#clip on barces
dystopicjumpsuit · 8 months
because I’m a greedy ho, may I also request:
the hands. on the waist. oh my god.
with Neyo 👀🫣 do not perceive me pls
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A/N: My friend. When I tell you that this awoke me out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night last night. I instantly bumped it to the top of the queue. Who has deadlines? NOT THIS SIMP! Please enjoy, and thank you for the ask!
Pairing: Commander Neyo x Reader (GN)
Rating: T but minors DNI as always
Wordcount: 1,556
Warnings and tags: fluff; minor injury; mention of blood; kissing; Neyo identifies as a warning
Summary: Marshal Commander Neyo takes his favorite medic for a ride. It’s not as sexy as it sounds… or is it?
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“Commander, we’ve lost contact with CT-2639 on the eastern perimeter.”
Marshal Commander Neyo swiveled his head, pulling away from your hands as you cleaned the cut on his forehead. Head wounds always bled like a mudscuffer, and this one had made an unbelievable mess, but it wasn’t severe enough to be life-threatening. You silently followed his movement, continuing to work as Neyo replied to the trooper.
“Send a BARC trooper to reinforce his position,” Neyo snapped, clearly irritated that the situation had not already been handled several rungs down the command ladder.
“They’re all out on scouting missions, sir,” the trooper said nervously.
Neyo nodded shortly, then turned back to you. “You, medic. Grab a medkit. You’re coming with me.”
It galled you slightly that he hadn’t bothered to learn your name, even though he had refused to allow any of the other medics in the 91st treat him since the first time you’d patched him up months ago, but given that he was one of the highest-ranking clones in the GAR, you weren’t about to call him out.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, quickly sealing the laceration with a spray bandage. Luckily, you were nearly finished treating him before the trooper had interrupted; otherwise, you had no doubt the commander would have simply shoved his bucket back onto his bloody head and jumped on a BARC speeder.
You shrugged the heavy medpack onto your back and followed Neyo to a BARC speeder with an auxiliary stretcher, watching him nervously, dread swirling in your gut.
“Well?” he asked, his tone clipped and impatient.
“I’m not speeder trained, sir. Sorry, sir,” you admitted, hoping that he wouldn’t reassign you to a different unit as he tended to do when his subordinates weren’t up to his frankly unrealistic standards.
His sigh was audible through his helmet’s speaker. “Climb on the back.”
“Sir?” you asked, startled. It was going to be one hell of a tight fit on a speeder designed for one.
“Secure the medpack to the bike and get the kriff on,” he growled. “We don’t have all day.”
“Yes, sir,” you said, snapping rigidly to attention.
You squeezed in behind him, trying very hard not to think about the way his hips pressed your thighs open, or the way his strong back felt against your chest as you wrapped your arms around him and hung on for dear life. The BARC speeder was unbelievably fast, and the landscape whizzed by in a dizzying blur as Neyo expertly navigated to CT-2639’s last known position. The bike turned abruptly, and you unconsciously tightened your arms harder around his torso. He dropped his hand briefly from the controls and settled it over yours, adjusting your position so you gripped his belt instead of the slick plastoid of his chestplate, then raised it back to the handlebar.
The bike slowed as you approached your destination, sweeping the terrain for any sign of the missing sentry. A flash of white and red plastoid at the bottom of a ravine drew Neyo’s eye.
The speeder came to a halt, and you jumped off, grabbing the medpack and running to the downed trooper. He was unconscious, but his vitals were strong enough—for the moment—and Neyo helped you stabilize his spine as you carefully transferred and secured the patient to the stretcher on the side of the BARC.
“Bike isn’t powerful enough to carry three,” Neyo said as he mounted the speeder.
You nodded in understanding. “Yes, sir. I’ll make my way back on foot. He needs more care than I can give him here, and the base medics are equipped for it.”
“Negative. Hold position here. I’ll send someone to extract you.”
