Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
tagged by @flutter2deceive and @bwayfan25 - thank you guys! :D
Last song you listened to: My Darling True ;-;
Favorite color: once again. all colors!!! but I find I'm drawn most often to blush pinks and periwinkles <3
Currently watching: nothing really! which is how I like it :D
Sweet/savory/spicy: obligatory moment of silence for spicy foods. I miss them so much
Relationship status: platonically partnered, romantically single :]
Current obsession: casting gay spells ✨✨
Last thing you googled: trying to figure out what places in town are open lol
tagging (with no obligation as per usual): @lemon-embalmer, @marylairre, @codenamesailordarillium, @ervona, @almostpleasantrebel, and anyone else who wants to play :D
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a commission requested by @codenamesailordarillium as a gift for @akayonastan, whose birthday is today!! :D happy birthday!!!!
you can find my commission info in my pinned post!
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2) I'm really just so glad someone put this idea to words. Also really cool that it's an AU you'd already been thinking about even before getting the prompt. I saw where you said you wanted to rework what you originally submitted and tbh I'm a little on the edge of my seat wondering what's gonna be next (this is in no way me trying to pressure you to write more of it, just to show my enthusiasm). Just whatever you feel you need to do to get the story to where you want it. :D (2/5)
The film & the original story by Angela Carter just really stuck with me and I guess hunger being somewhat synonymous with sexual awakening, I needed to see it Everlarked. Part of it was also that, much as I enjoyed the film, I was a bit bummed out Rosaleen didn’t meet her wolfman until towards the very end and I thought, okay which of my OTPs are the best candidate for a version where they’re actually together for more of the story?? And it was like K&P flashed me their proverbial (3/5)
bat signal I guess lol. Also I found it really interesting how you incorporated the death of the sister with giving Prim a twin. I’m kinda curious to know more about Ms. Third Everdeen Sister Amaryllis. As well as it being an arranged marriage where Katniss takes Prim’s place to be engaged to her sweet baker boi. The tea scene when Peeta takes a drink to show his mom it’s not poisoned is kinda my fave so far haha. Overall, just needed to shower some love on this since it was my prompt and (4/5)
that you’re so graciously committed to putting forth the best version of the story you derived from it. Also bc it’s just so long overdue…3 years…once again I apologize for that bc I really dropped the ball on that one. Anyways, I’ll stop crowding your inbox with this long-windedness now. ^_^; (5/5)
Hey there @codenamesailordarillium The first of these never showed up. Not sure if you just never got the chance to send it or if tumblr is still being a message munching monster. I think I’ve got a decent idea of what was in the first part, although my brain did come up with a couple options. Sorry if this answer is way more than you were expecting since I’m gonna try to address a couple options.
Anyways, I wanted to go ahead and answer what I did receive rather than keep you waiting because I was actually really stunned to receive it. You are of course, in no way obligated to send messages like this to a writer but I am beyond thrilled that you did. I don’t care how late you think it is, it isn’t. One of the really weird things about writing fanfic, at least in my mind, is that when an Anon comes to my inbox with a prompt or a request, I operate on the assumption that they already like my writing and my style, and my usual rating levels, trust me with the content, etc. So I don’t really feel guilty if I deviate from the prompt or don’t deliver exactly what they had in mind, as long as I slap the warning labels on it. Like…you knew the risks coming into my box asking for fic so here ya go! This is what I came up with. 
When it’s an anonymous prompt through something like @everlarkficexchange, I always feel a lot more anxiety about filling a prompt from an anon. This person has put out a prompt to literally dozens of writers and they may very well be someone who avoids my writing or doesn’t like it, because let’s face it, not everyone is always going to adore your (meaning mine in this case) writing. I’ve taken quite a few anonymous prompts through efe and I’ve always, always wondered if anon ever read it and liked it. You are literally the first one to come and say “Hey that was my prompt!” so this is new… and I’m still fangirling a little bit, especially since it’s about one of my much older efe fics. When was that? 2017? Man alive time does fly.
