#clone oc frost
dickarchivist · 2 months
404th Roadtrip q&a 2024
Hello Friends!
In light of my very very stressful week this week, would you play a game with me to help keep me grounded?
Anon is on!
Send headcanons/assumptions/or questions you have about/for The 404th (Grave Squad, The Cold Command, or the Jedi!) And I'll answer them, maybe even in character!
This impromptu event will be tagged "404th roadtrip q&a 2024" and will go until August 1st!
@anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga @atomickidsoul @moonwreckd
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I briefly have stable WiFi at the vacation rental so quick here's a meme I made in two minutes pls enjoy fellow Clone Simps and Thirsters
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
The Final Chapter is Up!
The 3rd, and final, chapter of How One Pissed Off, Half-Sane Medic Saved the Galaxy is up! I hope you guys like it!
And, once again, a very big thank you to @frostbitebakery for making this absolutely gorgeous art of Grim <3
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fives-girlfriend · 1 year
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kaeda-the-wolf · 1 year
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A couple of concepts for Star Wars fanfic ideas/character concepts. 
One is for a fic set a few years prior to the events of The Force Awakens, featuring my girl Khara Tazim. She is the daughter of a former Imperial officer who flees the empire upon realizing that his young, blind daughter is incredibly powerful in the Force and ends up on an Outer Rim planet of Antivion, an icy world that focuses primarily on it’s fishing industry. Her father, Kharth Tazim, realizing that his daughter will still be at risk if he stays with her, leaves Khara on Antivion with people that he trusts, and she lives a relatively peaceful, unassuming life.
And then Resistance pilot Poe Dameron crash lands on her planet. Early days of the First Order, features a sassy, repurposed Imperial Security droid, Brendol Hux being an absolute douchebag, a young Armitage Hux, Leia, and a happy reunion. 
The second is for a Clone Wars era fic; Daenyrah Andar is the daughter of very outspoken senator, Drax Andar, who was sent to live at the temple as a young child when her power with the Force became too obvious to ignore. She’s a seasoned padawan by the time the war breaks out, and soon after (through some rather tragic circumstances) rises to the rank of Jedi Knight and assumes command of her own legion, the 109th, along side her second in command, Nova. The story starts just before Order 66 and through a series of flashbacks; it follows the events of the war, exploring the relationships between Daenyrah and her troopers, as well as her especially close relationship and eventual romance with Nova, and the aftermath of Order 66.
The story has two different endings; a light side ending, and dark side ending. 
Because of course it does. 
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the-hexfiles · 7 months
A Village Romance (Hunter x F!OC) Ch 1: Strangers
Chapter Rating: 16+ for one suggestive comment made towards the end, and the overall tone further chapters may have -- If I choose to write further chapters.
Content: Fluffy intro to what I will hope to be a friends to lovers romance. Teacher OC because we all know Hunter would love a partner good with kids. First person narrative cause I'm lazy lol.
Wordcount: ~1580 because I haven't written in months and I need to ease back into it.
A/N: Hi friends, I've been gone a while but decided to jump back into ff. I want to start working on other creative pieces but I have Clone Brainrot so ff it is I guess. I haven't been writing at all so if it sucks, I know.
Song: Down by the Water by Abigail Lapell
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The first night Hunter and I spent together, we were strangers.
Heavy storm clouds had swallowed the sun hours ago, and the draft through the schoolhouse in town sent chills through all of my students. By the time all of my students were gone, the rain had begun and my speeder bike was already soaked. The air got colder and the wind picked up the further I made it up the mountain. It was drizzling, the raindrops turning to ice on the leaf litter and my jacket. The wind ripped through the trees, shaking the limbs directly above me, and howling through the greenhouse. The windows on the greenhouse were frosting over, the tarp covering my firewood thrashed, and my potted crops tipped in the garden, splattering mud everywhere. I rushed to secure everything.
