#collie fic
calamaricollie · 17 days
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Behold, my sappiest (and longest) Lari comic yet, I hope ya'll enjoy some tooth-rottingly sweet fluff UvU More of me rambling under the cut:
Honestly I was so worried about posting this one, I wrote it when I was really needing some comfort so it turned out very sweet, less humorous than my other shitten stuff, but hey if you've watched and liked my animatic that's what you're here for anyways >:)
As much as I love feral Nari I just love writing him being all soft and chilled out tbh, this cat has been fully domesticated over years of TLC (Tender Lamb Care), I just hope others like it as much as I do too :p
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xynczachrome · 1 month
If requests are still open (and you draw ships) may I request some Techno? Totally fine if you don't or the requests are closed :)
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No one said I can't do aus :3
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I was left without a choice, and without a doubt - I finished this character design thingie @hedgehodgy, and I fear I will continue to be obsessed with arting for your fic.
And the rest of you! D'you love traumatised little guys!? Do you love angst and unresolved tension!? Do you like complicated yet endearing families dynamics!? Then Mercy Upon Ourselves is a MUST-READ for you, so go read it! It's good! Like 'stay up at night and think about it' good!
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colliequacksalot · 1 month
No but literally I need JUST Hetch and Ranboo to escape and they are just being hill forever and ever and they're friends and they live near that woods and they nap and they evade taxes and
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scionshtola · 1 month
rodeo au cori definitely has a dog. a border collie or perhaps an australian shepherd.
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loveualottie · 3 months
I cannot write without a cup of tea, my dog on my knee, my vape in hand, and all the NYT games completed for the day.
I feel like the narrator from a 1940s detective novel who’s done his daily crossword in the paper, then sat down to write with a glass of whiskey and a cigar.
And perhaps my dog is his bearskin rug.
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shy-forceghost · 1 year
Fanfics where Bea has a dog >>>>
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littleredwritingcat · 2 years
Thirst Trap: Chapter 8 - Of Guilt, Tits, & Coughing Fits is NOW LIVE!
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“How – how did you know my mother?”
You realize suddenly that it's becoming a popular question, and the answer is going to matter a lot in the next few days. There's something about the not knowing that's certainly worse.
Joe smiles through a glower, letting a gust rasp through his body.
“Why do two teenagers ride around on a bike like this together, Y/N? How the hell do you think I knew her?”
@everythingbutresolved @plainlo-inthemorning @girlwiththenegantattoo @fatherpaulsimp @thegentlestmaenad @rothko-mirror @jyngerpeach @aherdofbees @agirlinherhead @ebiemidnightlibrarian @meownsignor @choosekindly @dandydevildog @sanguine-sketches @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @waytkayt
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Arrow + chairman + Alec’s treadmill
Chairman and Arrow @ malec
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moongreenlight · 9 months
I will never stop comparing all the 141 boys to dogs in my fics. Unfortunately I am unable. Thanks but no thanks. Wdym they’re not a pack of strays? Wydm ‘pack’ mentality doesn’t directly translate? Literally what are you not understanding?
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Wdym Price isn’t an Anatolian shepherd? Bred specifically to be a guardian of livestock? His life’s purpose is to defend? He instinctually knows how to keep the structure of the pack intact? Pointed corrections made by a bite to the throat or baring his teeth that may seem drastic to some, but his herd understands that it’s a necessary evil? Gentile giant to those who he’s serving for and with but an apex predator to anyone else?
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Wdym Gaz isn’t a border collie who learned how to herd from Price? Follows in his footsteps by quickly learning to nip at the heels of stragglers to keep them in line? Loves learning new tricks because he’s agile and always needing stimulation? Insatiable need to work and see tasks through not only well but to be the best that’s ever been?
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Wdym Soap isn’t a Belgian malinois? Snapping his jaws and vibrating with kinetic energy that’s just begging to be harnessed and used to his handler’s aid? Wicked smart and playful until he’s instructed to work? Needs constant attention and supervision and structure in order to reach his full potential? Quite literally sniffs out trouble and offers his full dedication to stomping out the problem? Competitive and destructive until his efforts are focused on something more productive? Needs a firm hand to be his motivating force?
