#coach krzyzewski
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After finally watching Season 2 of "The Bear," Coach K sent Ayo Edebiri a signed copy of his book, "Leading With the Heart."
"I told my agent, 'In the future, if they keep going, why don’t I do a cameo?'"
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blastofsports · 2 years ago
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Bobby Knight and Mike Krzyzewski
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celebrityhomela · 2 years ago
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Inside the Luxurious Durham Mansion of Basketball Legend Mike Krzyzewski
Step into the luxurious Durham mansion of basketball legend Mike Krzyzewski. This grand structure, nestled in a private gated community, offers a blend of luxury and comfort, reflecting the life of passion, dedication, and hard-earned success of Coach K. Visit: https://www.omnihomeideas.com/design/celebrity-homes/mike-krzyzewski-house-in-durham/
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lignes2frappe · 2 years ago
Plongée dans cette culture de la haine qu'engendre le sport...
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Christian Laettner, c’est l’histoire d’un gosse de riche prétentieux au physique de premier de la classe, qui, parce que bien né, a rejoint l’équipe de basket de l’une des universités les plus privilégiées (et les plus blanches) des États-Unis. Particulièrement vicieux sur les terrains, il a privé toute une génération de joueurs plus méritants que lui du titre NCAA, non sans voler à Shaquille O’Neal sa place dans la Dream Team de 1992.
Ça, c’est la manière dont Christian Laettner était présenté par ses détracteurs. Et il faut bien avouer qu’énoncé de la sorte, son CV avait de quoi hérisser le poil. Caricature du type que l’on adore détester, ce cousin du blond de Gad Elmaleh s’est ainsi attiré les foudres du public et de ses adversaires comme aucun autre athlète de son époque.
Hué dans tous les stades, insulté par les fans, jugé surcoté dans les médias, méritait-il pour autant un tel traitement ?
Pour rappel, on parle ici d’un jeune homme à l’orée de sa vie d’adulte, qui, contrairement à quantité de chanteurs, acteurs ou de politiciens ayant franchi la ligne rouge (violences, agressions sexuelles, détournements de fonds...), était haï simplement parce qu’il jouait au basket. Rien de plus.
Qu’importe son talent. Qu’importe si le portrait dressé ne correspondait que très (très) vaguement à la réalité.
Quand il ne fait pas bon d’être trop bon
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Né le 17 août 1969 dans la région de Buffalo (État de New-York), Christian Donald Laettner n’a en effet absolument pas vécu dans la soie. Fils d’immigrés polonais, son père travaille comme imprimeur, sa mère comme institutrice. Boursier au lycée, l’été il effectue des travaux de gardiennage (laver le sol, couper l’herbe...) pour joindre les deux bouts.
Pas le grand luxe donc, mais comme il se montre extrêmement doué au poste d’ailier fort, les meilleures universités l’ont dans le viseur. Et c’est ainsi qu’à la fin de son cursus, en 1988, il prend la décision de rejoindre les Blue Devils de Duke.
De là, les ennuis commencent.
Oui parce que l’histoire aurait pu être mille fois différente si Christian Laettner avait posé ses valises ailleurs. Pas de chance pour lui, Duke n’est pas l’université lambda. Dans l’inconscient collectif, Duke c’est ce temple de la reproduction sociale des cadets de la bourgeoisie, qui, une fois leur diplôme en poche, s’en vont grossir les rangs des firmes juridiques et des institutions financières les plus prestigieuses de la côte est.
Re-pas de chance pour lui, sous la férule du coach Mike Krzyzewski, Christian Laettner et ses coéquipiers (Grant Hill, Bobby Hurley...) excellent : ils arrivent quatre fois en finale en quatre ans et remportent le titre à deux reprises – inédite dans l’histoire du sport universitaire, la performance n’a jamais été reproduite.
Leader des Diables Bleus (21, 5 points, 57,5% d'adresse à deux points, 55,7% à trois points, 7,9 rebonds de moyenne lors de sa saison senior en 1992), Laettner peut légitimement être considéré comme le meilleur basketteur NCAA ever.
