#clone commando phase-I armor
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jastervhett · 8 days ago
Phase-I Clone Trooper Armor
Although the Phase-II Clone Trooper Armor always got a lot of love…The Phase-I Clone Trooper Armor was always the best design to me due to the Phase-I Armor's likeness to Jango Fett's Mandalorian Armor.
From the Phase-I Clone Trooper Armor. To the Phase-I Clone Commando Katarn-Class Armor. And especially the Phase-I ARC Trooper Armor with its numerous Mandalorian influences (Helmet mounted Rangefinder, Kama, Jetpacks, Wrist Rockets, etc.)
Phase-I Armor for the Win...!
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grayrazor · 11 months ago
The mixture of armor types in Bad Batch is kind of weird. They've got Mcquarrie throwback stormtroopers even though Hunter's helmet is basically a fully-formed Star Wars 1977 design.
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Then on top of that, you've got the Clone Commandos, who still look straight out of a early-2000s FPS game with their glowing visors and massive pauldrons. They look so W I D E next to the Revenge of the Sith Phase II troopers.
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photogirl894 · 2 years ago
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May the 4th be with you, Morgan. Now I don’t yet know how ‘Sun and Rain’ will portray the mission to rescue Gregor from the Daro Imperial base. I’ve only really sketched what I imagine Kimber saying/doing in that episode.
So here when Echo looks down at what he thinks are more those what I (personally) call ‘McQuarrie*’ troopers, Kimber is a little surprised at the mention of their ‘updated armour.’ Next as she and Hunter spy on an Imperial Commando leading these McQuarrie troopers in that strange new armour that has had the old Mandalorian inspiration completely removed, the lovers can’t help but feel a little uneasy. Surely these are just more clone troopers in newly-fashioned armour, right?
What surprises Kimber even more is when Echo mentions the fortress’ records listing its garrison as ‘TK troopers,’ which not even Tech is familiar with any more than Kimber is.
I just hope I have really brought Kimber to life again and that my predictions for this chapter are more-or-less accurate if not similar to how you plan to write it. Someday Kimber could be drawn kicking those non-clone bucketheads’ butts.
Once again May there 4th be with you.
*Ralph McQuarrie did the concept art for the Original Trilogy including the first Stormtrooper design, which the Bad Batch used to make the Empire’s first generation non-clone stormtrooper.
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Wow, Ivan, this is pretty awesome!!
You know, I gotta be honest, you're not too far off in your interpretation of Kimber and how she would probably react in that situation! In all fairness, I haven't quite figured out everything for Daro yet, so this actually might help give me a little inspiration. Seeing that new armor would definitely be a little off-putting for her and would further drive home the fact that the Empire is changing the galaxy and not in a good way. It'll hit even worse when they find out that those troopers are no longer Clones and they're being phased out. And yeah, you better believe she'll kick some butt during the escape! 😎
Also, I love the term "McQuarrie troopers"! I do know Ralph McQuarrie and I love how some of his unused designs for different characters and creatures are still being put to use in new Star Wars media. He's got some great ideas!
This was a sweet surprise to get on Star Wars Day!! Thank you so, so much! May the 4th be with you, as well, my friend!!
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nereiix · 3 years ago
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Fanart for Love in the Time of the Clone Wars 🧡
This fic, and the others in the same series, are part of my favorites. If you enjoyed the Republic Commando novels you should totally check them out!
This drawing is for chapter 7, Maze deserves all the cookies for being a good brother and Dub needs a hug.
Initial sketch and references under the cut.
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This is the initial rough sketch of what I had in mind, I think I drew it last year. When I felt motivated to continue the drawing, I decided it would be best to use my drawing mannequins for the poses (and trace over the photos because it's easier and I'm lazy). I also decided to flip the positions because Dub's prosthetic left foot should be visible.
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I positioned Maze's arms approximately at first but when came the moment to draw the pauldron I realized they were too far apart. I ended up crafting a mini paper pauldron and reposing a mannequin to get a new ref. x)
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anstarwar · 4 years ago
As an artist who loves drawing Clones, from “I will draw this with ease” to “cry at your desk internally”, would you rank the types of Clone armour when drawing the Clones. This is ranging from the Phase 1, Phase 2 and Clone Commando armour. There’s probably more I’m not aware of, so feel free to add them to your small ranking list. I’m just curious, cause I can tell drawing armour can be the bane of an artist’s life.
I love your drawings though! They’re amazing!
Thank you for sending this! Ok so I think a list, yes a list will do quite nicely for this, so ranking from 1 (I will draw this with ease) to 5 (crying at desk, gnashing of teeth, walking back and forth while shaking my head at my tablet and saying "no" like Gollum) Phase 1 Clone Armor: 3....because there are SO MANY PLATES. Still, despite it having a simpler bucket, there are just *cries* SO MANY PLATES and angles...I'd say this is the easiest armor to draw, but not by much
Phase 2 Clone Armor: 5...because, again, SO MANY PLATES, but then they have the audacity to add breathy hole greeblies, antenna, scopes, and angles, and....aesthetically give me Phase 2 over Phase 1, but drawing it? I... *shakes head again like Gollum from Lord of the Rings*
Oh hey and also special shout cry out to our favorite commanders who feel the sun is just too much for the delicate eyes and went and added visors to their buckets...*lovingly glares at Fox, Cody, Thorn, etc.* (ok but for real, I love drawing their visors, I don't know why, it's tough (for me) as all get out, but...artistic pain and suffering I guess?)
Now onto the specialists!
ARC Trooper Armor: 15....greeblies, angles, plates, AND NOW YOU WANT A PAULDRON(S) AND A SKIRT? Are you kidding me with this? There are also buckles upon buckles....these ARCs were outfitted and went "oh no not enough, let's hit up Hot Topic for some Utilikilts and buckle pants..maybe we'll just add plaid...."(I need to draw a plaid ARC now)....
Commando aka Katarn Armor: 4.5....this shit is bulky...like bulky and angular with an extra special frowny face bucket and a clip-on (duct taped on?) backpack for extra stuff (probably cupcakes and candy). Ok so despite it's bulky angular-ness, Katarn armor is actually some of my favorite to draw I think because the bulkiness leaves more room for hiding of errors? Also look at this face? It's....it's the puppy dog face of the armor types
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I'm guessing I'm missing types of armor as well, but these, I think, are the 4 big types. All in all, I really love drawing Clones, both because of and despite their armor. There's something therapeutic about drawing them and finding out their personalities which I think very much is reflected in the armor and armor paint they choose. Once again, thanks again for sending this in, sorry if it got longer than you expected. XD
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legomocfodder · 5 years ago
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Uploading on an off day because I finally got the pieces I needed. Just a collection of my phase 2 clone troopers.
First row: Arc Trooper Jesse, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, and Commando Gregot
Second Row: 332nd trooper, Arc Trooper Echo (bad batch), and Kix.