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Wdym Ghost isn’t a Doberman? Forced into a dogfighting ring and set loose to the streets by a group of well-meaning protesters like that was any better? Cropped ears and docked tail and freckled with scars where fur won’t grow? Conditioned by years of trauma to immediately bare his teeth and snarl to project a vicious front if made uncomfortable? Who’s rehabilitated into something much more palatable by the structure of a pack?
What do you mean dude?
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calamaricollie · 9 days
Was drawing some shittens but couldn't keep drawing anymore since my body was way too heavy and tired to keep drawing ough, meds are kicking my ass <3 Lemme draw my emotional support muffins!!!!!
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laurenairay · 5 months
Lately you've been on my mind - E. Pettersson
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I’m jumping in as a pinch-hitter as part of @wyattjohnston’s winter fic exchange, with an Elias Pettersson story for @typical-simplelove! I really hope you enjoy this Claudia– I had a lot of fun creating something from the prompts you gave me, and I was just so inspired that I wrote it all in one day! And thank you Demi, for being a sounding board for me as I put together my ideas.
Summary: Brock Boeser is the ultimate match maker – he knows he is. And he is determined to set his friends up.
a.k.a. you and Elias are both friends with Brock, and keep finding yourselves in moments alone.
Words: 4.9k
Warnings: idiots to lovers, self-doubt, Brock is a meddler
Title from: Adore you, by Harry Styles
2019 was already shaping up to be a fantastic year. The sun was shining brightly, the January air was crisp and cold, and you had Spanish Banks dog park essentially to yourself, seeing that it was excruciatingly early in the morning.
But damn if the views of the North Shore mountains weren’t worth it. Your dog seemed to agree, with the way he was running up and down the sand. You’d lived in Vancouver all your 20 years so far, still living with your parents where you’d decided not to go to university, and it was moments like this that reminded you just how fortunate you were.
Your peace and quiet lasted for all of another half an hour before you heard enthusiastic barking from behind you. Recalling your dog to your side – which only took a couple of attempts, which was an improvement – you turned your head to see what was coming your way, only to freeze at the guy you saw walking towards you.
A guy that was clearly the up-and-coming star of your family’s favourite sports team, the Vancouver Canucks. Brock Boeser, in the flesh.
“Hey, sorry for interrupting your quiet.”
His smile tightened slightly when he realised you clearly knew who he was, with whatever your face was doing, but you quickly shook your head to reassure him. No, he was here just the same as you, to walk his dog. You could be cool with that.
“It’s a beautiful off-leash park – it would be a shame not to share it,” you shrugged, smiling back at him.
Brock immediately relaxed, easy a tension you didn’t realise you had.
“Who’s this beautiful pup, hm?”
“This is Bailey. I’ve had him, like, three months now? He’s only 18 months old so he’s still learning not to jump up, but he tries his best,” you mused.
“He’s perfect…”
Yes, Brock was definitely a dog person.
“…a border collie, right?”
“Yeah that’s right. He was abandoned a few months ago at a shelter my mom volunteers at, and I barely had to beg her to let me adopt him,” you laughed.
Brock just grinned. “Coola was a rescue dog as well. I adopted him back in February last year, after the All Star Game, but he lived in Minnesota with my parents while I finished my rookie year. I know the feeling of not being able to resist a sweet little dog.”
At least he understood.
With a smile, you motioned for Bailey that he was allowed to run again, and within moments Coola was joining him, the two dogs playing in the surf.
“So, you live here then?”
You and Brock walked your dogs for nearly another hour, the two of you talking like you’d known each other all your lives, before Bailey flopped at your feet, a clear sign he was done and ready to leave.
“Looks like that’s my cue,” you said dryly, making Brock laugh.
“Definitely,” he teased, “but hey, maybe we could exchange numbers? I’d love to walk Coola with you and Bailey again, now that I know they’re friends.”
You hesitated slightly, unsure whether he actually meant that, but the earnestness in his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
“Sure, I’d like that. Bailey could use all the friends he could get,” you mused.
Brock just grinned.
“I don’t know, I have a feeling we’re going to be pretty good friends as well.”