Non content d’avoir établi le record de points marqués, de lancers-francs réussis et de matchs joués lors de la March Madness, personne ne peut se vanter d’avoir été aussi décisif que lui. En 1990, il a privé Connecticut de Final Four grâce à un buzzer beater. En 1991, il a permis à Duke d’atteindre la finale en enquillant les deux derniers lancers-francs du match face à UNLV. En 1992, il a fusillé Kentucky à 2,1 secondes de la fin des quarts de finales avec un tir retourné resté dans les annales, « The Shot ».
Largement de quoi lui valoir une place dans la Dream Team aux Jeux olympiques de Barcelone, non ?
Mais c’est quoi le problème alors ?
Le problème, ce n’est pas tant Christian Laettner que l’image que Christian Laettner renvoie.
De la même façon que personne ne soutient Drago face à Rocky, personne ne souhaite voir Goliath gagner face à David. C’est pourtant ce qui se passe lorsque Duke élimine les chouchous UNLV et Kentucky, ou pire, le Fab Five de Michigan. Adulée par la jeunesse, la bande à Chris Webber sont les mecs cools du moment. Ils viennent du ghetto, portent des shorts larges et écoutent du rap. Dans le film, ce sont eux qui repartent avec le trophée, pas les boyscouts de Duke que Jalen Rose qualifie sans vergogne de « nègres de maison ».
« Cool » en revanche n’est pas le premier mot qui vient à l’esprit pour décrire Christian Laettner. Certes, sa gueule de héros de l’Amérique triomphante de l’après-guerre lui vaut en 1992 une place sur la liste des 50 personnes les plus sexy de la planète du magazine People, mais aucun fan ne veut fondamentalement lui ressembler.
Trop lisse, trop parfait, il est en sus trop arrogant. Pas arrogant comme un Allen Iverson ou un Gary Payton hein, arrogant comme l’archétype d’un blanc-bec fils de bonne famille pour qui dans la vie tout est dû. Qui pour réussir n’a pas sué/saigné autant que les autres.
[Notez que très paradoxalement, nombreux de ses haters étaient aussi white que lui...]
À sa décharge, Christian Laettner n’y met pas spécialement du sien pour faire taire les critiques, lui qui sur les parquets n’hésite pas à jouer des coudes (quand il ne piétine pas le pauvre Aminu Timberlake) ou à répondre à l’offense par l’offense (lorsqu’il marque, il se frotte avec dédain le menton du bout des doigts en direction de la foule).
Au contraire, « le joueur le plus retors qu’il ait jamais croisé », dixit le coach Hall of Fame Jim Calhoun dans son autobiographie, y puise une source de motivation – « Je me disais qu’ils aillent tous se faire fo*tre, je vais y aller encore plus dur » comme il le déclarera en 2015 dans le documentaire ESPN I Hate Christian Laettner.
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Des passions tristes dans le sport
Bien sûr, la jalousie tient pour beaucoup dans cette affaire... ce que certains concernés admettent volontiers avec le recul, de Jalen Rose (�� Je détestais les joueurs de Duke car c’était des enfants de riches, issues de bonne famille et j’étais jaloux de cela. ») à Shaquille O’Neal (« J’étais en colère. J’étais jaloux, mais j’ai ensuite réalisé que même si j’étais un joueur plus explosif, plus puissant… Il avait des fondamentaux légèrement meilleurs que les miens. »).
Mais plus encore que cette jalousie, c’est cette haine complètement irrationnelle qui interroge. Victime d’un narratif qui lui collait un peu trop bien à la peau, Christian Laettner s’est retrouvé cloué au pilori pour une histoire de perception.
Ou pour le dire autrement : bouc émissaire d’un monde du sport où les émotions sont reines, à la manière de Sherman McCoy dans le roman Le Bûcher des vanités écrit par Tom Wolfe en 1987, il a pris pour les autres, tout un chacun se sentant dans son bon droit de participer à ce harcèlement à grande échelle.
