#cm writers
spncvr · 7 months
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spencelle in film
criminal minds, seasons one & two
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ladygenius · 1 year
Crimson Nights & Predators | Part III
Content: in their fairytale surrounding finally, Spencer tells y/n what’s bothering him about the evening
Wordcount: 1300
Category: fluffiest confession fluff🫶🏼
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, bullying, verbal abuse
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“By the way”, she clearly had to urge the rest of the mysterious booze down her throat, “Obviously, I’ve been planning to share this exquisite finding with my favorite bookworm anyway”, she darted her eyes back up at him.
“Mr. Braggy and his wingman just offered the first opportunity for a little getaway. Whoops.”
She rolled her eyes before facing one of the huge shelves, clearly with a plan in mind. “Alright. This devil’s stuff better made me forget about my vertigo. Hey, what do you think, Spence? Bet I’m gonna find, say, at least an original Twain or Whitman up there.”
Bravely, she climbed the first few steps of the ladder, a little wobbly on her heels maybe but still as gracefully as ever. That was until she leaned over a little too far and just as she reached for a particularly fancy-looking book the wheel mechanism of the ladder set in, catching y/n off guard.
This time, it really was her frightened squeaking as she clung to the shelf and Spencer reacted just in time to stop the ladder before she would have eventually flopped to the ground - ungracefully.
After a moment of shock that lasted longer than it would have with sober brain cells, they both burst out into ringing laughter.
So while Spencer was holding onto the ladder from the start this time as a safety measure, y/n continued her quest for the most ancient-looking copies. He urged himself to look in every direction but ahead of him – y/n’s legs centimeters away from his face - nervous at the sight of their soft skin and perfect shape, he desperately tried to find something to talk about. But it was her voice that made the decision for him.
“Spence.. Can I ask you a question?" his face instinctively tilted upwards, only to shyly dart down again, realizing he didn't want her to think he was trying to get a glimpse up the skirt of her alluring dress. "Do you think I’m being kind of a bitch to Andersson?” The question alone set off an alarm inside him.
“I mean, it’s actually kinda mean… running away from someone like a kid on a playground. But you know, I’ve told him like a gazillion times that I have no interest in going out with him.”
Spencer’s thoughts immediately catapulted him back to the bar. The two men’s degrading comments about y/n and Andersson’s plan to take advantage of her potentially intoxicated self once the evening had come to an end. And yet, here she was feeling sorry for him. It made his heart ache. But fortunately, from where she was standing, she couldn’t see the honest pain plastered on his face.
"Spence, did I say something wrong?" "Oh.. no, y/n. Not at all" She descended carefully, Spencer steadying her with a gentle hand on her back.
"You know.." she hesitated, suddenly their difference in height making her seem so vulnerable and timid again. "I didn't want you to think of me this way but I feared somehow this was reminding you of how you were treated once.. you know, back in high school. I don't want you to think of me as that kind of woman.. you know, leading guys on only to prank them in some demeaning way for everyone to see."
"What, woah, y/n. This isn't even in the slightest comparable. I mean it. Hey, look at me. I would never think of you like that, Okay?" He was incapable of even beginning to explain how far his genuine thoughts about her varied from her assumption.
She nodded doubtfully, her gaze resting on his hand on her shoulder which he immediately pulled back upon noticing.
"It's just.. I feel like you're somehow - angry about something? I don't know. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much but I was afraid we weren't okay.. Cause we are, right?" Her orbs studied him and widened hopefully, as his heart was melting once again at how well she knew him.
"No. You're right.. obviously", he sighed, y/n's chest puffing out anxiously, her brows frowning. "I just can't keep a secret from you, can I?" His timid smile clearly made y/n already feel a little more at ease. "It's those jerks." "What? Andersson and his idiotic wingman? How could simple creatures like them cause brilliant Dr. Reid any trouble?"
