#⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ goin’ to the movies
sullengirl-888 · 1 month
they hate it when you serve brunette detective with a tragic past and a deep intuition
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231 notes · View notes
xxanaduwrites · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ a residue series installment ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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m’no good
✎ elementary-teacher!reader (miss.honey) x biker!benny 🏍️
summary: in which honey gets the call from johnny that benny’s in the hospital :( cal takes her to him. :’)
warnings: talks of being beaten, descriptions of injury, cursing, lying, crying, being judgy again. it’s an emotional one to say the least, but there’s some sweet moments & a happy ending :)
author’s note: this is NOT in order with the last two parts posted. instead, it’s a future installment in “bein’ married.” you can find the timeline in da main hive masterlist. this is heavily based on the events of the bikeriders movie of benny getting beat up & hospitalized. of course this is my own made-up spin on the situation at hand. idk this idea struck me at 3am & i wrote it in less than a day, so i figured i’d just release it now. you can find a mention of this scenario in session 1 of from the hive 🎙️🐝 this can be read alone if you like, but the interview context could help for sure! x
+ also if you were wondering, i personally picture honey as brittany murphy’s character in uptown girl’s molly gunn! i’ve been obsessing over her style in it & that’s what inspired honey’s style in my writing — especially with the embroidered overalls. you can picture her however you please, & i hope you continue to do as yourself ofc <3
word count: 4.7k (2x longer than the other parts, yay!)
💌 requests are open, send ‘em honey 💋
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You were in the midst of Sunday dinner with your parents when you got the news. News that would leave you scrambling out of the house in an instant with no thoughts behind your honeydew drop eyes besides him — besides Benny.
Your Pa was comfortable at the head of the table, a cigarette between his lips as he scanned the paper under reading glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. Your Ma had just taken her seat at the table, a forkful stabbing into her salad. So when the phone rang your Pa didn’t even flinch. A result of him being too engrossed in his paper. On the other hand, your Ma sighed in a way that made you know she was evidently too tired to be on her feet again. This led you to announce that you’d get the phone. And you did, pulling it off the reciever and twisting your little finger around the warm yellow chord.
“Hi, you’ve reached The BeeHive. Honey speaking!” You chirped into the phone in your usual honey coated tone. Between your family business that consisted of beekeeping and honey jarring, answering the phone in such a way became rather customary and oddly normal. So much so that no one seemed to bat an eye besides your cousins who laughed every time they called. Absolute menaces indeed.
“Honey?” It was Johnny’s drawl on the line, rough and edgy with a twinge of something you couldn’t catch.
“Oh hi Joh— Mr. Davis!” You cleared your throat and corrected yourself. Trying to remain formal. Trying to remain respectable. Sure, you and Johnny were far from past that. Calling him Johnny instead of Mr. Davis was an entirely different respect that only you, Benny, the wives, and the rest of the guys would ever understand. So your parents? Well, they wouldn’t get that, and besides his kids were still your students after all. “How’s it goin’? Y’need to speak to my Pa? He’s right ‘ere.” You asked, your father’s demeanor easily shifting at the mention, his paper going flat against the table. It wasn’t unusual for Johnny to call your house. No — Johnny was a consistent buyer of your family’s honey. He incorporated it into the Club, handing the guys out honey beers during picnics and meetings. He learned of it from those community events you frequented with your parents, always having some sort of incorporation when catering was involved.
“Nah — nah.” He brushed that idea away rather quickly and your brows furrowed in confusion. “Gotta speak to yuh. Look I — I needa tell y’something, but if your Pa’s overhearin’ I need yuh to pretend we’re talking about the girls, alright?”
“I —“ you began but stopped short trying to compartmentalize what he was saying without reacting. “Oh, right I remember we were gonna talk about the girls' grades, yeah?” You rambled out, your words feeling far too thick coming out of your mouth, it almost didn’t sound like you. You feared your parents would catch on instantly, but instead their interest deflated as soon as nothing you said resembled anything to do with their business. It only took a second for your father to go back to his paper and beer and your mother to her salad.
“That’a good, Honey. Very good.” Johnny praised as you motioned with your hand that you were gonna step out of a sec, which really meant you were gonna pull the chord as far as you could into the other room. The distance — well it wasn’t much. The open archway from your parent’s kitchen to the living room wasn’t sound proof, so they could still technically hear every word you said, but your volume would be at lower frequency for sure, and your reactions practically undefinable.
“They’re doing real good, Mr. Davis. Bright girls you got there.” You muttered out so Johnny would know you were still there. You could feel your heart going a mile a minute as you paced the short distance available you could in restraint of the phone.
“I know. I know. They love ya, Honey, and they’re just fine. No need to worry ‘ere.” He reassured you, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips. The last thing you needed to hear was something bad about those babies. It would absolutely break your heart. But what you weren’t expecting to hear was something that would shatter it into a million little pieces. “It’s uh — it’s Benny.” Johnny said, and every fiber of your being went on fire, burning to ash. “He’s — he’s banged up, Honey. Got ‘im in the hospital and everything. ‘parently some jackasses got ‘im real good at some pub not too far from us. Beat him the fuck up, and broke his foot. Could’a lost the damn thing over his colors.”
