#cod but gay
kueble · 9 months
Cozy Little Christmas
Indulging in some Christmas fluff.
Teen. No Warnings. 2,100 words.
It’s raining again.
John fucking hates the way it turns the entire base into mud, hates the ache in his bones when the storm gets too rough. He’s not old, just older, but he’s not made for this weather. There are too many scars and healed broken bones littering his body to escape it unscathed. So he scowls as he stomps across the base they’ve been stationed at for way too long.
This was supposed to be a short trip. Three weeks tops, and then they’d all be home by Christmas. Only it’s been over a month and here he is on Christmas Eve, mucking around the desolate base. Because they’re here for a mission, but everyone else has retreated to their off base housing, probably bundled up with friends and family. Price curses the combination of bad intel and shitty weather than has him and his boys stuck here all alone.
The grocery bags nearly weigh him down, and he takes one wrong step and almost falls to his knees in the mud, but he manages to make it back to the officer’s quarters. The other members of his team are housed closer to the rest of the grunts, so his privilege means he’s even more cut off than usual. He longs for their own base where they have a wing practically to themselves. Their well-loved arm chair and ancient tv seem practically bougie compared to his bare quarters.
Ghost and Soap have claimed one of the rec rooms for their own private celebration, and he pities any stragglers on base who may stumble into it. Ghost already terrifies most of them, and Soap’s bite is actually worse than his bark. They had offered a half-assed invitation to Gaz and himself, but both seemed relieved when they were turned down. Instead, they all agree to eat whatever Christmas miracle the mess hall staff manages to pull together tomorrow night.
Ghost and Soap deserve a night to themselves, and it’s rare to get time alone on a foreign base. Besides, they all know how the night will end, and both he and Gaz have already seen way too much of their relationship. He doesn’t need to see that much skin ever again. Gaz still looks truly horrified from the time he caught them fucking in the showers. He just kept mumbling about how he didn’t even know Ghost could bend like that.
It’s not unusual for commanding officers to host holiday parties for their teams, though they’re usually off base and overflowing with too much booze. Even though they’re not at home, Price doesn’t think twice about offering Gaz a home-cooked meal, knowing he wouldn’t read too much into it. Just because John has been infatuated with his sergeant for ages doesn’t mean anything will come of it. Besides, he would have done the same for any of his boys, regardless of how gorgeous he thinks they are.
Which brings him here: this tiny kitchen where he is going to somehow prepare a feast worthy of Gaz. The oven has seen better days, but maybe a little Christmas magic will help him pull this off. Checking his watch, he realizes he has a few hours before their arranged meeting time. He pushes up his sleeves and gets to work. His mother would cry if she could see the sad state of this kitchen, but she taught him how to turn any situation into a happy one, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t feed Gaz the nicest dinner he’s ever had.
Three hours later, Price is stirring the gravy when Gaz wanders in. Price loses his grip on the spoon when he takes in the tight jeans and navy shirt he has on. The shirt is very form fitting, and he has the sleeves rolled up in a way that draws Price’s gaze to his strong forearms. Christ, he’ll be the death of him, walking around here looking like a feast himself. Price shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts and offers what he hopes is a friendly - not harassing - smile.
Gaz has a box tucked under his arm and sets it on the counter before sniffing at the air. “Smells amazing, Captain!” he says before gesturing at the box. “Picked up some cookies since I can’t bake to save my life.”
“I’ll bake for you sometime,” he says as casually as he can, trying to keep any hint of his feelings from bleeding into his tone. “I spent half my childhood chasing my mother around the kitchen and don’t often get the excuse to show it off.”
“I’d like that,” Gaz murmurs, leaning in closer and eyeing the pots on the stove. He ignores the saucepan Price is stirring and points to a larger pot on the back burner. “What’s that?”
“Figured since we’re officially off duty I’d make up some mulled wine. Why don’t you grab the ladle and pour us some? Can’t offer you anything but the mugs in the cupboards for it, but should still taste fine,” he says, smiling as he watches Gaz reach up for the mugs. The bottom of his shirt pulls up, and he nearly burns the fucking gravy staring at the thing strip of skin it reveals.
