#the suite adult life
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rythmicjea · 9 months ago
The Suite Adult Life - May
So... I forgot how graphic this chapter is. This chapter is the reason for the rating. *Shrugs repeatedly because I can't think of anything to say*
There's two new characters! If you follow my other fiction then you will know exactly who they are.
Luna Gomez - A short brunette with deep chocolate brown eyes. Barnard Graduate and heir apparent to the Luna Rum empire. But, she believes her father is too corrupt and has forsaken him to go her own way which is being a website designer. She looks like a socialite, she acts like a socialite, her mother is even a Real Housewife of New York, but she's one of the most down to earth people you'll ever meet.
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Andrew Fredricks - Tall, midwestern Redhead from Ohio. He played quarterback for the Buckeyes! He's a corporate lawyer who really wanted to do pro bono work for the underprivileged. He just happens to work at Lodge and Associates with a certain other lawyer we know in this story. But he's the most golden retriever boyfriend you'll ever meet!
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rythmicjea · 7 months ago
The Suite Adult Life
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chloesimaginationthings · 7 months ago
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The FNAF Vanessas meet their younger selves..
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martian-astro10 · 5 months ago
As someone who is the most motivated by praise and validation, I kind of don't feel like making astro observations on here anymore. The reason I started this blog was because my friends look so surprised and happy when I read their charts for them, and they sound so impressed, but I just feel that the majority of people on here are a little rude 🥲. Also under my d9 posts there are people being like "what about this, this and this in 5th and this in 12th" like asking about their whole ass chart....... don't do it, it makes me sad guys (as someone with anger issues, I'm trying so hard to remain nice and calm but you all are making it really difficult)
I'll still post observations because I like doing it, I mean I technically don't 😭 but I just like sharing my observations you know but I also don't like when people don't engage with my posts 🥹 (I'm a complex creature bro 😭)
I don't know bro, I'm just feeling a little sad, I hate the internet
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csuitebitches · 1 year ago
Random reading recommendation 1 (find this under my pinned post, under “reading”)
International Monetary Fund - Gen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work PDF.
ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reshape the global economy, especially in the realm of labor markets. Advanced economies will experience the benefits and pitfalls of AI sooner than emerging market and developing economies, largely because their employment structure is focused on cognitive- intensive roles. There are some consistent patterns concerning AI exposure: women and college-educated individuals are more exposed but also better poised to reap AI benefits, and older workers are potentially less able to adapt to the new technology. Labor income inequality may increase if the complementarity between AI and high-income workers is strong, and capital returns will increase wealth inequality. However, if productivity gains are sufficiently large, income levels could surge for most workers. In this evolving landscape, advanced economies and more developed emerging market economies need to focus on upgrading regulatory frameworks and supporting labor reallocation while safeguarding those adversely affected. Emerging market and developing economies should prioritize the development of digital infrastructure and digital skills.
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rythmicjea · 7 months ago
I can attest to this! I wrote a long fic in a pretty dead fandom and I got a comment on it saying that the reader had been waiting years for a story like mine to come along. It's one of my favorite comments and it will always live rent free in my brain.
That fic you wrote?
The one about the ship no one else cares about, or the deeply unpopular character, or the extremely unusual AU?
The fic that got no comments or kudos when you posted it?
Months or years from now, that fic might be exactly what someone is looking for in the sea of fics about all the popular characters, ships, and AUs.
Your fic might be the only fic out there that has what someone is looking for. The only fic that scratches the itch that it turns out you and that reader share.
And that's awesome.
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dotted-clouds · 12 days ago
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Reference sheet for Grimly Nox!
Under the Cut for bonus!
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rythmicjea · 7 months ago
The Suite Adult Life - Winter
Where do I begin? First, I feel like there's this illusion that so many fanfics are left in WIP status. The amount of completed stories out there is staggering but when we finish one it feels like a momentous occasion. Because it is! We completed something that we never thought possible. Or we did it despite all of the obstacles while doing it (ourselves being the biggest one). When I started posting this story I spoke about how it came about. What I didn't say was what happened while writing it and what happened during posting it.