A gasp left your lips in an instant, and you almost choked as you swallowed down a whimper to conceal the sudden volcano of tears bound to erupt. Now you understood why Johnny wanted — no needed this conversation to be under wraps. Your parents were already nervous about your ridin’ and to hear about some guys jumping your husband for bein’ part of the Club 'would have your parents in a frenzy. “I’m — I’m so sorry t—to hear that, J — Mr. Davis.” You continued the facade, a facade that pained you even more now as you tied back your emotions so forcfully wanting to rip from the seams. “Is your l-little girl okay?”
“He’s fine. They’re takin’ good care of him last I heard from Cockroach. He’s up and talkin’. Took ‘im to the hospital on the West End.” Johnny explained and little by little, piece by piece the fragments of your heart were starting to come back together, but you knew for certain, they wouldn’t be mended until you saw him. Until you got to touch him. Inspect him. Coddle him. Got to know who the fuck messed with him. “Go ‘n see ‘im. He needs his wife, alright?”
“I will.” You assured him, stepping back to peek through the archway at your parents who were still eating. Thankfully nothing seemed amiss. “I’ll be over soon with the homework she’s gonna miss for the week. Does she need anything else from me? Need a friend to bring her books home tomorrow?” You added in code. Code for ‘Who the fuck did this to him, and how could you help make sure those fuckers never got as close as a mile away from Benny again?’
“Nah. Don’t you be worryin’ now, Honey. The guys and I are on it. We’ll take care of ‘em. You take care of ‘im.” He settled on the plan. “Capisce?”
A wave of relief washed over you then. A relief that could only come from Johnny’s word alone. Cause you knew he’d take care of it. He always did. “Capisce.” You sniffled, not caring anymore if your parents caught on.
“Cal’s already on the way to pick ya up at your Ma’s.” He informed you. “Told ‘em to park around the corner so there’s no suspicion. You can tell ‘em you're stoppin’ by the house.” You never thought a time like this would leave you feeling extra grateful that Johnny and his family only lived a block away from your parents. But here you were, feeling just that.
You wanted to thank him then. The words were resting against your tongue heavily, so you made do with what you could. “Thank you, Mr. Davis. I’ll tell ‘em you said ‘ello. Please send my parents regards to your wife and the girls. I’ll be there soon.”
“Anything for ya n’ Benny. Y’know that. Yuh take care of y’self now, o—kay?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, itching to run out of your house and into Benny’s arms already. If you could. God, you sure hoped he wasn’t too banged up for a cuddle or two. Makin’ him feel a whole lot better was your main concern. “Bye Mr. Davis. See ya soon,” you spoke into the line before stepping heavily across the threshold and accidently putting the phone back on the hook with a little more aggression than you anticipated.
“Sorry,” you tensed and broke out in an innocent smile, “I gotta go to Mr. Davis’s. His girl is sick real bad with the Flu. Doctors says she’ll be out of school for a week and of course there’s all this important testin’ going on. Gotta keep ‘er on track, y’know? Such a good cookie. Get in a fit if she misses one lick of school.” You rambled on, adding more and more to lie you rather not tell, but knew it was for their own good. For your own good. For Benny’s. Your marriage. Your future. What you’d hope would become a bundle of joy or two with his pretty blue eyes and freckled face to match.
“‘Course she does. She’s a Davis after all.” Your father added, a fond smile stretching across his face.
“Oh that’s too bad,” your mother frowned, and then stood unexpectedly, her chair scraping against the kitchen flooring. “Here, I’ll pack ya some honey buns to take to ‘er.” Before you could protest your Ma was already piling some of her homemade buns into a metal cookie container and passing them to you.
“Real sweet, Mama.” You could feel your eyes startin’ to tear up again, that familiar wave of remembrance coming back to remind you what you were really leaving for. A wave of impatience that made your anxieties spike higher and higher at the prospect of more minutes ticking away without you being next to Benny. “M’sure it’ll make ‘er feel so much better in no time.” You kissed your Ma on the cheek in appreciaton and turned to head out.
“Wait,” your Ma said right when you were about to exit the front door with your backpack in tow. Thankfully she didn’t see you mouth a curse into the air with your back towards her. “Y’didn’t even get to touch your dinner. Will ya be back to finish it or should I wrap it up?”
“Nah. That’s ‘ight.” You declined. “I still got leftovers in the fridge for me and Benny from Rosie’s. Heat it up when I get home, but thanks Mama. Save it for yuh and Pa.”
“‘ight. Get’ome safe, Honey.” She called out. Safe. Safe. Benny didn’t get home safe, but he was safe now. Safe in the hospital that is, but was he really safe?
Your fingers gripped the doorhand, knuckles burning white as you took a breath to calm yourself. “I will, Mama. Love ya. Bye!” And then you were out the door, trying to keep your composure as long as you could, until you were out of eyeshot of your Ma and Pa’s. Your ballet flat feet banged against the pavement as you went on running down the rest, a sharp turn at the corner showing Cal by his bike, waiting and ready for you. A fresh cigarette between his lips, just ‘bout to be lit, long forgotten once his eyes landed on you.
