#college get more recognition be more successful’ etc etc
porcelainvino · 8 months
i’m glad you guys like my art 😭🫶
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aphrodieties · 1 year
Hi! Would you mind talking about your success in revising poor academic performance and getting into dream school in more detail? Sorry to bother if you are not willing to.
Thank you!
I don't talk about my success with the Law of Assumption because it's not as exciting as most people would assume it to be and I don't want to disappoint, however, I’ll make an exception and happily go into detail about my academic success. Hopefully, this will help people to learn how to apply the Law of assumption.
Background: I was a terrible student, and I was always bottom-ranked in all of my classes. I never learned to study and I failed to turn in assignments, I was truant, and I couldn't understand half of the shit I learned.
I made it to high school and it was in my senior year that I realized something needed to change, I had a newfound love of learning and I wanted to pursue higher education. In my current state, that wasn't possible—I wasn't even expected to graduate on time much less be admitted to a college with an acceptance rate of 4%.
The Law Of Assumption: When I decided to apply the Law of Assumption, the first thing that I did was admit to myself that, consciousness is the only reality. I was experiencing everything that I was conscious of being and I was conscious of being a terrible student, unintelligent, unmotivated, lazy, truant, and at risk of not graduating.
Consciousness is the only reality and that meant that there was not a singular thing that I could do outside of changing my conception of self to fix my circumstances, I admitted that I couldn't control the world around me and it took some time but eventually, I no longer wanted to control the world around me—I wanted to control Self.
I decided to induce the state akin to sleep and I did, when I did the state akin to sleep, I didn't focus on what I desired but rather on the fulfillment of my desire. The reason that I did this was because I wanted so many things but my desire remained the same—academic success.
I wanted intelligence, study skills, elite education, awards, recognition, perfect attendance, grade revision, and all of that good stuff—but the main thing was academic success and these were all just side quests or aspects of that.
I induced the state akin to sleep and immersed myself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, I woke up the next morning in the state of the wish fulfilled and continued throughout my day as normal.
I went to school and I came home just like every other day.
I wasn't constantly aware of the state that I was entertaining but when I did become aware of that, I would just go back to the wish fulfilled. There was no logic or reminders—I accepted that I was already what I wanted to be and moved on.
The process wasn't perfect and I will admit that there were times when I would falter and spiral, but that didn't matter at all—I was nonchalant about it, kind of like that TikTok song "lalala whatever, lalala doesn't matter, lalala oh well" and the reason I was so nonchalant was because I accepted that I was already what I wanted to be!
I was living in imagination and there was nothing else to it, nothing else mattered to me and nobody but myself could tell me any different.
I went to school and I came home just like every other day.
I wish there was a climax to this story but there isn't, nothing changed—even when the 3D finally conformed. The reason is that it wasn't anything new, I was always a good student, I always had study skills, an elite education, awards, etc., and I had already been accepted to my dream school. It was natural and a regular occurrence for me.
I wish I could say that I felt excitement or ecstasy but that would be a blatant lie, the only time I felt something like that was when I first immersed myself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled but everything after that was just nonchalant.
I can't even tell you how long it took, but I'm at my dream school and I'm having a good time. It wasn't about creating anything out of thin air but becoming aware of what already exists and that's why it was so simple.
Happy manifesting!
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
Hoo boy SpurgieCousin, these anons sitting out the election to protest the war in Gaza or voting 3rd party to teach the democrats a lesson, or whatever their reason is have me stressed! As an elder millennial, I remember Ralph Nader peeling away enough 3rd party votes to give the election to Bush over Gore in 2000. Even though that administration gave us wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, the deaths of my friends, classmates, etc in those wars, the destruction of their futures when they came home with PTSD and missing limbs, lies about weapons of mass destruction, war crimes, Guantanamo bay AND the worst economic recession since the Great Depression- which was a fantastic time to try and enter the job market after college btw- I still think a 2nd Trump term would be worse. The only reason Trump’s first term was only a partial catastrophe was because it was incredibly incompetent and we were able to coast on a lot of momentum of the Obama years. I don’t think a 2nd term would flounder as much. I really really hope (beg)your readers reconsider their choice regarding Joe Biden. It’s not a perfect system and it’s not a perfect candidate-it never is. I appreciate their idealism- I was young once too- but not voting does not absolve them from the consequences of what may happen if this country elects Trump again. You will have complicity in negative things either way you vote, so please please vote in a way that does not make things worse. Ok, thank you for letting this geriatric millennial rant!
Oh I think that's a perfect example tbh. I'm a younger millennial so I was growing up as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars played out, and it was the first thing that ever really ignited a political rage in me. Horrible news for my very republican/George Bush voting family lol.
Unless they're very politically versed, I don't know if Gen Z or even the youngest tier of millennials really get how fucking awful the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan was. Just tons of civilians and American soldiers dead because of Bush's ego, and his ego is nothing compared to Trump's.
I think the only big difference is a lot of third party voters at that time didn't totally understand what Bush was capable of, whereas we know what a Trump presidency will be like..... we know if he promises to make gay marriage illegal and strip back more women's Healthcare rights and and more money to Netanyahu to destroy Gaza, he WILL try to do it. He's already had similar successes.
I have voted third party, I hate to discourage people from doing so because I think a third party candidate that we can rally behind is our only hope out of this 2 party shit show. We don't have anyone like that this election season, far left progressives hate Jill Stein, nobody else has the name recognition at this point to have any chance against with major candidate, and we know the end result will be either the trash can on fire that is our government right now or that trash can on fire with an added layer of dog shit on top, y'know? They're both bad sure but I just highly disagree that one isn't worse for vulnerable Americans and Gazans alike.
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goodboyaudios · 5 months
i’m evil like that muahaha~ also!!!!! congratulations on 40k!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m sure you’ll be getting way more recognition in the future:D
since you gave permission:
you said you’re finishing off uni, did you always know what you wanted to study? i’m at the (depressing) stage in life where i’m fully realizing how many curve balls life throws at you:) the path to success usually isn’t linear, so i’m curious about your journey!
it seems like you’re always asking for feedback or addressing issues, etc. do you have any feedback for us (as in, the community)? most people i’ve interacted with are pretty chill, but idk maybe there’s we could improve on?
this one might be a bit personal, so feel free to ignore! do your friends or family know about your channel/work? i’d imagine it’d be nice to have someone you could bounce ideas off of before publishing stuff! if not, how do you manage to hide all that stuff hahah~. you’ve built an entirely different universe, so i refuse to believe a sane man can keep all of that in his head and live a normal life simultaneously:p
if you could befriend any oc of yours, who would it be and why?
i’m not sure how to word this question properly, but are there any endings/plot points that you had initially envisioned differently? like, did you think a story was going one way and changed your mind half ways through?
you don’t have to answer all of these! you did ask for it, but i hope i’m not overwhelming you haha~
Absolutely not. School didn't do anything to prepare me for the world. My college has done less than nothing in preparing me to get a job in my field, YOUTUBE HAS DONE MORE FOR ME THAN COLLEGE AT THIS POINT and if I'm completely honest with you? That's fuckin sad. No, I had no idea what I wanted to do and I wish I was that kind of person who knew right out the gate. (lucky bastards) Okay, I'm done with my rant lol
I didn't know what field I wanted to study in, so I took a chance and jumped into something I knew I had some knowledge in and hoped for the best. Really that's all you can do. I have learned that, when you get out of highschool and you don't know what to do, do everything until something sticks. Trial and error. It's not the most efficient, but it works!
