#codename: pariah
mercer-safehouse · 2 years
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more of my pariah including when he beefs up. iirc when i was designing him i was thinking in terms of gameplay, like when he’s at full health he’d be fucking ripped and if he wasn’t doing so hot he’d be really thin and frail
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Hi Cas! I'm sorry you're probably sick of me by now but this is ADP anon again
So my birthday was a few days ago and I had a small party at home with A, D and P yesterday. I had decided not to tell P about the girl I like, let's call her J, and A and I had had a long discussion about it the day before the party and even she agreed with my decision. P had made me this handmade gift which had J's codename. A pulled me aside and told me that I should tell P. P isn't stupid, she could and had guessed that the conversation was about J. I couldn't argue with A then obviously, so I kind of ended up being put on the spot. I need some time to think things through, because when I'm put on the spot I make decisions which I regret the moment I have some space. A tried to make P guess, and P got it right immediately. I told P about the importance of keeping this a secret. Later, after the party, I texted A about the whole thing. She's speaking from the perspective of a person who has never experienced what P did to me from P. She kept saying that no one in J's friend group cared enough about me, but here's the thing, they're homophobic shits who don't even like me in the first place, and will probably make a huge deal out of this, something which A herself said that J would do. This happened to A with someone else a few months ago. The person told a senior about A's relationship, and A refused to talk to her until she finally gave in but decided to never tell the girl anything private again. I find it hypocritical, because A did it to protect herself and now she wants me to give P the benefit of the doubt when I want to do the same? She keeps saying that she would've forgiven P if P had done it to her, because P does it by "accident". The last time it happened, M was feeling insecure about P's friendship with me and D and she was arguing with P when P told her about my crushes. I voiced my concerns about P telling M again and A literally said that we'd have to make sure that doesn't happen? Like, why does she think I didn't want to tell P? To make it worse, she keeps saying that if P tells anyone again, we won't tell her the next time. I'd be a social pariah by then because J's friend group unfortunately holds a lot of sway over others in my batch. She forced me into a position on impulse where I had to go back on my previously concrete decision. And now she's just being so casual about it? Like, she apologized for putting me in the position, but the damage is already done. She thinks I should have a proper conversation with P about what to not do. A believes that telling her to shut up when she's talking about it in a place where she shouldn't be and giving her the "look" if she continues is enough, when it has never worked before. It's not even like it's impossible for information about my crushes to get out. My first crush found out that I liked her and I humiliated myself for an entire year trying to get her attention while she knew about it. That wasn't because of P, but if it has happened before, what's stopping it from happening again?
Sorry for the rant, but A is currently getting on my nerves with her attitude about it.
Hi! I completely understand why you're frustrated. A broke your boundary and that's not cool. And now your friends are minimizing your feelings. I'm sorry they're doing that, and I understand why you're concerned. I'm proud of you for continually bringing up your feelings and your concerns, rather than backing down!
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viralesmater · 9 months
Character Info Sheet
name ; Elizabeth Anne Greene
name meaning ; Elizabeth has hebrew origins, meaning "God's Promise" or "God is my oath". Anne is French in origin, meaning "grace". The Greene surname has old Saxon (from the Old English 'grene') and Norse roots, common throughout England and Ireland.
alias/es ; Codename: MOTHER, or Liz. you can make up a nickname for her but there's no guarantee she'll like it.
one  picture you like best of your chara: gotta go with her in game pic with the long hair, i love her honestly.
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three h/cs you've never told anyone: HMMM let's see...
a lil tmi but she no longer has a period! her body has stopped aging, and with that her cycle no longer happens! even if it did, any tissue she would normally expel would be recycled by her body as biomass. by this logic, she's no longer able to reproduce the 'old fashioned' way, meaning Pariah was her one and only child.
i know i've said this before, but Liz has a big soft spot for children. she tends to watch after kids if they're separated from their parents/guardian, and protects them from Infected. she will lead them to their guardians or to the proper authorities when she finds them, and will be uncharacteristically gentle and kind to them.
I kinda like the idea that Redlight has some similarities to human Rabies, since its a zombie virus and it spreads through bites/bodily fluids. Redlight also increases the carrier's body temp and causes aggression, which is something rabies does! also Liz bit General Randal to spread her infection before she could spread it by touch.
three things your character likes doing in their free time ;
she's a bit of a people watcher, so that's what she does most days when she's not hunting for biomass. she also likes to window shop, mostly to see what's 'fashionable' so she can shift herself to match.
eight people your character likes / loves ; mmmm she doesn't have anyone like this yet tbh! well, no that's a lie, she kinda likes @iobartach's Miguel! she's more like a mentor to him at this point, but yeah she kinda trusts him! also her son, if she ever finds him! everyone else is on thin fuckin ice lol.
Collectively all ship partners, children, and OC friend connections ;
again, @iobartach's Miguel is currently the closest she has to a friend. her only child is Pariah, though I do have an au idea of her basically adopting a child that was abandoned. she doesn't really have ships atm but I'm not really focused on that right now, tbh.
two things your character regrets: hmm... she regrets some of the things she did when she was insane:
mostly that she didn't use her power at the time to search for her son, and taking Dana from Alex, causing him to go after her more.
two phobias your character has ;
Water! like Alex, she's very dense. her body being made of compressed biomass makes her incredibly heavy, and being underwater is very uncomfortable! also hydrophobia being a symptom of Redlight which I think is similar to rabies makes sense!
hospitals and everything to do with them! so needles and machinery included! she hates any and all sterile environments, and will avoid them if she can. they remind her of her time at Gentek and she'd rather not relive any of those memories.
