#coffee machines perth
cuppa-cartel · 2 years
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Most of these are thanks to the questions from the wonderful @magical-imagination-kgp. If anyone else wants headcanons about Em, Dan, or a point in their relationship feel free to ask!
Em cannot tell if someone’s flirting with her. At all. Dan has pointed out more than once that someone flirted with her in front of him. But when she’s watching a girl flirt with Dan? Oh then she can tell.
Before Dan starts spending the night with her every morning involves instant coffee, and it’s whatever was on special when she went grocery shopping. Once he’s there most of the time he insists on real coffee - and calls it that. He picks up a moka pot for most mornings, but if they’re running late it’s a Nespresso machine in a cabinet that they’ll pull out. Dan’s always the one who makes her coffee in the morning, he gets up first. It’s more milk than coffee with two pumps of caramel syrup, and the constant threat of “I swear, I won’t sleep with you for a week if you use oat milk for mine!”. He doesn’t dare.
She doesn’t have any things she consciously does when she gets dressed. After she gets her underwear on she’ll brush her teeth and wash her face and then get dressed. Everything goes on right side first - her right arm, her right leg, her right shoe and sock.
The way they do chores depends on where they are and what time it is. When they spend some of the winter break in Perth it’s pretty much 50/50, and it’s the same when they settle for good at the farm. If it’s during the season everything tends to fall to Em though. She’s the one cooking because Dan can only cook breakfast, but she deliberately tries to do everything else so he can focus on driving. She wants to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about anything apart from driving and his work. He always insists on loading the dishwasher and he makes breakfast for them. Grocery shopping is usually online and Dan puts it away, but while he’s still racing Em does the rest of them. 
She loves driving. Usually she’ll drive to the circuits unless it’s somewhere that it’s better for Blake to do the driving. If she and Dan are going somewhere she drives 90% of the time, he’d rather chill out and choose the music and stare at her as she drives. She is not a fan of driving his sports cars though. If she absolutely has to she will, but she’d rather something that doesn’t attract attention the same way a blue McLaren does. She didn’t learn to drive until she finished uni, and never bought a car until 2022, but she’s good at it and enjoys it. And she’s so much better at parking than Daniel. So much better. There has been teasing.
When it comes to books Em is a romance novel kind of girlie. Any crappy Kindle Unlimited tropey romance novel makes her happy. Novels in general are her thing, as long as it’s something with a happy ending and not too grim. Historical fiction and fluffy stuff are her go to. Apart from that she loves anything about art, history, comic books or graphic novels. She’d much rather her true crime on TV or in podcast form than in a book.
In case you couldn’t tell, she’s a Swiftie. Taylor is constantly top of her Spotify Wrapped, and she’s proud to call herself a swemo. Apart from Taylor it’s pop punk and classic rock. Dan got her into country but she’s not the biggest fan (although she has been known to scream sing the chorus to Penthouse by Kelsey Ballerini). She’s always more than ok with whatever he puts on the speaker, if it makes him happy then she’s happy (and if she’s really not a fan she’ll put in her earplugs, but that rarely happens).
Em doesn’t watch a lot of TV, all their travel means keeping up with shows is hard. She’s like Dan and finds the news too stressful, so she keeps BBC News and ABC News push notifications on her phone to keep up with big stories, but that’s it. Her favourite show is Criminal Minds, and between that, whatever police procedural she finds a rerun of on tv, and true crime documentaries that’s her usual TV consumption. Does Dan think it’s a bit creepy? Yes. Did he end up loving Criminal Minds too? Also yes. Em ingests a ridiculous amount of knowledge from her documentaries, more than once she can cite exactly what case they’re pulling from the headlines in a tv show. Whatever random comedy Dan’s started watching she’ll watch too.
She rarely turns on the main light on her bedroom. She has fairy lights and her nightstand lamp, and those are normally the ones on. If she needs to look for something then she will turn the other light on, and she has a lightbulb that you can change color with a phone app.
Em is really, really sensitive to textures. Everything needs to be soft or it makes her feel like she’s crawling out of her skin. Whenever Dan’s buying clothes he always asks her if she likes what he’s looking at, and he doesn’t just mean the look but how it feels. When they were finding suppliers for Ric3 they had to go through the Emmy test to make sure that she was comfortable in them. She normally is at least curled up against his clothes, if not stealing his hoodies, so if they don’t feel right then he’s not getting them. Fabrics that are an immediate no are polyester and velvet and silk. Anything that’s cosy and kind of brushed cotton or leggings type material she’ll always approve of. She also loves shiny clothes, but that’s usually because she’ll wear a thin shirt underneath just to make sure it feels good. Dan always jokes, saying she’s shining on her own and that she looks gorgeous whether she’s wearing them or nothing at all.
She loves flowers. They’re one of her favourite things. When Dan’s away at races before she’s travelling with him all the time he sends her bouquets so she’ll smile. At least one from every arrangement gets pressed so she can keep them, and she has a huge box with them in it. She doesn’t have a favourite one, she loves the symbolism behind them more than the look of them..
Em has a ton of tattoos. So many of them. She’s the person with all the tiny little ones, apart from two big ones. Each of them tells a story, but here’s the list. The Kiss by Klimt in line art on her thigh, the number 3 on her wrist, a planchette with a tiny 13 in the centre of it on her inner arm. A teeny tiny heart between her boobs, and she got the letter D on top of it. “Baby girl” written very small. Their wedding anniversary on her ring finger. A snake around her ankle. The quote “Long story short I survived” across her collarbones. A line of flowers from the top to the bottom of her spine. The first time each of her babies wrote “Mama” she got it tattooed as soon as she could. She has so many tattoos because of Dan. A sun, he wrote “I love you” on her foot and she decided to make it permanent. Two teeny tiny hearts drawn by Isaac and Isabella. She and her three Australians have a peppermint leaf tattooed on them. Over time she got the name of their kids tattooed. She also has a bouquet with birth flowers from the months she, Dan, and the kids were born. After she and Dan got back together they got the outline of the Monaco circuit on their ribs. One night when they were ridiculously drunk they did stick and pokes of a tiny messy heart on each other’s hips and they both love them so much.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
The Handsome Artist. 19. (Daniel Ricciardo)
Perth. Abi is in love with Perth, the Ricciardos and the farm. But not everything is a fairytale.
Previous part: Australia
Note: the beginning of this was supposed to be the end of last chapter. I had to rewrote it and it's just not the same. 😭
Warning: +18. Oral s*x (f receiving) at the end.
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I was awake by a engine roaring. I brushed my eyes and turned to Danny's side of the bed. It was empty. I got up and got ready, walking downstairs and wondering were he would be this early. I found Grace on the kitchen setting the coffee machine.
"Good morning"
"Good morning, Abigail."
I bit my lip and walked closer to her.
"Call me Abi, please"
She looked at me and smiled.
"Where is Dan?"
"Joe and him had to go with some of the guys to check the cattle. Some fence broke and they found sheep on the road"
"Oh" It made me smile. I had gotten so used to seen him working on his sanitized studio that it was a bit hard to imagine him in the fields fixing some fence. "Farmer duties?"
She chuckled.
"He used to say he wanted to be a cowboy when he was a kid." Grace said trying not to laugh. "Also a race driver. Then he started drawing and... He is amazing at it. He saw a guy with tattoos and it started there." She smiled with melancholy.
I caressed her shoulder.
"And you? I suppose that growing up in a plants store helps"
I nodded.
"It's what I've always known. That shop is my whole life and I wouldn't change it for anything"
"It's a beautiful place, I understand."
The coffee hissed and we both sat to have breakfast together. After 4 days here, I already felt at home.
"You should go and..."
The door opened.
The kids ran into the kitchen, followed by Michelle.
They hugged Grace first and then me.
"Look! We brought this eucalyptus for you because Mum say they smell good" Isaac said.
"Oh well, thank you very much, guys" I kissed their heads.
"And I found this for grandma" Izzy gave Grace a little star shaped rock.
"Thank you, it's beautiful"
"Where is Uncle Dan?"
"The fence broke" Grace said.
"Oh! The sheep! Can I go and help them fixing it?"
"You can't go alone. Let's call Grandpa and if he is free he can..."
"I can go with him"
Izzy's eyes lightened.
"I want to go too"
I smiled at her.
She nodded.
"Well, if Mum and Grandma are fine with it"
"Oh, it's easy to arrive. You can take the buggy."
"Yes! It's so cool. Uncle Dan drives it super fast"
"Well, vey much to your mum liking, I won't drive super fast, Isaac" I said chuckling.
Michelle laughed.
"I'm glad Danny found you"
We laughed.
"Let's go."Isaac said.
"Just follow the main road and then the first turn to the left."
I nodded. The kids and me went to the buggy and Isaac was the best teacher.
"Uncle Dan sometimes let's me drive"
I gasped and looked at him. We were already on the road.
