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lilmissrodeoclown · 5 months ago
All these clownfuckers and you still can't find a date-
Send my muse anon hate! (Accepting)
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"I ain't even really lookin' to date, but alright."
It was true, she wasn't going out of her way. She's a busy girl, her priorities lie elsewhere.
Clownfuckers...? Is that a thing...?
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twistedappletree · 1 year ago
ok so my following tab is broken again and only showing my own posts + ppl i don’t even follow??? and the posts from other ppl have like thousands of notes so i’m guessing it’s just showing me them bc they’re popular but WHY are they in the tab of ppl I’m FOLLOWING when I’m NOT FOLLOWING THEM AKDJAKJDJA
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bungeepuppet · 2 years ago
illumi out here risking his name his position his family his career his morals his self-respect his future his LIFE just to fuck around with that clown
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they honkin on my horn till my flower squirt
honk on my horn like bozo, banana creampie, you got my flower squirtin
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ssaalexblake · 1 month ago
I need a way to improve my information diet 🫠
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starrynightarchive · 1 month ago
luffy is weird and strange and insane yesyes but what about the strawhats. they match his freak to a level that's dangerous to the public. nothing could ever prepare you for the insanity that is the strawhat crew. one could give you all the member's job descriptions and you would still be grossly underprepared for the clownfuckery that they are. actually, knowing their positions might fuck you up even more.
there's the ship's cook who dresses solely in three piece suits and smokes enough to give everyone in the grand line lung cancer through second hand smoking. he's gotta be an easy target right? WRONG now you are dead with a shoe sized hole in your chest because that guy's one of the strawhats' top three fighters. they have an archaeologist/terrorist for some reason??? what the hell, sure. surely she must be easy to kill. LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER your neck has been twisted your vertebrae broken not a single bone in your body is intact this might be the worst way to die actually. there's a sniper in the ship and hey look he's seems kinda weak actually, even if he had good aim one could take him down if they wore good armour surely- WRONG YOU ARE NOW FOOD FOR MAN EATING PLANTS. okay. fuck. they have a pet that likes cotton candy. maybe you can kidnap that. it's the ship's doctor?? it's supposed to be a reindeer??? whatever man it's not that weird right MAJOR WHOOPSIE HE IS ACTUALLY AN ELDRITCH HORROR YOU ARE DEAD AGAIN. they have a musician in the crew and it's a skeleton? wait. IS THAT UNDEAD MICHAEL JACKSON OH MY GOD- game over. he cut you with some underworld music powers or whatever the fuck. man fuck this crew. this shit is so ass.
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tyrantisterror · 3 months ago
Wherefore Art Thou Clownfucker?
A while back I made a post explaining why vampires appeal to me, and while it was mostly in a more general sense, there was a specific focus on why I find them, you know, hot. And it was that was in part because I had recently discovered that I'm apparently surrounded by Werewolf fuckers on here, much to my dismay as a Vampire fucker. It's like being the only goth kid at a rockabilly concert or something. I felt defensive, is the point! I needed to go to bat (heh) for my pale ladies (and Astarion.... and Spike)!
And now, because Muncher compels me to do so, I'm doing the same for Clowns. My other pale ladies.
Now, keep in mind the fact that I'm a monsterfucker first and foremost, and that my clownfuckery is really more derived from my monsterfuckery. I imagine the middle section of the Clownfucker/Monsterfucker diagram is pretty big, but I also know there are some clownfuckers who are very much NOT monsterfuckers, and vice versa. This is not the case for vampirefuckers, who are nestled firmly within the monsterfucker circle, because while all vampires are monsters, not all clowns are monsters. I bring this up because while I'm gonna try to explain clownfuckery on its own terms, there is likely going to be some monsterfucker bias in my explanations and defense. That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth!