Tagged by: Stole it from @iobartach! Tagging: anyone who wants to!
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
April 11th - The Beast
Hank McCoy, the X-Man and Avenger known as The Beast, was born a Mutant possessing the X-gene.  Hank’s Mutant attributes were evident from birth.  He possessed significantly enlarged hands and feet along with greatly enhanced strength and agility.  As Hank grew older, his strength and dexterity continued to augment.  He additionally excelled academically and would eventually discover that a substantially elevated intellect was also a facet of his mutation.  
Hank played college football whilst studying for double doctorates in physics and biology.  His strength and speed made his nearly unstoppable on the field, yet he ended up banned from the sport when it was decided that his Mutant gifts offered him an unfair advantage.  Hank left college and ended up completing his studies at Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted.  Soon thereafter, Hank joined Xavier’s X-Men, a team of Mutant heroes who battled threats to achieving harmony between the human and Mutant worlds.  Hank chose ‘The Beast’ as his hero codename.
Following numerous adventures alongside The X-Men, Hank graduated and opted to take a position as a genetic researcher with the prestigious Brand Corporation.  At this company, McCoy explored the specific biological catalysts that activate the X-Gene in latent Mutants.  A series of events led to McCoy ingesting a concentrated formula of this catalytic compound and it resulted in his enduring a drastic secondary mutation.  His strength, endurance and agility were all greatly enhanced; furthermore his physique altered so that he became covered in blue fur, with powerful claws on his hands and feet as well as sharpened fangs… He came to appear very much his namesake: a Beast.  
This drastic transformation notwithstanding, McCoy appeared to actually enjoy the change.  He became much more gregarious and outgoing, singing show tunes and cracking silly jokes.  He ended up becoming a member of The Avengers where he forged a close friendship with his teammate Wonder Man.  
Following numerous adventures with The Avengers, The Beast ultimately returned to the ranks of The X-Men.  Though he tried to maintain his upbeat demeanor, the progressing hardships suffered by the Mutant populace gradually chipped away at his sense of optimism.  Before long he became sullen and pessimistic, burying himself in his research while attempting to derive treatments for such matters as The Legacy Virus, The Mutant Decimation and the M-Pox.  His efforts often led him to making rash and highly consequential decisions, actions that have left him something of a pariah among his teammates; teammates who still respect his genius and abilities but many of whom have lost respect for the one time lovable scamp.  
Versions of The Beast have appeared in a number of the Fox Films X-Men movies, portrayed by actors Kelsey Grammer and Nicholas Hoult.  The troubled hero first appeared in the pages of X-men Vol. 1 #1 (1963).    
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ryuji-of-florida · 3 years
P5 Arcanaswap
Since everyone else is doing this I thought I’d share my take on it. Thanks to @wokenhardies for listening to my ramblings.
The Fool: Ryuji Sakamoto (Second Year at Shujin; On probation) Codename: Captain Persona: Hendrick van der Decken Random Fact: Can run 50 meters in 3 seconds.
The Magician: Yusuke (Metaverse guide; not a fox) Codename: Inari Persona: Ashiya Doman RF: His codename is actually a nickname given to him by Futaba.
The Chariot: Hifumi Togo (Second Year at Shujin; Queen of the Togo Kingdom) Codename:Venus Persona: Lady Trieu RF: Knowedgeable in immunology due to her father’s illness.
The Lovers: Yuuki Mishima (Second Year at Shujin; Only sane man) Codename: Pariah Persona: Hyde RF: Wants to punch a kangaroo one day.
The Emperor: Morgana Murasaki (First Year at Kosei; 1/4 Japanese) Codename: Ronin Persona: Okada Izo RF: Has read the tale of Genji 14 times.
The High Priestess: Futaba Ishikki (First Year at Shujin; Gamer tag: Medjed) Codename: Savant Persona: Anne Boleyn RF: Has yet to defeat Lady Noir’s score in Gun About.
The Hermit: Makoto Niijima (Hacker handle: Johanna) Codename: Druid Persona: Nimue RF: Takes online classes to ensure she can (eventually) get into a good college.
The Empress: Goro Akechi (Third Year at Kosei; Student Council President) Codename: Crusader Persona: Robin Hood RF: Has been working at the Jazz Jin for nearly 2 years.
The Justice: Akira Kurusu (Second Detective Prince; Fourth smuggest prick in Tokyo)  Codename: Hidalgo Persona: Donquixote (GilGamESh) RF: Is allergic to cats.
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brokenhardies · 4 years
Updated Fool!Yusuke AU - The Thieves of Vice
So i did some reworking of my Arcanaswap -- not all the arcanas are swapped (three of the confidants stay the same, while ‘Igor’s is altered to match his role in the story) BUT the Phantom Thieves are swapped, with the exception of Morgana - sorry buddy :(. So here’s the team! Let’s go! 
