wuhei-archived · 1 month
@cloudhymn : coils his tail around moze’s leg.
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“ my dragon. ” he whispers softly, tugging dan heng closer, whilst making eye contact with him. “ will you allow me the honor of sharing a bed with you tonight ? ” fingers hook under his chin, lifting his head slightly, as he leans down to press a sweet kiss against his lips. “ please. ”
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zhushi-ex · 2 months
" you must have mistaken me for someone else. "
“  you  still  deny  it.  ”  his  sword  arm  raises.  with  a  calculated  tilt  of  his  blade,  he  readies  himself  for  another  attack.  “  you  look  like  him,  smell  like  him,  fight  like  him.  you  adorn  what  HE  made  him.  the  spear,  the  bracer.  even  the  pendant.  ”  oh,  the  hunter  cannot  hold  back  his  bitter  laughter.  “  what  kind  of  fool  do  you  take  me  for  ?  ”
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shisou · 3 months
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when  zouin  opened  his  eyes  today,  he  did  not  know  that  he'd  come  into  direct  contact  with  a  member  of  the  astral  express,  let  alone  be  forced  into  relying  on  him  on  a  hectic  battlefield.  ‘  expect  the  unexpected  ’  is  all  that  elio  told  him  before  sending  the  assassin  on  his  way.  everything  that  occurred  felt  like  pure  mayhem,  bodies  scrambling  this  way  and  that  to  find  some  kind  of  safe  space  to  hide  until  peace  returns.  what  if  it  never  returns  ?  a  negative  thought  crosses  his  mind,  which  only  results  in  his  abilities  spiraling  further.  to  remain  in  control  of  his  own  body,  he  must  retain  a  sense  of  calmness.  logically,  zsin  is  highly  aware  of  what  will  occur  if  he  doesn't  heed  these  given  warnings.  but,  emotionally,  mentally  ..  he  finds  himself  unable  to  focus.  the  limbs,  or  what  is  left  of  them,  hidden  beneath  advanced  tech  begin  to  ..  ache,  but  not  in  a  way  that  a  wound  might.  they  feel  cold,  uncomfortable,  itching  to  be  freed  ..  like  they  have  a  mind  of  their  own,  a  craving  for  relief,  freedom,  chaos.  almost  out  of  reflex,  zouin's  right  hand  grabs  hold  of  his  left  arm  as  he  takes  a  step  towards  @cloudhymn.  attempting  to  fight  in  this  state  will  leave  him  vulnerable  to  inei.  if  inei  takes  over,  he  will  have  no  control  of  what  happens  next.  lives  will  be  unnecessarily  put  into  harm's  way,  but  instead  of  thoughtless  monsters  bringing  about  terror,  the  bloodshed  of  innocents  would  decorate  his  hands.  it  is  too  high  of  a  risk  to  rely  on  his  powers,  but  one  that  he'll  be  compelled  to  take  if  they  do  not  get  out  of  here  as  soon  as  possible.  “  dan  heng,  staying  any  longer  is  futile.  we  have  already  done  all  that  we  can.  if  we  do  not  leave,  i  sense  something  worse  will  happen.  ”
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pinkrose05 · 2 months
We need to talk A Lot more about the Passerby's Rejuvenated Wooden Hairstick, because HOW did everyone gloss over the fact that Ren's immediate proximity has a healing/reviving effect???
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shining-gem34 · 5 months
"Teach me that move!" - traincarsandstars (bailu to dan heng <3)
Sparring/Training || Accepted @traincarsandstars
Dan Heng can't help smile at her enthusiasm. Bailu eagerness to learn both Cloudhymn magic is a humbling experience.
At first, he was worried he would be an inadequate teacher for her. All of his knowledge of Cloudhymn magic are fragmented bits of memories. If Dan Heng can describe the sensation, it's like a barrier between them with only whispers of words echoing in his ear.
While Dan Heng still had his reservations about his heritage, he cannot deny Bailu request to be her teacher.
Thankfully, today lesson only required two things: a spacious area to move in and a pair of practice spears (one adult-size and one child-size).
Never mind the details how Bailu convinced him to train her in using a spear.
"...That's how I usually fight in combat." Dan Heng informs her after another demonstration of his spear-play against a training dummy.
"I don't think I'm qualified enough to teach you Cloudlancer arts. But, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I can help you with the basics, Bailu." A twirl of his spear, he shifts into a stance and holds his spear. Steel-blue eyes looks at Bailu with a small smile, "Well then, can you try to follow what I do?"
