#codex alera spoilers
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castle-dominion · 1 year ago
castle 7x3 clear and present danger
the invisibility episode liveblog
WILLIAM FAIRWICK is a name I rexognize, probably from this show but I feel like it was damien westlake.
Anarchist playin pool, my man looks like he's having fun.
*reading over their tablets* how does she read with the text so small? how do you focus on the words when there are so many pf them? those two totally need to get it on. I'm so proud of them. "WHAT?? : ( :( : ( "
RC: You promise? KB: Yes, we’ll pick up where we left off. I’ll even slip into that Valentine’s Day gift you got me. RC: You mean the one with – KB: Mmhmm. RC: With the – KB: Yep. She moves into the apartment. RC takes a second to compose himself, sighing heavily and leaning on the UNIFORM guarding the door.
Skulls & pool cue thru his chest, love this look, so cool. 25 & owns all this?
JE: Other than his taste in anarchy tattoos and satanic design, not much yet.
KEVIN RYAN rushes into the room pulling on his own set of gloves. KR: Sorry. Subway took forever. JE leans closer. JE: Bro. You’re supposed to be on call. Why do you smell like a wino? KR: Oh, I was at dinner with Jenny and – and someone spilled a drink on me as I rushed out. JE gives him a weird look. He’s not buying the story. KR rushes away.
Not clipping but dang that's a thing. (also ryan isn't allowed to drink at dinner with his gal but beckett,, well ig she didn't get to have sex with her husband to be...
that is A Lot of money!
Henry's boyfriend or neighbour. East mountain goblin castle playing viddy games <3 also wow looks like his shirt is so very nonbinary
I learned how to play pool better between the last time I watched this ep p& now
ten bills a game *looks over to the drunk rich guys*
Shepherd: But uh … what people say and do doesn’t always make sense. Me: actions & words. Reminds me of that codex alera quote. Ooh anarchist with skull imagery "made a deal with the devil" for his talent Nice!
Shep: I once asked him how he got to be so good. He told me he "went down to the crossroads and made a deal with the devil" for his talent. I figure, that’s gotta be a joke, right? But the other night, well, he looked nervous. I mean, downright scared. So I asked him, I said, what’s going on? You know what he told me? RC: (enthralled) No, but I want to know. Shep:He said it wasn’t a joke. He said his time was up. That he was about to lose his soul. (laughs) Like I said though, stupid, right? Becklett oesn't care but castle is in love.
He didn't lose his soul, he just died. Woah audio cutting w/ ryan's voice there huh! Ryan sus. What was that face? the lighting is so I don't like. jdssdjkasfdkjl Devil & the contract was up XD
TItle card!
KB: Really? That’s how the devil is going to kill someone? Using a broken pool stick? RC: Well, perhaps the prince of darkness is trying to make a point. You live by the cue you die by the cue. I noticed with castle too, there could not have been wind, except for pressure differences within the place itself.
These two are flirtin by talking abt the case KB: Don’t answer that. (she hesitates) Don’t. Don’t even. Don’t look at it. Don’t answer it. Don’t pick it up. *curses* "lanie!"
I can see it! wait! Spoiler brackets! {he put glass on the floor so the invisikiller would walk through the glass & make footprints!}
RC: Swinging a pool cue blindly to defend himself? I’m telling you, it makes perfect sense. What would you do if you were attacked by an invisible demonic force? KB: I’d tell Ryan to lay off the bean burritos at lunch. *ryan walks up behind them* (not clipping but OH COULD I)
Pink ryan second day in a row Jiggy Michaels Love the pair of them their outfits
Cue ball was possessed? "my boyfriend" was it the way girls say girlfriend or does he mean romantic?
lmao hytch
My man is still in the hospy. KB wouldn't believe you, RC might. "you mean him right?" i hate kb. so this will saved his life!
KB: Demons don’t need help getting past security systems and the devil doesn’t need to use the door.
KB is so awful. *shares a look with the evidence officer*
You collapsed the foam.! (looks like a castiron pan hanging by the doorway)
Marine biology my beloved
My baby bro was considering going to MIT but he is not good with paperwork & stuff so didn't apply.
Castle don't! Donna Brooks & me: Cuttlefish don't like that!
gosh I had an interview with my boss but I had to make him switch seats with me bc I couldn't sit facing the corner. embarrassing
Is pcp a drug?
Where was he going every day & why was he using his key card?
Wow nighttime.
Castle my beloved. RC: Did the invisible man just goose you? I know, they're like that. So gauche. fight scene! IU touched it! Ow! Ow! Ow! Castle sleight of hand moments!!!
VG: You were attacked at a closed crime scene? (CASTLE nods) By whom? KB: We didn’t get a good look at the assailant, Sir. RC: Actually, we – He stops abruptly when BECKETT nudges him. or steps on nhis foot. VG: Yes, Mr. Castle? RC: It was dark and we didn’t see anything.
why did becks stay behind then?
