perspextivexx · 1 year
@codename-freya Ask
Maria leaned down over the railing from where she stood nearby on an abandoned porch. "My my, but only the lost little lambs end up in this neighborhood at night, don't you know monsters come out this late?" She teased, coming around and stepping forward. The woman was tall, taller in her heels, and staring down at her, with a smirk of a predator eyeing at prey.
"You must be desperate or naive to be out alone."
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madaramee · 3 months
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@codename-freya asked:
"Madarame-san, please train me," the petite blonde who long ago had been a part of the 11th said with a bow.
"..." With Hozukimaru hoisted over his shoulder while his free hand remained tucked into a pocket in his Shihakusho, Ikkaku stopped midway his walk as the half-pint positioned herself directly in his way. If she never bowed down as hard as she did, he'd have easily pushed her out the way; but even he had to honor her etiquettes. That is to say -- she lowered her head for him. Good. She knew her place well, then.
He remained silent for a short moment, sizing her up with his eyes first off. This one must have been a new recruit, and an awfully clean one at that. His first piece of judgment to pass was -- tiny. She's tiny. Too tiny. Must be one of the shortest Shinigami around. Her pristine blond hair was, in fact, annoying to look at. He'd quickly dismissed any possibility that she'd ever seen, or actually has been part of, an actual battle.
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Beyond all that though, -- a short sigh; fully looking down on her. "Who're you?"
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theorphanalchemist · 1 year
@codename-freya Ask
"Short black hair, seems in his late 40s, starting to go grey, seemed to be watching you for a while. He called a friend." The younger girl linked her arm, beginning to lead her away. Dirt was smeared on her face and exposed arms.
"I know this city like the back of my mind, please, trust me."
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thehealerhairpin · 8 months
CONT FROM {X} @codename-freya
" I REFUSE ! "
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it was her immediate answer to the request . . favor - her voice was someone brave yet there was a hint of fear in them -
" I'm here to protect not to be protected ! - "
she do not want to be protected again - she do not want to be protected and lose have another person die in front of her again - no - not like this - not them protecting someone like HER and risking their life , no - not again .
" I'm sorry - but I don't believe you - I wish I could - but you're injured and I'm here to HELP not to be HELPED "
a sigh came through - harsh , sweats running down her face - fearful yet not wanting to be treated and seems like she was a weakling again - she got powers - she got powers that were meant to PROTECT , she got powers that were meant to HELP .
" just . . let me help ! - "
even if she can't do much - even if she won't do much - at least she can try - at least she WILL try - at least . . she can try to be some sort of use to her . . and not be deemed useless - and not be a useless asset and doesn't deserves to be standing within a battlefield -
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reiiishii · 9 months
@codename-freya said: "what have you done to me?" Her green eyes wide in terror, "make it go away." (For Äs Nödt?) Lost Meme (i think) // ???
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A ghost of touch to her wrist, the feeling of insects crawling on her skin... a faint touch to her neck... anything to make her skin crawl, to scare her to death.
The Fear simply stood by and watched her, a smile under his mask- watching the terror in her eyes, and part of him wondered how they'd look preserved.
"Make it go away...?"
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Now why would he do that? The display before him was far too perfect to turn away. Another one of his thorns darted past his face and impaled itself in her leg. Inject her with more fear, make her scream in terror...
"Heroes need to be beaten and worn down....you need to understand just how scared those you fight so fiercely to protect feel...you need to break..." He moved as if he were floating, a spindly hand running through her hair before he turned around and leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"The death of your loved ones, those you care about...they'll all feel it eventually...why fight it? It'll only get worse the longer you fight it...fear comes for us all, for you...for your deceased comrades..." He mused, "...as does death..."
And you will soon be begging to join them...
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despairforme · 1 year
She looked up at him, completely dwarfed by his immense height, "You're not my type, but aesthetically, you are quite beautiful."
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❝ 'Daz supposed 'ta be a NICE way 'a tellin' me my personality is SHIT? ❞ He said it with a laugh, because he couldn't care less if he was ' her type ' or whatever. He didn't care if he was ANYONE'S type. He was going to be himself one hundred percent until the fucking bitter end. He didn't give a shit about being called beautiful. If she wanted to compliment him, she should tell him something he'd CARE about. Why would he want to look ' beautiful '? That shit was for fucking flowers or whatever. Not for HIM.
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thorneprincess · 1 year
receiver finds sender covered in blood
Akiko wished she was surprised. She deeply, deeply, wished to be so.
But unfortunately for her, the sight of Kaisa sitting next to the kitchen table with a coffee mug between her hands and an apologetic smile all while covered in blood was not as shocking as they wanted it to be. But it was at least nice to note that Kaisa but a towel on the chair and made enough coffee for the both of them. There was even a pastry box on the table! It almost made the red stains in the carpet forgivable.
That is more than most of Akiko's surprise house guests have done in the past.
Taking her favorite heart patterned mug before pouring some coffee for herself, Akiko gingerly sat down in front of Kaisa and took a bite out of a butter croissant. A small part of her wished she had something stronger.
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"So," Akiko started with a mouth full of food, table manners be damned for once. "Is this post clean up duty or do I need to help you with a body?"
Akiko didn't even bother to ask if the blood was Kaisa's. It never is.
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
Dark chocolate covered espresso beans. This was her staple when she didn't have coffee accessible. She'd gotten sweets from Renji for Valentines Day, so for today, she had packed a box full of them, along with just a few bars of sea salt dark chocolate too. The box was just barely able to be shut.
"Happy white day Renji-nii," she murmured softly.