Crisis averted, Price pulls the roast out of the oven where he’d been keeping it warm. Gaz hums as he takes it in, and Price feels his chest tighten over how proud he feels. The chuck roast looks perfect, tucked into a nest of neatly arranged potatoes, carrots, and onions. Gaz reaches out to touch it, so he slaps him on the back of the hand with the gravy spoon.
“None of that now, you heathen,” he says, laughing. “Take the wine to the table and let me plate this up.” Gaz doesn’t look shamed at all, instead grins like he’s pleased with himself before throwing out a hasty salute and following orders. He shakes his head though he loves the playful way they can interact when not on duty.
The roast slices up nicely, and he adds veggies to each of their plates before pouring gravy on top. It smells heavenly, and he brings both plates to the small table with a smug look on his face. He can’t openly romance Gaz the way he wants to, but he can at least provide some comfort in the middle of a long mission.
“I’m fucking starving,” Gaz mumbles before taking his first bite. He moans around his fork, and Price is suddenly thankful for the table hiding his lap. He takes a long sip of how spiced wine and dutifully ignores how much he longs to hear that sound again.
“Told you I could cook,” he says gruffly, and Gaz just gawks at him.
“Yeah, but I figured you could grill some steaks or something. This is amazing! I hope you know I’m going to be pestering you to feed me all the time now,” he says, already stuffing another bite into his mouth.
“It’d be my pleasure. Like seeing you happy,” Price admits before ducking his head down. He can feel his cheeks heating up and knows how red he gets despite the beard covering his face. His cheekbones are probably ridiculously bright right now, and he doesn’t need to make Gaz think he’s after anything more than a meal with a good friend.
Sure, it’s the friend he’s been falling for since he met him, but there’s no need for Gaz to ever know that. Besides the fact that he’d have to explain himself to Kate - and her wife who has been hounding him about it for months now - he knows Gaz deserves someone younger, someone not as tied to his work as Price is. Sometimes he thinks there might be more than friendship in the looks Gaz sends his way, but he doesn’t dwell on it. Gaz is overly nice, going out of his way to befriend everyone on base, so Price knows he isn’t getting any kind of special treatment. Also he could never be the one to make a move, and Gaz surely doesn’t want to, so he’s more than happy to simply stay by his side as long as Gaz wants him to.
The rest of the meal goes smoothly and they fall into conversation as easily as they always do. They compliment each other so much, and Price can picture nights like this, just sharing food and company, lost in their own little world. He may not be willing to confess anything, but a little longing never hurt anyone. By the time their glasses are empty and their plates are clean, Price is comfortably warm and even more head over heels for the man in front of him.
“Let me clean up and then we can put on a movie or something,” he says in an effort to avoid staring at Gaz like a lovesick teen. The wine must be hitting him harder than he thought, because he swears Gaz’s smile is a little softer than usual.
“You wash, I’ll dry,” Gaz offers, and he can’t find a reason to turn him down. Thankfully he’d been smart enough to buy a disposable tin for the roast, so they don’t have to scrub anything too much. So they end up crowded at the tiny sink together, arms and thighs brushing every so often in a way that makes his breath catch in his lungs. They keep chatting, joking and laughing while they tackle the dishes.
It’s all so fucking domestic that it makes him weak in the knees.
After they clean up, Gaz ushers him towards the couch, stopping in the middle of the room to point up at the ceiling. He looks up, blinking slowly at the plastic piece of mistletoe taped to the water-stained ceiling tiles. It looks a bit tacky, a huge red bow practically dwarfing the fake plant.
“I didn’t hang that up,” Price says, eyes narrowing as he looks up at the offending sprig of mistletoe. It must have been left from an earlier party, maybe before the locals went off base for the holiday.
“I know,” Gaz says with a mischievous grin, “I did. Thought you might need a little push to kiss me, since we’ve been dancing around it for so long. You haven’t caught on to any of the hints I’ve been dropping, so I figured I should be direct for once.”
“Hints?” he asks stupidly.
“For someone so smart, you’re fucking clueless. I’ve been hitting on you practically since the day I met you. I thought you’d do something about it, but then I realized you’re too proper to take the lead. The guys have been threatening to tell you themselves, since they’re sick of me whining about how hopeless I am. So this is it. I’m making my big gesture, with a pathetically tiny piece of mistletoe I found in town, and I’m hoping I’m not wrong and that you want me back.”