I based Echo's design of his Bad Batch armor from the unreleased Kashyyk arc. I also custom painted the helmets of Jesse, Wolffe, the 332nd trooper, and all of the yellow on Gregor's armor
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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letitrainathousandflames · 5 years ago
Phase Zero
Chapters: 2/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) / Star Wars Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Dehumanization, Forced Surgeries, Prosthesis Aversion, Medical Torture (Mentioned), Angst, Heavy Angst, Sad Ending, Main Characters Death, Suicide Ideation, Suicide Characters: Clone Commander Truce (OC), ARC Trooper Speck (OC) Additional Tags: Empire Era, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Post-Order 66, Angst, Whump, Grief/Mourning, Dysphoria (regarding the prosthesis), Eye Removal Mention will add more Summary: Victims to the sick scientific curiosity of the Kaminoans, the last remainders of the clone trooper army are forced to become more machine than human, and it takes a toll on their mental health, causing despair and suicide ideation.
@tarantula-hawk-wasp here’s the cont. from that fic
Part I
Speck looked up at the black clone helmet.
“What…?” he blinked once, swallowing dryly. That thing was shy from being as tall as a commando droid “That’s… That’s you, sir?”
The not-droid turned its helmeted face down as if looking at him for a moment before wordlessly standing in attention again. The first commander that had spoken to Speck spoke gingerly to the ARC.
“Listen, we need to escort him back to his quarters.” he raised a hand to gently push Speck out of his way “If you want some advice, don’t get very close.”
Speck took a couple of steps back to then speak up as the troopers resumed walking.
“Wait. W-we can escort him ourselves, sirs. He’s our commander.”
The troopers moved fast, and the thing they claimed to be Speck’s commander followed them close.
“Negative. He needs to adapt back here and a crowd wouldn’t help at all.”
“I’ll do it alone then!” Speck countered, hastily following them “I’m his ARC, I know him well. I can do it.”
One of the commanders stopped at that, glancing at his colleague that stopped shortly after.
“ARC says he can take him.”
“Wha- no.” the other commander said sharply, lowering his tone to speak only to the commander “We have our orders.”
“Yeah, but we both have our own matters to take care of and frankly, the soonest I get away from that thing the better.”
Speck pretended not to hear it, despite being definitely close enough to. There was a small beat, and then the second commander acquiesced.
“Fine. He goes with you.” he sighed, walking towards Speck and lowering his voice “Don’t try to engage with him, alright? That whole process… it messes up a vod for good. I’ve seen it before. Whatever your C.O. was like, that thing isn’t him anymore.”
By then, the colder commander was walking away already, calling his colleague by his number and telling him to hurry up, and so the two of them left Speck with… whatever that thing dressed in black armor was.
Speck could see them talking to his fellow troopers and ushering them out, a few of them looking over their shoulders trying to understand what was going on. Speck turned to look at the tall trooper, walking up to his side.
“Let’s get to the barracks, sir?” he cleared his throat, forcing himself to sound like he always did speaking to Truce “You must be dying for some rest after flying all the way from Kamino.”
The trooper turned his head mechanically to look at Speck to then just march ahead. Speck followed him. That was fine – Truce wasn’t the chatty kind of vod, and he might just be exhausted.
They got to their dorm without speaking a word, and Speck watched in silence as Truce walked up to his bunk, standing before it for a few seconds before finally turning around and sinking down on it.
It was a good thing the commander and ARC had the privilege of a private dorm of their own. It would allow them more peace and quiet than that of the regular trooper’s. Still unsure of how to initiate a conversation, Speck just walked quietly to his bunk on the opposing wall and sat down on his own bed, prying his helmet out of his head and drawing a fresh, unfiltered breath as he placed it down on the floor.
Truce hadn’t moved. He might as well just be a statue. Speck wetted his lips, pressing them together and waiting. The seconds stretched, turning into minutes. He drew another deep breath.
“Sir… I just want you to know that I’m here if you need to talk, or…” he sighed “I’m here. That’s all.”
Truce remained still for another several moments. Then slowly, very slowly, he brought his hands up to his helmet, gingerly pulling it out of his head.
An involuntary smile curled Speck’s lips for a second as he watched Truce’s chin and  mouth be revealed. There was the tan skin of a vod – albeit a tad pale, certainly from the toll of going through several surgical interventions. But that meant this was Truce indeed, a clone just like himself.
The smile faded when Speck noticed the blemished, scarred skin around Truce’s eyes, which now revealed twin pale white irises surrounded by a rim of black – prosthesis. That’s right… Truce’s eyesight was worsening. But the Kaminoans’ solution for that problem was to remove both of the commander’s eyes?
Truce pulled the two black plates over his arms, and Speck kept waiting for him to remove the dark silver plated armor from over them when he saw Truce reveal silver fingers and hands under his gloves.
That wasn’t armor. That was Truce’s prosthetic arms and hands. Speck was still trying to take that in when Truce carefully removed his frontal plate, revealing his chest, which was thankfully still made of flesh.
There were lightning-shaped scars where the metal of his arms met his biological body, and bolts connecting wires from his skin to his prosthesis. There was a myriad of scars over his chest and torso as well, and a faint red light could be seen glowing from under the skin of Truce’s chest where his heart was supposed to be. Two metallic ends protruded from there, surrounded by cauterized skin.
The scalpel and stitch scars on his torso made it clear that his organs had been most likely harvested and replaced with synthetic ones. Speck’s eyes darted down to dark-silver legs, confirming that the commander’s lower limbs had also been cut off and replaced.
Speck could feel his stomach churn, and he swallowed down once, twice before looking his commander in the eye. The man-machine stared at him like he could see his very soul with his white eyes. When he spoke, Speck was almost surprised he didn’t have a metallic-sounding voice like a droid. Instead, his voice was raspy, deep and devoid of emotion.
“I should’ve taken decommission.”
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residentapothecary · 5 years ago
Kote’s Introduction to Delta Squad
{ this is just a little thing that y’all can read if you want }
“Your methods are not good enough for our standards.”
“Not good enough? These commandos are elite, they are killers. How could that be ‘not good enough’?”
“Perhaps they might be too harsh,” a woman’s voice piped up from behind the arguing Mandalorian and Kaminoan. The Mandalorian spun around demonstratively, his brows furrowed and face wrinkled.
“Excuse me?” He sniped, crossing his arms. The woman approached the two, brown cape flowing ever so lightly behind her. The older man huffed upon seeing the woman’s armor.
“So you’re transferring just any Mandalorian now, huh?” The man rolled his eyes and seethed, “My methods are just fine. I don’t need some little wanna-be interfere in my leadership and training of the Deltas.” His voice was coarse and mean, but that didn’t seem to phase the young woman any.
“This is Walon Vau. We have elected to keep him in charge of all operations involving the training and missions including Delta squad. Walon Vau, this is Kote Medrit. She is like you, here as a part of the Cuy’val Dar. We have also elected to bring her on board to assist in the training and missions including Delta squad.” Lama Su explained. “Her last squad was—“
“I don’t care. I don’t need any assistance.” Vau huffed, turning on his heels. “But do what you need to do. Since I’m in charge, go introduce yourself to the team and see how they like you.” He waved his hand as to brush off the young Mandalorian woman, walking away.
Kote glances upwards to the Kaminoan minister, shook her head and made way to a corridor that led to a small lounging area for the commandos only. Choosing not to dwell on how her new boss was an asshole, she rounded a corner and was greeted by a wide open room with only four clone commandos scattered about.