Ok you didn't lie abt not seeing but you did lie when u said you weren't witholding snything RC: Omission is the invisible lie. more invisibility
Love the music "I missed it more" o no invisible one making a porno if u have sex in a horror movie u die the perspective of the camera makes me think yeah they are being watched. (& not by us lol) RC: And you thought zombie apocalypse survival camp was a waste of time. (did she go WITH him? I need a fanfic of that crossed with a casefic) Transcript: He’s hung more pots and pans than a normal person would have in their house, but he’s proud of the setup. Me, a chef: wdym? martha my beloved
Invisible man doesn't mean fingerprintless man
Area 51? 20th september of 2019 hasn't happened yet!
KR: So CSU reprocessed that crime scene. No new fingerprints, which means – JE: Come on, an invisible man? KR: I’m just saying. Even Beckett seemed freaked out last night. JE: makes a dismissive noise. JE: It would be cool, the power of invisibility. KR: I would so sneak into Area 51. You? JE: Super Bowl. Fifty yard line. Best seat in the house. JE: ’S smile falls when he notices KR: . JE: Hey, what’s that on your neck? KR: ’S face stays passive, but he swipes at it anyway. His hand comes away sparkly. JE: Is that … body glitter? (JE: studies him harder) Is that a scratch? KR: scoffs. KR: No, it’s nothing. JE: (aghast) Married women don’t wear body glitter. What’s going on? You stepping out on Jenny? KR: What? What – no. JE: She’s the mother of your kid. KR: I am doing this for my kid. JE: Oh come – ugh. KR: Do you realize how much it’s going to cost to send Sarah Grace to college? A quarter of a million dollars. That’s for a state school. I – got a second job working nights. JE: raises his eyebrows. JE: Doing what? KR: I’m bouncing at a club. (rly cut off word. Yeah I wanted to bounce at some point. Dad even wrote a song about it.) JE: Where they use body glitter? (he gasps) It’s a gentleman’s club. Is it Bottom’s Up? Pole Position? No, no, no. Landing Strip? KR: (behind his mug) Men-hattan. JE: What? KR: (clearly) Men-hattan. JE: Men-hattan. (he laughs) You got a job protecting male strippers? He laughs harder as he leaves the room. KR: Hey. It’s no joke. It’s more dangerous than this job. (he's right) Con't: Those women, they rush the stage like these are the last men on the planet. I have bruises I can’t explain. Ladies be crazy, Javi.
Anarchy boy <3 yeah what IS this place Lady, while calling the security: I love that jacket
Wait he was right aout being right invisibility serum! ha acab moments I don't know darpa actually
wait will was working at a government facility? anarchist boy? KB: During our investigation we encountered … an unseen person – RC: Invisible person. The doctor just moments ago: there is no such thing as invilisibity
ew oof what is this corner? oof what is wrong with the computers? It's always russia or china
Doctor: It’s what I promised Will to lure him here. The opportunity to play with advanced government tech. Of course, as an anarchist he joked it was his deal with the devil.
Castle don't play.
Terra quest? how is that involved?
Ah he's into vulnerability assessment on the digital side of things huge case file! ryan outfit mmmm yum love it. esposito wearing smth I'd wear & that is not necessarily a compliment. we already all love caskett.
Love how castle is playing video games at work XD How is that guy playing video games with those gloves on? My man is legit wearing a crown Castle hit him with a sword! (I could clip that but i don't think I will)
Henry: And since there was no way I was going to get security clearance Me: with yoyur record? no way
you snapped but u didn't kill him so maybe attempted second degree murder. Love the geek references. Henry: the suit was the One Ring to rule them all. Will knew it was too much power for anyone to have, especially the government. Yeah mr anarchist cephalapods cuttlefish
He just dumped her? wow. Didn't even stay with her for a bit after & let it peeter out or start a spark again? RC: The suit you wore when you went after Will’s keycard and you got my credit card instead. (he holds it up) Just found it, buried in the back of your drawer. Thank you for that, by the way. I forgot to cancel this thing. It would be such a pain. Yeah jerk move on his part. Lol disappear from his life go under the thing couldn't she put the suit on over her clothes?
castle u just locked yourself in with a murderer...
Castle just turned on the gas
*in synch with fire extinguisher* RC: I so missed these mind melds.