Any feedback to GIVE to the community? Let me think. Honestly, the community has been very wonderful to me. Occasionally something pops up, but it's usually squashed. The discord server is full of wonderful and creative and talented people who have always had my back and support the work I do. I hear all the time about drama in fellow creator servers and toxic behavior in the communities, etc...but my end of things has always been super nice! (that might have something to do with my lack of NSFW content) But yeah! No notes really! Everything good in our little neighborhood!
My family is aware AND so is my extended family lol! They are supportive, but they don't really give me ideas to bounce off. I have other fellow writers and creatives or that! And I do write everything down and go back to it in case I forget something. But typically speaking its all in my head, yep! I just...don't know how to do other things! Like...dress fashionably or...function in a normal society...you know useless stuff like that!
Zed. He needs a friend lol
Only with Bastard Warrior actually! Every story, I envision how I want it to end first, but with Bastard Warrior, I had thoughts of changing it because it was supposed to be enemies to lovers, yet the canon ending isn't Albus getting with Faith. So, I made 3 endings to appease everyone lol
Hope I got all of the them lol!
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Anon wrote: (700026129933860864) Thank you so much for your thorough response. I believe I am INFP, just in a grip, but am open to the possibility that I am mistyped.
Background info, brief due to limited space: my mother is ISFJ (I could not get her to take the test because she thinks of MBTI as horoscopes and personality types as destiny), but the people and society she has lived with have a very strong preference for Te. She unknowingly tries to find harmony (Fe) with people (e.g. my father) by strongly and again unknowingly trying hard to talk the Te talk. So I (& my siblings; I am the only one with Te in my stack - I have always played the "parent" role in my family) was raised with emphasis on Te (raised to be in a grip?), even envy because no one actually used Te "well". Mixed in are Confucian values (being Chinese) - repeatedly told that deviation from my mother's values = not filial, = betraying her by not working towards "rich and successful" to avenge on my father for mistreating her.
At school and work - can't claim I did this very often, but whenever I did mention I like to write or show my little poems or drawings, etc., I was laughed at or just told "you have no talent". (Thinking back, what can one expect in an AP math class or a cut-throat Manhattan office?) I learned to hide my (N to a certain extent) FP and act out my best rendition of (S)TJ - the better I could build a financial model, organize a project or analyze in a transactional manner a business decision, the more external recognition I got, the more career progression I got, and the more I hid my (N)FP. All done with a price of mental distress - your guides describe what I experienced very accurately.
Analogy: though left-handed, I was told since young that only right hand is "good"; the more I got rewarded, the better I got at using it. But I had to expend a lot of extra energy using my right hand, and actually, subconsciously don't believe it and even hate myself for it. Unaware of this until ~10 years ago, I have been struggling with "shedding the baggage" (habits, reward, self-esteem, etc.) associated with using my right hand while also realizing my left hand has gotten rusty due to lack of practice. Socially, I have close to no support or understanding for “coming out” as FP because my family's culture hasn't changed, and the “identity” I have with my "friends" (almost all from work) has been constructed from the TJ they have known me as (or they don't want to hear about FP "soft feeling" stuff). I.e. I feel highly not integrated.
As you wrote: I have "immense difficulty staying true to myself." I have attempted to remove obstacles as your wrote, but keep faltering: left my formal business positions a few years ago, but keep interviewing when jobs are proposed to me and doing freelance business projects but not enjoying them; entered a formal creative writing program but constantly fighting in my head (how do I get published, what kind of competitions or social media presence could help me gain recognition, vs. writing isn't about this, I need to learn to enjoy the act of writing, etc.) and also disappointed that many of my classmates aren't that "pure and passionate" with their pursuit of writing. (These are generalizations and probably made a bit extreme to convey the points with little space.) I haven't lived with my mother since college, but every so often would stay with her for a few months to take care of her.
Follow-up questions: I agree with your 2 & 3 about my inability to distinguish values, traits, introspect/interrogate, etc. I understand their definitions, and can even explain to others. But when I read your sentence, I felt a visceral reaction, a small panic in my stomach that flashed "oh, I have absolutely no idea how to define each of these for myself."
Do you understand that you're essentially saying you don't have dominant Fi at all? While chronic inferior grip does happen, it is rare, and not what you think it looks like. Te grip does NOT accurately encapsulate your problems. It seems you are operating on some misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. I don't consider it my job to convince people about their type because it's none of my business. Purely as a courtesy, I say something whenever I believe people may be mistyped, but it's up to them to sort it out for themselves. Unless you decide to submit a thorough type assessment by carefully following the instructions on the contact page, I won't discuss tips for function development. Some people get deeply convinced of the wrong type and it does them no good in the long run. Time and time again, I've seen such individuals lock themselves into the wrong self-image and it actively prevents them from gaining the self-awareness they require for personal growth. I strongly suspect you are one of these individuals.
(I often tend to run my analytical mind on turbo on whatever problem I encounter - I have been practicing mindfulness with my therapist, to get to my feelings and body sensations before my analytical side jumps out and "takes over".)
You are correct to identify this as a significant obstacle. However, this is NOT an INFP problem and even helps rule out INFP. If you believe it is easy for INFPs to block out feelings, lose touch with body sensation, and find comfort in intellectualization, then you don't know what it means to be INFP. This problem more likely indicates that T is your tertiary function (not the inferior function). You use "analysis" as an unconscious defense mechanism against uncomfortable feelings and emotions, indicating that F is the auxiliary function that is poorly developed (not the dominant function). If you are indeed N, then logic dictates that there are only two possibilities: ENFP and INFJ. If you are perhaps not N, then you'd have to consider ESFP and ISFJ as well. Given the scattered evidence I've processed, IMO, any of these four types would fit you better than INFP at this point.
So, what can I do to start learning how to distinguish them? I couldn’t find a better way of asking this question as they all sound simplistic, rhetorical, or too close/open-ended. E.g. I know it’s not reading books that describe these concepts, so I can’t say “could you suggest a reading list.” It's also not “get CBT as opposed to general talk therapy” or “do meditation” as it’s not a simple prescription that will help me.