“Yes, sir.” You hesitated, and Neyo looked up at you, his helmet blocking his expression—not that you’d ever been particularly good at reading the commander’s cold, hard eyes. “What’s his name?”
Neyo was silent for a beat. “Boey.” His helmet tilted as he surveyed you from head to toe, as if suddenly realizing he was about to ditch you in an active war zone without armor or weapons. He handed you his DC-15 and climbed back onto the speeder. “Try not to get killed.”
Luckily, no battle droids appeared to ruin your day. You didn’t have to wait long before you heard the whine of a speeder approaching your position, but you were surprised to see not one, but two BARCs appear, and one of them was the commander himself. He drew to a halt, and you immediately surrendered the blaster to him. The other trooper looked back and forth between you and Neyo, but stayed silent.
“Boey?” you asked.
“He’ll make it,” Neyo replied, sliding forward to make space for you. “Get on.”
You obeyed, feeling very thankful that it was a short trip to the base as you once again straddled Neyo’s hips and tried to think unsexy thoughts. 
For kriff’s sake, he doesn’t even know my name. He’s kind of a dick. Why am I like this? Maybe when he reassigns me for not having achieved every single karking qualification in the GAR, I’ll end up in the 212th—if I’m going to have an unprofessional and inappropriate crush on a superior officer, Commander Cody seems like a nice, safe choice. Why do I always seem to go for the dicks? Some mysteries may never be solved.
Neyo started up the speeder and took off at top speed, leaving the other BARC trooper behind to secure the position. Unfortunately for your sanity, it seemed that Neyo had decided to inspect the entire perimeter, because there was no sign of the base anywhere, and the ride seemed interminable. As you gradually became accustomed to the speed of the bike, you tore your eyes away from the center of his back and began to look around at the landscape as you hurtled through the air.
It was actually a beautiful planet, when there wasn’t an active battle going on. Neyo drew the bike to a halt at the edge of a cliff with a stunning view out over the lush forest. He pulled off his helmet and set it on the bike, then dismounted, holding out his hand to assist you off the speeder.
When you met his eyes, they were as hard, cold, and unreadable as ever, and you couldn’t help wondering if he’d decided to just dropkick you off the cliff instead of bothering with the hassle of reassignment paperwork. Well, if this view was the last thing you ever saw, you couldn’t deny that it was breathtaking.
“What is this place?” you asked, unable to keep the awe out of your voice.
“Western perimeter. Cliff provides a natural defense.”
You looked down over the cliff and immediately regretted your decision, feeling dizzy and lightheaded at the distance to the bottom. You swayed dangerously, and Neyo grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back from the edge, your back colliding with his armored chest.
“Damn, that’s a… hell of a drop,” you managed to say. 
“Mm-hmm,” he agreed, his voice low and close to your ear.
You couldn’t resist asking, “Is this where you dispose of medics who don’t know how to ride speeders?” 
“What?” You felt his head turn as he observed you closely. “Why the kriff would I expect a medic to be BARC speeder certified? Do you know how much training BARC troopers have?”
You cleared your throat, trying not to dwell on how very, very close he was; or the deep, quiet rumble of his voice next to your ear; or the way his hands still rested on your waist. “So… you’re not going to reassign me?”
“I should,” he said quietly.
Your heart plummeted and your stomach twisted. You stared down at the ground in front of you, desperately trying to hide your embarrassment and disappointment.
One of his hands slid forward, flattening over your belly and pulling your body back against him. You felt the rough fabric of his glove move softly across your jaw as he tilted your face toward him with his other hand. His thumb brushed your lips, and then his hand drifted down to rest at the base of your throat, your pulse racing wildly beneath the gentle pressure.
“I shouldn’t—” His lips were so close to yours that you felt his breath ghost over your skin as he spoke. “—with a subordinate…”
You couldn’t tear your gaze away from his mouth. It was all you could see as you whispered, “You’re a marshal commander. Everyone is your subordinate.”
