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Primera #comidadenavidad - #alcachofa con crujiente de #bacon - #crianza #riberadelduero - #ensalada de #cardorojo - #milhojas de #foie - #alcachofas con foie y #hongos - #rioja #reserva - #paletilla asada a baja temperatura - #cochifrito - tabla de #queso . . . . . .
(en Tudela, Navarra, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXWYxynDvG5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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- Vas a conocer a mi amigo Pérez. - ¿Que Pérez? - El Ratoncito Pérez pic.twitter.com/PbREiSzgZ6
— Cochifrito (@JavierGraciaM) December 30, 2023
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3 places to visit in Spain
Without a doubt, Spain has many places to visit. In this article we will be located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula and focus on 3 very close places, each other: Madrid, Toledo and Aranjuez.

Madrid is the capital of Spain. It is located 650 meters above sea level. With a population of more than 3,000,000, it is the largest city in the country and third in the European Union.
Madrid has a wide cultural offer for all kinds of interests. From the monumental area of Madrid de los Austrias in the vicinity of the Plaza Mayor, passing through the Temple of Debod, Puerta del Sol, Puerta de Toledo, Palacio Real, Puerta de Alcalá, Calle Gran Vía, Plaza de España, Casa de Campo, Zoológico or the Amusement Park.
Among its Museums and Monuments are the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Museum, Prado Museum, Museum of the National Mint and Timbre Factory, Railway Museum or the Reina Sofia Museum, to name a few of the countless museums that the city has.
For sports lovers of football, it is worth visiting the Wanda Metropolitano and Santiago Bernabeu Stadiums. Stadiums where the teams play, Atletico de Madrid and Real Madrid respectively. Enjoy a Uefa Champions League match is priceless.

Aranjuez, municipality of the Community of Madrid, is located at a distance of 48 Km from Madrid and at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. It is located in the valley of the Tagus and Jarama rivers.
Aranjuez offers places of great tourist interest, is the case of the Royal Palace of Aranjuez, its gardens and the Tagus River. It was named by Philip II in 1560, one of the Royal Sites of the Spanish monarchy and in turn holds the title of villa since 1899, so it is also known as Real Sitio and Villa de Aranjuez.
As well, asparagus and strawberries are famous, which in season are sold in different stalls.
Museums and Monuments apart from the Royal Palace stand out the Museum of Falúas, Medinaceli Palace, Governor's House or the House of the Labrador.

Surrounded by the Tagus River and located at an altitude of 529 meters above sea level, we find Toledo, capital of Castilla La Mancha. Also known as "City of the Three Cultures", it was the capital of Spain in the time of Visigothic Spain.
It is located at a distance from Madrid of 70 kilometers, from where we can access by road through the A-42 / AP-41 (toll road) or on the Ave Madrid-Toledo. These two means of travel, are an excellent option to visit Toledo.
Economics is based on craftsmanship, such as the manufacture of weapons (knives and swords), ceramics, glass, damasquinados, furniture and Lagartera embroidery.
In the gastronomic section stands the manchego cheese, the braged partridge, cochifrito (based on lamb, egg, saffron, tomato and white wine), the mazapanes, the carcamusa, the manchegas porridge, the beans with partridge and the lean tortilla.
Toledo's climate is cold during the winter, with possible frost and very hot during the summer season (temperatures can exceed 40 degrees).
The Patronal Festivities in honor of our Lady of the Sanctum take place between 15 and 20 August. Also noteworthy are the Feast of Corpus Christi, palm Sunday.
Among its Museums and Monuments, it has a wide variety of sites, with an enormous relevance such as the Alcázar de Toledo, Ermita del Cristo de la Vega, Church of San Juan de los Reyes, Casa y Museo del Greco, Catedral de Santa María, Puente de San Martin, Iglesia de Santo Tomé, Casa del Temple, Puente de Alcántara, Iglesia de Santiago del Arrabal, Iglesia de San Juan de los Reyes, Puerta del
Three sites in Spain to visit very interesting from a cultural point of view and very close to each other.
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Spanish vintage lettering archive http://www.woodcutter.es "I see Dead Fonts" #iseedeadfonts #lettering. #fonts. #dafont. #woodcuttermanero. #woodcutter #typography. #Spainretrofonts #letras #design #art #tipografias #typo #Calligraphy #customtype #type #goodtype #retrosigns #handfont #ilovelettering #loveletters #designletters #typelove #dinner #madrid #meson #madriz #restaurante #cochifrito #restaurant (en Madrid, Spain)
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Cumple de la mama #cumpleaños #madre #comida #creppeboletus #cochifrito #lechazo #arrozconleche #restaurant #valladolid
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Segóvia, 03 de Outubro de Ano 1 - Sexta. Blogger - 25 anos
07:00 - Acordamos e corremos:
08:00 - Voltamos, tomamos banho e nos arrumamos.
08;50 - Saímos. 09:00 - Tomamos café: Tradicionarius
09:30 - Avaliamos: Barreno Electricidad
09:50 - Avaliamos mais: Sfera
10:10 - Saímos. 10:15 - Visitamos: Casa De Los Picos
10:40 - Visitamos uma adega: Caprichos de Castilla
11:00 - Avaliamos: KIKO Milano
11:20 - Outra: Bershka
11:40 - Saímos. 11:50 - Museu: Casa-Museo de Antonio Machado
12:30 - Almoçamos: La Almuzara
13:40 - Saímos. 13:55 - Chegamos na visita: Iglesia de la Vera Cruz
14:30 - Outra, do lado: Convento de San Juan de la Cruz / Frailes Camelitas Descalzos
15:00 - Voltamos ao hotel. 15:10 - Chegamos e cada um vai descansar no seu quarto.
17:00 - Tomamos um drink na varanda vendo o pôr do sol:
18:20 - Tomamos banho e nos arrumamos para sair. 19:10 - Saímos. 19:20 - Jantamos: El Cochifrito Plaza
21:50 - Saímos e voltamos ao hotel. 22:00 - Chegamos e dormimos.
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Cochifrito! 🐷 @vidaloca.live #sevilla #tapas #sevillatapas https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNGZw-KqZE/?igshid=i7ncromxo6en
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cochifrito o cuchifrito

from Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2hWvamx via IFTTT
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《Práctica: Cocina Española》 ☆Cochifrito ☆Patatas a la Riojana ☆Leche frita https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxc4eOCDF8fLto1IoUGH6jRrN8evFP-rYE5F9Q0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5ta8x47x92ol
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Hoy en cuarto milenio, el extraño caso de la lámpara invisible y Gandalf pic.twitter.com/q28782rYPr
— Cochifrito (@JavierGraciaM) January 14, 2022
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La taberna del herrero (@latabernadelherrero) es mi lugar favorito para tomar el vermú los jueves por la noche (y algún otro día también), pero, además, también es un magnífico restaurante. Y aunque yo suelo ser más de picoteo (rabas y croquetas, principalmente), también tiene menús del día como este: tallarines con rabo de toro 🤤, cochifrito y hojaldre con mantequilla #reventarcomoelmachichaco (en La Taberna del Herrero) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_bXDEBN9l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4snnpyyzpacv
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Las ciudades más bonitas de España
Nuevo artículo publicado en https://www.absolutviajes.com/las-ciudades-mas-bonitas-de-espana/
Las ciudades más bonitas de España
Si hay un virtud que caracterice a España es la variedad y contraste de sus escenarios. Podemos esquiar en los Pirineos y tomar el sol en una isla de clima subtropical para, después, perdernos por las calles cosmopolitas de Madrid o asomarse a los patios coloridos de Andalucía. Una singularidad confirmada por las ciudades más bonitas de España que os traemos a continuación.
La ciudad favorita de este autor todavía conserva parte de un legado románico, judío, musulmán y cristiano que ha impregnado las calles, edificios y puentes de esta maravilla andaluza. El Centro Histórico de Córdoba, designado Patrimonio de la Humanidad, gira en torno a su imponente mezquita, ejemplo de la arquitectura mudéjar a pesar de los constantes intentos por parte de la Iglesia de acercarla al terreno católico. El mejor punto de partida antes de una fotografía típica en el Puente Romano, un buen salmorejo típico en alguno de sus bares o una visita a los famosos patios cordobeses que conforman una fiesta que cada mes de mayo despliega un manto de aroma y color por toda la ciudad. Si además os sobra algo de tiempo, siempre podéis acercaros a la ciudad palatina de Medina Azahara, último patrimonio de la Unesco en territorio español.
Cuando caminas por las calles de Sevilla te percatas de la grandeza a la que sucumbe una de las ciudades más gloriosas de España. Su casco antiguo, el más grande de Europa junto al de Venecia y Génova, es una muestra de su esplendor centenario conformado de numerosos edificios: La Giralda, la icónica Torre del Oro asomada al Guadalquivir o un exuberante Alcázar utilizado como escenario en Juego de Tronos contrastan con esa Sevilla más experimental en forma de mirador futurista (Las Setas) o el arte que se respira en el folclórico barrio de Triana. Sin duda, la mejor ciudad para inspirar ese duende andaluz que salta de caballo de caballo por las calles de Sevilla.
Pocas ciudades rezuman el encanto de Barcelona. La ciudad más internacional de España no solo parte de un entramado urbano perfectamente trazado e influenciado por el París de Haussman, sino que regala a los ojos una obra de Antonio Gaudí que se distribuye por los rincones más insospechados de la Ciudad Condal, desde una Sagrada Familia que nunca respira o un Parque Güell que promete un laberinto de simbolismo y color único. Acariciada por el mar, Barcelona se nutre de una escena nocturna y cultural única a través de barrios como la bohemia Gràcia o el cosmopolita barrio del Born para terminar entre fiesta y brisa en playas como La Barceloneta o, mi favorita, la Mar Bella, al final del no menos recomendable barrio de Poblenou.
Conocida como “la ciudad de las tres culturas” por haber aglutinado a las poblaciones cristiana, judía y musulmana durante varios años, la Toledo antigua se desparrama sobre un cerro asomado al río Tajo donde su entramado de callejuelas y referencias a la historia de Castilla convierten la ciudad manchega en todo un deleite para los sentidos. La plaza de Zocodover marca el inicio de una ruta entre retazos de la historia, una catedral de Toledo imponente, sinagogas, balcones de otro tiempo o tiendas de navajas que contrastan con la reciente fiebre gastronómica que se ha desatado en la ciudad entre platos como carcamusas, migas o cochifritos.
Cuna de cultura e historia, Salamanca ostenta la universidad más antigua de Occidente como prueba de un carácter único que se despliega en forma de dos catedrales – la Vieja y la Nueva -,el Convento de San Esteban o la Iglesia de Santiago. Iconos que conforman un Casco Histórico designado Patrimonio de la Humanidad al que sigue su condición de Ciudad Europea de la Cultura o una Semana Santa considerada como Interés Turístico Nacional. Porque es aquí, en Salamanca, donde la historia de los amantes de La Celestina se respira en sus huertos y nombres como Cristóbal Colón o Antonio de Nebrija resurgen entre esta ciudad única.
San Sebastián
También conocida como “Donostia”, la que es una de las ciudades más bonitas de España continúa atrayendo a turistas y curiosos que se acercan a este antiguo paraíso balneario que a mediados del siglo XIX sucumbió a una apariencia afrancesada y burguesa a través de su arquitectura. La Catedral del Buen Pastor o el Ayuntamiento son dos buenos ejemplos de un estilo neogótico que se extiende a través de su Casco Antiguo hasta acariciar la mayor atracción de San Sebastián: la playa de la Concha, un edén litoral bordeado de montes como El Urgull o el Igueldo.
Toda España se encuentra en Madrid, esa capital llena de contrastes donde todos podemos sentirnos hijos adoptivos y sus influencias se entremezclan con un microcosmos cosmopolita único. Desde lugares icónicos como esa Gran Vía que marca la ruta por museos icónicos como el Reina Sofía o El Prado, pasando por el etnicismo de Lavapiés, el ambiente de La Latina, el esplendor de sus mercados o los submundos encerrados en El Retiro, Madrid no da un suspiro cuando se trata de descubrir todos sus rincones. Si además te sobra tiempo, siempre puedes visitar Aranjuez y sus suntuosos palacio y jardines o perderte por los bosques de una Sierra de Madrid que se confirma como un diamante en bruto del paisajismo.
Santiago de Compostela
Junto con Jerusalén y Roma, Santiago de Compostela conforma uno de los mayores núcleos de peregrinación del mundo, irradiando un encanto y solemnidad como otros pocos lugares. La considerada como una de las ciudades más bonitas de España, en Galicia, encierra en su casco antiguo designado Patrimonio de la Humanidad una Catedral de Santiago donde la tumba del famoso apóstol atrae a miles de personas que, desde diferentes lugares, inician año tras año el famoso Camino de Santiago.
Del folclore de Sevilla a la elegancia de San Sebastián, España confirma su potencial como una meca de los contrastes, la historia y la cultura única.
¿Cuáles son, en tu opinión, las ciudades más bonitas de España?
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Keto Diet: What I Ate in a Week (feat. Paleo Manila Keto Meal Plan)