KR: Beckett, what would you do if you were invisible? KB: I’d walk out of here without having to file this report. KR: Hmm. Boring. KB: Yeah. I know. JE: What about you, Castle? RC: Be a fly on the wall, see what Beckett’s dad really thinks of me. Clearly JE: thinks that’s boring, too. JE: Hmm. RC: doesn’t care. He continues to play with the suit. It’s a cool toy. KR: notices a gift on his desk. KR: Hmm. What’s this? (he opens the note on top) "Time you had a proper uniform. Love, Javi." JE: It’s from the heart, bro. KR: Okay. He opens the box. It’s a blue thong with the word “security” embroidered on the front. JE: smirks. JE: Too big? KR: Want to help me try it on? He shoves it in JE: ’S face. JE: grimaces. JE: They told me it was new. KR: I could really use your help. JE: backs away. KR: follows him. JE: Get that away from me. KR: What? Blue’s my color. What’s wrong with you? JE: Hey, enough! KR: Just help me try it on. You don’t have to be embarrassed.
lol the hot thing in front of him
lol invisible
I'm happy! I watched a few episodes, tho I kind of wish I could have watched more even tho it is overwhelming... p happy
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codex-dominion · 3 years ago
From Amara to Bernard
This is from a book “30 things I like about us” that my mother gave me for family day a few years ago. I filled in some prompts for amara & bernard!
You're into mud, I'm into being clean. Yet somehow we make it work.
Our shared love of our family knows no bounds.
If they gave out awards for The Greatest Amount Of Punches Given To Citiznes, we'd definitely win.
Together, there's nowhere we can't traverse. Except for maybe thin croach.
I love watching sunsets with you.
I love how much you make me laugh when you try to raise my spirits.
I sometimes find myself daydreaming about our nights ; )
I love how we make each other feel so safe.
I don't even mind when we argue about sleeping in. (You're still wrong though.)
Nobody else will ever truly understand our feelings about the house of Gaius.
I love it when we share warmth in cold nights.
I even tolerate it when we share a bath. (This is big!)
We bring out the power in each other.
Between your woodcrafted veil and my windcrafted veil, we could survive the vorde apocalypse.
Promise me that someday we'll live together.
Being with you makes me want to be a better leader.
I love how good we are at giving each other support.
If we were an article of clothing, we'd be a pair of boots.
It probably annoys people when we try to warn them. (Whatever.)
At any given time we're most likely to be in the woods.
In the movie version of our life we'd be played by Emmy Raver Lampman and John Rhys Davies.
I still can't believe we are married. 
And how is it possible that we've never ___?*
I love how we could move all day.
If we could stop getting dragged into the forest on stupid missions we'd be able act as count & countess. 
I secretly want us to take a long long vacation. (Oops. Not a secret anymore!)
May our peace last to infinity.
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arwenatreides · 7 years ago
Aaaand I’ve gone again and fallen head over heels in love with a character, whom I’m pretty sure isn’t going to make it through the last two books of the series, crows take it. 😑
I have a thing for slightly older men in books with swords (literal ones, don’t be gross) and highly protective (without being overbearing or patronizing) natures. ⚔️
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eccentriceclecticthl · 3 years ago
"I wanted to speak with you, Tavi. It would seem that I am in your debt." Tavi swallowed. "I was just trying to get my sheep home, sir. That's all I meant to happen, I mean. After that, everything just sort of..." "Got complicated?" Gaius suggested.  Tavi flushed and nodded "Exactly." "That's how these things happen. I don't want to keep you up long, so I'll come to the point. I owe you. Name your reward, and you'll have it.
Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera: book 1) by Jim Butcher
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nowtransparent · 3 years ago
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Isana stared at Gaius for a moment. Then she said, "How can you live with yourself?"
The First Lord stared at her for a moment, his eyes cold. Then he spoke in a very quiet, precise, measured voice. "I look out my window each day. I look out my window at people who live and breathe. At people who have not been devoured by civil war. At people who have not been ravaged by disease. At people who have not starved to death, who have not been hacked apart by enemies of humanity, at people who are free to lie and steal and plot and complain and accuse and behave in all manner of repugnant ways because the Realm stands. Because law and order stands. Because something other than simple violence shapes the course of their lives. And I look, wife of my son, mother of my heir, at a very few decent people who have had the luxury of living their lives without being called upon to make hideous decisions I would not wish upon my worst enemies, and who consequently find such matters morally appalling when they consider them—because they have not had to be the ones who dealt with them.” He took a short, hard swallow of wine. “Feh. Aquitaine thinks me his enemy. The fool. If I truly hated him, I'd give him the Crown.”
A shocked silence followed the First Lord's words - because though Gaius's speech had been quiet and calm, the sheer rage and raw ... passion ... behind the words had shone through like a fire through glass. P111
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namethief · 3 years ago
Tavi is all: I keep my word if that interests you, if not my actions will speak.
And befriends both the Marat and Caine because of that. Which I think is awesome.
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thelonebookman · 5 years ago
Is Matt taking a page from the Wax Forest from Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series?
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aridotdash · 7 years ago
That day, she was amazed to discover that when she was saying 
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what she meant was, "I love you." 
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nautical-language · 7 years ago
Ehren: Your wife has been slowly poisoning you.
Gaius: Yeah I probably deserved that
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greycappedjester · 4 years ago
I love your writing style, so I was wondering if you have any book recommendations. What’s your favorite book that you’ve read?
Thank you so much! Also, I love this ask a lot!