He drew a shallow breath, but made no move to close the tiny distance between you. The moment stretched out unbearably, until at last you could no longer resist the temptation. The tip of your tongue barely grazed the corner of his mouth before he snapped, crashing his lips into yours, clutching your body against his as though, if he only held you tightly enough, he could feel your warmth through the cold, unyielding plastoid of his armor. He kissed you with a passion that left you breathless and reeling, and when at last his lips parted from yours, he nuzzled your face gently as he whispered your name.
“Wait…” you breathed. “You know my name?”
For the first time since you’d met him, Neyo smiled. “I’ve always known.”
Want some spicy Neyo content? Check out my fics Everybody Hates Neyo Part 1 and Part 2!
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moonlight26posts-blog · 11 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: 6-month-old poodle mix who got his leg stuck in a fence needs rescue placement! - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Teddy Graham- 6 months, unaltered male
Teddy Graham is the sweetest, silliest boy. He's a happy-go-lucky, outgoing little fella who is ready for any adventure as long as he's got a friend by his side. He has been described as a friendly boy who loves hugs, eating, and playing with kids.
Unfortunately, Teddy Graham is scheduled to be surrendered to our shelter on 8/10 due to an injury he accidentally sustained and his owner not having the ability/time to care for him during recovery.
According to his owner, Teddy Graham got his leg stuck in a fence, causing a full or partial laceration of his Achilles tendon. The wound was clipped and cleaned at a vet hospital, a bandage was placed, and an ortho consult is recommended to further assess.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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thesnapshotcafe · 1 year
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Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair & Makeup Season in Paris and Prague
Paris and Prague. Two of the most fabulous destinations for pre-wedding, wedding and honeymoon shoot. Last year, we went to these two cities 7 times within 3 months, to provide our service for our Overseas couples, including photography, videography, hair styling and makeup. Especially cherish our time with couples from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.
We are based in London, UK. That's why we are able to reach many other European cities easily for providing our service. Besides Prague and Paris, we have been to so many other European cities as well.
Some of the cities we have been to are full of history, greenery, resplendent with its natural beauties, and architecture. These serve as an incredible backdrop for our couples' photos and video clips.
Would you like to go with us for an adventure in Cappadocia, Pamukkale in Turkey, Barcelona and Seville in Spain, Tuscany, Florence, Milan, Palermo, Venice, Rome in Italy and Sicily, Edinburgh, Dublin and Belfast in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland, Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Santorini, Budapest, Bruges cities in Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Hungary, Belgium European countries.
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page and our website to see our couples photos and videos from all those cities!
Thank you
巴黎和布拉格-兩個最美,有情調的婚紗、婚禮和蜜月拍攝目的地。 去年,我們在3個月內去了7次這兩個城市,為我們的海外新人提供我們的服務,包括攝影、錄像、髮型設計和化妝。 尤其珍惜與來自香港、新加坡和馬來西亞的新人在一起的時光。
我們位於英國倫敦。 這就是為什麼我們能夠輕鬆到達許多其他歐洲城市以提供我們的服務。 除了布拉格和巴黎,我們還去過很多其他歐洲城市。 我們去過的一些城市充滿了歷史、綠色植物、燦爛的自然美景和建築。 這些為我們情侶的照片和錄像剪輯提供了令人難以忘懷的背景。
請隨時查看我們的 Facebook 頁面和我們的網站,查看我們來自所有這些城市的情侶照片和錄像!
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If you’re looking for men’s clip on braces, then you’ve come to the right place. Our range of clip-on style braces in an array of colours and patterns make them perfect for trousers and suits of all types, from black and blue to red and pure white, as well as tartans, pin dots and striped.
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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Vintage Barcs M538 Tear Drop Dangle Silver Tone Clip On Earrings - SHOP 
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macaroni-rascal · 4 years
Back to you d/w skating skills comments. Worst compared to gold medal winners or worst all medal winners in recent memory?
you’re really backing me into a corner here, anon...
(all medal winners)
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arctic-the-archaic · 4 years
Day 2: High-Speed Chase
“—eading down east side, Commander!”