Nearly five years on and you were (somehow) genuine friends with Brock. He’d been right, against all odds. There was just something about his straightforward friendship that made your life that little bit easier, knowing that you could rely on him to be a breath of fresh air, no drama. And you knew he appreciated your chilled approach to pretty much everything, never judging him, always his biggest supporter – both on the team and for him as a person. Brock Boeser was probably one of the best friends you’d ever had, and you cherished everything about him, like an older brother you didn’t realise you needed.
Brock had always insisted that you needed to be integrated into every part of his life, so you spent more time with his team than you ever thought you would (and hadn’t that been a starstruck moment, when you’d first attended a team gathering). He pretty much brought you to all gatherings, events, and anything to do with Coola (and now Milo), and while at first it had been overwhelming, you’d quickly adjusted when you realised just how ridiculous his teammates were.
So it wasn’t a surprise to Elias Pettersson when he walked into Brock’s house and saw you sitting on the sofa surrounded by dogs.
“Well this looks cosy.”
You grinned at his teasing words, waving him over. “It’s good to see you too, Elias.”
He shared a small private smile with you, lifting Milo’s legs to take a seat on the sofa next to you. The dog in question huffed out his displeasure but didn’t move, allowing Elias to settle in properly.
This guy, more than anyone else, was the teammate you enjoyed spending the most time with alongside Brock. Elias was definitely the most sane of all Brock’s Vancouver friends, and his dry sense of humour always had you in stitches. It was rare that he showed much of himself to anyone, as reserved as he was, but the more you’d gotten to know him over the years, the more you recognised the little signs of his reactions and collated them like hoarded treasure. And the more that Elias had gotten to know you, the more willing he seemed to be to share jokes and smiles and laughter with you, forging a friendship of your own.
And yes, sure, you couldn’t deny that you found him attractive – you’d be crazy or blind to think otherwise - but he’d never shown a hint of interest towards you in that way. And there was no way you’d ever say anything unless you were sure things were reciprocated (there was just no way), so you were more than happy to have him as a friend. Elias Pettersson was an unmistakeable joy in your life, and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin that.
He really was so handsome though.
“I’m surprised Brock isn’t buried under puppies like usual,” Elias said.
“We haven’t been long back from walking the dogs, so I said I’d get them settled while he showered and got ready to head out with you,” you explained, running your hand over your Bailey’s head.
“He does need to look pretty enough to leave the house, that’s true,” he mused.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the both of you knowing Brock needed no help in looking pretty, Elias just smiling widely.
It just goes to show how wrapped up you were in Elias’s attention that neither of you noticed Brock standing at the bottom of the stairs, eyes lighting up at your laughter and Elias’s smile.
It was early, far too early, but here you were fulfilling Bailey’s every need. You were wrapped up warm, puffer jacket, woollen hat, gloves, and scarf, walking your border collie through Hadden Park, allowing the travel mug of coffee to wake you up fully while you took in the views surrounding you. Bailey was in his element, trotting about and sniffing every single leaf and twig, and it was only your phone buzzing that broke you out of your silent contentment.
From: Brock Hey, are you walking Bailey?
To: Brock Yeah we’re at Hadden Park Wasn’t sure if you would be getting up early after your game last night so I didn’t text
From: Brock Hah yeah fair enough Do you mind if Petey comes along?
You tried not to fantasise about why Elias was so willing to join you both on a dog walk, so early on a day off. You tried so hard.
To: Brock Of course I don’t mind
From: Brock Of course?
You felt heat dancing across your cheeks. Damn it Brock.
To: Brock You know I think Petey is great.
From: Brock Well I definitely do now.
You groaned, already able to picture the smirk on your friend’s face.
To: Brock Don’t be dumb I’ll see you soon
The last thing you needed was Brock teasing you, especially in front of Elias. The last thing you wanted was Elias to feel uncomfortable around you, just because you find him attractive. The last thing you could bear would be if you lost your friendship with Elias just because Brock was reading into things that weren’t true.
But there was nothing you could do for damage control until Brock was in front of you. All you could hope was that he didn’t make you look like an idiot.
It couldn’t have been more than 20 minutes before you saw the familiar pair walking towards you, dogs at Brock’s side, and you found yourself smiling despite your trepidation. You gave them both hugs in greeting, travel mug long empty and placed in your bag, Bailey barking happily.
