#clyde musings
I find the idea that Stan's gang are called "the popular kids" by Butters yet Craig claims the majority of their classmates dislike them/think they're assholes is really interesting
Sure it could just be a matter of personal opinion from two wildly different characters, but I also don't think these two opinions really contradict each other realistically
There are plenty of real world people who are incredibly popular but widely disliked.
Personally, the way I've always viewed Stan's gang was as popular but more in an infamous way? I feel like Stan is usually credited as being a natural leader, and Cartman is credited usually with being very charismatic, but I would argue that these are qualities thar all four of the gang have to varying degrees and presentations, which I feel makes them maybe tolerable individually to their classmates, all four of them have a handful of likeable traits that you could reason would make them popular, but together as a unit they're a fucking destructive force with the capacity to pull people into crazy shit they didn't necessarily understand the scope of
And it can either be GREAT, like Stick of Truth/Black Friday Event where they essentially organized a massive game for the whole town
Or you know, they could steal Craig's birthday money and get them all sent to Peru
Either of these scenarios is just as likely as the other when getting involved with these four, so I imagine they're easy to love when things are going great, but even easier to hate or at least be wary of when they're even just suggesting doing something even more than mundane
(I sorta headcanon Craig nicknaming their group "The Supermassive Black Hole" due to their ability to suck people in and figuratively rip them to shreds (and also because Craig using space terms ))
Honestly I feel like the closest group that could be "popular" in the sense of them being well liked because they're just... likable? It would probably be Craig's Gang, which I feel is kinda funny, because when I think of them, I sort of imagine them being the opposite of Stan's gang
That is to say, I imagine Stan's gang is more tolerable individually, whereas I feel like Craig and Those guys are more likeable as a group?
I feel like Timmy and Tolkien are probably pretty affable individually, but Craig, Clyde and Jimmy I feel like have the capacity to be real shitheads if left unchecked and I love them for that. (Not really including Tweek here, even thought I technically include him with Catg, but he's kinda like their Butters so )
I wish I had the strength to factor in how the girls fit into this, but the fact that the girls are treated as one monolithic group fucking irks me too much
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sp-by-april · 1 month
You Could Be My Muse [Chapter 3]
There's a smut writing group at South Park High!
Chapter three: In which the guys all make a bet on who's gonna take April's virginity, Kyle or Kenny?
note: been doing reader fics so long that I forgot how much fun it is to write the guys all hanging out and being dicks 😎
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Kenny, Kyle x April
[Chapter one] [Chapter Two] [Read All Three on Ao3] [Kenny Master List] [Kyle Master List]
April finally turned to face him and Mysterion was caught off guard. Her cheeks were flushed as she looked up at him, and her eyes shimmered under the lamplight. His hands hovered over her awkwardly instead of dropping from her waist.
“I mean, I’m 16... I still have time, right?” Her soft lips pushed into a pout, “Although, you probably wouldn’t get it,”
He wondered how the hell he was supposed to respond. He should have never gone off script.
She turned her back to him again, “I mean, you’ve probably done it tons of times,”
“Uh,” He was off-guard again.
How does she keep doing this to me? How am I supposed to answer that?
...And maybe just a few, but sure.
She nervously brushed her hair behind her ear again, “Can I ask you something?”
If she asks me what I think she wants to ask me – What I want her to ask me – I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.
He wanted to leave. Not because she did anything wrong, but because his thoughts were running wild and he needed to bail before he did something stupid, insane, or insanely fucking stupid. The fact Kyle was probably still watching through the security cameras wasn’t lost on him, either.
He wrapped his cloak around himself if only to put an extra barrier between them, “Yeah,”
“There’s a guy I like at school, but I don't think he really knows I exist,”
He inhaled her scent and sighed, "That's hard to believe,"
His phone started vibrating wildly.
Thank fuck.
“That’s my police scanner, could be trouble,”
“Right. Superhero and everything,” She turned back to him with a smile, “Thanks for meeting me,”
He nodded, dropped a smoke bomb, and got the fuck out of dodge.
Once he’d parkoured his way back onto the roof and he was safe from pretty girls he wanted to defile, he whipped out his phone.
It was Kyle. Of course.