Favorite Novel of All Time is “Princess Bride” (movie’s amazing, too, but the books has so many fun textual details that are cool to read whether you’ve seen the movie or not)
Favorite Series (I mostly read series rather than novels):
1.) Lies of Locke Lamora/ Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch: like a found family group of thieves that just really, really love long cons? Great book, also gave me an enduring love of starting chapters with flashbacks to childhood.
2.) Name of the Wind” Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss: excellent, wonderful, amazing worldbuilding....still waiting on the final book. Fun magical epics and magic college? Yep, this book’s got it. Needs a few chapters to really start getting interesting.
3.) Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner: first book is good and probably the most talked about in this series; but, the second and third book of the series truly get into the fun and complicated political aspects and I love it. I really can’t say much about this one except don’t read the synopsis for the later books until after you read the first book (major spoilers)
4.) Codex Alera by Jim Butcher: what happened if you had a world that was like Ancient Rome, threw in elemental pokemon, had them fight bug monsters and wolf creatures in a military style format, had a giant spy system, and had the main character be like the only one without magic. If I remember right, the series was literally the product of a bet that any lame concept could be written well (concepts were “pokemon” and “lost Roman legion”)
5.) ....I mean Harry Potter for obvious reasons. Also, some fun ones: Skulduggery Pleasant (hilarious magic detectives save the world), The Riyria Chronicles (for all you fantasy buddy adventurer needs), The Raven Cycle (found family, great dialogue, and legit amazing descriptions), The Dresden Files (magic detective has shit luck), Artemis Fowl (one of my favorites from childhood to now)
Technically, comics and not books but “Locke & Key” is my favorite comic series, followed by “Saga”.
Ha, okay this might have gotten long but like I said, I really enjoyed this ask and I love some good books.
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sherpawhale · 8 years ago
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I've been losing my mind over this exchange for a whole day. Kitai is so committed to shameless imperiousness; it's honestly iconic and I hope she's ruling Alera by series end.
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dangermousie · 5 years ago
I got my hands on Brent Weeks' The Burning White, the last in his Lightbringer series. So excited! It's almost a 1000 pages long which means more time for me in that world.
Also, I only wanted one thing from this book and I peeked at the end and (spoiler behind the read more)
YESSSSS! He did not kill Gavin/Dazen. I was deathly afraid that after making him suffer non-stop for two books (going from that world's version of Emperor to color-blind, not able to draft (i.e., do any magic) galley slave who has one eye burned out, gets imprisoned in a horrible place and tortured and further maimed and then basically has his will taken away even more than with a normal slave, he was going to kill my favorite character. Honestly, all I was hoping was for him to have an OK day and to reunite with Karis before he dies but eeeeeeee! He survives! And he and Karis are together and get married again!!! And he is still the Promachos and has abilities and he gets his freaking eye and hand back and thank you thank you thank you Brent Weeks, now I can read in peace.
But seriously, you have no idea - Gavin/Dazen (and eeeee, he calls himself Dazen by the end and is free to do so) is in my Top 6 fantasy novel loves, with Kaladin from the Stormlight Archive, Logan from Weeks’ Night Angel Trilogy, Asho from Phil Tucker’s Black Gate Series, Tavi from Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera and Imriel from Jacqueline Carey’s Imriel’s Trilogy. OK, I just realized four out of six of them have been enslaved and one of the two who hasn’t was thrown with forgotten criminals into a cannibal bit for a long time. Ummmm...now I am worried what it says about me. Also, both Asho and Kaladin are basically fantasy Spartacus and the other four some sort of royalty. No, I have no idea what that means. 
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celtic-romulan · 6 years ago
Jim Butcher talks EXACTLY like one of my colleagues at work. They both talk a mile a minute and crack geeky jokes whenever they get the chance to. Coincidentally, my colleague also heads the tabletop gaming club on our campus.
I didn’t do the book-signing session with Butcher, because I hadn’t brought any books with me (he’s written a ton of books, many of them are so awesome that it’s hard to pick one or two to lug around between four hotels and a mall). IIRC he didn’t have anything at his table either, so it’s no skin off my back. He’ll be doing other panels throughout the weekend, so there’s plenty of awesome to go around.
I’m astounded at how BIG of a fanbase he has!! The line for his Q&A panel stretched around at least three-quarters of the building, and this was only 30-45 minutes BEFORE the event! Like whoa!
Also, I’m glad a few people got some questions in about his Codex Alera series. It’s one of my favorites (Ancient Rome and Pokémon-inspired high fantasy...what’s not to love? And it’s got plenty of Strong Female Characters™️ that are thoroughly well-rounded and likeable).
The Cinder Spires (his recent steampunk series) didn’t stick with me, so I don’t have much to comment on, aside from where he got the inspiration from: driving through the Midwest with a massive thunderstorm headed his way, and racing against it as soon as he turned onto another highway heading away from it.
