#cole sprouse theme
vseahn · 7 months
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details of creature WIP 👉👈
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Musings on Ice-Pick Joe
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I'm not sure why no one is talking about Ice-Pick Joe's death scene, especially with rumors of the Ice-Pick Joe prequel circulating the internet.
The scene where Ice-Pick Joe walked by Sofia's window on his way to the fateful meeting with Katya, stopping to lean against the light post long enough to see two silhouettes come together. (I can't be the only one who was getting Blue Velvet vibes in that scene?) Why isn't anyone talking about his longing? The voyeurism? His fear of abandonment stemming from childhood trauma...after all, his mother picked him, of all his siblings, to leave at the orphanage! She left him with nothing but those appleseeds that he carried around in his pockets.
I'm absolutely sure that Sofia was the unnamed child in Joe's flashback (Jodie Foster was so good as the scrappy, androgynous best friend. She did have a limp in that scene when they were running from the cemetery. We don't actually know at what age Sofia lost her leg. And Donny Osmond was the perfect young Ice-Pick Joe!)
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If you watch closely, she had the same birthmark on her shoulder in that first awkward kiss scene that Sofia had when she and Katya fought that night of her birthday, when she ripped her blouse and threw her glass of champagne at the wall.)
But back to Joe on the empty street, those shadows against the wall like shadow puppets, and the way the clock motif came back at that moment? Such haunting music, reprised again in the film score during Joe's death (I still cry when I hear "The Demise of Ice-Pick Joe". Linking to it here, because I played it on repeat when the movie was over. Brilliant and haunting.)
Remember how the flashbacks showed us that Ice-Pick Joe was really superstitious and believed that he had inherited his grandmother's gifts? If you watch the way Joe looks at the shadows and then down at his watch, you can see him hesitate before going to the docks. Was he hearing voices?
Most people agree that the shadows on the wall looked like a child, but I'm not sure that Ice-Pick Joe's hesitation to go to the dock was about his own son. I think the shadows looked more like that kiss flashback when he and Sofia were children. The frame and perspective are almost the same angle, as if they are being watched from below.
Either way, he is clearly making the choice to leave the past behind that brings him to his tragic and senseless death.
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I would love to know what happened that took that gentle young Joe who loved to sing and turned him into the tortured stoic we meet in Goncharov, the only affection reserved for his cat, Mrs. Claws.
(I can't help but wonder if they meant for her to be an echo of Le Befana, the Italian winter witch-goddess who sometimes gets translated as Mrs. Claus? After all, his mama's last words to him when she kissed him goodbye were, "If you're a very good boy, maybe La Befana will bring you to a new home on Epiphany morning, a warm home full of food and presents." Poor Joe never finds that home.) You know, I think that was the first time I heard about Le Befana, and that was one of the inspirations that led me down the road to my own version of Mother Christmas.
Does anyone know if it's true that the Ice-Pick Joe prequel got permission to use "Hotel California" as its theme song? I wonder if we're going to get the story of his time as an unskilled laborer in the vineyards of Napa in the 60s? I was never clear about how he got to America and then back to Italy with a small fortune and hitman skills? They're saying it's like Better Call Saul meets the Sopranos meets Twin Peaks. I'm here for it, especially if they can get Cole Sprouse to play young Ice-Pick Joe.
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z0mbiefvcker · 3 months
ah gosh ! oh golly ! cole sprouse has suddenly possessed me to make my blog lisa frankenstein themed again ! aw shucks !
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themosleyreview · 8 months
The Mosley Review: Lisa Frankenstein
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Often the question the same question comes up in cinema. Why don't we have any more romantic comedies? Where are the quirkie coming of age films that tackle the age old themes of teen life struggles, social constructs within the popularity of each group or just the classic build up to a date to prom? Where are those films?! Well, here's a film that illustrates why that film genre has been buried and is slowing being unearthed. Like many of you, I enjoy a darker and off beat rom com from time to time and how it reflects the current youth lifestyle. Unfortunately, most of today's youth is online instead of in the real world. It was refreshing for this film to strip away modern tech and go back to the often romanticized era of the 80's and fully embrace the sorely missed awkward teen trope and macabre tone of early Tim Burton films. This film excels in that many times when it focuses on that vary grove it tries to stay in. Where it falters is in its weird pacing issues and lack of personal identity. It ultimately had nothing to say that I haven't heard already and it rushed its way through the magical nature of the heartfelt story that exists inbetween the seams.