"I. I just can't stand how they're treating you.. you know." Y/n seemed baffled for a second. "Oh.. well, yeah, I mean, they're obvious douches and it's annoying Andersson won't ever accept a simple no. But other than staring and asking me to dance he really hasn't done anything I could blame him for. It's sweet of you, though, that you're being different. You actually sense how I'm feeling, you know. You always can."
Her hands settled on the hem of his jacket, where they had already rested earlier this evening, causing nothing but blissful feelings inside him. But now it felt all wrong.
Her eyes searched for his. But he couldn't face her, it hurt too much. Just like he had thought - sooner or later, the fairytale was bound to end.
"Please don't defend them". His lips uttered barely inaudible. "Those pricks sure as hell don't deserve that." Slightly startled by the unlike-him choice of words and the stern sound of his voice, y/n sensed that she must be clueless about the situation.
"What happened, Spence"? She softly tilted up his chin to reveal his hazel eyes meeting hers all blurry.
"They said things about you.. earlier. I overheard them. Disgusting stuff you don't deserve. No one does. I don't even wanna repeat it.. I just can't stand the thought of you being talked about this way y/n. And yet you're the one to worry about treating them fairly. They're nowhere good enough for you anyway. And I know, neither am I, but I would never treat you like that." This last part slipped out unintentionally. And y/n noticed.
It’s over, he thought to himself standing here almost crying, she must think him to be completely embarrassing.
But she just stepped even closer to Spencer, hesitating briefly before decidedly taking his hands inside her own. Finally.
"I know you never would.. That's why I love you." That, too, slipped out somewhat suddenly but not quite as unintentionally. She sensed how loaded this topic was for Spencer, how much she meant to him. She has been suspecting this for a while now, but she was always just too scared to take the leap. And now she couldn't help it. In this perfect location with his protectiveness about her.
His eyes fixated on her own for almost an eternity. Both barely blinked. Whatever happened, it wouldn't be half bad, y/n thought. After all, he finally knew. God, how he deserved to know he was loved like that.
"But.. y/n. Why would you ever, I mean. You're so much more than I am-"
"You are everything to me, Spencer. It doesn't get much bigger than that, I guess. I mean, of course, if you insisted, I could go with the whole universe too.. but the point is, you've always been more than enough because you're you-"
And suddenly it was he who cut y/n short unexpectedly. His lips met hers with the most delicate urgency imaginable. Finally, he could pull her closer without their bodies colliding meaning mere accidental contact.
Her hands around his neck tangled into his soft curls and it still felt like once they let go of each other - it might all be over again. The Fairytale a silly fantasy and reality ready to separate them cruelly.
But as they opened their eyes, everything remained the same. "I love you too, y/n."
Except for the fact that everything was different now.
Spencer's eyes were still blurry from overwhelm, but this time for a better reason as he stared deeply into hers. He cleared his throat, "By the way.. did you end up finding any good first prints up there?" Y/n let out an embarrassed laugh.
"Honest to God.. I don't remember anymore."
What are you doing? Catch up: Part I | Part II
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masterwords · 2 months
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1x08 | 2x02 | 5x15 | 10x05
quiet everyone, hotch is telling us a story. (because the writers never did.)
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Click for Pt. 1
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velvetwilde · 7 months
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plutoispurplw · 5 months
Fresh Out The Slammer
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Summary: You're going to see Spencer after he spent three months on the prision.
Couple: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Little angst, mention of prision and murder.
A/N: Hi everyone, guess who is back to write like is running out of time! Someone has to take TTPD away from me, now this is an addiction.
Sorry if this doesn't have to much to do wuth the song and remember, english is not my first language, so please tell me if I have an error.
Plss reblog it and request are open!
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When Spencer was being held in custody in Mexico, you were anxious, you visited him and he was completely different from who you were accustomed to.
It was like he wasn’t mentally there, he looked like a mess and his mental stability was almost inexistent, you almost broke down when you saw him in that state.
After that visit, he didn’t let you go again to see him, he didn’t want you to see him in that state and was worried about your mental health even if he was worse in that matter.
You felt hurt at that moment but you decided to understand him and didn’t visit him again but you sent him letters, the first few letters he didn't respond to you, after some time he started to respond to your letters.