(description inspired by @wildcard-rumi‘s own Arcanaswap AU)
Name: Yusuke Kitagawa
Arcana: Fool
Still Madarame’s student, still pretty much living under his abusive master’s thumb, but with a massive difference -- he winds up witnessing one of Madarame’s former students throw themselves in front of a train one morning, shaking him to his core and leading him to team up with Goro Akechi in investigating Madarame’s crimes. This leads to them discovering the cognitive world, as well as him awakening his persona. He leads the Phantom Thieves of Vice, with their goal of reforming society being at the forefront of their mission. Also winds up making way more friends than he thought he was going to
Name: Morgana
Arcana: Magician
Basically the same as canon, but is encountered in Madarame’s museum instead of Kamoshida’s castle. Is desperate to discover his identity, but hides his fears of what he truly is with gung ho arrogance and an almost obsessive crush on Makoto. He is knowledgable on the metaverse to a fault, but often doesn’t have any answers to the things the Thieves see. Has a rivalry with Goro. Lives in Yusuke’s dorm with him, as well as often being carted around in his school bag. Basically makes Yusuke broke at certain points :’D
Name: Goro Akechi
Arcana: Lovers
The Detective Prince of Kosei High, well renowed for solving a difficult case when he was only a child. He’s trying to keep himself ‘unknown’, but he’s ended up becoming a celebrity at the school, almost on the same level as idols. It’s his investigation of Madarame that leads to the cognitive world’s discovery. While he acts as a polite and mature young man in reality, in the metaverse he gets a chance to cut loose, leading him to accidentally scare the crap out of his fellow teammates -- aside from Yusuke, who just considers it ‘ordinary Akechi’
Name: Makoto Nijima
Arcana: Chariot
Prior to her father’s passing, Makoto was an ordinary, if a little rigid teenager. Then her father died, causing her to mutate into a brash and standoffish delinquent type, who many consider the ‘devil’ of Shujin Academy for her short temper and violent streak. Although she’s outcasted by her peers, she doesn’t really care, and finds an odd kinship in Akechi, leading to her ending up in the metaverse with him and Yusuke. She takes the role of ‘strategist’ of the team, but her quick temper often ends the group up in trouble with shadows
Name: Akira Kurusu
Arcana: Emperor
The new transfer student at Shujin Academy, who is most well known for having a criminal record for assault. As a result, he doesn’t have many friends and often keeps to himself, often assuming that other people think of him as ‘dangerous’ for no reason. He tries to keep out of trouble, but it doesn’t quite work when he’s brought into Kobayakawa’s palace and becomes a member of the Phantom Thieves. In the metaverse, he’s a bit more cocksure and prideful, but is geniunely a chill dude to hang around. A bit of a class clown type, which is how he got the codename ‘Joker’ 
Name: Ryuji Sakamoto
Arcana: Priestess
Following his leg being broken by Kamoshida, Ryuji was used as Kobayakawa’s personal lap dog and preferred whipping boy. He mainly took the role due to the principal blackmailing him with rumours about Ryuji’s home life, but secretly resents the position he’s in. However, following Kobyakawa’s change of heart and subsequent stepping down, he’s transformed into a pariah by the students of Shujin, leading to him getting a ‘part time job’ with Kaneshiro. When the Phantom Thieves take on the mafia, they ask for his assistance in taking them down, causing him to join their ranks
Name: Futaba Isshiki 
Arcana: Empress
The daughter of a world renowned scientist who mysteriously died in a car accident. Futaba lives with Sojiro Sakura and acts as the class president of 1-B, while working as a hacker on the side. Her discovery of Okumura’s misdeeds leads her to confront the man herself, which doesn’t end well, as he forces her to use her hacking skills to ‘get rid’ of business enemies. Out of frustration, she’s the one to place a request on the phansite, which ends in her becoming a member of the Phantom Thieves, initially as a navigator. She has a small knowledge of cognitive psience, which is helpful while in the metaverse 
Name: Haru Okumura
Arcana: Hermit
Although she’s a third year student, not many people would know that, as Haru is basically forced to live in a gilded cage alongside her father as she waits for a forced political marriage. She’s kind of resigned herself to her position as being nothing more than the heir to the company, as well as a pawn in her father’s plans for political gain. When exploring Okumura’s palace, the Phantom Thieves need her help in unlocking a specific section of the palace, ending with her becoming a member of the team. She has a surprisingly strong sadistic streak, especially against shadows
Name: Ann Takamaki
Arcana: Justice
A second year student at Shujin Academy, a model, and the best friend of Shiho Suzui, who attempted suicide due to the abuse she had suffered at the hands of Kamoshida. Unknown to anyone, Ann secretly has been working with the Conspiracy to put Masayoshi Shido in power, working as the Black Mask and performing Mental Shutdowns, including killing the driver of the car that Futaba’s mother was in, and later killing the SIU Director when he fails to conform to Shido’s plans. Her bubbly, cheerful, outward appearance hides an empty shell that slowly gets filled with jealousy of Yusuke and the amount of bonds he’s created over his experience as a wild card, while she was used as a tool
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jimintomystery · 5 years
TNG: “Tin Man”
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The Enterprise is ordered to Beta Stromgren, a dying star in a region claimed by the Romulan Empire.  Long-range probes have detected an exotic life form, nicknamed “Tin Man.”  Starfleet considers it a top priority to contact the alien before the Romulans capture it or the impending supernova destroys it.  To that end, Starfleet sends a mission specialist, Tam Elbrun, whose powers of telepathy and overacting put the entire ship at risk.