It only took one look at him. One frown on those deep set features of his for you to be barrelling at him, strong arms encircling you in a hug.
“Oh Cal!” You cried into his tattered shirt, the dame of tears breaking out of you uncontrollably. Too uncontrollably. But you didn’t care. Couldn’t care. It was Cal after all. The brother you never had. The brother you should have had. The family you now had because of Benny. Because of Johnny. And it wasn’t that you didn’t love your parents — you loved and appreciated them of course, but you never felt fully accepted by them. So being in Cal’s arms was far more comforting than being in the arms of your parents because you could be yourself with Cal, without judgment.
“M’so sorry, Honey. So sorry.” He mumbled into your sun kissed up-do, smelling of fresh vanilla and honey scented soap.
You were crying so hard. Too hard. You’d become a total mess of hiccups and hard breathes. Of course, Cal accessed you accordingly, pulling you from his chest to take a good look at ya. And boy did your rosey cheeks and red rimmed glossy coated eyes destroy him. They really did. He hated seein’ you like this. All the guys did. They loved you far too much.
Cal’s warm calloused fingers circled the apples of your cheeks, brushing away the tear tracks that resided. “It’s gonna be ‘ight. ‘erything gonna be okay.” He cooed, trying to calm you down. “Gotta stay strong for ‘im so he can get betta. Can’t take ya like this. It’ll break ‘im, Honey.”
“I — I know. I know.” You squeezed your eyes shut, wet lashes bowing down. You took a breath. Then another. And another until you felt somewhat better. More calm that is.
“Ready t’go?” Cal asked carefully when he noticed your breaths evening out.
“Mhm,” you hummed, nodding your head.
Cal helped you onto his bike and you clung onto him as you rode. The weight of his jacket felt oddly comforting in your hold. Even though the circumstances of such colors were alarming in such a time, it didn’t leave you on edge by any means. Before you knew it, you were pulling up in the West End. Cal parked his bike, leading you to the front desk and of course the receptionist looked at the two of you kind-of funny.
“Family only.” She said to Cal, immediately putting two-and-two together who he was here for before turning to you, a big smile gracing her features. “How can I help ya, Miss?”
Your emotions were all over the place. Anger bubbling up inside you in an instant, ready to burst at the assumption of such a thing. Sure, it was a common mistake. To be misplaced next to one of the guys in your floral knitted cardigan and patterned jeans to match. But now — now, of all times. It was your last straw.
“That’s ‘is wife. Uh — Honey Cross.” Cal motioned to you, explaining who you were before your rage could ensue.
“Hm — I don’t see a Honey here,” the receptionist said, amusement crossing her features. Clearly pleased by shooting Cal’s advances in an instant. “I’m going to need to see some ID.” She pushed, and you were already ripping off your backpack before she could even finish the sentence.
Cal’s hands materialized around the straps without a second thought, helping you out of the thing but also holding it up for you while you fished for your bedazzled wallet. It was in the deep depths of the thing, mushed around with all your work sheets and lesson plans for the week. You were always equipped and extra prepared, making your supposed trip to the Davis’s for his little girl not amiss one bit. Your cutesy keychain clipped to the end flung about as you finally uncovered it, whipping out your ID with ease. This wasn’t your first rodeo in such a situation, learning from the last time Benny was tossed in a jail cell to get your ID updated with your new last name as soon as humanly possible.
The receptionist looked between you, Benny’s paperwork, and your ID for longer than necessary. “Hmmm, okay. Second floor room twelve, Mrs. Cross.” She finally gave in. “But you’ll have to stay here, Mister.” She told Cal.
He raised his hands up in the air like he was bound to be incarcerated, and the sight almost got a laugh out of you. Almost. “Fine. I’ll be out front when y’ready, Honey.” He informed you, and you nodded.
He helped you put your things back together, and when he caught wind of your name etched into your ID, his eyes widened. “Huh? So that’s y’real name then.”
“Mhm,” you hummed, wedging the thing back into your wallet, snapping it close. And if you thought the receptionist was suspicious earlier, she was far more suspicious now.
His features scrunched up in an innocent way, that long earring of his shaking as he shook his head. “S’cute, but I can’t see ya as anything else but Honey. Be weird if I called y’anything else.”
“I get it,” the edge of your clip curled up in a faint smile then. Your first smile in what felt like ages. You couldn’t help it with Cal. It was hard not to smile around him. “Feels weird calling you Calvin, Caleb, or Calum or whatever. Which is it anyways?” You asked, brows furrowed in confusion at the thought as you zipped your bag closed.
“Don’t matter now.” He patted your shoulders once your backpack was shelled around you. “Time to go see y’man, anyways.”
Turning on your heel, you nodded when you faced him, thanking him profusely and giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek as you gave him a tight hug. Once you let him go, you were off. Darting across the halls and climbing up the stairs, you weaved around the patients in their hospital beds being pushed by nurses and doctors in their lab coats until you made it to room twelve. For a moment, you stopped in your tracks, attempting a warm honey smile to grace your hubby with. To distract him from the evident pain he was having and the deep rooted distraught you felt inside.