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Kathryn Newton was fun as the shy and distant teen Lisa Swallows. What I liked in the beginning was her innocence and sort of quiet demeanor in the way she would interact with people in her life. For a few moments she had a mystery to her that gave her that needed silent edge. She was a teen of very little words and when she finally finds her confidence, that's when the character really comes to life. I wish we could've played with her psychological decent and how she copes with things. Liza Soberano was really perky and loving as her lively sister step sister, Taffy. I liked their dynamic and how Taffy is always lifting up Lisa from her more secluded nature and gets her to come out of her shell more. The chemistry between them was really good and made for a lighter version of an almost "Heather's" situation. Joe Chrest was good and essentially a little more attentive version of his character from Stranger Things, Ted Wheeler. Carla Gugino was fantastic as always and as Lisa's stepmother Janet Swallows, she was very much the wicked stepmother from Cinderella. Now the real standout of the film and the most charming character was Cole Sprouse as The Creature. His beautifully tragic story was told expertly in the opening credits and he was a joy to watch once he comes back to life. The physical comedy and sometimes micro expressions he made were brilliantly executed and I loved every second he was on screen. The chemistry between him and Lisa was the heart of the film and even though not a word is spoken from him, his intentions are clear. The two of them together bring out the Edward Scissorhands love story aspect of the film and it felt like a gothic fever dream at times.
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The score by Isabella Summers was good and serviceable, but I wish she leaned more into the horror a bit more which was also a problem with this film. For the majority of the film, I felt as if the film was really living its namesake. It was a greatest hits collection of all the best parts of the 80's horror comedies and early Tim Burton love stories that had so much heart, but this film failed many times to stay focused on those tropes. Where it was succeeding was when it would go down the implausible and fantastical fun of the love story, but it makes sharp turns away from it as things started to get more serious. The best way I could describe my feelings here is if you just look at the first trailer for this film. You get that exact macabre and comedic horror feel the film wanted to be. You get that, but it feels more watered down. Maybe if the film just focused on her coming out her shell and got rid of the stepsister and the other goth girl bully in the film, then maybe this would've been what that trailer promised. Also, I don't know if it was the theater I was in, but the sound mixing in this film was atrocious in the first 20 minutes of the film. The dialogue and score was turned down so low that I had to really focus on what was being said and I almost lost a god chunk of the story. Overall, this was a gothic rom com that had potential to be a new standout among the other same type of films we get each year, but I think it was bogged down by too many characters and the lack of expertise in the field. It could've been so much more. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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feelingdeadandshitty · 3 months
So I did a thing (extra rare)
I ended up moving to the US for college, so I watched some fucking movies during my flights (so fun!!). I legit texted my friends the same things about these movies, but like, who tf cares actually, right???
First plane: Frankenstein theme apparently cause after watching the first movie, my brain went, "heY, how funny would it be to watch another movie with this specific aspects in commoN, but the vibes are COMPLETELY different?" 1. Poor Things: uH it was interesting, though there was a ton of sex lol, which I either skipped or spaced out during cause I wasn't interested in that, though I get why they put it. This specific movie left me sorta conflicted since it's interesting to see a character like Bella gain her independence through the course of the story due to her mental age rapidly changing from infant to adult woman and gaining experience through exploring the outside world. However, I also see how the "born-sexy yesterday" troupe can be used to describe her, even though the point of the movie was for her to find herself sexually and intellectually. Most of the men in the movie, even her father figure, who implanted the infant brain in her, has referred to wanting sexual relations (her father/creator does say it as a passing comment) or sexually takes advantage of her (Mark Ruffalo's character legit "touchs" her within a minute of meeting her cause of his rakeish nature) and the original person's whose body she's in's husband is one of the people of all time 🤠. However, that was probably part of the point to show her discovering herself. Maybe her father's assistant "Max" was the most chill outta them, but I feel like I'm missing something about him idk. Overall, it was a polarizing movie, but unless most ppl who either loved or hated this movie, I'm somewhere in the middle. 2. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa Frankenstein was just a fun movie, like it didn't take itself seriously plus Cole Sprouse being the love interest working better since he has to keep his yap shut for most of the movie until the last scene is so funny to me. The main girl is really good at being the lead of campy horror, like her delivery is really good man - and I probably should watch more movies she's in- Second plane: pride month mF / Rachel Sennott IS the theme actually- 3. Bottoms: insane as fuck, like maN, I can't begin to explain it, like whoA- uH, comedy of the fucking century, the one liners and fucking HAZEL JESUS IM GAY 😭 4. Shiva Baby: anxiety the movie fr, like brUH?? Rachel's character kept making mistake after mistake but people always asking her to do stuff within the movie at random points and her using them them as ways to escape consequences temporary is jusT- not her sending her nudes to the guY when his WIFE and BABY were there and when his wife found out, OHHHHH BOYYYY, not her forcing Rachel's character to hold the baby when she was basically the side chick (which she didn't know about until that day, but still continued, but I support women's wrongs iG 🤷‍♀️) and the gAYS in the CAR, I will take that hand holding at the end as a happy ending fuck EVERYTHING-
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edwinspaynes · 11 months
hello hello! I have just become a overnight fan of yours i just LOVEE ur blog ever since a moot advocated your work! I wanted to pass on similar questions/musings i had for her, and since i became a fan of urs, i would LOVE to know ur pov on them <3<3<3
2. Cassie on spicy romance
A lot of the “spicy” romansce fantasy authors that kind of pioneered the sub genre (SJM, Jennifer l armentrout, laura thalassa etc) all started in YA, and then in mid series, they shifted and grew with their audience to go more adult in themes.
Do you think Cassandra Clare should have done the same thing and missed this opportunity? Would you have preferred if she reflected this? I personally feel like her fandom would still be as strong as ever if she followed her colleagues suit.
Or do you think that she stayed good sticking to her roots and her writing voice lends itself to not have more adult type of romances and benefits from a fade to black shall we say.
In her latest kickstarter, one of the four novels that are in it, will feature 10 spicy romantic couples from shadow hunters universe. Given this is crowd funded it makes me wonder if, if it were up to her, she would have gone more adult themed but her publishing contract held her back from it. But then from a publishers pov, isn’t that shooting yourself in the foot? All the authors I mentioned above changed their contracts I feel to reflect the direction the audience knew would give the most captain gain.
I would love to know your thoughts on this 🤭.
Lots to unpack here. First, SHOUTOUT TO LAURA THALASSA. That's one of my main go-to/autobuy authors! I just got the Queen of All That Dies, too, so I'm excited to chomp down into it.
Anyway, we can fangirl about Laura Thalassa later if you want (?).
I don't think Cassie's works are suited to romantasy. I say this with a lot of love to the genre - it's one of my favourites - but romantasy is... not known for its world-building. It's clear to me not just from TSC but from SC that world-building is a great delight for her. Also, I feel like she's trying to position herself as a "serious" fantasy author like George RR Martin or Diana Gabaldon. That's been the main vibe I've gotten from her SC tour.
I don't think she should have been a romantasy author, but I also don't think she should stick to YA. I talked a bit about this yesterday and in the past, too, but TLH should definitely have been an adult trilogy. None of the characters feel like teens anyway besides Lucie and maybe Jesse. Like, Cassie deadass wrote 20somethings, went "huh, gotta publish this as YA," and waved the magic want to make them 17. All those characters read as Riverdale Teens to me. Cole Sprouse at 29 in a weird hat.
Adult Urban Fantasy TLH wouldn't have written Tessa out of her own plotline. It would have unpacked Alastair's trauma and the Carstairs family dynamic more fully. 10/10 adult.
As for the Kickstarter, I don't really care about the spice level of the content. I'm going to like the ships I like, and not like the ones I don't. I'm pretty simple when it comes to this, lol. >_<
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blue-slxt · 1 year
I'm on the last season of riverdale Blue! This is gonna be awkward if you haven't seen it, but seeming you fill us in about yourself, I feel it's only fair that I tell you about what I be binging or whatever.
I remember when it first came out and I was in middle school, and all the girls would rave on about it, including my friends. I didn't have any interest whatsoever for it back then, but I was a bit slower then other teens, never looking to grow up too fast or finding interest in these teen drama series 😂 But I'm older now and I actually like the series, it's not bad.
