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triona-tribblescore · 10 months
I saw you wanted fluffy suggestions so here ya go:
Baby Mikey blabbering and Donnie responding like it’s a philosophical discussion.
Big! Sweaters! Big fluffy sweaters!
Disaster twins in the get along shirt
Raph and Leo in the get along shirt
Raph napping while Donnie happily rants to him
All boys walking together down an overgrown subway tunnel and relishing in sunlight and plants!(if ya need some background practice)
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sooo uhhh, this ask may be four months old BUT! I was saving it for a rainy day and, would you look at that, its raining outside :D
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some close-ups :)
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luckycharms1701 · 6 months
Lucky I write down potential asks in my notes and literally just scribbled this today so the fact hur open now is a wild coincidence and also ily /p have a great night !!! Drink fluids !!
The set up premise might be.. different? so ignore if inspiration doesn't tickle ur scrote but I am a person who eats spicy food on a daily basis and if it's painful enough it can look like a damn sexual experience(panting, sweating, flushed face, gr/moaning(in pain), whines, milk spills, the works). I can see bay Mikey doing some kind of prank or dare without knowing what would stir within until suddenly ur being dragged off to his bedroom trading one heat for another-
I'd hoped this was just about blurbish length and that I make sense ;-; (I am so nervous about sending request asks in I am ill)
(-gornack but anon cuz if i sound nonsensical I don't want the embarrassment of having my account attached)
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^ how i felt reading this ask
there is nothing to be embarrassed about here!!
sorry for the fade to black but hope you enjoy anyway!
It takes exactly three wings for you to realize that you’ve made a mistake. You pause when the heat hits your tongue, and that is another mistake. You swallow without tasting anything and look at Mikey’s expectant face with a shaky smile. “No problem!” You give him a thumbs up, hoping he’ll ignore the increasing redness you can feel in your face.
When Mikey came to you, begging to recreate those videos he was obsessed with where people eat progressively spicier food, you knew this would happen. You knew. But one look into those tearful puppy dog eyes and you folded faster than wet cardboard. Now you (and your relatively low spice tolerance) find yourself wishing that you weren’t head over heels for him.
“Yes!” Mikey cheers with his hands in the air, and all the pain you are about to endure is immediately worth it. Damn him. You look back down at the remainder of the wing in your hand and both dread and determination run through your veins. Well, mama didn’t raise no quitter. You bring the little bomb to your mouth and eat the rest of it, trying and failing to keep the sauce off your lips. Shit.
You nibble on some bread to help with the heat, saving the milk for later when you’re truly suffering. Your fingers tap along to the beat of the music Mikey put on as you look for the next spicy little enemy. Instead of offering you the next saucy wing, Mikey is staring. At your lips, specifically. You touch them hesitantly. They feel a little inflamed but dry. “Did I miss some sauce or something?” Mikey shakes his head with an unusually (even for him) loud “No! You’re fine.” You shrug and reach for the wing he offers you.
Sweat forms on your brow before the heat hits, and you brace yourself just in time. A breathy “oh” leaves your parted lips as the heat rolls through your mouth like thunder. You give in and reach for the milk as the heat crests, gulping a little too quickly and spilling some. When the teasing you expect from your best friend doesn’t manifest, you try to contain your panting and look up to find him once again staring at your mouth. “Okay, I know what’s up with me, but what’s up with you?” You reach up and swipe at the line of milk dribbling down your chin with your thumb, and Mikey visibly swallows.
“N-nothing, angel. Just wondering if you’re still up for this. You look… heated.” You groan loudly at what you assume is a very bad pun, holding out your hand for the next torture device. The heat in your mouth is now at an alarmingly high steady burn, but you are trying to ignore that in favor of getting through this ordeal.
“Hit me, Michelangelo.” He mutters something under his breath that you can’t hear over the music, and you study him as he hands you the next wing. He is twitchy, eyes dark as he watches your fingers wrap around the meat. Wondering why Mikey is acting so weird is a good distraction from the pain in your mouth, so you continue to observe him as you raise the fifth wing to your mouth.
It seems almost like Mikey is the one on the spot, you muse as you chew, with the way he can’t sit still. He’s looking everywhere except at you now, fingers tapping agitatedly on the can of Orange Crush in between his hands on the table. Then the heat hits you like a brick wall, and there is no room in your head for anything except the stinging pain. Tears fill your eyes as you whimper.
Mikey’s chair scraping across the floor startles you as you chug some milk, and you spill some again. Your whimper turns into a groan as more milk dribbles down your chin. How embarrassing. The milk pools in your hand as you try in vain to keep it from getting everywhere.