So, I’m not sure what prompted your visit to my inbox, whether it was my note on my latest efe piece, Maybe Tomorrow, or if you were actually the anon who sent that prompt in too, or if it’s me suddenly posting older stuff to AO3 because I’d been holding on to it hoping to expand but did not, EDIT: or if it’s because one of the plot points of the story is a pandemic (yikes even I forgot about that bit until i just scanned over the first chapter again). Either way, let me just go ahead and say that In the Waiting Dark is most definitely not abandoned. It’s on my list of fics I absolutely want to finish, mainly because as you’ve pointed out my saying, I’ve pretty much wanted to write an Everlark Red Riding Hood AU for ages, since about the time I discovered AU was actually a thing!
I’m actually really stoked that you sent all of this to me and it makes me feel like even though I’ve not been actively working on it lately, I had the right ideas in my head to sort of meet what you were hoping to see. Yes! for the whole movie being a metaphor for sexual awakening. It’s one of the things that drew me in so completely. And the more I dug around in versions of Red Riding Hood, the more I realized that was literally the roots of the tale. “To see the wolf” used to be an expression for kissing your virginity farewell, so to speak. And same here, the whole metaphor SC uses with “hunger” for sexual desire had me seeing all kinds of fantastic connections. 
Although, I do feel the need to say that it’ll probably take a slightly different path than Rosaleen and her wolfman do. Part of that is definitely the fact that like you, it was kind of sad to me that they only got the last maybe twenty minutes or so of the movie together. Part of it is the influence of other RRH tales.
I basically stopped working on it because I got to a point where I felt like I was being too ambitious with it? It was falling prey to a really bad case of “and then this!” So I took a step back from it. Then I started to realize just how many Everlark fics are out there involving wolves of some kind. Seriously. There’s a ton of them. And I myself fell prey to a case of “How do I make this mine?” My writing doesn’t exist well in a vacuum, I know that. It can easily be influenced by exterior factors. I’ve unfortunately been assiduously avoiding reading any kind of Everlark wolf au for almost three years now for that exact reason. :( I’m slightly terrified that in waiting this long, when I do finally post it, I’ll be alienating or angering a lot of other Everlark writers by inadvertently writing something similar to what they’ve already produced.
Weirdly enough, I’ve been kind of itching to get back to In the Waiting Dark, out of all my long neglected fics to snare my attention right now, of course it’s that one, lol. Maybe it’s because it is yet again another round of @everlarkficexchange and Waiting Dark is one of my outstanding prompts from previous years. The self-imposed guilt trips are in full force, lol.
That’s not to say that I feel pressured by your message. I’m actually kind of tickled by it. Moreover, the story will probably look a little different when I finally get around to actively posting it. Things that will not change are the core metaphor; the use of the stories, fables, and dreams (similar to what you see in the movie); the weirdly creepy/darkish vibe to parts of it juxtaposed with a more modern pastoral take on fairy tales; and the cast obvs. There are reasons for Prim having a twin in this AU, but we’ll get to that. The arranged marriage part may change, because I feel like I’ve written so many arranged marriage Everlark stories. Then again…the scene that you mentioned with Peeta drinking the tea to show his mother that it wasn’t poisoned is definitely one of my favorite scenes so far. If nothing else, I have got to find a way to keep that in the final product. 
And now I’m the one who has wandered into long winded-ness. Thank you again for taking the time to send this to me!
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goddessdel · 4 years
Saraaaaahhh! I just got the AO3 update in my email for your new fic. Guh I'm currently stuck working on a handful of final assignments I need to be finished with before midnight tomorrow, but as soon as I'm done, guess what's gonna be my reward for all my hard work. :DDDDD I will gush at you more later once I've gotten to read it. (Also just in general I've been planning to do a reread of some of my faves of ur fics, so stay tuned my friend ^_^)
Aww, thank you, my lovely! You're so sweet! Good luck with your deadlines!! You reminded me that I need to post that I actually wrote something here, but I didn't feel like fighting with the link tonight. I shall look forward to all your flails in future and with any luck, I might even manage more things for you to read!