He pulled the earbud out of his pocket and slipped it back into his ear, “Look, I already know what you’re about to say,”
 Kyle's voice barked in his ear,  “What the hell, dude?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much what I expected. Look, it doesn’t matter," Kenny sighed, "She said she’s into someone already,”
“Really?” Kyle sounded indignant and Kenny wasn't sure if it was on his behalf, “Who?”
“Fuck if I know. Don’t worry about it. This was a mistake,”
“What? What do you mean?”
Her first time shouldn’t be quickie on a roof with a vigilante she has a crush on. Even if it sounds like fun.
Kenny tried to ignore the entire situation at school the next day.
She likes someone already. He tried to shake whatever crush had been forming, but when she hugged him, she pressed her chest against him. When he held her waist he felt a spark. She smells so sweet. Her skin looks so soft. He wanted to touch it. To touch her. If he touched her he could be the first one to–
“So how’d it go, Kenny?” Stan asked.
He frowned, “What?”
“Dude! How’d it go?” Stan asked again.
“She said there’s a guy she already likes,” Kyle interjected.
“Basically, yeah,” Kenny confirmed.
“Oh,” Stan frowned, “...Really?”
“You’re giving up too easily,” Clyde said, “If you’re that into her just make a move,”
“Clyde’s… right, actually,” Tolkien added, “Just cause she’s kinda into someone now doesn’t mean it’ll be that way forever, next month, next week or even tomorrow,”
“I wouldn’t,” Kyle said.
Clyde pointed at Kyle, “And that’s why you have zero bitches,”
“Fuck off, I’m pretty sure I’m the one she likes,” He said confidently.
Stan wrinkled his nose, “What? Why?”
“Just – I don’t know, some stuff she does,” He shrugged.
Kenny’s jaw clenched.
I knew Kyle was full of shit.
“Shocker, Kyle’s having another delusion of grandeur,” Eric smirked as he sat down, “Let me guess, this one’s out of your league too?”
Kenny smirked, “Absolutely,”
“It’s one of the smut writing girls,” Clyde chimed in.
“Those girls are fucking freaks,” Cartman rolled his eyes.
The next morning, April’s newest story was posted to the Writing Club’s tumblr page.
I gathered up all my courage and put my mouth to his ear, “Fuck me,” Yeah, okay, it was inelegant, but I’m the kind of girl who likes to get straight to the point. He grabbed my chin and scanned my face, “Really?” I nodded as much as I could while he had a hold of me. I took him in my hand and I was enthralled. God, his cock was sticky with precum, blushing, and thick. If I wasn’t so eager to have him inside of me, I would’ve had my mouth on him so fast his head would spin.  As I sank onto him he groaned in such a delicious way, I wished I could bottle it up. How Kyle reacted to my body always made me feel a little feral.
After reading it, Kenny had an intrusive thought about tossing his phone in a nearby garbage can.
It was interrupted by a light tapping on his shoulder.
“Hi, Kenny,” April beamed.
He quickly shoved his phone in his pocket, “Hey, April,”
“I just wanted to say thanks again,” She clutched the textbook in her arms tightly, “Um, do you think that we could talk later?”
“Sure, but if you want another meeting –“
“Oh! It’s not about that – Actually, I was just wondering if maybe you wanna, like… Hang out sometime?” Her cheeks felt like the sun was beating down on them, “No pressure or anything,”
She's… blushing. So she probably did want to see Mysterion again and is trying to save face. Surprised none of the teachers are on her about her skirt being too short. Or how she should button that shirt up more. Then again, that button is straining against her tits, so maybe she just can’t. The way her knee-high socks keep drawing my eyes to her thighs, the ribbon in her hair… If I saw her like this tonight, I definitely wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself.
“Uh," Kenny sighed, "It’s probably not a good idea,” 
Her shoulders dropped along with her gaze, “Oh,”
“I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong message. You know what I mean?”
How am I not supposed to stare when you look like you do and are dressed like you are?
“...Right. Sorry,”
April quickly turned on her heels and didn’t look back.
Kenny figured it was for the best. Now shit could finally start going back to normal.
April quickly found Stan after her next period and pulled him aside.
Kyle tilted his head as he watched them from down the hall.
Stan put a comforting hand on her shoulder and she nodded. She peeled Stan’s hand away just before she turned to leave.