“Copy, shifting.”
Commander Fox depressed the accelerator on his BARC Speeder, zipping with ease through the crowded skylanes.
Some bounty hunters had stolen some high-value data from a Republic Data-Center. Him and The Guard had been ordered to get it back. Fox didn’t fail his objectives.
In the distance, he could hear rapid blaster-fire and the occasional bang or boom of a speeder crashing. Aurek Patrol had been the closest to the scene at the time, so on Fox’s order, they had engaged. The Commander himself had been back at the Republic Military Base, but had sprinted to a speeder when the call came in.
The blaster-fire grew louder as he neared the chase. Zipping around a corner, Fox came across two air-speeders, three occupants each. He recognized all of them from bounty-hunting bulletins. Probably trying to take the ‘score’ for themselves. He thought as the wind buffeted his form. Don’t shoot at me, don’t get in my way, and you’re not my problem.
He flew past the two speeders and looked up at a skylane above his. He had given Aurek Patrol’s Commanding Officer free reign to engage at his discretion due to Fox’s lack of knowledge of the situation. The Commander reserved his own judgement for when he arrived on the scene.
Time almost seemed to slow down as more adrenaline entered the Commander’s bloodstream. His brain entered an analytical mode when in a dangerous situation; That was exactly what was happening. There’s no way this thing can elevate to that level fast enough to keep up. He thought, realizing his dilemma with the BARC. His eyes darted around for a moment, then, Bingo.
There was a section of building jutting out at just the right angle to act as a ramp to get him up there quicker. He steered his speeder across the skylane and depressed the accelerator as far as it would go before quickly connecting his HUD to the speeder’s electronics system and overclocking the repulsors in an effort to give himself some extra height, hoping to whatever deities that existed that this worked. The speeder hit the ‘ramp’ and flew upwards…
A hodgepodge transport that looked like a sneeze could take it apart flew above him, followed by several turbo-laser bolts flying towards his men from Aurek Patrol that were pursuing on jetpacks and speeders. Apparently it was armed. Not good.
Fox’s mind registered three phrases,
Civilians threatened…
Troopers threatened…
Lethal Force: Authorized.
As he flew through the air from his jump, Fox pulled an impact grenade from his belt and lobbed at the transport’s engine nacelles. The grenade landed home, slamming into one of the engines and detonating, sending the transport spiraling onto a section of unused artificial land and crashing with a screech of metal on metal. Fox nodded in approval as his speeder stabilized at the desired level and he saw a Coruscant Guard gunship descend towards the crash site to check for survivors.
Note, add impact grenades to standard unit-wide equipment. Some part of his mind mentally marked down.
Focusing back on the chase, Fox accelerated through the traffic and came upon two Starhawk speeder bikes each carrying two bounty hunters. Seriously? What is with these guys? Fox scoffed.
Before he could zip past them, the passenger on each bike turned and began firing a blaster pistol at him. Fox easily dodged the poorly aimed shots as his mind registered the threat and analyzed the quickest way of elimination.
Speeder blasters too inaccurate. Precision required. Hand-blasters acceptable.
Fox took one hand off the controls and drew one DC-17, firing two quick and precise shots into the backs of his two attackers, making them slump in their seats, unconscious and injured but not dead. He fired two more shots, each one hit one of the repulsors on the bikes, sending them careening into a nearby empty walkway. Two Jet-Troopers peeled off to go arrest them as Fox shot forward again.
Now nearing the bounty hunters’ vehicle, he could identify them. Embo, Aurra Sing, and Cad Bane. Of fekking course. The three top hunters in the galaxy. I thought today would be an easy day for once, no stress. But nooooo…
Fox watched as one of his Jet-Troopers flew forward, attempting to get a disabling shot on the speeder only for Cad Bane to put a blaster-bolt straight through the unlucky trooper’s head. He felt his composure slip for a moment, MURDE— He took a deep breath. Then exhaled. Targets armed and dangerous. Locate efficient way to neutralize and capture.