There were plenty of good questions about the Dresden Files (and a few asking for spoilers...seriously people?). He mentioned that he would consider Tom Hiddleston as Harry Dresden! Because Bruce Campbell was too old lol. I can’t picture him as Harry, but I’m not going to argue. He’s surprised me before, so I’ll take JB’s word for it. But I can definitely see a younger Bruce Campbell as Harry.
One of my favorite comments came from a librarian who worked with the prison system in New York, and she said that the inmates enjoy his books immensely. As a librarian myself, this makes me very happy. 😁
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eccentriceclecticthl · 3 years ago
Kitai rolled her eyes and snapped to Tavi, "Thank you. For saving my life." Tavi blinked mildly at her, "Um. Sure." She narrowed her eyes. "Don't think I'm going to forget it, either" Tavi thought that it sounded a great deal more like a threat than a promise. "Uh. No. I don't think that."
Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera: book 1) by Jim Butcher
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lyinar · 7 years ago
Lyinar’s Book Recommendations: Volume I!
Had an idea to do something on a weekly basis here.  I’m going to talk about books I like, and why I like them.
The first entry in this series is going to be the only book series that both @thestoryofaslut and I are fully caught up on, The Dresden Files.
Harry Dresden is the only Wizard listed in the Chicago phonebook, and while most of the time he’s a Standard-Issue Down-On-His-Luck Private Investigator who uses his magical abilities to find missing items or people, or consulting with the Chicago Police Department, every once in a while, he gets involved in some serious, horrible mess that requires far more of him.  The books are written with the conceit that they are his case files, sent to one Jim Butcher to clean them up and publish them, and they chronicle those serious, horrible messes he deals with.
Dresden, despite being an extremely capable magical tracker and frighteningly good at combat magic, is very much a geeky nerd, though mostly for books, comic books, and movies, along with science and the underlying rules of magic, due to the fact that advanced technology tends to explode in his presence thanks to the modern paradigm of what once caused milk to spoil around magic-users.  At one point in one of the later books, he ends up describing the outfit his Faerie Godmother (yes, he has one, and NO, it’s not a good deal) puts him in as “The Games Workshop version of a Jedi Knight”.  He also tends to respond to things that can outright destroy them with massive amounts of snark and has a massive problem with anyone, human or not, hurting innocent people.
Almost unique to this series out of Butcher’s various efforts, it’s written in first-person perspective, and Dresden is damn near the Trope Codifier for First-Person Smartass (a trope that Butcher brought out again for the time he got to write a fething SPIDER MAN novel).
Currently the series sits at 15 novels out of a planned 20+, to be capped off with an “apocalyptic trilogy” whose titles will all be in-universe cussing, along with quite a few short stories, graphic novels, a tabletop RPG written as an in-universe document with annotations from Dresden and his friends, and a somewhat-botched Sci-Fi Channel Original Series adaptation.  As per the author, “Stars and Stones”, “Hell’s Bells”, and “Empty Night” are curses FOR A REASON.
Butcher tends to favor Crazy Awesome in his protagonists, and despite stiff competition from the main character of the next series I’ll be getting into, the Codex Alera, Dresden is still in the lead by virtue of (slight spoilers, but it HAS to be said) riding into battle in one of the books on a zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Not just any T. Rex, either, but the Chicago Field Museum’s crowning exhibit, Sue, the most intact T. Rex fossil in the world.
Also, fair warning, Dresden almost always goes through some serious pain in the process of saving the day, and while even the darkest book out of the series so far, Changes, is still far less grimdark than A Song of Ice and Fire, there’s a really good reason why the person who reads the audio-books (James “Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Marsters!) reads some specific lines like he’s about to bloody cry.
I like the books largely because of Jim Butcher’s writing style and the aforementioned amounts of Crazy Awesome, the compelling characters, the fact almost everyone in the books has redeeming qualities along with their darker sides (even the Fae of the Winter Court, and Chicago’s version of Wilson Fisk, ‘Gentleman’ Johnny Marcone), and the fact that even at the darkest, it never really veers into the “shitdark” (so grimdark that you stop caring about the characters) territory than George R. R. Martin has dipped into somewhat with A Song of Ice and Fire and its TV adaptation.
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jesatria · 8 years ago
Fic: The Other Princeps, Chap 30
Title: The Other Princeps Fandom: Codex Alera Characters: Aquitainus Attis, Amara, Antillus Raucus, Ensemble Pairings: past!Attis/Invidia, slight past!Attis/Septimus, Attis/OCs Word Count: 3,090 Rating: R Summary: In which Attis’s confrontation with Invidia during the Battle of Riva goes better for him. AU. WIP. Warnings: Massive spoilers for First Lord’s Fury. Disclaimer: I do not own the Codex Alera. This is only for fun & no profit is being made from it. Previous Chapters:
1. A Close Escape | 2. Appearances | 3. Endurance | 4. New Allies | 5. The Message | 6. Night Companions | 7. A Warm Welcome | 8. The Second Wall | 9. A Brief Respite | 10. The Offer | 11. The Test | 12. Garrison | 13. Final Preparations | 14. The Assassins | 15. The End | 16. After the End | 17. Face to Face | 18. News & Negotiations | 19. Taking Stock | 20. Memorials | 21. Clearing the Air | 22. Renewal | 23. The Road to Aquitaine | 24. The Battle of Aquitaine | 25. Homecoming | 26. Camilla | 27. The Children | 28. Settling In | 29. Adjustments
Chapter 30: Discussions
       The following day, I dispatched the Third Aquitaine to deal with the Vord remaining in my province. They were still extremely eager to kill as many Vord as possible. The other Legions, by contrast, seemed content to remain where they were. The Third would be accompanied by two of the auxiliary Legions, those which were composed of men from the south. I also sent the Windwolves’ messenger back with new orders, informing them that the Legions would soon be joining them. I did not consider it necessary to go in person. If my presence was required, they knew to contact me with a watersending.
