rain-frances-art · 8 months
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Cold and Rain with Tweety Bird!
I drew this for my Thursday Art and Dinner Date (TADD). The optional art prompt is "Cold and Rainy". On my blog, there is a link widget where you can link up to showcase your art (any type!) and/or foodies posts! If you want to join in, please feel free to visit my blog.
Here is the link to this week's post: http://www.rainfrances.com/2023/11/thursday-art-and-dinner-date-cold-and.html
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blogbytanja · 2 years
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Syksy on tullut, koleaa ja sateista. #syksy2022🍂 #syyskuu2022🍁 #koirankanssalenkillä #riki💗 #walkingwithdog #coldandrainy #lentävänniemi #fallcolours #fallishere (paikassa Tampere, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci4We8fIq5Xcd1xajgvNOFpN6y6tuQz2mDc1T00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suzannerogers · 6 years
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Chicken sausage okra gumbo. #smellagram #coldandrainy #cajuncomfortfood #gumbo #footballmeansgumbotime (at McKinney, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BneWV4hhCXM23sOLDg0YBwHPsXe8Ms329Nsxjw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qqs8x7sbce2o
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thunder1203 · 3 years
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Well this is going to be the #nature of the day at #mornington and everywhere else on the #morningtonpeninsula (I love talking in tags) #rainyday #badweather #katesweatherpics #janesweather #abcvicweather #9newsweather #yourweatherpics #weather #coldandrainy #stayinginthecar #crappyweather #australia #victoria #fishing #fishingaustralia (at Mornington Peir) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQhd-VHDkvn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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akwardkisses · 4 years
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The quaken #poverty_hill #homestead #homesteading #homesteadersofinstagram #ducks #ducksofinstagram #quaken #thequaken #pekinducks #duckadventures #mamahenrietta #ruralpa #countryliving #simplelife #slowliving #fall2020 #coldandrainy #myhappyplace #myhappylife (at Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGybRGWg88d/?igshid=19khi2ehaspat
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echanmodeling · 6 years
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It rained none stop last night. Thank the gods. We needed this rain🙏🏽 Photographer #toddpowersphotography . #enchantedmodel #darkphotography #goddess #coldandrainy #picoftheday #impliedphotography #nudemodel #impliednude #wethair #rainonme #hotladies #realmodel #photoshoot #photography #modellife #publishedmodel #gothlife #finearts #fineartphotography #spiritualjourney
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angelheartcottage · 4 years
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It’s unseasonably cool in the Pacific Northwest today, raining off & on, & the perfect day for soup. Enter Wicked Thai Soup...wicked because she’s a little hottie & spicy. Deliciously fragrant, creamy from coconut milk, chunky with vegetables & chicken & so good I wanted to lick my bowl, but saved a scrap of that naan bread in the photo to wipe up every delicious drop. Perfect day for this soup. #thechroniclesoffarnia #thingssoamazeme #magic #soup #wickedthaisoup #yummy #delicious #purpleplates #delicious #coldandrainy #warm #nourishing https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdtaSLD-OD/?igshid=1d65ihj4d9pmf
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kennkenosisworld · 5 years
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Tara coffee tayo. ☕ #coffeebuddy #chilln #lovekoto #taalview #coldandrainy #vsco #vscocam #vscofilter #vscoph (at McDonald's) https://www.instagram.com/p/BWDHpunlnMJ/?igshid=9gsthvgd94ny
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Star enjoys photoshoots where she gets to say, "On Wednesdays we wear pink!", however Gloria is upset because she keeps getting dragged outside into the cold and rain for these things. #blythe #blythedoll #tblblythe #StartheBlythe #GloriatheBlythe #bykylelefort #blytheadventures #blytheoutside #loomknitting #loomknithat #blythefake #blythewinter #rainydecember #blytherain #rainy #pink #blythewinterhats #playingintheyard #blythewinter #etsyshop #coldandrainy cupcakehat #etsyshop #cupcake #onwednesdayswewearpink #meangirlsreference #cuteblythe #cuteblythehats #instablythe https://www.instagram.com/p/B57DiucpTuh/?igshid=6tpx25zhrnie
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ciego64 · 5 years
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Rainy days AND Mondays! 2:45 pm today. Just in time for school to be out. . . . . . #rainydays #mondays #rainydaysandmondays #thunder #thunderstorm #thunderstorms #hail #hailstorm #decemberstorms #soaked #cold #rainy #rainyday #coldandrainy #holycow #climatechanged (at Kısmet) https://www.instagram.com/p/B538RZrnbPC/?igshid=14650kwj4x790
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whirlypig · 5 years
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When it’s #coldandrainy outside and a custom #truckrack needs to be built, I’m #thankful for a big enough door and just the right amount of floorspace inside... #whirlypig #displaymakers #roadtrip (at WhirlyPig Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45ucRGpret/?igshid=1qfr9g3avwm7p
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bronwyngreenauthor · 5 years
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It was chilly and rainy, today. I’m still not warm. #rain #coldandrainy #writersofinstagram #igwriters #writerslife #yardart #copper https://www.instagram.com/p/B3stHDQA-sY/?igshid=ntk240tk0q5f
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26point3andbeyond · 5 years
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37° & snowing/sleeting - perfect weather for exploring & learning about Minnesota’s glorious autumns. #diamondlkgirls #diamondlkphotography #diamondlkgardens #autumnstyle #coldandrainy #beautifulday #toddlerlife #mnstyle #colorpop #fallcolors #greyday #goodtimes #mpls #diamondlk #diamondlklife #puddlestomping (at Diamond Lake Bistro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kVJneHFyn/?igshid=1bfr3em7ij7fs
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echanmodeling · 7 years
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If feels like a #messymonday too me!! Let's get dirty🖤 Photographer #toddpowersphotography . #enchantedmodel #blackpaintings #darkphotography #goddess #coldandrainy #picoftheday #impliedphotography #nudemodel #impliednude #wethair #rainonme #hotladies #realmodel #photoshoot #photography #modellife #publishedmodel #gothlife #finearts #fineartphotography #spiritualjourney
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wadey-padey · 5 years
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Got out in this beautiful weather today for the 2nd time this year!!! #6.15miles #portuguesewaterdog #runbuddy #coldandrainy (at Grimes, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/wadey_padey/p/BwxX5eGgP99ymUYkGcWk3tvhZeVwSHYQT6d7zM0/?igshid=7n90yphgndny
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joandelahaye · 5 years
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It's a cold, rainy, day in Johannesburg. #myview #viewfrommyoffice #officeview #coldandrainy https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlmSDGAO8N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dqnn45y99q52
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