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regalpotato · 5 years
I've got an explanation for why the bowtie makes 13 so uncomfortable...once she regenerated she found herself with a case of extremely sensitive neck & throat area, so wearing any closed collar-type stuff leaves her fidgeting. My source is me, a person who literally has this problem (it makes me so sad, I can't fuckin' wear chokers T_T). Also knowledge that River would 100% take advantage of to leave many hickies on her wifey. :3
lol it was really just a joke - coz I know regenerating can change the Doctor so that they find certain clothes more comfy than others (I mean, realistically, who’s gonna go around wearing a tie/bow tie all the time - looking at you weirdos Ten and Eleven)
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xhellnhighheelsx · 6 years
codenamesailordarillium replied to your post “Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how...”
Psycho River s8 rewrite you say? Hmm... :3
Hooo boy. Ok. So this beast has since been shelved, but I started it when s8 came out and 12 was so grouchy and his grip on what it meant to be human was slipping and he was worrying over whether he was a good man. But since then it evolved, found a way to include Darillium, and got impossibly more angsty. 
The story opens with a grieving 12 being reckless and picking fights he has little chance of winning. He hangs out in warzones and fixed events that end in flames, because it’s comforting to know that there are some things he just can’t fix, no matter how much he wants to. 
He enjoys the entropy, the chaos. And honestly, he should be less surprised than he is when he inevitably runs into River. It isn’t obvious at first, but as soon as he’s no longer blinded by elation and guilt, he realizes that something isn’t quite right with his wife. But, as River is want to do, she leaves in a puff of smoke before he figures out what. 
They keep meeting and things keep going not quite right. She’s not quite as she should be. She’s harsher with him, honest where once she would coddle and spare his feelings. She doesn’t protect him like she once did. She doesn’t offer to lay her life on the line for him when trouble nips at their heels. And it takes longer than it should, to see the shadows in her eyes. 
I won’t give away too much, but they end up chasing each other across space time. And by the time it’s over, it’s hard to tell if River is leading him to madness or if she’s his salvation. 
Here’s a stupidly long excerpt:
His once guardian angel swallows up worlds and lives until she's had her fill. He thinks perhaps she’ll never stop. That she'll devour the universe trying to fill the empty hole inside her. The hole he left, that he dug with every lie, with every impossible request.
He should be objective, detached. It's what he does best. Objectively, he should stop her before she burns the cosmos to ash. Objectively, he shouldn't love this woman, this a stranger who wears his wife's face, who knows just how to hurt him in all the ways his River never would. But he can't detach the two. How can he when her eyes still blaze the same sea green and her curling lips still give him chills? He should detach affection and goodness, love from light. Where once they fueled one another, where their love felt like a shining beacon of hope, now he feels his light, his goodness flickering and fading inside of him, his love for her engulfing him in darkness. 
He's no closer now to denying her what she wants than bow tie was then. He can't save her or stop her or keep her or kill her. But kiss her, he can, that much has always been simple. Hormones and science and chemistry, he understands, sex a far simpler a thing than emotions ever were.  Lips that once soothed him now scorch across his neck and chest. She claws her nails into him, ruining his flesh, trails of pink tally marks marring his skin. It's not enough to scar, but he almost wishes they would. He deserves every bruise and bite mark, every bittersweet release and burning kiss.
But 'sweetie' doesn't roll off her tongue in a caress anymore, her lips twisting around the word, lacing it with poison. She spits 'Doctor' like a curse, the taste of it bitter and sound of it brash. And she simply refuses to call him by his name, depriving him of the sound simply because she can, because she has it and he wants it and she refuses to give it to him. The knowledge she possesses shinning out through her eyes like a promise she will never say, a love letter never to be written. 
Things are different now. The light in her eyes brightest when she's taunting him, standing over a bloodied body or ruin and rubble that had once been something beautiful. She doesn't hide from him anymore. She lays herself upon the alter, begging him to sacrifice her, to break one of his many rules. She knows he won't, can't, that he refuses to lose her again. She's hurting him and tempting him and fucking him because she can, because she knows he can't resist, because he wants her to. She's using him, a punishment he knows he deserves. It hurts, but it's pain that cleanses his soul. 