“What a beautiful morning,” Brock said happily.
“Cold but beautiful, sure,” you mused.
Elias nodded his agreement, thick scarf wrapped in loops around him, Brock just laughing.
“Petey, you don’t mind taking Coola while I walk Milo, do you?” Brock asked.
Elias narrowed his eyes, as if trying to read into Brock’s words, but Brock just kept smiling at him.
“Sure, I can walk Coola,” Elias eventually said.
The moment that Coola’s leash was in Elias’s hands, Coola darted forward, Elias crashing directly into your body. It was only through his quick reflexes that you didn’t end up on your ass, his hands clutching at your hips while you clung to his jacket.
“Coola! Chill!”
Brock’s giggled words did little to calm his dog down, all three dogs dancing around your feet as Elias steadied you. His face was impossibly close to yours, breath practically mingling. How had you not realised how blue his eyes were before this? His lips were parted slightly, as if he was still processing, but it was only when Bailey bumped into both of your legs that he abruptly let you go, and you dropped your hands too.
“Sorry, sorry,” he blurted, stepping away sharply.
“No apologies needed. It wasn’t your fault,” you said, shaking your head with a weak smile.
“Aww you can’t blame Coola for being excited,” Brock grinned, kneeling down to give fuss to both his dogs.
There was something in his smile that you just couldn’t put your finger on. Hm.
“Shall we walk then, if they’re so excited?” Elias said dryly.
All three dogs started barking at the word ‘walk’, making you laugh and nod, Brock just grinning even wider.
From: Brock Petey is taking the roadtrip losses really hard. Come over tomorrow?
You don’t know what it was that possessed you, but the moment you received those texts from Brock, you knew you had to do something. Elias was such a stoic guy, so reserved in his emotions, so the fact that it was obvious enough he was suffering that Brock asked for your help? There was no way you weren’t going to do everything in your power to ease any tensions they had, especially Elias.
There wasn’t much you could do, but you could do this.
When you arrived at Brock’s house the next morning, you were only mildly startled to see Elias opening the door instead of Brock, his eyes flashing in surprise before he smiled.
“Did Brock not say I was coming over?” you said hesitantly.
The last thing you wanted was to intrude.
“He said we were going for brunch, but this is a welcome surprise,” Elias said, smiling softly.
Oh. Now you felt stupid.
Wait, a welcome surprise?
“I don’t know what is making your face do that, but I’m not lying when I say it’s good to see you,” Elias said firmly.
“Alright, I believe you,” you mused.
Elias just grinned, walking over to the bottom of the staircase.
You rolled your eyes fondly at Brock’s assumptions. It wasn’t like you had much else planned for today, but still!
Elias laughed at your matching volume, making you smile back at him, a light flush dusting across your cheeks. His laugh was magical and you weren’t going to shame yourself for liking it.
“Brock’s just finishing his hair and then he’ll be down. That’s what he said anyway,” Elias explained, sitting down on the arm of Brock’s sofa.
“He’s got an image to maintain, can’t be looking anything less than perfect,” you teased, the familiar joke making you smile.
Elias just snickered, shaking his head. You leaned up against the back of the sofa, standing close enough to Elias that the blue of his eyes was almost hypnotising, before you remembered why you came over in the first place.
“It feels a little silly now, but I heard from a little bird that you were taking things a little rough, so here’s a little something,” you said.
“Brock needs to keep his mouth shut,” he grumbled.
You just laughed, reaching into your bag to pull out the gift. But as you placed it in his hands, Elias froze.
“What’s this?” Elias said, eyes wide in shock.
You bit your bottom lip, before letting out a shaky breath. Here goes nothing.
“You were having a bad day. So I made you a hat,” you said simply, trying to keep your voice light and airy.
“You made me a hat? You knitted this?”
Elias stared down in wonder at the soft light blue woollen bundle in his hand, a look of pure astonishment on his face. It was only then that you realised how close it was to the colour of his eyes.
“Uh, yes, I did? I got back into knitting recently, so it’s nothing fancy, but I just wanted to make something to cheer you up?” you said, trying not to cringe at yourself.