I *was* that girl. The eat-what-you-want-when-you-want-to-because-life-is-freaking-short believer, or to simply put it, I didn’t watch or care about what I put in my mouth as long as I was happy (with the taste) and my tummy’s full. Yikes! But it’s hard not to adjust my eating pace when the scale slapped me (‘coz it felt like it) one morning with the heaviest weight I’ve been ALL. MY. LIFE. That, plus the slew of #BodyGoals posts in dreamy vacation places that came with the summer season, were all the wake up calls I needed to refresh my diet, manage my weight and to ultimately improve my lifestyle.
I’m super happy to share that I tried Keto Diet for a month – and I lost weight! Ketogenic Diet is the most popular diet in the Philippines right now, perhaps because it includes eating fat, think of bacon for breakfast everyday, and hear this out: lots of it. Wha… WHAT?! Yes!
I didn’t have the time to research for recipes, source the ingredients, let alone cook, so I tried the services of Paleo Manila. I really like that they offer the best of both worlds with meals that contain very high-fat, moderate-protein, and very low-carbohydrate AKA the Keto way while incorporating the Paleo principle of only using natural and Paleo-certified ingredients.
Through this, your body will rely on fat for energy, resulting to weight loss with less cravings and “hangry” occurrences. Take a peek at what I ate for 5 days, below!