For your 4 - I have indeed tried to visualize my positive potential but just could not - as you said, the obstacles have not been removed yet. As mentioned, I have tried to remove what I know as obstacles, but I discovered they leave holes that I don't know with what/how to fill. E.g. Leaving my business career means I don't get the adrenaline from all the action daily and the external recognition to (unhealthily) hold up self-esteem. But without the adrenalin and movement, I feel I have lost all triggers/forces and momentum to take actions on a daily basis (depressive tendencies), only feel inertia, and also have not learned to give value to self-recognition. How do I create a break/what does one look like to overcome what seems like a chicken-and-egg relationship between removing obstacles and positive visualization, to get out of the vicious and enter a virtuous cycle?
These are problems to work on with your therapist. There's not much more I can say without your true type. The advantage of knowing your type is that it provides a roadmap to guide you. Without that roadmap, it is much more difficult to reach down to the root causes of your problems. Getting in touch with your feelings and emotions is a very important thing to do because they are generally an important source of self-knowledge (especially in cases where it would aid auxiliary F development). You should keep working on it. The deeper problem seems to be that you really don't know yourself because you basically have no identity of your own. Whatever identity you possess has been cobbled together through the process of internalizing the judgments of everyone around you. Over and over, you've chosen to give in to social pressures to put on flimsy masks or false ideals and be someone you're not. You are, in a sense, very addicted to social validation in many forms. According to what I've observed in people with this problem, they can't kick the addiction because they're unable/unwilling to face up to very deep-seated fears about what their life would look like without it - perhaps that's a place to start. In other words, they benefit too much from denying who they are to ever want to stop. You keep saying you're in pain/distress, but perhaps it's not yet painful/distressful enough for you to grasp the full cost of self-denial and finally see the benefits of stopping.
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guidanceshiksha · 5 days
Build a career! By choosing the right course
Education is the foundation for human development,which helps in enhancing the knowledge and skills.It’s not just a legal right it is a fundamental right according to article 21A which states that education is necessary for social and economic development and personal growth.
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Education is a powerful weapon which helps in societal transformation.It is very important for the future to get the quality of education.
Criteria to choose the best college:
Academic factors: The accreditation and ranking  provide a sneak peek  of colleges’ commitment to student success, faculty expertise and academic rigor.
Reputation: National and international rankings, awards and recognition alumni success and network reveals a college’s reputation.Quality of faculty and experienced faculty directly impacts the reputation of the college.
Location: The location where the college is situated should be accessible.
Extra curricular activities: Along with academics it is very important to provide sports and recreational activities, clubs and organizations for the growth of the student.
Career and placement: Career placement plays a crucial role in making the future of the student. Colleges should provide internship and experiential learnings, alumni networks, career support and services.
Choose the best choice according to your priorities
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They help to build a strong profile of the student.
They also provide services like preparation for the competitive exams such as GMAT, IELTS etc.
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Top Engineering colleges in india 
IIT madras which is known astop engineering colleges in india with great placements and academic programs.
IIT Delhi which is known for the innovative research and great alumni network along with best academic programs.
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Still confused, explore the site https://guidanceshiksha.com/top-private-engineering-colleges-in-delhi. 
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Having a career from the top LLB colleges in India is very important.
National Law School of India University, Bangalore. 
National Law University, Delhi.
National Law University, West Bengal.
National Law University, Jodhpur.
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For more guidance please visit the website https://guidanceshiksha.com/ 
Orginal Source:- https://guidanceshiksha.livejournal.com/2275.html
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educationvibes65 · 1 month
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students: Complete Guide
Destinations like Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Nepal, etc are considerable and popular among Indian students for MBBS Abroad. They can grab better options, possibilities, and opportunities at an affordable and reasonable fee structure. There can be numerous career-enhancing opportunities for pursuing an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students. It enhances knowledge and can guide you to attain better practical learning. Kyrgyzstan is an economically successful country that allows Indian students to enhance their education at an affordable fee structure. 
Quick Highlights at MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students
Kyrgyzstan is a renowned destination that enables Indian students to pursue MBBS education at an affordable MBBS in Kyrgyzstan fee structure. The medical aspirants are allowed to gain quality education and a valid MBBS degree. 
MBBS in Russia Duration 
6 years includes 12 months of internship
Medium of Teaching
Academics Requirements
More than 50% in 10+2 with PCB
Yes(qualifying marks)
Uncovering Top Medical Colleges for MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students
The medical colleges in Kyrgyzstan are well-established and recognized allowing Indian students to attain a globally acceptable and accredited medical university. Medical aspirants are allowed to enhance their education and knowledge by being taught by the top and experienced faculty. Indian aspirants are allowed to enhance their education at an affordable and feasible fee structure. Discover the top Kyrgyzstan MBBS College.
University Name
Ranking in Country
Annual Tuition Fees(USD)
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA)
Asian Medical Institute
International Higher School of Medicine
International School of Medicine
Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University
9500(including hostel and mess)
Fee Structure to Pursue MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students
Pursuing an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students is quite affordable and reasonable allowing them to attain better knowledge and accreditation. The Kyrgyzstan Medical College Fees are quite affordable and can be easily achievable by economically weak students. The Kyrgyzstan MBBS Fees for Indian students are given below. 
Type of Expense
Annual Cost in USD
Tuition Fees
Living & Accommodation
Mess & Food 
Visa Fee
Medical Insurance
Total Expense
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students follows a direct admission process and allows medical aspirants to get admission without any donation or capitation. The medical aspirants are required to fulfil the eligibility criteria and document requirements before applying for admission at Kyrgyzstan Medical College.
The eligibility to pursue an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students is given below.
The students must attain seventeen years of age.
Medical aspirants should gain a minimum of qualifying marks in the NEET-UG exam. 
They must have a valid 10+2 degree with at least 50% of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
The documents required to get admission at MBBS in Kyrgyzstan after assembling these documents. 
10th and 12th Marksheet 
Birth Certificate 
NEET Scorecard (Qualified)
Passport-sized photographs
English Certificate
School Transfer Certificate
Police Clearance Certificate
Medical Test Report
Sponsorship Affidavit
Minor Certificate
The medical aspirants can follow the admission process given below to get admission at MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students. 
Application Letter
Invitation Letter
Visa Processing
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian students is an opportunity that enhance education quality at a feasible fee structure. It follows a direct admission process that enhances better knowledge at an affordable fee structure. The medical aspirants are allowed to enhance better knowledge and gain global recognition. The medical aspirants can gain better possibilities and career aspects after completing MBBS in Kyrgyzstan. Get guidance from Education Vibes for better acknowledgement and guidance. Company Name: Education Vibes
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gmqazi19739 · 2 months
Ali Zafar - Top 12 Best Pakistani Music
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Ali Zafar is synonymous with success in the Pakistani and Indian entertainment industries. Known for his versatility as a singer, actor, and musician, Ali Zafar has captivated audiences across South Asia and beyond. From a Lahore-based artist to a Bollywood celebrity, his journey has been nothing but inspiration and blame. This article will examine the life, career, and career of Ali Zafar, highlighting the key points that have defined his path to stardom.
