txttletale · 2 years
fuck tolkein and fuck dnd for being the originator and modern popularizer respectively of the race science tropes that have glued themselves parasitically to the fantasy genre and refuse to come off
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my-smial · 4 months
Hello hello. I have come with random The Sunshine Court language headcanons for Jean Moreau, because I cannot stop thinking about him.
Neil picks up on Jean's discomfort with speaking French at higher than a whisper and eventually decides to use Nicky's desensitization tactics about it. He ropes in Kevin, and the two of them will not stop yelling at him in French until Jean stops flinching whenever he hears it.
Neil lived in Montreal for 8 months; when he wants to get under Jean's skin, he switches to a strong Québécois accent and Jean acts like his ears are getting burned off.
Jeremy and a little Cat and Laila start learning French, mostly "picked up a tourist phrasebook at the library" level. It's 2008, they don't even have Duolingo. It's years and years before Jean deigns to actually speak French to him, but Jeremy eventually figures out that if he pronounces a phrase badly enough, Jean will correct him out of shear pain. Jean probably picks up that Jeremy knows more than he's letting on when he makes a comment in one of Jean and Kevin's conversations.
The most unlikely, but I find it fun: Jean's family is old money enough that they actually still speak the local Provençal language of southeast France. Jean mostly speaks standard French, but his parents ensured that he can carry a conversation in Provençal out of some twisted disdain for Paris as a power center. Evidence: this is also the kind of person who would name their child Jean-Yves, lmao, a name that was most popular in the 1960s.
Matching with 4, growing up speaking French, Provençal, and English in a massive port city means that Jean can get through a few phrases in most western Mediterranean languages. In addition, being raised as the theoretical heir to a smuggling empire meant he had to learn enough languages to "not get ripped off," as his father would say. He says he speaks 3 languages, because he's fluent in 3 (and it's common to consider Provençal just a backwards dialect, not a full language). But he can also understand random bits of Italian, Spanish, and Algerian Arabic. Some he learned formally, some he picked up from other kids while playing little league exy.
When he gets comfortable on the Trojan's court, he starts yelling back sometimes when little multilingual groups form and chatter, and every time he demonstrates a new language the Trojans lose their shit. Jean has his typical disdain for their excitement; his childhood exy court sounded exactly like this and he doesn't get why they're so impressed.
They keep pulling the "sorry, he doesn't speak English" trick to get annoying fans and reporters off their back for a long time after it should have stopped working. He's given full interviews, come on. Use your brain.
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mayasaura · 4 months
In canto ix (9) of dante's inferno (the same canto where we encounter alecto) an angel appears while Dante is loitering outside the City of Dis (whose gates were marred in the harrowing of hell) to swipe its holy clearance passto let Dante into the Sixth circle.
Which is to say: If Dulcinea appears to help Harrow out in the Harrow in Hell portion of alecto the ninth I am going to lose what few shits I still have
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren: suspend the filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade during the next Democratic trifecta
Alexander Bolton at The Hill:
Progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced Wednesday that there are currently enough votes in the Senate to suspend the filibuster to codify Roe v. Wade and abortion rights if Democrats win control of the House and keep the Senate and White House. “We will suspend the filibuster. We have the votes for that on Roe v. Wade,” Warren said on ABC’s “The View.”
She said if Democrats control the White House and both chambers of Congress in 2025, “the first vote Democrats will take in the Senate, the first substantive vote, will be to make Roe v. Wade law of the land again in America.” The Massachusetts Democrat said her party would only need “skinny” majorities in the House and Senate to override the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the national right to an abortion established by Roe v. Wade in 1973. “We can make Roe v. Wade law of the land if we have, and I have to be clear, we’ve got to have a majority in the House — skinny majority. We can take a really skinny majority in the Senate, I’ll take fifty. And a Democrat in the White House. We have those three things we will suspend the filibuster,” she said.
Speaking on ABC’s The View Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) supports the idea of suspending the filibuster to pass a Codify Roe bill should the Dems get a trifecta.