"He does what?"
"He let's me seat on his lap and I use the wheel. But I can't reach the pedals."
The farm was beautiful, red lands, tall trees,... I loved the nature in there. It was so perfect. And after a while driving, we saw them.
I saw Dan and Joe getting up and looking, some of the workers turned too. I bit my lip.
Daniel was wearing a flannel shirt and a hat. I remembered what Grace had said and I smiled to myself. He looked good and his smile was so big.
I stopped the car and the kids jumped.
"Can I help?" Isaac said when he was already hanging from his Grandpa's neck.
Daniel had walked to me and wrapped me in a big hug.
"How is Auntie Abi doing?"
"I slept like a baby" He kissed my nose.
"Sorry I left. They called pretty early"
"It's fine" I kissed his lips.
I looked at Izzy.
"Not shy anymore?" Danny whispered.
"Nop. She is here cute self again"
"Auntie! Looooook!"
"Go there or she'll start shouting"
I giggled.
While the boys worked on that fence, Isabella and I spent some time picking plants.
"So... This helps with sore heads?"
"Head aches. That's how it's called. And yes"
"Mum has headaches after work"
"Let's take some for hair"
She kept putting plants on her pockets.
"And this flower?"
"This flower is food for insects."
"Oh. What do we do?"
"We better leave it here so they can come and eat some"
I got up from the floor and she took my hand.
"Hey! Girls! Look!"
I followed Joe's finger. The sheep were there.
"Puaj" Izzy said. I laughed.
"They are cute" I said.
"They are smelly"
Daniel walked to us and touched her cheek.
"What are those plants?"
"This one for mummy head... Heaches! This other one is for food because is tasty. And this one..." She touched her lip while she was thinking. "Yes! It smells good and we can make oil with it"
"Wow, did Auntie Abi taught you all of it?"
"Mhm" She said smiling.
"Abi! Look! This one has a baby"
Isaac came and grabbed my hand. He was excited.
"It's a lamb"
"Oh look at this. It's so cute..." I said touching the baby's head. The mother was there looking.
"They are super nice because Sally and Hector take super good care of them and they are friends with humans."
"That's amazing, Isaac." I said pinching his cheek.
A little drop of water fell.
"Dan. It seems like it's gonna rain." Joe said. "Go back, we have almost finished."
Danny nodded.
He took the driver seat this time.
"A little bird told me you let a kid drive sometimes."
"He is good, I promise" He said lifting his hands. "And I'm careful. I'm a full grown man"
I sat and reach for Izzy, sitting her between us and putting my hand on her legs. She found my rings and bracelets so interesting. Isaac climbed on Danny's lap.
"Let's go buddy."
It was funny. Danny had his hands on the wheel too helping Isaac, but the boy truly know how to drive. Izzy was giggling and laughing.
"He is so silly" She said.
"He is" I touched her nose.
By the time we arrived to the house, it was already raining.
"Come here, sweetheart" Izzy wrapped herself around me and I ran with her to the porch. Obviously Danny wasn't that careful and him and Isaac stepped on a couple of puddles.
"Uncle Dan! Grandma will get angry for sure"
"You better not get inside like that!" We heard Grace.
The storm made us stay at home, but the kids were quickly with their paper and pencils. They sat in the living room and started drawing.
"I'm drawing flowers."
"Yes. And me."
Daniel looked at me and pulled me to his side. He hugged me and hid on my neck. I could feel his smile on my neck.
Danny had been a ball of happiness this days. Not even this big storm made him frown a little. There was nothing that could make him upset. He was so happy to be at home.
"Here. Some tea for your cold hands" Michelle passed us two cups and we pulled apart.
The three of us sat together observing the kids.
"Can I post some pics with them?" I asked her with pink cheeks.
"Sure. It's fine"
"Okay thanks"
"Auntie. Do you like Australia?" Isabella asked.
"I love it, honey"
"More than Los Angeles?"
"Sorry sweetie, but no. My shop and my aunt are there"
Daniel hugged my shoulders and I leaned on his side.
"And you mum?"
"Izzy..." Daniel started, but I put a hand on his chest.
"No. I don't have a mum"
She looked at me.
"Sorry. My friend from school doesn't have a mum."
Michelle looked at me.
"It's fine."
"And you live with you Aunt" Isaac said frowning.
"We could live with Uncle Dan and you" He suggested.
We laughed.
"When you are older you can come on summer, mate"
"Yes! Christmas!"
I giggled.
The morning was slow, the storm was strong and the thunder roared in the sky.
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Liked by @.mollyalberts, @.scottyjames and 125 others.
@.hopper_abigail: Auntie and Uncle available even on holiday.
↪️@.danielricciardo: my heart is so full
↪️@.mollyalbets: can't wait to give you two a niece (it's a joke but if you want it's not a joke)
↪️@.michaelitaliano: the best kids
"Look what I found!" Grace appeared out of nowhere with a book on her hands and instantly Danny covered his face.
"Mum. I'm begging you"
Baby Ric. (link for inspo and cuteness overload, but also hot young Danny)
"Old photos?" I asked smiling. Grace nodded and sat next to me.
"Abi has to see this, son"
"No, she has not. Mum I was a mess"
I touched his leg.
"I'm sure you were the cutest. Don't worry" He crossed his arms on his chest and frowned, but a kiss on the cheek was enough.
"I want to see it!"
Isaac jumped and sat on my legs, making me huff a bit. Then Izzy ran too and sat between Grace and I.
We started watching the album, cute baby pics, toddler pics,... Daniel was the cutest boy.
"Just look at that. That smile" I said pointing at the photo and turning to look at him. "You were such a cute boy"
"Grandma! That's my car!" Isaac said pointing at the toy car Danny was driving in the photo.
"That's my car, buddy." He said tickling the boy.
"Look, this was Michelle's 10 birthday. Dan climbed a tree and what happens when you climb a tree?"
"You can fall" Izzy answered.
"Exactly. He fell."
Daniel laughed.
"My first bloody nose."
"Uncle Dan was so small" Izzy said.
"I grew a lot, right?"
We kept watching photos, the kids were amazing to see their uncle so little and I was dying because he was the cutest. Then Grace passed a page and I gasped.
"OH no" Daniel leaned back on the sofa and covered his face. I could still see the blush on his neck though. "Mum, I'm gonna burn that thing."
It was Danny. Probably 16 or 17 years old. His hair was so much longer even covering his ears a bit, he had this crocked teeth and an earring. He was with friends.
"Oh. Look. This is Michael. He was in the rugby team." Grace told me. "He was already a big guy. Danny was skinny"
"Uncle Dan had chicken legs" Isaac said and made us all laughing.
"You want the tickles monster to attack, don't you?"
Isaac laughed and hid on me.
"Abi won't always be there to safe you... One of this days I will tickle her before and then I will go for you!"
Isaac tried to hide.
Daniel laughed and lifted his hands.
"Stop, please. We are watching your pics"
He rolled his eyes but leaned and kissed my shoulder.
Izzy passed the page again and I felt my checks warming.
"Why do you have those mum?"
"You were a handsome boy, Dan".
"I wasn't, look at that hair"
I bit my lip and looked at him.
"You looked good" I said and felt my cheeks burning.
He frowned and smiled.
"Did I?"
I nodded slowly.
"I would have thought you were a prick, I'm sure. But you were cute"
"A prick" He gasped.
I giggled and nodded.
"He was always on detention, paring and failed more exams than he did."
I laughed.
"I was the weird girl at the back who was always studying. I would have hated you because you were probably so noisy."
"But you would have secretly had a crush on me because I was noisy but charming"
I blushed and laughed.
He smiled at me and pinched my cheek softly. I turned my face and kissed his hand.
"The afro was fine, really" I said. "I have my doubts with that earring though"
"It's ugly, Auntie"
"A bit, but Shh" I whispered to Izzy, who giggled.
"This one was right before you gor the braces"
Daniel was blushing a lot. But it was cute.
"Danny, babe. There is no need to be embarrassed. You were a really handsome guy, I promise" I patted his leg.
"Oh! From when your friend's husband cut your hair!"
"Mum! I was a full grown man! I had beard! And pubes!"
I laughed. It was a photo of him with a mullet. And he looked handsome.
"I like the haircut."
"I like it too" Izzy said.
Daniel leaned and kissed Izzy's head.
"It's so embarrassing"
The day went like that, spent at home and playing with the kids. They were drawing something together, asking Danny for help but not letting me see it.
After lunch, when we were both laying on the sofa, cuddling under the blanket with the kids taking a nap on our side, he received a message.
Mike: hey, the guys want to go and have some beers.
Mike: are you guys coming.
Daniel looked down at me.
"Wanna meet my childhood friends?"
The nerves settled on my belly. I had met his friends from home. Why not his childhood friends?
"We can stay if you want. Or... I don't know. You can stay" He whispered the last part.