They each had armor that adorned different colors— from orange, to green, to yellow, to red. Distinguishable. The one in green armor looked up the moment she turned the corner into the archway of the lounge room.
“Can we help you?” The clone said sharply, as if she were disturbing them.
“I—“ she started.
“We know who you are. Listened to the conversation from earlier with Vau and Lama Su.” He interrupted, and then stood.
“I’m Delta Four-Oh,” he introduced himself.
“But we all just call him Fixer. He’s way too uptight for his own good. Glad you’re here, you seem pretty legit. Always cool to see another Mandalorian, and you’re a chick. Badass. I’m Scorch, or Six-Two. Whatever works,” the one in yellow hopped up and approached Kote, hand outstretched to her.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said with a gentle smile and firm handshake.
“That’s Boss over there, he’s doing some work on his holopad right now. Hey! Boss!” Scorch called out, and Boss jolted his head up. He stood and made his way over towards the new comer, rendering a salute.
“No need for formalities right now,” she said with a light laugh. “Welcome to Delta squad,” Boss said with a grin.
“We’re a pretty solid mess.” Scorch added, “Oh, and that’s Sev. He’s troubled mentally.”
“Shut it, Scorch, or I’ll bottle you.” Sev said with a deep growl behind his words.
“You’ll what now?” Scorch chuckled, “I’ll beat you upside the head with Fixer’s manuals.”
“Like hell you won’t,” Sev hissed back, cleaning off his rifle. Kote simply stood and observed the dynamic, before her observation time was cut off by a rather sudden comment.
“This is our time off. We’ll see you in training. Hope you’re up to standard in teaching.” Fixer said, with next to no emotion behind it. Kote got the gist, and nodded.
“See you in a few hours. Be sure to—“
“Yeah, yeah. We know what to do.” Fixer waved her off, while Scorch slapped Sev upside the head which in turn sparked a wrestle fight, Boss frustratingly typing away at his holopad, and Fixer getting up to try and separate the two fighting.
She shook her head slightly, putting on her white and gold helmet.
They were indeed Walon Vau’s boys.
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jastervhett · 3 days ago
Star Wars Republic Commando (Released 02-28-2005)
"You have been born into dangerous times. A sharp mind can be the key to survival. But as often as not, it will be your inherent physical traits that win the day. And in this regard you will be superior to your more common brethren. For you are a Commando, an elite unit, something truly special."
-Kaminoan Taun We to Clone Commando-in-training Boss
❤️ this classic, dope video game. (And the novels, too.) Hard to believe this was released 20 yrs. ago. Would've been SO cool if we had a Remaster or even a Republic Commando II sequel.
❤️ when playing Republic Commando how whenever Boss (AKA Delta Squad Leader AKA RC-1138 AKA 38 AKA Clone Commando Sergeant Boss) drew his BlasTech Industries DC-15S pistol, he would always spin it - just like Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Captain Rex, etc.
Also ❤️ that right-to-left laser-wipe that would clear away icky fluids that splattered on your helmet's T-Visor after any close encounters with hostiles & your Armor's trusty Knuckle Plate Vibroblade.
A-A-AND also ❤️ discovering a Jedi's lightsaber aboard the assault ship The Prosecutor which led to this line from Boss: "An elegant weapon for a more civilized time, eh? Well, guess what? Times have changed…!"
It's little details like these that make the lore of Star Wars, Star Wars video games & the Star Wars universe so immersive & enjoyable.
Poor Sev.
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cravitus426 · 7 years ago
armchair science rambles - plasmaguns and pigs
tl;dr plasma is not laser beams and it needs ammo to function
also star wars plasma is (obviously) a bad representation
something i’ve put some thought into recently (read: a few weeks ago in a discord argument) was plasma weaponry, and specifically i was picking at some lore for a weapon from the extended Aliens universe, the M78 PIG
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now the PIG is a phased plasma infantry gun and what this means is it’s basically a rocket launcher shaped plasma gun that makes the target stop existing fairly quickly
now my specific conundrum with the PIG to start with was ‘what does it look like when firing’ - and so i figured i’d go to the next best source for phased plasma guns in a james cameron film, the terminator franchise
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now as we can see that’s not your typical halo lightball of pain, and it’s more like a laserbeam - closer to star wars, in fact, but regardless i was met with skepticism from my peers as to the kind of plasma the PIG would be blasting at tanks from a kilometer out and figured a halo style bolt made more sense
i agreed to disagree and then we escalated from applying the visuals from two different movies of the same tech from the same director to justifying why the PIG would probably fire a long beamlike bolt of plasma, which then took me into the pseudoscience behind how the PIG probably works
now the PIG itself is in two components as the AvP wiki (or if you want to get to the root, the colonial marine tech manual) says, covering the launcher and the powerpack; within these two components, we know that there is a laser, a magnetic coil, and a feed of cadmium telluride pellets plus a power source - that black shiny material in solar panels, i believe
now at first glance you may make the mistake of thinking that vaporized pellets are fed into the plasmagun, which is simply incorrect and, upon further consideration, impractical, unfeasible, and is in fact the main reason i’m making this post to begin with - but more on that in a moment
now the rough idea i have with the PIG is that during it’s firing cycle it charges or uses the laser to then vaporize the cadmium telluride pellets fed into the weapon, causing them to vaporize, becoming a gas, and subsequently become ionized - becoming plasma, in other words
after the laser rapidly heats the pellet, the ionized gas which has shed it’s electtrons is then rapidly discharged by the magnetic coil in a focused beam or bolt towards the target, and the projectile has such power or focus that even up to a kilometer away the single pellet of material is enough to punch through the rear armor of a heavy tank - that’s how i’d imagine the PIG works, at least
now when in flight certain things would happen to this bolt of plasma, especially once it leaves the magnetic field generated by the magnetic coils of the PIG - the least of which is a dispersion and cooling over long distances
plasma is still hot gas, after all, and gas wants to expand outward rather than be compressed into a space, which is then all the more reason for a rapid beamlike discharge because the faster that gas goes to the target the less time it has to expand and weaken
a contemporary example of what this could look like in action, as far as videogames go, would be XCOM 2 - that aside, however, the important part of this post is the material used to make plasma in the first place, and with the PIG that’s pellets of cadmium telluride
games always tote plasma as this super high end energy weapon, uses energy cells, batteries - power to fire, but that’s simply not the case
plasma is a state of matter, and like any other solid, liquid, or gas, there’s different kinds of matter that can become plasma, and not all plasma will perform the same nor be equally fit for the task
take lighting, for example - we use neon to generate plasma, which is what neon signs are all about; it’s already a gas, just needs electricity to hit that glow, and it doesn’t have to be super dense to make all that light
if you tried to use, say, argon for example, you’d have twice as much density, twice as much mass, and twice as much weight as the same amount of neon which then makes it more impractical to use as a light source - and that’s not considering the difference in energy required to make argon hit plasma versus neon
this said, it’s not too important at that level whereas things get a bit more complex when you want to use plasma as a weapon
take star wars and it’s tibanna fueled blasters, for example
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here we have the typical stormtrooper blaster - the classic e11, courtesy of google and wookieepedia
in the event that you were unaware, star wars blasters take one of two things to function, those being power and tibanna gas which i’d guess is converted into plasma by adding energy from the powerpack
now as far as star wars goes there seems to be enough tibanna in there for all the shots you’d ever need in the field, never seem to need reloading - come to think of it have you ever seen a clone trooper load his weapon outside of republic commando’s blaster rifle, or the animated clone wars?