First, for some reason, I got it in my head that it was good enough to be a stand alone story with some slight changes. And I met not one, not two, but NINE literary agents. And then I met a TV producer and a publisher. And then I met an agent who used to be a Disney VP. ALL of them wanted pages of this story. While I haven't been signed yet, the fact that I got that foot in the door is shocking. But even more shocking... I MET COLE SPROUSE. LIKE WTF?! It was on a whim too. And I will be seeing him again in September. And there's a possibility I'll be working with him in August. Does he know about this story? FUUUUCKKK NO LOL. But... he might. And who knows what will happen from there.
I made a post on this blog saying that the phrase "too good to be true" is absolutely false. Because it is. It's only used to put creative people down by those who are not talented in creative fields to stifle any movement. While the network of creative types is incredibly vast and we don't see the literal millions of people trying to get a slice of the pie and this can be used as a warning that things aren't going to come easy, that's not typically how it's used. And I am living proof of that. For the past six months my life has just been a string of "too good to be trues". And while nothing has panned out yet that doesn't mean it won't.
So, for all of you who clicked, kudo'd, subscribed, and left comments, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were part of a healing process and the first step in a journey I was never anticipating. I literally thought my story would fade into the ether and you made sure it didn't. And I love you all for that. I may never know your names but I will remember you forever.
“So you haven’t told her,” Zack said through a mouthful of pretzels.  Exasperated, Cody cried “what am I going to do? We finally get on the right page and now I have to leave?” “Or you could quit,” he offered off-handedly.  Cody snapped his head up along with his fingers. “I could quit!” A light bulb flickered on in his brain. “You’re not quitting,” Zack said tiredly, finishing his brother’s drink for him.  “I’m not quitting,” Cody agreed.
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rythmicjea · 7 months ago
I love this line. And I love that Cole Sprouse still knows it and calls it "his creed". I referenced it two chapters ago in my story.
The final chapter of The Suite Adult Life is being posted on Friday at 8pm EST! Perfect time to get caught up final word count is over 100k and it's not what you're expecting!
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The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Lost In Translation (S02E23)
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nerdie-faerie · 8 days ago
Me: urgh I wanna change my name so bad, I hate it
My friends: noo don't! It's suits you so well
Me, constantly having my name misheard, misremembered or just having a completely irrelevant name attributed to me: .....
Me: why are you lying?
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rythmicjea · 23 days ago
Three things to add as someone who only watched this for the first time a year ago and wrote a 130k word fic that takes place ten years after the finale. And I was like 75% of the way done writing it before I watched it lol.
1.) Paris was 100% Bailey's fault.
2.) In the finale, Bailey says she doesn't want to go to Yale if Cody isn't going. He tells her she deserves it and convinces her to go. He has plans to try to get in.
2a.) He's allowed to be upset he didn't get into his dream school. He also knows how competitive it is. It's a reasonable assumption that if he didn't get in, his equal didn't get in either. All he thinks about is trying to console her and then congratulating her when he finds out she did.
3.) Bailey isn't as easy going as this post might suggest. Yes, academically, things come easy to her. But she's boastful. She has a need to come out on top and her drive to be the best rivals Cody's. She has a deep distrust for those who love her unconditionally. We see how overbearing her parents are; and knowing how many sisters she has, I wouldn't be surprised if she was parentified.
But overall, I agree that Cody's character change was drastic. However, he was still the "good kid" compared to Zack in Z&C. He wasn't as destructive as Zack either. It was more that he was a partner to Zack even if he didn't agree.
Y'all can we take a minute to talk about how awful they wrote Cody to be in Suite Life on Deck.
I'm saying this as a former Cody Girl:
Exhibit A: Personality
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In the OG show, they show Cody having various interests, one being sports, like Zack. He wasn't as good at them or as knowledgeable about them as Zack, but he still took an interest in watching and even playing sports.
They BOTH liked playing video games. They BOTH liked riding bikes. They BOTH liked girls and trying to get their attention. Sure, Cody was also great at school and very book smart, but it didn't consume him.
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On Deck, Cody seems to know little to nothing about sports and has no interest in them at all. In fact, he seems to have no interest in anything that isn't strictly educational. Which brings me to my next point...
Exhibit B: Cody's lack of shenanigans.
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In the OG show, Zack and Cody typically engaged in various shenanigans TOGETHER.