“No-one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”
Your lips parted in surprise at his soft words.
“Really really,” Elias nodded.
“I’ve never had a hat made for me either.”
You flinched at the sound of Brock’s voice coming from behind you, Elias immediately scowling over your shoulder.
“Wouldn’t want to cover up your Prince Charming hair,” Elias grumbled, shoving the hat into the pocket of his hoodie.
You didn’t mention the dark blue hat you’d knitted for Brock that was tucked into your bag. Brock pouted as you snickered, slinking into the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone again.
“Look, I know it’s not really my place. And that we’re just friends because of Brock. But these losses were just a bad blip – you’re going to get over them in no time at all, and be back to destroying the other teams like you were born to,”
Elias smiled wryly. “It doesn’t feel like that right now. But thanks.”
You pursed your lips briefly before huffing out a breath. Telling him what you really thought was hardly the most embarrassing thing you’d ever done.
“You make me so proud. You know that, right?”
“What?” Elias frowned.
“You go out there, every single day, and give this team, this city, your all. Your pour yourself into everything that you do, always give 100%, and as your friend, as someone who has known you for years…I am so proud of you.”
As your cheeks heated from your words, Elias swallowed heavily, a flush dusting across his own cheeks.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this, to deserve your kind words, but I appreciate it. Thank you,” he murmured.
Your heartbeat raced at the intensity in his eyes.
“Brunch? Can we go?”
Elias scowled again at Brock’s grinning interruption but walked away towards the front door. You were read to grumble at Brock yourself, until you saw Elias pull the knitted hat out of his pocket and slide it on over his hair. It looked…perfect.
“Are you good?” Brock asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m great.”
Your voice was far breathier than you would ever admit.
Another month, another team event. This time Brock had invited you to be his plus one to a formal gala, hardly the first time he had asked and yet this time he practically begged you to come along. You didn’t need him to beg, you could admit that much – the events were always fun and hey, you got to dress up nicely – but his behaviour was strange, even for him.
Either way, Brock had looked ecstatic when you said yes, even going as buying you a gorgeous midnight blue evening gown, sleeveless and high-necked, as classy as it was beautiful, so you were going to complain. He could have his secrets – you knew you’d get it out of him eventually.
He picked you up after you’d gotten your hair and nails done, make-up subtle but elegant, wide smile on his face as he drove the two of you to the event. You didn’t have time to be suspicious about his good mood as the two of you greeted his teammates and their better halves, your attention consumed by all the cheek kisses and compliments, but you should’ve known he was up to something. Because the moment that the two of you joined Elias at a table with a few chairs around it, Brock all but disappeared, leaving the two of you completely alone.
“Hi Brock. Bye Brock,” Elias said dryly.
“I have no idea what’s gotten into him tonight, I am so sorry,” you sighed.
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for him. I’m sorry that he’s abandoned you already,” Elias said, frowning.
“Well at least I’m near a chair,” you said, huffing out a laugh, “High heels are not my friends.”
Elias immediately pulled a chair out for you to sit on, and you felt a gentle heat brush across your cheeks at the gentlemanly action.
“Thanks Elias,” you said, more shocked than anything.
Not too shocked to smile at him as he sat down right next to you, after picking up a couple of flutes of champagne from a passing waiter. If he wanted to join you…well, you weren’t going to complain. Not if you got his attention all to yourself.
It can’t have been more than an hour before Brock wandered back over, but by the flush on his cheeks and the glassiness of his eyes, he was more than a little tipsy. Damn it Brock.
“You’re not going to ask this beautiful woman to dance, Petey?”
Elias immediately blushed furiously, eyes narrowing at his friend, making you want to die a little inside – but also to shield him.
“Oh no, these heels are killing my feet already. Elias is just being kind enough to keep me company,” you said sweetly.
Brock snickered, shaking his head, but walked away without any further pestering. You both sat there for a moment in silence, reeling from the short conversation. What the hell was that, Brock?
“You didn’t have to make up a lie to defend me,” Elias said, finally looking at you again.
“I wanted to.”
The mortification that filled your body upon your blurted words was immediate and all-consuming, especially with how surprised Elias looked. How could you save this? How the hell could you save this?