“I’ve never wanted anyone else,” he whispers, putting his whole heart into Gaz’s battle-worn hands.
“Good. Then shut up and kiss me already,” Gaz orders, his eyes bright as he points up to the ceiling again.
“This is going to cause me so much paperwork,” he says, laughing when Gaz just steps closer and walks him back towards the wall.
“Come on, you love paperwork,” he tells him before bracketing his body with both arms, smirking at their shared hatred of the damn stuff.
“Not as much as I love you,” Price admits, his voice barely more than a whisper. Still, Gaz shivers before placing a hand on Price’s chest, right over his heart.
“I love you, too,” he answers softly.
Price leans in and presses a tentative kiss against his lips. He means to keep things light, but he didn’t count on Gaz biting his lower lip, dragging a soft moan out of him. He shivers as Gaz licks into his mouth, tongue brushing his own as he tightens his hold on Gaz’s waist. It’s perfect, warm and plush with the taste of mulled wine clinging to Gaz’s mouth, and he realizes he’ll never get enough of this.
And by the way Gaz sinks into him, sighing happily against his mouth, he stops worrying about not being wanted. He’s found this, this bright star in the middle of his rough existence, and he aims to fight like hell to be able to keep him. Gaz seems just as hungry for it as he is, and for once he stops thinking about anything except the way they fit together like they were born for it.
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wispscribbles · 6 months
you know the art you made of Soap "accidentally" giving Ghost a kiss before going on a mission? (before they started dating) what do you think happened when Soap came back from the mission? :3c
follow up to this post
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They start dating of course! <3
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antomatkoen · 7 months
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soap definitely didn’t wear the skull earrings for a certain someone…👀
soap shows up at a bar all dazzled up after losing a bet :3
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wombywoo · 6 months
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more retirement doodles 💕
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thy-bread-molds · 1 month
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Bit of inspiration off Pinterest led to a hc.
(Ghost is very bad at flirting. It just ends up sounding like a threat. ADHD Soap along with being into Ghosts flirts.)
I’m not the greatest at making comics. But I try my best.
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bucketyd · 2 months
Alerudy doodle (ft. poor vaqueros)
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burstinn · 4 months
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Can't find no good pic for this so..
This post includes:Ghost, Graves, Price, Soap, Nikto, Riptide, Krueger, Konig, Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz, Horangi, Makarov, Velikan, Keegan, Roach. In that order
Yes I wrote all those, yes because I haven't written in a while
- NSFW and SFW (Bottom male and top male reader mentioned)
-since y'all like the big buff n' tall male reader, made him bigger and taller basically mixed everything I wrote about male reader, tall, big buff, big cake, big boobs it's like a package in one this will probably be the last of this type of reader since running out ideas. It was hard making original headcanons 💔💔.
-Omg I haven't written in a while so like this might get idk boring?
- Yes again headcanons,you're favs
- strictly MALE READER not Gn rn
- readers age is ambiguous but if you can't think and want an age for reader my thinking is somewhere near late 30s or early 40s
- Some of the HCS have where y'all ain't in a relationship some HCS have y'all r in a relationship
- these headcanons definitely are mischaracterized but let me pretend for a bit 💔💔
- Tiktok got to me now I have brainrot language, so Trigger warning wooohh braiinroot
- can't believe this post was long enough to make my phone lag just a lil bit
- When he first saw you of course he was 😦😧😮
- Like okay overkill, like you're taller, buffer and probably have a huger cock??? (Something he can investigate.. For purposes..)
Like you also got smoobs?? A plumpy ass??
Like save some for the rest Jesus 😒😒
- Nonstop staring secretly ofc, You be like in a room then you feel someone staring just to see Ghost somewhere in the corner of the room. You can't tell if he's staring or not but being that you are in an empty room.. Yknow it's kind of obv--
- BUT if you are not in an empty room you will not shake off the staring I mean holy shit look at you like 😨😨🍑✋
- You can literally hear him breathing heavily under his mask like how can he control himself when HE a person who is supposed to be looked up to literally and figuratively now has to look up at YOU?? do you know what does to a person??
-That's right it makes them freaky..
-Probably jerks off to you too
- I mean who doesn't want to get railed by a 7 ft tall man? Especially ESPECIALLY when you've been the supposed dominant person your whole life??
