#coffee and bouquets of flowers
📝 scarlet !
A/N: i actually had a similar thing written for sidestory octavio... i haven't gotten to work on it since i'm still working on sidestory beryl but i think this would be fun to preview :) spoilers for chapter 7+8 of tea and gladiolus 🐙
Octavio snaps out of the haze he let Agent Three rile him up into, eyes scanning Tentakeel Outpost. Not far from them, at the doorway of Cuttlefish Cabin, stands the very girl he was talking about just a few seconds ago. 
My daughter. 
The Octoling girl doesn’t say anything for a moment, silent as her eyes widen, tinged with crimson tears. One of her tentacles is dyed a bioluminescent blue-green, marring the trademark Takowase clan ink color. 
That’s… that’s her. 
I don’t even know her name, but she… definitely knows me, from the looks of things.
Before he can say anything like ‘hey kid, I’m your dad, mind helping me out of this snow globe maybe,’ his daughter turns on her heel and makes a break for it, the whites of her eyes flashing a striking emerald green. 
Ohhh, she’s pissed.
“Jeanne, wait!” Freya shouts, rocketing to her feet as the silhouette of the Octoling girl disappears over the canyon in the direction of Octo Valley. Her legs nearly give out as she reels from the motion, clearly not in good enough shape to be running around like this. 
The Inkling looks in his direction for a split second when her head clears, almost asking if there’s anything else he has to say. The words die in Octavio’s throat as Freya grits her teeth and heads for the edge of the platform. Octavio barely hears someone else interrupting as the squid Super Jumps off in the direction of the valley, not sparing him a second glance. 
Well, if she had that visceral of a reaction, I think it’s safe to say she’s not going to help me out of here. So much for blood being thicker than water… 
Though, now that he’s thinking about it, can Octavio really blame the girl? He was never really present in her life, clearly has some form of romantic interest in Agent Three, his sworn enemy and biggest rival, and also never gave her any form of clues to her heritage aside from the Golden Toothpick he ships out with every tentacle clipping that manages to grow eyes. 
The Squid Sister he kidnapped two months ago, the pink one, marches up to Octavio’s snow globe with murderous intent clear in her eyes. “What. The hell. Did you say to Jeanne, you piece of shit?”
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peacefulandcozy · 4 months
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Instagram credit: danielapardor
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fleur-aesthetic · 8 months
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instagram | birgittetheresa
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academic-vampire · 28 days
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𝘏𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯
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kahvedebiyat · 28 days
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life-spire · 6 months
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lovehina019 · 6 months
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praline1968 · 3 months
Bonjour 💐
Coffee Time ☕️ 🫖 🥐
Source : Pinterest
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blue-eyes-never-lie · 28 days
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like-fairy-tales · 2 years
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gahhhhh i wanna work more on sidestory beryl now so i can upload it (starts retreating to my writing hole)
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fleur-aesthetic · 1 year
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instagram | birgittetheresa
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fleuralie · 2 years
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marinawoznjuksworld · 6 months
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neighborhoodsimulator · 3 months
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i love you community lots
not my shell, i downloaded it from the gallery and redoing the outside and interiors, i forgot the gallery id but i think i looked up bridal shop
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