Cette hostilité à son égard a toutefois fini par s’estomper. Drafté en troisième position par Minnesota en 1993, s’il a par la suite accompli une honnête carrière professionnelle 13 ans durant, à une sélection au All-Star game près, il n’a pas nécessairement marqué les esprits.
Et comme aime à le répéter Charles Barkley, ancienne tête de turc de la ligue : « They don’t get mad about the worst player. They only get mad about the great player. »
Le 28 octobre 2024. Publié sur BasketSession le 1er janvier 2025.
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ear-worthy · 4 months ago
Three Ear-Worthy Podcasts: ARod On Steroid Usage; Mariah The Icon; The Elián González Story
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In this review, I'll be covering three ear-worthy podcasts -- one from Bloomberg and two from iHeart Podcasts.
What these three podcasts have in common is their focus on people who have been --- and are still -- famous -- and one child who was trapped in a vortex of political battles, culture wars, and ethnic denigration.
Alex Rodriguez Opens Up About Mental Health Struggle Following His 2014 PED Suspension on Bloomberg’s "The Deal"
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  On the latest episode of Bloomberg’s video podcast The Deal, co-hosts Alex Rodriguez and Jason Kelly talk with Jay Williams, the co-founder and CEO of Improbable Media, about how athletes can build their brands using media. Williams tells the hosts how he made a major career pivot after an accident ended his professional basketball dreams, the lessons he's learned from his personal board of advisors (which includes Duke's legendary Coach Mike Krzyzewski), and how athletes today are taking advantage of NIL deals. CLIPS: Rodriguez opens up about his mental health struggle following his 2014 PED suspension, saying “I don’t know if I had suicidal, but whatever the stop before that is, I was probably there.” Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBPD8ieRCbW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Listen to the full podcast episode HERE. The Deal brings together A-Rod Corp CEO and owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx, Alex Rodriguez, and Bloomberg’s veteran business journalist, Jason Kelly to explore the stories behind the biggest deals across industries. Alex and Jason exchange notes with athletes, entertainers, and executives about the deals that shaped their careers in sports and business. They dive into team ownership, investment philosophies, missed opportunities, and more.
  Las Culturistas welcomes Mariah Carey
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  Last week on Las Culturistas, hosts Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang revealed their highly-anticipated "The Iconic 400" list of culture's most iconic figures -- and now "It's Time!" to welcome the #1 most iconic: Mariah Carey!
Join Matt and Bowen as they adorn themselves with festive garb for the Queen of Christmas, adverb legend and all around music GOAT.
Among many other important and ground-breaking topics, Mariah reveals her top 3 favorite Disney rides, talks vocal stacking alongside the incredible Brandy, and ponders dropping her grunge album already! Tune in now to hear M & B talk with MC, and check the show out for new episodes. Las Culturistas plunges listeners into our culture in the co-host's quirky way.
 Chess Piece: The Elián González Story
At the turn of the millennium, a five-year-old boy from Cuba found off the Florida coast on Thanksgiving became the most talked about child in America. Relatives in Miami — Cuban exiles — took the boy in, but his father in Cuba wanted him back.
The ensuing international custody battle over Elián González became its own mini Cold War, pitting Cuban exiles in Miami against supporters of Castro’s regime on an island just 90 miles away.
Now 25 years later, the story is revisited through the voices of people who lived it firsthand. For those of you not old enough to remember this event, be prepared. It's a heart-wrenching story.
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scottwelle · 4 months ago
Don't Burn the House Down
Don't Burn the House Down
If you’re a basketball fan, you probably know the name Mike Krzyzewski, legendary coach for Duke University with an impossibly difficult name to spell. It’s why people just call him, “Coach K.” One of his most famous athletes in his 42 years of coaching was Christian Laettner, an antagonist that loved to get under people’s skin. Doing so fired him up and he was great at it. “Dukies” loved him.…
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noisycowboyglitter · 6 months ago
Elevate Your Coaching Skills with the BEEF Shooting Technique in Basketball
"Basketball Coaching Beef" refers to the conflicts and disagreements that can arise between coaches, players, or even coaching staff within a basketball program. These tensions can stem from various sources, such as differing coaching philosophies, communication breakdowns, or disputes over playing time and strategy. Addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining a positive team environment and fostering player development.