I turned and hug him, laying my cheek on his chest.
"I want to go..."
"But..." He hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead. "Where is the but?"
"I'm nervous. I... I'm not good with people"
I felt his smile on my skin.
"Love, you are. You are just a bit shy. But everyone adores you"
I sighed.
"Can you stay with me?"
"Of course. Plus... Blake and Michael will be there too."
I smiled.
He kissed my nose and then my lips. His fingers found their way on my hair, pulling softly and making me gasp on his mouth.
"I hope everyone is already asleep when we come back"
I bit my lip ran my fingers over his lower back.
"You look so perfect" Danny said and leaned to kiss my neck. I giggled and pushed him away. "Ready?"
I nodded. I was nervous, though.
"Give me a kiss"
I leaned and kissed him deeply.
I could do this. It was just a night out with some friends. I could do this.
Danny POV.
Abigail grabbed my hand hard and pressed herself against me right when we stepped in the bar. The music was loud and it looked exactly how it had looked when I was barely a kid.
"Oh fuck!"
I looked back when Abi squeaked. Michael was there giggling.
"Sorry! I thought you heard me"
"Mike, mate. Don't do that to my girl!"
Abi, without letting my hand go, hugged Michael with a smile.
"Don't scare me like that, idiot"
"Sorry, sorry."
We went where the guys were, all of them getting up to say hi.
"Mate, it's been ages!"
I hugged them all tight.
"I missed you fucker!"
"Guys! This is Abigail" I said hugging her to my side. I looked down at her and she was smiling. "Be nice to her, idiots. It's her first time in Australia"
She looked at me with big eyes.
"It'll be fine" I smiled and she nodded. "Come here. He is Connor. Jackson, or Jacky. Alan. And last but not less important, Gregory Arthur"
"Greg. Only Greg" He said.
"Nice to meet you guys."
We sat and Abi smiled at Blake.
The night was good. We were having fun and catching up. Abi seemed to be comfortable. Shy but comfortable. I think Blake helped a lot with that.
"How did you meet?" Connor asked.
"I got a tattoo." Abi said blushing.
"Oh! A classic"
I looked at him. What?
"A classic?" Abi asked.
"Well, I'm sure this one has met many many people on that studio" He said elbowing Greg.
I felt something on my chest. Something strange. Then Abi fixed her composture and I looked at her. She had a tight smile.
"What did you got? I hate to admit it, but Danny is good" Jacky asked curious.
"A plant. On my chest" As always, she blushed when she mentioned where the tattoo was. "And yes, he is good"
"On your chest? Wow" Connor add. I looked at him and he gave me a smile. "You know, Rose said she would come over. She got divorced a few weeks ago"
Michael looked at me and gave me his breathe deeply eyes. I tried to. I don't know who Connor was trying to do, but this wasn't was I was expecting.
"She said you haven't talked since you left" He kept taking.
I felt Abi's hand on my leg.
"We haven't, no." I drank from my beer and touched Abi's hand under the table. I felt as if she could know what he was talking about. "She didn't answer the first three calls. I stopped calling. Easy"
"Wow mate, everyone thought she was the one"
Abi tightened her fingers around mine and I felt all the eyes on us.
"Well. She obviously wasn't" I said. "I have Abigail now. And I'm more than happy with her. I couldn't ask for anything better"
Connor nodded slowly.
"Okay, mate"
"You know what? Cheers." Alan lifted his beer. "For Dan and Abigail."
I chuckled and looked at Abi. She gave me a small smile and lift her beer.
But as soon as it was over, she appeared.
She looked older. Her hair has pulled back in a bun and she had a different style. Rose had changed a lot since the last time.
"So... Your ex girlfriend?" I looked at Abi.
"Yeah. From high school." I said.
She nodded.
"Okay. She is beautiful"
I bit my lip.
"It's fine, Dan"
And then Rose came to the table and sat next to Connor and Michael and I saw how it wasn't. It wasn't fine. Abigail shit down and stopped participating in the conversations.
"You have changed a lot, Daniel!" Rose said. "And you? Are you Blake's girl?"
I felt the heat coming to my cheeks.
"No, Rose. She is Abigail. My girlfriend."
Abigail shifted on her seat uncomfortably.
"I'm going to the restroom"
"Abi..." I tried to stop her, but she looked into my eyes and I knew that the best would be letting her go there.
She left and we all stayed in silence.
Michael was looking at me. The others were in silence.
"Sorry. I didn't know. She is... Different. I always imagined you would end with someone different" Rose said.
"Yeah mare. She is not your type. She is all quite and awkward. Doesn't speak much huh?"
"Connor" Blake warned.
"Does she even have sex or is she waiting till marriage?" He said and started laughing.
I left my beer on the table and they all looked at me.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I don't know mate. She is so... Plain. She hasn't even spoken!"
"Plain? Abigail is nothing but plain, you fucking dick. She is the most amazing woman I've ever known. You don't know her. And you barely know me anymore. So you better shit that fucking mouth."
"Daniel, mate." Michael called for my attention and I looked at him. "Go and check her. Breathe a bit, okay?"
I got up and walked away. Who the fuck did he thought he was?
I found Abi at the door. It was raining and she couldn't go outside, but she was leaning against the wall.
She lifted her head and looked at me. I sighed when I saw that at least, she wasn't crying.
"I'm sorry" She whispered.
I walked to her and hugged her.
"Don't be." I kissed her head. "I didn't know he was such a moron"
Abi hid her face on my neck and I caressed her hair.
"And Rose... I'm sorry for that."
She shook her head.
"It's not your fault, Dan" She whispered.
I leaned and kissed her cheek.
"Do you want to go home?" I cupped her chin and made her look at me.
"We can stay for a bit more if you want."
"I don't want you to..."
"Dan, honey" She grabbed me by the back of my head. "They are your friends. I can manage being there with Connor and Rose."
"We can leave anytime you want" I told her.
"I know. I'll tell you if I need to"
I leaned and pressed my lips to hers.
"I love you" I whispered.
She smiled and kissed me again, deeper this time.
Soon we were back inside. We sat and Abi threaded our fingers. I gave Connor a death glare. He would behave or I would punch him.
And then Blake made this stupid joke and Abigail laughed. Rose was looking at her. And then she looked at me. I moved my arm over Abigail and brought her closer. Rose looked away.
Abigail's POV.
"Bye, Abi" Rose hugged me and I just waited for it to be over. "It has been a pleasure"
"It's Abigail, actually" I told her.
She looked surprise.
"Sorry, I just thought that... Daniel calls you Abi"
"Yeah, but Danny is my boyfriend" I said smiling.
Blake, who was cassualy standing next to me, chuckled. We walked away, to where Daniel was talking with Michael and Jacky.
"Asserting dominance?" Blake asked with a smile.
I laughed.
"Well done"
Daniel and I made the whole road to the farm in silence, only the music filling the car. His hand was on mine and I was playing with his fingers.
It had been awkward. The way they talked and looked at me had made me feel small. As of I didn't belong there.
Daniel stopped the car.
"Do you know what I want to do?"
I looked at him.
"Go for a swim"
"Swimming?" I gasped.
"It's not raining anymore. The water is warm. Everyone is sleeping" He said with a tiny smile. "Keep me in company, please. Even if you don't swim. I promise I won't get you wet"
I bit my lip trying to not comment on that last one but he started laughing before I could.
"Won't get me wet?"
"With water. I can't control how you body reacts to this beautiful face"
"Dork" I rolled my eyes and opened the door.
I got into more comfortable clothes and went outside. He was already swimming on his underwear, his lean body moved on the water and I felt hypnotized. I took my trousers of and sat on the edge, dipping my legs on the water.
I was tired and wanted nothing more than to go bed, but this time of quietness and calm with him sound too nice.
Daniel came out of water and looked at me.
"That's my hoodie?"
I nodded. He smiled and swam to me.
"You look pretty"
"Thank you."
He gently grabbed my ankles to keep himself close to me.
"Can we talk about the bar? I... I need to know you are okay with it."
I sighed.
"Are you?"
"No" I said and felt the tears in my eyes.
"Okay, I supposed. Do you... Do you want to tell me what bothered you? I don't want this to happen again, I want you to come back to Perth and be happy here."
"I'm happy here, Daniel..."
I caressed his face and ran my finger over his cheek.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm not your type. I'm not the kind of girl you have dated, right?"
"No" He simply said.
I let a shaky breath out and ran my fingers over his hair.
"Are you sure it's me who you want?" I whispered.
His eyes opened like plates.
"Abigail" He gasped.
"Answer, Daniel. Just that. There is no problem"
"I'm sure it's you. I knew the moment I saw you"
I let my breath out.
"You are the only want I want. Ever. The best thing I've had." Danny kissed my thigh.
"I love you, Daniel. So so much"
He kissed the palm of my hand.