Best Ali Zafar Best Pakistani Music Download
Early Life and Background Birth and Family Background Ali Zafar, born Ali Muhammad Zafar on May 18, 1980, in Lahore, Pakistan, comes from a family deeply rooted in education and the arts. His father Mohammad Zafarullah and his mother Kanwal Amin were professors at Punjab University, creating an environment for intellectual and creative pursuits. Early interest in art From an early age, Ali showed a keen interest in drawing and painting, which eventually led him to study Fine Arts at the National College of Arts (NCA) in Lahore but his passion for folk music soon took precedence, and it paved the way for a career that would make him a household name. The Beginning of His Musical Journey Early Career in Pakistani Television Before making a name in the music industry, Ali Zafar started his career in the entertainment world through television. He appeared in several TV dramas and serials, gaining early recognition for his acting skills. His work on TV laid the foundation for his entry into music, where he would find his true calling. First Steps into the Music Industry Ali's foray into the music world began with composing jingles and background scores for television commercials. His unique style and ability to blend traditional and contemporary sounds quickly caught the attention of the music industry, leading to his first big break. He succeeds in "Channo" The success of the Album "Huqa Pani" Ali Zafar's first album "Huka Pani" was released in 2003, and took the music industry by storm. The album sold five million copies worldwide, making Ali an overnight sensation. The effect of the singular "Channo" The album's standout song, "Channo," became a huge hit, topping the charts and winning Ali numerous awards. The song’s catchy melodies and relatable lyrics captivated many listeners, solidifying Ali Zafar’s position in the classical songs and music industry. Transition to Bollywood Debut in "Tere Bin Laden" In 2010, Ali Zafar made his acting debut in Bollywood with "Tere Bin Laden". Directed by Abhishek Sharma, the film was a hilarious comedy showcasing Ali’s talent as a versatile actor. His cartoon of a Pakistani journalist trying to fake a video of Osama bin Laden to get a visa to the US is funny and wonderful. Success and Recognition in India "Tere Bin Laden" was a commercial success in India, receiving positive reviews for its witty humor and Ali's performance. This debut opened doors for Ali in Bollywood, giving his more acting opportunities and cementing his status as a boundary-crossing star. Musical contribution by Ali Zafar Popular Songs and Albums Since "Huka Pani", Ali Zafar has been releasing popular songs and hit songs that touched fans across the globe. His classical music often blends pop, rock, and Pakistani classics, creating a unique sound that appeals to many listeners. Contributions to film sound Ali also lent his voice to musical films in Pakistan and India. His ability to inject emotion and energy into songs has made him a sought-after choreographer in the film industry. Acting Career Highlights Key Roles in Bollywood Films After his successful debut, Ali Zafar acted in several Bollywood films like "Mere Brother Ki Dulhan", "Chashme Baddur", "Dear Zindagi" etc. Each of these films allowed Ali to showcase his range as an actor from romantic leads to comedy roles. Memorable Performances One of Ali's most memorable performances was the romantic comedy "Mere Brother Ki Dulhan", where he starred opposite Katrina Kaif and Imran Khan. His portrayal of the carefree and charming musician won him praise from critics and audiences. Acceptance and Awards Lux Style Awards Ali Zafar’s contributions to music and film have earned him numerous accolades, including several lux style awards. The awards are among the most prestigious in Pakistan, celebrating excellence in fashion, film, and music. Filmfare awards and other honors Apart from his success in Pakistan, Ali has been recognized in India for being nominated for the Filmfare Award, one of Bollywood’s most prestigious honors. His achievements made him a pioneer for Pakistani designers looking to make their mark in India. Collaborations and Performances Work with Other Artists Ali Zafar worked with many famous designers throughout his career. His duets and collaborations added a new dimension to his repertoire, blending genres and genres to create something truly unique. Amazing live music Ali is also known for his electrifying live shows. Whether at awards shows, music festivals, or concerts, his energy on stage and rapport with the audience make his performances unforgettable. The impact of Ali Zafar on Pakistani music Influence on the new generation of artists Ali Zafar’s success has inspired many young musicians in Pakistan. His ability to bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary music has paved the way for a new generation of artists who look to him as a role model. Revival of folk-pop music in Pakistan Through his music, Ali Zafar has played a pivotal role in reviving interest in folk and pop music in Pakistan. His work brought these genres to a wider audience at home and abroad. Personal Life Marriage and Family In 2009, Ali Zafar married his longtime girlfriend Ayesha Fazli. The couple have two children, a son born in 2010 and a daughter born in 2015. Despite his fame, Ali has managed to keep his personal life relatively private, focusing on his family and his job. Relationships with other celebrities Ali’s connections in the entertainment industry extend beyond his career. He is known for his close friendships with many celebrities from Pakistan and India, which have helped him navigate the complexity of fame with grace. Social and humanitarian efforts Philanthropy and Charitable Work Ali Zafar is not just an artist; He is also a kind person. He is involved in various charitable initiatives including supporting education and healthcare for underprivileged communities in Pakistan. His commitment to giving back has earned him respect beyond his artistic achievements. Recommended types of support In addition to his charitable work, Ali is an advocate for social causes, using his platform to raise awareness on issues such as mental health, education, women's rights, etc. His efforts have resonated with the public positive influence, and have greatly enhanced his estate. Challenges and Controversies Going through the ups and downs of popularity Like many celebrities, Ali Zafar has faced his share of challenges and controversies. From the pressures of fame to dealing with public scrutiny, he managed to maintain his integrity and focus on his art. Handling multi-media analysis Ali has been the subject of various rumors and controversies throughout his career, particularly regarding his personal and professional identity. Despite this, Ali Zafar handled these situations with poise and maturity, speaking to the media when needed and maintaining a level of privacy that is rare in the entertainment industry their ability to rise above challenges so that he continues to provide good work is a testament to his resilience and dedication. Ali Zafar’s Legacy Lasting impact on South Asian interests Ali Zafar's contributions to music and films have left an indelible mark on the South Asian entertainment industry. He was able to bridge the cultural divide between Pakistan and India, bringing the two countries closer together through his art. His work has not only entertained millions but has also opened doors for other Pakistani artists to work in Bollywood and beyond. Potential future and upcoming projects Looking ahead, Ali Zafar shows no signs of slowing down. With an ever-growing fan base for his work, more music, film, and perhaps even new projects can be expected from this multi-talented artist. His ability to adapt to changing circumstances while remaining true to his roots ensures that he remains relevant and influential in the industry for many years to come. Conclusion Ali Zafar’s journey from a young Lahore-based artist to an internationally recognized star is a story of talent, perseverance, and luck. His success in music and films not only made him a darling in Pakistan but also earned him a loyal fan base across the globe. Whether it’s through his soulful movies music, entertaining performances, or philanthropic efforts, Ali Zafar has had a profound impact on the world of entertainment and continues to inspire generations to come. FAQs What is Ali Zafar’s most famous song? Ali Zafar's most famous song is "Channo" from his debut album "Huka Pani". The song became a huge hit and played a major role in his career exit from music. Did Ali Zafar win any major awards? Yes, Ali Zafar has won many awards, including several Lux Style Awards and being nominated for the prestigious Filmfare Awards in India. His accolades have permeated his musical and acting career. What was Ali Zafar’s first film in Bollywood? Ali Zafar made his Bollywood debut with the 2010 film "Tere Bin Laden", where he played a Pakistani journalist. The film was a commercial success in India and marked his entry into Bollywood. Is Ali Zafar involved in any charity work? Yes, Ali Zafar is actively involved in philanthropy. He supports charitable initiatives, particularly in the areas of education and health, and advocates for important social causes such as mental health and women’s rights What are Ali Zafar’s future projects? While specific details about his upcoming projects are not always public, Ali Zafar continues to work on new music and film projects. Fans are eagerly awaiting his next release, which is expected to further solidify his legacy in the entertainment industry. Read the full article
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olympia28 · 3 months
Exploring Different Types of Medals and Ribbons: A Comprehensive Guide
Medals and ribbons are often used as a form of recognition and honour. You would see them in annual day events at schools and colleges when students are awarded medals for their academic and extra-curricular achievements. Sometimes these medals are hanging from a ribbon worn around the neck.
