ragecndybars · 1 year
Okay, how about "I Will Make This Time Different"?
Also ily2 <3
Time travel AU with any of the Newsona protags but they become so obsessed with changing the events that all the other characters become super concerned with how strange and erratic they're acting
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mudstoneabyss · 2 years
Happy birthday y’all ily /p :]
🖤 ily2 ty
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ca11istee · 2 years
WIP Whatever-Day-It-Is
i got tagged this past week by three people (@ghostoracle, @seraphfighter, and @beammeupbroadway, ily3 and tysm ❤️) to share a wip. i guess it’s time to let the cat out of the bag? here’s the first scene of the sequel i’m writing for that vampire!johnny silverhand fic i posted last week, ptolemaea🧛
tagging everyone on tumblr with all of the pressure (jk, but if you see this and wanna share something, please do ✨)
She could feel eyes on her. Ever since she had brought that stranger home, the feeling of being stalked never went away, not completely. For the first couple of weeks, it had started to recede. She would feel the prickling fear less and less. Even so, she hadn’t left her apartment when it wasn’t necessary, especially not at night.
V was alone in her apartment, cooped up with a cup of spicy instant noodles and an open bottle of Broseph on her coffee table. She wasn’t sleepy beforehand; she’d only done a straightforward gig that afternoon, something barely enough to put food in her belly that night. Then suddenly, her eyes were drooping, and she heard her front door unlock and swing open.
V struggled to open her eyes again; that prickling feeling raised the hairs on the back of her neck, but abruptly felt too sleepy to care. Her head lulled to the side, and her cup of noodles tilted dangerously to the side in her loose grip– before it was softly taken and set aside.
A body slid in behind her on the couch, left arm snaking around her limp form as their chest settled behind her right shoulder.
“Evenin’ baby girl,” she heard a soft, smoky voice mutter unto the top of her head, and suddenly the foreboding sense of dread vanished. It was replaced with something soothing, like a balm over a painful burn.
V was barely conscious at that moment, and could merely hum contently in response as she felt a hand brush through her hair, pushing her wispy bangs back from her forehead. She tried to open her eyes as the scent of bitter citrus and musky wood met her nose, and tried once more as that left hand slid up her ribs and gently groped her breast through her shirt. Beneath her blanket cocoon, she was only in a t-shirt and underwear since she had no plans for company or leaving until the next day.
“You miss me?” the familiar voice asked softly, darkness hiding behind the innocent query. She could feel a short beard scratching against the side of her face as the voice whispered to her, “Couldn’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout me. I could fuckin’ feel it.” The left hand gave her breast another harder squeeze, and her body sighed in response. “Drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy,” the owner of the voice kissed the shell of her ear after, as if he were punctuating his statement.
The hand under the blanket with her was trailing south now, and she felt her thighs tingling from the cold metal that reached between them, cupping the juncture where her legs met. The palm rubbed over her underwear, creating gentle friction beneath the fabric. Again, Valerie sighed, her hips twitching upward involuntarily.
“Really shouldn’t be sleepin’ on your couch, sweetheart,” she felt teeth grazing her earlobe before the voice added, “Let’s go to bed, huh?”
The palm left her, leaving much to be desired. Next, she felt the blanket get tossed off her before being pulled into the stranger’s lap and lifted into the air.
That was the last thing she remembered from that evening before the familiar droning of her alarm roused her from sleep. Her limbs felt lifeless and heavy, and she could barely open her eyes. She was spread eagle, sheets tangled between her legs as she lay on her back, trying to focus on her ceiling.
Once again, she was unbearably thirsty, but she may have passed out a few more times, before she finally mustered up the strength to roll to her side and shut off her alarm.
Half past one. It was half past fucking one in the afternoon. At least this time, she did have something to drink at her bedside, an energy drink, too, at that. How old it was was anyone’s guess– she wasn’t fond of Spunky Monkey since the high sugar content always gave her the jitters.