You have been feeling down all the time, being in your apartment made you feel miserable knowing he wasn't there, it felt lifeless there without his presence.
Your bed that once was your favorite place in the world became the worst place to be without his arms around you holding you and protecting you from all the things that happen out there.
You were cleaning the apartment when your phone started to ring, you took it to check who it was and when you saw his name you let out a scream. You quickly answer the call.
“Spencer, are you okay?” You said immediately when the call started, your voice was full of worry for him.
“Yes, I’m already out and I’m alright, don’t worry angel.” His voice sounded reassuring, even if he wasn’t alright he wouldn’t have told you but something inside you told you to believe him.
That calmed you instantly, knowing he was alright made your mind at peace, and the overthinking in your mind stopped even if it was for a moment.
“I’m going to be there in a couple of hours.” His voice sounded tired, knowing him you know that he hadn’t slept more than two hours or less in those three months
Now you were waiting for him in your apartment, sitting on your couch trying to read a book, but that task seemed impossible right now, your mind was only focused on the clock in the living room, checking it every few minutes.
It felt like the minutes were slowly becoming eternal, your heart was beating like it was going to get out of your chest, and your mind was running through a million thoughts at the same time.
Then you heard the door opening and you ran towards the entrance just like a little kid, when you saw him you just hugged him while tears began to spill from you’re eyes.
“I missed you so much.” You whispered against his neck, your voice breaking with every word you spoke. His hands were rubbing your back in a calming notion.
When you pulled back enough to see his face, you noticed that his face had tears spilling from his beautiful eyes, you removed them with your thumbs while you held his face in your hands.
“You don’t have any idea of how much I thought about you, All those nights, you kept me going. I read every letter you sent.” He pulled you towards him for a kiss. When his lips touched yours it was like being in heaven again.
You pulled away a little and put your head on his chest “I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that.” Your voice was weak and filled with sadness thinking about all the things that he had suffered, you looked to another side.
He pulled away a little and took you by the chin to make you see him, he started to speak again. “Even if I go through all of that, knowing that you were here is enough compensation for all the things that I had suffered in my life.”
You kissed again but with time it was more slowly and gently, the kiss was filled with the love that the two of you had for each other. You were sure that the love would never end between you two.
He was the one who you want to spend the rest of your life with him.
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
“come on haley, let’s go show them how it’s done.” 😭
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wereoz · 5 months
having reid replying to blake apologising for very bluntly implying spencer is autistic with ‘i didn’t even notice” AND THEN having her say ‘see! this is what i love about you, you don’t waste time like everyone else getting offended. if everyone just said what they meant and got on with it the world would be such a better place’ and them nodding and agreeing over it is INSANE levels of autistic coding without having to make any commitments literally what the fuck…….. !!!!!!! REMEMBER WHEN TV USED TO BE LIKE THIS
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fallingfavourites · 1 month
teasing my (first) criminal minds fisher king based fic instead continuing to editing it <3
full fic is out !!
Everyone on the team had gotten 2 weeks off. Elle and Derek decided to not waste a second of it and flew away to Jamaica. Hotchner went to spend time with his family. Gideon would most likely be birdwatching in his cabin if you had to guess, he doesn’t like sharing much about his personal life. Neither does Reid who is heading back home to Las Vegas. You had just ended up on your couch with a cozy blanket and a movie you had been meaning to watch. A sudden loud ringing made you jump up. Rubbing your eyes so they can refocus.
You had fallen asleep. You would’ve laughed at yourself if it wasn’t for the constant loud ringing. Finally, finding your phone between the blanket you picked up without looking at the caller ID.  “Y/n? Y/n?” It took a second for you to register JJ’s voice as she repeated your name.
“Yeah, Yeah, I’m here is everything okay?” you asked, running a hand through your hair. “You need to get to the office. Now.” She sounded serious.