White Day (very belated sorry) @codename-freya
Right. March 14th was white day! He'd completely forgotten until a box, bursting at the seams was thrusted towards him. With a sheepish grin on his face, he gratefully accepted the box, immediately opening it and stuffing a few espresso beans into his mouth.
Yum. Dark chocolate - his favorite. He'd eat any chocolate, really, but dark chocolate had a special place in his heart. Ironic it was, since he truly had a sweet tooth, but the intense flavor of the cocoa coupled with the smooth tempered snap - irresistible.
"Thanks, Kaisa. I didn't think I'd be gettin' anything in return," he teased, patting her on the head, purposely ruffling and messing up her long locks.
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"Did ya know, in some parts of the world, there's a day on April 14th to celebrate those who didn't get anythin' on Valentine's or White Day?" he shakes his head. "My condolences to them."
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kakimushire · 2 years
"I don't care how you deem it possible, but please could I go for a run?" She was hopeful. She would be willing to be supervised. Kaisa just needed to do something active instead of being drugged enough that she was physically incapable of moving.
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❝ Hmm...? ❞ Mayuri's eyes grew wide at the sudden request. He tipped his head slowly to the side, expressing disbelief. WHY would anyone want to ' go for a run '? As someone who detested physical exercise and manual labour, Mayuri absolutely could not relate. He would never forget the training sessions he was FORCED to go through when he became a captain. He had had to learn basic combat skills. As if he'd ever need them. He was almost fascinated by the Sou-Taichou thinking he'd ever find himself in a hand-to-hand combat, or a regular face-off with a Zanpakuto. AS IF Mayuri had time for that sort of thing! ❝ Of course you can't. ❞ He answered his test subject, shaking his head. ❝ You are in no position to make requests. ❞ And, if she WAS going to make requests - they better not be such idiotic ones.
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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‘You Did Good’ prompts  [ ACCEPTING | X ]
@codename-freya​ asked:
“I’m right here. You found me in time, I’m right here,” she smiled softly even through her injuries,  “I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.”
          He only remembers to breathe after he has stabilized her condition as best as he can. He is no trained healer, so can only make do with basic field kaidou until the actual medics arrive with their higher level abilities. His hands are slick and sticky with  blood and his expression is visibly concerned, and also, furious. He exhales visibly, partly to rein in his temper, partly to focus. 
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               “ Don’t look so relieved, soldier. Yer not even s’posed ‘ta be on active duty in the first place, what the hell were ya thinkin’? ” He sees that she is becoming a bit more lucid, and not deteriorating as quickly, anymore. There’s a good chance she will pull through, despite the horrific looking injuries she has sustained this time. 
               “ Kaisa Ranta. Do not close yer eyes. Pay attention. ” His tone is unusually stern, and fierce. She cannot relax now, no matter how badly her body is begging to shut down. He does not relent, does not allow her tension to break for even an iota, a fraction of a second. His hands are pressed firmly against her side, the only source of pressure that’s controlling her bleeding. That soldier who ran off to get help...when is he coming back? Until reinforcement arrives, he can only continue to distract her with conversation.  He is aware, that she hasn’t been herself ever since that altercation with those Quincies...but with this incident, her intention seems all too clear. His expression grows even grimmer.
               “ Are ya tryin’a kill yerself? ”  
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perspextivexx · 1 year
@codename-freya Ask
Rosalina leaned in the doorframe, the sounds of the hustling busy bar at the wee hours of the morning coming from down the hall. The room was one of the closest ones to the bar/dining area, but still relatively soundproofed against when the crowd would get, lively.
“I can ask Marianne to make some warm hot coco, perhaps a meal if you’d like. She’s on kitchen this shift.” Her tone was soft, as she moved from the doorframe to the nearby rocking chair she’d had placed.
“I’ve heard a good meal can help with insomnia, or perhaps a movie to help you relax?”
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Picrew Your Muse
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Tagged By: @midnightactual
Tagging: @iikorose, @sasayakc, @mikofleur, @motherblessed (Masaki), @madmuses (Shoyo-Feng), @hanabiira, @soulxfragments, @codename-freya, @fortunescaling, @oschvanck​
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kenpxchi · 2 years
💬 + Yachiru
“that’s my kid, and i’m proud.”
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thehealerhairpin · 8 months
CONT FROM {X} @codename-freya
new year , new things , new student , but same her .
it was the first day of school after the very long break . she didn't do much except . . well probably help Kurosaki and stuff ! and hang out with her friends like usual , it has always been that way for her . . but now there's a lot more friends that she have gained throughout the month .
she never expected to become friends with Kurosaki at all - she was only a hopeless romance with no chance of winning his heart - but oh well ! things changed .
she heard there was going to be a new student here - she haven't seen them just yet .
at least that was before a door was heard opening and her head turned to look at the blondie that were definitely not on of the classmate ! her assumption and she immediately assumed that they were the new student .
new student could only means new friend !
as seeing the awkward person coming through she jumps to the side of the blond with a bright smile waving at her .
" I haven't seen you before ! you're new here right ? "
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she was only asking to make sure she wasn't getting the wrong person NOR was the person in the wrong class -
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shadow-king-club · 4 months
This heart stands for something; it's been a time warp. Thank you so much for thinking of me, and I think of you too! Whatever you like, let me know! I care about you so much! 
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thorneprincess · 1 year
"Akiko-chan!" Kaisa called out, jogging towards her. Her friend was one of the few who got to see her be chipper instead of cold or angry. She smiled at her, holding up a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans, "look what I found in the World of the Living!"
Akiko looked at the treats with weariness. While at most times she would eat any sweet without a second thought, there is something telling her Kaisa has a hidden motive behind her innocent looking smile.
Her eyes narrowed.
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"This is a trick to get me into the caffeine addiction club, isn't it?"
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