         This left me free to continue to focus on restoring my city. Once the fields were ready for planting, I had the earthcrafters working on the necessary repairs to the wall. Woodcrafters were already at work planting crops in the fields. I was entirely confident the city would once again be as it had been before the war. Since I’d returned and lifted the siege, a number of people had left. They’d been refugees, mostly from the south, who fled the advance of the Vord to seek shelter behind Aquitaine’s walls. I’d taken to having lists of the liberated towns and steadholts posted in the city regularly. This way the refugees might be informed if their homes were safe to return to. I confess I was eager to see them go, though I never would’ve done anything like kick them out. Their departure lessened the strain on the city’s resources.
         While all of this went on, I was free to devote the necessary time to finding suitable tutors for the children. This issue had been complicated slightly by the revelation that Melitta could not read or write. As Mira could do neither, she’d been unable to teach her. This meant that basic literacy would have to come before anything else save furycrafting. Most scholars believe it is more difficult to learn these things the older you are, just as it is more difficult to learn a language as an adult than as a child. I’d likely have the opportunity to put that to the test, as it seemed I’d have to learn Marat if they were to settle in my province. The only languages I currently knew were Aleran, naturally, and the ancient Romanic tongue, which I’d been forced to learn as a child. It was not necessary for Melitta to learn that, but illiteracy could not be tolerated.
         Phaidros was somewhat better off in this area. He could read on a basic level and knew all his letters, but he confessed he’d never had much cause to read before. Brothels are hardly known for their large repositories of books, at least not books appropriate for a young boy to read. He was not yet at the age where erotic texts and lovemaking manuals would interest him. Well, he would soon learn the joy of reading if I had anything to say about it.
         As for Thyra, I didn’t have to do anything to encourage her to read. Her face lit up as soon as I showed her the library. “Oh,” she gasped as she took in the cavernous room with its shelves upon shelves of books. It had taken my ancestors centuries to accumulate this collection and I was justly proud of it. The room was large, with a high vaulted ceiling. Most of the shelves contained books, but some scrolls could be seen here and there. These were the oldest items in the collection, as scrolls had been fully supplanted by books. Some of them were growing fragile and would need to be replaced with more durable books soon. Numerous tables, desks, chairs, and couches could be found throughout the library. Thyra’s eyes were wide as she tried to take in all of it.
         “You are welcome to read any text in the collection anytime you like,” I assured her.
         “Truly?” I nodded. “It’s incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!” she exclaimed.
         “I’m proud to say it is known as one of the greatest libraries in Alera,” I replied. “Not as extensive as the library at the Academy, but impressive nonetheless.”
         Thyra’s face fell slightly. “That must’ve been something to see. I wish I’d had the chance to go to the Academy and see it.”
         I laid a hand on her shoulder. “I regret that you lost the opportunity to attend the Academy. My years there were the best of my life.” I smiled fondly at the memories, but elected not to elaborate further. There would be a time to tell them about my relationship with Septimus. Now was not that time. “You need not abandon your hopes of attending the Academy—I believe the First Lord intends to reopen it once he’s settled on a permanent capital.”
         Thyra cocked her head skeptically. “Do you really think so?”
         “I wouldn’t mention it to you if I didn’t. In the meantime, all of this is available to you.”
         An expression of pure delight returned to her face. “Thank you, Father!” Then, to my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me. It was the first time she’d done so. The gesture took me aback for the moment before I responded by returning her embrace. We remained that way for perhaps a minute before she pulled away and promptly went off to peruse the nearest shelf. I took this as my cue to depart and headed back to my study.
         There was a stack of papers waiting on my desk. Such was part of being a High Lord—having to deal with endless rounds of paperwork. My father had been sure to impress upon me the importance of handling paperwork in a prompt fashion and not pushing it aside to be done later. It was something I tried to make a point of doing, despite my dislike of doing paperwork. This time, I was given a momentary reprieve when I sensed a familiar presence in the small fountain pool across from my desk. Raucus’s craggy face was staring up at me from the pool.
         “Raucus!” I exclaimed. “I can’t say I was expecting to hear from you so soon. How goes things in Antillus?”