The first time I saw this, I was like “Oh, I get it, the alien is like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz because...uh...well it’s made of...uhhhhh...”  I would swear there was a line where Elbrun says “Tin Man needs a heart,” but I seem to have just imagined that, and it doesn’t actually make sense anyway.  I like the idea of everyone calling Gomtuu by a somewhat slapdash codename, because it makes the race to contact it feel more militaristic.  But it needed to be at last halfway clever--as it is they might as well have called the creature “Seattle Slew” or “Popeye.”  I’d have gone with “Water Bear.”
Tam Elbrun is profoundly annoying.  In a sense he’s supposed to be annoying--his hypersensitive telepathy has left him socially awkward, his disgrace in the Ghorusda Disaster has cast him as a pariah, and he wants people to dislike him so he can further isolate himself from their thoughts.  But beyond that, he’s self-absorbed to the point of narcissism, making everything about his baggage, his drama, his tantrums about contacting Tin Man.  His mini-sermon about how being different is “not a sin, you know, though you may have heard otherwise” makes me want to puke.  Not a damn person on this ship thinks being different is bad, but he has to act like he’s offering some unique insight, like he’s a misunderstood genius surrounded by phonies.
I believe this is the first time Star Trek: The Next Generation has addressed the question of whether Betazoids can telepathically sense android thoughts: They can’t.  Logically, this would mean Counselor Troi, who only perceives emotions, cannot sense anything from Lt. Commander Data because he’s mechanical, above and beyond the fact Data has no emotions in the first place.  In practice that premise is applied inconsistently at best.  Then again, considering Elbrun reads the thoughts of a Romulan aboard another ship zooming past the Enterprise, it would seem telepathy involves some kind of electromagnetic signal which an android brain could be designed to imitate.  The fact Elbrum can communicate with Tin Man at all suggests such challenges are not insurmountable (and it’d be interesting if that was the sort of knowledge that has Starfleet and the Romulans in such a rush to contact Gomtuu).
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sebeth · 6 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths #7
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Alexander Luthor, Harbinger, and Pariah ruminate over the calm before the “cosmic storm” that will see “five universes destroy themselves”.
Pariah wails over his fate: “How many more deaths must I be forced to suffer? How many more worlds must die for what I did? The Monitor must have known a way I can claim my eternal rest.”
I would have pushed Pariah off the rock if I was Harbinger. So annoying!
The trio decides its time for explanations: “Five earths remain…there are representatives of six universes…we must let them know, too.”
Brainiac is revealed to be the cause of the disappearing villains.  Sivana and Ibbac of Earth-S are his latest victims.
Changeling is befuddled by the codenames for the Marvel Family: “Captain Marvel!  Mary Marvel!  Captain Marvel Junior!  Now Uncle Marvel?  If Kid Marvel, Baby Marvel, and Fetus Marvel show up, I quit!”  
I admit, Fetus Marvel would freak me out too!
Earth-2:  Wildcat II observes Earth-2 Green Arrow, Liberty Belle, and Earth-2 Atom.  Atom notes: “…reminds me how old I’ve become…and I wonder, am I playing a game meant for young folk only?”
Yolanda, the second Wildcat, decides she isn’t ready to introduce herself to the golden age legends.
I love that we get nice personal character moments each issue even with the ginormous cast of characters.
We get a few small panels displaying the mixed-up times:  Cinnamon and Firehawk watch a blimp, Enemy Ace (World War I pilot) flies next to a pterodactyl.
Alexander has chosen six individuals to represent their respective universes:  Lady Quark, Earth-1 Superman, Earth-2 Superman, Captain Marvel, Uncle Sam, and Blue Beetle.
Lady Quark wants revenge for the destruction of her planet.  The Supermen remind her to fight for what is right, not for revenge.  It triggers the following:
Quark: “Then you don’t understand what it’s like being your world’s sole survivor.”
Superman: “I think we’d better talk”.
Pariah hides like a true emo-boy inside his hooded cape.  Uncle Sam asks if there’s anything he can do.  Pariah responds with his typical “no one can help me”.  Uncle Sam’s response: “Reckon you’re wrong there, son.  We’ve all been down an’ low.  But a good man always rises.  You remember that, and you’ll know better.”
You tell him, Uncle Sam! No more whining!  The universes are ending – we have no time for your pity party!
Harbinger gives a quick recap of the Oans and how naughty Krona unleashed Quard, an evil anti-matter universe, when he attempted to view the creation of the universe.  We also hear of the creation of the Manhunters and the Green Lantern Corps.  The Oans also have a civil war that led to half the race leaving to become the Controllers.  The Monitor and Anti-Monitor emerged on Oa and Quard.  The Anti-Monitor takes control of Quard and creates the Thunderers and Shadow Demons.  The Monitor and Anti-Monitor fight and render each other comatose – nine billion years ago.
So, what woke the two up? Wait for it…we are finally finding out the details of Pariah’s sin!
Pariah has three (!) sins he must atone for:
1)      Attempting to view the creation of universe (even though legends abounded that this is a big no-no.
2)      Pariah’s attempt to view the creation set off a chain reaction that destroyed his entire universe.
3)      Waking up the Anti-Monitor thus setting the whole destroying the multi-verse massacre in motion
The Phantom Stranger, the Spectre, and Deadman are sitting this one out.  Deadman doesn’t like it but the Strangers states that they will be of no help in this battle.  I don’t know, the Spectre’s pretty badass.  Surely, after billions upon billions of deaths, the personification of God’s vengeance would have some motivation to be in this fight.