MONDAY: (Breakfast) – Baked Egg and Garlic Shrimp with Vegetable Hash, (Lunch) – Bacon Dusted Fried Chicken with Pechay, (Dinner) – Keto Beef and Broccoli Stirfry, (Snacks) – Tomato Egg Roll and Keto Squash Chicken Fritters

TUESDAY: (B) – Chicken Salad, (L) – Beef Kofta and Eggplant Pomodoro, (D) – Pork Sisig, (S) – Vegetable Tempura and Keto Lumpiang Sariwa

WEDNESDAY: (B) – Keto Gluten Free French Toast, (L) – Citrus Ginger Blue Marlin Steak, (D) – Keto Pork Nori Rolls, (S) – Bacon Wrapped Mushrooms and Keto Fish Balls

THURSDAY: (B) – Persian Baked Omelette, (L) – Beef Cochifrito, (D) – Chicken Tikka Masala, (S) – Caesar Salad and Keto Macaroons

FRIDAY: (B) – Chocolate Cinnamon Chia Pudding, (L) – Oregano Chicken with Kale, (D) – Pinoy Style Barbeque with Eggplants, (S) – Avocado with Olive and Lime Dressing and Spicy Lime Baked Chicken Wings
The entire meals above cost PhP4,950, which is about PhP990 per day. (Tip: I got my plan on a discount at BeautyMNL / Deal Grocer) Kind of pricey compared to the food you, or anyone at your home, are making but justifiable when you account the convenience of someone cooking for you plus the delivery. It’s also such a relief that it was so easy, the meals don’t require any work – just heat and eat.

Life gets extra exciting when you know fresh and actually healthy meals are about to be dropped off your doorstep every day, particularly since the variations are not the things I would have made on my own. No cooking skills talaga! I don't feel starved at all, too. And while it was tough to not have sweets even from fruits, everything was pretty tasty. Except maybe because I opted to commit to a 1-month plan, but the veggies started to taste the same after a while.
I did weigh myself before and after. And I’m ready to be in a bikini now… lol just kidding! I did lost a whopping 6lbs. in my first week, and a total of 8lbs. after finishing the month with weekend cheat days and no exercise. There’s definitely an extra room when I wear my skinny jeans now, but very few friends actually noticed a difference. Kawawa, hindi pumayat ang mukha!
I think Keto Diet is a lazy girl route but it works! Stick to it for a week and you’ll like what the scale will tell you. What you decide to do after is up to you. It’s now natural for me to eat bigger portions of veggies and watch my carbs intake, so I like that the result of Keto Diet goes beyond the numbers for me.

The only thing that would make Paleo Manila’s service better is if they start to accept delivery time requests. They deliver the day before the supposed consumption from 4pm-10pm, with no guarantees as to the exact time. I usually get my meals at 8pm-9pm, and the one time they delivered at 4pm (with a different rider), the salads got spoiled because no one’s home to refrigerate them immediately. This is just something to keep in mind, especially if you’re living alone and always out.
Have you tried this trending diet yet? Did it work for you? I would love to hear your stories!