- OMG immediately Cumming to the thought
- I mean he won't mind topping you it also drives his own ego seeing a dominant man get absolutely wrecked, imagine the begging and whining
- plus he won't mind being the person who feels protected not always doing the protecting like 💔💔 he wants to feel protected too 😞
- Immediate gay awakening
- thinks making his western accent more prominent would make you think he sounds more hot
- Will dress up as a cowboy and will will ask (beg) you to do it as well
- because you know.. Hat thing.. Riding.. Graves grabs your hat puts it on his head or Graves grabs his hat puts it on your head, either way one of you is riding something and it ain't a horse
- because of the amazing quote on who ever came up w/ that is "save a horse ride a cowboy"
- Graves is obviously the type of guy to look at your ass and whistle maybe slap it, nah definitely slap it
- He thinks of you like a bear
- like You're soo- big and cuddly? Definitely intimidating
- I mean you're near the same age bracket so it's not bad to have some.. Thoughts right?
- You're definitely hairy underneath or not but pls be he wants pubes to tickle his nose
- if you don't have a beard for reader then he would KILL to see have a beard like aughh perfect bear look, if you have a beard immediately cumming(/j) or (not /j)
- Like imagine you and price who are basically like bears like parent bears and and you the other 141 boys are like your children 🥺🥺
- DEFINITELY became more gayer
- errrmmm.. Like his eyes are BASICALLY near like chest height
- bumping into you and his face touches your chest like omgg.. Such an accident 💔💔
- Obviously flirting about going to pound town
- like imagine You and Him? In a relationship? Having the most feral sex??? Like it's obv jokes (it's not)
- He would also do anything to see a big man whimper like a little bicth slut, who wouldn't want to see a demon of a man roll his eyes back and whine like a wheoeororoe❤, I mean if he tops I'd imagine him saying "cmon you're a big boy ain't cha'? You can handle a few more inches". While you are also getting the malevolent backshots.
- He would also want a big strong arm to man handle him as he takes the most vigorous backshots known to man
- Have you ever thought or seen a very tall wall like 10 or 11 ft high and you being you, Soap asks (demands) for you to carry him on your shoulder because he wants to see what's over the wall
- intimidating guy and intimidating guy typa relationship but your not in a relationship.. Yet.
- watch him watch you
- shows off his knife collection to you, yes I think he has a knife collection and he will show it to people that he wants to impress (he wants to get freaky with you)
- I like to think if he strips off the gear he gives the most desperate kind of touchy hug, to those he feels close with of course which is you
- lucky you
- Offers to teach you how to swim yknow just in case
- there is none, he wants to see you wet
- tells you to wear a white shirt and shorts because its Essential for training, it's a lie he wants to see the water wet your clothes making it stick to your body.. Yknow the white shirt showing whats underneath and the shorts outlining what package you've been hiding even though you weren't really hiding it
- He gets too distracted, the others are too, he forgets how to teach you
- indefinite eye contact while your doing it
- likes staring into them, if you get shy and look away he will grab your jaw and make you have eye contact with him
- angry fierce ahh eyes
- he's an emotional grumpy guy, rip off his mask and aggressively kiss his face
- He wants the after sex laying on the chest while the other is rubbing their head, goes both ways.
- trace his tattoos and compliment them the bedroom will be locked the whole day, trust 🙏
- The same as Ghosts
- Imagine being the one to get carried instead of the one carrying
- König would definitely come up to you and ask to be carried while you kiss his face multiple times❤❤
- Imagine how hard he gets because you have to look down at him to talk like HNGRHRRGGGRGRRR
- Definitely likes giving you homemade arts and crafts gear because you know.. The headcanon where König makes his own gear and what if he does it for other people too as gifts💔
- likes seeing you wear his mask it makes him imagine what people see when they see König definitely a change of perspective. He can see how intimidating you are and he gets hard.
- will definitely compliment you in Spanish when talking about you with other people even when you're in front or behind him.
- I mean you don't understand Spanish right?