But once you turned the corner, oh — you were a goner. There was Benny with a blue blooming zygoma, a swollen and bandaged eye, and his right foot propped up in a form fitted cast. Your heart shattered all over again without your control. Your hubby looked like a beat up puppy dog, and you couldn’t help but frown at the sight.
His blues — well his good one that is — caught your eye immediately. It was hard not to when you came waltzing in like that, all dolled up in a swarming buzz of color and sweet honey perfume. It wafted across the room and the smell touched his nose, warming him up for the first time since he’s been placed in this cold sterile room.
“Honey?” He blinked. Once. Twice. Wondering if your sweet face was an apparition. He told Cockroach not to tell you. Didn’t want you to see ‘im like this. Not until he was out and the brusin’ subsided at least, but he guessed Roach forgot to relay the message to Johnny and the rest of the guys when he told ‘em.
“Oh — my poor baby!” You cooed, racing across the room as soon as his gravelly voice hit your ears. You dotted on him in an instant. Fitting your form on the small empty space at the edge of the bed near his hip, you didn’t even bother pulling over the chair adjacent to his bed. And Benny didn’t mind no.
Even though he wasn’t too happy to see you here, he was happy to feel you here.
Your hand brushed through his hair and caressed the good side of his face, sweet and delicate. Benny couldn’t help but lean his cheek into your comforting touch. For the very first time you watched as a hot warm tear trickled down his cheek and landed on your hand.
“Please don’t let’em take my foot,” he begged, his large warm hands circling around both of yours and dropping them in his lap. “If — If they take my foot then I can’t ride again, and — and then how will I-I take y’to school?”
His sweep of emotions took you by surprise. You’d never seen him cry. Not when he was beaten and bruised in a bar fight. Not when a shard of glass wedged itself into his skin after punching through a car window. Not when you were applying alcohol to his cuts or when he was gettin’ stitches. No Benny never cried. And here he was now. Crying in front of you. In front of his wife. God, of course that just wrecked you.
Sure, maybe someone else would have made a stink. Would have told him that there were bigger things to worry about then his riding. But you wouldn’t do that — no. Besides you, ridin’ was Benny’s biggest passion. And both showed in the way he was most concerned about you. Concerned about taking care of you. How’d he do that if they took his foot and couldn’t take you to work every day. You couldn’t drive. Didn’t know how. It’s not that you didn’t want to, you just never had the time to go get your driver’s license. Not between working at the local diner while you were studying and getting your degree. And now that you had it and Benny well — you had all that you really needed.
“I won’t let ‘em, baby. I promise. I promise.” You assured, pulling his strong hands up with yours and kissing each and every rough rimmed knuckle of his. “As for takin’ me to school. Don’t you worry about that. Took the bus before I met y’anyways. Doesn’t make a difference. I’ll do it until you’re better again, alright?”
But it did make a difference. It did to him. He adored those mornings and afternoons when he had you on the back of his bike, taking you to and from school. He especially loved it when you were still living with your Ma and Pa. It was the little things like that that not only got him through his day, but also made him feel like he was doing something good. Doing something good by you. Makin’ himself seem responsible enough to your parents for being on time and prompt, to marry you. And it worked after a while. He had you now as his wife. In the apartment you shared. In his home. In his bed. While that was all good and great, he couldn’t help but wonder if something like this would set them off.
He grimaced, the thoughts gnawing at him and makin’ him ask you, “do y’parents know?”
“No, no. They don’t. Think I’m at Johnny’s dropping off homework for his sick little girl. Think you’re at work. ‘Member I told ‘em you were working today so you didn’t have to come?” You reminded him.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to throw a little white lie around here and there to your parents about Benny. Sure, he was on good terms with them now thanks to Johnny. Thanks to the fact that their little girl had him as her husband, and they didn’t have too much of a choice. But, that didn’t mean things were perfect. Benny wasn’t much of a fan at the way they treated you from time to time. Especially when they made comments about your decisions. About the way you dressed. He thought you were perfect as is, and it boiled his blood whenever he heard them goin’ on and on about it, especially at Sunday dinners. So sometimes he just didn’t come. Sometimes you didn’t go either. But of course you did today cause you felt bad you hadn’t been in awhile and felt like you needed to see ‘em. They were your parents after all. Now you were regretting not going with him instead. Maybe none of this would have happened if you had never gone to your parents in the first place.
“Hm, right,” he sighed, squeezing your hand in appreciation. “How was it anyways? Did they give ya a hard time?”
“No. Not today,” you replied. “Didn’t have time to. Didn’t even get t’sit down. I should’ve been with y’anyways.”
“No y’shouldn’t of.” He shook his head in disagreement, and then revealed, “m’no good for ya, baby.”
“What?!” You gasped, absolutely baffled by what he was sayin’. “What you goin’ on about?” He hadn’t just really said that? Had he? He did! “S’not true. Not true at all.” Your cute little bee earrings shook as you moved your head back and forth in earnest. “You’re too good t’me —“ He bowed his head down in a silent no. “Far too good,” you repeated, trying to search his eye so he could see you. Really see that you meant every word you were sayin’. “Y’loyal to Johnny and the guys. To me.” You reminded him, but his gaze was still downwards, trained on your conjoined hands in his lap. You brushed your thumb back and forth against his skin. “Lemme ask you somethin’..” you began, “What did y’do when those guys came up to ya, huh?”