The hunters flew down a few levels and began zipping through side passages, Fox only a few meters behind them. Finally, deciding he’d had enough, Fox opened up with the high-powered blasters on his own speeder, doing his best to avoid civilians if the shots missed. Finally, the Commander scored a lucky hit and the hunters’ speeder fell from the sky, sliding onto and unused landing pad. He watched as the three disembarked, and then fired a few blasts into the speeder, making it explode. When the smoke cleared, he saw Embo’s hat flying at him. He tried to avoid it, but it clipped one of his repulsors and sent him crashing to the landing platform.
As Fox climbed to his feet, he silently cursed himself for forgetting the Kyuzo bounty hunter’s impeccable throwing skill. Looking up, he spotted Aurra Sing slowly walking towards him with a single blaster drawn. What he also saw, was the blue glow of the Republic Data Crystal he was after in one of her belt pouches. He purposely stumbled in an attempt to draw her closer, he had to get the crystal.
Sing laughed as she stopped about a foot from him, “You were a very brave little clone. Chasing us all the way down here. Very skilled too. It’s almost a shame I have to kill you.” She raised her blaster, and then Fox struck. His left hand shot out, grabbing her blaster and jerking it from her hand. Before she could react, the Guardsman twirled on his heel and sweeped her legs out from under her, sending her to the ground. He tossed her blaster away and drew his own, putting three stun bolts directly into her head. That should keep her down for a while.
Fox crouched, quickly swiping the data crystal and depositing it in one of his belt compartments before snapping a pair of binders onto the stunned bounty hunter. Not a second later, blaster bolts flew his way from Bane and Embo, forcing the trooper into cover behind a stack of crates. As the two hunters peppered his hiding place with blaster-fire, Fox’s mind whirred for a solution. Come on, give me something…. He felt around on his belt, then, Aha! This oughta do. He palmed the thermal detonator, activated it, and then lobbed it over the crates. A moment passed, and then a blaster fired, followed by an early explosion. And that was when Fox rolled out of cover, letting loose a hail of blaster bolts at the two hunters, forcing them to take cover.
Fox focused on Bane, sprinting towards where Bane had taken cover, only for the Duros to explode out from behind the wall, knocking the Commander’s DCs from his hands, but not before he got off a single bolt into Bane’s side. Fox punched Bane in the stomach and went for an uppercut, only for Bane to catch it roundhouse kick Fox’s helmet off. He grunted, taking a step back, only for his eyes to widen and he quickly rolled to the side as Bane’s flamethrower activated. Not good. Eliminate. Now.
He moved forward as the flamethrower turned off, sidestepping a kick and catching a right-hook. He jerked his head forward, headbutting the Duros, sending him reeling. Without giving him a chance to recover, Fox slammed his boot into the hunter’s face, knocking him out cold. And then he remembered, Osik! Embo!
He turned around, only for that damned hat to slam straight into his face. Fox felt his nose break and grunted as blood began pouring down his face. His vision swam for a moment, but he saw Embo catch his hat and turn to run, only for a line of laser blasts to cut him off. He stopped and looked up, Fox did too, seeing four gunships descending from the sky, all with Shock Troopers roping down from them. Embo’s hands immediately raised.
A pair of medics jogged over to Fox, one with his helmet and the other with his blasters. “Sir, are you alright?”
Fox couldn’t help himself, he laughed. “Just another day in the life of a Coruscanti Guardsman.”
I couldn’t help myself. This demanded to be written early.