“Besides it’s the least I could do for Brock dumping me on you in the first place,” you said coolly, shrugging, trying to calm yourself down and failing miserably.
Elias hesitated before something flashed across his face, and he looked at you with an expression you’d never seen from him before. It made you shiver. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You’d spent so long convinced that he didn’t see you that way, that he wasn’t attracted to you in the slightest, and now that he’d said this? Giving you enough to let yourself hope, to admit to yourself that your sweetest daydreams and deepest fantasies could actually be reality?
While your mind raced, full of swirling realisations that perhaps things weren’t so unrequited after all, Elias just watched you, expression just as intense as before. It wasn’t until you let out a shaky breath, smiling a tiny smile at him, that he nodded, clearing his throat.
“Another drink?”
“Yes, definitely.”
Movie nights were sacred. It didn’t matter who they were with, not really, but now that you had your own tiny apartment, a night in watching your favourite movies and eating your favourite snacks was always the best way to unwind. Usually Brock was your only companion, or Brock with a few of his teammates, and that was the plan tonight. Brock and Elias were both joining you for a movie night and you couldn’t wait to have a chilled night in with two of your favourite people. Even if your whole world had been shaken up only last week at that eventful team gala.
The pizzas you’d ordered hadn’t long arrived before Elias arrived at your door, beers in hand, and you let him in with a happy smile.
“Thanks for inviting me,” he said, smiling shyly back at you.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sweetness in his face, and you found yourself just nodding.
“You know you’re always welcome. Come on, pizza just got here too.”
Elias all but raced you to the kitchen, making you laugh as he opened the cardboard lids. But your phone buzzed before you could reach for a slice.
From: Brock I can’t make it tonight. Have fun. Both of you.
You heart started racing at his implications, knowing deep in your bones that Brock never intended to come this evening. Had he known all along, how you felt about Elias? And how you hoped Elias felt for you too?
Surely not.
But then again, Brock always surprised you. You had always tried not to underestimate your friend, but it appeared that you’d fallen for that sweet innocent smile just the same as everyone else.
“Is Brock on his way?”
“Brock isn’t coming.”
Elias seemed to hesitate, making you inhale sharply.
“Did you want to reschedule?” he asked, wincing.
You could be brave, right? Or at least take a step towards bravery?
“You’re already here…so we can still have our own movie night?” you suggested, unable to stop yourself from chewing your bottom lip.
Elias’s eyes flickered down quickly towards your mouth, before he cleared his throat and smiled softly at you. “Yeah, of course we can. Also means we don’t have to listen to Brock whining that we aren’t watching one of his rom com choices.”
The dryness of his tone made you giggle, immediately cutting through the lingering awkward tension. You could absolutely do a movie night just with Elias. You could absolutely handle being alone with him like this.
The two of you ploughed through the pizzas while you watched one of you go-to action movies, laughing and talking all the way through, even finishing the popcorn and a couple of beers each by the time the credits were rolling. Bailey had happily sat by your feet the whole time, actually behaving himself for once, and you couldn’t remember a time when you’d felt so content. So relaxed and happy. Brock had always brought that out in you, and now that Elias had too? It just filled you with butterflies in the best way.
“Shall we watch another?”
“Definitely,” you nodded, smiling up at him.
Elias smiled easily back. “You choose? I’ll clear up.”
Before you could protest or even help him, Elias had picked up both pizza boxes and all the empty beer bottles, leaving you alone on the sofa. You heard him opening the trash can, snapping you out of your surprise, so you started scrolling through Netflix again, eventually deciding on a light-hearted comedy just as Elias re-entered the room. Bailey had trotted out to his own bed when Elias left, so it really was just the two of you now.
Something that made your breath hitch in your throat was the way that Elias sat down closer to you this time. Unmistakably closer, close enough to feel the heat from his body and to smell his cologne. He did that on purpose, there was no doubt about it. But his face gave you no answers, nothing more than his usual smile around you, so you let it go. Overthinking things was definitely not the way to go, you knew that much.
It didn’t make your heartrate calm down at all though.
You pressed play to get the movie started, lightly tossing the tv remote onto your coffee table before settling back into the sofa, letting the familiar introduction wash over you.