regardless what i’m getting at is star wars somehow packs enough tibanna in there and enough energy to create large, relatively slow, and lethal bolts of plasma in combat and without the need to ever really reload
star wars is basically science fantasy, but realistically speaking that gas would have to be of exceptionally low density to be packed in there at large quantities with little weight impact, and the more you pack the higher the pressure rises - and the higher that pressure is, the more you risk by dropping or damaging the weapon
imagine that every storm trooper carried a propane tank in their weapon, and imagine what would happen if one of them tripped and sprung a leak in that tiny super pressurized tank
not pretty for mister stormie
as far as the theoretical density of this material goes it’s definitely heavier than air otherwise it’d be swirling around cloud city, a population center whose primary export seems to be tibanna gas mined from the gas giant of bespin
for reference, oxygen’s density is around 1.4 grams, nitrogen is a little lighter, and CO2 i believe is around 2.25 (around the neighborhood of propane); therefore, tibanna if below the human-breathable atmosphere layer on bespin would have a higher density and as a result be heavier per unit than propane, which then makes it more unwieldy; that said, this is not necessarily a bad thing for the projectile
aside from the weight and safety issues that would arise with packing so much material into such a tiny space there’s also the matter of weapon effectiveness to consider; for example, neon gas would be inferior to theoretical tibanna because it’s ligher or less dense than the atmosphere it’d usually travel through; a somewhat fitting example would be like trying to throw an air-filled ball through the water - the projectile, less dense than the volume it’s traveling through, will bleed off more energy trying to get through and will actually be pulled up in this case due to basic buoyancy
replace ball with neon plasma and water with air and you get the effect of a brief flash of light sort of just slowing down and dispersing like a cloud of smoke being pulled upwards
tibanna at least has the precedent of being heavier than air, allowing it to at least not get screwed by buoyancy - but then there’s it’s low speed to consider, how sluggishly it travels through the air compared to the ‘primitive’ slugthrowers
considering then the low speed and presumably low or at least workable-and-light-even-with-pistols density/weight of the blasters you would think that they wouldn’t hit hard, and would get the bulk of their power out of the heat transferred to the target
and then you get this
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there have been others to apply hard calculations to this but you can’t even get that kind of flinging force from bullets short of the big stuff
force equals mass times acceleration and tibanna seemed like it had neither of those on it’s side but apparently it has one of those in stupid high quantity
it’s definitely not speed, which then implies it’s got to be the mass - and that then retroactively implies the blasters are all stupid heavy now
however this then ignores the inherent thermal energy of the blaster bolt - i guess in theory you could impart enough energy so rapidly that it does fling tr8r to the ground like anakin’s arms and legs, but if you’ve got that kind of energy at your disposal why not just use straight up lasers
and none of that fake laser stuff turbolasers perpetuate
continuing on, the low mass and speed of a blaster would logically limit it’s range stupidly, as the plasma would slow and disperse as it would not have the inertia necessary to continue to carve through the air to the target, regardless of super high heat per shot
however if the bolt gets even a bit of it’s power from the density, the mass of the projectile, then despite the implications it has for the weight and handling of the weapons, the density would make the actual bolts far more feasible
so in review now with delusions of realism applied to star wars blasters tibanna would have to be of high density and contained at hazardous pressures within the weapon to have the power and capacity demonstrated in the films - or otherwise be contained at high pressure and gain the bulk of it’s killing power by being superheated to a point where it can fling stormtroopers around like windu beats droids
i mean it’s plasma so the latter is kind of the point, but only to an extent
there are other things to consider when using a gas such as tibanna as your plasma reaction mass
for example, what kind of material and how much of that material are you using to store it, what is the state of that material in extreme conditions, how do you refill that in the field - and that last one makes me picture world war two flamethrower incidents, except with more laserbeams to accompany the big backpack gas tanks
oh tibanna’s volatile too isn’t it that just makes it even better
now, going back to aliens and the PIG, instead of tibanna we have cadmium telluride pellets - solid at room temperature, used already in solar panels, density of somewhere above five grams per centimeter i believe
comparing the solid to a gas, in a few points:
you don’t have to worry about pressure containment because it won’t explode if you trip; transportation is then a non issue, and while you would need to use magazines you don’t have to use a pressurized tank to refill the gun, nor would you have to worry about containing a mini superdense propane tank in your weapon
you have a more solid grasp on ammo expenditure and reloading is a risk free operation compared to connecting tubes and watching meters
you don’t need to mine gas giants to feed the gun
the solid is inherently usable in cold environments because the weapon was meant to take a solid in the first place, whereas gas may condense into liquid or even freeze into a solid, both of which would be relatively unusable for a gun meant for gas
both the solid and the gas would require energy, and while in theory the solid would need more to jump to plasma it’d be much safer and practical i’d say to use it over natural state gas which introduces inherent risks and design constraints to begin with
i do want to go back to density and force but those are subject to specific materials involved - that said, solids i think would be more effective as plasma because they would inherently be hotter as plasma
in simpler terms
which one of these is solid at room temperature
the block of iron, or the block of neon
the winner will inherently require more energy to become a gas and then even more to become a plasma, which would then increase the potential lethality through proximity alone, not even considering the mass, speed, or force of the projectile
so basically plasma is not a pure energy weapon type and it requires ammo - plasma is a state of matter, and you need mass of some kind for it
out of the masses you could use for plasma, gas in my opinion would be the inferior choice due to inferior power offered and complicated storage
solids in comparison seem to be inherently better suited as the ammunition
oh and i did forget to mention that storing vaporized solids is a stupid thing because you’d have to constantly heat them which then turns them into a gas but even worse as far as resources and safety goes
imagine if your star wars blaster had a constant superheater on with your volatile super pressurized mini propane tank that you’re already trying to heat to shoot plasma at people
that’s the kind of thing you’d be carrying around
i think that’s about it for this ramble, at least for now
now the real surprise will be if someone actually reads this
tl;dr plasma is not laser beams and it needs ammo to function
also star wars plasma is (obviously) a bad representation
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deer-head-xiris · 8 years ago
Clone Trooper YCH WIP (opinions appreciated!)
hey! I’ve got a sketch of the pose for my Clone Trooper YCH, do y’all think this is a good base to go off of?
Tumblr media
if it’s good, I’ll line this and I’ll add phase 2 helmet and helmet-less variants, as well as a separate armor set (also with no helmet option) for clone commandos! Full pricing will be listed later with the official YCH post but i think the standard for a single clone (with no added accessories) will be about $10
what do y’all think?
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kabukiaku · 8 years ago
I gotta ask what is your favorite clone armor variation there's phase 1 ,phase 1.5 and phase 2 or variation class armor like air borne troopers, pilot troopers , commando troopers etc ,All that good stuff you know?
