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kingofthewilderwest · 7 months ago
My country music record collecting obsession contributing to Gravity Falls meta was not on my 2024 bingo card but here we go.
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One of the earliest country musicians with some sway in the 1920s was Riley Puckett, though I highly, highly doubt that "Pluckin' Jim" Puckett references him.
They used an image of George Jones. Pretty dang famous and respected to this day. Nnnnot exactly some classic yodeler, but known for his Great Voice.
"Hillbilly" was the official name of the genre until the mid-1940s. Yodeling was big in the 1920s and 30s because everyone wanted to be Jimmie Rodgers, but it had a mainstay with the singing cowboy movies - the Gene Autries and Roy Rogerses. They stretched yodeling through the 40s, but by the 50s, yodeling wasn't Country Central. But rock-and-roll was breaking out of country at this time.
George got rolling in the mid-50s and broke out by the end of the decade, so we're not out of the ballpark for some of the joke references. And hey! I will take the George Jones Easter Egg!
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George Jones's presence doesn't feel targeted - they tossed him on to make sure their "Cipher is Real" cover was distinct from The Real Deal. See, The Book of Bill is referencing a notorious album cover. Notorious. 75% of what you see is cut-and-paste from the real deal. I love the reference and it's inspired. But in "Cipher Is Real" being an imitation, it's almost a downgrade. "Haddock, what can be zanier than Bill the Over-Toasted Demon Nacho usurping a country album?" May I burn a fantastic new image in your mind.
Move over, "Cipher Is Real." Make way for "Satan Is Real."
This is not parodic. They did this cover. Please give it up for the (highly talented) Louvin Brothers with their 1959 album Satan Is Real.
Let me stress that this masterpiece is not edited. The brothers painted, crafted, and erected sixteen-foot-tall plywood!Satan themselves. Then they just. Set fire to kerosene-drenched tires in an old rock quarry behind their house and posed.
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thatbanjobusiness · 7 months ago
What piece of bluegrass do you think best fits the description of "banjo music plays menacingly in the distance"?
After months sitting here being like, "I need to think of a better answer..." I suddenly remembered.
Oh duh.
Banjo Odyssey, The Dead South.
Not prototypical bluegrass but people can eat my Scruggs rolls, this is a fantastic answer.
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peachdoxie · 4 months ago
me when i hear a single pluck on a banjo:
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kingofthewilderwest · 17 days ago
Thank you for the prompt!!
I am again going to apologize ("apologize") for chucking my niche interests on main. But I would kill to have the time and skills to make a graphic novel of events in early bluegrass history. Yeah... bluegrass... the music genre. Yeah. 1940s and 1950s. Yeah. Even if I just did a one-shot where Bill Monroe and Lester Flatt saw Earl Scruggs play behind the Grand Ole Opry stage the first time, that'd be wicked.
The goal would be to get people interested in country music history and enjoy it, regardless of whether they have any background, history, or interest in it before. A good time for all.
For funsies, I would throw shounen tropes in there. Instead of everyone gasping about the super-mega-ultraton punch, it's, "WAAAAH! HE JUST JUMPED UP THE NECK FOR A G7??!?!?!" sorts of stuff. XD Because early bluegrass's competitive nature deserves the same amount of hype as two overpowered, overmuscled shounen dudes or skyscraper-sized vehicle magic robot men.
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thatbanjobusiness · 7 months ago
I caved and bought a novel that combines two of my passion areas. I'm not expecting a masterpiece, but you had me at "an encounter with Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys makes the POV character realize he has to time-travel back to his previous life as a samurai" because that's a sentence you read every day
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 months ago
top 5 songs featuring a banjo
Oh. Oh. AUGH. What a prompt. What a PROMPT. Oh this is hard. I love this. This. This is good. But AUGH!
I will be sitting here in pained indecision forever unless I create my own restrictions.
I am taking the brash liberty of changing this to top 5 songs featuring Earl Eugene Scruggs on banjo. And rapidly writing some of the first songs I recall before I get into debates with myself over the top 300 songs I love.
Foggy Mountain Breakdown (1949)
Flint Hill Special (1952)
Brother, I'm Getting Ready to Go (1951)
Dear Old Dixie (1952)
Shuckin' the Corn (1957)
I'm a basic bitch but I regularly scream and collapse into a puddle of crying Haddock at these ones so I think that's a great list.
Also gotta shout out the iconicness of Molly and Tenbrooks, the sweet sweet juiciness of Earl Boi playing Sally Goodin unaccompanied, Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms (HOW IS THIS NOT ON THE TOP FIVE AUGHHH????!?!?! IT SHOULD BE! FIVE IS A SMALL NUMBER! FIVE IS AN OFFENSIVE NUMBER! UGH THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BL--- [voice fades into garbled cries of Haddock outcries]), Polka on a Banjo because it's just so happy, My Saro Jane though that's more about the energy of the song as a whole, and Nashville Blues for being the first song I tried learning on banjo (and did good for my newbness, for the record! yaaaaay~)
And now I'm going to be listening to Flatt and Scruggs all day at work THANKS A LOT ughhhh why does the banjo have to BE SO DELICIOUS I WANT TO CONSTRICT AND SWALLOW IT WHOLE LIKE A PYTHON AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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peachdoxie · 1 month ago
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thatbanjobusiness · 2 years ago
One of the funniest ways to start a war would be to go to bluegrassers and tell them harmonica is the forgotten bluegrass instrument
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kingofthewilderwest · 1 year ago
Watching the ATLA chibi shorts for the first time in my life. It's hard to concentrate on the events of the swamp skiing. I'm distracted by the fact this entire soundtrack is Scruggs-style banjo.
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thatbanjobusiness · 9 months ago
Was watching a video of a pole dance routine and made me curious: what bluegrass song would be the best for a pole dance routine?
I have been sitting on this for a month, trying to think of hilarious songs to combine pole dancing with. Sadly, my creativity has failed to produce a winner response. But I will say:
All of them.
All of them.
There is not a single bluegrass song that wouldn't be fantastic with pole dancing.
It's fantastic you say this,,, because my sister's been learning pole dancing. Whether she likes it or not, I think I'll have to invade her space with bluegrass. >:D
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peachdoxie · 3 months ago
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kingofthewilderwest · 5 months ago
I assume
You like banjo
assumption meme
Me????????????? NOoOOoOooooo not at all, I've never looked at a banjo in my life, I've never cradled one in my arms, I've never cried in the direction of a well-timed forward roll, I've never gazed at photographs of banjos with longing, I've never gone to craiglist and marketplace to look at banjos, your assumption is most certainly false.
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thatbanjobusiness · 1 year ago
Fun facts with Haddock #109:
When the music store sales associate is hot enough, you can forget how tuning pegs work, what note the open G string is, or talk with the vocabulary of a first grader instead of someone with a music degree.
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thatbanjobusiness · 11 months ago
New Flatt & Scruggs footage just droppppppppped.
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peachdoxie · 8 months ago
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for your consideration: kermiku.
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thatbanjobusiness · 1 year ago
Comedienne and banjo picker extraordinaire Roni Stoneman, of the groundbreaking Stoneman family, has passed away this morning at 85 years of age. RIP, you shall be missed.
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