No one asked! But. My favourite is definitely Jughead honestly. Archie andrews might be good looking sure, but there's a lot about his characters mentality that just turns me off 😂 Throughout the seasons I get hot and cold with Veronica honestly. And I fucking love Betty. Everytime! She calls someone "Bitch" I gotta laugh. I don't know what series I'll be moving onto next.
I always be rewatching the same movies or shows and I think most ppl can relate.
So if you have any series or movies you can recommend. I like all kinds of movies/series. From biographies to rom-coms to animated and cartoons, fantasy.
Aw love thanks for sharing! Truthfully, I’ve never fully sat down and watched Riverdale but I’ve seen bits and pieces of it here and there. Truthfully, if I were to watch it, it would probably only be for Jughead because Cole Sprouse is 😍😍😍
As far as recommending more shows/movies I’m so honored that you would ask me🥹
Death Note is an anime that I will probably recommend to people until the day I die. It was my first real anime and I have to tattooed on me for a reason. The story is so unique and interesting and dark and amazing. It’s nearly perfect in my opinion. Definitely worth checking out.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is another amazing anime. It’s actually my favorite. It’s one of the most well-written shows I’ve ever seen.
Someone Great is a Netflix movie that I really adore. Full disclosure, the dialogue can be a bit cringey at times, but the heart that the movie has is incredible. And it made me sob like a baby the first time I watched it so maybe have tissues nearby lol
Pretty much anything by Mike Flanagan. But specifically, his Netflix series. The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass are all favorites of mine. They’re all dark, but the themes and characters are so well done I’m obsessed.
Arcane is a great show I just recently got into. (Shoutout to @teyamsatan for putting me on because oh my god 😍) the animation is phenomenal and there’s so many well-written characters and it’s legitimately unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I love it.
Black Mirror is great if you’re looking to get mind fucked lol. My only advice though is to skip the very first episode. (Just trust me on this). You can go back and watch it later if you want, but do yourself a favor and don’t start there. It’s an anthology series so you won’t miss anything. But it’s all dark, dystopian, technology, craziness.
If you like documentaries/true crime stuff, Making a Murderer on Netflix is absolutely bonkers and you should definitely give it a look. The case is wild from beginning to end and it had me legitimately yelling at my tv the first time I watched it.
Let me know if there’s more recommendations you want! 😘
And if you check any of these out, let me know what you think of them!
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carterreviewsmovies · 2 years
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Big Daddy (1999) Review
Big Daddy Directed by Dennis Dugan
Year Released: 1999 Duration: 93 Minutes Filming Format: 35mm Video: Colour Audio: Dolby 2.0 Surround Language: English Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 Joey Lauren Adams Marathon 1/3
Adam Sandler's 1999 film, Big Daddy, tells the story of Sonny Koufax (Adam Sandler), a law school dropout, living in comfort on the settlement money he had earned a year prior (due to an altercation with a taxicab). Life is drastically changed for Sonny when a boy named Julian (Cole Sprouse, Dylan Sprouse) is dropped at his door. The child turns out to be the illegitimate son of Sonny's roommate Kevin Garrity (Jon Stewart) who is away on business in China. In a convoluted scheme to prove he is responsible to his girlfriend, Sonny decides to pose as Kevin to social services, caring for the child himself.
Sonny begins by allowing Julian to make his own decisions such as picking his clothing, what he eats, when he sleeps, etc. While this parenting method makes Julian happy, it quickly unravels once he is enrolled in school. The teacher quickly complains about Julian’s lack of progress, personal hygiene, fashion sense, and tendency to relieve himself on the walls or in potted plants. Finally grasping the severity of the situation, Sonny makes a change with the aide of Layla (Joey Lauren Adams) in raising Julian. The hard work put into both Julian’s development and Sonny's maturing as an adult is soon tested when social services begin to ask questions regarding Sonny's true identity.
While Big Daddy did not perform as well with critics as its preceding films (Roger Ebert gave the film one and a half stars out of four), it is a turning point in Sandler's career. Once known for his raunchy, nonsensical, and abrasive comedy, we now see a softer side to Sandler's character. We see a man who wants to change, a man who deep down craves responsibility and leaves behind his younger years of partying for something more meaningful.