- if you don't, you're oblivious and only just watch curiously on what he's talking about. Buuut but but if you do understand you don't tell him you undeestrand this thing literally feeds your ego like Alejandro thinks of you this way? 🥺🥺
- Thigh riding type of guy idc who thigh riding
- everytime I look at him he looks like a soft vanilla type
- I know he's a strong guy but look at him
- He wants soft sex 😞😞
- He also likes being complimented if you whisper a praise to him when he's doing ANYTHING. Imagine the babies you'd both have together.
- He likes toddlers and babies and if you do too a plus for him,makes him fall even more 💯💯
- One time he Got injured and was sitting on the floor and then He saw you running towards him he simultaneously screamed in fear and how hard he got
- Likes to style your clothes, If he was off the military right now he really really likes fashion and if he sees you.. You can't fashion and he sees you wearing.. That, He's appalled, horrified, mortified I'm over exaggerating. But he is now in charge of your fashion now, But if you do know how to style you both will share tips with eachother. You can share different tips too ❤❤
- drags you in his barracks and strips you of your clothes except shorts.. And he's telling you this because he wants to "style" you.
- We both know damn well that's an excuse to get the boombayah freaky on.. He's just to shy to tell you upfront or he thinks it's fun to tease you like that before you get freaky
- gets freaky..
- Like he understands the women who get all giggly and nervous when they see a big man who can destroy them (ignore König 💔)
- is definitely not above thigh crushing, boob crushing, face sitting he'd do all at as long as it's you
- Like one time he pretended he broke his leg and won't let anyone else carry him until you came, acting all princessy and shit as you carry him bridal style to the medics
- He felt like a prince omg
- will definitely get on you and treat your real life size anime men boobs as a squishy toy
- How long is it and will he be able to take it??? Who knows he will find out!! Basically searched how long can someone's cock be if they are built like a god and is 7ft tall in Google
- someone gotta tell me Horangi's height and basic Google searching ain't doing it for me I'm too lazy to search for one line of a spicy headcanon line mb
- You're basically ascary dog he owns
- You're tall and intimidating
- You can get information out of people quickly
- And he's not above telling you to torture anyone with a strength and body like yours
- most of the time you get the info done and folded
- Makarov uses you for intimidation and strength buuttt if you ever THINK of betraying him he already has a plan to get rid of someone like you
- Can and will turn you into one of those supersoldiers
- Will make you murder people right in front of him for entertainment and will rewward you!
- you know what reward it will be, Because when he asked what reward you wanted you got a bit to freaky you thought you be dead rn but nah he agreed actually he seems to enjoy it more than you do..
- He's the dog in this one have you heard his voice?? Rough as hell imagine hearing him grunt
- Sounds cocky as hieeeellll too
- Would definitely like showing off to you since he wants to look cool in front of you
- Like you seen velikans skins?? Definitely wears the best ones to show you he can not only be a trained assassin But can also dress cool as hell
- If you compliment him it like makes his day, will not stop thinking about it
- Like a cool person complimenting a cool person like him? Ego boost (It's him feeling gay)
- This guys definitely a smoker (headcanon!!) Because voice sounds like he smoked 100 packs in 1 day and doesn't drink an ounce of water /jk I love him he's so hot.
- So if you want a smoke he purposely hides the lighter saying.. 'Oh no I asked someone elses lighter.. I don't have mine right now' or like 'my lighter ran out of fuel ohh
- So you have to put the cigarette in your mouth as you touch it with his cigarette to light ur own that type of trope 💫💫
- If you're not a smoker he will try his best to not smoke in front of you will use fresh mints to hide his breath of smoke
- after sex he will want a smoke, outside he goes or you both share the one cigarette
- is it wrong to want to be choked by a big buff meaty arm?
- yknow the tiktok thing where girls put a ribbon on their boyfriends arm and the girls just put their face in the middle as their faces get squished??
- Yeah he wants that but gay
- will try to compare dick sizes even though yours is OBVIOUSLY the superior one!!
- Heads or tails on who's bottoming tonight
- Would like to be wrapped around your arms if you are hugging or sleeping keeps him warm
- Especially when it's snowing will force you to hug with him. ESPECIALLY when your in a mission and your in the tents he will definitely force you to hug it out with him
- remember the other tall HC where the reader wasn't taller than König
- yes roach does the same thing here.. He's crawling on you like a tree
- If he wants a kiss instead of asking he crawls up to you and kisses you
- definitely likes to sit on your shoulders as you walk around, he feels tall like that
- this is like a distance relationship 💔💔
- Likes it when you bend over to talk to him also when you bend over when youre doing sum since it's slappable opportunity
- because bent over = double D cake will be slapped
- How will it fit? By the power of friendship of course!!