“Told ‘em they’d have to kill me to get my jacket off,” he revealed, his response making your lips curl up soundly. That was your Benny right there, your loyal Benny.
“And why’s that?” You asked, pushing on. Trying to get him to the root of his decision.
“Cause…” he shrugged, taking a moment to think about it. “It represents my family….represents you. Hell, I got your patches on it!” His voice was slowly rising in defense, in bits of anger. “Got your name sewed over my heart bigger than a goddamn weddin’ ring will ever be and those fuckers laughed about it!”
A full, bright toothed smile had your dimples peaked like two pretty mountains, and when Benny’s eyes finally found your sweet honey speckled ones — well his anger dissipated. “Ah, c’mere.”
“I don’t wanna crush y—“ you began, worrying about hurting him, but he cut you off immediately.
“C’mere,” he cooed, scooting over just a tad so you could lay next to ‘em. Of course you couldn’t say no to him. Could never ever. Not when he wanted y’so bad. “Need my girl.”
“Alright, alright,” you hummed, rolling your eyes playfully as you curled yourself next to ‘em. A comfortable silence landed over the two of you, one that you were thankful for after everything. After all the fuss of the day. You just wished you could be just like this with him at home in your own bed. His strong arm wrapped around your back, hand cupping your shoulder and you tilted your head onto his own. His lips found your forehead quickly, feeling more pillowy than usual from the impact on his face and your eyes fluttered at the contact. “Oh that reminds me. Did ya eat?”
“Huh?” He hummed confused.
“Did they feed y’here yet?” You tried again.
“Nah,” he replied.
“Fuckin’ hell. Got y’propped up, but can’t feed ya…” you shook your head in disappointment, and your concern for him over something so miniscule within the swarm of everything warmed his heart tenfold.
You moved to get up, but he stopped you short with his hand that was once on your shoulder now materializing on your waist. “Where y’going?” He pouted.
“Nowhere, baby.” You assured him, fingers curling under the good side of his chin so you could leave a soft kiss on his lips which he relaxed in as soon as it came. “Just grabbin’ my bag from the floor. Got some grub — well…” you trailed off, a laugh escaping you as you unzipped your bag and took out the tin your mother gave you. “I know it ain’t dinner, but I say dessert won’t hurt. Doctor’s orders, y’know?” You opened the tin to reveal the fresh honey buns your Mama made then, and God did Benny wanna just eat you up instead. “Y’want?”
He nodded, so you didn’t hesitate in passing one over to him. Both of you enjoyed the sweet treat. So much so, that when a crumb or two fell on your chest, Benny dived right in to access it — and well who were you to protest when his soft lips met your warm skin? When his lips continued their assault around your fingers, cleaning off the sugary residue that remained. And you were happy. So happy and giddy because you were with your Benny. You knew no matter what happened. No matter what came next, the two of you would be alright. Cause that was what marriage was all about, signing up for the good, the bad, and the ugly, being there for each other in sickness and in health.
And in that short hour or so that remained in visiting hours, before the nurse flagged you down to kick you out, you laughed and giggled more than you had in days, and even when you scolded him, warning that a nurse may catch him licking down your chest or sucking your fingers, a smile graced your sweet features the entire time and Benny ate up every single second soundly.
“I fuckin’ love ya, y’know that Mrs. Cross?” He said to you at some point, in the midst of everything.
“I fuckin’ love ya too, Mr. Cross. Always and forever.”
And always and forever it was.
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additional author’s note: AH I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF. PWETTY PLZ DON’T BE MAD AT ME FOR JUMPING OUT OF ORDER. (with a cherry on top 🍒)
my requests are open for any miss honey x benny cross works + any convos about these two in general. don’t be shy honey, i’m all for yapping in the asks.