Plans are being made for a strike force to attack the Anti-Monitor’s fortress.  Earth-2 Huntress and Power Girl are quite put out that they – as the babies of the Justice Society – are being left behind.
The assembled group are quite the powerhouses.  We have Earth-1 Superman, Earth-2 Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Mon-El, Captain Atom, Firestorm, Lady Quark, Jade, the Ray, Martian Manhunter, Dr. Light II, Wildfire, and Green Lantern (Alan Scott).
Alexander and Pariah use their abilities to send the group to the Anti-Monitor.
Earth-1 Superman goes one-on-one with the Anti-Monitor.  He’s not winning.  Supergirl rushes to his side.  Supergirl stomps a mudhole in the Anti-Monitor and destroys most of his body. She also takes out the Monitor’s machines.  Petty loser that he is, the fleeing Monitor lets out a final blast of energy that fatally wounds Kara.  
Kara’s last stand, along with her brawl with Darkseid in the Great Darkness Saga, are some of my favorite moments. Each fight portrays Kara as a formidable badass – and she does better than her cousin in both bouts.
Kara’s final moments also inspire Dr. Light to become a more heroic individual: “She is a hero, totally and selfless and concerned only with others. While I have wasted away my life with selfishness. No more, Supergirl, no more! Whatever happens here, you have showed me the truth!”
Kara says her final goodbyes to Kal: “…I knew what I was doing…I wanted…wanted you to be safe…you mean so much to me…so much to the world…thank heaven…the worlds…have a chance to live.  Y-You’re crying…please don’t.  You taught me to be brave…and I was…I…I love you so much…For what you are…for how…good you are.”
Kal-El wants to kill the Anti-Monitor but Earth-2 Superman reigns him in: “Kara gave us all a chance to save our worlds. Don’t let your hunger for vengeance destroy that chance.”
Decades later and this panel still makes me tear up.  Death in modern comics is so over-used that it doesn’t have the same impact.
We end with Kara’s memorial service in Chicago.  Batgirl delivers the eulogy.  Earth-2 Superman, Power Girl, Wonder Woman, and Brainiac 5 are shown to be hit especially hard.
For those unfamiliar with pre-Crisis relationships: Batgirl was Kara’s best friend, Brainiac 5 was her boyfriend, Power Girl was the Earth-2 version of Supergirl, Earth-2 Superman is another version of Kara’s cousin, and Wonder Woman is a close friend of Superman.
Superman takes Kara’s body into space. We’re never shown the final location but he appears to be headed for the sun.
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capim-tinybang · 6 years
2018 Cap-IM Tiny Bang Master Round Up
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Thank you to all of our artist and writers for another fantastic year of the Tiny Reverse Bang! This year we received 24 amazing artworks and almost 100 fantastic fills. Congratulations to everyone who joined in!
Without further ado, here are all of the wonderful art and fics completed this year! Remember to leave comments, kudos, likes, reblogs — and more! — for our incredible creators as you're enjoying their work.
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OATH - Art by Salable Mystic
Oath by La-Toratempesta
Wanted by Frenchkey
Burns Like Ice by dreamkist
When the Helicarriers Rose by AngeNoir  
Permanence by Winterstar95
Ransomed Goods by darthbloodorange
Through the Mirror by RawWriting
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SERUM - Art by MassiveSpaceWren
Serum by Bill-Longbow
Iron Effort by DepressingGreenie
Once, Lightning Struck by RawWriting
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GOLDEN - Art by araydre
Crash The Wedding by Frenchkey
Golden by Bill-Longbow
Golden  by La-Toratempesta
The Disaster And Terror Ensued (The D.A.T.E.) by AngeNoir
Golden by heartsandmuses
You knew by panna-acida
Dinner Interrupted by DepressingGreenie
Save the Last Doombot for me by RawWriting
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ASSEMBLE - Art by Dophne
Can't Lose My Only Home by navaan
Codename Assemble by laireshi
Lightyears From Home by darthbloodorange
Home is where YOU are. by RawWriting
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WINGHEAD - Art by Fluffypanda
Untitled by heartsandmuses
Sun in my Heart by dreamkist
Moving Up In The World by DepressingGreenie
Dancing Stars by RawWriting
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SHELLHEAD - Art by gil-estel
In This Life You'll Come Live With Me by Lady_Katana4544
Meet the Mother by navaan
If you need me, I’ll be there by DepressingGreenie
Make the Most of What You Have by RawWriting
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CONFESSION - Art by rowantreewrites​
Weaknesses by navaan
Ghost in the Armour by lacrimula-falsa
The Worst-Case Scenario by DepressingGreenie
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SILVER - Art by Meatball42 
Smitten by dreamkist
A Mewment Like This by darthbloodorange
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EXTREMIS - Art by dksartz​
Home sweet home by Bill_Longbow
MCU Ficlet by heartsandmuses
Home by darthbloodorange
CONFESSION | SILVER | EXTREMIS  Once more, Another chance by 90percentdonemun
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HEROIC - Art by mirthandstar
Heroic by Bill_Longbow
Heroic by 90percentdonemun
Sacrifice by darthbloodorange
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TIMELY by Winterstar
Shackles by Winterstar
Timely by 90percentdonemun
Red by lacrimula-falsa
Trapped and Bound by DepressingGreenie
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ARMOUR - Art by catsolari
Little Protector by panna_acida
Let me in the wall (you've built around). by meltedcapsicle
Armour by 90percentdonemun