I was kneeling in the mud, trying to salvage one of my plants when I heard a branch snap on the edge of the clearing that made up my yard. I paused and looked around, but didn’t see anything. I scooped up the plant and brought it to the greenhouse. I didn’t see the faint shadow cross the windows inside, or the door. As I came around the corner to walk inside I almost walked directly into someone, which is horrifying when you live alone on the side of a mountain. He was broad-shouldered, half a skull painted on his helmet, and a full head taller than me. He had also startled me so badly, I’d apparently dropped my plant, since he was standing there holding it with mud splashed on his armor. “Sorry,” we said simultaneously. And we stood there for a moment, in the rain, staring at one another. Like morons. A little girl’s voice called from the other side of the cabin, “Hunter?” Little footsteps ran closer until they reached the doorway, “Hunter did you – oh. Hello!” I looked at the little blonde and smiled, then back at who I then knew was Hunter: “Can I have my plant back?” I asked, pointing to my sad little potted crop in his hands. “Oh, yes,” he said, handing it back to me. I walked into the greenhouse and tried to quickly stabilize the crop so I could gather the remaining plants outside. “You’re the pretty teacher! The one in town! Miss Tala!” The little girl said excitedly. “Omega!” Hunter scolded her. I looked up at them with some surprise, “And you’re my…stalkers?” I said with a raise of my eyebrows, half joking. I did recognize them from the market square. Some whispers had gone around of some clones that settled on Pabu and were working with a couple of traders. “N-no! We’ve been working for Mr Tanaka, he told us who you were,” I could hear the embarrassment in Hunter’s voice. Omega looked up at him, giving him a knowing smirk. “We were just passing through when we came across your cabin.” “You wouldn’t happen to know where to find these, would you?” Omega showed me her data pad, a familiar sight on the screen: Storm mushrooms. “There are some that pop up nearby, but you’re running out of time. Come help me with this, and we can go.” I nodded towards the door. Omega helped me carry the last of my crops inside while Hunter secured the tarp over the wood. Hunter walked over to us as we locked up the greenhouse. “We didn’t properly introduce ourselves, I’m Hunter, that’s Omega.” He held out his hand towards me. I took it, “Tala.”
We walked single file down a game trail towards a set of downed trees, whose trunks were sparkling with the bright blue mushrooms. I took out my knife and sliced off a small one, cutting it into three pieces. I popped one piece into my mouth and handed Omega and Hunter the other two. “Why are these considered dangerous?” Omega asked, snacking on the piece I handed her. The three of us started slicing away mushrooms and tucking them into Omega’s satchels. “Inexperienced foragers underestimating how fast the weather changes up here,” I replied. “A few have died in the past or gotten very close to it. Now most people who hire foragers usually have shelters and cabins near sites so there’s a safe place to weather the storm after harvest. I didn’t know Mr Tanaka had a cabin this far up.” I looked at the two of them, and to find them looking at me a little dumbfounded. Hunter and Omega looked at each other, “We’re staying in town,” Hunter said. The drizzle turned to rain, a few snowflakes fluttered down with it and Omega was doing her best not to shiver. “Well, lucky for you I know a place,” I said, quickly slicing away at the mushrooms.The wind almost ripped my back door off its hinges when I opened it. The three of us shuffled inside as the first inch of snow started to cover the ground. I pointed Omega to the refresher to start getting out of her wet clothes, and Hunter towards the fireplace to stoke up the fire I’d prepared, while I ran upstairs to find clothes. He was looking at some photos on the mantel when I came downstairs with clothes for him and Omega. I set her clothes outside of the bathroom door, and walked over to him. His helmet sat on the kitchen counter, and his scarf had ended up bundled around Omega’s head on the hike home. The fire was still low, casting a soft light over his features. I had seen him before, multiple times, but I’d never really got to appreciate him. His wide shoulders made his waist criminally small. His bandana, and thus his hair, was slightly disheveled, and he looked tired. In the forest, I’d missed an opportunity to watch him work with the knife he carried, but I watched as they rested on his hips and moved to pick up different photographs. Not wanting to get caught ogling, I walked up and handed him the dry clothes. He looked down at them, a frown briefly flashing across his features. “Your husband going to be okay with me borrowing these?” I snorted, then upon realizing I snorted, I laughed, “Sorry. That’s probably one of the many reasons I don’t have a husband. What made you think that?” “These are a man’s and you got them from upstairs,” he gave a short laugh of relief. “It’s not an unreasonable assumption.” “Those are my brother-in-laws, and no he won’t mind.”