“What happened?” You asked as you vaguely heard someone talk to JJ. It kind of sounded like Gideon. If he came to the office, it must be serious. “Tell me when I get there, I’m on my way.” You said, not even waiting for her to respond to your question and hung up.
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beware-of-you-98 · 3 months
i know, i know, jj is so fucking strong and she perseveres despite everything she’s gone through, i know, but fucking hell my heart is breaking over and over for her
the far away look in her eyes
the constant fidgeting to keep herself present
the way she only has the bare minimum amount of skin showing, even to where she’s covering her hands
my heart hurts for her so much and she’s forcing herself to deal with all of this alone
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ughdoir · 2 months
꣑ৎ cm punk
˚⋅teasing phil leads to some well deserved punishment.
˚⋅ contains black female reader, bimbo reader! quick whip, lowercase intended, insertion, dirty talk, piercings, degradation, filth, cum shot, cum eating, rough, orgasm denial, spitting, choking, spanking, slapping,minors don’t interact
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bimbo reader! who stumbles into the house wedges clicking against the marble floor with a grin. eagerly calling for your boyfriend as you sit the assorted shopping bags down.
“phil!” you whined again smiling as the tattooed man stands before you. a white towel snug around his waist , hair dripping from the shower with a curious gleam in his eyes.
“look what I got.” you’re flipping up your denim skirt a glimpse of metal catches his attention. a surface piercing just above your clit. while your pretty tongue adorns a similar ring. phil believes he’s going crazy.
bimbo reader! whose face is buried between sanrio plushies. phil’s tattooed hands decorated in rings on either side of your round ass spanking harshly.
“stupid little whore letting some guy pierce you.” he rips your blue lace panties stuffing them in your mouth as his tip rubs against your creamy folds.
“who knows what you did for those piercings probably fucked him.” phil spits slamming his entire length inside of you. you know bad girls don’t get time to adjust.
you’re milking him ,thick thighs and ass slamming on his dick. the drool from your mouth staining the couch and ruining your panties still between your teeth.
he’s pulling at your extensions, strawberry lip gloss faded as he kisses you deeply shedding the panties from your mouth. a harsh bite to your bottom lip making you wince.
“you’re making me crazy women.” he grabs your neck arching your back further as you clench around him. the sounds of clapping and your slippery pussy has you in a haze.
bimbo reader! whose flipped around phil’s hands grasping at your love handles to bounce you on his dick.
“if you knew any better you wouldn’t dare cum.”
“I’m sorry.” you whimper words babbling but it’s no use. only increasing the rate you bounce your ass on his cock, the motion similar to water enticing him.
“shut the fuck up.” he’s stern fingers wrapping around to flick at your piercing. the cold metal and soreness jolting your senses. “you’re lucky I don’t rip it out.” your juices are coating his balls both thighs sticky in arousal as he ridicules you. dirty little girl.
you’re greedy. several approaching orgasms washed away as you try your best to be obedient. phil chuckling as he pulls both of your sensitive nipples twisting them wickedly. your pain being his enjoyment.
“unfair.” you whine out earning a slap to your cheek the tears brimming your hazel eyes. “what’s unfair is you being a stupid slut.” he’s pulling your head back again spitting in your mouth to which you swallow.
bimbo reader! whose on her knees mouth agape and tongue poked out eager for phil’s cum. “gonna coat that tongue ring.” he’s biting his lip staring down at your pretty face.
plump lips, ass propped up, and loose curls framing your brown skin sends him over the edge. he groans the profanities spilling as he strokes one last time lazily cumming in your mouth.
droplets of semen covering your ring while most splashes your cheek and eyebrows swallowing in earnest. he pulls you to your feet face covered in cum while he tugs at your swollen clit.
“now let this be a lesson the next time you fuck with me.”
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ladygenius · 1 year
A figurative Coffee to break the Ice?