Wanted free bikes? Zack trains Cody to win a teen pageant. Suspect one of the rooms is haunted? Gather their friends to perform a seance. Suspect a guest of conning their mom and their friends? Spy on him and plant traps to catch him. Needed some extra money AND wanted to impress a crush? Rented out London's Suite while she was out of town.
Even Cody gets into his own shenanigans BY HIMSELF. Remember the episode where he moved into a linen closet because he got annoyed sharing a room with Zack?
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Do y'all see that kind of energy from him On Deck? NO.
Well maybe in the first season, but for the most part, not really.
Most hijinks Cody finds himself in on deck, he does not take part in as willingly as he did at the hotel. Mr. Mosbey doesn't even blame Cody for anything that goes wrong on the boat! At the hotel, mosbey always came for "the boys", "you two", "the twins", etc. On Deck, he mainly goes after Zack. The only time I remember him being upset with Cody is when they both wear some "traditional" outfits to a party where everyone else is in black tie.
The adults on the show only seem to be upset with Cody when he's being a know-it-all and correcting the adults around him, or being a very pushy perfect student. Like when he and Bailey refused to take part in the senior ditch day so they made Ms Tutwiler stay with them in the classroom and only teach to them.
And when Cody DOES actually take part in any pranks or hijinks in On Deck, half the time it feels out of character for him. Like when he joined in on the prank on Mosbey that resulted in prom getting cancelled. It just doesn't make sense with the direction they took Cody's character in that he would join in on a prank that endangered Mosbey. He spends so much of On Deck sucking up to authority and teachers and never doing anything remotely wrong, to that. Sure, it's Mosbey, and Cody and Mosbey have history, but still it felt off in On Deck.
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Exhibit C: Cody's treatment of women
Y'all remember this iconic line from the OG?
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Yeah. A few years later, that kid's gonna become a massive incel and write a "play" demonizing his exgf and killing her off at the end.
In both versions of the show, they made Zack to be the "lady's man" and Cody was the one who had a harder time with girls. Even though Cody had his fair share of girlfriends during both shows. Two main ones we're gonna look at: Barbara and Bailey.
If y'all don't remember, Barbara was Cody's crush/friend/gf for a decent amount of the original run for Suite Life. Here's a quick little blip of a scene with them:
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(taken from Google btw)
This is probably the beginning of the end for Cody. Sure by the end of the episode, he snaps out of it and accepts Barbara being stronger, and it's never really mentioned again. If you ignore this episode, Cody appears to view Barbara as an equal for a majority of their time together. And they appeared to mention a fairly amicable breakup between them once On Deck aired.
Now let's look at Cody and Bailey. On paper they seem perfect together. Both top of their class, type A personalities, straight A students. Cody was head over heels for her from the start, and when Bailey finally reciprocated those feelings all seemed well. Then the Paris incident.
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But let's ignore the Paris incident for a minute. Cody was ALWAYS threatened by Bailey. It shows consistently in the show. They're always fighting to be top of the class. Well, Cody's fighting. Bailey just does it.
Let's look at when the gang gets lost at sea. London, Woody, and Zack all agree that Bailey should be captain and in charge of getting them back home, much to Cody's disapproval. When everyone goes to sleep, Cody changes course behind everyone's back because he can't handle being ignored and not being the leader. When they're on the island, Cody starts sulking because Bailey was angry that he undermined her, yet saw no reason to apologize to her.
And then with the finale, when Cody gets rejected from Yale. While Cody is wallowing in misery, he then remembers Bailey also applied. His immediate thought? If HE didn't get in, there was no way Bailey got in, right? Wrong. Bailey got accepted. Further pushing Cody into misery. Not only was he rejected from his dream school, but his girlfriend WAS accepted and HE thought he deserved admission more than she did.
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Cody had a desperate need to be the smartest person in the room, and Bailey challenged him on that. Unlike Barbara, who was also a very intelligent character, Cody didn't seem to view her as equally as he viewed Barbara. Cody thought he was better than her. And when they broke up it struck a chord with him. He couldn't let the breakup, or Bailey go. The nail in the coffin for him should've been the play. After humiliating her like that, Bailey, definitely should've seen the writing on the wall that Cody did not respect her.