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amourem · 2 months
i am trying to enjoy my sunday afternoon and here you are plastering feet on my dash
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you don't like mahito's cursed grippers? :( he would be sad to hear that.
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...It's already difficult enough to say no to Yanqing on his own... Don't bring Dan Heng into it...
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gemkun · 1 year
i know this isn’t the case but — imagine dan heng being unable to control his draconic features. imagine at the most random of times that his tail pops out or his horns sprout. i just think that would be cute. . .
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malumae · 2 months
❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜
A step forward is better than nothing, better than the countless times he recalls leaping head first into situations he never could justify. Blade does not know the exact number of days since he stood there, staring at the statue that emanated a strong feeling of familiarity. Sculpted into perfection, an uncanny resemblance of someone he used to know. He does not recall the exact conversation, though the context remains clear as day. 
Eyes want to fall shut for a moment, desperately begging to wipe the canvas before him and picture a pristine white sheet, lacking past mistakes, free from the scabs and the pain that he is made out of today. Then again, if he closes his eyes now there is no guarantee he will ever get the answers he is searching for. 
A dry laugh rises from his throat, rumbling from the depths of his chest, accompanied by a disgruntled smile, plastered on his face as though he knows no better. Maybe he doesn’t. 
“I never said you were.” 
A lie, somewhat. Blade knows he has taunted this man for ages, crawled through the cracks of this universe to emerge in realms only Dan Heng’s mind should be able to see. Oh, how he waited for an opportunity to confront & then... 
“Certainly, you are afraid of something but me being that something? You are smarter than that.”
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wuhei-archived · 2 months
@cloudhymn  :  he’s  going  to  kiss  up  the  arm,  further  up,  and  bite  his  neck  instead.
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almost  immediately,  a  wave  of  shivers  are  sent  down  his  spine,  in  response  to  being  touched  so  intimately.  corvus  pulls  dan  heng  closer  to  his  frame,  but  leaves  much  of  his  vulnerable  neck  exposed,  allowing  the  vidyadhara  to  properly  bite  him.  “  missed  you,  ”  he  whispers,  a  hand  moving  up  the  dragon's  back,  encouraging  him  to  keep  going.
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trlblzd · 2 months
️ ️️ @cloudhymn sent : “ you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that. “
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    WHILE  THEY  KNOW  THAT  DAN  HENG  IS  MORE     than capable of handling himself, it feels near insulting to hear the words :   didn't have to.      they know that if put in the same position, their companion would not     HESITATE     with saving them either.    he would do everything in this power to keep them safe which is precisely why they believe that their actions are a definite     MUST.     he would never cower in the face of danger all the same.    lips twitch into a small frown, not necessarily upset with him but more of less slightly offended to hear him     SAY     such things.    while he did thank them, the trailblazer cannot help but huff and shake their head.    the arm in their hand is held delicately, bandage coming to    WRAP    around the received wound as their brows furrow.
"  i absolutely    NEEDED   to step in, that entire battle was not a one-man job.  "     the small scolding is indicative of closeness.    usually, it would be their pink-haired companion who does all the necessary reprimanding after fairly close situations     -     but her absence has made them    TAKE UP    the missing spot to make their own while tending to him.    the warmth of their hand is palpable even through gloves.    they note that they would    HAVE    to ask someone who knows how to sew to fix both of their clothes up that have been cut though.     
being a part of the express has made them a little bit more    ATTUNED    with their emotions.    their feelings have become less difficult to deal with since being around supportive bunch.    as such, they have become rather     PROTECTIVE     of them.    even the express guard, dan heng, needed protection too.     "  we really need to implement a do as i say    &    not as i do rule soon.    this recklessness is seriously heart attack inducing.  "     especially when they're not the one getting told off and instead, being the one telling him off.
tightening the bandages around him, they pull back.    "  are you okay  ?  "
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resolutepath · 2 months
three prompts from the “be honest” meme.
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
No, absolutely not. I make my icons from screencaps and MS Paint when I can be bothered. My borders are made on MS Paint. The higher quality stuff (promo, blog header) was generally all made by merlin and I can claim none of the credit, it is a wonderful friend to me. The only aesthetics I care about are a well organised tag system and blog directory. I want things that are easy to find, and easy to block for others. I'm pretty simple on the formatting too: small text, bold for speech, italics for thoughts / emphasis.
17. Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
Yes, once or twice in the past because I've accidentally deleted an ask I wanted to reply to with a click happy finger dksfhksdfh. Fortunately I remembered the sentence prompt it was so sent it to myself with a URL attached and then sighed at myself a lot. I've also sent myself inbox messages in the past to remind myself to write a hc I've been thinking about but those aren't on anon.
25. Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
For the most part, it is a resounding yes. Generally it's mostly because I have a ton of other muses and there's definitely someone I can throw your way. For example if you write Childe too, well I have multiple Harbingers I can bring off the roster. I also enjoy exploring connections from both perspectives, e.g. I write both Diluc and Kaeya and I enjoy writing with Dilucs and Kaeyas to drill down into that dynamic and see it from multiple sides so generally I'm quite happy to write with your version too. I also enjoy the nuance of interpretation and seeing what resonates with us about the same character. I'm always happy to come up with situations where our muses would feature in duplicate, be it the classic twin au, or using something from canon to put two of the same muse together e.g. Dan Heng & Dan Feng if someone wanted to explore or a past / future version, alternative timelines aka if we went back to that key moment and I did this instead of what you did this is what you'd have become lets chat kind of aus - easiest example is my Stellaron Hunter Gepard AU over on his blog. The only exception to this are characters like Elio and Diamond. Characters that come from mere scraps of information, and particularly with Elio, I've put my whole heart and soul into building up, joining the pieces, drawing on influences, working out where I stand. Because I've put so much into them and I just can't see them any other way. I ultimately will accept there's another way (canon) but for now I'd prefer not to interact someone else's version there.
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karmawind · 6 months
the way he goes about this now is meticulous routine. bath made up with medicinal herbs, blessed with cloudhymn to soothe both mind and body. shampoo and conditioner geared towards blade's thick, unruly waves. he was always firm with his lathering, massaging at scalp, temples, easing as much tension as he could from blade's furrowed brows. the scent of blood was washed away, flooded over with the scent of menthol, and citrus shampoo. once washed, toweling off and redressing in spare clothes is a quiet affair. blade has spare sleep pants in dan heng's previously assigned room, waiting by the sink next to extra bandages. there's a comfort to this he couldn't quite describe, though he is no professional healer, to know that blade trusted the archivist to his healing process, where the hunter was meant to be most vulnerable. standing over the palette donned with freshly washed sheets, dan heng tugs at each side of the towel over blade's head, only enough to prompt him to lean down for a soft, chaste kiss. // @cloudhymn
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐚  𝐦𝐚𝐧  𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧  𝐨𝐟  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐡𝐞  𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝  most  -  wrought  from  the  depths  of  abundance's  hell  and  continuously  spit  back  out  by  it's  bowels,  blade  was  not  used  to  being  tended  to...  not  this  way,  anyway.  he'd  spent  decades  alone,  killing  his  way  across  the  galaxy  all  to  sate  shuhu's  blind  callings.  only  when  elio  had  taken  him  under  his  wing  -  had  blade  known  what  it  meant  to  be  tended  to  in  some  way.  kafka  clothed  him,  fed  him  on  occasion,  encouraged  him  to  bathe  (  sometimes  forcefully  ).  sam  spared  with  him,  allowed  blade  to  exam  circuitry  with  fascination,  and  silver  wolf...  was  something  like  a  vaguely  annoying  little  sister  that  was  the  only  one  who  could  get  away  with  half  of  what  she  did.  
ㅤㅤㅤbut  those  forms  of  tending  were  nothing  compared  to  the  labor  dan  heng  had  now  committed  himself  to  -  to  ensuring  blade  came  back  from  each  mission  to  a  sort  of  steadiness  he  had  never  had  before.  he'd  be  lying  if  he  said  he  didn't  enjoy  the  pampering,  and  he'd  certainly  be  lying  if  he  said  he  didn't  enjoy  the  way  dan  heng  would  revere  him  in  those  moments,  treating  him  not  like  a  sharpened  weapon  forged  for  death...  but  like  a  shard  of  glass,  so  thin,  so  fragile.  
ㅤㅤㅤhe'd  sunk  into  the  water  with  a  sigh,  cloud  hymn  seemingly  keeping  it  clean  despite  the  cake  of  his  blood  -  or  the  dirt  that  rinsed  off  him  in  droves.  blade  paid  no  mind  to  it  -  too  busy  allowing  his  eyes  to  drift  shut,  too  busy  leaning  into  dan  heng's  sweet  fingers,  making  something  akin  to  a  purr  deep  within  the  vestiges  of  his  chest.  he  feels  the  playful  warmth  of  the  vidyadhara's  magic,  feels  the  scrape  of  those  elegant  fingers  -  and  for  just  a  few  moments...  all  the  tension  unwinds  from  blade's  body.