Omega stepped out of the refresher, bundled up in a set of my pajamas, looking clean and quite content. She settled under some blankets in a chair by the fire, while Hunter and I split off into different refreshers to clean up and warm up ourselves. When I came down the stairs, Omega was curled up in Hunter’s lap asleep on the couch, and he had his head tilted back with his eyes closed. His bandana was off letting his wet curls flop wherever they pleased. The fire crackled, warm light flickering across their faces as they dozed, faces so relaxed and peaceful. I sat in my armchair and admired the pair for a moment; until Hunter’s eyes opened and immediately found mine. They were a warm gray in the firelight, and very tired. “We left you some room over here,” he whispered. “We’ll be warmer together.” “I don’t sleep with strangers,” I said as I grabbed my book off of the end table. When I looked back up at him, his cheeks were flushed and he averted his gaze. “Right. Sorry that was forward of me.” “It’s nothing against you–” I said, moving my head into his line of sight to get his attention. “No, I understand,” he said, still looking away. “I don’t really sleep much anyways, strangers or no strangers.” He looked at me again from the corner of his eye and gave me a half-hearted smile. Snuggling into the couch he wished me a quiet goodnight, leaned his head back, and fell asleep.Omega stirred early, while the end of the storm was blowing through. Hunter awoke to the smell of breakfast. Well, more accurately, to Omega burning half the breakfast and the two of us giggling about it. Maybe my staring should have told the both of us at the time that I was at least attracted to him. But he was too busy smiling at Omega’s tragic attempt to make eggs to notice my ogling. He looked so warm to the touch, standing there half-asleep in wrinkled sleepwear, smoothing Omega’s unruly curls while she made another attempt to cook breakfast. I stopped staring and joined them, and eventually the three of us had something edible. The rest of the morning was spent playing card games together. By the afternoon the storm had passed, and they were dressed to leave. Omega gave me a hug before she bounded down the front steps of my cabin, leaving Hunter and I alone for a moment on the porch. He held out his hand, “Thanks for all your help.” I took it, “Anytime. See you around town then?”
He gave it a short shake and nodded his head with a soft “yeah” as he turned to leave. Before he reached the last step I said his name, making him turn back to me. “Don’t be a stranger,” I said. And a hint of color came to his cheeks.
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lordsireno · 8 months
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Deponia/Spy x Family AU - Idea courtesy of my friend Helenr, I just ran away with some art XD
Spy Argus, assassin Cletus and the psychic terror Rufus starting a wild life together (With bonus clone OCs standing in with D as Yuri and Fork as Frost)
Rufus has little cogs on his head instead of the cone horns :3
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death-by-ladybug · 6 months
Oc ask game!!!
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Feel free to answer whatever you like, you don't need to do all of them
hi nova!!! 🫶🫶🫶
😨 - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
avry goes into flight for emotional situations & fight for physical situations!! she tends to deal with emotional issues by not thinking about them and saying she’ll deal them when everything goes back to normal.
arlo leans towards fight unless it involves people she looks up towards and/or emotions, in which case she tends to freeze.