“Okay, that’s it!”
Before you can process what’s happening beyond the fire raging in your mouth, Mikey rounds the table and picks you up. You stutter his name, hands flailing, beyond bewildered. He ignores you and beelines for his room, squeezing you firmly against his plastron.The door closes with an ominous snick, and you brace yourself, still panting from the heat of the wings. The tension leaves you though, as Mikey tosses you on the bed and shows you exactly why he was acting so weird. Oh. Ohhhhh. OH.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @morenovix218 @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
hi i'm that anon that asked about tighnari and fixing. since you said that he's someone with no fatal flaws, how open is he getting into a relationship?
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
How open is Tighnari to a relationship?
To most members of the Forest Watchers, imagining their chief officer in a relationship is near impossible. It isn't that he'd be terrible in a relationship. No, actually, they think that he'd be an amazing partner. Though he can be strict, he's caring and reliable, observant and level-headed. Really, he's the complete package! It's just... Nobody has ever seen him show interest in anyone. And the few that showed interest in him and tried to flirt were swiftly shut down without mercy. Most agree that love seems to be the last thing on his mind.
What many are not aware of, however, is that as much as he isn't looking for a relationship, he isn't exactly not looking for a relationship either. Really, Tighnari isn't against falling in love. He sees its merits. He knows the comfort and satisfaction it brings. But it isn't something he exactly needs. Simply put, he's satisfied with what he has. He enjoys his life. He doesn't need more. Still, while he doesn't see the need to be in a relationship, should it come his way, he really wouldn't be all that against it if they're a good match. But there's no need to rush. It'll happen when the time comes.
That being said, should he become interested in someone, don't expect much fanfare or bombastic displays of affection. Don't expect him to play any games either. Though he will invite you on outings to learn more about you, when he is clear about his feelings, he will be clear with you as well. You will not be left second-guessing his intentions for long.
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despairforme · 26 days
So big and strong can you pick me up please............i wan big strong man hold me....................
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❝ Don't fuckin' tell me what 'ta do. ❞ Don't even ASK. Why the FUCK would he lift someone up just because they asked nicely? The only reason why he'd pick someone up was if he lifted them by their throat to break their neck. Well --- He DID like being called big and strong though. But that didn't mean he was going to be all cooperative and "hold" someone.
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
 “ look at me. “  
send   “ look at me. “   for my muse’s reaction to yours grabbing mine by the chin and forcing mine to look at them during a tense / highly emotional moment.
@killerhubby won't let chiyo look away!
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it's moments like this when she really does wish to be nothing more than a background character, easily overlooked and forgotten. her emotions are her own, and only she should have to struggle with them, accept these ugly moments of weakness ( but has she ever done that? has she ever been that kind? ). she doesn't want anyone else to see her like this, doesn't trust anyone else to see her like this. she's been burned before. she's smart enough to not reach for the same flame twice.
so chiyo doesn't want to look at mirage. it's only a bad day, she tells herself. it's only a rough patch. she doesn't need to be saved. she needs a bandage for the finger she's sliced upon broken glass. she needs to replace mirage's picture frame, get an apology out that doesn't sound so damn sad. she needs---
mirage takes her chin in his hand, gentle but firm as he tilts her head up, and chiyo can't do anything to hide from his gaze as their eyes lock. try as she might, her mask won't fall back into place, though she suspects it wouldn't do her any good anyway. he sees her. it's too new a feeling to be comforting yet. hope whispers that it's fine, and experience begs her to pull away before she unravels.
but chiyo stays. brow furrowed and lips stubbornly pursed, she stays and cradles her hand against her chest as if her injury might defend her. look! look how she bleeds! look at the scarlet staining her fingertip and the tears that are but a result of a sharp edge sliding through soft skin; there is nothing else to see, so do not look so closely.
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" i'm fine," chiyo tells him despite how futile it feels. the futility stirs something in her chest that can't be pushed down, that can't be ignored. those stubborn lips tremble. " don't look at me like that. i'm really fine. "
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magnifiico · 10 months
Hey Magnifico, what do you think of some of the theories going around that Amaya's made from a wish? I don't know if Rosas' citizens have talked about it, but there is some precedent. She sure doesn't seem to age...
thanks for the intriguing ask! ouo
“What is with this insane obsession with my wife?” Naturally, yes, he understands, but that isn't really the point here— A tone once tight and skating out on a near-growl steadies itself thereafter; Magnifico brushes a hand over his brow, and his next breath is deep and full enough to shake his entire torso.