ㅤㅤㅤnow  they  stand  here  -  blade  in  clean  bandages  with  his  shorter  partner  working  hard  to  dry  the  mass  of  raven  waves  that  embody  the  hunter's  hair.  blade,  for  his  part,  has  settled  his  hands  on  dan  heng's  waist  -  eyes  drifting  shut  as  his  head  is  tilted  this  way  and  that.  with  each  movement  their  bodies  steadily  grow  more  and  more  flush,  until  they're  chest  to  chest,  and  he  feels  dan  heng  tugging  him  down  with  the  effort  of  the  towel.  one  crimson  eye  cracks  open  -  meeting  soft,  wonderous  jade,  and  blade...
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ㅤㅤㅤthe  harsh  lines  of  his  beautiful  face  soften,  nymph-like  features  gentle  in  the  glow  of  the  archives.  gone  are  the  trappings  of  a  predator  -  replaced  instead  by  a  content  creature.  he  obeys  without  question,  leaning  down  to  sink  their  lips  together  and  in  the  same  breath,  wrap  his  arms  about  the  archivist's  slight  frame.  blade  keeps  him  pressed  close  then  -  and  like  all  his  kisses,  what  could've  been  chaste  turns  deep  and  rife  with  passion.  slow,  measured  caresses  of  his  lips,  flicks  of  his  tongue,  and  the  draw  of  a  calloused  hand  down  dan  heng's  bare  back...  it's  blade's  version  of  chaste,  but  it's  still  consumptive,  filled  with  all  his  gratitude  and  desire,  as  they  part  with  a  soft  noise  from  the  stellaron  hunter.  
ㅤㅤㅤ❝  missed  me?  ❞  he  wonders  aloud,  but  with  no  small  amount  of  his  version  of  affection.
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
||Hmm...HMMMM. I have to brush up on Cloudhymn magic lore but I am thinking about Yinyue Jun or Dan Feng specifically, how far can he push his cloudhymn magic?
Dan Feng is known to be both a fighter and a healer, far more powerful than most (if not all) Vidyadhara in the Luofu.
The destructive nature of his powers is easier to use without much thinking. A burst of will (of anger, determination, etc.) exploding and drowning everything in sight; dragging them all into the depths of the sea.
But what of his prowess as a healer? Yes, Dan Feng is a gifted healer. He memorized books regarding the different types of drugs and plants, their uses, and what effects they had. The records of illnesses that have happened in the Luofu and the prescription for them. He is a powerful healer, using cloudhymn magic to rescue his allies from death door (because once they reach pass that line, even Yinyue Jun cannot do anything to save them...).
Yet one misstep, whether it's measuring the dosage for prescription of careful control of his healing because a single misstep can mean fatal. Medicine turns into poison. Healing can leave wound scars misshapen and twisted that will take longer to heal naturally.
I imagine for Vidyadhara healers, including High Elders, they learn to be precise in their control.
Dan Feng in particular has a few training exercises he commits almost daily for this. To control water is as easy as a flick of his finger, but to morph it's shape and pay attention to details is a different story. It requires focus of the mind to shape the image in his head. The difficulty rises when he must create multiples of them and animate their movements to be as natural as possible.
A majestic dragon soaring in the air, a courageous lion charging, a mischievous fox bouncing on the tip of their toes, and a pair of wolves fighting- howling to the moon. Spider lilies and water lilies blooming...
The difficulty changes when he must create smaller objects out of water. Define their shape, keep it's form even in the most perilous of situations. At that point, Dan Feng may ask one of the HCQ to assist him in this matter. The instructions is simple: They can do anything to try to get him to lose focus and if he does, he'll buy them lunch/dinner (or other cases a favor or a spar). The same happens when he must create many of them, straining his concentration the fullest.
The point of all of this? Precision, but also to understand the flow of his magic. To understand where he must put a gentle hand and a firm hand, and patients who are injured require a more gentle hand. The human body is delicate and complex; he must be patient, knit the flesh together layer after layer, and sometimes he must remove the poison directly harming their system.
Dan Feng may be powerful, but he will not be ignorant where his duties matter.