The film also serves as, what I believe to be, a very important part of modern history in the terms of Hollywood's transition in accepting the LGBT community. Peter Dante and Allen Covert play two guys who were a part of Sonny's law school friend group. They, later on, discover their sexuality and are now in a relationship. While occasionally taking shots at their expense (in a good-hearted fashion) and Jonathan Loughran's character expressing visible discomfort, the film shows us men that are willing to at least try to understand. Sonny at one point explains to Layla "Nothing really changed, we just watch a different kind of porno now." This line drives across the main theme of love the film presents. In a notoriously misogynistic, prejudiced industry, we have one of the world's most popular comedians exclaiming it doesn't matter who you love, and that acceptance and caring are learned virtues that can be attained as long as you're willing to be open-minded.
At times the jumps from humour to sentimentality can be jarring but I feel it works in favour of the film. The transition of emotions is messy, but so is raising a child. It's messy, chaotic, confusing, and overwhelming. Sometimes things don't make sense but things will work out if you persist in your love for your child, partner, or friend.
Overall one of my favourites of Sandler's 90s movie run, ranking close to Billy Maddison. Sandler in his earlier years is obsessed with the theme of having to grow up and he has somewhat manifested this theme in his own life. We all know and love the goofy SNL era of Adam Sandler, many of us even love his raunchy later-in-life comedies like Grown Ups (mostly for nostalgia's sake), and we get to see him as a mature actor now in films like Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems.
-- Carter
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aphoenixgurl · 2 years
Honestly, I really don't have the time or energy lately to do any fancy aesthetics for this page, but I'm trying to make it a bit more accessible. It's a work in progress, so bare with me.
dni if you are a minor. I'm only interested in writing with people who are 18+. I'm 30 and do appreciate partners closer to my age.
At this time, I'm really focused on f/f and f/nb fem pairings. F/m might be okay here and there, but It's not a priority.
All of my opens are open to mutuals and non-mutuals.
Muses Starters Plots
I strongly prefer para and multipara format on discord. Replies that are only a few sentences quickly lose my interest. I can get to long novella length if I'm feeling inspired, but I do find it intimidating to jump right into that. Texting threads can be okay.
Themes that interest me are: age gap, cheating, (step)cest, D/s, and dubcon. I don't keep a full kink list. My focus is on fun plots and connections between characters rather than specific activities.
Limits: unsanitary bodily fluids, noncon, anal
discord: aphoenixgurl
See below for FCs
Ladies I like to use or write against: Alexis Ren, Anya Taylor-Joy, Elizabeth Hurley, Emily Ratajkowski, Ester Exposito, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kate Beckinsale, Katie Douglas, Kaya Scodelario, Liz Gillies, Madison Beer, Marlo Kelly, Natalie Dormer, Virginia Gardner.
Males I like: Cole Sprouse, Jensen Ackles, John Hamm, Micheal Fassbender, Nick Robertson, Sebastien Stan, Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland,
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elpida · 2 years
Please read the rules below. They are subject to change so please check periodically.
The legal age of consent in my country is 18, so please do not interact with this blog if you are below the age of 18.
I'm here for a good time, this is my hobby. I will block you if I think you are being toxic. I'm not here for drama. Let's just have a nice time. ♥
No godmodding.
My characters thoughts, feelings and opinions are not my own so please don't let their actions or thoughts reflect on our ooc relationship.
This blog will contain triggering themes, dark topics and nsfw content. I will tag anything that may be considered triggering as 'tw' and also 'tw topic theme'. I am human and make errors, please just give me a little friendly reminder if I have forgotten to tag.
Whilst I write smut, I prefer if our characters have a connection prior. I ship chemistry and I love talking ships. If you get excited for it, I get excited for it!
I will by nature and muse allowing, reply to the threads I have the most muse for first. It doesn’t mean I don’t like our thread, it’s just as muse allows.
I tend to prefer sensible sized gifs used, but it doesn't bother me too much if you use something else. Let me know if you have a preference and I will try to work to your preference.
I only RP with human fc's. No cartoon/anime.
When it comes to the length of replies, I’m normally fine with not having length matched because I can get ahead of myself, so long as I can see the same effort is given back that's all that matters.
If I create NPC's with you, please do not use them in other threads.
Please only send ask memes if we have interacted previously, or have discussed prior.