🍩 - favourite sweet treat?
avry isn’t a huge sweets person— she prefers fresh fruits, or spiced cakes/breads (like the star wars equivalents of carrot cake or pumpkin bread, but generally heavier on the spices). she’s absolutely the type of person who scrapes the frosting off of cake before eating it.
rass, on the other hand, is the type of person who’ll eat the frosting she scraped off. their favorite treat is cheesecake (is star wars cheesecake blue? it should be) but they generally like most sweets.
arlo hasn’t exactly had the opportunity to eat a lot of sweets, so she’s a little overwhelmed by most sugary things. avry shares her favorite foods with arlo sometimes, so she tends to like the same things avry does :)
rocks likes chocolate.
🍃 - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
avry likes being outside but hates it when it’s wet outside. if it’s dry, and preferably sunny, she could spend hours meditating in nature.
arlo likes being in nature but insects freak her out a little bit.
rocks LOVES being outside. his favorite places are beaches, rivers, and creeks where he can comb the shores for cool rocks (the rock collection is the reason for his name lol). he’s also really interested in trees and moss!! if he was a normal guy instead of a clone in the clone wars, he would LOVE mountain biking.
moth hates nature. put him back in the city right now!!!!
🔫 - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
arlo trusts jedi & other clones very very easily and has no idea how to feel about other natborns. he generally assumes everyone is being honest because it usually doesn’t occur to him that lying is an option— except with other clones, because she’s pretty good at reading their body language. if she trusts someone, she’ll do a lot to be trustworthy in return.
avry is fairly good at reading people’s intentions and trusts pretty easily, but she isn’t very good about being emotionally vulnerable with non force sensitive people. she’s not great at articulating her feelings to someone who can’t feel them in the force.
moth trusts other clones very easily and is VERY suspicious of natborns.
☁️ - a soft headcanon
there's a while post o66 where rass thinks rocks is dead (and vice versa)-- when they find each other again, rass figures out that it's really rocks by the friendship bracelet they gave him years before during the clone wars. it's a little tattered, but still there :)
from this ask game
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birb-boyo · 1 year
The Chain with My Hero Academia Quirks
Quirks and info about them are under the cut
Time - Mortal Essence
Mortal Essence was something I came up with for my Percy Jackson OC but then I thought of it and was like HELL YEAH so it’s Time’s now
Basically, in my head, god’s have their essence that mortals can’t see or they will die instantly. Like with Semele, Dionysus’s mother, she saw Zeus’s essence and disintegrated immediately
In contrast, a mortal essence is an essence that can make the user have powers on par with gods, or turn the user into a god temporarily
We all know about Fierce right? You know, the war god that can temporarily take over Time’s body? Well, Fierce is Time’s quirk.
Sky - Goddess Guardian
Ok…so maybe he’s the goddess’s guardian but shhhhhhh
This quirk was inspired by Demon Snow, an ability from Bungo Stray Dogs
Basically, Sky has a goddess or an avatar of a goddess who protects him and can and will kill you should he ask her to
He’s best friends with her, don’t worry
I mean, Sun was also in the academy guys, she can and will fuck you up should you try and hurt Sky
That being said, Sun is and isn’t Sky’s quirk
I might say that it’s Farore that’s his guardian instead of Hylia because his girlfriend is Hylia(technically)
Twilight - He technically already sort of has one(Wolfie) but Essence
If you watched My Hero or just know Todoroki’s backstory or you watched Heroes Rising you’ll know that quirks are hereditary
Twilight has sort of inherited Time’s quirk
He sort of has Malon’s quirk too
Malon has a quirk that allows her to command any animal to do something that she speaks to
But anyway, Twilight’s essence quirk allows him to turn into anything that he has DNA to as long as it is in his system
Plot twist
He can only turn into animals which makes things a little weird for him sometimes
His favorite for in his wolf form(obviously) he enjoys growling at people and he thinks that he looks cool
Warriors - Frost Blades
Warriors is just an ice user. I can sense it in my bones
Frost blades are mostly what they sound like
Blades made out of frost. If he’s mad enough and his quirk loses control, they can be solid ice
How the blades work is, no one but him can hold the blades, without the coldness of his hands, the frost will disperse
Knowing the Captain, he mostly doesn’t rely on them. He’s more like Aizawa, he uses his quirk when he feels like he must
Warriors quirk is mostly lackluster, but trust that he can still very much beat your ass without it
Wild - also technically already has one(bullet time) but Spiritual Connection
Spiritual Connection was thought of because of his whole thing with the other Champions
Wild can see and talk to spirits. He can also use their quirks, if they allow him to take it
Spirits love being around him, and he has probably been suspected of having AFO at some point, but he just has a lot of dead friends
Because why have living friends, when you can have dead ones? :3
Wind - Wind Bombs
Wind deserves bomb rights.