"Rose didn't want me to go" He said. "She almost made me chose. Never said that, but yeah. We were kids. It was my first relationship."
"Why did he said everyone thought she was the one?"
Danny sighed.
"We were the typical teen couple. Just that. Cute kids dating for longer than two months. It was kind of a serious relationship."
I nodded.
"I was just a kid. She was my first everything. But I wanted to grow and learn. And I wanted to leave. I wanted to make it work, but she didn't even try. She just ignored me."
I brushed a drop falling from this forehead and following his nose.
"I've been with many people, Abi. But you are the most special of them. I have never been so sure of something."
I smiled.
"Thank you"
"For what"
"this. Talking. Trying to help"
"It's nothing. You are my girl. I want you to be happy."
"Thank you very much"
He smiled and kissed my leg again.
"Can I try and make you feel better?"
"I'm already fee- oh." I blushed when I realized what he was talking about. "Okay"
"Good" He was so gentle while moving me to the edge of the pool and closer to his face. I gasped when he pulled my panties to the side and the cold air hit me.
He smiled.
He traced shapes on my lower belly, hips, belly button,...
"Open this legs for me"
"What if..."
"Stay quiet then"
I smiled and nodded, opening my legs wider for him. As he had already showed me many times, Daniel was an expert on this.
He hummed when he tasted me for the first time, closing his eyes and diving furder in me. I whimpered and grabbed his hair.
"Fuck, Danny" I whispered and let my head fall back. I closed my eyes ad focused on him, on the pleasure he was giving me.
Daniel was giving my clit long and slow strokes, he was messy and sloppy, but fuck... The way it felt.
"Oh Dan... You feel so good" I whimpered.
"Shh baby"
Short waves of water moved around him as he put his whole body on it. The sounds that left his mouth were more than unholy. He was humming and moaning, groaning as I pulled his black curls. He was eating me out as if it was the last thing he would do on his life. And boy, it was so perfect.
The blue lights of the pool made him looked even better. He was mine. Only mine. And somehow it was still difficult to believe it sometimes. But at the end he was here with me. He was here making me feel all this thing, my sking tingle and mind dizzy. He made me cover my mouth with my hand to not shout out loud. He made me forget we were here and his family was close. He made me forget about everything else because I could only think of him.
Then he made me see stars. Everything exploded and I felt like drowning. The hoodie was too much, my cheeks were burning.
"Fuck... Danny..."
He pulled back and I felt cold. His eyes were bright and his lips were swollen. I reached and ran my finger over his bottom lip.
"Are you feeling better?"
Having probably lost every last drop of self consciousness for the night, I reached for the hoodie and took it off. I laughed when the cold air hit me, but I let myself fall on his arms anyway. The warm water and Danny hugged me, my boyfriend pulling me close and pushing himself away from the wall and intk the middle of the pool.
I snaked my arms around his neck and kissed his lips, tasting myself on them and playing with his tongue.
"You, us... I haven been so sure of anything either. I just love you so much and I don't think I could be happier with anyone else"
He moved my hair out of my face and observed me quietly.
"It makes me incredibly happy to hear that"
Next part: Birthday.
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universalcoffeetech2 · 2 months
Coffee Machine Repairs in Perth: Everything You Need to Know
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In Perth, where coffee culture is a way of life, having a fully functioning coffee machine is crucial. Whether you're brewing a morning espresso or a late afternoon cappuccino, a reliable coffee machine is key. However, when issues arise, knowing how to address them can save you time and frustration. This comprehensive guide will cover common problems, repair options, and maintenance tips for coffee machines in Perth, helping you keep your brew as perfect as possible.
Common Coffee Machine Issues
Electrical Problems
Coffee machines rely on a variety of electrical components to function properly coffee machine repairs perth . Here are some common electrical issues:
1. Coffee Machine Not Powering On
If your coffee machine refuses to turn on, consider the following:
Power Source: Verify that the machine is plugged in securely and that the outlet is working.
Power Cord: Inspect the cord for any signs of wear or damage.
Internal Electrical Faults: Internal wiring issues might require professional attention.
2. Faulty Heating Elements
Heating issues can disrupt your brewing process:
Inconsistent Brewing Temperature: If your coffee isn’t brewing at the right temperature, the heating element might be malfunctioning.
Thermostat Issues: The thermostat regulates the machine’s temperature and may need recalibration or replacement.
Mechanical Issues
Mechanical failures can affect your machine’s performance and longevity.
1. Water Leakage
Leaks can occur due to:
Damaged Seals: Rubber seals around the reservoir or drip tray can deteriorate.
Cracked Reservoir: Look for visible cracks in the water reservoir.
Internal Leakages: Internal components might also cause leaks.
2. Grinder Malfunctions
For machines with built-in grinders:
Uneven Grinding: Coffee grounds may be inconsistent due to a malfunctioning grinder.
Clogging Issues: Coffee grounds can clog the grinder and affect performance.
Cleaning and Maintenance Problems
Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance.
1. Clogged Filters
Filters can become clogged over time:
Coffee Grounds Build-Up: Accumulation of coffee grounds can hinder performance.
Oil Residue: Oils from coffee beans can clog filters and affect flavor.
2. Scaling Issues
Hard water can cause scaling:
Mineral Deposits: Calcium deposits from hard water can affect the machine’s operation.
Descaling: Regular descaling is necessary to prevent buildup.
Repair Options in Perth
DIY Repairs
DIY repairs can be suitable for minor issues but come with limitations.
Advantages of DIY Repairs
Cost Efficiency: Save on labor costs by performing simple fixes yourself.
Immediate Solutions: Quickly address minor issues such as cleaning or replacing filters.
Learning Experience: Gain knowledge about your coffee machine.
Disadvantages of DIY Repairs
Risk of Damage: Incorrect repairs can worsen the problem.
Limited Access to Parts: Difficulty in sourcing specific replacement parts.
Complex Issues: Electrical or internal problems often require professional expertise.
Professional Repair Services
For complex or persistent issues, professional services are recommended.
Benefits of Professional Repairs
Expert Diagnosis: Professionals can accurately diagnose and repair various problems.
Quality Parts: Access to high-quality, compatible replacement parts.
Repair Warranties: Many services offer warranties on repairs and parts.
Drawbacks of Professional Repairs
Higher Costs: Professional repairs can be more expensive than DIY.
Service Time: Potential wait time for scheduling and completing repairs.
Less Control: Limited direct involvement in the repair process.
Choosing a Coffee Machine Repair Service in Perth
Selecting the right repair service ensures effective and efficient repairs.
1. Research and Reviews
Start by investigating repair services:
Online Reviews: Look for customer feedback on platforms like Google and Yelp.
Ratings: Consider overall ratings and customer satisfaction levels.
2. Recommendations
Personal recommendations can provide reliable options:
Ask for Referrals: Seek advice from friends, family, or colleagues.
Local Forums: Check community forums and social media groups for suggestions.
3. Technician Qualifications
Ensure technicians are skilled and experienced:
Certifications: Look for industry certifications or memberships.
Experience: Choose technicians with experience in repairing various coffee machine brands.
4. Warranty and Guarantees
A reputable service should offer:
Repair Warranties: Ensure they provide warranties on labor and parts.
Part Guarantees: Verify that replacement parts come with a warranty.
5. Compare Quotes
Getting multiple quotes helps in choosing the best option:
Price Comparison: Compare repair costs from different services.
Beware of Low Quotes: Extremely low prices may indicate subpar service or parts.
Preventive Maintenance Tips
Regular Cleaning
Keeping your coffee machine clean prevents many common issues.
1. Daily Cleaning
Routine cleaning involves:
Rinsing Carafe and Brew Basket: Wash these parts after each use.
Emptying Drip Tray: Ensure the drip tray is emptied and cleaned daily.
2. Weekly Maintenance
Perform more thorough cleaning weekly:
Mild Detergent: Use a mild detergent to clean removable components.
Filter Cleaning: Clean or replace coffee and water filters.
3. Monthly Deep Cleaning
A deep clean involves:
Descaling: Use a descaling solution to remove mineral deposits.
Comprehensive Check: Inspect and clean all machine parts thoroughly.
Proper Usage
Following proper usage guidelines can enhance your coffee machine’s performance.
1. Use Fresh Coffee Beans
For optimal flavor:
Store Beans Properly: Keep beans in an airtight container.
Use Within Weeks: Use beans within a few weeks of roasting to ensure freshness.
2. Avoid Overloading
To prevent strain on the machine:
Follow Capacity Guidelines: Adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maximum capacity.
3. Use Filtered Water
For better performance and taste:
Prevent Scaling: Use filtered or bottled water if your tap water is hard or impure.
Regular Maintenance Checks
Routine maintenance helps prevent unexpected issues.
1. Replace Filters
Ensure filters are in good condition:
Water and Coffee Filters: Replace as recommended by the manufacturer.