+ don’t forget to comment if you’d like be added to “da bee hive” (my version of da tag list)
smoochies. all da love xanadu 💋
da bee hive 🐝
359 notes · View notes
bratzforchris · 14 days
bed chem-m. sturniolo
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SUMMARY: in which matt is looking a little too hot in his new tiktok
WARNINGS: masturbation (f)
A NOTE FROM LILAH: i love sabrina carpenter so much that's actually my wife if you were wondering
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Manifest that you're oversized I digress, got me scrollin' like Out of breath, got me goin' like
You laid in your bed, scrolling through Matt's TikTok account yet again. Did you have better things you could be doing on a Saturday night? Probably. But that didn't motivate you to get up and move. Instead, you continued to watch each and every video, biting your lip shyly when you noticed a video in which Matt's bulge was clearly visible in his baggy jeans. The more you scrolled, the heavier your breaths became, the knot in your lower stomach slowly tightening as your eyes trailed from Matt's happy trail to the waistband of his jeans and beyond.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Who's the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent? Ooh (Ah) Maybe it's all in my head
Just as you were about to close the app out for the night, a notification appeared at the top of your screen. @mattsturniolo just posted a new video it read. You smiled to yourself, immedaitely clicking on the notification and navigating to the video. The TikTok showed Matt in a white jacket and baggy jeans, lip syncing along to a song you didn't know, by an artist with a British accent. All it took was one play of the video, and your breaths were increasing in speed again. He looked good. He always looked good, but today was different. Maybe it was the song, or the jacket, or the tousled hair, but whatever it was, it had you slowly trailing your pink, manicured fingers underneath the waistband of your pajama shorts and the elastic of your underwear. No one was home right now, so you were free to let your imagination wander...wherever it would take you.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ But I bеt we'd have really good bеd chem How you pick me up, pull 'em down, turn me 'round Oh, it just makes sense How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things That's bed (Bed) chem (Chem) How you're lookin' at me, yeah, I know what that means And I'm obsessed
Your fingers slowly began to trace circles on your already swollen clit, the thought of you and Matt tangled in silky sheets together playing in your mind like a movie. You could imagine the way he would pick you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he carried you to bed. He'd practically tear your lacy thong off, throwing it somewhere on your bedroom floor. Maybe he'd even turn you so that you were facing a mirror; the more you thought, the faster your fingers pulsated against your clit, your folds already slick from the mere thought of Matt. You could practically hear him whispering the dirtiest, most depraced things in your ear as he took you from behind, forcing you to watch yourself get absolutely railed in the mirror. You thought about the way you'd be able to see him smirking, those oh-so-blue eyes that you had fallen in love with when you'd first started watching the triplets would be alight with the mischief of making you accommodate his cock. In short, you were absolutely obsessed with the idea of Matt fucking you, and the way you began to pump your fingers in and out of your dripping pussy was physical proof of that.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Come right on me, I mean camaraderie Said you're not in my time zone, but you wanna be Where art thou? Why not uponeth me? See it in my mind, let's fulfill the prophecy
Your mind flipped scenarios as you began to grind your hips against your bed, fingers working overtime on your clit and pussy. Matt was on top of you now, thrusting into you roughly. He'd have his head buried in your neck as he pulled out quickly, thick, white spurts of cum covering your stomach as he whimpered in your ear. You knew it was stupid, but you didn't care. Rationally, you would always be just a fan to Matt. Hell, you didn't even live anywhere close to even having a remote chance of meeting him. Part of you even wondered if he would want you in the way that you wanted him. You were pulled back into reality by the ache in your lower tummy that was begging you to stop edging yourself. You once again thought about Matt on top of you, his tattooed arm holding you down as he pumped into you, desperately chasing both your and his orgasm. You could see it in your mind so clearly, making you wish Matt was here to fulfill your wildest fantasies.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Ooh (Ah) Who's the cute guy with the wide, blue eyes and the big bad mm? Like
Your legs violently shook as you fingered yourself, your clit throbbing wih each thought of Matt you had. Maybe he'd even finger you himself, the cool metal of his rings being a drastic contrast to his warm hands as they pumped in and out of you, encouraging you to take the punishment with faux "tough guy" façade. Those bright blue eyes would crinkle as he watched you squirm underneath him. That was the thought that sent you over the edge. You finally released, covering your fingers in your cum. You knew that all Matt would ever be to you was a fantasy, but for now, you enjoyed the feeling of thinking about the chemistry in bed between the two of you.
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tags ♡: @blahbel668 @mattsturnswhore @sofieeeeex @jetaimevous @pkfferoo @idekman1231 @svphscc @littlestar44 @https-roman @flow3rsturns13 @supercoolgirl69 @hearts4chriss @urprobablyscuffed @pepsiluvr0209 @vsigishishis @addiestarx @sturn1ololuvr @sturnclouds @memea32221 @hoes4matthew @whoreformatthewsturniolo @facingreailitysgravity @sturnsmia @sturnobsessedwh0re @sturniolos-f4n
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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marvelfanfics1 · 3 months
Littlesister!reader who keeps begging jj to get her a bunny!! But his brother always says no to her until one day him and john b offers to reader a stuffed plushie bunny and she treats it like a real bunny :(( omg
Another Version Of A Pet
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Pairing: brother!jj maybank x toddler!sister!reader
Warnings: just fluff
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"Pweaseeee!" You were pulling on JJ's shirt, giving him your best puppy eyes.
You have been asking and begging him to get you a pet bunny for days now, promising to always behave and take care of it yourself but JJ of course knows better than that from experience.
"You remember bubbles the fish?" He asks and you tilt your head confused.
"You mean the one you said swam away?" You furrow your brows and JJ mentally curses at him himself for bringing it up.
"Yeah...right. Nevermind. Kiddo, listen, you're too young to take such responsibility. A bunny is a lot of work." He tries to reason with you, hell he just manages to take care of you and doesn't have the heart to tell you another lie should another animal...die from neglect.
"M'gonna take care of it! I promise!" You whine.
He sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. "I'm sorry. But it's not up for discussion."
You frown sadly, detangling your hands from his shirt. "Otay...m'gonna go play outside." You mumble, your head hanging low as you walk outside, not acknowledging John b who just came back after running some errands.