Wind bombs are small cyclones that can and will explode, should Wind make them
He probably blew a kid up once when his quirk first spawned
Parents hate him, but he loves his quirk
It’s a nice warning when you get hit was a wind bomb in your chest (:
Hyrule - Cloned
Hyrule can clone only inanimate objects
You know, like how his sword sort of has a shadow? I don’t feel like getting a picture
But when his enemy gets hit with his sword’s silhouette? Yeah, that’s his quirk
He clones money a fuck too
He’s a rebellious teen probably…idk
Legend - Alteration
Inspired by the whole painting shenanigans in albw
But anyway, Legend’s body is able to adapt to any environment
If he needs to keep up with a long legged person, boom, he has longer legs than they have now and now they have to jog to keep up
Need to get your phone that fell in the crack of your bed? Boom. Thin arm
Need to slip into a crack in a wall to kill that roach, bam, small and skinny
My man is more fantastic than Mr. Fantastic
Four - Mental manipulation
You know how the colors have their respective emotions…but not really…I think
Like Blue is usually characterized as angry a lot
Like that
So with Mental Manipulation, Four can alter someone’s emotions or thoughts
It’s that simple
You’re feeling depressed today? Nah. Have some choccy milk and be immensely happy.
Your significant other is making you nervous with how much you want to kiss them? Nah, Four got you, have some more confidence
You think you’re a sane human being? Nah. Go commit arson
There it is
The Chain and their My Hero Academia quirks
Thank you for reading :3
If you have different ideas for their quirks, I’d love to here them in the comments
Anyway, thanks for reading
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kaitaiga · 2 years
Hey! My name is Kai (she/her). l'm a 22 year old from Australia (🇦🇺/🇮🇩) who mainly draws OCs. I also post on IG: kaitaiga.ig
My main interests include: CoD MW (OG & reboot), CoD Ghosts, Star Wars (mainly clone wars and REPCOMM), Formula One + cars in general, military stuff - mainly concerning the ADF, engineering/I.T, Genshin Impact and other games.
✏️ All My Art
🖥️ All My Renders
🏷️ Taglist (Opt in/Out)
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Modern Warfare OCs -> #damien whitlock / #lachlan jones / #daniel greenhill /
Black Ops OC -> #craig alan jones (Lachlan's Father)
Other Military OCs -> #joseph joey hernández / #archie “frost” campbell
Gifted works -> #gifted for kai
★ Damien's Profile + ref sheet 📓 (COD MW OC + TFD)
★ Lachlan’s profile + ref sheet 📓 (COD MW OC + TFD)
★ Craig Alan Jones Profile 📓(COD BO)
★Archie "Frost" Campbell Profile 📓 (TFD)
Disclaimer: I’ve been asked if you can draw Damien or any of my ocs and my answer is yes! All I ask is to be tagged :D And obviously, please don’t claim them as your own. Also, DO NOT copy, trace or repost my art or designs. If you wish to write them, please ask for permission first.