2. Inspect Seals and Gaskets
Regularly check for wear and tear:
Replace Worn Parts: Replace any damaged seals or gaskets.
3. Test Performance
Regularly test your machine:
Check Brewing Temperature: Ensure your coffee machine brews at the correct temperature.
Monitor Performance: Look for any irregularities in the machine’s operation.
A well-maintained coffee machine is crucial for enjoying the perfect cup of coffee. By understanding common issues, exploring repair options, and following preventive maintenance tips, you can keep your coffee machine in excellent working condition. In Perth, there are numerous repair services available, ranging from DIY solutions to professional technicians. By following the guidelines in this guide, you can ensure your coffee machine remains reliable and efficient, delivering delicious coffee every time.
1. How often should I perform routine maintenance on my coffee machine?
Routine maintenance should be done daily, with deeper cleaning and descaling every 1-3 months, depending on usage and water quality.
2. Can I fix water leaks in my coffee machine myself?
Minor leaks from removable parts can often be fixed with DIY methods. However, for internal leaks or persistent issues, it’s best to consult a professional repair service.
3. When should I consider professional repair services for my coffee machine?
Consider professional repair services if you encounter persistent issues like malfunctioning components, inconsistent brewing temperatures, or major leaks that you cannot resolve with DIY methods.
4. What factors should I consider when choosing a coffee machine repair service in Perth?
Consider factors such as customer reviews, technician qualifications, warranty offerings, and pricing when selecting a repair service. Personal recommendations and thorough research can also guide your decision.
5. Do coffee machine repair services in Perth offer warranties?
Many reputable repair services offer warranties on their repairs and replacement parts. Always inquire about warranty details before committing to a service to ensure you are covered.
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universalcoff · 2 months
DeLonghi Coffee Machine Repairs in Perth: A Comprehensive Resource
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For coffee enthusiasts in Perth, a DeLonghi coffee machine is more than a household gadget—it's a daily ritual. Whether you savor a robust espresso, a creamy cappuccino, or a smooth latte, your DeLonghi coffee machine is essential. However, like any complex appliance, it can encounter problems over time. This guide provides an in-depth look at DeLonghi coffee machine repairs in Perth, covering common issues, troubleshooting tips, and where to find expert repair services.
Types of DeLonghi Coffee Machines
DeLonghi offers a range of coffee machines, each with distinct features and maintenance needs. Here's a rundown of the main types:
Manual Espresso Machines: Known for their control and flexibility, these machines require manual operation for brewing and steaming. They can be prone to issues such as inconsistent pressure or temperature fluctuations.
Automatic Espresso Machines: These machines automate the coffee-making process, from grinding to brewing. They are user-friendly but may experience issues related to their integrated systems.
Bean-to-Cup Machines: These versatile machines grind coffee beans and brew them in a single cycle. They offer convenience but can face problems with the grinder or brewing mechanism.
Capsule Machines: Designed for simplicity, delonghi coffee machine repairs perth these machines use pre-packaged capsules. They are easy to maintain but can suffer from issues related to capsule compatibility or clogging.
Drip Coffee Makers: Traditional machines that brew coffee in larger quantities. Common issues include heating problems and clogging.
Common Problems and Solutions
Understanding common problems can help you address issues quickly. Here’s a look at frequent issues with DeLonghi coffee machines and how to fix them:
1. Machine Won’t Start
Possible Causes: Faulty power cord, blown fuse, or internal electrical failure.
Solutions: Check the power connection and cord for damage. Test the outlet with another device. If the machine still won’t start, professional repair may be needed.
2. Inconsistent Coffee Quality
Possible Causes: Clogged filters, stale coffee beans, or incorrect settings.
Solutions: Clean the machine’s components, use fresh coffee beans, and adjust the settings based on the type of coffee you're making.
3. Water Leaks
Possible Causes: Cracked water tank, loose connections, or internal blockages.
Solutions: Inspect the water tank and connections. Clean the machine and check for visible leaks. Replace any damaged parts.
4. Grinding Problems
Possible Causes: Clogged grinder, uneven grind, or a faulty grinder motor.
Solutions: Clean the grinder, adjust the grind settings, and check for obstructions.
5. Frothing Issues
Possible Causes: Faulty steam wand, clogged milk system, or incorrect milk temperature.
Solutions: Clean the steam wand and milk frother. Use cold milk and check for blockages in the milk system.
6. Error Codes
Possible Causes: Internal faults or maintenance needs.
Solutions: Refer to the user manual for error codes and recommended actions. Often, resetting the machine can resolve minor issues.
Troubleshooting Your DeLonghi Coffee Machine
Before seeking professional help, you can attempt some troubleshooting steps:
Regular Maintenance: Regularly clean and descale your coffee machine to prevent clogs and maintain optimal performance.
Check Components: Ensure that all removable parts, such as the drip tray and water tank, are clean and in good condition.
Adjust Settings: Verify that your machine's settings are configured correctly for the type of coffee you're brewing.
Inspect for Damage: Look for any signs of wear or damage in the machine's components and replace them if necessary.
Finding Expert Repair Services in Perth
When troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, professional repair services can help. Here’s how to find reliable repair options in Perth:
1. Authorized Service Centers
DeLonghi’s authorized service centers are trained to handle repairs for their coffee machines. They use genuine parts and follow DeLonghi’s standards. You can locate the nearest authorized service center through DeLonghi’s website or customer support.
2. Local Repair Shops
Several reputable repair shops in Perth specialize in coffee machines:
Perth Coffee Machine Repairs: Known for their expertise in DeLonghi machines, offering both in-store and on-site services.
The Coffee Clinic: Offers comprehensive repair services with a focus on customer satisfaction and quick turnaround times.
Espresso Repairs Perth: Provides efficient repairs for both residential and commercial machines, with a reputation for reliable service.
3. Mobile Repair Services
Mobile repair services offer the convenience of having a technician come to your location. Look for mobile repair services with positive reviews and a strong reputation for reliability.
Cost of Repair Services
Repair costs can vary based on the nature of the problem and the service provider. Here’s a general idea:
Minor Repairs: Typically cost between $50 and $150 for issues such as cleaning or small part replacements.
Major Repairs: Can range from $150 to $300 or more for complex repairs or major component replacements.
Service Call Fees: Some repair services charge a fee for home visits, usually between $30 and $100.
Always request a detailed quote before agreeing to repairs. Many services offer free diagnostics or estimates, which can help you understand the potential costs.
Preventive Maintenance for Your DeLonghi Coffee Machine
To minimize the need for repairs and extend the life of your coffee machine, follow these preventive maintenance tips:
Clean Regularly: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and descaling to prevent buildup and maintain performance.
Use Quality Beans: Fresh, high-quality coffee beans will improve the taste of your coffee and reduce strain on the machine.
Filter Water: Using filtered water helps prevent mineral buildup and enhances the flavor of your coffee.
Allow for Breaks: Avoid running the machine continuously to prevent overheating and excessive wear.
Consult the Manual: Familiarize yourself with the user manual to ensure proper use and maintenance.
Your DeLonghi coffee machine is a valuable investment that enhances your daily coffee routine. Understanding common problems, performing basic troubleshooting, and knowing where to find professional repair services in Perth can help you keep your machine in excellent condition.
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universalcoffeetech11 · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Breville Coffee Machine Service in Perth
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A Breville coffee machine is a prized asset for any coffee lover, transforming everyday coffee routines into gourmet experiences. However, like all appliances, your Breville coffee machine can encounter issues that affect its performance. In Perth, finding reliable and efficient service is essential to keeping your machine in top condition. This guide will help you navigate common problems, find trustworthy service providers, and maintain your coffee machine to ensure it continues to deliver that perfect cup of coffee.
Common Issues with Breville Coffee Machines
Recognizing common problems with your Breville coffee machine can save time and facilitate better communication with service providers. Here are some issues you might face:
1. Machine Fails to Power On
Possible Causes: Issues with the power supply, faulty power cord, or internal components.
Initial Troubleshooting: Verify that the machine is properly plugged in and that the power outlet is functional. If the problem persists, seek professional help.
2. Inconsistent Brewing Temperature
Possible Causes: Defective thermostat or heating element.
Initial Troubleshooting: Check if the brewing temperature is too hot or too cold. Inconsistent temperatures often require a technician to inspect the heating system.
3. Weak or Bitter Coffee
Possible Causes: Accumulation of coffee grounds, improper grind size, or water quality issues.
Initial Troubleshooting: Clean the machine thoroughly and ensure you are using the correct grind size. Persistent issues might need professional adjustment or cleaning.
4. Water Leakage
Possible Causes: Worn-out seals, clogs, or a damaged water reservoir.
Initial Troubleshooting: Inspect the machine for visible leaks and check seals. If leaks continue, professional repairs might be necessary.