Kyle cautiously approached Stan with a hefty dose of suspicion, “Did April just... Are you guys a thing?”
“...What?” Stan quickly shook his head, “I’m not getting roped into whatever unhinged fantasy you have going on,”
Kyle’s face twisted up like he tasted something sour, “Why would she be touching you in my fantasy?”
“Just fucking ask her out,” Stan was getting frustrated already, “Use that Dom energy or whatever, since you’ve cleared Kenny off the board,”
Kyle blinked, “You think Kenny’s off the board?”
“That seems to be the consensus, yeah,” Stan shrugged as he tried to spy down the hall himself.
He thought he saw Luna… talking to Cartman of all people.
Eric had actually been trying to pin Luna down since the day before. Now he’d finally found her.
“This is so embarrassing,” He slid into his most dulcet tone, “I know you said your queue was full or whatever, but… I wanted to buy something from you,”
Luna blinked as she opened her notes app, “Sure, what kind of story?”
He lowered his voice, “Smut,”
“Okay, and about about who? You and someone else probably right?” She asked, ready to take notes.
“Sort of –”
“Okay, so who’s the girl?”
“Uh – Actually,”
She leaned in and her voice fell a few tones quieter to match his, “It doesn’t have to be a girl,”
“It’s a girl,” Cartman insisted before jumping back into his sugary voice, “It’s – See this is the embarrassing part – It’s Kenny and April,”
“Kinky! Any particular vibe you want?”
“Just make it as hot and as absolutely horny as you can,”
Luna nodded with a smile, “I will do my very best work,”
When lunchtime came, Kyle was a little worried if he didn’t just hurry up and pull the trigger, he never would.
The guys all watched in hushed tones as he leaned on the table the Writing Club was parked at.
“The girls can’t take their eyes off of him,” Stan said, leaning his chin into his palm.
“Except April,” Eric pointed out.
Kenny perked up, “Wait. Really?”
“He’s laying it on thick too,” Clyde added.
Tolkien nudged him, “If he leans over her any more he’ll be on top of her,”
Unbeknownst to them, Kyle was doing his best trying not to lose his nerve. All the girls were staring at him and he felt kind of like an animal at the zoo.
 “You should…" He cleared his throat and tried to summon his inner Dom, "Go out with me,”
“Her?” Honey asked pointing at April.
He glanced between both girls,  “Yeah,”
“You’re not trying to hook up with her 'cause you heard we were all easy or something… Right?” Maxine asked.
The girls all looked at him expectantly.
“What!? Of course not,” Kyle blinked and turned back to April, “I wanna see you. Outside of school. I heard you weren’t dating anyone right?”
“She’s not,” Luna answered.
“This Friday?” Maxine asked.
Kyle thought regular girls were a pain in the ass when they ran interference for each other, but these girls really were on another level, “Sure,”
“You guys know that if we start going out, you’re not allowed to write about him anymore?” April laughed.
Luna pouted, “Really?”
“It’s okay,” April looked up at Kyle with a slight smile, “When I’m finished with him, you girls can have him back,”
Kyle suddenly felt like his cheeks were too close to a flame. He tried not to think too hard about the pretty girls sharing him. He had a mission and he was painfully close to completing it.
Kyle got his date scheduled, so Kenny was surprised when he woke up the next morning and saw the Writing Club’s tumblr was updated with a story about himself and April.
April slid her panties to the side and his head lolled back as she rubbed the soft, wet skin between her legs over the head of Kenny's swollen cock. His hands gripped her hips, he knew she was just teasing him again. “Please,” His hips started moving, rubbing himself further along her slit, desperate and aching to get inside. She sank onto him and as his cock squeezed inside of her, he groaned so loud they both knew it was audible outside of the car. He gripped her waist tight and his hips moved, writhing underneath her, eager to feel the smallest bit of friction. April started to rock her hips slowly and finally kissed him. His hands grabbed her face as his tongue eagerly rolled over hers like it was his only lifeline.  She broke their kiss and quickly picked up the speed and intensity. She watched Kenny's mouth drop open and his eyes rolled back as he moaned. She’d never seen a boy enjoy her so much before. He was soaked in a lot of pleasure and a little torture. She was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. God, it looked like Kenny was drooling at the sight of her.