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Anemone, Angelonia, Aster, Aubrieta, Bergenia, Bloodroots, Cardinal Flower, Freesia, Lupine, Wisteria
Anemone: Favorite flower? 
I really love gardenias. Partly because Billie Holiday.
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? 
Off the top of my head, Doctor Who, The West Wing (+Sorkinverse), The Pretender, Brooklyn 99, ODAAT, Firefly (+Whedonverse), GBBO, SGA, BSG, Farscape, Project Runway, and, grudgingly atm, The Worst Witch. 
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? 
two by two in the ark of the ache of it.
- Denise Levertov, The Ache of Marriage
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
For every day, soda water and tea. For special occasions, Sahlab. 
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? 
Night. ...but really I’m a ‘sleep’ person.
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
A marine biologist. 
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts? 
I don’t not believe in ghosts?
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 
- My folks moved nearby- I got @regalpotato into The Worst Witch- Been having good times out with my friends 
(these may be longer than a month ago but they’re the first things that came to mind)
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name? 
lol it means ‘pure.’ gross. i think i’m named for a great grandmother or something? no idea
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called? 
- When I Grow Up I Want To Be A List of Further Possibilities - Chen Chen- Calling a Wolf a Wolf - Kaveh Akbar- Eating in the Underworld - Rachel Zucker- [lukao] - Craig Santos Perez- Olio - Tyehimba Jess- Sister/Outsider - Audre Lorde- When Rap Spoke Straight to God - Erica Dawson- Look - Solmaz Sharif
[ send me a flower ask? ]
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millennium-queen · 5 years
Your art is literally the cutest and the prettiest my dude I love it so much.
Ahhhh Thank you!!! asdfghjlbhgv💙💜💘💝💖💞💝💞💙💘💖💜
 I’m planning on posting some more soon just real life got messy 😅😅😅
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gwil-lee · 6 years
List 5 things that make you happy then put it in the Ask Box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity 💛
Thank you, sweetie 😊
So I decided to go with anything that has made me happy today…
1. My mum - she wanted to make me happy and borrowed the official book of borhap from a local library.
2. Flowers blooming and trees blossoming all around me - it’s so nice to see the nature wake up.
3. My friends and I booked tickets for this play that I’ve wanted to see for some time now.
4. There are a few people returning to tumblr after a small hiatus, and it’s so lovely to see them on my dashboard again.
5. We had a lot of fun with my sister at work today and kept confusing our coworkers (although she’s almost 5 years my senior, no one can guess which one of us is older 😂)
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thesongandthesunset · 6 years
List 5 things that make you happy then put it in the Ask Box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity 💛
Heyyy, since this is the second ask i'll just add a little bonus at the end!lol, idk what to choose, so these aren’t in any particular order . Here we go!
Books/fanfiction/ and writing (the last one should happen more often lol)
My imagination (because thanks to that i can bear the long and boring days and also is a continuous source of ideas i’ll probably never write lol )
Looking at the sky at night (especially when i’m on holiday because where i usually go is pretty far from the nearest city so it’s so beautiful too see the stars there)
That moment when you say something fun and everyone laugh  (which for me it’s pretty rare because i have a very odd sense of humor/sarcasm and people sometimes don’t recognize it)
When i finish a project i’m working on and i finally sit down and realize that it’s over, so i have those little goosebumps and are happy af
When you receive an order you bought on the internet ages ago but then forgot about it so it's like a little gift from your past self
When things go the way i planned
Can i add my audiodramas, because they bring me A LOT of joy (bless you big finish)
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tagged by @ghoulsbeard to share 9 ship songs! thank you!! ;u;
tagging: @knightlysoulsnatcher, @flutter2deceive, @codenamesailordarillium, @flugames, and anyone else who wants to play (and if you do PLS tag me so I may collect more songs for my music library...!!)