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“I, ah... No. No, that's an... interesting theory, but she's human just like the rest of us,” he complies under a dismissive laugh. “You might say I'm not the only one with luck in the genes.”
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conquiistador · 11 months
Lola looked the pink feathered man up and down. She had to admit he was good looking, in an insane kind of way.
"Well, you're a sight for sore eyes, aren't you handsome?"
She knew this was the man named 'Doflamingo' she was curious about what kind of a reaction she could get out of him. Fear, confusion, anger, amusement. She couldn't wait to find out.
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They said beauty was in the eye of the beholder. Eyes that regarded Doflamingo would be blinded by the divinity of him. Every part of him - perfect. Sculpted to be more than a man. So beautiful you would find it hard to look away. Being called ' handsome ' was, needless to say, something he was quite used to. Complimenting him was only natural. He felt indifferent towards the flattering words of others, as their opinions were worthless to him.
❝ Fu fu fu fu, is that all? ❞ He laughed.
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badboysupr · 8 months
Oh look, a new toy! There Simba goes wandering off with a wrench.
@sixba || oh noooo leo will be forced to not work 😔 what ever will he do
You've heard of My dog ate my homework! Now get ready for A lion ran away with my wrench! ... so I can't exactly work on this supremely important thing we need to go on this supremely important quest that puts our lives in danger—darn!
To be totally fair to Leo's apparent lack of awareness, he... had managed to doze off at his worktable again. If he was wide awake, diligently getting stuff done and, y'know, being an all-around crazy helpful guy all his friends were lucky to have, he felt he would've been able to snatch the tool before it got away from him, but— Thank gods for being a light sleeper.
He heard a thump. A metallic clatter like his elbow had bumped something to the floor, only to blink back to the living and catch the cub casually prancing away like he hadn't a care in the world.
And hey, valid: Leo could dig that mindset—
Except that he did have his wrench, so...
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“Hey—!” His voice cracked, which was really cool of him. Leo scrambled to his feet, narrowly avoided tripping over the stool he was sleeping sitting on, and gave chase. “Buddy, pal, my man: that doesn't belong to you, and I guarantee there are much better things to play with!”
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justakon · 2 years
In the late hours of the night, Chiyo hears the sliding of the office door adjacent to her own. More likely than not a certain overexerted Fukutaichou would be making his way outside for a smoke break. This was nothing abnormal. Only… this has been his third one in the last two hours. It was seldom he take so many breaks. So she follows this time, noting that he had been quieter than usual all day. He hadn’t thrown any snarky quips at her. An investigation was certainly necessary. The third seat finds her predecessor sitting apon the deck, cigarette hanging lazily from his lips, whilst his eyes appear fixated on the grass in front of him. She squats down, poking at his shoulder. “Is this project giving you hell or something? You don’t usually come out this much.” She had a hunch this was not about work, but if she brought up the cause directly it might spook him into not talking. “Y’know, if you’re… stuck & you need me for anything, I’m always here to help. Or just listen.”
                                he kept things to himself. it was just what he did. when he had first started seeing isane. he'd never spoken about it to anyone. when several months had passed and he had a conversation about it perhaps getting out and he should be the one telling chi who was his long standing friend-like person, he did tell her. but only the cliff notes version. only to retract that days later and say it was no more. and now, well he was just still living the effects of that no more. and of course if anyone would notice that he was acting strange, it would be her. she did know him well enough. and sometimes he really didn't like that.
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                                at least she hadn't borne his lashing out. he thought bitterly to himself. since his current predicament was the byproduct of it. in a moment of dumb emotional possession, he had lashed out at his patient izuru and told him he no longer considered him a friend. at the time, he didn't think it would affect their meetings for his tune-ups but when he had to deal with a rather emotional lieutenant who refused his care akon was both annoyed and confused. of course, that had to happen. he didn't like that this nonsense had spilt into his work which he took very seriously. work was his life after all. it wasn't like he had anything else.
                                he turned to her and looked at her with tired eyes then let out a puff of smoke. ' quit reading me so well. i'm not your husband. ' he quietly quipped, pouting a little as he turned his gaze away. it seemed she was the only person he could talk to at times who wouldn't take offence at his words. much like da vinci wouldn't. except she wasn't a cat.