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There's a lot that I don't like very much about Suite Life on Deck. The worst thing is the general flanderization of all the characters, but with Cody, it just feels like it's on another level, like they're not even the same person. Z&C Zack and On Deck Zack, okay makes sense how we got here, even London somehow losing more braincells in On Deck feels more in character than whatever tf they did with Cody.
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sisterdivinium · 1 year ago
"We can't kill this woman, she's astounding" -- I couldn't agree more with what was said of Sylvia by Mr Hayter himself after the revelation that they were going to kill Superion off. Wow.
Then again, this ties in with one of the many things I eventually want to talk about concerning what the show did or didn't do with its older cast and it's very interesting to see that... The older characters really were in peril and escaped death thanks to decisions made in the writers' room later on, mostly because they liked the actors so much. Narratively speaking, within the genre, it was very likely we'd see them go and these comments by one of the writers confirm it.
Good thing the show really didn't care about sticking to the conventional!
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rythmicjea · 10 months ago
OMG I love it so much!!! Cody's swagger and shit eating grin, Zack just being P-I-M-P, the groundedness of London, AND THE BABIES!!
This is going to be featured on the second chapter. Thank you SSOOOO MUCH! *Literally doing tippy taps*
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The Suite Adult Life by @rythmicjea
Told over a year, and set a decade after a heart-wrenching breakup between Cody and Bailey, they must confront buried secrets and unspoken truths and decide to rekindle their lost love or let it go forever.
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csuitebitches · 2 years ago
Truth Bomb #4: Sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t always feel right.
You may feel guilt even after doing something that was absolutely needed and making the correct choice.
You can’t make everyone happy and its fine. You are not responsible for anyone else’s emotions.
Doing the right thing isn’t always easy or emotionally pain-free. Doing the right thing can sometimes alienate you from others or have an impact on your wellbeing.
Some people have a fear of conflict, fear of being left out or fearing being alone; but these fears must not stop you from standing up for what you believe in. Even if you’re standing up just for yourself and no one else, you’re doing the right thing.
Everything has a limit to it or it becomes unhealthy. Even “good” things such as extending kindness, being empathetic, giving second chances, listening to someone’s problems has a limit to it. It’s OKAY to establish that limit for yourself because no one else will.
Regardless of the outcome, even if you learn the hard way that you actually did something wrong, its still a lesson learned. Either way, its a win-win. You win some and you learn some.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Everyone makes bad decisions, sometimes with the right intent.
But not everyone works on themselves, protects themselves, and learns from their wrongdoings. To take accountability is difficult, but it is the first step to actually maturing for the better.
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I have a vague memory of Irey being able to do absolutely terrifying things with the speedforce too? She could make her Impulse costume out of energy like Wally could but couldn't she also like. Wrap people in pure speedforce cocoons and control their lifespans
... no...?
I mean. This is actually super weird for me because my personal headcanon is that she'll grow up to do those things but... uh.. no, she's never done that in canon
The suit thing, yeah. Most speedsters can do the suit thing.
Wally has made lil tiny baby speedforce cocoons to hold arsenic bombs and stuff. But, as far as I'm aware, there haven't been any people sized speedforce cocoons.
It seems doable but it also doesn't seem doable. Idk. Speedsters usually have to be super close to their constructs (like, touching them) for them to exist because (although they don't like to admit it) the constructs are usually more 'extensions of their own body that are too inhumane for them to mentally classify as part of their body without having a mental breakdown' and less 'actual stand alone constructs'. For example, Wally's 'cocoons' were attached to his hands.
Of course that being said, Scouts are speedforce constructs that can exist without touching their speedforce source/creator. But Bart is also on some next level shit with that power. That's not a typical speedster ability. Godspeed made a single Scout for less than a minute and he almost died. Rip to Godspeed but Bart is built different.
So ... Idk. It's a possibility for sure.
Now the aging thing is, again, just a general speedster power. Most speedsters can do this, they just don't know they can do it. Pretty much every speedster controls their own aging and slows down their loved ones aging.
Making someone age super fast or deage is a speedster power as well. It just takes a lot more skill and practice. Not every speedster can do it and, honestly, most haven't tried. I love em but they aren't the most creative bunch. Anyway, it's a power that has been shown before and it's 100% doable. I could totally see Irey being able to do it.
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allhailthe70shousewife · 2 years ago
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