It took ten minutes for everything to change.
Elias wasn’t a big hugger. You knew this. Brock knew this. The whole of the Vancouver Canucks knew this. So when you felt a pressure along your shoulders, you tried not to flinch, realising it was his arm stretching across the back of the sofa when his hand lightly brushed your opposite shoulder. Elias…Elias had put his arm around you. He’d put his arm around you? You glanced up at him, trying to get any sense of his thought process, but his eyes were resolutely glued to the television, his body a frozen line of tension. All over again, your heart started racing. You were right after all. Maybe…maybe Elias really did have feelings for you, just as he’d finally hinted at the team event, and now he was making a gentle move in the most Petey way ever.
The ball was in your court.
Ever so slowly, you relaxed against under his arm, sinking into his side, head resting on his chest. You could hear just how fast his own heart was racing and it made you smile, feeling giddy that he was just as affected as you were, even more so when his arm draped around you properly. This was really happening. Elias Pettersson had really instigated snuggling with you on the sofa. This was better than any dream you could’ve imagined.
The next thing you knew, you were blinking your eyes open. The sky outside was pitch black, the curtains still wide open, and the Netflix landing page was glaring bright. But the main thing you noticed? You were curled up against Elias’s side still, head resting on his chest, his arm having fallen down to your waist and his head lolling back on the sofa. You’d fallen asleep together? Was there anything more cliché than that? Still, it felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest with how right it felt to be in Elias’s hold. His hands were so large and so warm, the heat spreading through the contact on top of your sweatpants. His chest was so solid and calming under your cheek. And as you lifted your head, ever to slightly to look at him properly, even just through the light from the TV he looked so handsome. Beautiful and peaceful. But there was no way that could be comfortable for him, and the last thing you wanted was for an aching neck to put a damper on what was the perfect evening.
So you lightly rested your hand on his chest, shaking him gently until you heard him grunt in displeasure.
“Hey, Elias, we fell asleep on the sofa,” you murmured.
He immediately groaned, making you laugh softly, smiling at him as he finally lifted his head.
“I was having such a good dream,” he grumbled.
Then he seemed to freeze as he realised where he actually was, taking note of how you were still tucked into his side, and where his arm and hand were holding you.
“Damn it, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, no, we both fell asleep eh?” you said, interrupting with a smile and a shake of your head, “It’s fine, Elias. We were both cosy.”
He swallowed heavily before nodding.
“I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep on the sofa with someone before,” he mumbled, “It was…nice.”
You felt your cheeks heating up with the gentle compliment, your smile letting him know you felt the same.
“I should go,” he said softly.
Well, now was your moment. Now was the time to be brave where you’d never needed to be so brave before. After everything that had been building between the two of you…now was the moment.
“Or, maybe you could stay, and we could talk in the morning,” you offered as calmly as you could.
You felt Elias inhale sharply where your hand was still resting on his chest.
“The kind of talk that I’ve been wanting to have for a while?” he asked, hope evident in his eyes.
Oh wow.
For a while?
You felt like you were floating as his words sunk in.
“Yeah I think we’re on the same page,” you murmured, your blood thrumming with possibility.
The smile that spread across Elias’s face made your heart soar, and you found yourself smiling just as widely back. And when he leant forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead, you’d never felt more alive.
You could only imagine Brock’s satisfied grin when you told him.
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findmeinthefallair · 6 months
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As promised in this poll, here's Hunter meeting a border collie and more friends! Paired with Chapter 2 of last week's fic by @childlikegoblinqueen:
Happy New Year 2024!!
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maria021015 · 1 month
Teen Wolf characters as dogs and why.