Lizzie & the Bald Boys
Half in Love with Elizabeth
if you pin your hopes to his back, my dear I'm afraid the bubble will burst he's half in love with Elizabeth and he's half in love with you
she leaned in closely and said nothing to me back to the summer we all drove out to Arizona back to the heart of it all
I lay my head but it wasn't home can I be by you, if I cannot be by myself?
I've got her broken wheel carry her on my back she wrecks me, she wrecks me
the Macbeths
Hearing Voices
can't escape the ghost when the ghost's not dead everyone wants to see heaven but no one wants to die
part of me is afraid to wake you from the dreams you're having scared the scattered pieces won't come back together whole I still don't know what happens to you I just stand here useless, sometimes listen through the door
for the last three. if I may be even more self-indulgent...
Hallie's unfortunate thing about Almalexia: Saved
o holy mother, you're a saint you let my love go to waste (if you want me, honey, I don't want to know if you think about me, baby, then don't)
Kharish's less unfortunate thing about Colette: Anniversary
it's you that picks me up and makes me well again I am here for you when you need to undo all the weight on top of you, just take the very best of me
and for Miralda: Boreas
if I'm kindling for a little while at least I'd feel of use promise me that you'll start where I end all I hope for is to be a bit of warmth for you when there's not a lot of warmth left to go around
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Idk if I'm too late for this but if not 🐍 for River! (If someone hasn't already sent you this as well lol.)
Anon said: River Song 🐍
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pls don’t judge my snake drawing abilities but if I had to pick a species I’d call these golden lanceheads based on that they are pretty. thank u for ur consideration.
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Hey there! Just wanted to say I really liked reading "The Midnight Train". It was nice to see some everlark fic pop up in my dash for once. :D
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. If you’re looking for more recent Everlark fic, I know @alliswell21, @javistg, @xerxia31 and @savvylark have all recently posted stories here. I’m sure there’s more that I’ve missed, but those four ladies I can recall reading in the past few weeks. We might not be as active as we once were as a fandom, but there’s still content being made.
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mygalfriday · 6 years
Lol can I just say every one of your stories are my favorite gurl? Like even the ones I haven't had the time to read yet probably. ;) But if I had to pick, from most recently, I think the one you wrote with 12/River on Darillium where River was suddenly taken aback by Basil not getting flustered over her the way 11 would and her trying increasingly salacious ways to get him stuttering over her appearance. That one warms my heart so much w/the ending, I've gone back to reread it so many times.
Aww I’m so glad you like that one - we don’t get to see the Doctor actually soothe River’s (hidden) insecurities nearly enough. And thank youuu❤️
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regalpotato · 5 years
As a small child when I first watched Pokemon I legit thought Jessie and James were married. Wasn't there like a scene in one episode where he's in the Meowth balloon and he pulls Jessie in with him all dramatic and then like Meowth is chasing after them like, hey guys wait for me! To 3-year-old Zima that was like the height of romance (as long as it actually happened and wasn't something I just made up in my head lol). So yeah, if that at all amuses you haha. XD
This fills my trash heart with glee xD
Holy Matrimony - the episode where Jessie and Meowth try to force James to marry his childhood abuser (not realising she was his childhood abuser) for money. And then leave thinking he’s better off without them (because Jessie, having grown up so poor that eating snow was a treat, doesn’t understand why he’d rather be poor with her than rich with Jessibelle).
Then James swoops in on the balloon and hoists Jessie into the basket (forgetting about Meowth lmao)
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and they stare at each other for ages
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whilst their clasped hands make a heart shape.
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And tbf they do get married (and have a baby) in the manga (THEY’RE BOTH BISEXUAL AND NB/GENDERFLUID AND THEY’RE IN LOVE. FIGHT ME)
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@codenamesailordarillium replied to your post: I think I’m the only person in the world who...
@regalpotato​ Dang Katie that’s harsh lol.
Really tho :P And she's gonna REGRET it when I get around to writing the super angsty mattex fic set to the worst mattexy song in existence that I've have floating around in my head forever. She dared me to write one she liked and I raised the stakes by promising I could make her cry.
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