OJFHJDG ok. prepare to see me nerd out. so I really love phase 1 and 2 of commander/captain clone troopers (like Rex). pilot clone troopers have a neat variety in their armor paint design
 ARC troopers!! (such as Fives and Echo). I love the 501st. good men. all of them. I LOVE HARDCASE. (trooper who carried a machine gun) NOT TO FORGET THE WOLF PACK! Plo Koon and Commander Wolfe. i love the wolf pack as well. they come in second after 501st.
Rex is overall my fave. Fives and Cody as well. 
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terryblount · 5 years ago
Star Wars Battlefront 2 December 5th Update released, brings new appearances, full patch notes
DICE has released a new major update for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. The December 5th update brings new appearances for the ARC Trooper, the Clone Commando, the Commando Droid and the Droideka that are now available to unlock for Credits or Crystals.
Moreover, this patch tweaks pretty much all heroes and villains. It also packs a number of User Interface tweaks. For instance, it redesigns the player bar with new outline visuals and scales Damage Reduction icon size and opacity with range.
In addition, this latest patch comes with a number of bugs fixes. For example, it fixes an issue that prevented text from properly showing up on main menu pop-up windows. It also fixes an audio issue with the weapon zoom sound occasionally not being audible.
Lastly, this makes brings various improvements to the game. There are multiple performance improvements in the Main Menu and Spawn screens, as well as improvements to the animation of characters when being Force pushed.
As always, Origin will download this patch the next time you launch its client. Below you can also find its complete changelog.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 December 5th Patch Notes
New appearances for the ARC Trooper, the Clone Commando, the Commando Droid and the Droideka are now available to unlock for Credits or Crystals.
QUALITY OF LIFE Damage Reduction Message
Reduced maximum size of Damage Reduction icon.
Scaled Damage Reduction icon size and opacity with range.
Included ON/OFF toggle for Damage Reduction Message in options menu under GAMEPLAY & CAMERA (default ON).
Kill Message
Moved Kill Message down from the game mode text area to below the crosshair to avoid over-messaging in this critical area.
Included ON/OFF toggle for Kill Message in options menu under GAMEPLAY & CAMERA (default ON)
Weapon Heat bar.
With the moving of the Kill Message as above, we needed to move the weapon heat bar UI to the same position as the stamina bar.
This creates consistency between weapon heat and stamina info, as they are now both displayed in the same area.
Player Bar
Redesigned the player bar with new outline visuals.
Thinner player/vehicle health bars.
Thinner XP and Shield bars. The shield bar is now also light blue.
Fixed an issue where the deflected blaster bolts from the Spin Attack ability would not damage enemies.
Added ability crosshair for Kylo Ren’s Frenzy ability.
Reduced the active ability time and increased the fire rate for Boba Fett’s Rocket Barrage ability.
Boba Fett’s Concussion Rocket ability description has been updated for accuracy. “Boba Fett fires a single concussion shot, dazing enemies caught in the blast. Dazed heroes using lightsabers cannot follow their target while performing their lightsaber attacks.”
Based on community feedback, we have added a 25% damage reduction during Choke.
Darth Vader’s Choke is now able to be performed only when targeting an enemy. Players can now see the number of enemies targeted by the ability.
Changed the stamina reduction of the Sith Trained Star Card from 40% to 25%.
Changed Star Card values for Luke Skywalker’s Intensify from 20-30-40-50 to 18-24-30-36.
Fixed an issue that would allow the Emperor to maintain the effect of a basic attack, while using any of his abilities.
Fixed an issue that would cause the blinded animation of enemies to be on a continuous loop, when affected by Palpatine’s Dark Aura ability.
Added ability crosshair for Palpatine’s Chain Lighting ability.
Fixed an issue that would cause Bossk to take damage by jumping and landing on the ground.
Fixed an issue where Captain Phasma could detonate the First Order Sentry Droid while picking it up without a cooldown requirement.
Increased the gap between the second and third strike, allowing Phasma’s Staff Strikes combo to be completed easier.
Fixed an issue where Captain Phasma’s rifle zoom would occasionally not highlight enemies.
Fixed a visual clipping issue at the end of Captain Phasma’s “Not Easy” Emote.
Han Solo can now dodge while the Sharpshooter ability is active.
Fixed an issue where Han Solo could occasionally throw more than one grenade.
Fixes an issue where the All-out Push ability would not affect enemies, if the player was attacked while activating it.
Lando can now dodge while the Sharp Shot ability is active.
Lando’s Smoke Grenade ability description has been updated for accuracy. “Lando Calrissian throws a smoke grenade which obscures the view of his enemies, but not of his Night Sniper’s thermal scope. Villains using lightsabers inside the smoke area cannot follow their target while performing their lightsaber attacks.”
Fixed an issue where Lando’s thermal scope would occasionally not highlight enemies.
Leia’s Flash Grenade ability description has been updated for accuracy. “Leia Organa throws a flash grenade which detonates on impact, blinding and confusing enemies in the blast area. Blinded villains using lightsabers cannot follow their target while performing their lightsaber attacks.”
Fixed an issue that would cause increased rifle recoil during Iden’s Pulse Cannon while crouching.
Fixed an issue where Iden’s weapon would still be overheating during super success cooling, when the Cooled Blaster Star Card was equipped.
Count Dooku’s Expose Weakness ability will now remove any active extra health on the target.
Fixed a visual clipping issue in the way Count Dooku holds his Lightsaber.
Added UI elements to show when Count Dooku has a critical strike available, while the Initiative Star Card is equipped.
Fixed a visual asset clipping issue at the end of Finn’s “I Can Do This” Emote.
Added names to the Command Posts on Capital Supremacy and Instant Action.
Health information of friendly AI in Co-Op and Instant Action has been adjusted.
Prevented the blue icons of friendly AI from being visible through walls.
Fixed an issue where AI Officers would occasionally show up with inconsistent Faction appearances on Co-Op and Instant Action.
Implemented improved player spawn points for the Defend scenarios of Co-Op.
Placed the Co-Op main menu tile between Single Player and Multiplayer.
Fixed an issue that could cause occasional frame rate drops when enemy AI is spawning on Co-Op.
Made additional Milestones visible under the Challenges tab during the End-Of-Round screen on Co-Op.
Adjusted one of the Command Post capturable areas, so that it doesn’t overlap with Out-of-Bounds areas on the mini-map.
Made several improvements to AI behavior on Instant Action. Fixed issues that caused the AI to not always play the objective.
AI characters can now spawn on Command Posts.
Fixed an issue with the difficulty setting on Instant Action not correctly applying in the game.
Fixed an issue with the selected number of AI on PC not correctly applying in the game.
Fixed an issue where the game could freeze if the user pressed “Quit Game”, right after pressing “Play Again” during the End-Of-Round screen on Instant Action.
Fixed an issue where the phase of the Clone armor in the Spawn screen and in-game would be inconsistent.
The “Gaining / Losing Reinforcements” message is now shown only once per ground phase.
Fixed an issue where the objective UI text would occasionally show up distorted.
Pass on the Campaign’s Explorer difficulty to address balancing issues
Fixed an issue that could cause color degradation during the end cinematic of the Discoveries mission on the campaign.