From the 07.17.2024 edition of ABC's The View:
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I was just looking into the notion that widowers only had to mourn for 1 year after their wives' deaths, during the Victorian era, while widows had to mourn for two. because I've heard that a lot, but it seems to jive more with the Pop History version of the era where mourning existed because Imposing Rules On People Is Fun and All Marriages Were For Money than with the real version, inhabited by real people who idealized love matches and theoretically practiced formal mourning to show that they were going through something and needed gentle treatment
what I've gathered from a brief search for period sources seems to be:
one source from 1839 mentioned the "widows = 2 years; widowers = 1 year" thing
every other source I read (about 7, from various points in the era) implied or stated that the minimum normal period of mourning for widows and widowers was the same
That's a small sample size, but I still think it's significant
men's clothing could often be harder to visibly alter to reflect mourning, relying heavily on things like black cufflinks and collar studs that could be trickier to notice at first glance than. you know. a bonnet with a black veil over someone's face
a lot of sources talking about mourning clothes were fashion magazines aimed at women, and thus would be more likely to talk about women's mourning attire than men's
so my takeaway is that while some people at some parts of this 60-year period felt it acceptable for widowers to mourn for half the period of widows, many others at other times expected any bereaved spouse regardless of gender. obviously, in a highly misogynistic society, women's adherence to ettiquette could be much more scrutinized than men's; a widower who married six months after his wife's death would be looked askance at, but probably not subject to as much censure as a widow who did the same. and obviously, things don't go according to plan and the formal mourning system could of course backfire- forcing a woman into months of social seclusion for an abusive husband, for example
the overall goal was to convey "handle with care" to the outside world. for many people, widowers were expected to need as much care as widows- and therefore to mourn for the same length of time
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
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one of the really fun parts about character design in astral guard is finding out how to have varying body types in characters that aren't just "Humans Lite" and i have a blast seeing how far I can go with some species
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theygotlost · 2 years
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Disco Elysium political alignments based on historical graphic design styles!
Communist: Soviet Constructivist
Ultraliberal: Art Deco
Fascist: War Propaganda
Moralist: Swiss/International
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doomdoomofdoom · 16 days
If nothing else, I want you to take this away from yesterday's presidential debate:
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This is a literal, actual, verbatim quote.
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archiveofaffinities · 2 months
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FREE, The aesthetic function of public art is to codify social distinctions as natural ones, Venice Biennale, 2005
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monster-musings · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month!
Dinosaurs are for Everyone!
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dearlyfetching · 5 months
gotta say...it'd be a lot more satisfying if the writers would let olivia cooke bring the same energy to alicent that rebecca ferguson brought to jessica in dune: part 2.
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
we need more formally recognized genres like space western. imagine the possibilities. we could have post-apocalyptic xianxia. undersea sword and sorcery. generation ship gothic. if we all work together we can do this
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beybuniki · 5 months
between canon hawks and canon dabi, who's more likely to be gender fluid?
I don’t rlly have an opinion on this but I feel like hawks is way too overworked and deep into the deepthroating the establishment to reflect on gender politics, meanwhile my anarchist, unemployed, hater friend dabi -
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omegalomania · 2 years
fall out boy will make a goofy silly music video for one of their most lyrically devastating songs where they all wear silly goofy costumes and then they'll make the plot of the entire music video be "fall out boy is a prerequisite for a stable timeline because if they aren't friends who make music together then the whole spacetime continuum collapses" and we all just have to be okay with that
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babylongospel · 22 hours
So question(s) for my HDG girlies: does being a floret necessarily mean existing on a spectrum between stoner and house pet? While that's *absolutely* appealing to me I've been tinkering around with some story ideas and everything I've read tends in that direction yet I'm not sure if that's just narrative sampling bias or something.
If they're really dedicated to making sure each sophont before their best self, and a lot of bodymod tech is locked behind the implant, what do they do with a very enthusiastic transhumanist volunteer who wants to become *more* aware, not less? Or one who's already an Orion's Arm style post singularity intelligence and doesn't really wanna go back?
Also, what about hive minds? Like proper tyranid style overminds, who gets to be their owner? What does domesticating them even look like, what does "living your best life" look like for a ravenous swarm of biopuppets? What about sophont polities that are just as assimilate-y as the Affini themselves? Strog/Phyrexian/Infested type deal.
#hdg#human domestication guide#sorta#tbh the stuff I'm working on has largely stemmed from me digging the non-horny elements of the setting and wanting to play around with them#and also the inevitable urge to crossover#but it's gotten well beyond the point I'd call it HDG since it's *very* canon divergent (and I struggle to play nice in shared settings)#but I wanna see what the worm/loreheads have to say about how the Affini would handle things the Gardeners are dealing with#the Gardeners being my not!Affini ofc#though they also have a dash of the xeelee and Traveller and forerunners and such#they lean way more into the oppressively benevolent paternalistic precursors angle in the absence of being gigamommydoms#they try their best to be detached and mysterious but are incredibly neurotic about their responsibility to save *everyone*#(which is an actual codified thing called the Mantle of Universal Benevolence that they are not the first to hold)#the mantlebearer is basically the designated “adult in the room” responsible for protecting others from the universe and themselves#and was established by the Seraphs#a loooong dead species of “energy beings” who reigned for a comparative eternity in the plasma of the femtoseconds after the big bang#after realizing the universe was going to be a place of disparity and pain and that those with the capability had to help those without#see what I mean about it being *really* divergent from canon lol?#admittedly most of that has been after I firmly decided it's my own HDG inspired* thing#originally it was actually just me trying to flesh out the terrans by repurposing some stuff from my eclipse phase rewrite#and the sitch *there* was basically having the Accord be a reactionary anthrochauvanist bioconservative shithole#because they're the winning side of a terran civil war that resulted from the space!UN siding with fashy militants over lefty transhumanists#and making a lot of concessions to the former to crush the latter#sorry for rambling lol
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