Banned FC’s : One Direction, 5SOS, those known for mainly Disney or Nickelodeon. Angelina Jolie, Anya Taylor-Joy, Elizabeth Gillies, Leighton Meester, Megan Fox, Camila Mendes, Ariana Grande, Amber Heard, Felicity Jones, Cole Sprouse, Joe Keery, Dacre Montgomery, Hayley Williams.
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lostintra · 1 year
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Hello, I'm Xamri (They/Them). This is a semi-selective multi-ship multi-muse indie rp where mun and muses are 21+. I'd also ask that you as well are 21+ in order to interact since this rp will contain mature themes. (Though I will not rp topics such as n*ncon, inc*st, or gr**ming.) I don't always follow back right away but don't let that deter you. Please take all the time you need to reply because I don't typically reply super quickly either and feel free to ask me any questions, hit up my opens, or tag me in things whenever you'd like!
Banned fcs: deceased, cartoon/anime, glee, kardashians/jenners, cole sprouse, timothee chalamet, camila cabello, those who have asked not to be used as fcs and those with serious allegations. (there may also be other fcs that i will be selective with.)
muses 🔮 opens 🔮 plots
primarily using beta editor
i prefer the use of small to medium size gifs. please cut your posts.
my musing/ship sideblog @musinginferno
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gabenvrhappened · 2 months
MoviesOr... Lisa Frankenstein
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At first, I thought I had pressed play on a Tim Burton movie. The aesthetic and the concept he's so known for were all there within the very first minutes of Liza Frankenstein. In fact, I was so sure of it that I kept extra close attention to the initial credits to make sure I wouldn't miss his name popping up during the haunting animation, but it didn't. If it wasn't for the colorful ambiance of the 80s, one could've fooled me into thinking it was one of his works. Nowadays, every day of my life feels like Sunday, so there I was with my risotto, a movie, and a dream.
If I'm not mistaken, I can swear I only read bad reviews about this movie, so I was really convinced it would be one of the many current "horror" features that I would only watch to spend a night in, not expecting to write about it on my Tumblr — like it happened recently with A Quiet Place: Day One and Tarot. To my surprise, I kept laughing to myself: "what a marvelous film". Technically, it has a fresh idea, even with such a cliché theme. I, for one, have never seen any movie with the same premise.
Talking about the stars, Kathryn Newton has some interesting movies in her career (if we pretend that Freaky and Ant-Man don't exist), with my favorite definitely being The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (mostly because of Kyle Allen, but that's another story). On the other hand, I'm not much of a fan of Cole Sprouse. Since that infamous line in Riverdale, I tend to roll my eyes at his characters. Here, while dressed up as a brought-to-life version of Sweeney Todd, he sparks specifically for the lack of lines. That forces him to use his facial expressions, which are very strong. Alongside them, we also have Liza Soberano, who I adored even with her being such a toxic-positive sister.
There are a few things I would change, though. I would have made the way the corpse comes to life a bit more elaborate, and I would have brought the first kill to life again just for the laughs. But the finished product is already good as it is. I did see the cheating happen, but I didn't think that I would see a scene of someone stitching a penis onto a corpse. I like absurdities like that. That reminds me of Poor Things' recent sister: Kinds of Kindness. Good absurdities in a badly executed movie (or should I say, unfortunately, three movies)?
The references are top-notch, too. From the Tim Burton homage to the Heathers-inspired killing couple (which I recently watched in the movie format and didn't find it just as impressive as the musical), it's obvious that the director did her research for the film. I'm sure the Janet here is more than just a name but something straight out of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Box office products like these are just like Thelma: you don't have much to say about them, but you enjoy the trip either way to the point of making sure they receive the golden Tumblr treatment. As a matter of fact, not only did it bring fun to my day inside my still unfurnished apartment (at least now with a bed), but it also made me add a new thing to my adventure list (now with a score of 13 out of 40 things done, and counting): "share the piano seat with someone, either with them playing or me playing, while singing". Let's hope it's not with a corpse. But if it is, it's okay. If I love him, it's like the saying goes: "till death do us part" (and bring us back to life together).
