#tmw homie is really important to you
trlblzd · 2 months
️ ️️ @cloudhymn sent : “ you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that. “
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    WHILE  THEY  KNOW  THAT  DAN  HENG  IS  MORE     than capable of handling himself, it feels near insulting to hear the words :   didn't have to.      they know that if put in the same position, their companion would not     HESITATE     with saving them either.    he would do everything in this power to keep them safe which is precisely why they believe that their actions are a definite     MUST.     he would never cower in the face of danger all the same.    lips twitch into a small frown, not necessarily upset with him but more of less slightly offended to hear him     SAY     such things.    while he did thank them, the trailblazer cannot help but huff and shake their head.    the arm in their hand is held delicately, bandage coming to    WRAP    around the received wound as their brows furrow.
"  i absolutely    NEEDED   to step in, that entire battle was not a one-man job.  "     the small scolding is indicative of closeness.    usually, it would be their pink-haired companion who does all the necessary reprimanding after fairly close situations     -     but her absence has made them    TAKE UP    the missing spot to make their own while tending to him.    the warmth of their hand is palpable even through gloves.    they note that they would    HAVE    to ask someone who knows how to sew to fix both of their clothes up that have been cut though.     
being a part of the express has made them a little bit more    ATTUNED    with their emotions.    their feelings have become less difficult to deal with since being around supportive bunch.    as such, they have become rather     PROTECTIVE     of them.    even the express guard, dan heng, needed protection too.     "  we really need to implement a do as i say    &    not as i do rule soon.    this recklessness is seriously heart attack inducing.  "     especially when they're not the one getting told off and instead, being the one telling him off.
tightening the bandages around him, they pull back.    "  are you okay  ?  "
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