Sooo guys this is new - I have Buy me a coffee now!!❤️☕️
Obviously, no pressure whatsoever :) I just thought it'd be a fun & honest way for anyone who might be looking for a way to support beyond liking and reblogging. I love each and every one of you anyway.. I mean, we've cracked 100 Followers?! 🥲
Only Love - R
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist : Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid x Reader
* = Smut (Minors DNI) II Beware of the TW please
Basically anything from @imagining-in-the-margins but here my very favourites:
Different dialects (Fem!Autistic!Reader. Spencer is trying to tell Reader he likes her, but it feels like they speak entirely different languages.)
Impromptu (Fem!Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.)
Fairytales (Dad!Spencer comes home to his very tired wife and even more tired child who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story from their dad.)
Growing Pains (Spencer finds unfamiliar lingerie in the laundry. When he confronts his wife, he learns it belongs to their teenage daughter.)
From @fortheloveofwonderland (check her whole masterlist, you won't be disappointed):
A Memory Locked in the Heart (Fem!Reader, eighteen years ago you met a boy named Spencer Reid whilst visiting your mother at Bennington Sanitorium. This time you are meeting under entirely different circumstances; across the table of an interrogation room.)
Mothers Daughter (fem! single mom! Reader, your mother was a keeper of secrets. She kept them so well, for so long she even managed to keep them hidden from herself. And now you find yourself face to face with the love of your life after ten years, you find yourself starting to wonder if you are your mothers daughter after all. Reunion Challenge)
We continue with the lovely @foxy-eva (all her masterlist is worth the checking, just go go~):
Reflections (Fem! Reader, the kindness Spencer Reid shows to a child seems to impress Fem!Reader a little too much)
Lipstick Stains * (Fem!Reader, the shade of your new lipstick is too much for Spencer to handle)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Any Other Weigh @reidsaurora (Fem!Reader, a small collection of stories about the times Spencer told Y/N about how big their baby was getting every week)
The Lanky Guy in Room 603 @samuel-de-champagne-problems (Fem!Reader, Meeting in the delivery room with midwife Y/N)
A Trip to Remember @dr-spencer-reids-queen (Mermaid!Reader, For three thousand years, you’ve known only what the lake has to offer you. No human contact for three thousand years, yet, always being surrounded by them. Everything changes when you meet Spencer Reid)
Dear Theodosia @violetrainbow412-blog (Fem!Reader, Dad!Spencer stays one afternoon to care for your three-month-old twins and reflects on how much he loves them)
Darling & Dandelion @eideticmemory (Fem!Reader, Spencer is a lot of things to you. Your baby daddy, your lover, your best friend, and a massive pain in your ass)
Friends to lovers with Spencer @gtgbabie0 (Fem!Reader, Spencer needs comfort)
BFF @babymetaldoll (Fem!Reader, Spencer meets his best friend from school after 12 years apart)
Wife @specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Reader, Spencer Reid with a wife who is autistic and when she comes to visit the team doesn’t know what to do until Reid comes and finds her sitting at his desk)
10 Days @boldlyvoid (Fem!Reader, it's Spencer's first father's day and he's extremely emotional about the little love of his life that he's only just met. he spends the day with his baby, Edwin, and his wife, crying and happy about how wonderful new little lives are)
Here for you @weird-is-life (Fem!Reader, 4 times you take care of Spencer and one time he takes care of you)
[Not named] @tinyluvs (Fem!Reader, Being Spencer’s girlfriend and meeting the team for the first time)
[Not named] @ddejavvu (GN!Reader, Spencer Reid and s/o who bites their nails)
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Basically check all the masterlist of @specialagentlokitty but here are my favourites Aaron ones:
Please help me (Teen!Reader, Reader has abusive parents and Hotch and reader are neighbors and reader asks Hotch for help knowing he’s an FBI agent) TW: Abusive Parents
Safe (Child!Reader, Aaron rescues her from a kidnapping but then refuses to leave her side at the hospital)
As slow as you need (Fem!Reader, Hotch x reader where reader flinches) TW: Mentions of abusive ex
Miscellaneous Authors:
Can't Lose You @reidsaurora (Fem!Reader, When Hotch gets attacked during a case and ends up in the hospital, Y/N realizes she can't lose him without telling him about her feelings)
Derek Morgan x Reader
The first time @specialagentlokitty (Fem!Reader, Dancing at JJ's wedding)
Obsession @dr-spencer-reids-queen (Fem!Reader, You’re a target for someone who is obsessed with you, and so you offer yourself as bait to catch the guy)
Like a date? @dr-spencer-reids-queen (Fem!Reader, Your older sister brings you to her work, and you get a lot more than you bargained for)
Spring Carnival @storiesofsvu (Fem!Reader, Sweet time at the carnival)
Placing bets @cafeacademia (Fem!Reader, Since you started at the BAU, you and Derek have picked up a fun way to get to know more about each other. By making bets, the person who wins gets to ask any question they like to the loser and the loser much answer truthfully. But maybe there's a bit more that just a bit of fun to the bets...)