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rythmicjea · 5 months
Can you write an Lody endgame analysis
This is a very interesting ask to me for many reasons. I have only ever watched the show, in its entirety, once. And I only did it to see how close I was to it after writing the majority of The Suite Adult Life. When I was a teenager, my grandmother said to me, "a good writer can take something they don't want to write about and turn it into something they do." I've kind of lived by that since. Did I want to write a Z&C fanfic? No, I did not. Did I want to write something that would aid me through the grief I was experiencing? Yes I did. And voila! TSAL was born.
So, I'm going to answer this, but it won't be in the way it is requested. This will be split into two parts. The first is addressing the characters directly and the second will be addressing the tropes the characters represent.
The pairing of Cody and London within the Suite Life universe was never a possibility. This is for a multitude of reasons. The first, and the most important, is that Brenda Song, the actress of London is five years older than Dylan & Cole Sprouse. When the pilot aired it was just before Brenda's 17th birthday. The twins were thirteen but they played the ages of eleven (because they were so small). By the time the twins were of an age where any romantic storyline could be portrayed it would literally be breaking the law. The law of consent in California is 18. Disney, being the family oriented network that it is, would never cross that line.
Another example of this is Zack's crush on Maddie. Ashley Tisdale is seven years older than the twins. The show does a wonderful job addressing how such an age difference is inappropriate (even though they are only supposed to be three years apart - Maddie is in high school and the twins are in the 5/6th grade). Zack tries to flirt, she always turns him down.
Disney channel shows are not very complex and overall continuity in sitcoms were still a relatively new thing. Speaking of continuity, a little factoid that doesn't get mentioned is that London is twenty-one when she finally graduates high school. She and Maddie are the same age. Maddie, from what we can discern does graduate high school but London, due to her absences and lack of comprehension of the material continues to get held back. (In the series finale, London learning Spanish is an homage to the play The Miracle Worker about Helen Keller. "Aqua?" refers to Helen Keller learning how to speak and her first word is "Water?") So, with London being able to legally drink and the other students of her class being younger than the legal age of an adult definitely makes this problematic.
These legal issues are why actual teenagers are never (if rarely) cast in teen dramas like Riverdale. The actors being adults allows for the showrunners to explore situations and themes that teenagers get themselves involved in but without the legal consequences.
Because of this, London was never coded to be endgame with any of the other cast. It was morally, ethically, and legally wrong to even chance going down that path.
The Beauty and The Nerd...
However, if the characters were adults (during college for example) then this formula is time-tested and generally approved of. You have a character who is not very bright academically, but smart in their own way. They generally have a street smarts about them or they have been exposed to a social climate that the other has not. And then you have the quintessential "nerd". The person who is ranked first in the class, has hobbies that are considered "weird" and the like.
The reason why these two characters work is because on the surface they seem like opposites. The "dumb" one is attractive and the "nerd" is ugly (even though they never actually are). One is into what people consider "superficial" and the other is into "science" or academically challenging subjects. But that's about where it ends. Because when you look past these trivial issues, you see that the two characters are considered outsiders. They are either misunderstood by their peers or they are isolated from them for various reason. And because of that shared ostracization they are able to find common ground. They are able to change and grow to fit in with society better and expand their worldview thanks to the other has brought (an example of this is Penny and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory).
If we apply these two tropes to the characters of Cody and London we can see how, in other circumstances, the writers might have put them together and why. Cody and London basically grew up together so they have a history. London might have a mean streak she is not a mean girl and the same with Cody. Cody is kind of a dick when he gets older, leaning too much into his ego, but he still has a kind heart. He doesn't have the mass appeal that his twin does, but he does have an endearing quality about him. The same with London. London is portrayed as "very dumb". She does things that make no sense (because they are mostly written for comedic effect) but she has an affinity for animals and is incredibly sharp when it comes to them, fashion, and business. Overall, the pair compliment each other quite nicely. They would certainly have their conflicts but nothing that would be so detrimental to a relationship to end it.
In conclusion, there's no evidence to support a "Lody" endgame theory. They were never written to be romantic interests to each other for many reasons. So, the writers never inserted any clues in the background or dialogue to support the pair. However, if you do what I did, which was age them up ten years, and put them on more equal footing, it's easier to create a narrative with the tropes they represent.
As for any other alternative pairings within the show, because of the age of the actors and the network it was on, the show was very straightforward with its intent. Best friends are best friends, romantic interests are stated at the beginning, etc.
