain over America, published at the height of Red Scare McCarthyism. In addition to theinteldrop.org deeming Beaty’s bombshell book significant enough to post it online, writer-publisher Ron Unz also posted it on his unz.com, and it can also be found on pdf as well as Amazon.
A brief bio into the author SMU Professor John Beaty. In 1926 he was selected by the Alfred Kahn Foundation to travel to 29 nations to meet various luminaries in governments, politics and education in order to investigate and report on world affairs, which his report upon completion a year and a half later drew limited distribution, only the Foundation and a local Southwest newspaper published his findings. His other books continued selling primarily as college textbooks and his 1940 novel Image of Life was favorably observed, focusing on the world’s degraded cultural standards just ahead of the Second World War elicited little to no response from critics or reviews.
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oww666 · 1 year ago
We knew
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