It's Always Been You @reidsaurora (Fem!Reader, When Agent Y/N Y/L/N gets injured on the job, Derek Morgan is the one to take care of her afterward. However, neither of them expected that him simply cleaning her wounds would turn into a love confession)
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The BAU on a commercial flight:
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EMILY: Stopped and searched at the security checkpoint because she forgot she was wearing an ankle holstered gun. Is the person who kicks your seat and hogs the armrest because gay people do not know how to sit on a chair properly.
JJ: Is the one having her armrest hogged by Emily. Opens a packet of peanuts and gives someone an allergic reaction. Should have stuck with Cheetos…
TARA: “It’s okay, I’m a doctor! Not a doctor of medicine, but I’m sure I can figure it out!”
PENELOPE: Watches movies on her tablet and eats M&M’s like the little iPad kid she is, eventually falling asleep on Morgan’s shoulder during ‘Legally Blonde’.
MORGAN: Shamelessly flirting with the flight attendants and trying to hide the fact that he is watching ‘Legally Blonde’ over Penelope’s shoulder—and loving it.
HOTCH: Reading FBI case files in his sunglasses, not noticing the kid who has been staring at him the whole time thinking ‘damn, James Bond be on this flight.’
SPENCER: Talking to that same kid and his mother, explaining aerodynamics and discussing plane crash statistics. The kid’s mother requests a seat change.
ELLE: Lets Spencer explain aerodynamics to her instead. She swaps her red jello for his orange jello from the airplane meal because red is his favourite.
Check out my Masterlist for more BAU scenarios
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nikoniclove · 12 days
Hi!! Love your Ace in the hole fics! I saw you said you take requests here. Id love to see more angst surrounding JJ and Emily. Maybe them almost getting hurt and Ace distancing herself because she’s scared of the heartbreak she would feel if she loses one of them, so she tries to back off to lighten the blow. Up to you if you like the concept, it was just a thought. Thanks for all you do!
It’s hard to explain.
Emily gets shot. It’s a graze on her left upper arm. She’s fine. Actually fine. She’s already making jokes about it when the team is on the plane heading back to Quantico.
That’s not the confusing part. You know how she got shot. You were all clearing the house, divided into two groups. The unsub fired off a shot when he was startled, the bullet zipped past Emily just nicking her. You fired back - kill shot. That’s also not the confusing part. You’ve been in war zones as an operative and a sniper. Shooting someone who attacks your unit or your team … that’s not going to cause you a single bit of heartache.
No, the confusing part is the feelings. Again, you’ve been in war zones and lost fellow soldiers, and you never felt this … panic. It doesn’t make sense. You’re very good, very adept, at just not feeling, not letting things affect you. You keep your head down. You don’t get involved with personal things. You do the job, and you go home. Sure, you’re not a sociopath, so you develop bonds with your unit and your team. You don’t like to see them get injured. You worry about them. But the feeling that gripped you when Emily got shot was nothing like that. It was raw, deep, and thick. That feeling lingered.
Even now it’s hanging around when you know she’s okay. You saw the injury while she was perched on the back of the ambulance, cracking jokes and being sassy while getting stitched up. JJ nudges you with her foot, a silent check in. You force a reassuring smile and intentionally mute your anxious fidgeting habits. “Coming over tonight?”