"Hey, Maybank junior. You wanna- oh okay." He cuts himself off as you just walk past him and towards the hammock.
He turns to JJ with a raise of his eyebrow. "What's up with her?"
They both look in your direction, seeing you swaying in the hammock, watching you throw your small teddy in the air and catching it again. They look back at each other, smirking when the get the same idea.
"The same thing that's been goin' on for days. She wants a pet bunny and won't stop asking." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You remember her fish?"
John B hisses, remembering the day they had to flush him down the toilet.
A few days later, after JJ mowed a lot of lawns or fixed cars he finally had enough money for a bunny plushie. He couldn't stand to see you so upset so he hopes that at least the plushie will make you a bit happier.
He got out of the store, plastic bag in hand as he jumps into the Twinkie with John B behind the wheel. "And?"
JJ pulls out the white stuffed bunny with a smile. "I just hope she likes it..." He mumbles and John B pats his shoulder.
"I have a good feeling, bro."
You are sitting in the living room of the Chateau watching a movie with Kie and Pope. They were asked by JJ to look out for you until he comes back from the 'doctor' as he told you.
As the screen door opens you just gave the boys a quick glance before focusing back on the tv. JJ moves to stand directly in front of it, holding the bag behind his back.
"I have a surprise for you, squirt." He grins and now you were paying attention to him, sitting up.
"Me?" You point at yourself. "What is it?"
He just tosses the bag onto your lap, watching in anticipation as you look into it. His smile widens when you gasp, quickly pulling out the bunny and holding it out to admire it.
"Is a bunny!" You squeal and all the pogues smile at your excitement. You jump off the couch and run over to hug JJ's legs tightly, the bunny clutched in your hand. "Fank you..."
Throughout the next week JJ notices how you treat your stuffed animal like an actual bunny, taking it with you everywhere, feeding it, letting it 'hop' around outside, and instead of a crate it would sleep on a pillow beside the bed you're both sharing at the Chateau.
"Not for that, kiddo." He rubs your back, glad that you're beyond happy and grateful for the gift he worked his ass off for. He would do anything for you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
For JJ:
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weebtarurights · 3 years
Juza Hyodo SR (Combat Ready Mad Fox)
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Read full translation under the cut!
Story Title: "Role Study Reference"
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: Today's meeting starts in the evening. I can still take my time in the morning--- ???: The fuck's wrong with you? ???: Ya' pickin' a fight? Izumi:(What's with that noise....) Banri: You started it! Juza: Aah? That's my line. Startin' a fight over every little shit. Are you a kid? Banri: Who're you callin' kid! Let's take this outside. Izumi: !? Taichi: W-what should we do.....! This is supposed to be Sakyo-nii's job! Kazunari: We have to summon Frooch-san ASAP~! Omi: Leaves me no choice...Should I step in and stop you two? Banri: ...... Juza: ...... Taichi: Ooh, they stopped moving! Kazunari: As I thought! Don't you think those two are no match against Omimi? Banri: ....Geez, that guy's out of the question. Juza: ...... Izumi: W-what on earth just happened? Taichi: We were just eating breakfast peacefully at first---
Kazunari: Today's sandwich is so delish! Taichi: It's super packed and yummy--! Omi: Glad to hear that. Juza, do you want more fresh cream on your scones?
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Juza: ....Yes. Omi: I'll add plenty of jam too. Juza: Thanks. Banri: Mornin'. .... What, it's Hyodo again. Pigging out on heartburn-inducing food early in the morning. Omi: Morning. Banri, would you like a sandwich? Banri: Sure, thanks.
Taichi: Speaking of, Juza-san, you're gonna participate in a survival game event, aren't you? Omi: You will? Juza: Yeah. I was invited by Tasuku-san. Seems like we're gonna play a role during the game. They're goin' to distribute a profile sheet for it. Kazunari: What's that? Sounds super rad! Omi: That way, you can also hone your acting skills. Banri: Can you even play a survival game properly? Juza: Ah? I can at least play it better than you. Banri: Look who's talkin'. During the paintball game--- Juza: It ended in a tie. Banri: Are ya sayin' I'm no good at it? Let's settle it this time. Juza: Shut up. I'm eatin' scones right now. Stop blowin' up at me.
Taichi: ... And that's it. Well, it's their usual thing, isn't it? Izumi: I see.. (Those two are the same as ever...) Juza: That guy's really blowin' up at me anytime, anywhere he wants. Kazunari: 24 hours a day~. Such a hard worker! Taichi: To think that this is much less than before. Izumi: Ahaha....
Juza:  ..... Tsuzuru: Ah, there you are, Juza.
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Juza: What's up? Tsuzuru: Here's the profile sheet from Takato-san. Seems like there is also a description for your role. Juza: Thanks. Tsuzuru: ....It's about time for my part-time job. Please, check it out. Juza: Thanks. ...... ---This....
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Juza: ...... Izumi: -kun, Juza-kun? Juza: --!   ...Director. Izumi: Ah, thank goodness. I noticed you were zoning out when I passed by. I was worried. Juza: My bad. Izumi: Did something happen? Juza: I was just checkin' the profile sheet for the survival game. Izumi: Oh, I got mine too.