5. Error Messages
Possible Causes: Sensor malfunctions or software glitches.
Initial Troubleshooting: Try resetting the machine. If error messages persist, consult a technician for a thorough diagnosis.
Finding Reliable Breville Coffee Machine Service in Perth
Choosing a reliable service provider is crucial for effective repairs and maintenance. Here’s how to find a trustworthy technician in Perth:
1. Consult Authorized Service Centers
Breville’s authorized service centers are specifically trained to handle their machines. Visit the Breville website or contact their customer support for a list of authorized centers in Perth.
2. Check Customer Reviews
Look for reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Positive feedback and high ratings can indicate a reputable service provider.
3. Seek Recommendations
Ask friends, family, or local coffee shops for recommendations. Personal referrals can lead you to skilled technicians with a proven track record.
4. Verify Experience and Certifications
Ensure the service provider has experience with Breville coffee machines and relevant certifications. This can indicate their expertise and reliability.
5. Compare Quotes
Obtain and compare quotes from multiple service providers. Ensure the quotes include all potential costs and be cautious of unusually low or high estimates.
6. Check for Warranties
Inquire if the repair work comes with a warranty or guarantee. This provides assurance that you won’t incur additional costs if the problem recurs.
Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Breville Coffee Machine
Regular maintenance can prevent issues and extend the life of your coffee machine. Here are some essential tips:
1. Routine Cleaning
Regularly clean the drip tray, water reservoir, and coffee grounds container. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the machine’s exterior.
2. Descale the Machine
Hard water can cause mineral buildup. Use a descaling solution recommended by Breville to remove these deposits and maintain optimal performance.
3. Replace Water Filters
If your machine uses water filters, replace them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean filters ensure better-tasting coffee and protect your machine.
4. Inspect and Replace Seals
Regularly check seals and gaskets for wear and tear. Promptly replace any damaged seals to prevent leaks and maintain efficiency.
5. Check and Clean the Grinder
For machines with built-in grinders, ensure that the grind size is appropriate for your brewing method. Clean the grinder regularly to avoid clogging and ensure consistent grounds.
Maintaining your Breville coffee machine and addressing any issues promptly is key to enjoying a perfect cup of coffee. By understanding common problems, finding a reliable service provider in Perth, and following essential maintenance tips, you can ensure that your machine remains in excellent condition.
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universalcoffeetech · 3 months
Coffee Machine Sales and Service Perth
Universal Coffee Tech is Western Australia’s premier coffee machine company, specialising in the best home and office coffee machines available to our Australian customers. Whether you’re looking to get your home machine serviced or to purchase workplace coffee machines, at Universal Coffee Tech we’re here to help. Achieve professional-level quality in your morning brew with regular machine servicing or enjoy barista-quality coffee at your office with the push of a button. We provide coffee machine repairs and service for all of Perth Metropolitan, WA.
Why Choose Universal Coffee Tech?
When it comes to coffee machines, expertise is crucial. At Universal Coffee Tech, we pride ourselves on our in-depth knowledge and experience in the coffee machine industry. Our commitment to customer satisfaction means we go above and beyond to ensure you get the best coffee experience possible.
Top Home Coffee Machines
Home coffee machines have come a long way, offering a range of features that bring café-quality coffee right to your kitchen. From espresso machines to fully automated systems, our selection includes the latest models designed to suit any home. Owning a home coffee machine means you can enjoy fresh, flavorful coffee any time you want, saving you time and money in the long run.
Office Coffee Solutions
Coffee is a vital part of many workplaces, providing a much-needed boost to employees. Our office coffee solutions are designed to cater to the needs of any business, large or small. We offer a variety of machines that deliver consistent, high-quality coffee at the touch of a button, ensuring your team stays energized and productive.
Professional Quality Coffee at Home
Achieving barista-level coffee at home is easier than you think. With the right coffee machine and a few tips, you can enjoy delicious, professional-quality coffee without leaving your house. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your machine in top condition, ensuring it performs optimally and lasts longer.
Comprehensive Coffee Machine Services
At Universal Coffee Tech, we offer a full range of services to keep your coffee machines running smoothly. From routine maintenance to complex repairs, our team of experts is equipped to handle any issue. Regular servicing helps prevent breakdowns and ensures your machine delivers the best possible coffee.
Coffee Machine Repairs
Even the best coffee machines can encounter issues from time to time. Our repair services are quick, reliable, and designed to get your machine back in action with minimal downtime. Common problems like blocked nozzles, worn-out parts, and software issues are no match for our skilled technicians.
Service Areas in Perth
We proudly serve the entire Perth Metropolitan area, providing top-notch coffee machine sales and services wherever you are. Our extensive reach means you can count on us for timely and efficient support, no matter your location in Perth.
Customer Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it—hear from our satisfied customers! Many have shared their positive experiences, highlighting our exceptional service, knowledgeable staff, and high-quality products. These testimonials reflect our dedication to ensuring every customer enjoys the perfect cup of coffee.
Expert Tips for Coffee Lovers
Love coffee? Here are some expert tips to help you brew the perfect cup every time:
Use fresh, high-quality beans.
Keep your machine clean and well-maintained.
Experiment with different brewing methods to find your perfect match.
Sustainable Practices
We are committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring our services and products have minimal environmental impact. Our sustainable coffee machine options and green servicing methods help reduce waste and conserve resources, making your coffee habit more eco-conscious.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How often should I service my coffee machine? A: Regular servicing is recommended every 6 to 12 months to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Q: What types of coffee machines do you sell? A: We offer a wide range of home and office coffee machines, including espresso machines, automatic coffee makers, and more.
Q: Can you repair any brand of coffee machine? A: Yes, our skilled technicians are experienced with all major coffee machine brands.
Q: Do you offer any warranties on your coffee machines? A: Yes, all our coffee machines come with a manufacturer's warranty for your peace of mind.
Q: How can I book a service or repair? A: Simply contact us via phone or our website to schedule an appointment.
How to Get in Touch
Getting in touch with Universal Coffee Tech is easy. You can reach us by phone, email, or through our website. Our friendly team is ready to assist you with any inquiries, service requests, or product purchases.
Promotions and Discounts
We regularly offer promotions and discounts on our coffee machines and services. Check our website or contact us to learn about current offers and how you can save on your next purchase or service.
Universal Coffee Tech is your go-to source for all things coffee in Perth. From top-of-the-line home and office coffee machines to expert servicing and repairs, we've got you covered. Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability sets us apart, ensuring you enjoy the best coffee experience possible.
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WHAT IS THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Ever marveled at those towering skyscrapers that touch the clouds? Well, it's not magic; it's the ingenious work of structural engineering, especially regarding our specialty – high-rise buildings. Let's journey through the fundamentals. Edanbrook Consultancy Services provides top-notch structural engineering services in Australia, including Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide. Our team of experienced professionals understands the significance of structural engineering drawings in the construction process, ensuring that every detail aligns seamlessly with the architectural vision.
1.Elevating the Weight: Picture stacking our dreams, ambitions, and perhaps a coffee machine or two. High-rises must not only stand tall but also support the weight of the world within. Our brilliant structural engineers ensure that the columns and beams play their part, holding up the structure with grace and strength.
2.Synchronizing with the Breeze: We've all seen trees sway in the wind, but our buildings do it with finesse. Enter the art of structural engineering – where braces, shear walls, and innovative techniques come together to ensure our creations remain steadfast, even when faced with the whims of Mother Nature.
3.Code Compliance, The Edanbrook Way: At Edanbrook, we not only meet industry standards; we set them. Our structural engineers navigate the intricate landscape of building codes, ensuring that our structures not only rise above expectations but also adhere to the highest safety standards.
4.Edanbrook Innovation – Powered by Technology: Our commitment to innovative solutions extends to the virtual realm. Imagine super-smart computers working together with our experts, simulating, calculating, and ensuring that every Edanbrook creation is a beacon of innovation and reliability. Structural engineering at Edanbrook is not just about erecting buildings; it's about sculpting landmarks that embody our dedication to excellence. So, next time you gaze at a towering Edanbrook structure, know that it's not just a building; it's a testament to our unwavering commitment to building tall, building strong – the Edanbrook way!
IMPORTANCE OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS 1.Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability: Safety is our superhero cape. We design buildings to be super safe, efficient (meaning they work like a charm), and eco-friendly.
2.Cost-Effective Construction: We're budget wizards too! Using suitable materials and clever designs, we ensure tall buildings don't break the bank. Safety on a budget? Absolutely!
3.Compliance with Regulations: We play by the rules! Tall buildings must meet standards, and our designs are rulebook rockstars, always getting a thumbs up.
4.Longevity and Durability: We're in it for the long haul. Thinking ahead, we choose materials and designs that keep buildings standing tall and proud for years to come.
WHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING MATTERS? 1.Safety First: Safety isn't just a goal; it's our North Star. We ensure occupants can sleep soundly, knowing their home or workplace is a fortress.