Fixed an issue that would cause the Star Card equip menu to remain on screen after respawning, if the player pressed the “Equip Cards” button while respawning.
Fixed an issue where the description on the loading screen for Kessel or Kamino would occasionally not show up.
Fixed a visual issue where an AI Trooper could be seen exiting the initial transport ship through a wall.
Fixed an issue where the player would get spawned in Out-Of-Bounds area, when selecting to spawn on Objective B while being contested by the enemy team.
Fixed an issue where the Hailfire Droid on Geonosis – Galactic Assault would occasionally disappear when looking at it from a certain angle.
Fixed a collision issue that would allow players to capture Command Post D from an unintended area on Felucia – Capital Supremacy.
Fixed an issue that would allow players to reach an unintended area by exploiting the Out-of-Bounds zone on the Republic Attack Cruiser – Heroes Vs Villains.
Fixed various collision and visual bugs on Felucia and Jabba’s Palace.
Appearances options now show up for all Reinforcement characters of the same class.
Updated Main Menu animations for the Jet Trooper, Resistance Rocket-Jumper, First Order Flametrooper.
Fixed an issue where Troopers would get stuck in abnormal animation poses, if they were melee attacking or dodging while mounting a stationary weapon.
Fixed minor visual issues with the models of the B1 Battle Droid (Officer and Specialist) when inspecting them in the Spawn screen.
Fixed an issue where a Trooper’s character model would occasionally start staggering after being affected by Ewok abilities or Flash Grenades.
Fixed a visual issue that would cause the scorch mark from the final blaster bolt on an enemy to show up inaccurately.
Fixed an issue where the Officer’s Flash Grenade would not impact the Officer who cast it.
Fixed an issue where the where the Heavy´s Barrage micro-grenades would visibly disappear too soon.
Fixed an issue where the Specialist’s Repulsor Cannon would not always knock an enemy down.
Fixed an asset clipping issue in the default pose.
Fixed an issue where the Droideka would automatically fire a shot upon being deployed on the map.
Fixed an issue where the damage multiplier of the Bomber Weapon Systems Star Card would not apply at all ranks.
Fixed a typo in the description of the Bomber Weapon Systems Star Card.
Reduced direct damage of the AT-ST Anti-Vehicle Missile and related Star Cards.
Improved enemy visibility for the Commando Droid’s Thermal Vision ability.
Fixed an issue that allowed the Commando Droid to close up to their target by using their Vibrosword, even under the effect of Leia’s Flash Grenade or Lando’s Smoke Grenade.
Fixed a visual animation issue where the Commando Droid’s leg would be seen sliding when standing up after crouching.
Fixed an issue where the footstep sound would not always be consistent with the footstep animation of Troopers and Heroes.
Fixed an audio issue with the weapon zoom sound occasionally not being audible.
Tweaked the audio feedback when hitting an enemy that has reduced damage abilities activated.
Made improvements to the animation of characters when being Force pushed.
Fixed an issue that prevented text from properly showing up on main menu pop-up windows.
Multiple performance improvements in the Main Menu and Spawn screens.
The Ability Overlay screen now displays equipped Star Cards and Character names for Starfighters as well.
Made minor visual improvements to the Ability Overlay screen.
Fixed an issue that would cause players to get occasionally stuck on the End-Of-Round screen, when transitioning to a different map.
Fixed an issue where the VO lines would occasionally lag behind when being activated with the VO wheel.
Fixed an issue where the “Preview Emote” button was wrongly showing up when previewing the appearances of the Jet Trooper.
Fixed an issue where Lightsaber decals on objects would not fade.
The post Star Wars Battlefront 2 December 5th Update released, brings new appearances, full patch notes appeared first on DSOGaming.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 December 5th Update released, brings new appearances, full patch notes published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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multi-muse-transect · 8 years ago
Death from Above and Beyond
AU: Mira Wren Bridger or at the time as agent Mira joins and her teammates receive a mission to take down invading insurrectionists in the mountains. As always, Mira belongs to @meldy-arts. Inspired by the TIE fighters animated short.
Agent Mira sits alongside her teammates in the drop ship looking at her First Order-issue Mandolorian helmet. It resembles more of a super commando’s really. Beside her is Blackjack, a Mirialan agent who is the daughter of the Seventh Sister, she was born from a mother who left her in the care of her father who was a stormtrooper and fled the battle of Jakku to raise her under the First Order. Blackjack was given to her as a nickname turned codename due to her gambling habits and somewhat cocky attitude. A skilled sniper and CQC specialist, Thrawn ordered her recruitment after she honed her skills with an Inquisitor lightsaber. She is wearing an armored dark blue version of a deathtrooper armor.
Then there was Zuke, an explosives and support specialist, he wasn’t that bright but he knew his ways around explosives and heavy weapons. Zuke is silent but whenever he speaks, its something either wise or a smug comment. His armor is a First Order heavy armor that is twice his body size. Like all armor colors, his color is dark blue but with a red stripe on it.
Piloting the ship is Lena “Convore” Tua, the daughter of Maketh Tua. She was once a TIE fighter and the best there is hence why she was chosen. Smart and playful, Convore is the team’s mother in a way and cares for them even risks her own life to save her team. Her armor is a lightly armored suit that is colored dark blue like the others complete with a TIE fighter pilot helmet. 
Then there was him, the son of a legend and a traitor to the empire but redeems his father’s name by joining the First Order-Kallus Jr. The son of agent Kallus Sr. He was recruited by the First Order while retaining his sense identity and works his way around things. Known for his relentless attitude, he is the leader of this fireteam he leads known as fireteam spectra. Back then it was only him, Lena, and Mira but the team seats began to grow and grow. His armor resembles more of a mix between a clonetrooper phase five armor and First Order stormtrooper armor at the same time.
The mission for today is to end an attack caused by the local insurrectionists the rescue and intelligence division has been fighting for years. They are waiting for a debrief from director Thrawn. 
“This is strange....” Mira muttered causing Blackjack to turn to her with her eyebrow raised.
“What?” Blackjack replied.
“An attack from the insurrectionists, its....Coordinated. Most previous attacks were clumsy but this one was out of nowhere.” She replied.
“Maybe they have a new general on their side.....Or perhaps they have someone within the Resistance helping them.” Kallus guessed. 
“The Resistance would never work for those monsters. Especially when they almost killed general Organa so their crazed child-killing leader could be the leader of the Resistance which then escalated to a civil war on both sides. We actually had to help the Resistance once also because they tried to use an defunct imperial chemical weapon project.” Zuke added.
“Indeed....Unless the Resistance has an intelligence officer. Call it a hunch but there is usually someone within a faction being the uber-black ops three-sixty no scope person within them. Which supports boss’s theory that they could have Resistance ties.” Blackjack smirked. 
“Or they just starting thinking instead of killing innocent people in brutal ways to scare to us into submission.” Convore suggested. 
“That could be it....You never know.” Mira agreed. The hologram comes up causing all agents to rise. Its director Thrawn. He is wearing a white uniform and cape also has graying hair. 