(The chase scene was inspired by Red VS Blue)
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therecordnerd · 6 years
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Franchesca looks like shes in pain while getting her nails clipped, but she's just yawning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #barcshelter #barc #ferret #animalmagnet #animalshelter #franchescatheferret #barccatloft #ferretsofig #ferrets #animalmagnet #frannytheferret (at Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition (BARC Shelter))
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baublology · 7 years
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Happy Sales! by treasury featuring a bath tub caddy ❤ liked on Polyvore
Change purse / Beaded jewelry, $21 / Necklace / Charm necklace / Red jewellery / Silver stud earrings, $17 / Gemstone earrings / Ear cuff earrings / Silver jewelry / Fingerless glove, $12 / Improvements miniature christmas ornament / Holiday decor / Christmas Victorian Greeting Card and tags,Vintage Christmas... / Wood wall clock / Sí Sí Design handmade home decor / Bath tub caddy / Xmas ornament / Christmas home decor / Personalized Flower Girl Bracelet, Flower Girl Bracelet, Kids Wedding... / HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRD. A happy chirpy cheaky pink floral bird carrying a... / Red Enamel Earrings, Australian Red Gold Tone Clips, Signed BARCS,... / Birthday monkey, Valentines Monkey, little keychain, Monkey with red..., $36 / MissVintageWedding, $8.38 / Inspiredby10
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moonlight26posts-blog · 5 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: Elderly Dog Saved from Previous House Fire Found Abandoned in Vacant Home! - BARCS, Baltimore MD
- Rescue Needed -
Bobo- 9 years old, altered, Male, 22 lbs
Bobo first found his way to BARCS in early January 2024 after unfortunately being involved in an apartment fire. His medical needs were treated accordingly at that time but he has not found his way back to BARCS for a second time after being found abandoned in a vacant building. Despite his past and trauma this poor guy is oh so sweet!
Bobo presented to our veterinarian team with severe chronic corneal hyperpigmentation, severe conjunctivitus, chronic otitis, dermatitis with matting and overweight. We are treating him with medications at this time and clipped most of the matting off. A full medical summary can be provided upon request.
Bobo will be available for rescue pick up after his stray hold: COB 6pm 1/29.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
One banking stock I’d buy over Barclays plc
With the shares up almost 3% this morning it seems that the market welcomes the positive-looking interim results figures from OneSavings Bank (LSE: OSB).
The firm continues to make good progress with underlying earnings per share lifting just over 22% compared to a year ago and 10% growth in the loan book. The directors expressed their confidence in the outlook by raising the interim dividend 21%.
High-growth potential
OSB is one of a breed of new so-called challenger banks operating in the UK and started trading during February 2011. The founders set up the firm to target what they identified as “under-served market sub-sectors that offer high growth potential and attractive risk-adjusted returns.”  That means lending to the private buy-to-let market, providing commercial and semi-commercial mortgages, delivering residential development finance, and dealing in bespoke and specialist residential lending and secured funding lines.
The company funds its lending with retail savings through its well-established Kent Reliance brand via online, postal and branch operations. It’s a classic banking set-up where incoming savings fund outgoing loans and the bank pockets the difference in interest rates.
Chief executive Andy Golding reckons the firm has performed well despite “significant” regulatory and tax change affecting the buy-to-let market during the first half of the year. Despite the changes, which seem to make buying and letting properties less financially attractive for individual landlords, Mr Golding says application levels in the core businesses for the third quarter “remain strong”. He thinks the firm’s focus on “professional landlords” will soak up buy-to-let landlords switching to that sector. Indeed, the tax treatment of landlords carrying out their activities through limited companies looks kinder and I reckon many will make the change.
Decent progress
The company expects percentage growth in the loan book to run in the high teens for 2017. Meanwhile, City analysts following the firm predict a 14% increase in earnings this year and 8% during 2018. That’s decent progress, and at today’s share price of 400p you can pick up some of the firm’s shares for a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 7.8 for 2018. The forward dividend yield runs just over 4% and forward earnings look set to cover the payout more than three times.
I think that challenger banks such as OSB, free from legacy issues and with entrepreneurial cultures and directors, have a far better chance of thriving than the old-guard dinosaurs such as Barclays (LSE: BARC). In fairness, Barclays told us in June with its interim results statement that it’s restructuring in the wake of last decade’s financial crisis is complete and the business is now “radically simplified.”