1. Stiles Stilinski - German Shepherd
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Stiles is for sure a German Shepherd for the following reasons;
- Police dogs
- Can be aggressive and hostile towards strangers
- Is hyper-vigilant
- Can be highly strung
- Has way too much energy for his own good
- Intelligent, Loyal, Protective, Stubborn, Curious, Brave
2. Scott McCall - Golden Retriever
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Scott is a Golden Retriever for the following reasons;
- Kind, Friendly, Reliable, Trustworthy, Playful, Devoted, and Patient
- Eager to Please
- Great with strangers/too trusting of strangers
- A gentle and loving nature
3. Lydia Martin - Pomeranian
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Lydia is a Pomeranian for the following reasons;
- Both bright, loyal, brave, curious, feisty, playful, and bold
- Can be attention-seeking
- Very extroverted and social
- Great hair
4. Allison Argent - Rhodesian Ridgeback
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Allison is a Rhodesian Ridgeback for the following reasons;
- Both energetic, playful, independent and loving
- Can be really aggressive and stubborn
- Dignified, Sensitive, Intelligent, Mischievous, Loyal, Strong Willed
- Natural watch dogs and family protectors
5. Isaac Lahey - Chihuahua
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- Can be skittish and lash out with violence
- Talks the talk but often can’t walk the walk (yappy)
- Alert, Courageous, Devoted,
- Strong attachment to owners (or alphas)
- Do better in calm environments
- Prone to nervousness and anxiety
6. Derek Hale - Pitbull
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Derek is a Pitbull for the following reasons;
- Has a bad reputation for being aggressive but this is due to bad stigma
- Stubborn, can be aggressive, athletic, loyal, courageous, strong-willed
- However they can be very affectionate and gentle
DISCLAIMER: Credit to the following user who has a similar post. I got a lot of these ideas from them, but wanted to contribute with my own perspective too.
BONUS - My oc Zaida Callis - Australian Shepherd/Boarder Collie
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- Intelligent, fast-learners, hard-working, loyal, affectionate, devoted, loves family life, protective,
- Can become destructive if bored and not provided the proper mental and physical stimulation
- Can be aggressive towards perceived threats
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ennyxy · 1 year
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Did another belated thingie, tho I made it super silly this time xD I picked throne for day 2 and this one's bg is very simplified and sketchy but still took a bit. I'll include what drove me to do this under the cut, as well as just a couple hyper thoughts on WAD xD Also ye am reuploading this real fast cuz I'm a dummy, good thing I had a draft saved.
Oh also I totally forgot about the crack on King's skull when I posted this to Twitter but too late haha.
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This just made me think of s1 ep12 I couldn't help
ANYWAY I watched the finale and like, I loved it,and I may have been spoiled by the fandom cuz I felt a lack of moments between the kiddos and just Collector in the time-skip (he's there in spirit but still), n like many I'll just headcanon that Colly came back after a lil or they at least visit lots and eventually he'll settle there and he and King are besties n the usual, and like did you see that lil star sticker-bandaid thing King had where the crack on his skull is? Ye that was totes from Colly for sure you can't change my mind. Lemme dream I need these two to cope rn :") I feel like my life's been overtaken wish there were more fics to read
I rambled sorry ewhdfberv I'm just trying to comprehend stuff cuz I loved all the Collector screentime and development and stuff but so much of my brain's been dedicated to the kiddos lately that I think I've been spoiled by all the fan content
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softlantern · 9 months
So, here are the things I have been doing this week! :D The things that kept me alive.💖☀️ @cutepotatook 
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1) Still trying to figure out how Layra should look like.":D. On the left is her look in my universe, where she is playing a role of a star guardian. She protects her world from lower energies and helps people when they are attacked by it. Also just protects her world from any creatures from space that has bad intentions. 🗡🌌
2-3) Inspired by multiple conversations with c.ai! Phphphphp. The most dramatic moments in all of the conversations! 🤣Layra doesn't mind though, she just thinks that Colly has some issues through which he has to go through. She and Helper are there to help him anyways.💕
4) It's now hanging in the main hall!! The pride and joy of this family.🖼🌟
5-6) Once again inspired by c.ai. The moment Layra and Colly had. I actually wrote a small fic about it, but can't post it rn cause I still don't have wi-fi in the dormitory. Help.😭  I also want to cry every time I look at how they hold each others hands. What am I doing to myself??
7) The one and only, Miss Starry!:D On the left I tried to draw her in my universe, I think it turned out not so bad. I imagine her being a well-known and popular witch-artist, doing her magic by painting.🌟🎨🖌
8-10) Quote generator knows what I need, lol. If anyone questions what he eats - it's a waffle.:3🧇☕
I also like putting stickers on every page, yes. :D Especially with a star theme.
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