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Effective basketball coaching requires strong leadership and conflict resolution skills. Coaches need to create open lines of communication, encouraging players to voice their concerns while also providing constructive feedback. Establishing a culture of respect and collaboration can significantly reduce the likelihood of coaching beef.
Additionally, proactive measures, such as team-building activities and regular meetings, can help prevent misunderstandings and promote unity. When conflicts do arise, addressing them promptly and fairly is essential to maintain team morale and focus on shared goals.
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Ultimately, navigating basketball coaching beef can lead to growth, both for the individuals involved and the team as a whole. By transforming conflicts into opportunities for learning and improvement, coaches can create a more cohesive and successful basketball program.
"Basketball Coach Game Quote Men" highlights the inspiring words and philosophies that motivate male basketball coaches and their teams. These quotes often emphasize teamwork, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence on and off the court.
Famous coaches like Phil Jackson and Mike Krzyzewski have shared powerful insights about leadership and strategy that resonate with players and fellow coaches alike. For instance, quotes that stress the importance of hard work, discipline, and unity can inspire athletes to push their limits and achieve their goals.
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Using these quotes in practice sessions, team meetings, or motivational speeches can foster a positive culture and enhance team dynamics. By incorporating these powerful messages, coaches can instill a sense of purpose and determination in their players, driving them toward success in every game.
Personalized gifts for gamers are a thoughtful way to celebrate their passion and make them feel special. Consider customized items like engraved controllers, personalized gaming mouse pads, or bespoke game-themed apparel that showcases their favorite titles.
You can also create custom wall art featuring their gaming achievements or characters they love. Gift cards to gaming platforms, combined with a personalized note, can add a special touch.
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These unique gifts not only reflect their interests but also show that you understand their gaming journey. Whatever the occasion, personalized gifts for gamers make memorable surprises that enhance their gaming experience!
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linusjf · 10 months ago
Leadership Quotes
“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” —Leadership Guru Warren Bennis. “In leadership, there are no words more important than trust. In any organization, trust must be developed among every member of the team if success is going to be achieved.” —Duke Basketball Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski. “If I can’t trust you, then I can’t work with you – end of…
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truebloodrandazzo · 11 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mike Krzyzewski Leading with the Heart Paperback Book.
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petnews2day · 11 months ago
WNBA legend Sue Bird talks to Mike Krzyzewski and JJ Redick ahead of recent rivalry matchup
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/uVeZL
WNBA legend Sue Bird talks to Mike Krzyzewski and JJ Redick ahead of recent rivalry matchup
In the sixth episode of her show “Sue’s Places,” Sue Bird sat down with Coach K and JJ Redick ahead of Duke’s home game against North Carolina. The Blue Zone is here to break down the episode:  UConn and WNBA legend Sue Bird’s quest to learn about the history of college basketball led her to […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/uVeZL #BirdNews
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tintucthethao24h · 1 year ago
Sự Nghiệp và Thành Tích Nổi Bật Của Các HLV Thể Thao Nổi Tiếng: Họ Là Những Nhà Lãnh Đạo Xuất Sắc
Những HLV thể thao nổi tiếng không chỉ là những ngư��i dẫn dắt đội tuyển mà còn là những nhà lãnh đạo, người truyền cảm hứng và tạo ra những huyền thoại trong thế giới thể thao. Bài viết này sẽ đưa bạn khám phá sự nghiệp và những thành tích ấn tượng của các HLV được ngưỡng mộ.
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Sir Alex Ferguson - Hoàng Tử của Manchester United:
Khám phá về sự nghiệp lẫy lừng của Sir Alex Ferguson, HLV đã dẫn dắt Manchester United vượt qua những thời kỳ khó khăn và giành được nhiều danh hiệu cao quý, bao gồm cả UEFA Champions League.