2.Innovation for Tomorrow's Challenges: The world and our challenges are evolving. We embrace innovation, anticipating future needs and incorporating innovative solutions into our designs.
3.Empowering Architects' Vision: Architects dream big, and we're here to turn those dreams into reality. Our job is to make sure that architects' visions aren't limited by gravity or physics.
HOW DO WE ACHIEVE ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE? 1.Collaborative Approach: We're not lone wolves but a pack. Our collaborative approach ensures that every project benefits from the diverse expertise within Edanbrook.
2.Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The world doesn't stand still, and neither do we. Continuous learning and adaptation are embedded in our DNA, keeping us at the forefront of structural engineering.
3.Innovative Technology: We don't just keep up; we lead. Utilizing the latest technology, from advanced simulation software to virtual reality, we push the boundaries of what's possible.
WHEN DID EDANBROOK START CHANGING SKYLINES? 1.The Genesis: Edanbrook was born out of a passion for creating structures that defy norms. Our journey began 15 years ago, and what a journey it has been!
2.Milestones and Achievements: In just 15 years, we've crafted engineering marvels that stand as testaments to our dedication and expertise. Milestones are not just markers; they're symbols of progress.
3.Looking to the Future: The past year is just the prologue. With every success and challenge, we're looking ahead, ready to shape the skylines of tomorrow.
Conclusions At Edanbrook, we are not just builders; we're dream weavers, crafting a future where tall buildings stand as symbols of strength, innovation, and architectural brilliance. As we celebrate our 15 years milestone, we stand tall, ready to face new heights and challenges. As a Structural Steel detailing company in Australia, we are making Skies High, Dreams Higher. Cheers to a year of engineering wonders, and here's to many more!
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perthvending · 9 months
Vending Machines in Perth: A Smart Business Move with Countless Advantages
With its vibrant economy and growing urban landscape, Perth is an ideal location for businesses to thrive. Among the innovative business solutions gaining popularity are vending machines. These convenient, automated retail units offer a range of advantages for businesses, employees, and customers. In this blog, we'll explore the numerous benefits of having vending machines in Perth.
24/7 Accessibility:
One of the most significant advantages of vending machines is their ability to provide products 24/7. Whether it's a late-night snack, a quick meal during work hours, or a refreshing beverage after a workout, vending machines cater to customers' needs around the clock. This accessibility enhances customer satisfaction and can significantly boost sales for businesses.
Convenience for Customers:
Vending machines offer unparalleled convenience. In a bustling city like Perth, where time is often of the essence, having quick access to snacks and beverages can be a game-changer. The convenience factor makes vending machines a popular choice for busy professionals, students, and residents on the go.
Diverse Product Offerings:
Modern vending machines are not limited to just snacks and drinks. They can be customised to offer diverse products, including fresh food, health-oriented snacks, coffee, and electronics.
Revenue Generation for Businesses:
Vending machines present a lucrative opportunity for businesses looking to diversify their revenue streams. The low operating costs and potential for high sales make vending machines a profitable investment. Additionally, businesses can partner with vending machine operators to place machines strategically, generating passive income while enhancing the customer experience.
Employee Satisfaction and Productivity:
Placing vending machines in workplaces contributes to employee satisfaction and productivity. Employees appreciate having quick access to snacks and beverages, reducing the need to leave the office premises for refreshments. This can lead to increased morale, improved focus, and higher productivity levels.
Space Optimisation:
Vending machines are space-efficient, making them an excellent choice for businesses with limited floor space. They can be placed in areas with high traffic, such as shopping centres, office complexes, and educational institutions, maximising their visibility and revenue growth.
From providing 24/7 accessibility and convenience to offering diverse product options and generating additional revenue, the benefits of incorporating vending machines are undeniable. If you need advanced free vending machines in Perth, contact Perth Vending. We provide stylish and reliable vending machines with free installation service.
Source: https://perthvending.blogspot.com/2023/12/vending-machines-in-perth-smart.html
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pestcontrolperth · 1 year
Cockroach Treatment Perth
Cockroaches are one of the most imperious pests to plague our planet. Finding long-lasting and cost-efficient solutions to these invasive creatures often involves an abundance of harsh chemicals, stress for your safety and hygiene as well as a capacity of time that most people simply do not have. TMO Pest and Weed Management have the tools and skills to tackle even the most challenging of cockroach infestations and deliver enduring results.
These resourceful scavengers can withstand a wide range of natural and man-made environments but are most at home in the warm situations commonly found within buildings, thriving in domestic and commercial kitchens in particular. They eat anything and everything they can get their hands on including food scraps, certain fabrics, pet foods, paper, cardboard, hair, leather, animal carcasses, human faeces and many other materials. This enables them to adapt to a diverse range of climates and conditions across Australia, although they are typically more abundant in warmer regions and tend to be found inside homes and businesses where food is prepared or stored.
In addition to being a gross inconvenience, cockroaches can be an extremely serious health risk. These insects can carry and spread a wide array of bacteria and pathogens which have the potential to cause disease in humans, particularly food poisoning. They are also capable of triggering asthma attacks and other allergies in sensitive individuals.
The best way to prevent a cockroach treatment Perth infestation is to eliminate their access to food, water and shelter. This can be achieved by keeping high standards of hygiene and sanitation, particularly in kitchen areas, where they are most common. This means cleaning up all food preparation and dishwashing immediately afterward, storing food in tight-fitting containers, washing utensils and dishes regularly, and not leaving any crumbs or other contaminates lying around the house. Regular, competent pest treatments will also help to control cockroach numbers and prevent them from re-establishing.
Regular cockroach sightings are usually an indication of a significant infestation. As nocturnal scavengers, they are at their most active in the dark and will often gather in large numbers together to breed. Their ability to multiply is astounding, with small populations rapidly expanding into thousands in a tiny space and timeframe. They are able to crawl through the smallest cracks and crevices and fit into almost any space where warmth is available, often hiding in the spaces inside fridge motors, ovens, dishwashers, kettles, coffee machines and other electrical appliances and devices.
A cockroach infestation can be prevented by eliminating food, water and shelter sources as well as regular pest treatment. A thorough inspection will determine the extent of an issue and a detailed plan of action can then be put in place to eradicate these noxious pests for good. For the best results, a combination of baiting and spraying treatments will be used to treat all accessible areas, removing any potential places for these invading creatures to hide. These include roof voids, sub floors, walls, garages, sheds and garden areas as well as drains outside of your property.
Half Price Pest Control will take care of everything your needs in Pest Control Services in Australia. Call our team today to book and Half Price Pest Control will help you to combat these creatures with speed, efficiency and at a cost that is the lowest in the business.
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cuppa-cartel · 2 years
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A Beautiful Twist To Her Colourful Life With Blends From El Salvador, Honduras And Costa Rica from Cuppa Cartel
Imagine A Chocolate Mars Bar With Notes Of Dried Fruits Full Of Flava
An All-Rounder Leaving You Wanting More!
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theflyingcarpet · 1 year
Revitalizing Your Home: The Magic of Residential Carpet Cleaning in Perth
The carpets in our homes are more than just decorative floor coverings; they are repositories of cherished memories, witnesses to countless family gatherings, and the cozy foundation of our living spaces. However, over time, these beloved carpets can lose their luster due to daily wear and tear, accumulating dirt, stains, and allergens. Fortunately, in the vibrant city of Perth, a solution exists to breathe new life into these treasured carpets - Residential Carpet Cleaning. This article explores the benefits and wonders of professional carpet cleaning services available in Perth, providing homeowners with the ultimate path to rejuvenating their living spaces.
Advanced Cleaning Techniques: Residential carpet cleaning in Perth employs cutting-edge cleaning techniques that surpass conventional DIY methods. Professionals use state-of-the-art equipment, such as steam cleaners and hot water extraction machines, to deep-clean carpets effectively. These machines penetrate the carpet fibers, extracting even the most embedded dirt, grime, and allergens, leaving carpets fresh and sanitized. Additionally, carpet cleaning experts use environmentally friendly cleaning agents that are safe for both residents and pets, ensuring a clean and healthy home environment.
Eliminating Stubborn Stains: We've all experienced the frustration of dealing with stubborn carpet stains that seem impossible to remove. Residential carpet cleaning services in Perth are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to tackle a wide range of stains, from coffee spills to pet accidents. With their specialized stain removal treatments, they can effectively break down and eliminate these tough stains, restoring carpets to their former glory. The result is a carpet that looks as good as new, adding beauty and elegance to any home.
Extending Carpet Lifespan: Regular professional carpet cleaning not only enhances the appearance of carpets but also extends their lifespan. Dirt and debris, when left unchecked, can gradually wear down carpet fibers, leading to irreparable damage. By scheduling routine cleanings with residential carpet cleaning experts in Perth, homeowners can ensure that their carpets remain in top condition for years to come. This preventive measure saves homeowners from the costly burden of replacing their carpets prematurely.