However, the firm is still working through past conduct issues and it is still a lumbering beast of a business that seems unlikely to beat the likes of OSB when it comes to growth. City analysts following Barclays reckon earnings will rebound 36% during 2017 and 28% in 2018, but I think the firm will struggle to grow earnings at a double-digit clip beyond that, so I’d rather take my chances with OneSavings Bank.
The fastest way to a million
A long-term and focused approach is key to building wealth and OneSavings Bank could be part of that. If financial independence is your ambition, the Motley Fool can help and our analysts have developed this brand new free report called The Foolish Guide To Financial Independence.
It's full of tips to help you create wealth and is entirely free and available for download today with no further obligation. So, if you're determined to free yourself and achieve financial independence, click here to download the report. You've nothing to lose and it might change your life.
More reading
2 growth stocks I’d always buy over Barclays plc
Why I’d buy HSBC Holdings plc over Barclays plc
Why I might sell this turnaround stock and buy Barclays plc instead
Why I’m not buying FTSE 100 giants AstraZeneca plc and Barclays plc for their dividends
Why Barclays plc is one of my top buys for a FTSE 100 starter portfolio
Kevin Godbold does not own shares in any of the companies mentioned in the article. The Motley Fool UK has recommended Barclays. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes
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Lena Dunham Claps Back After Animal Shelter Tells Different Story About Her Former Dog: ‘This One Hurts Most’
Lena Dunham has never shied away from controversy. In fact, the Girls creator is known for publicly acknowledging and responding to grievances against her. So when the Brooklyn shelter where she adopted her dog Lamby claimed she lied about the dog’s history when explaining why she had to part ways with the beloved pet, she took to Instagram to tell her side of the story. Dunham, 31, posted a photo of her portrait of Lamby, with a detailed caption in response to the BARC Shelter. RELATED: Lena Dunham Reveals Why She Had to Give Up Her Dog Lamby in Emotional Instagram Post “It's come to my attention that the staff at the shelter where I adopted Lamby have a very different account of his early life and behavioral issues than I do,” she wrote. “While I'm sorry to have disappointed them, I can't apologize.”
Previously, Robert Vazquez, a spokesperson for the shelter, spoke with Yahoo Celebrity about Lamby. “We checked the records for Lamby,” Robert Vazquez told Yahoo Celebrity via email. “He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog’… When she adopted the dog from us, it wasn’t crazy. I have pictures of the dog loving on Lena and her mom, which is weird if the dog was abused. It wouldn’t be cuddling with her or be in the bed with her ‘boyfriend’ in the pages of Vogue.” Dunham went on to further explain her relationship with Lamby, writing, “Lamby was and is one of the great loves of my life. When I met him I knew we'd have an amazing journey. But his aggression - which was unpredictable- and his particular issues, which remain myriad, weren't manageable, at least not by me. I did what I thought the best mother would do, which was to give him a life that provided for his specific needs.”
She went on to give insight into Lamby’s new life, saying, “I still support him financially and I'll always be there for him in every way but he's notably happier in his new surroundings." The HBO star seemed particularly upset by the shelter’s implications and accusations, adding, “I hope those judging can imagine the incredible pain of letting go of your favorite creature on EARTH because you know you can't help them be healthy and happy. I would never say an unkind word about the staff of BARC, what they do is amazing and life saving for these animals- but we have different accounts of Lamby's behavior and they were not present in my home nor did they live with him for an extended period. They did not witness the consistent and responsible care I provided.” MORE: Lena Dunham on How Giant New Tattoos Give Her ‘Ownership’ Over Body She went on to note that of all the “micro scandals” she has endured in the public eye, this one “hurts the MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much.” Dunham first told her fans about letting Lamby go in late June, in a touching Instagram post. Calling the decision “really heartbreaking,” Dunham revealed that, “After four years of challenging behavior and aggression that could not be treated with training or medication or consistent loving dog ownership, Lamby went to live at an amazing professional facility in Los Angeles.” For more from Dunham, watch the clip below!