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dickarchivist · 5 months
I’d like to chat with Frost please 🥰
What’s your favorite way to relax & unwind?
from @wings-and-beskar 💜
Frost looks around, smirks at his brothers, and then back to you. The other cold command members look confused, before Frost reaches into his leg armor and produces two long, thin rods. Winter, Shiver, and Zeros cheer. Stone groans and covers his face, looking exhausted.
Frost: I knit socks for my brothers. Everyone in the 404th has a set, including Athena and General Valka. As a joke-
Stone: that's enough-
Frost: I knit Stone-
They look at each other, Stone angry, Frost with a mischief in his eyes. He turns back to you.
Frost: I knit Stone underwear as a joke and we caught him wearing them-- OW WHAT THE FUCK!?
As they bicker, Zeros chuckles and shakes his head.
Zeros: What was that question earlier about love languages? Yeah, if you give Stone something that you put effort or thought into, he'll burn the world if you asked.
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I'd like to apologize to Faro, Gunnar, Cryfar and Fluke... Canvas misses you so much.
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Quirk: Vibration Hero Name: Soundwave
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Quirk: Ice Hero Name: Black Frost
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Quirk: Cloning Hero Name: Xerox
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Quirk: Electro Whip Hero Name: Galvanyze
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Quirk: Physic Hero Name: Haelan
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Quirk: Enthrall Hero Name: Flair
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Quirk: Stun Shot Hero Name: Sharpshoot
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Quirk: Tempest Hero Name: Shenlong
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Quirk: Astral Projection Hero Name: Astra
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Quirk: Nanokinesis Hero Name: Take Heart
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Quirk: Flight Hero Name: Nike
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Quirk: Predator Hero Name: Rubin
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Quirk: Digitize Hero Name: Kryptos
Remember when I said I was using Love Nikki to make MHA OCs?
Here you go.
I had a blast doing this and may do more in the future.
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dynastymuses · 10 months
Plots please!!!
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⤏ send me “plots please”
these can be platonic or romantic. i tried to make them as open to either as you feel comfortable. no pressure either way
scott/emma frost:
perhaps post jean's death?
esme frost/emma frost:
let esme meet her "mom" aka the donor for her cloning haha
philip crane/eloise bridgerton:
if you know their story and or want to: philip comes to "marry" marina thinking his brother is dead, and george ends up showing up, not being dead, and philip comes across eloise, they bond over not fitting in etc, and become pen pals?
jacquetta covington (my oc)/benedict:
maybe jacquetta's husband knew benedict, and they bond after his death.. etc
maxwell danbury(oc) /benedict:
maybe they are kinky art party buddies? and could be more since maxwell is bisexual
elisbeth barlow (oc)/moriaine:
maybe she takes elisbeth under her wing..
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ladykatakuri · 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge December Part 3
Soldier Boy: The Depth of Fear - Fives x Reader by: @zoeykallus
Wolffe x F!Reader by: @twistedstitcher27 SFW
Calling You - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Dincember: December 9 Lights - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Unreasonably In Love - Tech x GN!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Your Affection - Luke Skywalker x GN!OC!Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating T or M
25 Days of Life Day 10 - Decorating Cookies with Fives - Fives x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFWish
All Along - Luke Skywalker x GN!OC!Reader by: @princessxkenobi SFW
Beyond - Prince! Luke Skywalker x Wife!OC Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating T or M
Before Dawn - Luke Skywalker x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi Rating E
In Command part 2 - Rex X OC! Senna Aven by: @wild-karrde SFW
Keep Me Warm - Wrecker x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFWish
The Things We Fight For - Hunter x Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
The Cottage part5 - Rebels!Rex X Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