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Cochifrito a #bajatemperatura en @marsbenabarre #restaurante #benabarre #benabarresabor #aragon #igershuesca #huesca (en Benabarre)
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Cities to visit in Spain

With more than 75 million tourists a year (2016 figures), Spain is one of the most visited countries in the world. In Spain you can enjoy all kinds of tourism. You may already be the typical sun and beach, mountain, cultural or gastronomic. In this article we look at cities to visit in Spain .
Undoubtedly the capital of Spain attracts large numbers of tourists, whether domestic or from other countries. You can enjoy all kinds of activities. From seeing a flamenco show, watch a football game, watch a play or enjoy the typical cuisine of Madrid, as can be the Madrid stew.
Aranjuez (Madrid)
Aranjuez , also known as Real Sitio and Villa de Aranjuez, is a distance of 48 kilometers from Madrid (just 45 minutes by motorway). Municipality of the Community of Madrid, is an interesting place to visit its gardens and the Royal Palace. Fresones are popular and asparagus in season can be purchased at different positions.
Toledo is just 70 kilometers from Madrid. Ideal for a getaway day from room Madrid , thanks to excellent connections you have, and it may be through or Railcar AVE. Enjoy the historic area of Toledo, the Alcazar, the Bridge of San Martin or the Museo del Greco, where centuries back in time. Cochifrito taste in a restaurant, is another good choice.
Like Toledo, Segovia is very close to Madrid, particularly within 88 kilometers. Segovia Roman aqueduct built under Augustus in the first century, is a true symbol of the city reference and worthy of being contemplated. During the visit, eat pig in Segovia, one of the specialties of the area is a real treat for the stomach.
Avila is another of the neighboring cities with Madrid. It belongs to the Castilla y León and is located just 110 kilometers from the capital. The city is surrounded by a medieval wall. In paragraph gastronomic ribeye special mention Ávila, suckling pig and Santa Teresa yolks.
Located northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, we find the city of Barcelona . In cuisine highlights cooked with white beans, sausage and excellent champagnes. During the festivity the realization of human castles is something to behold. Similarly you can enjoy football sporting events in Nou Camp stadiums and Cornella-El Prat.
South of the Iberian Peninsula and belonging and capital of the autonomous community of Andalusia, we Sevilla . Interesting places to visit La Giralda, Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza or the Barrio de Santa Cruz. A highlight in the holiday flat the famous Feria de Abril de Sevilla with various attractions and Easter.
Abiding in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, we are in Granada . Arab residence for centuries, is palpable for its artisan tradition. Interesting places to visit are the Cathedral, the House of Manuel de Falla, the Provincial Archaeological Museum, the Palace of the Madrassa and of course the Alhambra in Granada , known worldwide, which is located on the hill The Sabika.
Following in Andalusia, we moved to Cordoba . Its main economic activity is based on tourism and handicrafts of metal. Temperatures are mild in winter and very hot in the summer. Gastronomy is mainly recognized by olive oil, very beneficial to health. Places of interest to visit include the Julio Romero de Torres Museum and the famous Mosque of Cordoba.
Valencia has excellent communications, either through or railcar AVE. For example a shift from road Madrid are just three hour journey to travel a distance of 350 kilometers. Valencia is famous for Bugs (figures representing combustible material) held in March and paella, dish area.
Benidorm (Alicante)
Bordering the Mediterranean Sea we Benidorm . Benidorm is situated in the province of Alicante, belonging to the Valencia . Hangout national and nationalities, German, English, French and Italian tourism thanks to its beaches like Levante and Poniente and nightlife related to leisure.
Elche (Alicante)
Very close to Alicante capital, just 23 kilometers away lies Elche . Elche is surrounded by a large palm grove, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We have interesting places to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art and Archaeological Museum Municipal places. Economic activity, focuses on a major footwear production.
Another of the cities to visit in Spain is Salamanca . It crossed by the Tormes River, is located west of the Iberian Peninsula. Salamanca is a city of university tradition. Among its museums and monuments Casa-Museo Unamuno and the New Cathedral of Salamanca. Its cuisine is rich in meats, lamb, goat and suckling pig.
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Cochifrito o cuchifrito

from Flickr https://flic.kr/p/Ribs5u via IFTTT
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