But He's My Tony! by darthbloodorange
Untitled by heartsandmuses
TIMELY + ARMOUR  by 90percentdonemun
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SHIELD - Art by Jayjayverse
Dreams Shown In Paintings by Lady_Katana4544
Dream by panna_acida
Color Bleeds Through by dreamkist
Lingering Memories by DepressingGreenie
Wake by willowscribe
Untitled by heartsandmuses
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COMMANDER - Art by enkiduu
24:00 by Lady_Katana4544
The Iron Commander by DepressingGreenie
Like a Deadly by dreamkist
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NOMAD - Art by Liondragon
Nomad by DepressingGreenie
Skimming the Multiverse with You by RawWriting
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DIRECTOR - Art by SirSapling
Fashionably Late by DepressingGreenie
Director by heartsandmuses
Ten times sorry by amaryllis
Boom Crash the Camera Flash by RawWriting
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INVINCIBLE - Art by maniibear
Loving You Softly by DepressingGreenie
Aconite by lacrimula-falsa
Coming Home by SierraNovembr
Flowers For Fun by RawWriting
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PRIME - Art by skyeedom
Nightmare by panna_acida
The abyss by amaryllis
A Broken Promise by DepressingGreenie
Secrets All In View by laireshi
Topographies of Desire by onlymorelove
Not Today by RawWriting
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HANDSOME - Art by Selofain
The Couples Costume by DepressingGreenie
The Bees Knees  by RawWriting
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ROLLERSKATES - Art by One and Five Nines
Pariah of the Shadows  by DepressingGreenie
I fell for you by Bill_Longbow
Heaven and Hell by RawWriting
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REACTOR - Art by Hayluhalo
Making the World of You  by DepressingGreenie
The Best Day by panna_acida
The world spins round and round by amaryllis (Lilly0)
Kisses For Omo by RawWriting
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GAUNTLET - Art by sunnyzhp
Confiding In The Bottle by DepressingGreenie
It’s the End of the World (I Feel Fine) by RawWriting
Together by amaryllis (Lilly0)
Gauntlet by ForgottenDream12
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UNION - At by  Phoenixmetaphor
Intense Shave by DepressingGreenie
Trust and Fall by panna_acida
Union by ForgottenDream12
Untitled by heartsandmuses
A Clean Start (Again) by RawWriting
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CLASSIC - Art by dirigibleplumbing
Classic by ForgottenDream12
Late Night Visitors by darthbloodorange
Redundancies in Proof by RawWriting
If anything is missing or needs to be corrected, don't hesitate to reach out to us at our tumblr! We hope you enjoyed all of the work!
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agent-monkeywrench · 6 years
re: "Requisition of field operative"
In response to your most recent request I have crossreferenced operatives with your desired skillset within the intended area of deployment and regret to inform you I have but one agent returning to the field from convalescing. I have taken the liberty of attaching his fascimillie of a record, prepare for it to be intentionally vague and frustratingly obfuscated; this agent in particular seems both intricately familiar with and actively disdainful of administratum paperwork and filling protocols.
Birth Name: [Redacted]
Homeworld: [Redacted] (Imperial Deathworld?)
Unit Affiliation: [Redacted] (Ordo Xenos)
Codename: "Agent" (literally what is on file, I can only speculate as to whether this is a lack of imagination on the "Agent's" part but is more likely one of the aforementioned intentional vagueries)
Aliases: Flint, Mason, Smith, Carpenter, Diego Pimienta... (The Agent by his own admission creates his codenames on the spot though there is a theme; additionally no missions have ever been recorded under the alias "Diego Pimienta", it is my assumption that this is either an off the record designation or some kind of inside joke)
Skills: The Agent's Imperial Guard training and service is summarized as "Stormtrooper equivalent" a designation I had personally not seen until now and still have trouble quantifying. As per mission reports the Agent seems equally adept at infiltration, advisory roles, and direct actions. A noteworthy trait of the Agent is the ability to work alongside Xenos with relatively little revulsion or ethnocentrism, a fact that has made him a pariah in some circles and a useful idiot in others. (It is not advised to select the Agent for generalized undercover work, he is well above average size making extra attention to his cover story necessary to operate in regular society)
Now, I do realize this is all very rudimentary but the Agents insistence on changing his codename has led to his record being scattered under each of the aliases, so verifying operations of his has been reduced to what he or previous handlers have chosen to divulge. I will endeavor to add to this dossier as more information becomes available, hopefully that will be satisfactory as you mull over the choice of whether to utilize this operative or not.
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lennapo · 6 years
AO3 Fanfiction masterpost *updated*
I’m bringing back this masterpost with the newest works. You’ll find a few different fandoms, like Wayhaught, Trimberly, Sanvers..., even A couple of Faberry fics. I hope you enjoy them!
*I’m currently writing a Deanoru oneshot*
And if you have a prompt for any of those fandoms, feel free to send them my way.
WayHaught (Waverly Earp / Nicole Haught - Wynonna Earp)
Stupid (great) decisions
Nicole gets drunk and starts playing with her phone when she shouldn't. But that might not be such a bad thing. 