Right. You’ve never slept with anyone before and then seen them get shot, so maybe it’s that, but again it *feels* different. You glance toward Emily, her sleeve’s texture bumpy where the gauze is wrapped around her upper arm. “I… umm… I… uhh… I have plans.”
“Oh yeah,” JJ asks, feigning belief. You nod, biting your lip. If your feelings are reacting like this, after sleeping with them a handful of times, getting close with them as teammates, you should reel it back in and quickly. You don’t want to stomach the raw, intense feelings if they get hurt or when they finally decide this coworker-with-benefits arrangement has run its course. You need to retract back into your fortitude and do what you can to lessen the blow before it happens. You got too attached. Keep your head down; keep to yourself. Do your job. “You okay, baby?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you agree, far too quickly to be truthful.
JJ hums noncommittally. She doesn’t believe you for a second. To be fair, your responses weren’t exactly confident. Oh well. Too attached. Need to pull back before you get your heart crushed. “Emily’s okay, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” At least you can say that part honestly.
When you go your separate ways at the airfield, you sit in the parking lot for a long moment, trying to justify your bullshit. You’re waffling. Both options suck. If you keep seeing them outside of work, you’ll get closer and closer until they decide it’s over. Those aggravating, confusing feelings will get deeper; they’ll bleed over into field work like they did today, and when they do finally call it, you’ll be crushed, and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. If you pull back now, like you know you should, you miss them, and they’ve become an equally confusing important part of your day-to-day, and that’s bound to make you feel … things. Briefly you wonder if you could convince your therapist to increase your dosage to get to some nice medium where you feel nothing and you can exist without worrying about your stupidly fragile heart behind walls and walls of inner defense strategies. They’re too smart for that, and you wouldn’t actually ask because that’s not what your meds are for. Having a conscious is stupid.
The tap on your window scares the shit out of you, and Emily waves, her keys in her hand. You roll it down and look at her expectantly. “Car okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you confirm. You haven’t turned it on yet because you were sitting moping about your stupid feelings but you won’t tell Emily that.
“Don’t you have plans to get to?”
“What?” Your brow furrows in confusion. “Oh, right. Yeah.” Lying bites you quickly in the ass as you forgot you told JJ there was a reason you couldn’t come over. “I should get going. Thanks for checking on me. I’ll… uh… I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
Emily leans into your window, so you couldn’t drive away even if your car was on and you were ready to do that. “So what’s the real reason you’re not coming over,” she challenges. “Because we both know you don’t have plans.”
“I do,” you insist lamely. With her non-injured arm, she reaches to turn your face toward her. “I don’t like feeling things,” you admit, annoyed with the blush heating up your cheeks.
“And you felt something back in the field,” she understands. “I’m okay, love.” You know. You know that. It’s not as simple as that, which is also why it’s so fucking confusing. “Hmm,” she noises at whatever reaction she reads across your face. “Come over. We’ll have dinner. We can ignore whatever feelings you don’t want to talk about. I’m a pro at that.” The offer is stupidly appealing. Aggravatingly, confusingly so. You are too attached, too invested. These women are going to break your heart and make you feel all sorts of things you’re not ready for. But you can’t turn her down. You nod slowly. “Good. JJ’s going to ride with you, so you can’t change your mind.” Emily tips forward just a bit more to kiss your cheek. “We have feelings too,” she whispers. “It’s okay.” You’re not so sure that’s the case, but that’s a problem for Future You. For tonight, you’ll go back to their apartment, spend time with and between them, and you’ll sleep. Figuring out your feelings can be for another day.
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plutoispurplw · 5 months
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I Can Fix Him
Summary: You became friends with Spencer before he went to prison.
Couple: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Little angst, mention of prision and murder, friend to lovers
A/N: I think someone should take TTPD out of my hands...Plss reblog it if you liked it
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You met Spencer in a library, you couldn't reach for a book and��he helped you out and then you invited him for a coffee. 