25 Days of Life Day 9: Mistletoe - Crosshair x Reader by: @ladysongmaster SFW
25 Days of Life Day 11 - Matching Holiday Sweaters with Howzer by: @kaminocasey Suggestive language
Kix X Medic!Reader by: @wild-karrde SFW
Clone Effect-Rebels : Pivot Point - Rex X F!Shepard by: @clone-effect-nexus SFW
My Beloved Enemy: Harsh Words - Crosshair x Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Skinny Dipping - TBB /Cody/Fives x F!Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus NSFW
Dincember: December 11 Frost - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 12: Life Day Ballet with Fox - Fox X Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
It Started With a Vacation - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @monako-jinn-stories SFW
It`s a Wonderful Lie - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader by: @firstofficerwiggles SFW and NSFW depending on Ch4 choice
Tech: Aurora Means Dawn - Tech& various other characters including OCs by: @wild-karrde SFW
Do You Hear the People Sing part7. - Fox X F!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Gregar Typho x Hunter by: @wild-karrde Rated M
House of Sins & Pleasures VII - Oberyn Martel x F!Reader and more by: @princessxkenobi NSFW
Dincember: December 12 Tree - Din Djarin and Grogu by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Crosshair x GN!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
A Soft Touch - Echo x Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Must Love Massifs - Sergeant Hound x GN!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Imperial Tech by : @wild-karrde SFW
Tech and Omega by: @wild-karrde SFW
25 Days of Life Day 13 - Decorating the Palace with Boba - Boba Fett x F!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Training for Failure - Echo x Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Dincember-December 13: Warm - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 14: Snowball Fight with Din Djarin - Din Djarin x Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
Loverboy Part 4 - Echo x Sith!Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Bloodied and Bruised - TBB x F!Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
Gar Cyare Chapter 9 - Alpha 17 x F!Reader by: @wanderinginksplot SFW
My Sunshine Is Sleeping - Kix x F!Reader by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Cold is the Night - Crosshair x F!Reader Chapter 2 by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Take My Hand - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi SFW
Dangerous Seduction Imp TBB x F!Reader HCs - Imp!Echo x F!Reader Imp!Hunter by: @zoeykallus NSFW
Dincember 16: Family - Din Djarin x Astra Djarin by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 17 - Wrapping Gifts for the Corrie Guard with Thire by: @kaminocasey SFW
25 Days of Life Day 16 - Making Mulled Wine with Sinker by: @kaminocasey SFW
Dancing in the Rain - TBB/Cody/Rex X F!Reader by: @zoeykallus Slightly Suggestive
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Mortal Kombat OC Update Bio: Conner Cage
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Name: Conner K. Carlton or Conner Cage
War Cage
Older bro (by Cassie)
Sonya’s Pet Assassin
Blue Dragon 
Special Forces (under contract)
Conner Cage was born to Michelle Danvers aka Megan Kidman who was a pureblood cryomancer clone after a one night stand with Johnny Cage. He grew up in a semi-happy life despite having no father with his mother teaching him how to use his powers correctly and using them for self-defense while revealing who she was to him. The pair traveled all the time out of fear that the Lin Kuei would discover who they were as Megan feared that her son would be used as a weapon. Megan later gained a job as a waitress at a diner in LA and would let Conner finish his homework there before heading home. His life would later change when the Outworld invasion happened as he bore witness to the massacre while his mother told him to run as she faced off against Baraka, Kotal and Mileena.
He hid in a dumpster as the fighting between them raged on to the point he feared that his mom was gonna lose but as soon as silence fell, he came out and found a frozen wasteland with all four gone. Conner was left alone in the invasion alongside dozens of orphans on the streets. He later ran off to a supermarket where he hid with dozens of survivors who came under the influence of a religious fanatic who claimed that the Outworld invasion was god judging them and so sacrificed a Special Forces soldier who was protecting the group to Tarkatans. Conner watched helplessly and isolated himself in the back hearing the pleas of people being sacrificed until he had enough and tried to them with Sonya Blade intervening as he ran away.