         “Great!” His happiness hit me hard even through the watersending. “We took the city yesterday.”
         “Was it difficult?”
         “Not at all. The defenders were still standing strong and the Icemen proved willing to give us a bit of an assist.”
         “No doubt that pleased the First Lord. It is in keeping with the new Alera he intends to build. Speaking of which, how stands the wall issue?” I inquired.
         He tensed. “I still don’t like it, but there’s no swaying him on the matter. If I accepted him as First Lord, I have to accept this.”
         “I’m sure the people of the shield cities will not take such a line. Do they know about it?”
         “With the Icemen assisting us at Antillus, it was hard to keep that under wraps,” Raucus replied. “My Legions were… unhappy, to say the least.”
         “How did you handle them?”
         “Talked to them at Octavian’s request. I managed to get them to accept it. That was something, considering I don’t like it myself.”
         I threw back my head and laughed. “Our Rhetoric Maestro would’ve been proud of you.”
         “That’d be the first time,” he answered with a guffaw.
         “Ah yes, I do recall it was never a particularly strong subject of yours.” It was true. Raucus had his strengths, and rhetorical skill was not among them. His ineptitude in this subject had provided me with plenty of material for mockery in the time before we became friends. This behavior had initially been a source of shame for me after that happened, but our relationship eventually progressed to the point where we could joke about it.
         “Never cared much for that class. Came in handy this time, though.”
         “Indeed. Have you had much time to settle in? How goes matters with your family?”
         He sighed heavily before answering. “It’s about the same as it was when you left Riva. Max is still sticking by the First Lord’s side.”
         “Can you really say you and I would’ve been any different with Septimus?” I asked, a grin playing at the corners of my mouth.
         “No. You’ve got me there,” he conceded, though I could tell he was still disappointed.
         “And what about Crassus?” I asked, softening my tone. “How is he doing?”
         Raucus’s lips tightened. “There’s no change in him since Riva. Dorotea’s still tending to him constantly, but his condition hasn’t changed.”
         “I’m sorry to hear that,” I replied. “I’d hoped he might show some improvement. Well, there’s always the possibility that he just needs more time.”
         “I hope you’re right,” said Raucus in a tone which indicated he had no inclination to discuss the subject any further.
         “Speaking of children,” I continued, “I have something to share with you.”
         “What is it?”
         “I recently discovered that I have three bastards of my own. There was possibly another, but I learned he died in the war.”
         Raucus let out a hearty laugh. “Do you really?” He didn’t give me an opportunity to answer. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. How’d you find out?”
         “I searched for them. The conversations you and I had on the subject got me thinking. And I suppose living through the end of the world has a way of making one think about these things,” I told him.
         “So what are you doing? Giving them money? Pardon me, Attis, but you’ve never seemed to me the sort of man interested in fathering.”
         I grinned. “Allow me to surprise you. I acknowledged all three of them and they’re living here with me in the palace. I mean to raise them, Raucus, raise them as if they were legitimate.”
         Raucus nodded with a look of regret in his eyes. “I wish you the best of luck with it. At least you won’t have a jealous wife determined to murder them.”
         “I’ve had enough of jealous wives for a lifetime, thanks.” That got a laugh out of him. “I do intend to marry again, but this time it’ll be my choice.”
         “You, get married again?” he questioned. “I’d have thought you’d take advantage of Octavian reforming the marriage laws to avoid it altogether.”
         “An appealing suggestion, but I’m afraid it’s unavoidable. I still need a legitimate heir.”
         Raucus was silent for a moment, pondering my statement. “You know, you could always make one of your bastards your heir. Octavian wouldn’t have any problem with that, for one.”
         I filed that piece of information away to think upon later. “I confess I hadn’t considered that—they haven’t been here long. Would you believe I’ve already gotten some marriage proposals?”
         He grinned. “I believe it.”
         After that, the conversation moved away from family matters to military affairs, as I wasn’t about to ask Raucus for parenting advice. He told me that the Placidas had been sent with their Legions to liberate their city now that Antillus was secure. Octavian would be following with support once Antillus was fully set to rights. Raucus himself would remain behind to see to his city. When all was said and done, we ended up talking for quite a while. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed once I bade farewell to Raucus and turned my attention to the stack of papers on my desk.
         That evening, we dined together again. I didn’t think it was yet time to introduce my children to the rest of the family, though they had encountered a few of them simply by living in the palace. Besides, I didn’t necessarily dine with the entire family every single day. This time, they seemed more comfortable than I’d yet seen them. Thyra in particular looked quite content.
         After dinner, Camilla and I passed another evening together in my solar, dining on dried dates and nuts. “What do you make of these?” I inquired, handing her the marriage proposals.
         “You are asking me for my opinion on your letters?” she inquired, raising an eyebrow. “That is new. Did you ever ask her to give her opinion on such things?”
         I chuckled. “Is that jealousy, Camilla?”
