brolinskeep · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: jfc those gifs of Bradley in blue spandex - are...
Colin wrote this anon
colin can shut it since he’s the one who probably got all close and personal with spandex man later!
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stilesscott · 7 years
ur killing me smalls (jk ily)
1. when did you know that you were asexual?
uhhhhhhh it was either my junior or senior year of highschool. i had expressed never wanting to have sex (like, that i could never see myself having it, that i’ve never been interested in anyone in that way) and jack mentioned it and i was like, “huh.”
7. would you be in a romantic relationship?
i am right now actually! even tho i’m aroace (quoiromantic to specify) the bpd (i’m assuming) kinda makes things even more complicated so i’m in a relationship with my FP because, while i’m not sure exactly what romantic love is or what it feels like, i know i don’t want to be with anyone else like i am with him.
13. preferred kisses to receive?
good question. uh. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i’m gonna go with face kisses.
14. preferred kisses to give?
still face kisses tbh.
18. best thing someone has said to you about your identity?
[error; cannot be found]
22. cake?
i’m more of an ice cream girl myself.
27. favorite romantic song turned platonic in your head?
uhhhhh i don’t really think i have any because any and all romantic songs usually get paired with a ship because i have a shipping Problem™
30. do you consider yourself LGBTQA?
(u forgot the I there, op, but) yes i do
33. asexual headcanon?
like people i hc?? because how much time do you got? stiles stilinski, alec lightwood, noah foster, cora hale, sebastian smythe; HECK if i’ve seen it, i’ve hc’d it!
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colinmorgay replied to your post “facebook reminded me that 5 years ago they told us merlin wasn’t...”
What the fu ck its been 5 years
time is fake af
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joanthangroff · 7 years
@teilzeitkreativ replied to your post “wow i can’t believe…. wentworth miller is a real man… i saw him i...”
that's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you!! And only a little bit jealous!! Aaahhh, i hope it was a great weekend!!                  
thank you it WAS great!!!
@colinmorgay replied to your post “Did you see any other stars?”
Omg babies
i thought of you the whole time during finn’s panel aww (one fan was talking about how finn turns 15 soon and he asked who of the audience was above 16 and whether 15 is better or 16 and then we all were like nah 16′s cool and he just went “... great. so im in for nothing!”) (another fan was about his age herself and she said he’s the most beautiful person she’s ever seen he just couldn’t deal)
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quicksillver · 7 years
hello tumblr world i love @colinmorgay that is all good bye
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missxdelaney · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: “every q with 3”:
no i meant 3 13 23 etc........
im a dumb dumb
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
PARTY with my friends from my university days because it’s my birthday party :D
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no, he has really light blue eyes and mine are hazel
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
hell no
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
i’d say yes
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
i mostly exclusively drink soda and my teeth and stomach pay for that dearly
34. Listening to?
nothing right now, recently i was listening to the radio. to cel. ahem.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
in the next room
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
my partner’s sister, alice :) 
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
my sister!
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
oh yeah. daily.
63. First concert?
the spice girls in 1997. yeah. jealous?
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
83. Can you swim well?
i have a slight fear of open water so in a pool, yes, in the ocean, no.
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thedaughterofkings · 7 years
B & F! 💜
B: Any of your stories inspired by personalexperience?
Not really, I’m certainly not just retelling stories from my own life! (It’s far too boring for that :p) The only fic I can think of here is possibly Queen Maeve because that fic was actually inspired by me seeing a pub sign “Boyds Arms” while on holiday in Ireland and I worked in some of the tales I read about while there! So that fic was at least setting wise inspired by personal experience
F: Share a snippet from one of your favoritedialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Mmmhm, I really like this exchange in The best thing since Anne McCaffreysince it’s just ridiculous and fun :D
Merlin knows his smile is probably growing to creepy proportions right now, but he can’t help it, because:
“You like my writing!”
Arthur looks – and sounds – terribly pained when he says:
“I love your writing.”
Merlin sounds – and probably – looks terribly dazed when he says:
“I love you.”
Arthur’s eyes get wide as saucers and he suddenly develops a coughing fit.
Not a complete scene, but I really like this line by Merlin from through this life and into the next (this is a marriage of equals)because it was fun to play with the magic user stereotypes :p
“Do you think I’m some hedge witch who buries her favourite chicken’s bones together with the head of a newt to get rid of her warts?”
And finally, one more Merthur fic: I love the whole “confessing their feelings” scene in Homebound, because it’s the climax of the whole story and everything I’d been working towards with this fic and it really worked out far better than I feared it would before actually writing it, and this line from Arthur is probably my favourite one from that scene:
“I know now that I can live without you if I have to,” Arthur says, “but that I don’t want to, if I can help it. So I’m asking you to come back to Camelot with me.”
(Also, I just realised again how much I love Homebound - A LOT)
Send me fanfic questions!
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blcodyhell · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: I’ve bought so much Dan and Phil shit this year;...