Enhancing Indoor Air Quality: Carpets can trap dust, allergens, and pollutants, which can adversely affect indoor air quality. For individuals with respiratory issues or allergies, this can lead to discomfort and health problems. Residential carpet cleaning in Perth helps to remove these harmful contaminants, improving indoor air quality and creating a healthier living environment for all occupants.
Time and Cost-Efficient: Contrary to popular belief, hiring professional carpet cleaners in Perth can actually save homeowners time and money in the long run. The DIY approach often requires purchasing or renting equipment, buying cleaning solutions, and spending valuable hours trying to achieve satisfactory results. On the other hand, expert cleaners come fully equipped with everything needed to get the job done efficiently and effectively, all at a reasonable cost.
In conclusion, residential carpet cleaning in Perth offers an array of benefits that extend far beyond the aesthetic appeal of freshly cleaned carpets. With their advanced techniques, stain-removal expertise, and dedication to improving indoor air quality, professional cleaners breathe new life into your carpets while promoting a healthier living space. By availing of these services, homeowners can revitalize their homes, preserving the warmth and comfort that carpets bring to any household. So, if you're in Perth and want to rejuvenate your living space, don't hesitate to reach out to residential carpet cleaning professionals for a magical transformation.
For More Info:-
Residential Carpet Cleaning Perth
Tile Cleaning Services in Perth
Commercial Carpet Cleaning Perth
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dipaccicoffeeco · 2 years
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perthccaus · 2 years
Professional Curtain Cleaners Perth in Australia
Curtains are an important part of any home or office as they not only add a touch of elegance and beauty to a room but also serve a functional purpose of regulating light and maintaining privacy. However, curtains are often subjected to dust, dirt, and other environmental pollutants that can lead to the accumulation of allergens and bacteria. This is why professional curtain cleaning is an essential service for the maintenance and preservation of these window coverings.
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In Perth, Australia, there are numerous professional Curtain Cleaners Perth that provide a wide range of services to their clients. These companies have the necessary equipment, expertise, and experience to clean and restore your curtains to their former glory.
The process of curtain cleaning involves a thorough inspection of the curtains to determine the type of fabric and any specific cleaning requirements. The curtains are then removed from the rods and taken to the cleaning facility where they are cleaned using a combination of gentle cleaning solutions and advanced technology. Depending on the type of fabric, the curtains may be cleaned using a dry cleaning process, steam cleaning or a combination of both.
Dry cleaning is a process that uses a special solvent to remove dirt and stains from the curtains. The curtains are placed in a dry cleaning machine where they are agitated to remove any dirt and grime. This process is ideal for curtains made of delicate fabrics such as silk, rayon or velvet as it prevents any damage to the delicate fibers.
Steam cleaning is a process that uses hot water and cleaning solutions to remove dirt and stains from the curtains. The curtains are placed in a steam cleaning machine where they are agitated to remove any dirt and grime. This process is ideal for curtains made of heavy fabrics such as cotton, linen or canvas as it is able to remove deep-seated dirt and grime.
The curtains are then rinsed and dried thoroughly to ensure that all cleaning solutions are removed. The curtains are then pressed and folded neatly to remove any creases and wrinkles. Finally, the curtains are re-hung and any excess fabric is trimmed to ensure a perfect fit.
Professional Curtain Cleaning Perth also offer a wide range of additional services such as stain removal, odor removal, and fabric protection. These services can help to extend the life of your curtains and keep them looking great for longer.
Stain removal is an important service as it helps to remove stubborn stains from your curtains that are difficult to remove using normal cleaning methods. Professional curtain cleaners have access to a range of specialized cleaning solutions and techniques that are specifically designed to remove stubborn stains such as red wine, coffee, and grease.
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Rug Wash Perth
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Odor removal is another important service that helps to eliminate unpleasant odors from your curtains. This service is ideal for curtains that have been subjected to cigarette smoke, cooking odors or pet odors. The professional cleaners use specialized cleaning solutions and techniques to remove unpleasant odors and leave your curtains smelling fresh and clean.
Fabric protection is another service that can help to extend the life of your curtains. This service involves the application of a protective coating to the fabric to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, and allergens. The protective coating also helps to prevent fading, staining and other types of damage to the fabric.
In conclusion, professional curtain cleaning is an essential service for the maintenance and preservation of your curtains. With the help of professional cleaners, you can keep your curtains looking great for longer and extend their lifespan. Whether you need a routine cleaning, stain removal, odor removal or fabric protection, professional curtain cleaners in Perth have the expertise and experience to meet all of your curtain cleaning needs.
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AI Robot Barista Technology Replacing the Coffee Vending Machine
Due to advancements in technology, the beverage and food industry is starting to automate certain processes. Among these is the brewing of coffee. AI robot barista technology is now being used to replace the coffee vending machine. The AI robot barista delivers delicious cups of coffee in a very efficient manner and is able to maintain a consistent taste. A lot of businesses and companies throughout Australia have started using the AI robot barista.
At Smart Vending Machines, we offer quality AI robot barista and AI coffee vending machines for sale. Our robot baristas feature fascinating designs and come with several unique features. From plain coffee to special coffees, these AI robot baristas are able to deliver quality coffee in a consistent manner. Also, the AI robot barista can personalize your drink to your taste. We are proud to serve clients throughout Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and other areas across Australia.
What is an AI Robot Barista?
The AI robot barista is an automated coffee maker designed to deliver quality cups of coffee and excellent services to customers while providing them with the very best coffee experience. The AI robot barista is able to handle all the different processes involved in brewing the coffee on its own. These include:
Grinding beans
Squeezing coffee powder into a tamping
Extracting espresso
Cleaning and drying shot glass
Disposing of the coffee grounds
The AI robot barista helps make brewing coffee and other store operations more efficient, reduces labor costs, and improves future-oriented services.
How Does the AI Robot Barista Work?
The AI robot barista works following its preprogrammed setup. The machine is easy to operate. Consumers will interact with the espresso machine using the available buttons. The user is able to choose the preferred water temperature, strength, creamers, and flavors. The robot barista will extract the espresso and deliver your cup of coffee.
Depending on your preference, you may request for milk or whipped cream to be added. However, unlike human baristas who may be distracted depending on their condition, the AI robot barista is able to maintain a consistent taste and deliver your cup of coffee just the way you want it.
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mainssell · 2 years
Cafe spacie newburgh
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Jo and Andrew, the owners of The Snug (and farmers at Logie Farm) are passionate about their Scottish heritage and the history of the farm. Our Swiss Valais Blacknose sheep flock, dubbed by the media as "the world's cutest sheep" will also likely be waiting to greet you over the fence. When you reach the summit enjoy the privacy, change of pace and luxury accommodation. The Snug currently comprises of two pods. Expect an exhilarating ascent, passing meadow grass fields which are home to our sheep and cows, towards your accommodation. Situated on one of the most scenic routes in Fife, The Snug at Logie Farm is a family-owned, brand-new collection of luxury, award-winning pods with breath-taking and uninterrupted views of the River Tay. The Snug is nestled in an elevated and private location on top of Logie law hillside, around 400 metres above our farm steading.
By car, meanwhile, it’s half an hour to Perth, Dundee and the historic town of St Andrews and 25 minutes to Falkland and the Lomond Hills, where some of the most recent series of 'Outlander' was filmed. Logie means ‘meadow land’ in Gaelic and the immediate surroundings are grazed by a herd of cattle and flock of Swiss Valais Blacknose sheep – an important part of Andrew and Jo’s approach to sustainable farming, which has also seen them recently build a pond, and, in the year they first opened the site, plant some 6500 hedge plants. Meanwhile the view tries its hardest to draw you out to explore – the road down below is part of a marked cycle route (777) and, a little further up the slope the Fife Coastal Path passes by, tracking a similar elevation to the pods before climbing up to Norman's Law hill for even more panoramic vistas. The stand-out feature, though, is the large circular window which offers ever-present panoramic views of the River Tay far below.
Logie Farm is formerly home to a series of historic derelict bothies used by salmon fishermen on the Tay, and owners Jo and Andrew landed on the idea of installing these locally made pods as luxurious, scenic boltholes for two, each equipped with the sort of the facilities you expect of a five-star hotel room – Nespresso coffee machines, super-king-sized beds and black-out blinds as well as a fridge, TV and built-in sound system. Perched in a scenic spot above the River Tay in Fife, The Snug at Logie Farm is a luxury glamping site like no other, with amazing views from its hilltop perch. Situated among high grassy meadows, the award-winning brand-new new pods at The Snug make for a cosy and luxurious place to stay, with en-suite shower wetrooms, underfloor heating, mood lighting and wireless tech. Luxury glamping pods in Fife, high above the River Tay
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