She reached out for the can and picked it up, trying to crane her head so she wouldn’t have to sit up and take a drink. Only, as she brought the can to her lips, all she was met with was cool metal. Confused, V pulled the can away to inspect the mouth but found it wasn’t open. Blinking at it in confusion, she shifted to prop herself up before pulling the tab. The fizzy drink bubbled up in a spray as she did, and then she finally took a sip. The tangly liquid flooded down her throat as quickly as she could gulp without making herself sick from the carbonation. V tried not to think about how suddenly a brand new can of Spunky Monkey was on her nightstand as she drank the entire contents. She must have bought it instead of her usual Cirrus or Tiancha by accident and forgotten.
When she finally dragged herself out of bed, it was to wander into her kitchen to get another drink, because one can of Spunky Monkey hadn’t cut it. For once, she was craving actual water. She doubted she could scrape up the creds to buy an entire gallon, but even a small, eight-ounce bottle sounded positively divine.
Twelve eddies lighter and one tiny plastic bottle crushed in her right palm, V noticed something odd. Her blanket from last night had been neatly folded and placed over the back of her couch, which wasn’t typical for her unless she had company over. It was folded inside out, too; the fuzzy side was on the outside instead of the smoother side. She tried to think how tired or drunk she must have been before realizing her cup of instant noodles and bottle of beer were missing from her coffee table.
The crushed plastic bottle dropped out of V’s hand as she turned and ran, albeit dizzily and weakly, into her bathroom. Her left palm slammed on the light switch as her right turned on her mirror, and after another half second, she turned around, away from her reflection, with her hands over her mouth.
The mark was back. It had disappeared only a day or two after her fever dream of an encounter with Johnny, leaving her skin perfectly intact. But the two dark purple bruises were back, marring the side of her neck in almost exactly the same place.
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battysoda · 1 year
i love uu so much /p i hope things get better <3 here are some cute pictures
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aajjks · 7 months
Pls drink lots of water, as well if you have low potassium it can bring awful headaches 😞, so if you can eat a banana pls eat one and drink lots of water. I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep last night 😞 ily2 🥺🥺🥺 mwah mwah 🥰🥰🥰 - ☀️
Oh my God, eating a banana would help? Thank you so much I’ll just go and do that and drink a lot of water and you do the same OK? 🥺 ily3
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house-of-wack · 5 years
All your posts are like tiny fics I love your blog sm
Nick, finds a nerf gun:
Nick: >:)
Nick, hiding:
Ellis: Hey Ni-
Nick: *Shoots Ellis in the crotch*
Ellis, doubling over: Holy shit! Th'fuck is y' problem!?
Nick: It's nerf or nothing, Ellis.
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ventus-selphus · 5 years
gamer!!!! i love you too! -from rat cave
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affrontremade · 5 years
give me something sexy 🎱
apollo justice!
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hhjs · 4 years
no bitch fuck u and ur male wife
but ily too btw hihihi
😳😳😳😳 ur so hot
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jeroazu-archive · 7 years
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blcodyhell · 7 years
colinmorgay replied to your post: I’ve bought so much Dan and Phil shit this year;...
You are disgusting and i love you
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bamboozledchaos · 3 years
Tw: soppy affection to my platonic bethrothed
@chocoenvy my strawberry chocolate fountain I miss youuu hru doing bestie /p /gen! /pos
@ukiyo--hana hello prettiest flower in Teyvat hru doinggggg I miss you too/gen! /p /pos
@lovelyy-moraxx hello my love, ik you’re going through stuff and might not respond, but if you’re reading this, I just want you to know ilysm too /p /pos /gen! And we support you no matter what! Feel free to vent to me if you need to (I don’t check discord much so maybe mostly on here)! Also, best of luck to you and ily <333 bestiee, may you get well soon!
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corkcollector-blog · 5 years
if ur doing cryptids can u look up the pope lick monster and draw him for me id love it so much thank u ily
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him!! a classic
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casualpastelgay · 8 years
Overlord of Pastel Gays™ (ily 💞)
This just in: if you're a pastel and a gay you answer to me now.
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seblore · 4 years
If you’re still doing it ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ mauve, amber, lime green and baby blueeee ILY
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what colour am i to you
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aspernamentum · 7 years
morelikxevil replied to your post “1-60”
Love you boo ��
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