A Tumblr prompt: "Haught... did you just thirst follow my sister?" College AU maybe and wyhaught share a class? saw you receiving prompts :D
It’s always her
With the demon's ring in her hand, Nicole remembers. Dozens of lives, dozens of faces, but always her.
Another Tumblr prompt: Wayhaught + "Its always gonna be you" (or/in somekind of soulmate AU or that thing were they are reincarnated and can sometimes get their memories from previous lives or not)
Time and Time again
They've had a lot of lifetimes together, and every single one of them counts.
This is a sequel/prequel to "It's always her", so I strongly recommend to read that one first.  
Keep the tie on
Nicole has a new uniform. 
Sanvers (Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Supergirl)
And then I’ll ruin it all by saying something stupid (like I love you)
Maggie gets to know the flirty side of Alex Danvers and realizes that, maybe, she’s being an idiot.
Maggie really should stop making assumptions about Alex Danvers.
The hidden face of the moon (is a masterpiece)
There’s a lot of people that cares about Alex Danvers, even if she’s a little oblivious about it. (Or the one where everybody is a little in love with Alex)
Codename: ARTEMIS (ongoing)
*Better if you previously read The hidden face…*
After Alex is badly wounded, scaring the hell out of all her family and friends, Winn decides that it’s time to do something about it.
The DEO agents aren’t used to a happy Alex Danvers.
Out of juice
When you run away from an alien planet without enough time to bring your new gun’s charger with you.
Alex’s thoughts have been piling up inside a box under her bed for a long time, hidden in the pages of her notebooks for only her eyes to see. Until the day she decides to share them with the world.
Waiting for you
*Read after Inevitable. Maggies point of view.*
Since her parents kicked her out of her home, Maggie has always felt alone. She only finds some comfort on the stars and the poems of someone she found by chance on Instagram. Until she moves to Midvale and meets Alex Danvers.
Of questions and bets
There’s a hidden board at the DEO’s break room full of dates and names.
I Don’t Wanna See You With Her
It’s been months and her words from that night still echo in her head, like a wound that never heals. I can’t do this anymore.
You are my tree, my destiny.
Sometimes, Maggie needs to hug her soon-to-be-wife like her life depends on it. Some other times, she just likes to embarrass Alex in front of the others.
Beware of the Danvers sisters (and their lack of self-preservation) 
Maggie is used to it. Lena just stepped into this mess without realizing. 
Supercorp (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Supergirl)
You make my heart feel like it’s summer (When the rain is pouring down)
Lena just sent her mother to jail and she feels alone in the world. But Kara won’t let her believe that. Post 2x08
Leo, the friendly dog. Leo loves to make friends at the park. Albert and him are a match made in heaven. Alex doesn't seem to think so. 
Hollstein (Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein - Carmilla)
Eternity is a lonely word
“And what about eternity? What if I find that someone and want to keep them forever?”
Based on that little moment in 3x17 when Lafontaine catches Carmilla stroking Laura’s hair.
Trimberly (Trini/Kim - Saban’s Power Rangers)
We are a thunderstorm (ready to strike)
After the battle, they are one, glued to each other, always together. They just need a little permanent reminder of that bond. (Or the one where they all get tattoos).
You make my whole world feel so right when it’s wrong (That’s why I know you are the one)
The first time it happens, Kimberly is a second away from doing something stupid (like erasing that fucking smirk from Amanda’s face with her fist), before Jason puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Or how Trini keeps having suspicious encounters with Amanda, and Kimberly feels like she’s stepped into the Twilight Zone.
The enemy of my friend is my friend (or something like that)
Sometimes, Trini misses the days when she was still invisible at school, when she didn’t have any friends and people simply ignored her. It’s not like Trini doesn’t love her little team of misfits, she’s just not used to all the attention that being friends with the two biggest pariahs at school has brought to her life.
You've got a friend in me (as weird as that is)
There must be something in the water... Or the one where Amanda starts acknowledging Trini at school and Harper thinks she's going mad.
When the past comes knocking
There's a reason for Trini's policy against kissing cheerleaders.
Never you
Kimberly makes a decision that takes her to Trini's door on a rainy afternoon.
Tumblr prompt: Trimberly + "I regret many things but not you, never you"  
In the middle of the night  
In the middle of the night, in a dark, cold lake, Kim is not alone.
Okay, so @youcanbemysanity on Tumblr asked for someone to write a Trimberly fic based on the chorus of Taylor Swift’s Ready for It, and suddenly I got this idea in my head and I couldn’t not write it.
I’m not even sure if it works well with the song, but at least I tried. Also, it’s slightly NSFW.
Friday Nights
Trini loves horror movies, but there's a line she won't cross.
Another prompt from Tumblr! you choose the ship, "im not watching IT" "is xxx scared of clowns?"
Unexpected Knights  
They've had a really public coming out, basically in front of the whole school, but things seemed to be going well, until they return from Winter's break and there's a new guy who won't leave Kimberly alone. But Trini has made some unexpected friends that will jump to the rescue, even if is just to avoid having Trini throwing punches around.
Answering a prompt from Tumblr: I got a trimberly prompt, Kim and trini have their relationship exposed to the school, it's mostly positive and things go good. However as they are leaving school they start getting harassed by bullies, before either can do anything they get rescued (more like helped by) surprise heroes: Bulk and Skull.