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At other times, the ribbon alone could serve as a recognition of the special status of the individual who is wearing it. For example, ribbons are used by military personnel on their uniform daily while medals are worn on special occasions. In the corporate world, both medals and ribbons are used to recognise and honour extraordinary achievements.
When it comes to buying cheap medals or ribbons in Australia, where do you go? You may not find many reputable stores where high-quality medals and ribbons can be found at cost-effective prices. However, it’s not that you will not find such stores at all; although very few, they exist nevertheless.
For example, you would like to consider buying medals and ribbons at Olympia Trophies Corporate which provides corporate awards, trophies, medals, plaques, badges, cups, specialist services, and corporate gifts. You can buy medals and other award items online and get them delivered to your doorsteps across Australia.
In this post, we will discuss different types of medals and ribbons used in corporate and other award functions.
Types of Medals
A small piece of round metal or some other material such as crystal can symbolize success and achievement. It’s very common to see people awarded with first–, second-, or third-place medals. Here is a brief rundown of different kinds of medals you can find.
Academic Medals
The academic world sees a large number of medals given to students and sometimes even to teachers regularly. Academic medals come in myriad varieties to fit every situation worth recognition and honour. You can expect academic medals for excellence in arts, computers, drama, graduation, music, science, maths, perfect attendance, and more.
General Medals
This kind of medals can be used for any event as they don’t bear the name of any event or the reason for which it is being given, making them suitable for just any event. However, you can find a variety of medals in different materials and sizes. For example, you can expect acrylic medal buttons, 50 mm medals, 70 mm medals, etc.
Sports Medals
Australia is a sports-loving country and corporates love these events as they induce a competitive team spirit among employees and associates. You can find sports medals for virtually all games athletics, basketball, cricket, dance, karate, netball, rugby, soccer, swimming, and more. Medals for team events and tournaments can also be found.
Stained Glass Medals
When you want to go for colourful medals that boast creativity and skilled craftsmanship, stained glass medals are an option. Typically, it will come with a ribbon and be placed in a presentation box. As they are created with care and patience, you can get a name and message engraved. You can find stained glass medals for sporting, academic, and even corporate award functions.
Star Medals
Medals in a star shape or round medals with one or multiple star insignia are very popular. You can find these star medals in different materials including gold, silver, bronze, and acrylic. You can get a name, a logo, an image, or a message engraved or placed on the medal. Star medals in 50 mm size are quite popular. However, you can find other sizes too.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Ribbons
The world of ribbons is no less prolific. You can find a large variety of ribbons to suit any award functions and other events. They bring colours and elegance to the occasion a sense of pride and recognition to the wearer. Ribbons are strips of fabric worn around the neck or attached to a uniform. They can be customized to align with the specific events.
However, ribbons have use cases beyond the winners’ circles. For example, the circular clusters of ribbon loops called Rosettes are used widely to recognise volunteers or community members at an event. Ribbons are often used for tying gift boxes to elevate their beauty. They are also used to embellish garlands, bouquets and floral arrangements. Another use case for ribbons is using them in invitations and stationery items to enhance their appeal and elegance.
Now, let’s have a look at ribbon materials. When it comes to choosing a ribbon material, a wide assortment of options are available, each giving a distinct look and feel. Here is a list of some commonly used ribbon materials.
Satin Ribbons: It offers a luxurious and silky feel that goes well with formal occasions and gift wrapping.
Organza Ribbons: It’s made with silk, polyester or nylon fabric and offers an ethereal touch.
Grosgrain Ribbons: It’s heavy silk or nylon fabric woven using the heavy weft technique and offers a sophisticated look.
Velvet Ribbons: They offer a classic and elegant feel and look rich and luxurious.
Burlap Ribbons: Its fabric is made with vegetable fibres that offer a natural rustic and eco-friendly look.
Now, let’s explore different types of ribbons that you can find in a medals and ribbons shop.
Neck Ribbons
Medals are typically worn with the help of neck ribbons as they proudly occupy the centre of the wearers’ chest. Corporations often choose brand colours to keep uniformity in promotional materials. Using neck ribbons with the same colours as in your brand can give the ribbons added importance.
Here are some common neck ribbon combinations: Black Neck Ribbon, Black/Green Striped Neck Ribbon, Black/Red Striped Neck Ribbon, Black/White Striped Neck Ribbon, Black/Yellow Striped Neck Ribbon, Black/Yellow/Red Striped Neck Ribbon, Blue Neck Ribbon, Blue/White Striped Neck Ribbon, Blue/Yellow Striped Neck Ribbon, Dark Blue/White Striped Neck Ribbon, Green/Blue Striped Neck Ribbon, Green/White Striped Neck Ribbon, etc. You can find many more colours. You can even ask for customized ribbons to match your brand colours.
Place Ribbons
These are fabric strips that speak about your place or achievement in a contest. For example, you can find Achievement Award Ribbons, Competitor Award Ribbons, Fifth Place Award Ribbons, First Place Award Ribbons, Fourth Place Award Ribbons, Good Performance Award Ribbons, Good Try Award Ribbons, Highly Commended Award Ribbons, Merit Award Ribbons, Participant Award Ribbon, Runner Up Award Ribbon, Second Place Award Ribbon, Sixth Place Award Ribbon, Special Award Ribbon, Third Place Award Ribbon, Top Effort Award Ribbon, etc.
Take Away
Medals are ribbons are widely used in corporate and academic award functions. Medals mostly represent success and achievement while ribbons are used to add colour and vivacity to such events. They can be used to wear the medals, tie the wrappings of gift boxes, decorate garlands and boutiques, and embellish decorations and clothing. If you plan to buy medals or are looking for cheap sports trophies melbourne, you should look for them online. Especially, Olympia is a reputable corporate awards and trophies store, offering both online and in-store services.