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Ravens offensive lineman Ronnie Stanley — and his adopted dog Lola — will be featured on Animal Planet’s “Stars to the Rescue,” which airs 8 p.m. Saturday. A clip from the episode can be seen above.
Stanley gained support from pet lovers in June when the 22-year-old and his girlfriend went to the…
from Ravens – Baltimore Sun http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bal-ronnie-stanley-ravens-adopted-dog-lola-barcs-animal-planet-story.html Read more a href=”http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/”>here.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 6 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: 11 y/o very fearful Pekingese mix found abandoned in an apartment- seeking rescue placement - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Cartwheel- 11 years, altered female, 12lbs
Poor senior, Cartwheel, was discovered reportedly abandoned in an apartment when a new tenant moved in, so understandably she's scared and confused. The finder noted that she was skittish, but able to be handled.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Cartwheel has grade 4/4 periodontal disease, although weren't able to get a good look due to behavior. She also has a possible grade 1/6 heart murmur, overgrown nails, upper airway disease/stenotic nares, and is underweight.
She was vaccinated, had her nails clipped, and she has been started on Galliprant to help keep her more comfortable.
No senior should spend their days in a shelter, and fearful Cartwheel here is no exception. This little lady is so nervous and unsure, and because of it, isn't showing her best self, so we would love to see her off to rescue and a quiet, patient foster home.
Cartwheel will be available for rescue pick-up close of business 1/18.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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moonlight26posts-blog · 6 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: Long-haired beauty found in rough shape, severely matted and in pain - urgently needs rescue - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Gilberto- 8+ years, altered male, 21lbs
8-year-old handsome man, Gilberto, was picked up by Animal Control due to concerns regarding his care and wellbeing. Poor buddy is so incredibly matted and painful, and very clearly has not been taken care of properly in an incredibly long time.
He is still beautiful, of course, but poor Gilberto is severely matted all over. The worst of the mats were clipped during intake (a whole pounds worth), but much more still needs to come off. He is also severely overweight and in need of a dental.
Understandably Gilberto is quite confused and unsure of himself here at the shelter. He was a bit irritable for his medical exam, but we don't blame him- he doesn't know where he is, and he must be so sensitive and uncomfortable in his own skin.
Although he is nervous and pretty withdrawn, as long as you go slow with him, Gilberto is an affectionate boy who enjoys soft head pets and deep chin scratches. Quick movements make him nervous, but he seems to appreciate being spoken to and rubbed.
Gilberto is on a mandatory 72 hour hold until close of business 1/11, and due to his behavior and FeLV+/FIV+ status, we are seeking urgent rescue placement for him.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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moonlight26posts-blog · 7 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: Stunning grey gentleman found with multiple old, infected, and painful wounds on his body - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Mandazi- 2 years, unaltered male, 9.3lbs
Handsome gentleman, Mandazi, was picked up and brought to BARCS by Animal Control after a Good Samaritan called when they believed he might be injured. Good thing, too, because this poor fella was suffering with old, infected, and painful bite wounds needing immediate attention.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Mandazi had multiple, full thickness wounds on his sacrum and tail/tail head with several plaque of dried, dead tissue still clinging to the wound edges. Because he was so uncomfortable, he was sedated so that vets could clip and clean the areas further. X-rays were also taken, which showed suspected osteomyelitis within the spinal column, which may be the cause of his odd walking stance (although he can still move around well considering the wounds).
Because Mandazi's wounds appear to be bite wounds of an unknown origin, he is currently on a mandatory, precautionary 4-month-quarantine until 4/3/24, during which time he must remain separate from other animals.
Despite everything he's dealing with, Mandazi is incredibly trusting and sweet. He greets people eagerly, especially if they're bringing him food, and he loves pets and nuzzling his head into your hand. He will purr and rub his face against anything he can, and seems genuinely thankful to be taken care of.
Mandazi will be available for rescue pick-up after 12/6.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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