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I'm gonna get real pretentious here and talk about the historic role of clowns for a moment. From Comedia del Arte harlequins to medieval court Jesters, the clown's role has always been that of Comic Relief. They are, simply put, here to be tonally dissonant - when everyone else is serious and dramatic, a clown comes in as this weird, silly, incongruously hilarious element that contrasts the gravity of everything around them. "Relief" is really the key word here - a clown's job is to provide levity when otherwise there would be none. When everything is dark, they provide a little light.
That's the core emotional appeal of clownfucking - a clown is/should be someone who can make you smile when you need it the most. Kingdom's at war, family's fighting, your life's in shambles? The clown will make you laugh. Everything feels dark and gloomy and depressing? Here comes a silly little goofball wearing bright, clashing colors and jingling with each step because they're covered in bells, and all they want to do is tell jokes until you start laughing. Clowns are, by intent, that sweet sweet hit of dopamine personified.
Clowns are here to make you smile.
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Another important historical detail about clowns is their unique place in the hierarchy of society - namely, being entirely outside of it. A jester was in some respects the lowest person on the totem pole, a fool that had power over no one and nothing, living to be laughed at. Yet, because they had no power over anyone, it was generally poor taste to take offense to anything a jester said, which meant they could talk more freely than anyone else - when everyone else acts like a butt-kissing sycophant, a jester is free to talk shit and speak their mind.
The traditional attire and appearance of clowns plays into both of these traits: the bright, gaudy clothing and makeup is silly, yes, but it's also a sign that the clown does not give a single shit about fashion and other social norms. A clown is, by nature, an anomaly, a misfit, a rebel.
Nowadays we have another word for people with that attitude. Clowns are punk.
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Weird makeup, crayola red hair, patchwork clothes...
I would say the very fact that "normal" people look at clownfucking as some sort of inexplicable fetish is, in fact, part of the appeal. It's a form of xenophilia, of attraction to things that are different and othered, a love for outsiders and misfits and oddballs. To fuck a clown is to show love and adoration for something outside of the realm of what is socially acceptable - something silly, goofy, and weird, yet also often harmless. After all, a clown's main purpose is to make you smile.
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That's not to say that clowns have to be harmless to be attractive, mind you. Tons of people, many much smarter than I, have talked about the cultural shift of our perception of clowns that began somewhere in the 1980's. Clowns went from being viewed as genuinely fun and cute to primarily being figures of fear and terror - if a clown shows up in modern media, even if it's innocuous, there will always be at least one character who vocally talks about how creepy they think clowns are.
That may in part be due to the fact that clowns have such a benign mission statement - a lot of people, especially nowadays, do not trust a person who claims they just want to make others happy. Anyone who acts like that MUST be up to something - there must be something nefarious going on, some evil plan, some lurking danger.
Which is where you REALLY bring the monsterfuckers in.
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You really don't need to do that much with a clown's design to push it firmly into monster territory - "a pale person with sharp teeth" is the bare minimum it takes to make a vampire, after all (and even the pale part can be downplayed).
And a clown's dedication to making things "funny" can make for a very enjoyably-scary persona for a monster - hell, half the appeal of the Addams Family is that they're a bunch of freakish inhuman monsters who react to a bunch of scary shit with absolute delight and adoration. Again, the tonal dissonance element is at play here, albeit in a different way - even when Clowns are the darkness in your world, they still bring light in the sense that they view it that darkness as funny in of itself.
(hell, the word "harlequin" means "five horns," and may be rooted in folkloric monsters like Herne the Hunter depending on who you ask, so in a way clowns have always been monster-coded)
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I think all of this is pretty well exemplified in the current Patron Saint of Clownfuckers, the goddess of Clownfuckery if you will, Harley Quinn. Hailing from a story whose main setting is such a Gothic Horror-inspired nightmarish shithole of a city that it's literally called Gotham, surrounded by characters who are at least 60% gothic horror archetypes by volume, opposed by a hero who literally dresses like a Dracula, it is inarguable that Harley Quinn is surrounded by darkness that's both literal and figurative.
But she's always smiling, and not in an ironic way.