“Agent, as you know the mission is to push back insurrectionist forces from our weapons facility. As you all know, the facility houses dozens of projects the First Order holds secret. If these fall into enemy hands, the results will be catastrophic.”  The Chiss said.
“Indeed....But sir, this attack is-”
“Unexpected. Coordinated. Very unpredictable. I suspect some kind of tie to an outside party that is not Resistance at all. Anyway, the insurrectionists are bombarding the base with artillery canons. Trapping our troopers in. I want your team to bring down those guns so our main forces can move in and finish the task at hand.” Thrawn thoroughly explained as the team nodded. 
“It will be done sir.” Kallus nodded. All agents are loyal to the director in many ways, he inspires creativity within them and gives them the choice to be their own person at the same time. Something most stormtroopers don’t have unlike an agent. Agent training is varied depending on the recruit’s choice, they can pick courses like imperial super commando training, clone commando training, inquisitor training and many more sprinkled in with minor classes that will build up their own identity. Mira took up super commando training hence why she is so crafty with a jetpack and coupled with saber training with cyborg Kaleesh drill sergeant Smain. 
“You heard the man, lets get out there!” He ordered. The floor opens to reveal an arsenal table rising. All weapons for each individual agent. Zuke picks up a  Vulk TAU-6-23 "Blastmill” rifle alongside his trusty rocket launcher. Blackjack picks up her inquisitor lightsaber and sniper rifle alongside her CA-87 sawed off shotgun. Mira picks up her traditional Mandolorian rifle, dark saber, and burst fire grenade launcher while Kallus chooses his standard AC280F rifle. After putting on their thruster packs, the hatch begins to open as they ready their weapons.
“Fireteam Specter, the light is green!” Kallus yelled before putting on his helmet which resembles a clone trooper one. Zuke does the same while Blackjack does also alongside Mira then jump off the ship. All around them is enemy ships utilizing old CIS models much to their shock but focus on the objective.
The group stays in formation while using their thruster packs to maneuver themselves. 
“Coms check!” Kallus ordered as he glides in the air. 
“Zuke online.” 
“Blackjack ready.”
“Mira on the go!”
 “Weapons free!” Kallus yelled. The team strafes to the left since there is a mountain in front of them and avoids it. An enemy drop ship rises in front of Zuke causing him to quickly activate his dome shield around him causing it to crash through the ship and destroy it. Blackjack uses her thruster pack to dash herself forward then activates her inquisitor lightsaber to slices up enemy jet pack troopers. Mira spots a sniper on a cliff as she is heading straight towards him causing her to quickly shoot him. 
“Sniper down!” Mira notified. The group strafe up before landing on the ground while running. Kallus rifle butts a soldier in the face then gunning him down as Blackjack leaps in the air then throws her saber like a spear at a soldier thus impaling him before she pulls out her CA-87 to shoot another one in the face before picking it up and running alongside Kallus. Mira joins in with them as she activates her dark saber to impale an incoming soldier who turns to her but is decapitated instead before she switches to rifle and shoots two soldiers shooting at them while running and joining Kallus and Blackjack Zuke fires his weapon as he runs and mows down many soldiers along the way then switching to his rocket launcher to destroy a turret that was shooting at him before regrouping with Kallus, Blackjack, and Mira. An enemy gunship rises to shoot at them as they slide down to dodge its incoming shots with Convore taking it down.
“Thanks for the support!” Blackjack thanked. Another enemy gunship arrives but turns with the soldiers getting out but Blackjack jumps towards the opening to pull out her saber again then swings it to slice a soldier in half and pulling out her shotgun to gun down his captain right before pulling her grenades then jumping out while regrouping with her team. Zuke fires his rocket launcher again at a large group of enemies before grabbing one by the throat and slamming him on the ground before Kallus leaps over him and shoots two soldiers who were about to shoot Zuke then throws a sticky grenade at an incoming enemy tank which to whom Zuke avoids alongside Mira and Blackjack. The tank is destroyed with Convore dodging enemy fire and destroying ships at the same time. They run towards a cliff then leap in the air as soldiers turn around but they are killed by a hail of blaster fire.
In front of them is the artillery cannon firing at the base as the insurrectionists exchange enemy fire with the troopers within the base. Convore lowers herself to give them fire support which she does thus killing many soldiers and injuring more before a shot almost hits her causing her to fly off since its too hot. Kallus leads them as he fires his rifle at a dazed enemy soldier who regains his focus but he is shot in the chest instead right before grabs another soldier then flips him over and shoots him in the face. Blackjack and Zuke take cover as more soldiers arrive with Mira identifying them.....Partisans. Her eyes widen since she thought this group was killed in Jedha alongside Saw Gerrera. But now is not the time for questions. Mira and Blackjack leap over cover as Kallus and Zuke give them suppressing fire with the two pulling out their individual sabers. Mira slices a partisan’s gun half before impaling him while Blackjack slices one in half.  The last two are shot in the face by Kallus and Zuke. 
“The artillery gun is upstairs, move it!” Kallus ordered.
“Alright, alright already!” Blackjack sighed. A surviving soldier gets up with his rifle raised at her head causing her to discharge her saber from her back to impale him in the chest.  The group head upstairs to the deck and into a hallway with a door in front of it. It slides open causing the group to drop their jaws at the sight on who it is.
Standing in front of them is space pirate Hondo Ohnaka. 
“Well this is a very interesting team. I thought you were Knights of Ren back there.” He observed.
“Save the talk pirate! What do you want from this base?!” Mira replied.
“Riches untold, that sort of thing. Also doing a job for an old friend of mine and giving me those friendly gentlemen you brutally killed.” Hondo answered sarcastically. Rolling out near him is a group of droidekas, the insurrectionists use old Separatist technology to gain the upper hand.
“Hence why the insurrectionists are so coordinated. Partisan intervention.” Kallus replied.
“Indeed! Now excuse me, I have valuable data to send to. Take care of them boys!”   The droideka’s activate their shields and begin to fire at them causing the team to take cover. 
“Shit, not these things again!” Zuke groaned. Kallus gets out of cover and returns fire then gets back. He looks around then up at the ceiling then blasts it. 
“Mira, you’re the only one who can fit it! Eliminate Ohnaka before he uploads whatever he has in store to his contact!” Mira nods then is lifted by Zuke. She crawls through the ventilation while looking down on the firing droids before looking back up. Mira arrives in the room to see Hondo talking to someone.....Ezra Bridger. 
“Like I said, those cannons-” Mira slams the vent open and aims her rifle at him. Hondo turns around with his arms raised.
“Okay then....Never underestimate an agent.” Hondo said. 
“Whatever you’re uploading, take it out. NOW.” Mira ordered.
“I’m quite sure there’s another way. Maybe take a little bit of-THIS!” He grabs a concussion grenade which explodes on impact knocking Mira’s helmet away as she shoots the screen with Ezra on it who has a look of pure terror and worry for his old friend.
“Hondo! Are you there!?” Ezra cried. 
“I am Ezra and-” Hondo turns around to see Mira unmasked with her helmet on the ground knocked off. His jaw drops at the sight....This is Ezra’s daughter. The daughter thought long to be dead but not at all. Mira aims her rifle at Hondo. 