Conner spent the latter half of his childhood in a shelter for orphans who lost their parents during the invasion. There he befriended Jocelyn, a girl with musical talents, and regarded her as somewhat of an older sister to him. He later left the shelter when he became a teenager…
In his teen years, he used his powers to steal food from camps of Special Forces and later became a drug addict until he came to his senses during a robbery gone wrong when he was in his early 20′s. It was here that Kuai Liang spotted the young Cage and recruited him to the Lin Kuei. Conner trained with dozens of his students and while proficient in hand to hand combat alongside engineering, was known for his extraordinary marksmanship with firearms. He entered into a sexual relationship with Frost, one of Kuai Liang’s pupil, and the two had happy memories. Conner felt like he was seeing his life slip away fast and so he left the Lin Kuei despite the pleas of Frost.
After becoming a rising indie actor known for being in indie horror movies that got him Oscar nods, Conner was met by a recruiter named Naomi Stryker who offered him a position in a PMC outfit that was made up of disenfranchised Special Forces, Lin Kuei, and Black Dragon who formed the PMC known as Blue Dragon. This military outfit is privately hired by many corporations on the rise by trying to gain resources from Outworld and the result was them gaining tech on par with Special Forces. Conner accepted the offer as Blue Dragon gained the attention of Special Forces who later became their client and his path crossed with Johnny Cage, his father. Per the recommendations of CEO and commander, Cole Young, Conner was recruited into Cassie Cage’s team much to his chagrin. 
Conner is known for his no nonsense and mature attitude akin to Sonya Blade yet also has a quiet demeanor and obeyed orders constantly while also placing walls on himself to keep others at bay alongside sharing some of Johnny’s dry humor as well albeit much darker and has a drone-like body language. He is described to be the assassin of the team and is known for his stealthy prowess thanks to his active camo suit. Conner also has no respect for Johnny Cage and follows orders from Cassie, Takeda, Jacqui, Jax or Sonya who has great admiration for with him being a fan of Sonya and Jax. His relationship with Cassie was more professional but became closer when he realized that he is her half-brother. Sonya and Conner were also particularly close as Conner opened up his true identity to her first over Johnny and Cassie.
Him and Kuai Liang share a mixed relationship with Conner being one of Kuai’s star pupils but also fought dishonorably at the same time using firearms during training yet Conner regarded Kuai as a second father. This personality in his days may have led to Frost being attracted to him. Although Kuai Liang regards Conner with distaste now that that he’s essentially a mercenary though has gotten over that realizing that perhaps the Lin Kuei weren’t suited for him. Despite all of this, Conner remains loyal to Kuai Liang.
Conner, like every other child or invasion kids was orphaned thanks to the Outrealm invasion, has signs of PTSD and is always afraid of going into supermarkets due to his experience. This vulnerable side of himself scares him as he aims to eliminate it sometimes.
Like his father, Conner is a bit of a ladies man. It’s been rumored he had flings with Mileena, Frost, Nitara, Kia, Skarlet, Tasia, D’Vorah, Jataaka, Kira, Tanya, Ashrah and Khameleon. He also shares his dry humor as well and his sass at the same time. 
Hazbin Hotel AU: Conner was killed in the new era during an engagement against Bi-Han and somehow ended up in Hell. He soon became a Sinner with his form resembling an Arctic fox and plans to get out so he can return to service. Currently he lives in an apartment where he continues his plans and sometimes goes to parties.
Scott Pilgrim AU: Back in high school, Conner began to date a mysterious girl named Ramona Flowers in his senior year. Ramona became one of the earliest people who knew his powers and the two were nearly close to hitting it off. That is until Ramona had to move due to her parents moving somewhere else. Years later, Conner was asked to join the League Of Seven Evil Exes but failed the training process cause he wasn’t “evil enough” and thanks to Kuai Liang, he realized that he didn’t need Ramona. Conner still keeps contact with her and became her best friend when things get dicey.
Fighting Style:
Bak Mei 
Muay Thai
F2000 assault rifle
Modified MP7
Shao-50 revolver
Combat knife
Suit with cloaking tech
Mask w/voice scrambler 
Many other weapons made from ice
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