Harley Quinn suffers intense abuse, she's drawn into wicked schemes, and in the way of most modern clowns, she causes no small amount of mayhem and suffering herself. But even at her darkest, she's always smiling, always trying to find the bright side.
She's a rebel, she's a punk. Almost everyone thinks she's beneath them. Almost all of those people get proven they're wrong. In a world full of tyrannical hierarchies, she steps outside of them.
She's an outsider, a misfit, an oddball. And she wants to make you smile.
I think you can probably see the appeal of that.
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skidaddleskidoddle · 2 years ago
Kimmy Jimmel be like the Korean jkr, create engaging fictional worlds weaved with real life challenges and hardship caused by deep-rooted systematic problems then came out and play the villain
It is, I think, maybe ironic the way I've been processing the whole Project Moon mess. Or maybe appropriate? The theme of the games is so often "caring to act is important in itself, regardless of the outcome of those actions". Chesed's 6th dialogue in Ruina is about the importance of doing something even if the situation is hopeless. Canto IV is about how nothing could be done to fix Yi Sang's past, but that it was still important he care about life. The entire point of the Seed of Light was to stop people from being so apathetic. The moral, time and time again, has been "We live in hell, and we will never not live in hell, but it'll be a bit more bearable if you simply care about something".
And maybe that's part of why I stuck to this series so hard in the first place. I've always been of the mind that the world is fucked, permanently. Climate change will kill us all if we don't become a victim of capitalism before the tides come in. I am absolutely, 100% nihilistic in this regard. The world is ending, and we are watching it end. But I still care. I care to do what I can. I care to urge others to take action. And I care to make the people around me happy. Because it doesn't matter that it's hopeless, to me, it matters that people try.
I've joked with friend groups that I'm Distorting amidst all this mess. But maybe the truth is that I've manifested EGO, and that I did so a long time ago.
The stories have always been about how important it is to care. And I certainly care.
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aephalen · 2 years ago
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Since people keep comparing my oc to him it would be a crime not to draw the king of clownfuckery himself
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ayeforscotland · 1 year ago
Hey Aye, I just saw your post on the monarchy communications job. I'm cackling because I just applied for a journalist job in London that pays a lot better than them for probably less stress and clownfuckery than the Monarchy.
On anonymous because I really really want the journo job and don't want to mess up my chances by accidentally
Best of luck to you💙
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smartass-hoot · 9 months ago
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on today's episode of clownfuckery
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urthredd-pantheon · 1 year ago
You’ve made a clownfucker out of me
Thank you
I have been blessed
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you are so welcome for that 🥹 🗣️ welcome to the circus we commit clownfuckery
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loki1387 · 5 months ago
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Little intro post.
Will, 30+, 🏳️‍⚧️Male, 🇬🇧. Unapologetic William Afton simp. CEO of Aftoncest. celestialvexation my beloved 💜. PFP/background by pirate-cashoo (my version of Springtrap).
Bluesky Twitter Straw Page
🔞I don't want minors following me🔞
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This is a multifandom blog, some of the fandoms I reblog about are:
Five Nights at Freddy's.
Baldur's Gate.
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Resident Evil.
My Little Pony.
I adore dark content and am very much a 'ship and let ship' person, I don't give a ratass what people enjoy in fiction becuause it is just that, fiction, and ones fictional tastes are not a reflection of them as a person.
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Some of my tags:
clownfuckery (for NSFW posts)
words.txt (text posts I made)
picture.img (pictures I posted)
video.mov (videos I uploaded)
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You can find out more info about me/my blog on my About page.
Dividers by strangergraphics.
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cranberryspringart · 1 year ago
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juneboba · 9 months ago
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xdanielart (the creator) updated this due to adobe's recent clownfuckery
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alternatives to adobe suite.
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The Joker is just Buggy the Clown for cowards.
Boy has got no emotional depth, never had to suffer in his life. His clowning? Nonexistant. Not a clownfuckery bone in his poor little body. Sex appeal, limited to that poorly designed suit.
I will die on this hill, die for my clown wife.
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