Originally Published At - Exploring Different Types of Medals and Ribbons: A Comprehensive Guide
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apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Rachel Lim: Co-founder of Singapore’s Famous Fashion Brand Love, Bonito.
Singapore is one of the leading fashion countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It contributes a large part of income and revenue to the country. Fashion is a key to portraying your personality and behavior, it has become the art of representing oneself. In recent years it has also been used to symbolize your status, which is not partially right.
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Fashion accounts for a larger market size in Singapore. The estimated revenue from the fashion market is around US$1,045.00m in 2024, with the projected annual growth rate from 2024 to 2029 of about 12.68%. Singaporeans prefer to wear clothes like dresses, skirts, swimsuits, shorts, etc that give a subtle and classy look. Here we discuss one such famous fashion brand of Singapore called Love, Bonito, and the women entrepreneur Rachel Lim, who founded it with her love and passion for apparel.  
Rachel Lim’s entrepreneurial journey 
Rachel Lim is a co-founder and chief brand officer of Love, Bonito which is a popular women’s fashion brand in Singapore, it was founded in the year 2010. Rachel Lim completed her college at Meridian Junior College and Nanyang Technological University she was an undergraduate and dropped out at the end of the final semester. Later in the year 2005, with her love for fashion and apparel, she started a blog shop with her friends named Viola and Velda. She was just 19 years old when she started her fashion blog post and was able to make sales.
She started her business by promoting through blog posts, WordPress, and other blogging platforms which is the most used way in Singapore. Later in 2010, after 5 years she was able to start her business as Love, Bonito, and then they decided to design the clothes on their own. She took money from her mother’s savings, along with other co-founders the business was just founded with $500 and has now grown to be a popular e-commerce fashion brand.
Rachel Lim was able to make a strong business when even e-commerce was not as growing as it is today. For now, Love, Bonito has around 17 retail outlets in different countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, and Indonesia. Rachel Lim is only focused on e-commerce as she believes that data can tell you everything from customer interest to the reason for no sales. Along with marketing and designing, she also has the responsibility of creating good content and customer service.
She also focuses on building community by conducting talks related to women’s topics that need awareness and she considers the community as the key to business success as it helps in connecting to customers in the long run. She had faced a situation where she felt unfit as a leader but with her strong willpower, she could make it successful. 
Brief in Love, Bonito
Love, Bonito is an apparel brand that focuses on all types of women’s fashion clothing from formal attire to daily wear. It believes that getting ready is more than just looking good and hence provides a wide variety of designer clothes options. One can buy their product through their online website and will be notified of new arrivals. They have all the collections of tops, bottoms, outwear, Skits, and whatnot. 
Awards and Recognitions.
Apart from possessing great entrepreneurship in the fashion industry, she is also a public speaker. In 2019 she was a guest speaker at TEDx Talks where she spoke about success from her perspective and also in the programs organised by Love, Bonito. She was one of the panelists at the World Young Women Achievers Forum in 2016 which was focused on working women and encouraging them in achieving dreams.
Rachel Lim was honored in 2016 by Forbes as Asia’s 30 under 30 where she was the only woman entrepreneur from Singapore in the list. She was awarded by TatlerAsia as the Asia’s Most Influential in 2021, 2022, and 2023. When her consistent hardwood and business strategy she was able to make a net worth that is estimated to be between US$1 million to US$5 million. With embarrassing e-commerce and making it a powerful tool for scaling the business she is been able to build a top fashion brand in Singapore.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/rachel-lim-co-founder-of-singapores-famous-fashion-brand-love-bonito/
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amityranchi · 1 year
This is your sign to get into the Top B.A Honours English college in Jharkhand
Still browsing and looking for the “top BA Honours English College in Jharkhand?” Then, Amity is the right choice for you. With 9 years of excellence in academics, Amity University Ranchi plays a big role in making its students prepared for a better and advanced tomorrow. In this massively growing and fast-paced environment, one needs an institution that gives an excellent environment to communicate and eliminate excessness of their personality and stand right with their skills in the competitive world.
Keeping all the necessary factors in mind such as a studious environment, excellent placement background, etc. Amity University Ranchi is the aptest choice for you. You can have all that you need in the outer world at Amity i.e. education, confidence, knowledge, strong personality and much more to grab your grip in this big wide world.
Here are a few key points that will boost the confidence in choosing Amity among the B.A English Honours University in Jharkhand
1. Global recognition for better opportunities 
2. Excellent on-campus placement records 
3. Best-in-class locations to make campus student-friendly
4. Mentorship and counseling programs to keep up with student's interests
5. Scholarship programs for students to fulfill their dream 
6. Refreshing and cheerful environment 
7. Global Alumni network
8. Filling in the educational gaps with the latest technology
9. Interestingly designing Daily\Weekly basis tasks for better performance analysis
10. Promoting various advanced education programs for better learning 11. International Language programs to open up opportunities globally
12. Excellent location to provide accurate exposure and convenience Build an outstanding career by choosing among the top BA honours colleges in Jharkhand. Amity provides a pathway to students who aim to build up an out-of-the-box mindset and work on it to have a successful future imbibed with values.
With an overall development of a student, Amity University believes in being that final push of a student that encourages them to have a value-driven successful career. Therefore, we suggest you stop scrolling and for a bright future globally, select what's best for you. Choose the top BA Honours English College in Jharkhand-Amity University, Ranchi campus and enroll yourself for a successful and eventful future filled with excitement, knowledge and strong persona to experience an excellent impression of yourself. To get more information or if you have any query, visit our website https://www.amity.edu/ranchi/
Source : https://amityuniversityranchi.blogspot.com/2023/08/this-is-your-sign-to-get-into-top-ba.html
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wiredlyrelatable · 1 year
Pressure..pressure..pressure.. (in the professional sense)
I feel there is a lot of pressure on us since childhood. In our childhood, the pressure was to study and get good marks instead of wasting your time in playing, according to our parents. From nursery to 10th class the pressure is all about, "GETTING GOOD MARKS IN THE 10TH BOARDS." With just a break of 2 months called the summer holidays we are again pressurized to choose a stream and in 2 years, "GET GOOD MARKS IN 12TH BOARDS, IF IT'S CBSE OR IN INTER EXAMS, IF IT'S STATE SYLLABUS."
After inter obviously you are not getting any job in a good company so you have to have a degree (graduation) of a minimum of 3 years. You have to struggle with the pressure of college with it's internals, lab records, practicals, syllabus, research works, assignments and inbetween all this you even have to give campus placement exams and interviews after preparing yourself for it, your communication skills, your marks, your CV...etc and after you get your graduation certificate in hand, you try and in a lot of pressure of earning a good life, you get a job, get experience of the corporate world, get stressedevery moment, follow one routine, getting up early....etc.
After a few years you have to undergo a post graduation course with your job on the other side to develop in this competitive world and earn more in your job through promotion after your have your post graduation certificate is in your hands.