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which recent romcoms do you reccomend?
ooooooh i love this question. right i'm gonna put it under read more mostly because oh my god do i have a list! i'm only gonna mention recent-ish ones that aren't cult classics already.
anyone but you. 10/10 cheesy, no brain cells required for this movie (honestly no one in this movie has them either) sydney sweeney wanted to go to australia and produced a whole movie to excuse it which is 100000/10 behaviour for me. theme songs on point. also one of the haim sisters composed the track, what else you need? that spider scene? 100% how i will react the first time i see one so pray for me. the character is also named bea which as someone whose name doesn't heavily feature in movies i was happy about.
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lisa frankenstein. some people consider it horror, but i consider it horror romcom and it works because the leads also have no brain cells (the guy specifically) idk how to explain it but this is like stranger things as a rom com and the vibes? the vibes are here. i love this movie even if cole sprouse scares me as a person. rom com with a tiny bit of murder ya know.
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the broken hearts gallery. ok truth be told i watched this movie only because bernadette peters and philippa soo were in it but then i noticed my crush on the past three years (dacre) was also in it and i was like THIS IS GREAT. honestly it's such a cute movie and it feels like a very traditional rom com. it's on netflix, give it a watch.
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always be my maybe. tHIS MOVIE. THIS MOVIE IS A GEM, THE SOUNDTRACK IS OFF THE CHARTS AND IT'S SO FUNNY! it's also on netflix so easy to access and honestly i love the friends to lovers to strangers to friends to lovers trope. give it all the awards. keanu reeves has a cameo and if that's not enough to get you watching it idk what is.
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emma. tHE PERIOD ROMCOM. now listen period rom coms work and emma is a romcom as much as much ado about nothing is a romcom, it works, also everyone in that cast is ridiculously good looking.
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Lisa Frankenstein
A misunderstood teenager and a reanimated Victorian corpse embark on a murderous journey together to find love, happiness, and a few missing body parts. 
Mary Shelley's timeless horror masterpiece, Frankenstein, has undergone numerous reinterpretations and adaptations since its original publication over two centuries ago. Throughout the years, diverse perspectives have approached this classic narrative in various ways. For the latest reimagining, Lisa Frankenstein brings a feminist twist to the tale, exploring themes of love and connection in unexpected places, notably with a reanimated corpse. Despite this fresh perspective, the narrative grapples with its identity. While Lisa Frankenstein excels in embracing campiness, it struggles to seamlessly integrate this element into a cohesive narrative and well-defined characters.
During the initial twenty minutes of Lisa Frankenstein, the film grapples with establishing its narrative, tone, and characters, undergoing dramatic shifts from one scene to the next. Despite this stumbling start, the movie eventually finds its footing by fully embracing a self-aware, campy storyline. Reveling in all the expected 80s camp elements, from vibrant neon pastel colors to the lingering scent of hairspray, the film transports viewers to the realm of cult classics like Weird Science and Edward Scissorhands. The entire ensemble commits to infusing 80s camp into their performances, with Kathryn Newton embracing campiness in her gothic character, Liza Somberano embodying the expected foolishness of a sibling, and Carla Gugino delivering a flawless portrayal of a sassy and ultimately correct mother figure. However, Cole Sprouse's minimal lines may have left some longing for more depth in his character, his grunting felt somewhat underutilized. The comedy within the film presents a mixed bag, hitting its mark with finesse at times but occasionally falling flat. Even within this entertaining narrative, Lisa Frankenstein grapples with its own set of challenges.
While the actors deliver commendable performances, the characters they portray in the film remain one-dimensional and inconsistent. These characters undergo dramatic changes depending on the narrative requirements of each scene, resulting in a lack of coherence. This inconsistency makes it challenging for the audience to comprehend and empathize with the characters, as their moral code and internal logic appear to be in constant flux. For example, Lisa (Kathryn Newton) is traumatized by the murder of her mother. However, when another character close to Lisa goes through that same trauma, she shows no remorse or empathy for that character. I understand Lisa is losing her sanity, but this was cold. 
With that stated, I still had a lot of fun with Lisa Frankenstein. It’s not perfect, but its silly camp makes it a prime candidate for a cult classic, which this movie is ultimately destined for. 
My Rating: B-
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spoilertv · 11 months
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