Kyle was surprised too. And pissed.
“Did you really commission a story about fucking my --" He caught himself, "About fucking April?"
Eric snorted while Stan and Kenny almost choked on their lunches, “Your what?”
Kenny frowned, “You haven't even had a date yet,”
“This story?" Kyle deftly ignored him, "This is total creep behavior,”
“It wasn’t me, maybe you should ask 'your' April– Or maybe even the girl who actually wrote it?”
“Guys – That seems unnecessary,” Stan insisted.
Eric agreed, “Causing drama for the whole club seems like a good way for both of you to lose,”
Kenny’s brow furrowed, “It’s crazy how you went from lying to my face about liking her, to turning into some white knight on her behalf,”
“I was trying to be a good friend. It’s not my fault she agreed to go out with me, maybe if you had tried a little harder,”
“That’s the thing – I wasn’t trying before. I walked away, remember? But now you’re gonna piss me off and make me actually try for real,”
Kyle rolled his eyes, “I’m terrified,”
Clyde smirked, “Maybe you two are the ones who need to make ou–“
Kenny and Kyle both turned to Clyde, “Shut the fuck up!”
“Point taken,” Clyde said, shrinking into his seat.
“Kyle, she's super into Mysterion, I think Kenny has this in the bag,“ Cartman chimed in.
“I don't know,” Clyde said, “She writes about Kyle an awful lot,”
Eric slapped his wallet on the table, “I'll bet ten on Kenny,”
Clyde smirked, “Deal,”
“I'll put twenty on Kyle,” Tolkien said, crossing his arms.
Kenny's shoulders dropped, “What the hell, Tolkien?” 
“I mean, she did already say she liked someone else,”
“Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's Kyle,” Stan smirked.
Kyle's jaw clenched, “What do you know? I swear-- Stan, if I was right–” 
“Kyle, chill,” Stan rolled his eyes, “I just might know who the guy she likes is,”
“What? How?”
“April's not the one from the club I've been seeing, okay? I kind of have a thing going with Luna…”
Clyde's jaw dropped open like a puppet who's actor was mid-cardiac arrest, “What!?”
“Stan, shut the fuck up right now!” Eric bellowed, “The bets have been placed,”
“What are we betting on fellas?” Butters asked and he sat down.
“Kenny and Kyle are going after one of the girls from the Writing Club,”
“Which one? They're all hot, but I want dibs on Honey. Have you seen her?”
“We've seen all of them, Butters,” Eric rolled his eyes, “Besides Max is obviously the hottest,”
“April is the hottest, you guys are blind,” Kenny said.
“You just think that because she has the biggest boobs,” Eric snickered, “Is that your thing too, Kyle?”
“What!? No! She has the prettiest eyes and her smile is–”
“Boo!” Eric started it but soon Butters and then Clyde joined in throwing French fries, “Boo, Kyle!!”
“Fuck you guys,” Kyle slammed a ten on the table, “I'm gonna take her and the fucking pot,”
“A Jew is threatening to take our money and convert the girl you like Kenny. You gonna let him get away with that?”
Kyle clenched his jaw, “April is Jewish, you fucking ignorant piece of shit,” 
Butters chimed back in, “She is? Shit, I'll put ten on Kyle,”
Eric's nose wrinkled, “Black and Jewish? Kenny, maybe you’re better off–”
Kenny gritted his teeth and slammed his wallet on the table, “I’m gonna win her over, take the pot and her virginity,”
Every jaw around the table dropped. 
“Her what?!”
“Men,” Eric drummed his knuckles on the table, “The stakes have been raised. Kyle, are you gonna match his bet or are you too scared to deflower this girl?”
Kenny instantly regretted raising the stakes and throwing April's sexual history under the bus. His testosterone may have got the better of him there. That and the fact no one thought he had a chance but Cartman.
Kyle frowned and pulled in a deep breath, “It's a bet,”
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
Thanks to @gaycrouton for her work compiling the IMDB rankings~!
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themosthatedbeingg · 1 month
//ooc- cause my original links got broken…
//— world building-
these are the Clydes , Lucifer’s personal staff .. they work deep in the palace and very close to Lucifer … they don’t speak often but when they do it it’s sing songy and multiple voices and vaguely creepy .