' there's just been a lot of unnecessary things going on in me after this breakup. and now it's affecting my work. and i'm just tired of it all. tired of emotions. '
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
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ive had these ocs a WHILE, affinity was first thought of in 2015. i was 17! sinie, csilla, and urania are definitely the oldest of the whole cast, while heather, elise and daren were made in 2017 to flesh out sinie more but i ended up liking them so much as a whole and everyones dynamic as a unit that i made the "friends" main characters! agitha and everett were added later in the reboot in 2020.
as for if theyre like how i originally imagined them, sinie is relatively the same. ive always had a specific idea for her but the only difference is shes more of a jock these days than originally intended lol csilla ended up being more shy and introverted than i originally intended, but the way ive built up her life and her personality in the rewrite which gave her protagonist status with sinie, she was bound to change.
elise, heather, and daren are all relatively the same as i originally imagined. elise is just southern now haha. agitha is exactly how i pictured originally and im very happy with her. everett is still a bit of a mystery to me, im still getting to know him so to speak. hes a very complex character!
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solitariusdeluna · 2 years
What do you want to be?
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i already am what i want to be. a father and a husband that can be relied on. and i have what i always wanted. my own little family. i couldn't ask for more than that really.
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kakimushire · 26 days
"I thought you said there'd be no SIDE EFFECTS!"
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❝ Hm? ❞ Head tipped to the side. A few question marks might've been forming in the air. ❝ I've never said such a thing. ❞ He was certain he'd never made a promise THAT far-fetched. If he had, then obviously he'd been lying, using reassurance as a manipulative tactic to get his way. Wasn't that OBVIOUS? What a simpleton this one was... Then again, the average intelligence of Shinigami ( especially those outside his own division ) was low.
❝ In any case, this is not a side effect - ❞ Mayuri corrected him. ❝ This is a desired effect! You SHOULD be having blurred vision. ❞ And he should also pass out in a few moments, which would make it much easier for Mayuri to do his research. Was it necessary to drug his test subject this way? No, of course not. It was just more practical, and Mayuri was nothing if not that.
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despairforme · 1 month
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Do your eyes do this.
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quietlyblooms · 2 months
“I ought to just burn this whole thing down.”
unprompted | @kaiyobi banters with chiyo!
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" aw, that'd be more trouble than it's worth, " chiyo shoots back, brown eyes struggling to keep up with the villain speeding around them. they're messing around, treating this encounter like a game; it's sort of pissing her off, too. chiyo's brow furrows, and she sounds distracted when she continues, " just think of the earful you'd get... and the paperwork. "
without warning, chiyo extends her bo staff horizontally and nearly gets thrown off her feet as the villain runs right into the metal. do her wrists throb afterwards? yup. is it really satisfying to watch them fall on their butt with the wind knocked out of them? yup. totally worth it!
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the heroine grins up at toya, gesturing towards their fallen opponent with a little flourish. " see how simple that was? definitely not worth the extra trouble. "
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magnifiico · 10 months
"You can grant wishes? What are you? One of the Great Kings? Cause you don't look like one at all..."
@sixba || tell it how it is, future king u-u
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“ ... ”
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“Charmed, I'm sure.” His words are clipped, just barely grazing past his teeth on a clenched jaw. Whether the curiosity in the youth is just that or with it containing a shred of challenge, Magnifico hasn't determined. But he errs on the side of the latter. “You know, I have the distinct feeling I wouldn't look all that similar to your 'Great Kings.' Alarming, certainly—”
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conquiistador · 4 months
Rya is quietly watching her child take interest in the anthill near the pool that Doflamingo is currently residing next to. Thankfully he had given her a little time to at least watch over her son while waiting on the next cargo she had to deliver.
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The pool-area was lively. Doflamingo was taking some time to relax with the members of his family who weren't currently busy. Giolla was working on her tan, comfortably lazing in a chair with a book in her hand. Dellinger was splashing his feet in the water, while trying to get Gladius to get in the water. The latter refusing over and over again. Who could blame him? There weren't many devil fruit users who liked being in the water. Doflamingo himself was an exception. He had always enjoyed it.
But right now he was laid back in a sun chair, a glass of cold rosé wine elegantly held by his fingers. It was strangely peaceful, he thought. For what it was worth... He truly did enjoy spending time with his family.
❝ Fu fu fu fu, Gladius, come on, get in already. ~ ❞ Doflamingo sided with Dellinger, earning an excited squeal from the youngster. Gladius would never refuse something Doflamingo told him to do, and reluctantly began to undress.
He noticed something. Someone who wasn't supposed to be here. A child. He recognized it right away. A boy who Doflamingo was currently keeping as incentive for a certain kitsune to do her job. The boy was playing with something in the shade of a palm tree. Doflamingo watched, but didn't comment or tell the boy to leave. Why should he? This was a peaceful moment. Why disturb it?
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