Pep Guardiola - Kiến Tạo Tính Toán Ở Barcelona và Man City:
Bài viết sẽ giới thiệu về Pep Guardiola, nhà HLV tài năng đã đưa Barcelona và Manchester City đến những đỉnh cao vinh quang. Phân tích cách anh áp dụng triết lý và phương pháp huấn luyện đội bóng.
Coach K - Huyền Thoại Của Bóng Rổ Đại Học Hoa Kỳ:
Tìm hiểu về Coach K, hay còn được biết đến là Mike Krzyzewski, một trong những HLV bóng rổ đại học nổi tiếng nhất, đã giúp Duke University đoạt nhiều danh hiệu và là HLV trưởng Đội tuyển Bóng rổ Hoa Kỳ.
Jurgen Klopp - Nhà Quản Lý Hiện Đại và Chiến Thuật Của Liverpool:
Khám phá về sự thành công mà Jurgen Klopp đã đem lại cho Liverpool, từ việc đoạt Champions League đến việc lập nên đội bóng không thể đánh bại trong mùa giải Premier League.
Pat Riley - Vị HLV và Quản Lý Tài Ba trong NBA:
Bài viết sẽ đề cập đến Pat Riley, người đã góp phần quan trọng vào thành công của Los Angeles Lakers và Miami Heat trong NBA, không chỉ qua việc làm HLV mà còn là quản lý xuất sắc.
Sự Đóng Góp và Di Sản Đối với Thế Giới Thể Thao:
Nói về sự đóng góp của các HLV nổi tiếng vào thế giới thể thao, từ cách họ phát triển tài năng đến cách họ xây dựng tinh thần đồng đội và tạo ra những chiến lược chiến thắng.
Tương Tác Cộng Đồng và Sự Hâm Mộ:
Khuyến khích tương tác cộng đồng bằng cách chia sẻ thông tin và ý kiến về các HLV thể thao nổi tiếng. Bài viết sẽ kết nối người hâm mộ và tạo nên không khí thảo luận về những nhà lãnh đạo xuất sắc này.
Các HLV thể thao nổi tiếng không chỉ là người dẫn dắt đội tuyển mà còn là những nhà lãnh đạo kiên trì và tài năng. Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về sự nghiệp và di sản đặc biệt của họ trong thế giới thể thao, nơi họ trở thành những biểu tượng và nguồn cảm hứng cho thế hệ tương lai.
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normwerner · 1 year ago
What’s the “next play” for you?
The Best of Jack’s Winning Words 2/05/24 – reprises of posts to the blog of the late Pastor Jack Freed. “Next play!” (Mike Krzyzewski) A recent article in the Detroit Free Press told how “Coach K”, head basketball coach at Duke, has a ritual of saying to his team after every play (good or bad), “Next play!” No matter what’s happened, focus on the task at hand. We all have “downers.” We need to…
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bakhtkhan553 · 1 year ago
Duke vs. North Carolina Condensed Game | 2023-24 ACC Men’s … YouTube · ACC Digital Network
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It’s one of the most popular rivalries in all of sports: UNC-Duke.
The Tobacco Road nemeses — whose campuses sit just eight miles apart — have been playing each other for almost 100 years. UNC sits at No. 3 on the all-time wins list. Duke is No. 4. The two schools have combined for 38 Final Fours, including their first-ever NCAA tournament meeting at the 2022 Final Four in New Orleans in Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski's final season, and they've claimed 11 national championships. UNC beat Duke in the 2022 Final Four in Coach K's last game.
RIVALS: Roy Williams' top 8 UNC-Duke matchups
Every season, they meet at least twice in what are often some of the best games of the year, regardless of their rankings. Here’s everything you need to know about the rivalry, including stats from both schools and highlights from some of the most notable matchups:
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streamingfanatic1963 · 1 year ago
Tara VanDerveer sets record for most wins in NCAA hoops history - ESPN
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pscottm · 1 year ago
Tara VanDerveer becomes winningest coach in college basketball | AP News
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serpentorslair · 1 year ago
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