At the end, when your too aged to work, your pressure of all these years gets paid off when you have a big house, savings to spend on your needs and a hospital bed to die on because of the pressure.
On the other hand, if you choose any other path in life, like an artist (painter, actor writer, dancer, singer, designer...etc) you obviously have your own pressure there too, of getting successful, getting fame, name, money, recognition....etc etc.
At the end, in all the professions there is a pressure to survive, adjust and live there. #hang in there!
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Online PTE Coaching for Success in Bangalore - Enroll Today!
The most widely used computer-based English language exam in the world is the Pearson exam of English Academic (PTE Academic), which is endorsed by universities, colleges, and governments from around the world.  For individuals looking to study, work, or immigrate overseas, it offers the quickest, fairest, and most flexible way to demonstrate their English language ability. The four major English skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing are tested on the PTE, just like they are on other English proficiency exams.
So how is PTE different from IELTS?
The primary difference between IELTS and PTE is that IELTS gives candidates the option of taking a paper-based or computer-delivered test. The PTE exam is entirely computer-based and evaluated by a computer. IELTS's speaking section is an in-person conversation with the evaluator, while PTE's speaking portion involves speaking to a computer. However, compared to other English proficiency tests, the PTE tends to be simpler to handle for the majority of Indian students.
What are the countries that accept PTE?
Thousands of academic institutions around the globe accept PTE Academic applications for study, and the governments of Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand have approved it for all student visa and immigration applications. PTE Academic continues to gain recognition from institutions across the globe, increasing possibilities to study abroad. Here’s a list of countries that accept PTE Academic scores:
South Africa
Hong Kong
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
 Sri Lanka
Pros of choosing PTE Academic:
Selecting PTE Academic would be the smartest choice when it comes to achieving your future objectives for studying or working overseas. Here are some advantages of taking the PTE Academic:
Fair and unbiased results:
Artificial Intelligence is used for grading in PTE Academic. Since the grading system is done by a computer and not by a human, the scores are more fair, secure and unbiased.
Worldwide recognition:
PTE is accepted by over 3000 institutions in over 70 nations, including some Ivy League schools like Oxford, Yale, and Harvard.
Fast and flexible
PTE is amazing because test takers usually have access to their results 48 hours after the test.
Opportunities for retest:
You can easily apply to retake the test if you don't get the results that you were hoping for. You are able to take the test as many times as you like in this manner.
The Aspire Global Education is facilitated with the best and highly experienced staff, making the whole experience the best PTE online coaching in Bangalore. Now let’s look at the reasons as to why you should do PTE Academic preparation Online:
Learn at your own pace:
An English proficiency exam called PTE Academic is so varied that it can be used for immigration procedures in addition to being recognised for college admissions. As a result, people from all different backgrounds make up the test's applicants. Some are professionals, students, stay-at-home moms, full-time laborers, etc. The schedules and objectives of each person vary. You can study at flexible hours if you choose to do your PTE preparation online. At Aspire Global Education, we provide the best PTE Online Coaching in Bangalore. Here you can study whenever you want, at your own speed, whether you are a night owl or an early bird. In-between lectures, during lunch, and on your walk to work are all good times to study. You can set your own schedule for studying with online PTE preparation.
Mock tests:
To achieve something new, mere studying is insufficient. To fully appreciate your newfound knowledge, you must put it into practice. With online PTE training, you can access a variety of example questions to practice answering and assess your knowledge. You can easily assess your success because they also include answers. You learn by practical implication when you solve sample problems, which is one of their main advantages. At this point in your education, you have a firm grasp of the concepts and need to polish your abilities before taking tests and completing homework. As a result, trying to answer practice questions will help you pick up information fast.
Unique set of questions:
The convenience of taking PTE practice exams online at any stage of your preparation is not the only advantage of online learning but also you will encounter a fresh collection of original questions each time you take a new practice test. Sometimes, students will skip over certain concepts or put them off until later. By coming across questions that cover the entirety of your syllabus, you will have the chance to return to that when taking practice exams. But to do that, you have to continue completing online practice exams. Each distinct set of questions will help you think more clearly and have a thorough revision, with the outcomes assisting you in understanding your growth.
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raghavsharma9810 · 2 years
Good colleges for BCA
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BCA as the name says Bachelor’s in Computer Applications is one of the top preferred courses for the youth who are interested in carving their career in the digital field. The world of mobile applications and web applications is expanding day by day and even in the Covid times, we have seen that it was the e-commerce business only that was up and running while everything else was shut down. You may not need any expert opinion on how important or significant BCA course is but yes you must understand that choosing a good college to pursue the BCA degree is really important. Because all the top colleges that offer BCA also offer campus placement. They invite the leading IT companies of India and abroad who visit the campus and handpick the students offering them placement in various work profiles.
So the biggest benefit of doing BCA from India’s best college is that you will get handpicked by the top IT companies and get lucrative job to work as web developer, software application developer, system engineer, programming expert, or as database manager etc.
Computers and their applications are the focus of the BCA course. The curriculum lasts three years and is typically delivered over six semesters. All the knowledge and abilities required to address computer-related issues are imparted to the students. The need for BCA students is rising as the IT and software businesses expand. It is among the most profitable industries for a successful career.
The expansion of this business has directly impacted the need for computer application students. Students interested in programming languages, C++, Java, and web applications might consider the BCA program. In addition, BCA offers additional subjects like mathematics.
The BCA curriculum will include topics including programming in C (basic and advanced), data structures, web development, networking, database management, mathematics, object-oriented programming in C++, software engineering, programming languages, operating systems, Java, and web scripting.
Top 7 Considerations Before Seeking Admission In BCA Colleges
A lot of thought and study are required to narrow down the best college and program for you. Many factors must be considered when choosing the best BCA colleges in India. Your future depends on this choice you make right now. Making the ideal option is more challenging by the number of BCA institutions in India. When choosing a college, several variables are taken into consideration.
The following are the top 7 considerations a person should make while selecting a college.
1. Affiliation
Affiliation with a college is among the first things you should consider. The value of a degree will increase with the recognition of a college. When looking for decent careers, a reputable institution may do wonders.
2. Education/Faculties
A college is more than just its course offerings, social connections, and job placements. The faculties, the most crucial individuals, come next. They serve as a link between the curriculum and the assignments. Colleges support your academic and personal development. To learn outside of the classroom, one should pick an institution that encourages contact between students and staff.
3. Placement information
Find out about the college’s placement record if you intend to pursue a decent, reputable profession after earning a BCA degree. Top BCA institutions in India successfully offer Premium packages after the program.
4. Infrastructure
Regarding programs like BCA, infrastructure is crucial. It’s crucial to consider the labs, the types of computers, and the accessible technologies. The display photographs frequently correspond to something other than the actual infrared. To determine whether a college is well-maintained, one must always visit it in person or take a virtual tour.