- probably more of say gex desperation but you get it
- Obviously switch switch
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shadow0-1 · 7 months
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Your hand, heavy in mine
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devotedlyconfused · 4 months
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For those of you who have decided to follow me, you will be subjected to whatever has currently given me brain worms and that changes like a roulette wheel
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starboye · 12 days
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starring: simon "ghost" riley x male reader
request: size kink with ghost, maybe mentions of a belly bulge ( •‘ ω `• )?
warnings: smut, cursing, belly bulge, size kink, rough sex, mentions of male pregnancy, unprotected sex
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you don't remember how you ended up like this but you weren't complaining, you were just supposed spend a lazy chill night with simon watching movies and eating some junk food but with some flirtatious words and some exploring touches you both ended up in his bedroom getting you hole destroyed by the man.
he held you tight against his body, his arms snaked around your waist while your back was flush against his chest "you're so small compared to me" simon chuckles and he was right the way he hunched over to kiss you and could wrap himself around you and he'd become like a life sized blanket for you.
you moan at his relentless thrusts into, it felt like your body was on fire because of him, deep and husky groan practically falling from the mans mouth as he fucked your tightness, as he was fucking you he moved his hand over your stomach and felt something poke out, he quickly looked down to see he cock fucking against your spongy walls.
"well would ya look at that love" he smirks tilting your head down to see his cock bulge your stomach out, you whimper at the sight of it, the way simon ruins your body (and mind) in all the right ways made you even more crazy for him, crazy enough to make you say some in-explainable things.
"si... simon" you look up at him with weak eyes from the relentless fucking you've done "yeah baby" he asks still admiring the belly bulge he's giving you "i wan- ngh fuck... i want you to get me pregnant" you say making simons' eyes go wide with surprise "r-really" he asks, his full attention now on you "mhm i really want it" you mewl.
"well i guess it would be rude not to grant your wish" simon considers grabbing your chin to kiss you deeply before he lays you back onto the bed and resumes his hard thrusts, loud plaps from his hips hitting your ass fill the room mixed with the creaking of the bed and your moans.
"im gonna fill you with so much baby batter you'll be big and pregnant in no time" simon grunts pressing both his hands beside your head into the bed, caging you in "please ghost i want it so bad" you moan gripping his wrists, simon went silent i mean this was the first time you ever called him by his code name in ed and he was strangely turned on by it.
"call me that again" he order getting a rush of dominance in his system just from your words "please fill my hole ghost" you loudly moan and with one more big thrust he empties a load into you "so... insatiable" simon mutters to himself as he catches his breath.
just as he was about to pull out you stopped him "what's wrong love" he asked worriedly "i want more" you drawl out, simon wasn't against it at all, any chance to fuck you is a chance he'll take and hey maybe by the end of the night you just might end up pregnant.
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taglist:@mailmango@spermeboy@ghostking4m@gayaristocrat@addictedtomalepits@staarb0y@crispysoup318@its-ares@gargoylesworld09 @kadenvatsune @fuckshft
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stumisstability · 6 months
*New recruit flirting with Soap*
Recruit: you’re quite attractive...and exotic...are you British?
Soap: ya fucking dobber, away an’ bile yer heid! *approaches aggressively*
Recruit: *backs away*
Gaz: Ghost, why aren’t you pissed she’s flirting with your boy?
Ghost: she just called Soap British. I feel sorry for the bastard now.
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mactavishenjoyer · 6 months
Soap, watching roach and ghost aggressively sign at each other: "are they Fighting-"
Gaz, already done with everything:"yes"
Soap:"about what?"
Gaz, wishing to tear out his eyes:"you"
Roach, signing aggressively: his ass is clearly better then his tits. Are you crazy?
Ghost, slamming his hands onto the table: "BULLSHIT!"
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wispscribbles · 9 months
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their asses are not dating when he does this
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antomatkoen · 6 months
cheeky bastard soap at it again 🙄
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nachtart · 6 months
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Post Mission Praise
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windenbeak · 2 years
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ghosts 💀
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