“You....You don’t want to do this.” His voice turns serious and almost pleading to her.
“What? You’re scared now?” Mira replied. Hondo aims his gun at Mira.
“No, I don’t wish to cause more pain to your family. Listen to me...I have something to say about you.”
“Hondo, what are you saying!?” Ezra replied on the coms. Before Hondo can open his mouth, Mira guns him down immediately before interrupting the connection by removing the data-drive connected to the computer.
“Hondo! Hondo! Can you hear me!? Hondo?!” Ezra yelled before Mira loots his dead body and finds the droid deactivation remote then picks up her slightly cracked helmet and puts it on. Mira deactivates the droidekas shooting at her team then heads out as they move towards her. 
“Lets destroy those guns.” Kallus said before Mira nods. They head upstairs as the group guns down the crew. Zuke places an explosive device on it causing them to leap over the railing as he uses his detonator to set off the explosive thus destroying the guns. Kallus activates his coms.
“Sir, the guns have been destroyed.” He informed.
“I read you loud and clear agent Kallus.” Thrawn replied. Suddenly, the star destroyer known as the Chimaera arrives with a flurry of TIE fighters following it and open fire on the Insurrectionists. Mira is disturbed by the talk she had with Hondo.....What did he mean by family? She shakes her head as Blackjack offers her a fist bump which Mira gives her in return while Zuke does the same and Kallus too. Convore arrives and opens the hatch of her ship as they get in for a job well done. 
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wilsonisnotsorry · 8 years ago
Illum never seemed to change, the same frost, same wind, same silence as always. The night sky of the planet displaced between the twinkling void above and the soaring clouds rushing across it. Jagged spires of frozen rock and crystal clear ice formed an otherworldly silhouette around the ravine, the towering colossal formation leading towards a single point. Nestled against the frozen glacial face, ornate stone rose from the snow padded ground, rising up to make the arched entrance of the Jedi Temple. C-78914 leaned against a pile of crates by the entrance, huddled close to one of the portable heater units so commonly used by the Republic. His fingers already felt numb, phase one armor wasn’t made for this kind of cold, and the clone silently began wishing he had been awarded one of those commando armor sets. The black T-shaped visor of his helmet already began to frost over, making visibility pointless. The clone simply sighed, grabbed his standard issue DLT-19, and began to make his rounds again. C-78914, or Vek as his squad called him, always hated the cold. It made the nub of his severed left arm ache, and the nerve connections of his cybernetic always seemed to flare up in irritation as a response. Still, he knew that complaining was the mark of a lesser man ; the mark of a protocol droid, not a clone. He circled around the sparse speeder pad, checking the covers for the bikes and securing the connections that the wind had ripped loose, before then heading back for the entrance to the Temple. He’d been to Illum before, many times in fact, such was the life serving under General Selna’ryn. She often took her squadron to the backwater worlds, mostly to protect and garrison Jedi sanctuaries in case of separatist attacks, but also because of her padawan. Vek still remembered being given his new assignment years ago after losing his arm, being forced out of his glorious days of being a Republic Navy fighter pilot...to become a babysitter. That seemed like a lifetime ago rather than just a year.  He ducked his head down, stepping through the low hanging doorway, entering the stone antechamber. Dimly lit chem torches showered the stone floor tiles with a green hue, radiating up the pillars slightly only to leave the high ceiling above in darkness. Vek reached up, grabbing at the bottom of his helmet with his left hand, while his right leaned the long blaster rifle back against his shoulder. “We’re all clear General, speeders are secure.” Vek replied with the crisp no nonsense tone all clones seemed to share. The twi’lek dipped her head in acknowledgement slightly, eyes closed while she sat silently on the temple’s floor with her legs folded. She made no other motion other than a smile as she replied. “Thank you Vek, and what of Hun?” Her eyes opened, slowly moving to push herself to stand as the bulky brown robes of her order shifted with the motions. “Still outside, doing those motions you wanted. Should I get the speeders ready to return to base camp, General?” Vek grinned, his tone not even bothering to try and hide his hopeful suggestion. “I’m afraid the padawan and I have one last matter to attend to here, deeper in the temple. I’ll go retrieve him. Please continue your rounds trooper, we will not be much longer.” the twi’lek responded, moving for the door. It was always odd to Vek, how someone with such grace and soft nature, was always the one in the thickest of battle. He’d seen the General fend off wave after wave of battle droids from the Liberation of Vekton III to the Seige of the Red Expanse. Yet outside of battle she always was so, serene. Her expression always so thoughtful, it seemed to time and time again throw Vek through a loop. He quickly snapped to attention as she walked by him however, barking out the customary response. “Yes ma’am.”
He relaxed as the robed woman disappeared outside into the snow, moving to tug back on his helmet. He had just began to secure the neck seam of his body suit when his wrist-comm began to flash. He secured the sling of his rifle, hanging the blaster along his back before punching the transmit with an index finger, his helmet modulating his voice through the built in speakers. “Harrier Four here, what’s your status.” Vek said. “Harrier Four, incoming priority transmission to Harrier Squadron, stand-by.” Priority transmission? He thought silently, his training and conditioning kicking in putting all his senses on high alert. His wrist-comm blinked again, but oddly transmitted the message to the speakers inside his helmet. “The time has come...execute Order 66.”
Vek couldn’t recognize the voice, and for a moment was confused, after all... What the kriff was Order 66?
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jastervhett · 1 month ago
Greetings everyone
And "Su'cuy'gar" to all Mandalorian fans….This is my first post here on this site.
I'm a VERY big fan of The Taung, The Mythosaur, Mandalorians, The Resol'nare, The SuperCommando Codex, Jaster Mereel, True Mandalorians, Jango/Boba Fett, The The Cuy'val Dar, Mandalorian Protectors, Mandalorian SuperCommandos, Clones, Alpha-Class ARC Troopers, Null-Class ARC Troopers, Kal Skirata, Clone Commandos, Phase-I Armored Clone Troopers, Phase-I Clone Trooper Armor, All associated Clone Trooper Weapons, Vehicles, Ships, Mandalorian Helmets, Mandalorian Armor, Mandalorian Armor Technology, Mandalorian Arm Gauntlets, All associated Mando Weapons, Vehicles, Ships, Planets, Characters & all Star Wars Armor.
(I also like ALIEN(s), Predator, RoboCop, Terminator, OG BattleStar Galactica & Sci-Fi, Blade (Daywalker), Batman, Video Games, Toons, Comix, Movies, & Animation.)
Also interested in: Armor, Armored Helmets, Helmet Cutaways, Helmet Interiors, Helmet Faceplates, Helmet Faceplate Interiors, Helmet Heads-Up Displays, Heads-Up Display (HUD), Heads-Up Displays (HUD's), HUD (Heads-Up Display), HUD's (Heads-Up Displays), Data Read-Out Displays, Data Read-Outs, Graphic User Interface (GUI), Graphic User Interfaces (GUI's), UI (User Interface) UI's (User Interfaces), Pictures, Blueprints, Charts, Diagrams, Schematics, Drawings, Technical Drawings, Mechanical Drawings, Industrial Designs, Cross Sections, Cutaways, Cutaway Views & Exploded Views.
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