After that you two became friends surprisingly because your ways of viewing the world were extremely different, you two started to spend more time together talking about anything, series, music, or normally books. 
The conversations that you two had were your favorite thing, listening to him rambling was the best of all.  
Then fastly two months after you met him you fell for him, it made you feel lovesick like some kind of teenager, and it was hard to not kiss him when he got closer to you when watching a movie to tell you about some random fact. 
Then all went down because out of nowhere, he disappeared, you tried to call him and text him but he wouldn’t answer you. 
When you went to his apartment to see him and ask him why he didn't answer you, you only found his teammates that he had told you about. They only told you that he was traveling, you know they were lying. 
You felt hurt and decided to just forget him, you started to try to date more people but in the end, you didn't feel anything, his name was written on your heart. 
After four months you received a message from him telling you to go to his apartment and talk about why he disappeared, you accepted only to finally give it closure.  
When you knocked on the door and he opened it, he stood there for a moment without saying anything, and in the next one, he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a tight hug. 
Then he quickly pulled away and started to speak. "Sorry for doing that, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He stared a you with his hypnotizing eyes that had you in a trance. 
"Don't worry, you don't make me uncomfortable." You assured him, that the last thing he had done was that he had only caused a glitch on your brain for a moment. 
He gave a weak smile while he moved to the side to let you go to the living room, which made your heart go crazy.  
Inside you, you were hitting your head against a wall, you fell again for him, it was truly ever over? 
You sat on the couch while looking at the number of books that he had, every time you saw it there was more even if it felt like it couldn't. 
He walked towards you and sat on the opposite side of the couch, the silence felt uncomfortable, and you decided to start talking. 
"I know this sounds too forward but, where have you been? You just disappeared out of nowhere and your teammates say you were traveling, so why didn't you answer my calls or messages?" 
He stayed quiet and looked at the floor, he didn't say anything or answer your questions and for a moment you thought about leaving but then he started to talk. 
"I was in Mexico, in prison for three months and then a month ago I got free." His eyes became motionless for a moment, you could see how life left his eyes for a glimpse. 
After he said that you stayed quiet and in shock, many questions running through your mind. "What happened?" Your voice was filled with a preoccupation for him. 
"I was accused of killing a woman, someone made me look like the guilty." His voice sounded angry for a moment. 
You notice how his jaw tightened for a moment but then his factions softened when he saw your expression of sadness.
 "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that's what happened." Your voice sounded wobbly, he caressed your hair a for second to comfort you when he saw tears about to spill from your eyes. 
He was the one who should have been comforted but he didn't care and kept trying to calm you. 
Then a thought popped into your head "If you were back one month ago why didn't you call me?" Your voice sounded a little hurt by that action. 
"I thought you were mad at me and didn't want it to make it worse." He sounded guilty as if he had done something horrible to you. 
"Even if I was I wouldn’t let you alone on this, believe me." Now it was your turn to comfort him, you put your hand on his cheek while you said that. 
You felt how his gaze fell on your lips for a glimpse of a moment, he then looked into your eyes and you couldn't keep your emotions inside you for another moment. 
You kissed him on his lips, and to your surprise, he reciprocated. The kiss was gentle and sweet, it was heaven kissing him. 
Then he pulled away and looked regretful, you felt how your heart sank at that sight, maybe you were wrong to think that he liked you back. 
"Sorry for kissing you, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Your gaze fell to the floor, you felt like you wanted to die in that moment.
 "It's not that, it's just that I have changed in these months, I'm not the same man that you had met in the past." His voice was more quiet, he sounded insecure about him. "I don't want to hurt you or damage your form of viewing the world." 
When he said that, the only thing that you could think was that you didn't care if he ruined your vision of the world, you only wanted him and you knew that you could try to fix the parts of him that had been broken. 
Your hands went to his face, holding it gently. "I know that and I don't care, please let me be here for you, let me be your support." 
He kissed you and hugged you, you hid your face in the crook of his neck, it felt nice to have him back.
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