         “No, only a bit of curiosity.”
         “Well, in that case I’ll indulge you. I only shared personal letters with Invidia if they contained information relating to our plans. Otherwise, never.”
         Her curiosity satisfied, Camilla read the letters. When she was done, she set them on the desk with a laugh. “I cannot say I’m surprised. If you hadn’t come to the villa the day after returning home, no doubt my mother would’ve insisted I pay you a visit.”
         Knowing her mother as I did, that wouldn’t have surprised me in the least. It was she, after all, who’d trained Camilla in the courtesan’s arts from a young age. She did such a good job that Camilla had already become one of the most famous courtesans in the city scarcely a year after she’d made her debut. It was then that we made our first acquaintance. “And what do you think of them?”
         “I think the thought of marrying some lovely young woman must be greatly appealing to you,” she said coyly.
         “Well, I can hardly deny that outright, though I will add that age can be just as pleasing as youth.”
         She raised an eyebrow. “But older women cannot provide you with a legitimate heir. That would be your primary reason for marrying again, would it not?”
         “It would. I am in need of a legitimate heir,” I replied. “A young wife would be ideal for that purpose.”
         Camilla’s hand drifted down to her belly. “You already have children, and another to come.”
         “Not legitimate ones, and that’s unfortunately what counts.” Raucus’s earlier words about legitimizing my bastards came to mind as I spoke. The idea was appealing but rather far-fetched, even with Octavian’s approval, as most of the country was unlikely to accept it. “But this time, it will be my choice whom I marry. Invidia was forced on me by my parents. I aim to choose a wife to my liking this time around.” The feeling was very liberating, given how vociferously I’d railed against my first marriage.
         “Are you seriously considering any of these proposals?” she asked.
         “I’ve scarcely given them any serious thought, let alone made any replies. I thought I’d get your opinion first.”
         She pursed her lips in thought before replying. “I don’t in fact know any of these prospective brides. A courtesan is hardly someone considered appropriate company for a young lady of the Citizenry. And there is also the small matter that I’ve fucked most of their fathers or former husbands.”
         I couldn’t keep myself from laughing at that last remark. “Have you really?”
         “It’s the truth. I can’t imagine many of their mothers would be overly fond of me, nor would those whose husbands patronized me,” she said. “As I will be your officially-recognized consort and the mother of one of your children, that must be taken into consideration.”
         “Indeed. I endured one wife prone to jealousy; I’ll not endure another. I fully intend to find a wife who will at least tolerate my infidelity.” I had to admit that was quite high on the list of qualifications.
         “Perfectly understandable,” she replied with a grin. “Perhaps a young wife would be best. She’d be ripe for childbearing and would likely come to the marriage more… malleable than an older woman. She would not know as much of marriage or the world.”
         “Are you suggesting I seek out a nubile, naïve young girl to be my wife?” I asked, grinning.
         “Not necessary—I’m merely pointing out that there is a case to be made that such a girl would suit your needs,” she replied candidly.
         “I’ll consider it. I suppose I could tolerate marriage to such a girl—I could certainly mold her into a pleasing lover. And I have you for companionship,” I pondered. But even as I said the words, I knew they were without conviction. That was, essentially, what I’d done before when married to Invidia. I’d sought pleasure and companionship outside of marriage so often that it became second nature to me. But now… I was suddenly unsure. I put the letters aside. “That is enough talk of marriage for now. I shall have to decide what response to make to these proposals eventually, but today is not the time.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her softly. “Thank you for your advice. I will certainly take it into consideration.”
         “And I am happy to consult with you further on the subject whenever you should require my counsel,” she purred.
         All this talk of marriage and producing heirs turned my thoughts once more to her pregnancy. My fingers slid down to her belly of their own volition. She was not yet showing—it was still too early for that—but it would not be long. “How are you feeling, Camilla?” I asked softly.
         She leaned her head against my shoulder. “Fine, mostly. The nausea was… unpleasant in the earliest months, but it has passed.”
         “I’m glad to hear it. I’ve noticed your appetite has increased from what I am used to seeing from you. I trust the food here has been to your liking?”
         Camilla shrugged. “I have no complaints of it. The food is good, considering we are recovering from a siege and a horrific war.”
         I nodded. “It is my sincere hope that once the new harvest comes in, the food situation will begin to return to normal. I’m sorry you had to endure a siege in your condition.”
         “Don’t be.” She reached up to stroke my cheek. “It was my choice, Attis. We were fortunate to be able to provide some of our own food and have enough money to buy what we didn’t produce. My mother took it upon herself to ensure I never wanted for food.”
         “I shall have to thank her for taking such good care of you. If you crave anything in particular, do not hesitate to tell me and I will do all I can to procure it for you. I’ll go hunting every day to keep you supplied with fresh game if you desire it,” I said earnestly.
         “I will keep that generous offer in mind,” she murmured, and turned my face to hers. Her lips were soft as silk.
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