Added: I do HC that compared to Dan Feng, Dan Heng use in magic is more unstable in the very beginning. He has talent (destructive because he cannot heal atm) for it but very little opportunity to use it for personal reasons. Hence why his magic tends to be more....explosive than controlled! But he is improving as shown in the New Year animation! :DDD
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loiyaltie · 10 months
“plots please”
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ALL ABOARD. - Gepard being offered the chance to travel on the Astral Express for a time to see the world, and to gather some information about worlds beyond to help the advancement of Jarilo-VI. I think he'd gravitate towards Dan Heng more than the others, appreciating both the more reserved nature but also the access to the data banks. Let him talk about plants and ask to see other landscapes (I love the idea of him getting to see images of forests and expanses of water and deserts etc.) really interested in knowing the world (and what his planet is becoming a part of. I think he'd happily sit and listen to Dan Heng explain facts, or ask him questions and just them getting to know each other through a quest for knowledge. Later on perhaps becoming a teaching opportunity to ask about what the IPC are about so he can know for the next time.
NIGHT TIME COMPANIONS. - Dan Heng gets nightmares and Gepard has his own sleep struggles, so these two meeting in the night hours, on Jarilo-VI or on the Astral Express. Whether it's they both have had nightmares or there's an absence of sleep or a combination of both, but the two of them connecting within that space where they are both vulnerable but isolated from the waking world. Speaking around the things that bother them, and yet finding commonalities in their struggles, perhaps being honest with each other as time passes.
LEND A HAND? - Gepard inviting Dan Heng back to Belobog - along with the rest of the Nameless - to see how they have expanded and invite him to consult on some of the ideas. At the same time something happens, whether its light-hearted like volunteers going sick at the museum and is Gepard's turn to teach Dan Heng of their history, talking of his family's history, the history of the Guardians etc. which could lead into a chance over time to recognise similarities with each other in having this former legacy bearing upon their shoulders whether they wish it or not. Or it could be something more serious, Fragmentum effects getting worse, a surge in creatures out there, and an exhausted Gepard needing some capable reinforcements who can help him find the source of the problems.
WE HAVE COMMON ACQUAINTANCES. - Stellaron Hunter AU, where Gepard who has been posing as a Silvermane Guard during the quest - always alone keeping himself obscured from any important figures - reveals himself at the end as aligned with the Stellaron Hunter faction. Could be a bit more of a cat and mouse, Dan Heng suspicious as time goes on because he has a bit too much knowledge for one on Belobog should have (given its isolation from the world) also mentioning his name around Serval has different effects. Then also the chance to interact through other events, Gepard's sent to the Luofu to ensure things are on track or that chance for honesty later.
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→ send plots please for 3 - 5 interaction ideas. // @cloudhymn
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three random prompts for the sexuality headcanons/ for jy or ratio
Sexuality HCs! Still accepting. | @cloudhymn
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15. what is something they consider a kink of their own?
Oh he has so many. Some of them are definitely... more out there than others. One of the, ah, bigger kinks he has is public sex. I hate his ass. He finds the danger of getting caught very thrilling. Unfortunately for me. Help.
16. have they engaged in sexual acts beyond themselves and a single partner (group sex, swinging, polyamory, etc.)?
Ya! He was in a polyamorous relationship with Y.inyue and Y.ingxing before the Sedition. He's comfortable engaging with multiple partners at once, and I might honestly say that he enjoys it more than just one on one, if he is in a polyamorous relationship. One thing he's not big on is an open relationship, regardless of if he has one dedicated, established partner or multiple.
7. what attire do they feel most attractive in?
See this is an interesting one, because I don't feel like Jing Yuan has ever had much choice in his attire for a long long time. If he's not wearing his armor, he's wearing regalia fit for the general, and if he's not wearing that he's probably in his drab robes, just trying to get away from all the weight and decor of his typical clothes. I don't even know if I'd say that he feels particularly attractive in anything, as he's never really had that chance to explore what he feels good in. If anything, I think he can appreciate outfits that hug his waist and accentuate his shoulders, giving him an even broader and imposing figure than he already has. Other people seem to like it, and it is flattering, but on the other hand, it's not really... him. He has mixed feelings on it all as a whole.
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16. have they engaged in sexual acts beyond themselves and a single partner (group sex, swinging, polyamory, etc.)?
Nope! He's also quite on the fence about the idea of it because, again, overstimulation bad, so he'd have to be encouraged to try it by a partner. For all of his bravado he can be fairly uncertain about sexual acts, and this is no different.
7. what attire do they feel most attractive in?
Would you laugh if I said he feels most attractive in just a chlamys or straight up in the nude because. yeah. Appreciator of the human form and all that naturally includes appreciating his own. Frankly he'd prefer to go without the shirt and pants just in general but social norms on other planets, colder climates, etc. etc., dictate that they are unfortunately necessary. But at his family home he's just rocking the chiton and chlamys.
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