They don’t have faces anymore underneath those veils but empty void that makes the very air glitch and turn .. however they can still emote somehow .. you can just feel a stare of judgement . The Clydes are special , they at one point used to be humans Lucifer’s humans, his covens and cultists who reached high enough status that when they died they were given the gift of becoming the collective of becoming Clyde .
You may see a Clyde manning a private elevator/portal between rings for the Morningstars or see them doing errands for the King such as attempting to grocery shop , buying every single loaf of bread possible , gathering souls or simply tearing apart your fabric of reality for a nice picnic .
They are extremely loyal to Lucifer and his power and have no memories of their past lives as humans . — for now.
/ bonus they try very hard to help their king through his depressive episodes by singing him happy birthday or playing the French national anthem during dinner. We don’t know why they chose that but they did .
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chocolatewoosh · 1 year
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He'll be fine, I'm sure!
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sullengirl-888 · 2 months
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movie musings 6 . 9 . 24
entry no.84 : bonnie and clyde (1967)
rating : ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
thoughts : oh to be two bank robbers in love :(
review : https://boxd.it/6QlUtV
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divider credits : @/v6que
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trinketdealer · 3 months
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mysterionrisez · 11 months
for someone thats terrified of the medical world i have a lot of medical headcanons. i just listed which characters pay the most visits to the gastroenterologist and at what frequency they do
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silascody · 4 months
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-- plastered around various poles, noticeboards and storefronts around aurora bay. // @jordanmitchell
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
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𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐍 & 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆. Venor. Vincere aut mori. ft. @velvetineblue
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 10 months
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Art by 359yuyu on twitter
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So, been kinda putting off making a post about my Gender and sexuality headcanons for Craig and Those Guys (plus Bebe and Thomas) mostly cause they're just not as in depth as the ones I have for Stan and friends, aside from Craig, but I'm bored if putting it off so have my rambles.
Craig- He's gay, and he's got that good old catholic guilt about it. Don't get me wrong, he's openly gay, but Craig strikes me as very insecure about being perceived as "normal", like the type of gay guy who would assure others he isn't flamboyant, or "stereotypical" in his queerness, basically prioritizing straight cis people's comfort rather than allowing himself to explore his identity. I feel like he would overpreform certain traits to be perceived as more masculine, like being pretty closed off emotionally, I feel like he takes his partners emotions seriously, but when it comes to himself he would rather pretend his emotions don't exist. I feel like of he took the time to deconstruct these feelings he would probably turn out to be some flavor of nonbinary.
Tweek- Gay Cis Man if I ever did see one, probably demisexual too
Thomas- Gay Demisexual Cis Man, wow is there an echo in here or does Craig just have a type?
Clyde- Bisexual Cis Man, probably leans toward being attracted to women to the point that he doesn't even realize he's bisexual until an outside force brings it to his attention, then he thinks he must just be gay for a solid month because I don't think Clyde would believe bisexuals exist, he has a crisis over this cause my boy just loves boobs so much, then he gets over it and talks like he's the expert on bisexuality all of a sudden.
Tolkien- Bisexual, thinks he's mostly attracted to women, but upon self reflection he actually leans more toward men
Timmy- Gay and cis, but very gnc. Takes friends to metal concerts only to abandon them to flirt with men with tattoos.
Jimmy- This man is Pansexual, I don't think I've ever seen a man more Pansexual.
Bebe- Bebe is bisexual in the sense that if she has a boyfriend she must also have a girlfriend, but if she has a girlfriend she doesn't necessarily need a boyfriend. And also said girlfriend is Henrietta, no I don't care that they've never met in Canon.
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faetedforglory · 2 years
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“n isn’t real, he can’t hurt me.”
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dcnimdreams · 2 years
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : @lomawrites​ !
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“are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?”
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themosthatedbeingg · 5 months
// Lucifer falling asleep in his palace garden being surrounded by Geese and no one not even the staff can get near him cause the geese keep attacking anyone who gets close .
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lady-snow-flower · 7 months
Let's go haul Fill it up to make it burst Look around Time is short, make ‘em all yours, oh Shop all day, ay-ay-ay Greed is free, ay-ay-ay, oh Go Make your own Like I was born to own This shop will never close, forever
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