5. Specialties
The end outcome should be obvious before you begin applying. The effort is halfway made once you know what the specialty must be. The next step is choosing a college; you also need to consider several other things.
6. Testimonials from students
The finest people to get feedback is from the students. When questioned about their college, they always answer honestly. You may learn more about the institution, its curriculum, professors, and other factors by reading student testimonials or directly addressing them.
7. Industry connection
A college must provide students with high exposure. Students can get great exposure at places like MMICT & BM, one of the leading BCA institutions in India. The students are prepared for the workforce from day one thanks to this training and the internships that the colleges provide.
Last thoughts
One of India’s top BCA colleges in India is MMICT & BM under MM (DU). Moreover, the BCA fees are also affordable here. It also provides a modernized curriculum that adheres to global norms. Students benefit from unparalleled exposure and experiences on campus because of the extensive industry connections. The professors are highly educated and come from the top universities worldwide. It is among the top locations for pursuing a BCA degree.
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Good Colleges For BCA
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BCA as the name says Bachelor’s in Computer Applications is one of the top preferred courses for the youth who are interested in carving their career in the digital field. The world of mobile applications and web applications is expanding day by day and even in the Covid times, we have seen that it was the e-commerce business only that was up and running while everything else was shut down. You may not need any expert opinion on how important or significant BCA course is but yes you must understand that choosing a good college to pursue the BCA degree is really important. Because all the top colleges that offer BCA also offer campus placement. They invite the leading IT companies of India and abroad who visit the campus and handpick the students offering them placement in various work profiles.
So the biggest benefit of doing BCA from India’s best college is that you will get handpicked by the top IT companies and get a lucrative job to work as web developer, software application developer, system engineer, programming expert, or as database manager etc.
Computers and their applications are the focus of the BCA course. The curriculum lasts three years and is typically delivered over six semesters. All the knowledge and abilities required to address computer-related issues are imparted to the students. The need for BCA students is rising as the IT and software businesses expand. It is among the most profitable industries for a successful career.
 The expansion of this business has directly impacted the need for computer application students. Students interested in programming languages, C++, Java, and web applications might consider the BCA program. In addition, BCA offers additional subjects like mathematics.
 The BCA curriculum will include topics including programming in C (basic and advanced), data structures, web development, networking, database management, mathematics, object-oriented programming in C++, software engineering, programming languages, operating systems, Java, and web scripting.
 Top 7 Considerations Before Seeking Admission In BCA Colleges
A lot of thought and study are required to narrow down the best college and program for you. Many factors must be considered when choosing the best BCA colleges in India. Your future depends on this choice you make right now. Making the ideal option is more challenging by the number of BCA institutions in India. When choosing a college, several variables are taken into consideration.
 The following are the top 7 considerations a person should make while selecting a college.
 1. Affiliation
Affiliation with a college is among the first things you should consider. The value of a degree will increase with the recognition of a college. When looking for decent careers, a reputable institution may do wonders.
 2. Education/Faculties
A college is more than just its course offerings, social connections, and job placements. The faculties, the most crucial individuals, come next. They serve as a link between the curriculum and the assignments. Colleges support your academic and personal development. To learn outside of the classroom, one should pick an institution that encourages contact between students and staff.
 3. Placement information
Find out about the college's placement record if you intend to pursue a decent, reputable profession after earning a BCA degree. Top BCA institutions in India successfully offer Premium packages after the program.
 4. Infrastructure 
Regarding programs like BCA, infrastructure is crucial. It's crucial to consider the labs, the types of computers, and the accessible technologies. The display photographs frequently correspond to something other than the actual infrared. To determine whether a college is well-maintained, one must always visit it in person or take a virtual tour.
 5. Specialties
The end outcome should be obvious before you begin applying. The effort is halfway made once you know what the specialty must be. The next step is choosing a college; you also need to consider several other things.
 6. Testimonials from students
The finest people to get feedback is from the students. When questioned about their college, they always answer honestly. You may learn more about the institution, its curriculum, professors, and other factors by reading student testimonials or directly addressing them.
 7. Industry connection
A college must provide students with high exposure. Students can get great exposure at places like MMICT & BM, one of the leading BCA institutions in India. The students are prepared for the workforce from day one thanks to this training and the internships that the colleges provide.
 Last thoughts
One of India's top BCA colleges in India is MMICT & BM under MM (DU). Moreover, the BCA fees are also affordable here. It also provides a modernized curriculum that adheres to global norms. Students benefit from unparalleled exposure and experiences on campus because of the extensive industry connections. The professors are highly educated and come from the top universities worldwide. It is among the top locations for pursuing a BCA degree.
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maha24 · 2 years
10 advantages of CBSE board which lead students in real world
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is the largest board in India. CBSE-affiliated schools are established in almost every state of India. With a vast geographical reach, CBSE plays a very important role in standardizing the education system in India. A lot of international schools in India also follow the CBSE
If you want to know more about the CBSE board so here we go and check the list of some main advantages of the CBSE board that help us in our future studies and job.
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Extracurricular Activities
school not only focuses on education alone but also develops each child's physical and mental growth skills. Through these students develop skills like time management, hands-on coordination, leadership, decision-making, problem-solving, individualism, dance, music, art, pottery making, instruments, swimming, etc.
The best CBSE school in north Bangalore designed the syllabus for complete understanding and learning. Exams question papers are prepared in such a way that students will handle the examinations without pressure. Schools should not only focus on scoring and ranks but better and in-depth knowledge of the subject.
Competitive exams
The syllabus will help students to prepare for the exams like JEE and NEET.  CBSE syllabus helps students to meet the engineering and medical entrance exams and other competitive exams with challenging minds.
Easily Access in Relocation
CBSE School in North Bangalore makes the students easy access to the syllabus even if they have joined a new one because of a transfer or job pattern of parents or other reasons. Many schools are affiliated with CBSE which makes it easy adoption for students.
Allocating Grades
CBSE board system has a grading system for assessment and valuation for the students from 6th to 12th class based on their performance in scholastic and co-scholastic activities. That will help students to feel relaxed.
Excellent Recognition
Students studying on the CBSE board are provided certifications that hold a weightage when they approach colleges across India as well as abroad. It provides the best opportunities for job placements.
Moulding a future entrepreneur
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Assurance of Bright Future
The best CBSE School in North Bangalore in turning its students into perfect individuals to face up the challenges in the real world. The board is common in India, it is easy for students to shift from one state to another and start their careers. It is always a student-oriented board practiced in CBSE schools in North Bangalore.
Indian Government Recognition
Overall this syllabus is based on Indian culture, tradition, and social values. It is a national-level board recognized by the Indian government. The parameters are set by the Indian government. And established perfectly in the best CBSE school in North Bangalore.
Thinking about the future of your kids, provide them with the best education in the best school soundarya central school which has all the benefits mentioned above.
Many students in India just want to study in the CBSE board due to their popularity. Also, students in the CBSE board are more successful in their future academic careers and they are more successful in getting a good job due to their way of study.
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