You are disgusting and i love you
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paulinegrintt · 7 years
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replied to your post
“i’m trying to come up with a new url that will sound real good but no...”
can’t believe you still remember my old url :D sadly, it’s not available :-/
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monttagues · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: I feel sick
Good sick. I feel complete. This is what we needed Kat. This is good
alex london himself has come back to heal me
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valleydean · 7 years
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Teal: You make me happy ♥
Magenta: You are my favorite tumblr user
AWWW I am so glad about that!! Thank you for being mutuals with me 😊❤
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stilesscott · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your photoset: local girl continues to cut her own hair, and then...
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missxdelaney · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: “i want to draw so badly but i know if i pick up my tablet right now im...”:
L it erally everyone knows youre obsessed just go with it
UM excuse me, im not sure that’s true at all. i don’t think anyone knows and i’d prefer to keep it that way T H A N K S
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thedaughterofkings · 7 years
teen wolf & the maze runner & merlin!!
Teen Wolf:
favourite canon pairing: canon writes terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE romances (terrible), but as far as I watched Scira? What I saw of them was cute
worst pairing ever: in canon? Stalia
guilty pleasure pairing: perhaps... Stackson?!
a pairing you want to see more: Stoooooyyyddddd!!!!!!!
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: this is certainly not an “everyone likes it pair”, but plenty of people do, so: Stydia
favorite non-romantic pair: I love Stydia besties!!!
The Maze Runner:
otp: mmmhmmmm probably Thomas/Minho (’s arms *cough*), though I’m also partial to Newtmas and of course Nalby!!
favourite canon pairing: Thomas/Minho’s arms :p (seriously, that boy won’t shut up about Minho’s arms), I don’t actually know if there’s much that counts as canon, aside from possible Thomas/Theresa, and I’m mostly meh about that one^^
worst pairing ever: I can’t think of anything right now! I’m not particularly fond of Thomas/Brenda?
guilty pleasure pairing: it’s been so long since I read those books... ooh perhaps Thomas/Minho/Newt?
a pairing you want to see more: Nalby :D
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: I have no clue what pairings everyone likes unfortunately!
favorite non-romantic pair: I do like Thomas and Teresa as friends, or just Newt and everyone else (Newt should get all the love from everyone)
favourite canon pairing: MERTHUR (and if we’re being heteronormative and do not see them as canon, Arwen)
worst pairing ever: Uther/Troll heee
guilty pleasure pairing: the main four perhaps? So Merlin/Arthur/Morgana/Gwen (just give them all the looooove)
a pairing you want to see more: fandom could always use more femslash, so Morgwen!
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Merlin/Gwaine makes me sad (because of unrequited love on Gwaine’s side, because I’m apparently incapable of seeing Merlin without Arthur and vice versa), so it’s not “lol no” but “nooooooo *cries*”
favorite non-romantic pair: Merlin and Gwen’s friendship is super adorable and snarky Pendragon siblings are always great, too!
Send me more fandoms!
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etherealrj · 7 years
truly, madly, deeply - reddie
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pairings : pastel!eddie kaspbrak x punk!richie tozier
words : 1.2K
 warnings : none
thanks for you request anon! This was super cute to write but I don't think I did the request justice :') if you don't like it give me a yell and i'll try something else! I have another punk richie x pastel eddie requesting coming though so hopefully it'll be better! But do tell me what ya'll think ! 
Eddie played with the taller boy’s hair as they sat in the grass of the quarry. Richie’s head was placed in Eddie’s lap, dark brown curls cascade across Eddie’s white denim overalls as he threads his fingers though the strands. Richie’s eyes were closed enjoying the feeling of Eddie’s fingers lightly massaging his head. He could hear the rest of the Loser’s faintly playing in the water, their loud laughter echoing the hills around them. The sun hung low in sky, casting a light pink glow over the pair. Eddie hummed under his breath as he admires the boy cladded in black from head to toe, he lays quiet and relaxed in the grasp of his lover. Eddie trails his eyes down Richie’s face, the boy still wearing this thick prescription glasses that covered the thin layer of freckles which scattered across the bridge of his nose. A brand-new ring laid within the skin of Richie’s pink lips. He’d since replaced the brightly coloured Hawaiian shirts for dark red flannels and the graphic tees for some loud grunge band t-shirts that Eddie had never heard of. Black ripped skinny jeans seemed like a new skin to Richie, Eddie hardly ever saw him without them, not that he cared. He quiet liked how they outlined the boy’s thighs.
A small smile made its way onto Eddie lips as he glanced over Richie’s arm, the word LoSVer very permanently laid upon the boy’s skin. Richie had somehow convinced Eddie to come with him when he got his very first tattoo at the age of fourteen, claiming he got it to make Eddie feel better about his cast. But four years later, the boy was covered head to toe with shitty ink from random artists he found around their town of Derry and every time since, Eddie would be there to hold Richie’s hand. Through the piercings and the ink, the small fragile boy would cringe and tell his boyfriend that he would never come again but a week later Eddie always found himself clutching Richie’s hand as he watched the new needle pierce his skin.