Faberry (Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray - Glee)
On songs and how she came to realize
After their argument at the auditorioum, once Rachel is gone and she’s alone again, Quinn has a revelation. Set after the ‘piano scene’ on Original Song. Faberry one-shot.
Tina and Mike are getting married and their house is full of people. There's one only bed to share, which forces Quinn to face something she regrets doing months ago.
Another Tumblr prompt: your feet are cold, keep them away + faberry maybe ?
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viralesmater · 1 year
// tbh i dont think Liz knows her son was given the codename PARIAH. i highly doubt they gave her much information to begin with when they put her in containment. so she wouldn't know her son was named Pariah, which would make things more difficult for her when she tries to find him.
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docgold13 · 3 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
September 9th - Elasti-Woman 
Rita Farr had been an Olympic swimming gold medalist turned Hollywood actress who achieved considerable success staring in a number of movies. Rita went for a swim while shooting a film on location somewhere on the African Coast. A pocket of mutagenic substances had exuded from a volcanic fissure on the sea floor and Rita was exposed to the substance. In the aftermath she discovered that she can expand or shrink her body at will, from dozens of feet tall to mere inches in height. When she gained greater control of her powers, Rita discovered that she can enlarge one limb at a time. 
Although not physically disfigured, Rita initially had little control over her size changes and was considered a freak. Feeling like a pariah, Rita became a recluse, leaving her Hollywood career in ruins. Shortly thereafter, Rita was approached by Dr. Niles Caulder who offered her a place among his team of oddball heroes, The Doom Patrol. Rita accepted and chose the name ‘Elasti-Girl’ as her super hero alias. 
Joined by the fellow heroes, Robot Man and Negative Man, Elasti-Girl would go on to have numerous adventures as a member of The Doom Patrol. During this time Rita fell in love with, and marries, Steve Dayton. Later, the couple adopted Gar Logan, the young hero (and future Teen Titan) known as Beast Boy. Elastic-Girl and the rest of The Doom Patrol appeared to perish when they sacrificed themselves to save the people of a small island on the New England Coast. 
Rita returned some years later under mysterious circumstances and it was eventually revealed that Dr. Caulder had used a sample of Rita’s biological material to essentially grow a new version of her body complete with her past memories. It was further revealed that that when Caulder regrew her he did so using a type of protoplasm to eliminate any ‘weaknesses’ such as bones and internal organs and therefore Rita is no longer entirely human. When she sleeps Rita loses her human shape and reverts to a puddle of goo, having to reshape herself when she wakes up every morning. Rita has since changed her codename to Elasti-Woman. 
Actress April Bowlby has portrayed Rita Farr in The Titans and Doom Patrol television programs. The heroine first appeared in the pages of My Greatest Adventure #80 (1963).
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scandalisms-blog · 7 years
hello, friends !! i’m amy and this is alycia. um, i’m actually going to a concert tonight so this is queued lol but under the cut are some bullets bout alycia, i’ll post one for my other character mariah in a few, also. um, like this to plot or message me or whatever but yeah. okay, under the read more is some stuff.
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☾ —— have you met alycia de sousa, the twenty-two year old cisfemale that looks a lot like camila mendes? she has been in the syndicate as a robber for four years and is known around as the pariah, because she is discerning & resourceful, as well as boorish & detached. not just a gang banger, raider is also a receptionist.
here’s her bulleted about but i have a full bio right here !!
she grew up with her mother, father, and older brother
her and her brother are only 1 year apart so they grew up being best friends
because they were bff’s, alycia was a tomboy growing up, hanging out with her dad and her brother a lot. she’d often tag along with them to go shooting or hunting.
when her brother moved to high school and she was left in middle school, alycia realized she really didn’t have any friends other than him, and thus “reinvented” herself with the help of her mother (she got hot basically)
but she’d still hang out with her brother and stuff they were homies
her brother tragically passed away after being struck by a drunk driver on his senior prom night
her parents were devastated and began to not only coddle her but attempted to make her stop doing things that reminded them of their deceased son.
feeling suffocated, the day after her graduation alycia left home, and that was when she found the syndicate.
she knew her shooting skills could be an asset to them so now she’s a robber.
since she’s still resentful of her parents, and her best friend/brother is now dead, alycia feels she’s ready to die if she ever did while on a mission. because she has nothing else to lose.
doesn’t get attached easily because she knows something tragic will happen.
her codename raider is based off tomb raider.... yeah.
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 7 years
Towers of the Void
by Vyranai
Before there was Captain America, there was a trial run of the Super Soldier serum: enter Darcy Lewis, codename the Spectre. Fresh from his rescue in Austria, Bucky of course finds himself falling for the USSR's greatest pariah while trying to deal with his own issues.
Words: 2086, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Spectre Files
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter, Howard Stark
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: Romance, Angst, super soldier darcy, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Alternate Universe - 1940s, Awesome Darcy Lewis, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Friends to Lovers, Girls with Guns
from AO3 works tagged 'James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis' http://ift.tt/2vPERh4 via IFTTT
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thelastmorozova · 7 years
Summary: Before there was Captain America, there was a trial run of the Super Soldier serum: enter Darcy Lewis, codename the Spectre. Fresh from his rescue in Austria, Bucky of course finds himself falling for the USSR's greatest pariah while trying to deal with his own issues.
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