Choice 1: "The setting is so intricate, isn't it" Izumi: They even decided on the name. The setting is so intricate, isn't it? Juza: Yeah. Izumi: We have to call each other by our role names during the game but I feel like I'll end up calling you "Juza-kun" carelessly. Juza: Me too. I might accidentally call you director. Izumi: We won't be able to remember our role names while in a state of panic. Juza: There's that too. I have to get into the role.
Choice 2: "My role is a female sniper" Izumi: My role is a female sniper. Juza: Director, how do you do your role study? Izumi: Hmm.... I'm watching movies. But, I've also played this kind of role a long time ago so it might be easier to get the gist of it now. Juza: .... I see.
Izumi: Is anything troubling you? If you don't mind, you can talk to me about it. Juza: ....Thanks. ..... I can't get a grip of the role written for me. Regardless of how much acting is involved in the game, I can't compromise. Izumi: ( Juza-kun is really serious about acting... That's one of his good points.) Then, how about using someone close to the image of your role as a reference? Juza: ..... Izumi: So you can't think of anyone, can you? Juza: ....Actually, it's Settsu. Izumi: Eh? Juza: The character description for the role's just like Settsu. Izumi: T, that's..... (A perfect person came along...) Juza: I don't want to do it.... but as I said earlier, I don't want to compromise on my acting. I'll watch Settsu according to your advice. Thanks. Izumi: ( I wonder if I said something unnecessary...)
Juza: ..... Muku: Oh, is it one of those puzzle rings? Banri: Yeah--got it from the university. Muku: Isn't it difficult to solve? Banri: There's nothing to it, see? Muku: Wow, I didn't know you could untangle them so easily.....You're amazing, Banri-san! Juza: .......
Juza: ....... Banri: ...... Taichi: Ban-chan, pass me the hair cream--! Banri: Sure, this one, right? Taichi: Ah...Yup! That one! Juza: ....... Taichi: I....I’m having this strange feeling that someone’s watching us....! Banri: .....
Juza: *staaare*
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Banri: .......
Itaru: Don't you think Juza is boring holes through Banri? Taichi: Aren't they drinking water exactly at the same time? Banri: ...... Juza: *munch* *munch* Itaru: Now he's imitating the way Banri eats. Taichi: Cool--! It's almost as if they're looking at each other in the mirror! Banri: ...... Izumi: ( Is it going to be okay?.... Somehow the atmosphere...) Banri: Fuck it! The hell do ya want from me!? If ya got somethin' to say, quit glarin’ at me! Say it to my fa--! Izumi: Wait up, Banri-kun! Banri: Director-chan? Izumi: There is a reason for this--
Banri: What the hell. So that was it? Izumi: I'm sorry. Banri: All good. It's not your fault. Hyodo should've just told me right to my face. Omi: You're saying that but I doubt you’re going to cooperate willingly..... Itaru: By the way, what was written on the profile sheet? Izumi: Speaking of, I haven't heard of it. Juza: This. Izumi: "Trigger-happy fight maniac • CODENAME: Fox" I- I see.... Taichi: In other words, it's Ban-chan! Itaru: Fox.... LOL. Banri: You bastard, fight maniac, you say!? Juza: You're pickin' fights anytime, anywhere you like. Aren't you a fight maniac? Banri: Who're you talkin' about! Come, let's bring this outside! Omi: It always comes down to this... Izumi: Ahaha.....
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(If anyone’s wondering where they referenced the paint-ball battle between Banri and Juza, it is from the drama track, “ MANKAI Channel ~Autumn Troupe Version~ “ ^^ )
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sullengirl-888 · 2 months
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☕️ — kat ✧₊⁺ she/her minor infj-t donnie darko fangirl music enthusiast cinephile reader & book addict audrey hepburn’s long lost daughter french new wave & old hollywood enjoyer matty healy defender calico critter mother queen of coney island occasional baker incredibly stupidly sensitive brat pack wannabe henry winter's wife laura palmer empathizer february aquarius hopeless romantic morbidly longing for the picturesque at all costs vinyl / physical media collector born 2 late 4 gregory peck & jfk jr :( thought daughter carpe diem . live forever .
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divider credits : @/v6que, @/aqualogia
tags below 4 exposure 🤍
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sullengirl-888 · 2 months
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movie musings 6 . 9 . 24
entry no.84 : bonnie and clyde (1967)
rating : ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
thoughts : oh to be two bank robbers in love :(
review : https://boxd.it/6QlUtV
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divider credits : @/v6que
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sullengirl-888 · 2 months
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movie musings 7 . 17 . 24
entry no.87 : lady bird (2017)
rating : ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
thoughts : i totally have an issue with rating films five stars but can you blame me?? lady bird is scarily relatable.
review : https://boxd.it/6TZd6B
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divider credits : @/v6que
0 notes
sullengirl-888 · 2 months
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movie musings 7 . 14 . 24
entry no.86 : pretty in pink (1986)
rating : ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
thoughts : soso dear to my heart 🥹🫶
review : https://boxd.it/6SFmuN
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divider credits : @/v6que
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