Things had changed for the boys since they were thirteen, after they defeated the evil clown and everything slowly went back to normal. Or as normal as it could. Eddie embraced his love for the colour pink, wearing soft, neat fabrics and his trademark shorts that drove Richie wild. Bev had told Eddie she was quite glad that someone had developed a sense of style because god forbid you leave any of the rest of the boys to make good fashion choices.
Eddie's heart swelled with love for this idiot of a boy. Leaning back onto his left hand, brushing an object with his palm he smiled. Richie had saved up all his earnings from the small gig’s he had been playing with his band to buy Eddie a polaroid camera for his eighteenth birthday. The baby blue device sat in Eddie’s left hand, as he watched his boyfriends still face. He removed his hand from Richie’s hair quickly, knowing it would be only a matter of time before Richie opened his eyes noticing the absence of Eddie’s hand. He starred down the lenses of the camera and focusing all his attention on Richie. The way the setting sun seemed to cast a pink hue over his skin, the small refection from his glasses and the glint from his lip ring. Eddie pressed his finger down on the button and with a loud shutter of the camera, the film began to print.
Eddie felt the weight of Richie’s head shift in his lap. He looked up from the developing film to the boy. Quickly, hiding the picture behind his back. He was met with soft brown eyes open widely, staring up at him with a small smirk playing on the corner of his lips. Eddie glanced away, biting his bottom lip between his teeth. “Eddie?” Richie questioned staring expectantly up at brunette teenager. Eddie hummed in foreign response. “Did I just hear what I thought I thought I just heard?” Eddie shook his head. Richie widened his eyes, sitting up slowly to meet Eddie gaze. He tucked his legs underneath his large frame. “I told you to save the film just in case you ever saw your Mom in the shower again, Eds.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, slapping Richie across the chest a huff escapes his lips. “Shut up you idiot, that wasn't even funny.“
“Let’s see the picture then.” Richie placed his hand out in front of him, expectant of the small white piece of film. Eddie shakes his head and moves back further.   Richie feigns to be upset, bringing a hand to rest over his heart. Eddie soften his gaze afraid he’s hurt his boyfriend feelings. Eddie reaches his hand out to Richie’s shoulder, preparing to apologise. But by no surprise Richie had taken his arm lightly and pulled his smaller body on top of his larger one.  Taking the polaroid picture swiftly from Eddie’s hands as he tried to stabilize himself. Eddie let out a loud groan as he hovered over Richie’s body, legs intertwined. He should have known. Richie let out a loud boisterous laugh at the pout on his boyfriend’s lips.
Richie watched as the boy sat back against his thighs, with his bottom lip puckered and a scowl between his brow. Richie leant up and placed a chaste kiss on Eddie’s lips. Eddie tasted of strawberries like always, just as Richie always had the lingering smell of cigarettes upon his own lips.  Richie smiled up the boy, whom sat wearing a pastel pink shirt underneath his stark white overalls with a rainbow patch sewn in the middle of the pocket that laid upon his chest. Richie had a matching one of his denim jacket and he also had one tattooed onto his left bicep.
Richie looked down at the polaroid seeing nothing but what he deemed to be his overly average looking face with the addition of his bulky glasses, but he figured that there must be something redeemable in him if a boy as perfect as Eddie Kaspbrak were to want anything to do with him. Richie adored the boy with all his heart. He reached up to kiss the boys scrunched up nose, pulling away he leant on his elbows and watched the smaller teenager force away a smile from his face. He smiled up at Eddie, waiting for his favourite boy to beam a smile right back at him. Richie raised his eyebrows when nothing came, poking the fragile boy in the side.
Eddie looked Richie dead in the eye, struggling to keep up his façade. “I love you, spaghetti.” Eddie let out a frustrated groan breaking his stoic expression with a  loud laugh.
“Don’t call me that you douche!” Eddie exclaimed through a laugh. Both boys starred back at one another with silly smiles on their faces and the pure admiration sparkling in their eyes. Even though they were polar opposites they found solace in each other and wouldn’t give it up for the world.
Oblivious to the two, the rest of the losers had begun approach from the rear and watched the scene in ‘awe’ as both teenage boys starred into each other’s eyes completely unaware to the world around them. Bev picked up the discarded polaroid camera and brought it up to her face capturing the pure love displayed upon both of the boys faces in a time where they all felt peace.
GUYS THIS WAS SO FUCKING GAY I LEGIT CAN'T. I tried to keep the punk and pastel lowkey bc I hate when its like super in your face but it just turned to shit lmao, tell me what  u think kiddos.
if you wanna be added to the reddie taglist lemme know!
I had a bunch of ppl in my ask box wanting to be added but they all deleted so idk who they were I'm sorry!
taglist : @colinmorgay @its-ya-girl-mercy @tastes-like-cherry-coke @netzoflix @bitch-its-youknowwho @prkrptr @ladycataztrophe @whoisjjacob @eddies-inhaler
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